2021 Guide - How to Customize a TWITCH Channel

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if you are brand new to twitch you will realize that twitch loves to hide little things here and there and if you've been on twitch for a while now you'll realize that every six months they pretty much change everything hey guys yeah level here and today we're gonna be talking about how to customize your twitch channel we're gonna find all the little things that you can personalize to make your twitch channel feel more like yours now since twitch is always changing their layout and the options pretty much every video i've made in the past are kind of obsolete they're not completely obsolete because they still teach you what can be done but i'm making this updated video so you can know exactly where to go and you don't get lost believe it or not there's a lot of people struggling with editing their panels just because the new layout you know with the home about schedule videos chat so they feel lost immediately when they watch those old videos anyways to avoid any confusion this is not a video about graphic design this is a video where i'm going on the twitch website on the page on the options and telling you here's where you can customize everything all right a message from our sponsor and then we'll get started this portion of the video is brought to you by owned pro if you use obs studio as your broadcasting software you should definitely be considering own pro with onpro you will have access to stream overlays stream labels twitch alerts chat box a chat bot and copyright free music all you have to do is go to on.gigi get level pro and click the join button up there once you're here you will be guided through this setup on how to install own pro and install your first overlay pack then you finish the setup this is what your dashboard will look like just click on all overlays to see all the overlays you have access to now and i'll let you check out the rest go to own dot gg get level pro that is own 3d dot gg get level pro link in the description all right customizing your twitch channels i'm going to give you a preview of a channel that is affiliate this is my main channel twitch.tv level and i will also take a look at a non-affiliate channel basically to give you more of a feel of a brand new channel pretty much even though it has 110 followers somehow this is my alternate account this is like my bot account i just test stuff on this account i don't stream from it anyways so if you're successfully logged into your twitch account one way to know that is to see the little profile picture top right here uh make sure you are logged in with the right account and you go to your own channel in this case this account is get level so i'm gonna go to twitch.tv get level and this is what i'm gonna see right now i am on what is called the home and on the home customizable things are three things really uh the banner the main banner that you can see here the accent color on the right and the profile picture now where would i go if i wanted to customize that well technically you can also customize uh this what they call the streamer shelf or whatever it has a weird name we're gonna go click on that little profile picture that we talked about earlier we're gonna go click on dashboard opening it in a new tab so you can see and we're gonna go to settings on the left here and this is where things are kind of different now we have stream we have channel we have moderation we have affiliate for those who are affiliate let's go to channel and once we click on channel one thing that we're gonna see is there are different sections there's about there's brand there's schedule and featured content we're gonna click on brand because that really has to do with that first page about is another page we're gonna get to that later so as i said profile picture is one of the things you can upload right here it tells you what you need to know about the file format one little tip is that just because it says gif does not mean that it is animated gif is also an image uh format uh animated gifs are an image sequence if you upload a gif it's just gonna take the first picture i believe and it's gonna be static it's not gonna be animated anyways you can just click upload a profile picture upload edit the current one and then you upload it here also some weird bug that always happens on twitch is that it tells you oh it couldn't be uploaded because of some error what you need to do is just immediately refresh the page say like click ok refresh the page and technically your image should be there if that still doesn't work use another browser basically if you're on chrome use firefox firefox edge safari opera whatever you're using and then here is the profile accent color as you can see the profile accent color it happens when you hover over vods you see that little layout is that a teal color that i had it's right there it shows you an example on what it look with the light mode and also dark mode can i like should i show you how to activate dart mode same thing you click on your name here and right there it says dark theme you can turn it off or on i'm sorry for for your eyes okay now profile banner is what we call the banner it's the top layer here right here and same thing you can have a generated background if we go here and click save for example is going to generate something with your name repeated multiple times i think it's my channel trailer playing yes it's just not that visible it's saying get level in the background a lot as you can see so the whole thing will have the accent color anyways i prefer having a custom image it looks more professional if you will all right and then here is the thing called video player banner which causes a lot of confusion because it is in fact the offline image it is not present on the first page it will actually be present on the chat page right here and this is what i have so if someone is watching your stream and you go offline they will see this so it it is actually important for you to have one so for the first page for that home page click on your name to access again listen to your channel trailer a million times we cover the accent color the profile picture and then uh the banner the main banner and then video player banner is the offline image for the chat thing okay let's go on the about section and let's click on the about tab right here so when you go to the about tab for a channel that is already customized this is what it will look like now remember that little bio thing it will say about your name and then this is where you put your little bio it shows your profile picture once again shows the number of followers that you have and then you can have some links and then at the bottom of that you will have your panels what we call panels okay let's go here on the settings so in the about this is a preview basically of what it will look like of what that section looks like and you customize it here profile picture i already showed you it was in red and then you have username display name and that's the little bio that appears right here now social media social links something very important about the social links the top is the word that is going to be clickable the bottom is the full link with the https column slash do not copy paste in both nothing looks nothing looks so dumb as having the https in here so make sure that the top is the word in this case youtube and then at the bottom where i said where should the link go you type the actual url it's written here i shouldn't have to say