Sep 19, 2020 Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets)

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all right so obviously with all the fanfare and everything i've kind of set up to now we we know it's rosh hashanah um but the first question i have and uh you know just something to think about and i'm sure a lot of you know the answer already but first of all when did when did yom teruah become rosh hashanah like what's with the name change because in the bible it specifically calls it yom teruah doesn't say anything about rosh hashanah and rosh hashanah means rosh's head like rosh pina chief or head cornerstone and hashanah is the year head of the ear so when did it happen it happened during the talmudic age when the babylonian and the jerusalem talmud was being compiled and the rabbis came up with this and i don't think it's a bad thing mind you i i think it's a really good thing that however um there seems to be a discrepancy here what do we call it yom teruah do we call it rosh hashanah what what what what happened so i want to show you the first screen and i think this will explain it more or less it says in exodus 12 that's at the passover when god had first delivered the jewish people out of egypt adonoi spoke to moshe so this isn't moshe speaking this is the lord spoke to moshe and aaron his cohort right the priest in the land of egypt and he said you ought to begin your calendar with this month it will be the first month of the if you so nissan is the first month on the biblical calendar on god's calendar on the children of israel's calendar right you see that nissan that's march or april and we don't know always when it's going to fall out because it depends on the moons because god's calendar is a lunar calendar but it falls out somewhere in march or april now we're not in march and april right now so how is this new year's because it says in leviticus 23 which is the levitical holidays and the little piece that it speaks about rosh hashanah if you will it says avonlea said to moshe so again it's halloween speaking so did he change things he says tell the people of israel in the seventh month the lord didn't change anything the rabbis did but the lord didn't he's clearly saying that in march and april is the first month and come september october depending on the moons again that's the seventh month so where's the confusion in the seventh month the first of the month is to be for you a complete a day of complete rest for remembering a holy convocation so this is on god's calendar this is the first day of tishrei the seventh month so what's the explanation tishrei is the first month on the civil calendar and nissan is the first month on the biblical calendar therefore yom teruah became more of a spiritual new year the rabbis got together and said you know this would be a wonderful time corporately because you got to understand these feasts are corporate that's why people say well why didn't yeshua die in yom kippur because yom kippur is corporate and passover is individual every family needed a lamb everybody needed their own lamb you need your own lamb your kids can't get saved by your lamb you follow but corporately this was a time when israel would come together god just wanted to call them together and for them to kind of take stock it's real simple just take stock of where they are and we need that now could we do that every day sure we can but corporately we're supposed to do it together on this day yeah what you do every day is different than what we do corporately as a body of messiah in in terms of jewish history i'm just giving you a little you know it's kind of neat to look at these feasts in a traditional jewish way see their new covenant significance and then see the prophetic aspect if there is one in jewish history the shofar is often mentioned in the tanakh that's the old testament it's an acronym you'll hear it a lot torah ketuvim and nevi the first five books the writings and the prophets that's the old testament that's the tanakh it's just an acronym you'll see the shofar a lot in the old testament you'll see in the talmud now let me just say something about the talmud okay i'm not a talmudic scholar nor do i want to be i don't read the talmud because it's the oral law and i don't believe in the oral law and right now in jewish circles the oral law takes precedence over the bible and i'm just not down with that at all can you glean can you glean something about god from the talmud you could glean something about god from a lousy movie i would tell you to stick to the bible but but of course not only can i not dictate but the bottom line is going to do what you want anyway and i don't say that facetiously or sarcastically everybody does what they want right i'm just saying let me go on record say stay in the bible okay the the and it's also in a lot of rabbinic literature but basically the shofar was used for three major purposes one to start holidays you know it's exciting hey there's a holiday coming you know blow the shofar blow the shofar another one was in processions whenever you had processionals you blew the shofar and also to start a war and even if you are on the bad end of that war like where it says in joel you know blow the shofar and zion sounded alone on my holy temple you know that song you'll hear it and everybody's like oh they're excited blow a chauffeur in zion zion sounded llama my holy mountain the next verse is they