8 Easy Stream Deck Tricks (to Impress Your Viewers)

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this is eight easy stream deck tips that you guys can use to impress your viewers during your live streams and during your content i'm gonna go over every single one of them i'm talking about being able to switch between scenes being able to go with a wide shot like this in your room in your home studio a secondary shot i'm talking about being able to zoom in and out on the screen i'm going to show you that here in just a second the tools you can use in your stream deck for that i'm going to show you how to hook up a phone or a secondary camera like i'm doing right now and how to use that and implement and enhance the production quality of your live streams with your stream deck which is really really fun i'm also going to show you how you can play things like you know sound effects and what have you on a stream deck and how to program that how to do music playback how to do all of these interesting things and more how to play an intro outro sequence uh which is amazing and how to do your variety increase your variety in terms of what you're showing your audience on the screen with full screen shots like this and lastly i'm going to show you guys how i put arrows on the screen and do on-screen graphics where i'm drawing and stuff all over the place and the tool i'm using for that with my stream deck all of that right now i hope you guys are ready because i'm going over very tactical items it took a lot of preparation to get all this ready to show you right now so let's just go straight into showing you the first thing which is how to zoom in and out the cool trick that i use from time to time how to zoom in and out so basically i've got my stream deck software here uh but what you can do is you can zoom in and out on your computer using a software called zoom it so i am not paid by zoom it to say this so this is the software right here it's called zoom it i will drop a link in chat for you guys right now this is a free software that you can install for windows it's called zoom it and here's what it does let me just show you this software in action so as you can see on my stream deck right over here i've got a zoom hotkey programmed into my stream deck and so what that does is when i hit that hotkey it actually zooms in on my screen i can zoom in and out anywhere i want on my screen at any time this is a free piece of software uh is this only supported uh leonardo greed says in chat on stream deck no it's supported anywhere that any hotkey exists but what i'm trying to show you guys today is some easy stuff that you can do with your stream deck to improve your production quality and so what you do with the zoom it software is you basically open it up i'm going to show you how the software looks here in just a moment if i can get it to work for you there we go and what i'm going to do is pull up the zoom it software for you and here it is and this is the zoom it software right here and what the zoom it software does is it allows you to select your level of zoom that you're gonna zoom in so you can do times two you can do times three you name it you can increase your magnification as you see fit which is really cool and so if you wanted to do extreme zooming you could do times three zooming and then you program a hotkey that is the same hotkey as you have on zoom it for zooming which in my case is control one and you bring that hotkey over in your stream deck you drag and drop hotkey over and then you program the hotkey in your stream deck like i just did i'm going to delete it and so i programmed this hotkey here with control 1. so now whenever i hit the zoom hotkey it zooms in times three imagine if you're showing something on the internet if you're showing something in game play you can just act on the press of a key on your stream deck zoom in and just zoom on anywhere you want on your screen and go into great detail and if you have a times uh if you have a 4k monitor in 4k capture you can retain a really high level of quality whenever you do this zooming using the zoom zoom it feature i wanted to show this to you because i think it's awesome to add a lot of variety especially for people that do tutorials or want to show like detailed items on the screen really really cool stuff right there i love that so zoom it is the free piece of software i have a lot more cool tips i want to show you guys that was just the first free one link in the description below on the youtube and facebook version and i just posted it in chat as well but wait there's more so the next fun thing i want to show you guys is as you guys know increasing retention in your content is really really important and so if you want to increase retention having just one main camera shot that you do or having like a secondary shot where you're in the corner here those are the two standard shots that everybody does right when it comes to creating content you should add more variety of shots whenever you're creating an obs streamlabs obs and xsplit and you should be switching between your shots as often as possible i have measurable data on my analytics and with my clients that shows that the more often you switch the shot the better and so what i recommend is adding a secondary shot a behind shot behind you like the one i'm doing right here i have a logitech brio right behind me and it does a secondary behind shot or side shot where you can just add visual variety while you're presenting to your audience and so doing a wide scene requires you to have a camera that has a relatively wide angle lens the one i have right here the logitech brio is a 90 degree angle lens uh which is great so i'm gonna link the brio to you guys and i'm also gonna link the avermedia pw513 i have a 90 degree angle and also it's in the description a 90 degree angle and a 94 degree angle resp uh respectively and so what i do in the stream deck software excuse me is i program a button on my stream deck called room or secondary shot as you guys can see right here and that button right there when i program that on my stream deck it allows me to quickly switch between all these different shots so that i can add a lot of visual variety imagine if this show was just me