How to FULLY Setup the Ultimate Discord Server!

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in this very in-depth tutorial i'm going to show you how to make a discord server kind of like mine that includes bots the community tab so it looks very professional but also it's going to have the fun stuff like emojis and stickers also keep in mind stuff like stickers and boosting your server require discord nitro but i don't want to buy discord nitro well let's talk about today's video sponsor salad do you live in an area with cheap electricity and have permission from your parents to raise the power bill or live in a dorm where you don't even have to pay for electricity then i suggest you take a look at salad salad uses electricity and your computer's hardware to crunch numbers while you're not on your pc as payment you earn salad balance or as i call it lettuce your balance can be used to redeem gift cards games and even discord nitro pick up the 10 discord nitro so you can boost your server to level 1 and unlock those sweet cute little stickers earning from mining takes some time so mine overnight to heat your room and bump that balance up at the same time consider that a big brain move keep in mind mining safely requires you to keep your pc temperatures under control so keep your pc clean and maintained don't overclock and keep those drivers updated i also recommend that you do some research yourself regarding whether or not mining is worth it with your specific setup and electricity costs there are some links in the description to help you out if you're interested in giving salad a try click the download link in the description and use code ntts when signing up to double your sweet little earnings until you reach level 2. now let's get on with the tutorial please so to start off you actually need to go to the first link in the description and when i refresh the page it'll pop up with discord now this is a template that we're going to be using that will allow us to kind of just get done probably about 25 of the server instantaneously so you want to set your server name to whatever you want i'm just going to call it triple z douglas's server and upload whatever image you want press create to start off we actually need to set up our rules channels right now all the permissions are set up perfectly fine so we just need to actually add in the rules so we need to go to the second link in the description and you will see a whole bunch of text that you are just going to copy and paste into the correct channel so in this case this is the rules channel i'm going to copy all this text ctrl c go into our discord go to the rules channel and just paste it in and press enter then it'll show up with a couple embeds just delete those and click remove all embeds and now you have rules that people can follow most of these are pretty decent and i did plug my own discord server at the top so feel free to change that and just have a nice introduction to your server next up we need to go to role info so click on role info and we need to fill it out with what does each roll mean so go back to that paste bin link scroll down and you'll see roll info channel you just want to start at the bottom copy all the way up to the top press ctrl c paste it in and press enter and this will explain the roles to people and also to yourself we have a staff team role so we have owner administrator moderator trial mod staff trusted then we also have earnable roles which kind of are pretty self-explanatory we have a leveling system that will unlock certain features so your server won't get spammed with a whole bunch of nsfw stuff so next up we need to go down to showcase rules then we need to go back to the paste bin and copy the showcase rules so just copy that ctrl c go back to discord and paste it in and press enter so once you paste in the showcase rules you basically have all the things you need right now that are super easy to implement and now we need to implement bots because bots are going to be the main point of your server and it's going to be the hardest part to configure but also the most important so to start off we need to get dyno so click on the link and this will be the third link in the description then what you need to do is add it to your server it's the ddd douglas's server click continue then all of these permissions might seem a little excessive but they are required because we're using dyno for auto mod dyno fans people and does everything so in this case it probably needs all of these permissions so just click authorize then when you do that click i am human so when you add dyno to your server there's one thing you really need to do that i almost forgot that's why this is such a weird cut and there's continuity issues anyways go to the top left click on server settings then go to roles then you want to click default permissions and you will see dyno at the bottom you want to drag this all the way up all the way up there won't be this many roles at this stage but you just want to drag it just below owner once you do that click save changes then you need to go to i'll have this in the link not as a number it'll just be dyno manage server or dashboard and you want to click manage servers then when you do that you need to click on your server and now you should have dyno all ready to go first off make sure the nickname of dyno includes the prefix so just like that really straightforward click update and it should be good to go time zone really doesn't matter then for modules we're going to go to action log then basically we want to enable specified channels for each event and show avatar and join or leave make sure it's enabled then copy all these settings the reason why these settings are important is because a lot of things are very spammy but you need to pay attention to them like messages being deleted and edited someone could send a normal message then edit it to be bad so you want to keep track of that mod logs you definitely need because if people get banned you want to know they get banned so anyways just copy these settings pause the video then if you scroll down you'll see ignored channels i have this set as admin because if your admins are talking