rush on the city they rush on the wall that's israel's enemies coming to destroy israel because she let her guard down so it's it's not really one of those songs it's not about that you gotta sing the song even and find it in the bible in its context the shofar is obviously used on rosh hashanah according to a a very highly regarded rabbi you might have heard his name maimonides i mean he's like the guy in judaism he's the guy right he was a rabbi listen to this slacker he was a rabbi he was a philosopher an astronomer and a physician yeah he was legit he this is what he said the sound of the shofar on rosh hashanah is meant to wake up the soul and turn its attention to the important task of repentance corporately again you might say rob are you telling me i should only repent on rosh hashanah no i'm saying that god said that we should come together and corporately wake up and repent because i i just think this is human nature but i think we think we're closer to god than we actually are at times and i think a lot of times we go on autopilot you know we get a good douse of the holy spirit you know yesterday and we're good today no it's not the way it works so let's just take a look at these three verses in leviticus that speak about rosh hashanah okay this is all we got i say that only to say that there's books written on the subject and i'm amazed that you can get a book out of that it's to me it's quite simple and it's quite straightforward but there are those who what do they do just analyze the crap out of things you know what i tell you the paralysis of analysis if you analyze long enough you'll find out a reason not to go sometimes you just gotta go the month is to be for you this month is to be for you a day of complete rest remembering a holy convocation which is what we're doing here look so there's a ton of people watching online right i don't want to to make you feel bad you you shouldn't i understand if you're in an area where there's no messianic synagogues around because there are a lot of areas like that in the country you know a lot of you that moved here that was your situation and yes and you might think and i know who you are you might think well we kind of feel bad i know you do but this is the best you got and you know what this is incredible technology i never dreamed that this would be so because you are a part of it if you're watching you are legitimately a part of it at first i said no how can you be a part of it you are because right now you're having a holy convocation with us and we're having a holy convocation with you it's real it's just a called out assembly that's what a holy convocation is a call that assembly and then they say announce it with blast on the shofar do not do any kind of ordinary work and bring an offering made by fire to annoy that's it that's it i don't know how much to make of this i mean literally yom teruah is a day of blasting a day of sounding the shofar it says a complete rest don't do any work i don't think you should make a federal case out of that i think the rest the idea the rest is god wants to talk to you he has some things to say to you that's why he's trying to get your attention with the shofar he's not just blowing the shofar to to blow the shofar he's trying to get your attention my attention but when we're busy how can we hear them i'm a firm believer look i know that the world operates on multitasking i think people are doing nothing good when they multitask i don't believe our brain the way we're designed by the creator of the universe that it was meant to multitask try it do something and let your kid talk to you and see how effective you are hearing them you know you don't hear them some of you multitask on purpose just not to hear them but you got to focus when i want to be with bernadette alone you think i have my phone with me i i don't i don't that's a distraction you think i want to bring somebody else in hey bernadette and i are going out would you like to come i want to focus i want to be able to hear her i want her to hear me it's very important and we're incredibly distracted and i think that's all this was like i want to talk to you so just put everything away i don't think it's anything much more than that i mean we've got to look at this with childlike faith i think and then it says don't do anything else because this day is a day of remembering now let's look at the word it's it's not a big deal but zachar it comes from this word zechariah is a very famous word in in the hebrew language why because god is constantly wanting us to remember stuff because what do we do all the time we are human and we have a nature and that nature tends to forget what it should remember right we forget what we should remember and we remember what we should forget anybody with me i mean some of you don't remember what you had for breakfast but you remember when your husband said something you're back in like 1975 that you didn't like you know what did we have yesterday for dinner i don't know but remember 47 years ago when we were at that park and you said so it it it literally means to recall to remind to be thought of to bring something back to memory to retrieve something now i'm not sure exactly what the remembering is you can come up with your own remembrance i have some ideas we'll get to that in a minute it says we're to remember and how do we remember with blas look at this word this is where we get yom yom just