on camera in just one shot just talking to you with the same angle the entire time it would be far less engaging so adding that secondary shot or adding that behind the scene shot that shows the studio adds a ton of quality and i think the only viable way to do that and to switch to it on a regular basis the one best way really is to get a stream deck and program that button in and so what i've done here in my stream deck software as you can see here is in any you can whether you're using streamlabs obs or whether you're using regular obs you can program this in by dragging a scene over into your stream deck and obviously just creating a scene with that secondary camera and then setting that button up so when you press it it goes to that scene and i that for me that is the room button that you see right here and so now anytime i want i can do a secondary shot i can do real talk or i can increase variety in my studio and that's a button you guys should be pressing on your stream deck it's so easy to add and it adds so much more production quality but guys there is so many other tricks that i want to show you including things like voice changer and all sorts of other stuff that you can use through that variety in your streams how to put arrows on the screen you name it i'm going to play this ad really quick to pay the bills and i'll be right back with even more awesome stream deck tricks to add variety in your live streams this video is sponsored by restream why live stream to one platform when you can simultaneously live stream to every platform to discover new audiences faster using restream dot io but wait there's more hey guys what's going on game to change uk great to see you awesome to see all of you guys here uh so let's talk about the next thing that you guys should absolutely be considering uh as an easy trick for your stream deck and it's actually a free software that you can do a an upgrade to and it's what's allowing me to do this it's called voice mod and it can change your voice to any number of custom voices let me show you the website i'm not paid by them to say this this is not a sponsorship the voice mod is a voice changing software i'm going to show you how you can integrate it with the stream deck where you can sound like anything you can imagine this is a cyberpunk themed voice that i'm using right now through voicemod and this can add a lot of variety and increase retention during your live streams to use this sort of thing i'm going to turn it off for a minute so i can talk normal but i'm not using a uh voi i'm using a voice changer with my rode caster pro that is correct so the question in chat there from real mystery is yes i am uh using this voice changer software with my road caster pro and i'm gonna show you guys how i have that set up uh right now okay so let me go over to my second monitor and talk about the voice changing software and why it's important to have a stream deck uh to do it by the way if you guys don't already have a stream deck i've got links in the description uh to the stream deck if you guys want to pick it up there's a mini stream deck there is a regular stream deck and there is an xl stream deck and the one that i have my voice changer stuff programmed to is my xl stream deck so check this out i'm going to switch over you can have multiple stream decks plugged up at the same time and this is my stream deck xl which uh i have right over here i actually to do this show i have a stream deck xl which has all of my voice changer buttons and sound effects buttons as you can see and then i have one that does all of my scenes and does all of my uh kind of uh show changes and scenes and recording and streaming on the other stream deck okay so let's talk about the voice changer feature and how i'm doing that and how i'm programming that so the the program is called voice mod you can download it for free today and this is it this is the interface this is not sponsored by them this is just me liking the voice changer software and they've got all these voices on here and they have free voices that rotate on here that you can use for free at any given time and what you can do is you can select any of these voices in voice changer uh the software and you can program them into your stream deck so how do you do that so integrated into the stream deck and i'll turn my camera off for a moment uh over here on the side you'll see that uh voice mod is a built-in option inside the stream deck like they have a partnership with them or there's a direct integration see voice mod right over here on the side so what we can do is we can add a voice changer by dragging and dropping it here into um into the pane so what we can do is we can do voice change you can choose any number of voice changers you can turn it on and off you can even do random voice as an option so i'm just going to show you an example of me bringing over random voice see the die sets right there i'm gonna turn my camera back on and then what i can do is i've programmed a button here on my stream deck that activates voice changer right here now as you can hear i'm now in voice changer mode and i'm gonna hit random voice into the stream deck like this one right here is one of my favorites and you can program them each here and it has a custom icon where you bring it over your stream deck for each individual voice that you're programming into your stream deck and then of course you can turn it off at any given time which is really really nice a bonus feature on the voice changing software is it actually has a button where you can bleep yourself out so if you ever want to be brand safe but you still want to say curse words it's actually got a bleepy button right here as you can see and so let me just show you uh me using that in real time uh so if i wanted to you know focus or whatever i'll be like you mother i'm gonna take your and it has that feature built in where you can bleep yourself out using the voice changer software so that is uh that is how that works uh pretty cool right so voice changer software that's only three out of the eight cool features that i want to show you guys today uh squad track says he wants me to turn uh it's a free voice changer yes faded universe it's a free voice changer but it um it