amongst themselves or you're talking to your admins and you're talking about promoting or demoting someone if you edit your message then it'll go to the publicly available spam logs or the staff available spam logs and they can see oh look someone's getting promoted or demoted so keep it as admin and for ignored roles i would honestly just leave this blank because if you include any ignored roles then those people could bypass any of the action logs and it makes it not as transparent for you as well as your other staff members next up there's auto auto-ban now basically what i did is i clicked create rule then i set this as new account then for rule type i selected account age and 24 hours basically this is gonna ban anyone who just made an account within the last day you want this enabled just because there can be a whole bunch of alt accounts or maybe a raid so enable this and enable the module next up is auto mod so click on auto mod make sure it's enabled and now these are the settings that i use make sure your log channel is mod logs then this is what i selected basically delete will delete the message obviously automute will mute someone after a certain amount of occurrences so if you click the settings cog on any of the dropdowns you will notice that it automute will have three mute violations so if they say any banned words three times then they'll be muted for 20 minutes and the rest of these are pretty obvious it's just delete and worn then for links you can have this disabled so people can send links or you can have it where it just deletes all links i personally found that if it deletes all the links then it's pretty restrictive and it's not the best there are better bots out there that will actually make this a whole lot easier and way more customizable mass mentions this one is a very very important make sure it deletes and make sure it instant mutes the reason why you want this to mute is because people will self-bought raid your server they'll spam a whole bunch of people it's really annoying it loses a whole bunch of members so make sure it's instant mute then the rest of these are pretty obvious self-bought detection really doesn't work then at the bottom here just copy these settings the main thing you want to keep in mind is make sure your mass mentioned count is around 10 8 10 or whatever if you set it too low then people will get banned for mentioning their friends you keep on scrolling down you'll see a loud roles you could set this to staff if you don't care about your staff swearing so this is all up to you this is definitely personal preference right here then the rest of these really don't matter ignore channels keep that blank unless you want people to swear in a specific channel then you can select that channel then you have banned words and most of these are pretty default if you want to turn off this default banned words list just click on this drop thing button radio click box thing then for a fun one we have autoresponder make sure it's enabled and what we want to do is we want to add a response then our trigger needs to be this curly bracket a star and a curly bracket then we want the response to be a reaction response and we want it to react with a thumbs up and with a thumbs down then all you need to do is click wildcard then for allowed channels just click on this and click suggestions and then click showcases then click add response the main thing it'll do is if you go into any one of your servers so for example a suggestion thing i said get a new bot and it shows a thumbs up and a thumbs down and this is all automatic dyna will do this for you it just makes it a little bit cleaner and a little bit fun for your suggestions scrolling down a bit more we have moderation so for moderation make sure it's enabled copy these settings at the top copy these settings right here and for protected roles you can have owner it really doesn't matter but man this is the one you need to pay attention to lockdown lockdown is a feature where basically if you go into any channel and you do question mark lock i can't spell lockdown and press enter what it will do is it will lock down all of the channels that people can talk in so now if i go to the top left server settings then i go to roles default permissions and i just view the server as everyone you'll notice i am unable to talk in any channel and you want that because if you're getting rated then you can lock down your whole server and deal with it later i'm going to click disable so to turn off the lockdown all you need to do is just do question mark lockdown space end and when you do that dyno will obviously auto react with it but it will unlock all the channels and everyone should be able to talk normally very important but we need to set that up so we need to set the lockdown channels for this thing to work so just select everything that i've selected here if you're using the template but i'll explain quickly what to pick what not to pick you want to pick channels that people can talk in and you do not want to pick channels that people can't talk in also don't worry about setting a lockdown channel for your staff because it just doesn't make sense then once we're done that we can go to commands now this is very much your preference from here on out look at the commands figure out what they do if you want to change commands for specific roles so if i go to moderator for example there's a lot of commands here i even have band disabled which is a little scary so i'd turn that on and turn on kick but if you go to settings then you can allow channels you can allow roles disable roles so this is where you'd add like staff if you want all your staff to ban or you could add maybe admin and mod it's all up to you i have a very in-depth video on this but this is where you need to just think about how you want your server to be set up just look at this yourself make sure there's no bad permissions that you have set up this is very important this is something you have to go through yourself because if i show you how to do it you won't understand it and later on down the road you might mess something up but trust me it gets really easy to use because you can just click help on any command