means day teruah a day of blasting it's pretty straightforward right it's an alarm and what what what does an alarm do yeah man you know i mean i don't know about you guys i've never had to use an alarm in my life in my life because i'm so nuts that if i know if i have to be somewhere i won't even sleep anyway like if i got to be at the airport at six in the morning i don't need an alarm how many people use an alarm how many people don't need an alarm you're weird right i mean think about it how do you not need an alarm because you know the way your mind operates you know you're thinking all the time right probably some of you who don't need an alarm you're also the people that if you wake up at the middle night your mind's engaged vernon that could wake up in the middle of the night go to the bathroom not even know she's up i just thank god she actually goes to the bathroom do you know what i mean because she sleeps the whole way there and the whole way back the second i get up i'm connected and i'm already thinking that's sad because you know a mind like that doesn't rest too easy right i know so if you're with me so an alarm to wake you up like hey or a shout why did somebody shout think about it to get somebody's attention right i remember when i first moved here i lost the kids in kroger and jeremy said um dad do you know where the kids are and i was like yeah i know where they are i didn't know where they were i lost the two of them because one wasn't here yet right and so i i shouted and everybody turned i was like oh look they want to help me but i didn't realize it's not the culture you don't shout you ever notice this you know nobody nobody's ever beat the horn at me and making 18 years how do you not be the one somebody's at a red light it turns green and they're on their phone and you just sit there politely you know you're not you're not being polite under your breath saying look at this on their phone i gotta sit here and wait beat the horn you got a horn what do you got a horn in your car for what's the point that's what it's for the horn goes ah the light is green move the car i mean the politeness is fake you're cursing them in the car god is in the car don't curse them beat the horn and then a signal a signal is nothing more than a warning so if you look at this thing if you say well god wants us to remember something and he's getting our attention by you know yelling and shouting and warning it's pretty straightforward it's it's really straightforward to me i agree with maimonides that the shofar is blown to prepare israel corporately for atonement through repentance you've got these holidays look at it there's again there's only three in the spring passover yeshua dies on passover unleavened bread the most unliving bread that ever walked the planet gets buried first fruits he's the first fruits among the dead the resurrection right and then he ascends and sends the holy spirit on shavuot no brain no everybody sees him first coming right his death burial resurrection ascension obviously we got these three we've got yom teruah yom kippur and sukkot and they're close first of the month 10th of the month 15th of the month 15 days sukkot is celebratory everybody loves to coat right why do they have these sukkot festivals in israel because everybody loves a party you don't see them having your own hippo festival how come who declared that sukkot's more important than yom kippur no offense to the seventh day of venice but they got one out of seven they just said no this is an important feast what happened to the other six no so why don't we have a corporate yom kippur because it's you know it's not fun to repent and to fast but tabernacles is fun you just dance and eat and dance and eat and everybody loves to dance and eat but you can't have sukkot until you have kippur and you can't have kippur until you have teruah the shofar blows and wakes us up and brings us to repentance after repentance five days where we contemplate the forgiveness of god five is none for grace and then god tabernacles with us and this is what happens to us all the time every day of our life we should be celebrating tarua kippah and sukkot in other words if today i'm off i say something to burn or i don't know i'm just off in my thinking whatever then the shofar should sound in my heart and mind and bring me to a place of repentance and until i come to that place of repentance i cannot have fellowship and tabernacle with the lord because he can't have that because if we could just tabernacle with the lord in the midst of our sin then what's the point of repenting but this is something corporate this is this is for us and usually for a person to repent they need to be woken up from their slumber no this is why the rabbis came up these traditional sounds of you today everybody in the traditional jewish world is celebrating what we're celebrating and i think that's neat right this is what gives us a hand hold on to the jewish community which we are part of at best your judeo-christian so you should have both we get to hold on to the christian community because we believe that yeshua is the messiah but make no mistake these two communities desperately need a bridge and the messianic community is the only bridge i know it sounds arrogant i get it i i don't blame you wow that's really arrogant listen it's not about being arrogant i'm all about being truthful it's the truth the truth will set you free not humility