only has like a rotating set of voices that you can get for free if you want to unlock all of them it's like 20 bucks or something like that with voice mod so you can get some of them for free but some of them are paid uh squad track is asking for voice changer back for a minute so i'm happy to do that for just a minute for squad track okay so another thing that you guys need to consider is licensing an official intro outro song or whatever for your brand uh so i'm keeping the voice just for a minute an official intro outro song for your brand and then triggering that song so everybody can recognize that song whenever your show happens and so the stream deck allows you to do that uh using a soundboard feature i'm gonna turn off the voice to go ahead and show this to you so what do i mean by that so uh for i'm going to turn off my background music and i'm going to trigger my theme song so you guys can see what i'm talking about here this is another built-in feature in the stream deck that's really really cool so i'm going to select my stream deck xl and what you can see down here is that i've got two uh for my two podcasts a wall digital podcast as well as um digital drop podcast i've got official intro outro theme songs that i've licensed for those shows that i play over and over again i have the commercial rights to them so right now i'm going to press the button for the awol digital podcast for example uh and i'm going to show that to you so i'm just going to push it right here on the stream deck and as you can see it has this cool little uh readout that shows you that the song is playing and that how much time is left on the song while it's playing which is really really cool right and so how do you program that in that is a built-in feature inside of stream deck that comes for free if you will with the software and it's called sound board so the sound board feature is right over here see it's right above my head so what you do is you do a play audio sound board feature you drag play audio onto your stream deck and you literally go on your computer and you browse for the audio file on your computer and you plug in the audio file i'm gonna delete that version but you guys get it you browse for the file and then you can choose what happens in the settings here whenever you hit the button so you can have it play and stop when you hit the button so for example if i hit it right now the music stops and then if i hit it again it'll play and you can also have it to where it fades in fades out doesn't fade etc and here's the cool part you can choose where the actual sound plays to so you can choose which device it goes to so you can play it to people on discord you can play it to your live stream you can play it only to yourself you can choose where it goes i highly recommend licensing a theme song for your show for your for your stream for what you're doing um so that you can kind of have like an audio identity to your brand and not just a video identity to your brand but guys that's only four out of the five fun tricks that you can do to impress your audience are you guys enjoying this it looks like you guys are enjoying this here in chat awesome um is there any way to change your voice without changing without affecting the music that's playing affecting the music yeah so whenever you do voice changing it's completely separate from the music uh so to answer your question about voice mod um so that that would have no impact on that those are two totally separate things to my knowledge if that's what you're asking the music would be coming in as its own input and then if i decide to do voice changer like this or if i decide to be stephen hawking that would have no impact on the music and there's built-in music that comes with voice mod uh and you can turn those background effects off if you don't want those background effects when you're using the voice changer okay well i hope that answered your question um awesome so let's continue uh so the next cool feature that i want you guys to know about uh when it comes to stream deck to impress your viewers and is of course this one's really easy this one also uses voice mod this program they don't pay me to talk about it i just want to be clear about that it also uses voice mod and it's called sound effects and sound board right so there's the built-in sound board that i showed you a moment ago on stream deck where you can just plug in sounds but you can also use if you want uh the voice mod sound board so there's two different ways to do that so i like using the voice mod sound board and what you do is you hit the plus button in voice mod i like running it all through voice mod you choose whatever sound effect that you want to download and implement so for example i've got everything here from you know air horn to um you know to lightning strikes to applause sound effects all of that programmed in and what you do is you add all of those as a library of sounds in your sound board which is really cool then you can program those sound effects to go into your stream deck and so what you do this is all a part of the voice mod uh sound board uh integration i'm gonna dis disappear back here and you can go down to soundboard and you can add any of these sound effects that you see fit to your stream using soundboard you drag those soundboard effects over here like this and then you literally just select a sound and it pulls up all of the sounds from a big menu of sounds that you've uploaded into into voice mod it's my favorite way to add sound effects uh to a live stream and so with sound effects you're probably going to want a lot of them and so my recommendation if you're going to do sound effects is to get a stream deck xl and to do a lot of sound effects because people don't want to hear the same sound effect over and over and over again and so that's why i have a total of like 16 sound effects that i use uh during my live streams because if you play the same one over and over again people will get tired of it and they will just think that you're just playing with your sound board just to play with it makes sense so that's another feature of voice mod that is yet another fun way to impress your viewers and just to add variety to your streams and you guys have seen