and it'll basically tell you what it does let's move on to actual fun bots so we need to go to the fourth link in the description and we will oh i lied we need to go to the first link in the description and set up ticket tool if you want to add it to your server click continue click authorize click i am human then it should be added to your server basically if you go to the very top of the discord you'll see open a ticket first off right click dyno go to roles and click robots and add it to the robots role and same thing with ticket tool go to roles robots now you have it anyways once you have that set up you need to go back to the fourth link in the description click manage servers then you will see log in with discord authorize go through the whole setup and you should be able to see your server click manage and this is where we set up the ticket system so why a ticket tool well a ticket tool is a fantastic thing because if someone gets muted they can dispute their mute or it allows people on your server to report specific members which i found extremely useful so the main thing you want to do is you want to go down to panel configs click on that button and it'll pop up with this thing here so click at the top left click create panel and now this panel name is actually important name it something that people understand because the panel name will be displayed at the top of every panel and used to configure the settings so it'll actually show up on your server so in this case i would say report a player or dispute a mute and that kinda rhymed which is really cool next up we have support team roles now this is optional but i would set this to your staff team or if you don't want your trial mods looking at tickets because they're already a little overwhelmed then set it to your moderator administrator and owner roles and now we have this bottom option which is panel channel you just want to look for the specific channel that we made open a ticket click on it and click create panel and now if you go to your discord server you'll notice report a player or dispute a mute to create a ticket react with this if you click create a ticket you will notice that it will create a channel you'll see it right here and it'll ping you and then people can make their channel they can close it then they can click close and now you are able to delete it and change the transcript i'm going to set a couple settings that will save you down the road in case things go really wrong so go back to the ticket tool dashboard click on settings and then we need to go to button options what we are going to do is we are going to make it so that people who create a ticket cannot delete the ticket so what you want to do is you want to click on delete ticket and you want to make sure it's enabled as support team only then click save and what that will do is make it so people can't delete the ticket but there's also a transcript button and people can spam that transcript button and just blow up your bot so click on settings for transcript click support team only and click save then when you do that there's claim ticket close ticket reopen reopen just let the person reopen the ticket if they want and there are two more things we need to do we need to go to category options then click category closed then scroll down and you need to look for closed tickets click save then once you do that you need to go down to logging options then for transcript channel you need to select the transcript channel which is ticket transcripts then once you have that you don't need to worry about logging channels because in all honesty most of the stuff you want to log is already blocked by dyno so don't even worry about it just make sure you click save for the trick ticket transcripts goodness what a mouthful but once you do that you go back to your discord server mind you there is a little bit of a continuity error here go to open a ticket then click create a ticket it'll create a ticket and it'll ping you then you can talk in the ticket or whatever and once you close it then click close then you want to tell your staff team to create a transcript then once you click transcript it will save the transcript to ticket transcripts very hard to say but when you go in there you'll have this file and if you click direct transcript and click yes it'll open up the transcript and this is extremely useful especially when there's arguments and you use tickets as mod mail super helpful but then once you're done that you will notice that where's the ticket it's not at the top anymore well it's actually been moved down to the bottom close tickets where you as an admin can delete it or you know you can have it all set up however you want and finally the last admin focus bot the fifth link in the description absolutely necessary it's called is an anti-bot bot that will basically make it so you don't get rated so click add to server for free then you just want to select your server click on douglas's server click continue click authorize then click i am human and that's basically it if you go to your server you will notice is a bot right click on it add it to the robot role then you want to configure because it has a very spammy log system so go to b moment logs type in slash band pool then you want to do action log then you want to right click logs and click copy id if you don't see that copy id button you need to go to user settings then you need to go to advanced and make sure developer mode is enabled once you do that you want to paste in the channel id right after action log and press enter then it's going to say confirmation click confirm and that's it that's your anti-raid bot it's that easy to set up now let's actually move on to the super fun bots that are fun so you need to go to the six link in the description and you will see arcane bot now arcane bot is going to be your xp level up bot so click invite then you want to invite it now there are a whole bunch of different leveling bots me six don't use if you're going to use me six use arcane now arcane i only want it to just give roles to people so it doesn't need administrator it doesn't need managed server it does need manage roles it doesn't need managed channels