How to Run Ads as an Affiliate on Twitch!

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Scot on guys welcome back to another video today it's just gonna be a quick one and it's gonna be informing you how you can maximize a revenue that you earn as an affiliate so not a lot of people know this or if they do they don't actually use it twitch has been allowing affiliates to run ads just as a partner would so as an affiliate this is yet another way that you can start to make revenue for your streams now I'm gonna be showing you how to set it up it's very very simple and I'm also going to be giving you a tip as to how to encourage viewers to be okay with you running your ads in your own stream sorry I'm gonna jump to a second screen now and I'll show you how to do it and then we can discuss it further from there so what you want to do is go to your twitch home page click on your icon and scroll down to create a dashboard from there on the right-hand side you're gonna have these little squares here you want to click on the plus and you want to scroll down to monetize your stream these are I guess selections what you can add to say a run 90 second add 180 second one fifty thirty you know you see it there so what I do is I go ahead and click all of them and don't no squares are then added to this area here what you can then do is while you are streaming you can then go ahead and let's say it will run a 30-second ad notice how the 30-second ad starts to count down so it if this is just a rerun by the way but if we were alive and you weren't a subscriber a 30-second ad would play same thing if you ran a 90 second or 180 second whatever second amount that you choose that length ad would play now the views and the money you get from running these ads contribute to the 100 dollar payout limit that twitch has now let's say if you're at $97 and you just hit a thousand views on an ad that extra three to four dollars will cross you over the line and then you'll be able then you'll be eligible to get that payout now another option here is you can actually disable the pre-roll ads for your channel so these are ads apply before people can actually see your strength what you can do let's say if you run a 90 second ad or longer the pre-roll ads will be disabled to the next 30 minutes so if you're running ads in your stream and stops the pre-roll ads for the people who are coming into your stream when you run in a 60-second ad break the pre-roll ad stop for 20 minutes 30 seconds is 10 minutes so if you are running these ads in your stream twitch says okay well people don't need to have these ads before they even get to see you for me personally I can't stand pre-roll ads you can disable them in your settings as well but I personally just cannot stand them I think if you're gonna go see a brand new streamer and you're hit with a 30-second ad and that streamer ends up being boring you feel like you've just wasted a colossal amount of time now you can go ahead and run these ads let's say when you go to the toilet or when you go up to get a drink if you have just a BRB screen why not just run an ad it gives you viewers something to look at if you don't have an animated screen or some kind of interaction or interactive game while you're on BRB and it also helps support your channel now if you do want to disable pre-roll ads if you are running ads in your stream all you need to do is go back to that created dashboard click on these little three lines here the menu drop click on preferences and affiliate scroll down and you'll have a pre-roll ad so keep pre-roll ads on my channel or disable pre-roll ads when I run ads so I'm gonna go ahead and tick that now as it says here 30-second break 30 seconds of ad break equals ten minute period free up to a minute 30 seconds is 30 minutes of pre-roll ad free so if I'm going ahead and running these ads in my stream it means that people can go ahead and view my stream immediately without getting a pre-roll ad as I said to me this drives me nuts trying to support and find other streamers aren't to be hit with a 30-second 40 second ad and only to find out that that streamer sucks I would much prefer that over wasting my time trying to get to know somebody finding out look they're just not for me and having to sit through this time I know it's not that much time in this it really sounds like a first-world problem but to me I personally am more supportive of people who run their ads during their stream because I know it's going to a good cause with these ads thousand views gets to about $3 50 USD and that contributes to your $100 twitch payout limit now as I said at the start of the video I'm gonna be sharing with you a tip to encourage your viewers to encourage you to run these ads in your own stream so what I've done is I've created at which point reward system here so for 200 points you can get a get paid son reward what this does is it tells people how pics will earn more revenue by running a 30-second ad in the street this is a great incentive for people who cannot afford to sub or can't donate bits it is a way for people who are familiar with you and in the stream to further support you financially watching is absolutely fine and following is absolutely fine but there are people who haven't even come to my stream who say I really wish I could sub to you I really wish I could donate or give you bits but I just can't financially and I say look there is no expectation you turning up alone is more than enough but this is a good way for people who actually turn up to your streams who earn these reward points to assist you financially and people that are watching you who know you see this reward and know it's there for a reason they understand that it's another way to financially support you they know that by running this ad you will receive some financial benefit eventually so they are more encouraged to use the points that they have by watching you to further support you in this way and as I said before it is a great way for people who cannot financially support you either through bits donations or subscriptions to somehow support you financially but not actually spending any of their own money as I said earlier I would much rather have a streamer that I know and want to support run an ad during the stream rather than at the very very start where it's a more of a pain to get in it feels like there's oh there's a wall get into someone's stream if a pre-roll ad is disabled and someone can just go right into a stream just click on the name and you write in to me that's a much more favorable user experience that's just me let me know what your thoughts aren't down below but that is how you run ads as an affiliate on Twitch and as I said it might be in your best interest to actually put in a reward for your channel points because not only does this incentivize people to actually use the points in your stream but it can encourage your supported viewers to support you even further and it even gives an avenue for people who can't support you financially to give you a bit of a boost in that financial area again if you can't afford bits subscriptions donations some people do feel left out there are people who feel genuinely bad but not being able to financially support a streamer so this just gives them another way to go ahead and support you financially again any donation or any tip or anything shouldn't be taken for granted it's always an add-on you should never get into streaming for the money but you are giving people tools like this to further support you so guys that's a video I hope it all made sense if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below let me know if you've been running ads on your stream and how successful you've been don't forget to Like comment subscribe if you like these videos and you want more tip videos let me know if you want me to address a particular topic and down in the comments below as well I am pixel Shawn and you can catch me on for such pixel Shawn but I'll see you in the next video alright bye [Music] you
Channel: PixelShaun
Views: 17,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs, tips, streaming, gaming, live, overlay, design, stream, twitch, how, to, how to, help, youtube, broadcast, alerts, streamlabs, habits, mistakes, growth, ad revenue, ad revenue for twitch affiliates, twitch affiliate ad revenue
Id: TclA1hy_aSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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