me do this on my podcast one thing i'd warn you about though is do not overuse the sound effects uh feature on your stream deck uh when you're using it because people just get super annoyed like only play a sound effect once every few minutes right because if you do it too often uh people will get super super tired of hearing the sound effects and they'll tell you to stop or they'll just tune out but wait there's more all right i have three more cool tips i want to show you guys really quick though i have free group coaching that i'm doing uh this uh this thursday and if you guys want to come to my free group coaching here's how you do it i just here here's how you do it i'm gonna post the link in chat right now i'm doing free coaching with no marketing patch of any description on march 25th and march 1st i do this every thursday it is literally free there is no marketing catch of any description whatsoever here you just sign up for free video coaching i've already got 29 creators in there right now and i will help you succeed as an online content creator i provide this gonna turn the voice changer off i provide this as a free service i normally charge 150 dollars per hour for my coaching this is a free service people are hurting they lost their jobs people are hurting from covid some people cannot afford my 150 per hour fee so i coach people for zero effing dollars with no catch at all this is not a sales session there's no marketing i'm not collecting your email i'm literally just helping you for free sign up right now link in the description and i put it in chat if you want me to help you with your strategy and discuss the latest in social media technology and what have you cool free resource for you guys i love doing these sessions a few of you guys from those sessions are here in chat feel free to speak up and validate whether you think it was valuable or not to attend those sessions with me great only a few tickets left on those sessions so feel free to grab those up before they sell out they're free right great the next trick for the stream deck that i want to talk about is triggering video playback and so a lot of big streams when they start up to get people's attention um is to play some sort of cool intro video or a start streaming soon video or what have you and i do not recommend streaming soon videos i do however recommend that you guys create a branded video to reinforce your brand that you can play either after you do a verbal intro or at the very end of your streams and you guys will see me doing this on a regular basis in my content and i tend to have video playback be toward the end of my broadcasts how do i do this so what i'm doing is i'm using the video playback function here in uh in or i'm rather i've programmed a scene in my stream labs or in my obs and you guys can choose how you guys do this but let me just show you how this works so basically i've got a scene here in my obs called outro right over here and it has a video file in it which is my branded outro and i want you guys to be able to play your branded intro or outro at a good time when you can retain viewers and be able to trigger that at the press of a button so you guys don't have to edit your video later uh because a lot of you guys are wasting time and editing when you don't actually need to be editing your content so what you can do is you can just take a scene from streamlabs obs or any other program and you can drag and drop it here on your stream deck and you program that scene to play a video and in my case it's outro and so at the end of all of my content instead of editing my content this is a way to impress your viewers and to save time instead of editing my content you can put an advertisement in there that's how i played the restream ad earlier you could put your branded outro in there that's how i did my branded outro earlier and you can actually edit your videos listen to this you can edit your videos in real time without having to actually edit them i'm going to play my outro right now this stream the stream's not over but i'm just going to do this as an example ready i'm hitting the outro button and this is what happens right so instead of me having to record this session drop it into an editor and then slap that outro on there slap the advertisement in there maybe put any other video playback in there i do it in real time using my stream deck to save time so i don't have to edit this later make sense that's yet another trick on how to increase your production quality another fast one that i want you guys to know about many of you guys are using uh a view when you're broadcasting that looks like this view okay you're on the side right you're on a green screen or you're a little you're in a little box on the side here and maybe you have gameplay next to you maybe you have your powerpoint you have whatever you're presenting right there okay and while you're doing that you're small in the corner i want you to keep thinking about how can you increase your visual variety with how you present yourself on the internet and so what i showed you earlier one of the other tips was having that room shot to add visual variety as you can see i'm still in the corner and i have the secondary camera there adding visual variety but a lot of you guys don't take advantage of just having a full screen shot with no gameplay on the screen no supplementary content on the screen and you just go full screen with yourself just so you can talk directly to your audience this is a scene this is just a bonus power tip this is just a scene that you guys should be programming into your stream deck this is my camera and camera interface i use if you guys are interested in knowing for that full screen camera shot every single streamer should be having this shot and talking directly to their audience because as we talked about on digital drop podcast today even on twitch just as an example just chatting is the biggest category of content on twitch now and so the more time you can spend talking to your audience in switching between a shot like this and a shot like this and a shot like this the more visual variety you're going to have to retain your viewers you need to constantly be switching it up because the production value stakes keep