it doesn't need to kick or ban people it doesn't need to create an invite not nicknames all this stuff undo manage webhooks you can leave it enabled if you want audit log you can leave it enabled it needs to read messages because it needs to see if people are messaging in a channel then it needs to be able to send messages in case you know people are sending specific things and they want to check their rank all the rest of these are actually pretty safe so just keep them enabled and click authorize the main thing is you don't want to give it admin and a whole bunch of other permissions when you're just using it for level up then it'll ask you to join arcane support click no then you need to go to the arcane dashboard link and you need to click on dashboard then it'll make you log in click authorize then you just need to select your server so in this case it is this one then when you include that you will have a prefix now for your prefix i'm going to set mine to exclamation mark and when you do that go to your discord server go to the general channel then you will see arcane you want to right click on arcane click roles then add it to the robots role then you want to right click arcane change nickname add an exclamation mark in front of it and type in arcane press enter now going back to arcane like i said before we're only using it for leveling so click disable on this yes disable it disable disable disable disable disable and the only thing you should leave enabled is leveling click configure now once you go to this leveling thing you can set up a level up message i honestly have a super custom one i have it on a video that i made previously but in this case no xp rules you want this to be muted in this case we have muted then no xp channels you want this to be channels that don't really require a lot of effort so in this case means people like spamming memes i'm going to disable that for xp moreover bot commands i don't want people spamming bot commands to earn xp so click bot commands then if you scroll down you'll see vc text spam that's literally just a channel for people to talk in if they're not on a voice call click no xp on that and there you go those are the channels you want to have no xp then we have roll rewards this is important this is the whole reason why we're getting arcane drag this over to the right open up discord on the left and then click on your top left click on that click server settings click on roles scroll down and you will see these godly elite expert advanced intermediate and beginner roles these roles have permissions associated with them for the beginner role they are able to send external emojis so basically if someone doesn't level up to level 5 then they can't send external emojis when someone levels up to level 10 i believe they can send embeds now so people can send links with images in them then when they get to level 15 they can actually just add images natively the reason why you want this is so that people who chat a lot are probably not going to be the ones sending you nsfw stuff and breaking the rules people who just join your server are going to try and post a whole bunch of weird stuff and this will block them from doing it anyways let's actually add the roll rewards so you need to click level and you need to set it to level 5. then you want to click on roll and you want to look for beginner click on beginner click add reward then you want to set the level to level 10 then once you set it to level 10 set the intermediate roll because it says level 10 in the parentheses then you just need to do that for every single roll so in this case i can actually maximize this so it's easier to see i've added the intermediate role then i'm going to do level 15 and i'm going to add the advanced role click add reward level 25 then go to expert click add reward then there's level 50 if i scroll up it should be elite add reward and then level 100 and set that to level 100 and godly click add reward and that's it then if you scroll down you'll notice xp boosters basically you could have this where if people maybe are twitch subscriber you could have it so they earn more xp in all honesty i set this role as my server boosters but in this case if someone doesn't server boost your server you're not gonna have that role until they do but i mean if they get free discord nitro then they're gonna be boosting your server baby anyways i'm going to leave it blank for now but that's something you should look at later then there's a leaderboard you can enter a vanity link and claim it if you want there's nothing stopping you from putting whatever you want and that's arcanebot we've got it done with so next up is carlbaugh you need to go to the carl bot link in the description and then you want to click on sign in with discord and then once you do that click manage then you'll see your servers you want to click on your server then you just want to add it to your server make sure it's the correct server click continue then scroll down and click authorize carl bot's super safe you don't have to worry about it trying to destroy your server and then you'll see this pop-up let's get carl started this is where basically we're going to configure it and it's going to be done in about three seconds click get started then you need to select your prefix in this case remember how i added the prefixes at the start of each bot this is important if the prefix of both of your bots are the same you're going to have issues so in this case i want karlbot's prefix to be something different so in this case i'm going to set it to a dash as my symbol and that is going to be karlbot's prefix click next then you will see this welcome message you just leave it as none for now to be honest so none then you have reaction role templates click colors then all you need to do is click the channel then you want to look for get roles click on that then click create reaction role once you do that it's going to add all the cool fancy dancy roles and if you go back to your discord server and click on get roles you will notice fantastic you have roles that you can actually deal with moreover we need to go to continents and we can add our continents rule then we can do