Customize your Twitch Channel like a PRO! (in depth step by step tutorial)

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hey guys Gael Level here and today I'm gonna  show you how to customize your twitch channel   but I'm also gonna give you all my tips and  tricks and techniques in order to optimize   your channel I'm gonna go in depth into the  reasoning behind every single decision on   your twitch customization you wanna know what  types of avatars gets more clicks you want to   know what information to put on your offline  image you want to know why is the banner so   important you want to know in which order should  you put your panels while keep watching so high I have my camera kind of transparent just  in case I go over something bottom left and I'm   covering it so you'll still be able to see  it we're here on my twitch page this is my   bot page keep in mind in this video I'm going to  be referring to other videos that I've made that   are more in-depth when it comes to specific things  right so let's start as you can see this is my bad   Channel it's all over the place it's a channel  that I use when I'm testing stuff and when I'm   creating tutorials so this is perfect so the first  thing to know if you're watching this video in and   at this point you're like oh my god wait a second  I'm gonna watch a video on how to customize my   twitch channel but I am NOT an artist I don't use  Photoshop I don't have any money to pay an artist   do not fear if you get a you  will see that I have a bunch of free overlay packs   and they include avatar banners panels offline  image on top of overlays and camera overlays and   all of that so there's really really no excuse  as a smaller streamer or a beginner to not have   a good looking front page basically and that's  the goal behind it all it's to have beginners   be able to have a good-looking page without the  oh I'm not good with Photoshop or I don't have   any money excuse as you can see they're not all  free but those that are not for your like $0.99   there literally cheaper than water so for example  for this fortnight pack its animated you get of   over a hundred files for $0.99 that's less than a  cent per file try asking an artist to do anything   for less than a cent anyway so what we're gonna be  using for an example at this moment is going to be   the latest Wraith apex legends free twitch overlay  pack that's on it's this one   if you're watching this sort of future there might  be other new overlays but this is the one we're   gonna be using as an example so what is the first  thing you need to think about when you are setting   up your twitch channel design is your color scheme  obviously I made a video about that a whole video   about it where I explain why it's important and  how it will help you in the long run so the key   here is to get everything to match to find a color  palette or color scheme whatever you want to call   it and to embed that into everything you pretty  much display so that people will assimilate this   color palette with you and your personality and  your stream and your content for example right now   we have a very colorful offline image and then we  have this green this is from a different pack this   is not a good look for a viewer the human brain  is a pattern detecting machine so when everything   matches perfectly it somehow is very satisfying to  the average human being so let's start uploading   stuff so in order to access your banner you have  to click on your name while you're in your page   also you make sure that you are logged in with  the right account and when you hover here you   can just click and update the banner same thing  for the profile image the avatar if you will but   if that is not working for you you can always go  to settings and it's the first thing you can also   update from your settings here so you click top  right you go to settings and then you can come   back to channel so let's go from top to bottom  okay the banner what is important about the banner   I'm gonna upload the Wraiths pack banner there's a  pigeon outside my window okay as you can see this   is coming from the pack so it's not customized  but what is important about the banner on top   of having well the same color as the rest of your  overlay packs what you need to know is that your   banner is the only thing that will appear aside  your avatar when users are on mobile when they're   using their phones to watch your stream or to  watch streams in general so if you don't have a   banner it will look super empty for a mobile user  there is a ton of mobile users out there so you   really need to cover that ground when it comes to  the information there will be some sort of direct   layer overlaid on top of it when people are on  your profile on mobile so you don't want to put   too much information there but mostly you really  really want to show your colors now if you were to   put some information like social media or anything  you wouldn't want that to be in towards the middle   and slightly up top keeping in mind that that's  where your avatar will be and then your follower   number your view count and then your bio so it's  completely fine to not put anything when it comes   to information in your banner let's move on to  the avatar I want to come see the avatar there is   one simple tip that you will find throughout the  whole Internet as I said before the human brain   is a pattern detecting machine if there's one  thing that the human brain likes to detect more   then than just random patterns is the human face  this is why you will find faces and thumbnails if   you check out your favorite youtuber and check  out their thumbnails you will most likely see a   lot of faces PewDiePie Philip DeFranco anyone who  has a large following there's a reason why there   there are faces in thumbnails I'm gonna open up  a incognito YouTube page and I'm gonna click on   trending so face face this guy has 1 million views  face face face face face face face losses football   doesn't count face face face face face not from  the Wraith pack what you get is not it's not a   face you