How to Setup Nightbot for a Twitch channel (Tutorial & custom commands)

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hey guys Gael Level here and today we're  gonna cover the basics of adding nightbot   to a twitch channel okay so i have twitch  TV on a tab and I also have nightbot dot TV   on another tab the first thing that I'm gonna  do is connect with my twitch account in that   case it's kind of funny because we're gonna  be connecting with my BOTS account which is   not nightbot which is a different body anyways  I'll explain all of that later maybe I'm gonna   log in so get on my level but that's my bot  I am NOT a robot I need just like palm trees   for some reason okay and then I have a token  sent to my phone always activate two-factor   authentication it keeps your account more secure  except here and go to my main channel you will   probably recognize this channel from my other  tutorials so that's what I use like as a as a   dummy test basically a test account that's test  a test and this is the futuristic overlay pack   that you can find at oh my  god I'm getting better at those ads so currently   there are no channels there are no bots on  this twitch channel okay if I type commands   for example which is another popular command  nothing happens because there are no current   bots now I'm gonna go tonight bot that TV and I'm  gonna click login and I'm gonna login with twitch okay I'm gonna authorize and now I am at my  dashboard basically technically you are already   at your dashboard you just have to login with  twitch okay so in order to get nightbot to be   in your channel what you need to do is click  here top right you'll see something that says   join channel so we click join channel and then it  will tell you your next step in this case ensure   that you have modded nightbot in the channel if  nightbot is not a moderator it cannot function   properly enter your twitch and type mod nightbot  I'm just gonna copy paste this because I'm lazy   and I'm click I'm gonna click close technically  there should be a message in your channel now   but apparently not that's fine let's mod nightbot  you added nightbot as a moderator of this channel   so technically if night Bob joined the channel and  the night body is present there's a couple of ways   to figure it out basically commands will work the  thing is nightbot actually comes with a bunch of   commands that are the fault come in right if you  go to commands and then you click the fault you   will see all of those commands so let's try one of  them exclamation mark commands exclamation mark is   kind of like the popular way of indicating that  this is a command okay I'm not just talking in   chat exclamation mark commands is different than  just someone just typing commands that way the   bot doesn't respond to that okay commands and boom  now nightbot will generate a link that tells you   all of the custom commands right now we have zero  custom commands we only have the default commands   now the first thing that I want you to do once  you installed nightbot like right now nightbot   is in your channel my buddy's a moderator you're  set you're technically you are set something that   I really really really advise doing is going and  reading all of that okay so you can understand   what's going on what is already there by default  I've seen so many people ask me questions like   how do I make a exclamation mark game command and  I'm like this is included you already have it all   you have to do is come here and make sure that  it's not disabled right how do I make my bot at   a market it's there it's already there so read  all of this before you ask any questions before   you try to find out how to add something tonight  bot because you might already have it okay matter   of fact I would recommend you clicking on every  single tab here and checking it out because you   have song requests you have spam protection  you have timers and of course giveaways you   have three different ways of doing giveaways here  simply by picking a random person a random active   user by making people type a keyword everyone  who wants to enter the giveaway type excellent   remark hi in chat right now maybe not high but  you know and then they entered and then you can   roll it or nightbot is gonna guess a random  number from 0 to 100 if you guess the right   number you win the giveaway and then chat is gonna  spam all of that ok so definitely play around with   it now when it comes to custom commands right  you want something that says exclamation mark   and then post all of your links what you want  to do is go to custom here so commands custom   and then you can add a command right and this  is the basic command adding feature basically   the command is gonna be exclamation mark socials  the message is going to be follow me on social   media and then you're gonna put a link like your  Twitter in my case that's level underscore photo   follow me on Twitter and then you have the user  level like who can use this command and actually   get a response from from the bots everyone in that  case it's gonna be everyone you want everyone to   do that type of command but if you have something  that is private that you only want moderators VIPs   regular subscriber you have that option we have  that clearance level you know and then of course   there's a cool down how many how much time in  between this command that you want to to be in   a cool-down basically so people don't spam it too  much and technically you're done that's it boom   submit and you have yourself a socials command  now you can go to your chat and type there you   go but we can modify it now that we have this  and we want to modify we can just click here   oh I messed up actually let's do this and submit  okay but now it's fine now if I type socials there   you go and then it brings you to my Twitter easy  clap so that's how you make a custom command if   you want to make a timer basically messages that  will show up in chat with a certain interval you   will go to timers that's what they're called here  you can add a timer name it doesn't really matter   let's call this one follow and basic messages  usually don't forget to follow if you're enjoying   the stream oh now here's the interval every 15  minutes every 20 minutes I don't don't make it   short because it's so annoying when nightbot just  fills the chat while you're trying to read your   own chat and interact with people so put it like  30 minutes or whatever and in here there's like   the minimum amount of chat lines measured per  lines blah blah for five minutes but put that   kind of high so it basically waits for people  to talk a little bit before putting the message   in your chat okay so it's not like every time you  type a message it brings you a new thing basically   do whatever you can to avoid nightbot spamming  your chat it's annoying it's horrible and click   Submit and technically right now well you don't  have to do anything you can just call it but this   is something that's going to appear in your chat  every 30 minutes if a couple of people have been   talking