zodiac signs platforms all this other stuff i'm going to do pronouns and click creation role if you try doing zodiac signs right now it's probably going to say you're going to be rate limited click on it yep rate limited basically you just need to wait like maybe three minutes and then you should be able to add the rest of these reaction rolls in this case i'm already done so i'm clicking next now we have a mute roll just select your muted rolls so just type in mute then click on muted then there's this mod logs channel just click on that and type in spam logs then once you do that press next then you will see auto mod just turn it off click finish then skip and go to dashboard and now we need to turn off all the moderation features of carlbot so to make it so carlbot does no moderation because all we wanted to do is just add roles to people we need to go to commands then we need to click on auto mod and click disable category and we need to do this for every single category and when you get a little curious later on then you can turn them back on and actually have fun with carlbot because it's pretty strong and once that's done and you disabled every single one let's just make sure it works so we need to go to our discord server and we need to click on one of these roles i am from north america i'm going to click on that if i click on my name i should see north america perfect but there is an issue if i remove myself from the owner role for example and let's say i made it to expert i'm level 25 i've been on the server for a while and i really really really just want to change my color to red or something if i click on red you'll notice my name color doesn't change why is that well that's because we have to actually configure our color rules to be above our level roles discord has this weird hierarchy so if i go to the top left click on server settings and go to roles this is the hierarchy of colors all of our carlbot colors are on the very bottom but we have our roles here at the very top explaining early supporter and all the level roles main thing you want to do is just drag these colors all the way up above early supporter or whatever color rolls you have now the best way to put these color rolls on top of those level rolls is to actually scroll up to the top click on default permissions then you should have this nice little menu on the side where you can just quickly drag all of the colors on top and it is significantly faster than the other method of using the new ui discord once again making some weird choices but once you do that and click save then all your roles will get moved around it'll lag for a couple seconds and now the last thing that you are 100 percent forced to do is you see this carl bot roll this is actually carl bought in itself and its permissions if it is below your colors it won't be able to give people colors basically you just need to drag carlbot up up up all the way above your colors same thing with arcane i missed this and i am completely sorry but you need to drag arcane above your levels here you could just set it up to the top right where carlbot is and just go up even higher and put it right underneath robots best thing to do to be honest but now if i click cyan my name changes to cyan i undo it it removes it i change it to pink or whatever it can do that it works perfectly fine but just keep in mind if you spam a whole bunch of different colors at some point carlbot's gonna get rate limited and it's not going to apply your color just tell your members to be a little easy on carl bot he's a slow little turtle and now for the last and final tweaks for the discord server we need to add in server settings emojis yes we need to add in emojis because emojis are basically key in the best server possible so to get server emojis easiest place to go is just the link in the description it'll say discord emojis and it'll be you'll see emoji packs all you need to do is just download them i like the kitty cats it'll download the zip file you just need to open it up then drag all these images into your downloads folder then when you do that you should have all the images in your download folder and now you can click on your discord server click upload emoji then go to downloads and click on each one of these to upload them and it should just easily upload emojis are fantastic next up we have stickers so the last i'm not doing the number thing anymore the stickers link in the description you will see this website i've looked at it before but the main thing you do is just find something you like click on that bad boy you have to click on the name not the picture sorry click download it should download the png and you're thinking png but it's animated it's an a png don't worry about that all you need to do is go to your discord server click on stickers and this is where the salad sponsorship starts making sense boys just keep in mind that you do need to actually get the discord nitro the 10 one if you get the five dollar one then it does not include the two boosts and you need the two boost to boost your server up to level one and this is what it'd look like if your server was booted so i'm going on my main server because i totally didn't use my alt account to boost my main server goodness but if you click on server settings go to stickers then you can click upload sticker then all you need to do is click choose file then you look for your pepe cry then you can name it whatever uh i'm just gonna do pepe cry i can't think of anything right now so in this case once i've added the sticker and i've put the sticker name as pepe cry you need to set a related emoji and this is useful if people type in the cry emoji then they have the option of using this sticker so set it to something actually useful then in this description thing it doesn't matter just click upload and now it should be added then you can go into your favorite channel then you can post in a sticker so sticker add in the pepe sad one and there you go and then you could jump to present and then you could figure out there's a lot of stuff going on like self-promotion okay so now that you have most of your server set up you just need to make it seem a little more professional