What To Do After Twitch Affiliate! - Twitch Affiliate Advice!

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Did you just become a twitch affiliate and you want to keep on growing and keep that train going in this video right here I'm gonna show you all the tips and tricks on how to have a great transition and keep your growth going now that your twitch affiliate let's go hey it's me it's wild coming at you from my stream support playlist where I bring you the best tips and tricks and if this is your first time here and you're looking how to grow and improve your stream make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and tick that bell so you become part of the notification squad so you know when my videos go live for you you finally got your twitch affiliate status congratulations high-five fist bump and thumbs up I am super stoked for you way to go but let's not get too ahead of ourselves there's still a lot of things that we need to do if you want to take your affiliate status to the next level and in this video I'm gonna show you all the things that I wish I had done and had known to make sure I made my affiliate status way better for my viewers so let's share some of the things I learned with you we're gonna start off with the most important one first it's time to start establishing or refining your personal branding that's gonna show on social media networks and streaming platforms this is a great way to represent what you and your communities all about we need to look at things like the graphics that are gonna be displayed on your channel we need to look at panels that are gonna be within the channel itself that describe who you are or what the channel is about we need to make sure they're clean they're concise and that way it gets our message clear across to our audience in our community we also want to start looking at things like alerts make things fun for the people that come into your channel because after all now that you reached affiliate status it's time to go on to bigger and better things and get that ball rolling and hopefully get you to partnership you also want to start looking at emotes emotes is one of the best things about reaching your affiliate status it's a great way to reward people who subscribe to your channel we will get a little bit more on emotes I'm gonna do a video about this because there's a lot of cool secrets that I've learned about emotes that I want to share with you if I finish the video in time I'll make sure to put it up here in the card and in the description below but that one will be coming soon but we want to start refining and establishing our personal brand it doesn't matter if you're just a beginner at this find ways to refine and create your brand cuz that's what's going to make you stand out from the crowd just a quick bro note for all of you out there when you're creating or refining your personal brand think about uniformity through everything remember you're establishing a brand so when you put it out there on social media and you put it out there on streaming platforms you want people to think of you because it's your brand think about colors think about consistency think about flow think about style these are all things you want to establish or refine to so people understand that that is your brand and they think of you every time that they see it also don't be afraid to pay for these services that are gonna help establish or refine your personal brand there's tons of them out there I'll do a video on this another point but just to make my point you can look at a company like Fiverr they have cheap effective services that will help you create graphics and panels and emotes and alerts you can also reach out to other streamers that have these you know there's tons of streamers that do emotes or graphic packages that you can reach out to that do amazing work and you know their fees are fairly good so don't be afraid to look at those places now that you've established or refine your personal brand let's move on to one of the coolest things about being a twitch affiliate money you get to make an income off of twitch I mean let's be transparent about this and that's what the message is about this be transparent making money is a really cool thing it helps you buy more games that make sure you create higher quality content for on the streaming platforms but be transparent about your subs and be transparent about the bits that you receive from fellow viewers regulars and subscribers let him know what the bits and the subscriptions are going to you know you'll get more bits and more subscribers and you'll retain your subscribers if you let them know hey this is gonna go towards you know a new camera or maybe new audio equipment people love helps supporting your channel because they love seeing you and if you're putting the funds back into the channel it's a great way to retain people but the whole point is messages be transparent about what you're doing with the bits and the subscriptions and how it helps you every time you get a sub or every time you get bits say thank you be polite you know a thank you goes a long way cuz these people are taking time out of their day out of their hard-earned cash to send funds your way so a thank you an appreciation goes very very far so be transparent and say thank you since we're talking about subscribers let's talk about how you can reward subscribers sub perks is something that a lot of streamers care about and it's something that you may want to consider as well I do a few sub perks myself but thinking what will resonate best with your community and how you can reward them will be up to you I will do a video on top sub perks that I think will help out your channel grow and help you retain and get more subscribers so that way you can grow with your income but that will be for another video but it doesn't have to always be a monetary or non-monetary thing there's a lot of different things you can do for some monetary ones you can do things like gift card giveaways or you can just do giveaways in general that'll help out a lot to retain and get more subscribers but if you don't want to do something that's monetary you can do simple things that I see all the time you know you can do for people who subscribe you can do access to different social media platforms like your snapchat or you can open up a sub only discord which a lot of people like like I said sub perks are a tough one because you know it's individual for each channel and each streamer in the community out there so don't be afraid to reach out to your community and ask them what they would like to have as a sub reward you'd be surprised at some of the unique things and simple things you can do to reward people I've seen things as easy as writing a personal letter or sending a goofy pic over Instagram you'd be surprised at what works but think about what is gonna work well for your community okay we need to talk about something really really important and it's gonna be the most important thing for your twitch career and your personal life it's taxes you know the IRS is very good at one thing wanting their money and since you are now given the ability to earn revenue off of twitch twitch is gonna start paying you every time you make the minimum affiliate payout requirement if you need any more education on Twitch affiliate requirements I did a video on this I'll put it in the YouTube you can also check out the links below that'll take you right to it but let's just say if you were earning revenue off of twitch you have to set that money aside now I can't give you tax advice because it's different depending on your age your ages and which tax bracket you're in it could be anywhere from 10 to you know 50 and beyond but you need to really start setting money aside because you don't want to get dinged at the end of the year and a lot of people you know they're not really good with taxes so I'm gonna give you a little hint here figure out what your tax bracket generally is for the sake of this example let's just say it's 30% you know if you're gonna make a hundred dollars every month off of twitch you're making twelve hundred dollars that are gonna want 30% of that that's gonna be over three hundred dollars a month three hundred and sixty to be precise so what I recommend always take out thirty percent from your twitch payout and just put it somewhere so that time when tax time comes you're not gonna get dinged by it this is gonna be one of the best tips ever because you know it's not gonna affect you just put that money out of sight out of mind and when April 15th rolls around boom you just hand it over the tax person and nothing is going to affect you don't spend all the money huge hit from twitch right up front because then you're gonna get screwed come tax time they will find you out because twitch does report all of this stuff I mean they're big corporation they have to so make sure you take care of all of your tax requirements and everything like that I will do an in-depth video on twitch tax requirements in all the payouts and everything like that and how to be prepared in a way way later video down the road because it's very very important if you're starting to pull in a lot of money so we'll do something on that a lot later but please please don't mess with the IRS and there you go those are some great tips for new affiliates out there that's gonna help you continue to grow your channel and refine it so that way you can take it to the next level Hey hopefully partnership I hope you get there I'll be the first to congratulate you if you guys like this video and you want to see more and you have any suggestions make sure you leave a comment below I love hearing what you guys have to say and I'll do my best to make a video about it because we're all growing together if you want to keep up with me and see all my beautiful creations that I paint or know in my videos go live make sure to follow me on my social media and if you want to go above and beyond and be a true bro or a BAE and help me out you can always support me on my patreon thank you to those who have already helped support me hey I just want to say thank you guys so much for watching this video congratulations to all the new affiliates out there you guys are crushing it and I'm super proud of you I will see you all in the next stream support video coming up real soon take care peace
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 192,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What To Do After Twitch Affiliate, Twitch Affiliate Advice, what to do after affiliate, what to do after becoming a twitch affiliate, what happens after twitch affiliate, Advice for New Twitch Affiliates, tips for twitch affiliates, twitch affiliate tips, how to grow as a twitch affiliate, things you need to know about twitch affiliate, twitch affiliate growth, top tips for twitch affiliates, how to grow on twitch as an affiliate, twitch affiliate setup, wild4games affiliate
Id: AsW9as2C__k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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