going up up up up up make sense i hope that makes made sense all right so that is another one adding a full screen camera scene and so as you guys can see right here i've my full screen camera scene is called my g7 which is my panasonic g7 and so whenever i hit that button on my regular stream deck right here that is going to take me to that full screen scene and so using different configurations uh so as you can see it's programmed right here on the stream deck right here and it programming different configurations of how you switch between your scenes and even if you just have one camera doing different scenes we're in one corner versus the other corner versus in the middle versus green screen or no green screen just adding some variety there can make a huge difference a scene where you're on camera and then there's chat next to you you want to mix it up because you need to retain viewers especially on platforms that have an algorithm make sense but wait there's more you guys knew there would be more i always do this i've got two more freaking awesome scene to do freaking awesome um uh tips for you guys here uh so really quick obviously i need to thank my sponsor uh for this episode so i'm gonna do so using the cyberpunk voice want to thank very much thank uh stream i want to thank my friends over at restream for sponsoring this episode and for being a dedicated sponsor for this show every stream does a fantastic job of helping you get out to multiple platforms at the same time and i i'm just very proud to have them as a sponsor they help my clients grow and they have helped my clients grow for a long time and i very highly recommend that you guys stream with restream so if you guys are interested there's a link in the description below uh to my restream affiliate link i'll go ahead and put it in chat for you guys right here restream slash join slash payroll let's go ahead and grab that link and i'll put it right in here for you guys to check out and that is how you guys can join restream and stream to multiple platforms at the same time and grow much faster using re-streamed cool thank you to racetrain for supporting the show beautiful so i've got a couple more tips for you guys that you'll be interested in uh number the next tip is using your phone as a way to uh as a way to add variety to the production on your show so what do i mean by that so there's a ton of apps out there that uh you know claim to be able to connect your phone to your computer properly and they just don't work very well in my opinion and in my experience they don't work very well like epocam and these various other ones let me know what your experience of them was like but i like hard wiring my phone and programming that into my stream deck to where i can use my phone camera which phone cameras are extremely high quality to show various things in my space to show things uh closer up to get an alternate shot hi guys an alternate shot to show off my computer whatever it may be on my amazon streams whatever it may be using your phone and programming your phone into your stream deck is a is something i very very highly recommend and so it's not that expensive to do you've already got a high quality external camera that you can use to do a cool extra shot so why not take advantage of that and program that phone scene into your stream deck in the process so there's a couple adapters that you may need i've got an idea list i'm going to put here on amazon as you guys can see i did a lot of prep for the stream i've got so many resources to share with you but uh here i'm gonna type it in the chat it's called phone dash check that link out and so basically what that link is gonna take you to is this this right here and these are different adapters that you can use to connect your phone either android or ios to a capture card to do a wired phone shot to add variety to your live streams okay this once again you're just trying to retain viewers you're trying to mix it up and it would be extremely difficult to do a phone related uh scene if you didn't have it programmed into your stream deck and so that's how i'm doing these shots like this i've got it programmed right here into my stream deck under this scene right here called phone and i just have a capture card this phone is connected to a capture card this one see the phone right here this count this phone you guys see right here is connected to a capture card and i've just plugged it in as yet another scene in my stream deck it's just an easy way to impress your viewers it's an easy way to take hardware that you already have and make something more of your space like even if you're just talking about what's on the screen like just holding your phone up to it and being like look at that guys look at that right there it's like it's just different right you can go like read chat and like point like what are you talking about in chat and talk to people in chat and show their chat on the screen and just have people get closer to you in your space adding a secondary camera that's mobile and that you can use to look around and point in your space and do various things while you're live streaming can add a lot of variety and can increase retention we're looking to increase retention retention retention in the process of doing all this right makes sense that's yet another easy trick i'm showing you guys that you can program into your stream deck awesome but wait there's more so i have yet another trick something that people ask me all the time do you need a capture card to connect the phone to a scene i personally do recommend having a capture card yes i personally recommend it the youtube version of this and the facebook version of this i have all the junk that you would need to capture it yep i i personally recommend a capture card to get your phone into your computer i do not recommend using the software solutions in my experience the software solutions crash they aren't as high quality they and they also lag but a wired connection for me is way way more reliable and capture cards now are so inexpensive and the cables that you can use to program your capture card or to hook up your phone to your capture card are also so inexpensive that it's now within reach to do a wired connection uh to