or arrogance the truth will set you free and it's the truth so if you were in the synagogue these are the three blasts you'd hear okay you might be familiar with this if you've never been to a service a traditional service they do these 100 times i got to be honest with you when i first came here i used the moxor which is the life cycle prayer book we did a lot of liturgical traditional prayers i liked a lot of them but some of them i felt like they were rote and i felt like when we put them up people were just like pavlov's dog or a parent parody i i just didn't feel the spirit behind it and then they do these hundred blasts why a hundred i'm not exactly sure but i didn't feel life in that but i want you to hear the sound so you'll understand these three different sounds and again these aren't necessarily biblical okay they're what the rabbis devised during the talmudic age so first is the tequila and that's a kia is simple a pure unbroken sound it's it's an initial call it's just the initial call to kind of search one's heart you know god we just got to take stock you know we've got to take inventory of where we are personally it's not for you to take inventory for me it's not for me to take inventory for you it's very personal it's between you and god and so we we look at where we are and if there are some evil ways we do what we need to do to abandon them and we seek forgiveness through repentance and that's why we have yom teruah and yom kippur there's 10 days and they're known as yo mean no ream the days of awe where we're supposed to go before god and 10 is a number for completion so that we can see what we're to repent of because if you just go up to somebody go hey listen if i ever hurt you i'm sorry that's lame you're not really claiming what you're sorry about so you take these 10 days some will some won't obviously probably most won't and you ask god to search your heart and see where you are so that when you do get to kippur 10 days later you know what you're repenting of you know you don't want to be in a relationship with somebody who says hey man i'm i don't know what i did but whatever it is i'm sorry oh worse yet man i didn't know you were going to take it that way like belittling your sorrow that you got the problem you know not them for hurting you you got the problem for being hurt so the next sound is a cheverim and it sounds like this it's it's a broken sound and there's three sounds and three is a number obviously for divine perfection and these three broken wailing it's a wailing sound you hear it it's like a cry and it represents i think two things the main teaching in judaism is it represents the brokenness that comes to a man when he realizes he's wrong but you know what else i think i think it represents god's brokenness because he he blew the shofar and still people didn't wake up so i think it's sad for god because i really believe that god loves us and i really believe that god wants to be with us but he can't hang around sin so he just wants us to repent and humble ourselves so he could hang with us again i i really believe that you know i really do i mean a lot of you are parents um you know what it is like being with your kids when things are going well it's beautiful to your children you adore them why do you love them because they're yours it's that simple some people you know aren't kid friendly and it's not an accusation i think some people were not made to be parents you know but i've always loved kids way more than adults i do love adults but i've loved kids more because they're very pure and they're very honest and they're very genuine and they're very forgiving all the things i love about a person adults as they get older sometimes they're not so forgiving and they remember stuff kids don't hey remember what i did they don't remember it's actually beautiful it's really stunning um so this this sorrow this regret this this cry leads a person of change and then last but not least they came up with the teruah which is what we celebrate it's like man i blew the shofar i tried to get your attention but you went you rolled over and then i kind of cried out to you please please it's like spiritual cpr come please repent come please repent and you rolled over again now it's like what do i got to do to wake you up it's a staccato sound to just a last-ditch effort to wake somebody up from their slumber and so i think you know sometimes we say well traditions there's a lot of traditions in the church there's traditions you have in your life there's certain traditions you have you might wake up and do something first thing you might wake up and do whatever you do i don't know what that is but it's a routine that you do and it becomes a tradition traditions aren't ugly people throw around this religious spirit all the time they are religious spirits but having a routine and a tradition that gets you closer to god is not one of them it's not it's silly if you three times paul says to the people in different congregations follow the traditions i taught you so how could we say this this giant of an apostle is using those words and yet we shouldn't use them the problem with traditions is when you lord them over somebody else if there's something you do that draws you closer to god and causes you to have more intimacy with god and causes you to be obedient more obedient to god and causes you to love god more and causes you to love others more who should tell