and a little more welcoming to new users so how do we do that well first off we need to go into our discord server settings so click on server settings and this is where we have to do a couple things so to start off there's system messages so if someone joins the server you can enable it if you want then you have boost or whatever just send that all in general for now keep the tips disabled click save changes and now you know how you join a server and it shows with a little pop-up showing the rules and like channels to go to let's figure that one out click on enable community click get started then click next then you need to select a rule or guidelines channel just set that to rules then you have this community updates channel look for the discord updates which will be at the very bottom and that is an admin channel that will just show you notifications they're basically worthless but you just need them somewhere then click next then click agree and i understand or whatever it says now we can set up the very professional stuff so there's server description put whatever you want it's not necessary we need to click set up welcome screen in this case it'll probably show you things a little bit different but the main thing you want to do is just add a channel it'll say oh select a channel in this case i'm going to do get roles then i'm going to do a wrench same thing and say get your rolls here so get your rolls here exclamation mark click save then click enable when you have it all set up with five things or less than five things then click preview and this is how it'll look if people join your server but what about the rules how do i add that in well you need to go to membership screening click on that set up membership screening then you will see this thing here once again a description you can put whatever you want that's whatever i wanted then click get started then you can add in rules you can type in the rules that we had previously and you can format it to match exactly all right weird cut but anyways i filled in the rules and i only did like the main name of the rule and i've also noticed i have two number threes and i'll fix that later i promise you click save and now it'll be saved make sure you enable it then click preview and this is how to look it'll see all your emojis you have to verify your email to join the server scroll down and click i have read the rules or whatever most people don't even read it to be honest then they can click submit and they can join the server you can also remove the numbers if you want probably a good idea and the last thing to look at is this thing here new members must verify their email to change that just click go to moderation settings and now you have a couple options you can make it so people must have a verified email on their discord account to talk on your server you can have it where they must be on discord for longer than five minutes you can have it where people must be a member of the server for longer than 10 minutes then you have highest where people must have a verified phone number best thing to do right now is set it to high if you're getting rated set it to the highest or if you're prepared of like if if you think you're going to get rated set it to the highest if you're not too concerned about it click high and if you just want everyone joining with alt accounts set it to low in all honesty my personal opinion keep it as high and finally the last thing your announcements channel right click it click edit channel then you can enable it as an announcements channel then click save changes and now people can follow it if they want most people really don't use the feature to be honest but that is how you set up your discord server and now some final closing words of advice please please please if you're actually doing this all the way make sure you spend maybe like half an hour just going over dyno commands and just test them out if you're worried about permissions and stuff best thing you can do is just click on the top left go to server settings click on roles then click on the three dots by any role so in this case i'm going to do let's do a beginner click more view server as a role and now i'm a beginner and you notice that i can't talk in announcements i can't talk in rules this is the best thing to do for validating whether or not everything's set up properly this server is definitely a more restrictive template versus a lot of others but it's great because you will face people who are having a bad day and you will face people who are just there to make your day bad keep that in mind a discord server is meant to be fun don't take it too seriously don't be so crazy about the numbers just have fun and that is the end of this very long and hopefully very helpful video keep in mind that the bots that i picked were not based off of any outside influence i literally just chose the bots because look at my discord server i have arcane bot ticket tool i have i have dino host these are just bots that i'm familiar with that i'm comfortable with and in all honesty they're really straightforward to use also keep in mind that salad did not force me to do anything different in this video other than that ad read other than that the ad read itself was my own opinion i made it myself purely scripted by yours truly so they didn't force me to say anything and it was great working with them and that is the end of this very long video that i'm gonna have to edit it's an hour and 44 minutes long jeez okay i gotta go sweetheart i love you
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 381,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord server, discord tutorial, discord, discord server tutorial, how to make a discord server, how to make a good discord server, how to make a discord server with bots 2021, discord server templates, discord servers, how to set up bots on discord server, discord setup tutorial, discord setup guide, discord setup guide with bots, discord for dummies, discord server setup 2021, best discord bots, how to setup a discord server, discord setup tutorial 2021
Id: jIf1w--yOZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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