it but i do stream reviews on fridays on my channel and some somehow people manage to copy paste them here now i'm telling you and basically it will automatically come up with those little icons as you can see here i call this one twitter but since it's a twitter link it will show up an icon and if it doesn't know what the the website is it will just give a little link like that for example it doesn't know what gumroad is it gives me a little link icon here okay so this is for the about just like it is for the about now you're wondering oh but what about the panels this is where if you are logged in with the right account and you are on the correct channel click on the about scroll down and you will see edit panels okay and this is a whole a whole different thing i'm going to collapse that's just publicity for extensions and you will most likely have this one right here you click plus that means add a new one you have the option between extension panels or text panel text or image panel as you can see before we had images so it's right there we can add an image let me actually pick one oh look at this is a new emote for example if you go to gumroad.com and you downloaded the station overlay that is completely free you will have something that says in panels that will say about me for example okay you just make sure you don't crop anything don't crop my stuff and then you can add a link here image links to whatever don't put a link on like you don't need a link for the about me section but anyways if i click submit wait a couple seconds is gonna save and then i can scroll up again click edit panels to stop editing the panels and as you can see i just added a brand new image panel you can also type some text underneath it if you click edit again and this is the part where you type some text i have a whole video on how to format that text to make it look good if you want to go that route personally i like having my text in my um in the image of the panel pretty much you can also move them by clicking on the gray part and just okay and then remove them by clicking remove remove and edit panels boom as you can see here let's go right so we covered social links we covered this the bio let's click on schedule schedule is another tab that you have right here and basically you can either specify a specific stream specify specific specify a specific stream or have a reoccurring stream for example i have stream review on friday 8 pm cet every friday so it's always going to say stream review it's always going to show me something here and that's why i have it here as you can see stream review just chatting category every friday if you want to add a specific stream you can click add stream and this is where you can click repeats in stream review for example or specific day all right you give it a name you give it a category you give the time pretty intuitive so far so that's the schedule featured content is going to appear in your first page actually so if we go here to home you can see here meet guy level that's my channel trailer playing here so that will appear in your featured content tab and also everything that is on what they call the shelf here is it the shelf though anyways my recent broadcast they appear here the games that i've been streaming they appear here and then the suggested streamers aka people on my auto host list uh they will show up here so let's check what that featured content tab is about right here channel trailer you can update it if you want to upload something else i have a video on channel trailers just keep in mind that since you have to upload it i believe it is affiliate only so if you're not twitch affiliate you will not have access to this here you have auto hosting which is kind of important because the auto host list will feature all the people that you quote unquote suggest here so if you want that part in your stream it's always good to just add people to your auto host list even if your auto host list as you can see in my case is not active so that's how you populate your streamer shelf and then recently stream categories this is automatic you have to actually stream to this to those categories for them to show up but you can hide them if you want uh i don't want to hide them so i'm gonna not do it but basically those are the previous game that i streamed recently okay and uh lastly they give you the option for your streamer shelf so again that thing at the bottom here to either show your auto host list your team members are just none if i click none let's see what happens we shouldn't have that tab if i refresh ladies and there you go that one disappeared but i actually want it on my channel so all right that is mostly it for everything that is apparent on those tabs except for the videos you can click on videos and actually customize what you how you want this to appear i personally do not advise you customizing it too much just make sure that your recent broadcasts are showing up there and then popular clips highlight you put the order after that but make sure that like that's advice you don't have to take it but recent broadcast usually people click on videos to watch recent broadcast so having them up top is easier to access all right let's click on stream and here i wouldn't call this like a customized tab or anything but if you're looking for a stream key this is where it's going to be if you want to store your past broadcast if you want to save your stream after you stream to to make them appear in recently broadcasted videos this is where you activate it here okay boom if you want to put mature content this is also where this is where you enable clips and this is also where you enable low latency mode which is kind of important if you want to deactivate rates this is also here there's also drops and then a new chatter announcement that's also a thing here then we have moderation this has to do with moderation of course um what terms you want to block or if you don't want people to to be able to um send unbanned requests i recently turned those off you can see the list of people that you have banned and uh something that's important is the chat rules the first time someone comes to your chat at least on a pc they will click to type something and then a message will pop up and they will have to agree to that message in order to type in your chat so i think it's pretty important and this is mine this is what i have by default you can type out whatever rules you think is really important all right before i go into the affiliate tab i want to show you what it would look like on a channel that is not affiliate okay so i'm gonna turn this into dark mode because my eyes are suffering right now boom okay cool create a dashboard actually let me show you the whole thing this is a fully customized ish channel still this is from my christmas overlay pack so that's how long it took me i use it as a test if i'm making overlays and as you can see here i added a bunch of panels already a little description the links those are my links uh no schedules not that i think of uh no probably no videos i don't stream on this channel and then the offline image so you absolutely have access to all of that even if you're not affiliate now let's go to the dashboard and see what we can see if i go under settings i will have stream channel and moderation stream channel we will have pretty much the same thing as you can see here this is where you customize that about me section with the links in the bio the brand we're gonna have the profile picture we're gonna have the accent color the banner and the