BEST Twitch Extensions For Streamers in 2021 - Engage Viewers! Earn Bits!

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there are a lot of ways you can engage your  viewers to be a part of your stream you can   run polls have questions of the day or of course  the one that everyone has seen having alerts for   someone to follow or sub one of the most versatile  ways you can actually get people to engage is by   using twitch extensions today i'm gonna be showing  off some of my favorite twitch extensions that   i think you guys can be using to increase your  revenue on your stream engage your chat and a very   special one for you console streamers who want  to have follower alerts sub alerts and bit alerts   you can do it with this extension without any  more tech entirely for free so let's get into it   hey i'm Eljay with i'm also  a variety streamer over at   links to both those in the description we have  over 400 guides at you should   totally check those out if we don't have a video  here covering something there'll definitely be a   guide on the website before i explain how you can  increase your revenue and engage your chat more   with twitch extensions i want to let you guys know  about our sponsor own 3d own3d have sponsored this   channel before so you guys should know about them  but if you don't own 3d are your one stop shop   for everything streaming related you need full  stream packages stinger transitions sound alerts   even emotes and sub badges they have everything  they even have their own twitch extensions they   have some great animated panel extensions you can  check out but the really cool one that i mentioned   at the start of this stream that allows console  streamers or anyone else who wants to use it to   get alerts on their stream is actually owned 3ds  extension and we're going to cover how to install   that and use it later in this video for now though  there is a link down in the description so you   guys can go check them out and see if there's  anything you want to upgrade on your stream or   even just grab their twitch extensions massive  thank you to own3d for sponsoring this channel   and our videos if you want to support me guys go  and support them because without them i wouldn't   be able to make this stuff so there are time codes  in the description and in the top comments so if   you guys want to skip ahead to any section of this  video go ahead but if you're new to twitch and   don't quite know extensions then let's get into  the very first start what is a twitch extension   twitch extensions are built into twitch they come  in three different forms the first is a panel   extension which are allowed three panel extensions  you've seen them before with emote showcases or   leaderboards or anything like that the second  twitch extension type is the component extension   now you've probably seen everyone and their mum  using a component extension specifically they're   most likely using the loot reminder and prime  sub reminder on their stream to remind everyone   they can use their prime subs on them if you  didn't know you can use prime subs on people   everyone uses this component the final type of  twitch extension in only allowed one of these   is the overlay extension for example on my stream  i use my overlay extension to be a closed caption   reader so people can have subtitles and the hard  of hearing and def can engage and interact with   the stream even though they can't hear what i'm  actually saying i'll get to the closed captions   in a second but first i just want to throw it  out there all of these extensions i mentioned   they have their own tutorials have their own  configuration processes this is more like a   spotlight and the best way to use them but pretty  much anything you do here you go to your dashboard   on twitch click the extensions tab and you can  search anything you want or you can just look   at the trending tabs and see what catches your eye  a quick note though with all these things is that   if you install something here you also need to  then go to my extensions and click activate and   select which slot it is going to go into a lot  of people install the extension configure it and   then wonder why it's not working double check  you've actually activated them on your profile   first up i want to give a shout out to the closed  caption extension and now i'm including this not   only because it's a great way for the hard of  hearing or the depth to still involving the stream   but also because you guys ask me every time you  come to my stream how does he have subtitles i've   never seen this before this extension is so easy  to install just go over to the extension dashboard   and search up closed captions today we're  installing the stream closed captioner   it'll be on screen right now click that click  install you will have to configure it which   is super easy it's pretty much just log into  twitch at the link they give you step by step   but there are two downsides to this extension  the first it's not actually taking your feed from   streamlabs and obs and subtitling that it's  actually taking your direct microphone feed   through the browser this means if you mute your  mic in streamlabs or obs or potentially even on   your mixer it'll actually still be running a feed  to the closed captions so make sure you turn off   your closed captions or completely mute your mic  on the microphone or else it'll still write down   what you're saying when you're trying to not  show your chat and the second downside could   either be a good thing or a bad thing for you but  essentially because this is an overlay extension   it means that it won't be baked into your vods  or your clips meaning if someone wants to watch   your vodback there won't be a way for them to see  the closed captions otherwise this is a fantastic   extension and everyone seems to really love it  on my stream just don't forget that when you go   and change your stream title and your tags you can  also now add the closed caption tag meaning that a   whole new audience can find you and enjoy your  content next up we're gonna talk about how you   can increase your revenue with two different  extensions the sound alerts extension and the   blurp extension now these two tools essentially  do the same thing they allow your viewers to use   channel points and bits to play sound effects from  you or from popular culture on your stream if you   want to give your chat the ability to play an air  horn or laugh track or even maybe just sound clips   from you then these extensions will allow you  to do that and they can increase your revenue   both these extensions