should be using your face but as I said  since you want everything to still match your   color scheme the avatar is actually a template  that you can drag and drop on a picture of your   face so I have Photoshop open right now I'm just  gonna show you how easy it is I'm just creating a   new file that's gonna be a thousand by a thousand  pixels I'm gonna drag and drop a picture of my   face gonna scale it to size keeping in mind that  the avatar on Twitch is very very small right now   so you really need to zoom in in order for people  to recognize what they're looking at now I'm gonna   grab the Avatar to from the overlay pack drop it  press enter and I'm done now I can save as and   upload it to twitch sometimes you get that error  upload time out please try again you can just   close it and refresh oh look they lied to us and  now it's up there but that's the most important   information about avatars it means to be cropped  in a way that you can still understand what you're   looking at I've seen people with logos with text  and stuff like that that's just unreadable it's   it's useless if you put something that people  cannot see it just brings confusion and usually   the human brain is not happy with that so try to  put a human face but also somehow try to integrate   your color scheme into the profile picture since  the overlay pack is mostly purple I could also   just add a purple filter in Photoshop on the  whole profile picture if you do decide to go   with a logo same thing really crop it to just  scale it up in order for people to understand   what they're looking at but mostly really really  show the colors okay let's talk about the offline   image where do I change the offline image because  you can't change it from here so where do you find   it it used to be in settings but now it moved  to the dashboard and here to the left you can   click on settings channel and you'll find video  player banner right here if you scroll down so   click update it says upload time out I'm gonna  refresh it actually update it okay let's go back   to the channel okay so this is sort of a template  because it's coming from an overlay pack but let   me list all the information that you actually want  to show on your offline image and how important it   is now I've never streamed from this channel so I  don't have any vods but something that you need to   keep in mind is that when you go on the channel  and it's offline twitch will often give you   suggestions to watch vod's and those suggestions  will show up top right and in top left it will   ask you if you want notification let me try to see  if I can find an example so this is the Overwatch   contenders Channel as you can see here top left  we have the notification suggestion right there   and this is something that we need to take into  account when you're creating your offline image   or when you're just customizing it if you were  to put let's say social media links top left   then they wouldn't be visible another thing to  take into account when designing offline images   is that twitch also adds a small gradient on top  but also a bigger one at the bottom for the video   player basically so if you put any information all  the way to the bottom or all the way to the top it   might be obscured by those gradients this is my  good friend Viking trash I actually made this   offline image for her and as you can see in the  middle you'll see the logo you'll see the name of   the stream but most importantly you need offline  to actually be written and big offline should be   the biggest thing that shows up on your offline  image now you might be thinking why if someone's   on Twitch they can understand they can just click  and see that I'm not live the problem is that if   you think like that then if someone clicks on  your link to support you for example I don't   know you post it on your personal Facebook and  someone who has never been to twitch they won't   understand that you're offline so you don't know  how people who have never been to twitch think so   you really wanted to make it clear that you are  currently offline especially when there's a play   button right there even though you're offline  that might throw them off what happens if you   click on it that literally just gave me a black  screen okay so you're offline image is pretty   much your front page it's it's the first page  is the first thing people are going to see if   they click on your link while you're offline so  the to graphic design elements people will see   when they click on your link while your offline  is your avatar and then you're offline image so   from there you want to share as much information  as possible while keeping everything super clean   you really want them to know that you're not live  right now and then this is where you could also   slip in some social media links or your schedule  to let them know I'm not life right now but this   is when you can catch me but keep it clean keep it  clear off the top left top right extreme bottom or   extreme top keep it in the middle so left side  right side as I showed you with the Viking trash   Channel really small you can put some social  media links you don't need to type the whole   social media name you don't need to type Facebook  if you put the little blue logo people understand   that it's Facebook even old people do when  it comes to schedules you don't need to type   the full days like Mondays if type Emmong people  understand that you mean Monday you don't need to   state the days that you're off I've seen people do  that where they type every single day of the week   and then they put o this day I'm off this day  I'm resting people understand that if the days   don't figure in the schedule that means you don't  scream during those days optimize your design as   I said all that extra information should be very  very small compared to the currently offline or   I'm not live right now obviously this is where you  really really need to show the main colors of your   color scheme here you'll have the purple and in  the dark gray if you have a good photo of yourself   it's also good