offline image schedule exact same thing you do not need to be affiliate for any of that and then you know your streamer shelf since i don't stream on this channel no categories are showing the only major difference here is under featured content you just don't see the channel trailer so this is my main channel and then this is the bot channel no channel trailer alright let's go back to my main channel and check out the affiliate tab and this is where you get a lot of customizing options mostly emotes badges and all of that basically so onboarding this is has to do with your affiliate contract i'm not gonna over go over this i will probably never go over this this is a contract between you and a multi-million dollar company you need to read it and uh and do not seek for legal advice from a random youtuber here you will have subscription names if you want the tiers to have different names as i have soldier subscription warrior subscription and god subscription i even forgot i had that okay emotes that they moved to the new emote page i don't even know where oh under viewer rewards so you can either click here or if you go here you will see viewer rewards this is where i get all those things oop didn't mean to click on that but anyways loyalty badges are here and those are the badges that you get if you've been if you just subscribed you're gonna get that badge if you've been subscribed for three months uh six months nine months and then one year as you can see i'm a professional at making badges and uh yeah there's also this new thing called badge flare that people can add on top of the badges which is pretty cool you can also customize it right here you can upload your own flare okay let's go back from loyalty badges there's ad-free viewing if you want to set your vods to subscriber only you know for a very good reason you can do it here there is also the minimum bits to cheer uh so people can share that minimum so if i put it to 10 bits no one will be able to just send one bit for example that happens you might be thinking why would i put that on but that happens that some people will spam you with one bit and it can get pretty distracting or annoying especially if you have your outlets your alerts set to something loud or long you can avoid spam with this and then there's bits tier badges i don't really have i think i have one single badge because i was making a tutorial about it uh go watch the full video on it so two years ago i uploaded i updated it so right here those are bid badges those are default i think the defaults are looking better this is my personal opinion you decide what to do with them but if you want to edit them it is right here you just click on the edit button and then you can upload it just like the emotes pretty much now you can actually customize the hype train if you don't know what the hype train is is basically if a lot of people are showing support back-to-back subscribers gifted subs and also 100 bits you will get what is called a hype train where people can continue showing support in order to accomplish like certain levels and then you will get free emotes off of that you can decide what the threshold is to kick off the event you can basically figure out how many subs or bits that you want to allow in order to kick off a hype trade you can also set the cooldown period here and also customize the little emote that shows up when it says hype when it kicks off if you will all right let's go back and here you can check out leaderboards and then here basically it shows what is going to be showing on top of your chat you know that little leaderboard where you see three people most of the time and it's usually tough top uh sub gifters or cheerers you can enable disable figure out the time range and set the default leaderboard okay so that's it for the affiliate tab so if you are not a twitch affiliate you do not have access to any of that and let's check out your rewards channel points is a good one i let me check real quick if we have access to channel points we do not as a non-affiliate you also do not have access to channel points let me go back and see emotes of course you don't have access to emotes either you only have drops as a non-affiliate basically and you can just turn on or turn off drops but if your affiliate channel points is customizable right here under viewer rewards you can go ahead and click edit and this is where you will upload some images you can check out the points names in mind it's called levels and i really need to actually update them this is where you manage them by click on manage and ch manage rewards and challenges and this is absolutely explained there's community challenge custom rewards default rewards and they have pretty good default ones but this is where you need to get creative which i haven't done yet okay and then we will have the emotes part and it's right here you can have bits tier emotes and you can have subscriber emotes of course so the bits tier emotes are actually different from the bits badges because they get an emote that they can use in chat in my case as you can see i have 28 people who gifted over 1k bits and i should definitely i should really really really think about uploading something and they will have their own emote so people can cheer in order to unlock additional emotes thanks to that feature i really need to get to it and that's pretty much everything that you can customize on twitch if you are worrying because you know i showed you hey this is where you upload your banner your offline image and all of that and you don't have any artwork yet i have good news for you you can go to gumroad.com get level and get some for free or very very very affordable ones so that will actually get you started until you can you know pay an artist to have some custom work done i really hope i didn't miss anything and if i if i did just let me know in the comment section please make sure you check out my other videos for example when it comes to customizing with the banner and the colors and you don't know where to start i have videos that will teach you all the professional tips in order to optimize the look of your channel in general so check those out now that you know where to customize everything you can follow me on social media i've been on tick tock lately i'm at guy level on tick tock and i've been giving like little streamer tips if my tick talk account grows with a bunch of you know live streamers following me i will be doing some challenges and some cool stuff so if you use tik tok check me out there if not check me on twitter on instagram and all of the rest so this is the part where youtube tells you which video you should watch next if you want to continue on that binging you know and at the bottom you'll see my latest video so please check it out keep on learning about live streaming and i gotta thank you for watching this video i love you so much the support has been amazing lately thank you guys once again go out there make me proud get level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 108,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, customize twitch channel, how to customize twitch channel, how to customize twitch about page, how to customize twitch panels, twitch panels setup, twitch banner, twitch profile banner, twitch profile setup, twitch profile tips, twitch panels free, 2021, Twitch 2021, new twitch channel, twitch overlay, twitch channel points, twitch customization
Id: tkm4R3-1REA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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