can either be a panel or a  component which is great which means there's more   flexibility about where you want to install them  and both tools have been covered countless times   and there are dozens of tutorials out there so  if you have any problems setting them up there'll   be somewhere you can get that solved the only  important thing to remember with these extensions   and any other extension that uses bits is that  most of the time they will take twenty percent   of your bit so someone takes 100 bits to play  an air horn effect the extension will take 20   and you will get the other 80 while i don't use  these extensions on my stream i do have sound   alerts for example i've created manual alerts for  different numbers of bits so that people can play   a sound effect that comes with it it takes a lot  more work and it's a lot harder to set up but i   get the full amount of the bits and i'm not locked  into using up an extension slot so pros and cons   up to you how you want to use it next up isn't a  specific extension but it is my favorite genre of   extension these are game integrated extensions  i've used these extensions twice once when i   was playing baldur's gate and another time while  i was playing rimworld but essentially a modder   or a developer has teamed up with twitch to create  an extension that allows your viewers to interact   directly with your games when i played badass  gate it actually gave my viewers the ability to   vote on a lot of different dialogue options  so when it came time for me to infiltrate a   goblin camp they made me smear poo on my face and  then pretend it was war paint in order to get in   thanks guys that was that was brilliant that  said they're not just baldur's gate and rimworld   extensions they're actually for dozens and dozens  of games so all you have to do is go over to your   extension dashboard click the discovery tab and  click extensions for games you'll be able to see a   full list and find if there's anything that will  work with the game you love or the game you're   playing right now even though these can take  a little bit more setup and a little bit more   configuration than some of the other extensions  these are one of the most powerful integrations   and the most powerful ways to engage your chat  when you're playing a new game i promise you look   through them you'll find something that works for  you and it'll always be a great time i'm about to   cover leaderboard extensions and how you can use  them promote friendly competition between who has   the most gift subs or who the longest subscriber  is and of course i still have to cover how to set   up those console streamer alerts that i talked  about but first if this video has helped you out   at all you've liked the content we're producing  consider checking out the rest of the stuff on   the channel we've got stuff about the best games  to stream free overlays which you can download   from our discord what the best time to stream is  growth tactics you name it we've got content on   it consider subscribing seriously it will really  help us out so the next set of extensions now if   you ever been to my stream and looked in my panels  you'll see two types of extensions the first is a   streamlabs leaderboard if you have stream elements  there's your own version of that very easy and   very similar and then the second extension i  have down there is the emotes showcase extension   as i said the leaderboard extension can  help to promote a little bit of friendly   competition when used right if you mention  it's down there often people will look and   want to be at the top or at least have their  name in the top 10 of it the configuration is   super easy and it really does work i've had  people actively try and be the top gifter or   actively try to be the most chatter or the biggest  emote chatter and speaking of remotes the other   one i have is the emote showcase so people without  having to click the little subscribe button can   actually see the emotes they get for subscribing  as well as any better twitch tv emotes that you   might get as well if you need help setting up  better twitch tv which i recommend you do set up   that's also in the cards above and on the channel  so you should check that out okay you've waited   long enough let's get you those free alerts all  you have to do is go over to your extension tab   dashboard and search own 3d click on their  free stream alerts extension and click install   this will be an overlay extension so click  configure the first step is to pick your design   have a scroll through some of them are premium  but there are free options for you as well   in the future if you want to upgrade to premium  you can but don't worry about that now the design   is just an example the text does change depending  on if you receive a follow-up bit host raid or a   subscription click the design you want and the  next step two is to customize your alert events   and the text that comes up with it once you have  click save you'll want to hit save and click back   to my extensions click activate under the alert  and set it to overlay one with that you should be   all good to go and the alerts should be active  now of course like i mentioned with the closed   captions overlay extension this will not appear  on your vods which can either be a good or a bad   thing maybe you want to edit your vod later or  maybe you just don't want it to appear up to you   but essentially you have to remember it won't be  on your bot if you ever want to change your design   all you have to do is go back to your extensions  tab and click configure and you can have full rain   it's not locked in whatsoever and with that you  should be able to engage your chat and increase   your revenue get yourself some alerts whatever  you need please consider subscribing if this   video helped you out comment down below and chuck  us a like we will see you guys next week for more content
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 85,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stream Scheme, Twitch, How To Use Twitch Extensions, twitch extensions, twitch extensions how to, how to use twitch extensions on mobile, what are twitch extensions, what twitch extensions should i use, discover twitch extensions, twitch extensions guide, twitch extensions tutorial, how do twitch extensions work, twitch extension tutorial, best twitch extensions, how to use twitch extensions on console, twitch leaderboard, twitch extensions manager, Twitch extensions 2021
Id: iyh06NALMbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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