honestly like this as I said the  human brain loves the human face so if you can   plaster your face all over here it's good but if  you don't want to that's completely fine but there   are no excuses to not have your main colors  show up on your offline image because this is   where people will base their first impression all  right now let's talk about the panels how to edit   them if you're logged in with your right account  and you're you're on your own channel click Edit   panels and from there you can add panels it will  ask you what kind of panels if it's text and image   click text an image something that I've seen  people do a lot is type a title basically they   will type about me and then also upload an image  that says about me when you're uploading pictures   do not crop them especially if they're coming from  my packs if your panels look weird I don't want   people saying oh that's bad graphic design because  you crop them don't crop them then and basically   what that does if you type the title and also  upload an image that has the title in it I'm gonna   turn off the edit it's gonna look like that this  is extra information that looks really bad there's   no reason why you should have a title and an image  that says the same thing as the title it looks so   so bad looks so amateur and people usually hate it  now the cool thing is that you don't need to add   a title you can just delete this and then submit  just adding an image will work see way better so   let's upload a couple of panels keep in mind that  if you want to move the panels you can just click   and then just drag them okay so now we uploaded  our panels obviously the pattern thing you want to   keep an even number you want to make everything  match as much as you can it doesn't have to be   perfectly symmetrical but try so first thing when  it comes to text cuz you're gonna need some text   especially for the about panel you're gonna type  a bunch of text and basically it's gonna show up   underneath it which is going to throw off or our  symmetrical thing there you go now when you here   you can see it says description supports markdown  click on this and read this this is very important   because this is how your format your paragraph  this is where you can add links inside your text   clickable links this is where you can make stuff  bold you can make stuff bigger and all of that   we can add lists and it's very important that  you read this page and that you understand it   if you're going to write a paragraph now talking  about paragraph the about me panel is the most   important panel I'm gonna talk to you about  the order of panels and which order should your   panels be but the about panel when you're talking  about yourself something I've seen a lot by doing   stream reviews is that some people will introduce  themselves as a as a list form like a like name   this favorite color this games I played this never  introduce yourself as if you were a robot not only   the about panel is the most important panel but  this is where you have the chance to establish   a human connection with whoever is reading it  this is where you want to introduce yourself   as human as possible think about it like this  if I introduce myself by saying name Gael Level   age 28 favorite past-time doing YouTube and twitch  compared to hi guys welcome to my channel my name   is Gael Level and I'm a passionate youtuber and  twitch streamer the second one is gonna be more   welcoming it's gonna feel more human and by the  end of the paragraph when you really give all the   information you want to give about yourself people  will feel a certain bond sorry in connection with   you that will drive them to want to learn more  about you but they will feel like they need they   just read and they know a part of you now and this  is what you want if you introduce yourself as if   you were a robot it's like oh where's Sarah Connor  named Terminator it doesn't establish any form of   human connection at all okay I'm gonna leave  this make sure everything looks good now let's   talk about the order in general the average human  being will read from left to right from top to   bottom now this is why you need to push basically  if you have a panel that is top left that means   that this panel should be the most important panel  it should be the thing that people are most likely   looking for when they scroll down to look at your  panels and usually when people scroll down look at   your panels that means they want to learn more  about you so the about me should be absolutely   should be the first panel on every twitch channel  if I click on your link and you're not online and   it's my first time watching you twitch channel  and I scroll down and for example I see that   this word is your first panel now I know I need  to look for your about me panel because I'm not   gonna join you this quit if I have no idea who  you are maybe in your about Me section you're   gonna say stuff that's gonna make me realize that  we don't have anything in common and I don't want   to join your discord so why should you have your  discord panel first even worse is if you have your   donate panel first I'm not gonna donate to you if  I don't even know what to call you if I don't know   anything about you so introduce yourself and in an  order of things you can let people support you you   can let people join your social media and all of  that so what I generally advise this top left has   to be the about me panel there's no questions  about it there's nothing more important than   introducing yourself then if you have something  that is important such as if you're like an active   youtuber but you also stream on Twitch you would  want your youtube channel to be the second panel   basically whatever you have to promote that has to  be on your second panel if you don't have anything   to promote you put your schedule for example and  important information about the stream and then   I generally advise to have the donate panel top  right because if someone has this impulse where   they really want to support you and they really  want to do a gesture