in your chat okay okay so those are the  basics how do you do more advanced stuff like an   uptime let's say that you would want to command  that tells you the time and all of that so we   have to go to help Docs here and then this is the  documentation that will basically help you with   every every aspect of creating custom commands  okay this is a little bit more advanced if you   want to do more advanced stuff okay so obviously  I'm not gonna teach you every single thing but   you need to read all of that if you want to learn  how to make advanced commands but for every type   of variables they give you an example right if  you want like a some sort of counting let's say   you want a death counter that works with my bot my  friend Nova has a burp counter so people can type   exclamation mark burp every time she burps and  it just adds it right here it's gonna give you   the example right here's the usage here's how you  would use it and here's the result and then at the   bottom it will give you an example the cool thing  is that on top of adding stuff from your dashboard   you can also add commands within your chat so  basically the goal here is to tell my bot hey add   this new command when people type exclamation mark  hug say in color that you know the name of the   person hugged this amount of time so that means  that every time you type exclamation mark hug it   will count up and will tell you it will respond to  you like oh you hugged that many times if someone   repeats something a lot I know so six had a pug  was it alone or a pug or both basically every time   he said something chat would type exclamation mark  that thing and then night bar will be like oh this   amount of pogs were given all right let's just  copy this and then paste it in our chat just to   show you that you can add new commands here so  I'm gonna do that press ENTER and night body's   gonna tell me hey that command has been added  successfully right now if I type exclamation   mark hug it should tell me that I have given one  hug one hugs have been given and if I type it   again you will see it counting up and that's how  you add a basic counter right and it's the same   thing for the rest if you're struggling a little  bit with certain commands that like you read all   of that and you can't find it what you can do is  basically google google those commands and you can   just copy paste them and your chat and we'll add  them how do like if I google how to add a uptime   command nightbot I'm gonna type up uptime that's  Google by the way uptime Amman nightbot you really   don't have to watch a whole video on it but if you  go here you'll see oh look at Wade brothers same   thing the docs and it tells you exactly where it  is if you don't want to search around okay here it   would be your commands add up time stream uptime  twitch channel uptime length and then it gets a   little complicated I don't want to explain all  of that just copy this and then paste it in your   channel and your chat boom now I have a uptime  if I type exclamation mark uptime right now it's   gonna tell me that my stream is offline I think or  I don't know maybe it's gonna blow up channel is   not live easy clap so with all that information  what you can do is create your own commands to   do pretty much anything that you want of course  there are limitations this is a free bot and it's   a cloud bot it is nightbot and then there are some  things that they don't want you to be doing from   what I've read on reddit of while ago is that they  don't want to be spamming chats by saying hi or   calling out lurkers which is not a good thing but  that being said I'm gonna go on my main channel so   that's follow me there and  I'm gonna show you a couple of commands that I   have on my main channel so if I go to to the chat  here zoom that in instead of putting exclamation   mark hi to have like a greeter thing I just have  hi so if I were to create a command like that I   would go custom and I would add command and I  would type instead of putting exclamation mark   something you just put hi so that means that every  time some types hi in your chat nightbot can say   a message and I have various little things like  that if I type hi it should say oh hi mark there   you go if I say hello it should say something else  say hey okay if you say what rule I believe there   you go if you say sorry and there you go so I use  it for a couple of things like that I also have a   time command so it tells you what time it is for  me if people are wondering in my chat what else I   also have an Eightball command which is pretty  cool I type exclamation mark 8-ball and then   I ask any question am i cute concentrate and ask  again yeah what oh I don't have a very twisty okay   but there's plenty of fun things that you can do  using just nightbot obviously there are way more   advanced BOTS out there where you can control way  more things you can also create your own custom   BOTS which is why I created this guy get on my  level bot channel in the first place because I   have it controlling like my cat I have cat ears  that I react to alerts but anyways that's a story   for another time and I believe that's pretty much  all you need to know when you're just starting out   and it's your first bot and you want to have it  you know moderate your twitch channel but also   remind people of stuff having a couple of commands  if you think I forgot anything please leave that   in the comment section below and if you have any  suggestions about future tutorials or some things   about the bots that you would like to see leave  them also in the comment section below if you   want a couple of ideas or if you want to talk  to other streamers to see how they use nightbot   within their streams you can join the discord the  link will be in the description the day the lake   is actually in every one of my videos so please  join the discord so you can talk where like 500   other streamers so there's a lot of experience and  there's a lot of knowledge to be shared feel free   to join and as usual if you're looking for some  dope overlays to make your twitch channel look   good  a lot of the overlay packs are completely free   and the rest is just cheap so go there I also  have some merch just check the description okay   just check the description and I will see you  guys next time thank you so so much for watching   my video I appreciate you guys go out there  make me proud I'm not your dad Gael Level out!
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 598,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nightbot, nightbot tutorial, nightbot setup, twitch, tutorial, how to setup nightbot, nightbot twitch, twitch nightbot tutorial, nightbot commands, nightbot spam, twitch nightbot setup, how to use nightbot, bot, how to, song request, nightbot giveaways, stream, streamer, moderator, night bot, twitch nightbot, live stream, nightbot install, twitch chat bot, twitch moderator bot, nightbot 2020, who is nightbot
Id: ppOoac8YhRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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