have a phone uh as a secondary shot in your studio okay uh and and once you do your phone you'll want to get a program like open camera which you can see on my phone that doesn't have a ui an open camera uh basically makes it so that there's no like grid on the screen or camera button or anything like that so i can move my camera around without having a bunch of junk in the way on the screen as i do this cool makes sense question from real mystery in chat says so like a galgato cam link a cam link or a capture card will both work both both of those are technically a capture card just a cam link just has a different name anything it just you just need something that can accept an hdmi output out of your phone out of the displayport or thunderbolt port or usbc port or whatever your phone happens to be makes sense awesome but wait there's more okay so you got i draw arrows on the screen all the freaking time during my broadcast you guys see me drawing arrows everywhere and writing on the screen and i get this question 10 billion times how do you draw arrows on the screen well i tell you what yet another company here that doesn't pay me any money to talk about it it's called epic pen epic pen and let me grab the link i'm gonna drop it into chat right now this is how i draw arrows on the screen dropping it in the chat right now epic pen is the program let me just show it to you in action here and i'm gonna switch over to a voice changer because it's that kind of episode today so we're gonna do uh let's see i'm gonna be an evil demon while i'm talking about epic pen i'm just demoing all the stream deck stuff awesome so i'm an evil demon that's teaching you about epic pen perfect so epic pen is this little tool once you install it it's right here there's a free version and a paid version the free version you can use arrows and the reason why you can use it for your stream deck is you click the mouse button here and you can just click stuff normally like a normal mouse but if you click arrow you can draw arrows like this you can draw lines if you want there's also text highlighter you name it you has all sorts of features of how you can type draw and type on your screen it is a free tool with paid upgrades all right but here is how this integrates with a stream deck what you're going to do is you want to program a button on your stream deck that switches between um i need to use the voice changer moving forward all right i will use the voice changer moving forward you got it you want to program a button on your stream deck that uh toggles between you using the arrow right here and then you're using your mouse got it so this program epic pen allows me to do that so as you can see when you scroll over it uh and i'm gonna zoom in here so you guys can see it i'm gonna use two features at the same time see right up there okay it didn't work actually but it has a hotkey that comes along with it for your cursor and a hotkey that comes along with it for your arrow so now what you do is you program a button called a hotkey switch this is an advanced stream deck trip tip pay attention suppose you drag hotkey switch over and it allows you to toggle between two hotkeys with the press of a button that's the way it looks right there okay and so what you do is you put in this button hotkey number one is me using the arrow function hotkey number two is me switching back to cursor so as you can see i press the button now i'm drawing arrows i press a button now i'm using my mouse i press a button now i'm drawing arrows i press a button now i'm using my mouse got it but wait a second i've got all these freaking arrows on the screen i'm gonna turn off the voice changer now wait a second i've got all these arrows on the screen how do i get rid of the arrows well you can program yet another hotkey button by dragging over hotkey over here on the side dragging over hotkey and programming in a hotkey button and that hotkey button can be the clear function right over here the garbage can and so that's ctrl shift set shift seven okay and so then i have a button on here that will clear the arrows so get it so what i do is i hotkey i draw arrows then i hit the clear button on my stream deck and voila they all go away pretty freaking awesome right the tool is called epic pen and you can use your stream deck to program how you draw arrows on the screen use the marker on the screen use the pen on the screen you name it it does all of those things pretty sick right awesome guys that was eight amazing tips on how to use your stream deck to impress your audience let's review zooming in and zooming out doing a wide angle scene like this using voice changers like this voice changer during your during your sessions doing sound effects playback and music playback on your deck so programming in any sounds you want to add variety there doing an intro outro video what have you like the one when i hit this button using a phone to add variety to your shots in your space by using a connector cable and running through a capture card with your phone and drawing arrows on the screen with epic pen guys i guarantee it i guarantee that i said something in this particular live stream that you did not know before and if that's true then share this stream and share my channels with one creator that needs help that needs to get that retention up and needs help growing i'm just trying to help you guys grow i'm just giving this information away for free basically and i just want you guys to share this content and to share these tips with your friends do it this is knowledge for everybody these are not trade secrets that i'm keeping to myself this knowledge is for you thank you so much for watching i appreciate it and i'll see on the next podcast adios amigos have fun playing with your stream decks
Channel: Awall Crypto
Views: 99,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8 Easy Stream Deck Tricks, stream deck, stream deck mini, stream deck xl, stream deck tips and tricks, stream deck soundboard, stream deck ideas, elgato stream deck, stream deck tips, 8 stream deck ideas, 8 stream deck tricks, stream deck effects, streamdeck how to, Streamdeck sound effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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