it's really good to not have   them scroll by and have to read all of your  panels to find it so if I want to scroll to   know more about you it's the first panel if I  want to scroll to donate it's the third panel   but it's on top so that's fine for example right  now we have discord discord is is sort of like a   community platform I wouldn't put it on top here  it's usually about me important information donate   and then important information in order your  social media usually should be last I guess you   have affiliate links I see people will use like  fade grips a player one coffee or even stream labs   obvious affiliate links that should be all the way  to the bottom why because most likely your viewers   really don't care people who are rarely scrolling  down your page to find your fatal grips affiliate   code so let let's move things around in a better  order but this is a pretty good order about me is   the first panel scheduled important information  about your stream donate if someone wants to do   a generous gesture and enrolls to let people know  hey those are my roles this is how it goes here   spec's if that's something that people ask you  a lot I honestly just randomly uploaded those   panels so depending on your stream the but it's  very personal basically which panels are gonna   show up then discord as a community platform as  in oh I have a following this is where you can   join to be part of us and then merge this is where  you start advertising other content and hopefully   make some money and YouTube in Twitter that is if  you're mostly like a twitch streamer if you are   if you have a very good youtube and you upload  frequently to youtube obviously you would want   your youtube TV before merch but yeah depending  on how active you are on those other platforms   they will they will shift like from top to bottom  when it comes to the order of your panels anyways   when it comes to the links you don't need a link  for your about panel just add promote anything   cuz I like it when like when images are clickable  but it really doesn't matter what you link it to   for the donation if you want to know how to get  donations from PayPal by clicking on this link   I have a video on that so I'm gonna refer you to  that and not go into it right now basically once   you get your link you can just add it here  when it says image links to always test your   link after you put them there there's nothing  worse than scrolling down to find someone's   Twitter and then you click on the image and then  it's it's not clickable or it's a broken link so   this is basically the thought process behind the  customization of a twitch frontpage basically it's   really optimizing everything so that is clickable  a 40 avatar if you link your twitch on a site like   Facebook the automatically generated thumbnail  is going to be your avatar so you really want   it to look nice and clean now once you're live  streaming for example in this pack you're gonna   have stuff like sweating soon screen this is a  whole other subject that I already covered if   you want to know step by step how to how to make  that happen with your broadcasting software I   have a video on that but obviously you want the  colors to still match those are the two camera   overlays that's an intermission screen that's a  labels bar it's semi-transparent also with the   panels there's like 18 panels including a blank  one so if you want to customize it yourself any   editing software any image editing software or  website will allow you to customize your own   panel also I always link to the custom font use  so if you're wondering what's fun to use I always   link towards the font in a product description  so that's pretty much it when it comes to the   mentality behind customizing a twitch frontpage  if you guys have any more questions about specific   parts of your customization please leave them  in the comment section below if you guys have   any more insight into why you should go with a  certain type of avatar of banner offline image   or panel compared to others I would also love for  you to leave that in the comment section below for   the Instagram shout out I want to shout out that  weird Hylian I hope that's how you pronounce it   for being active on my Instagram if you want a  shout-out on the next video all you have to do   is follow me it's at Gael.level so keep in mind  that this video is mostly to show you that there   could be a reasoning behind things that you upload  to your front page to how you present your twitch   channel that means that the things that I say in  this video will not necessarily match everyone's   channel everyone's content and all of that it's  just an example if you're a streamer that doesn't   want to show your face for example while you're  not gonna use your face as the avatar if you're   too young and your parents don't want you to  handle money well you're not gonna have a donate   button or if you have then it's gonna be their  PayPal account etc just like all of the advice   videos just try to take the advice and apply it  to your situation and if it doesn't match your   situation well just just don't take the advice  but anyways hopefully you guys will come up with   some tips and tricks - I'm really excited to read  the comments on this one and I will see you guys   next time thank you so so much for watching the  video go out there make me proud Gael Level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 821,189
Rating: 4.8775544 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, how to twitch, twitch channel tutorial, twitch stream guide, tutorial, change twitch banner, how to, twitch banner tutorial, twitch tutorial how to talk to yourself, twitch tv, customize twitch, twitch prime apex, twitch channel setup, twitch free graphics, twitch panels, shroud apex legends, timthetatman, twitch banner, twitch offline, how to stream like shroud, stream like a pro, grow on twitch, twitch affiliate, twitch tips, twitch tips 2019, twitch apex legends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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