you not to do it but it's when you tell me i have to that's what i might take issue with there's certain things we have to do but we develop traditions and so when they develop these traditions i don't think they're bad traditions but what happens traditions people get used to traditions and they hear these sounds they're like whatever and that's what happens i heard these sounds when i was young you think that they got my attention i was more like and and the synagogue service is so long on rosh hashanah in the orthodox synagogue you get there at eight you don't leave till one and it's all in hebrew so there were times i just snuck out with some friends you know and we we just stood outside it was beautiful you know in new york september october the weather's gorgeous the sky is blue it's magnificent the air is crisp and we're just hanging out talking about whatever and there were other guys out there talking they would talk about business and we would talk about something else and then my dad came out and that was the end of that so that i don't want you to think oh this is religious because men a lot of our services are religious religious comes from the word religious to bind us closer to god it's not such a terrible thing legalism is not what you do it's never what you do it's the motivation of the heart behind why you're doing it many people are legal there's people that go to church legalistically there's people that do missions legalistically because the motivation isn't pure it's just not pure so that's really the issue it's not what you do it's the reason why you do it with that being said in in our bible there's this beautiful picture i think of yom teruah just gorgeous and i've shared it with you many many times and you probably know it but let's go over it again it's in nehemiah chapter eight and um i'll read it i just want you to know what's going on this is this is 445 bc and if you know anything um they had just gotten back to jerusalem under zerubbabel but they should have been back way before there really shouldn't have been no esther story in the bible okay that was 483 but they were supposed to come back after 70 years right so daniel's in babylon he looks his watch and goes we're out of here what do you mean 70 years we're out do you know only about five percent of them came home 95 percent stayed in persia similar to what's going on today with the jewish people in america america is just the new persia if you will they were supposed to be back but they didn't and then they got in trouble and then finally finally they came back why didn't look you can't blame them why didn't they want to come back the place was destroyed it was told not not a little destruction like what you see with kind of a tornado come through this was totally decimated totally who wants to leave persia where life was grandiose for them and trek through the desert to go to israel where they have to rebuild with what not even any food there there's no there's no harvest so you can't you know you can't totally blame them they were staying where they were comfortable which is what we do all the time don't we again it's human nature it's the nature of the human being so this is what's happening let's let's just read together it says when the seventh month arrived after the people of israel had resettled in their towns like i said they came back all the people gathered with one accord so they were together they were unified okay the whole of israel in the open space in front of the watergate right outside the city and they asked ezra the torah teacher so they had a torah teacher people still also you hear this thing we don't need any teachers really where'd you read that so your kids don't need parents it's it's it's i wonder where they get this from but you know when i hear people say hear that when i hear that from people i just think you know what we're such a rebellious people we just hate any kind of authority we have it all figured out you know it's it's not old testament it's not new testament it says in ephesians 4 he gave some to be teachers was that wrong was that only in ephesus so the body of messiah so you had ezra the torah teacher he brings out the scroll of the torah right that's all they got they don't have the other writings they they got the scroll of the torah which i don't know i had commanded israel these are the commands that god gave so ezra the cohen he is the priest he brought the torah before the assembly just like this which consisted of men women and all children old enough to understand and that is not teenagers okay when i went to synagogue at five years old i was sitting in the main audience the general assembly i think that we don't give kids enough credit now the only reason i like shabbat school is because it gives you parent a break but if i thought they were just watching veggietales i'd close it down they're learning torah they're going over the posture they're learning they're legitimately learning on their level but they're learning and they put a lot of time and effort into that shabbat school they put a lot of time if your kid is in there besides just going there and going man when are they going to get out already thank the person who runs the school it's almost a full-time job she just doesn't show up with like a little coloring thing or put in a video you know and and watch something she works it man she works really really hard so you know let her know you're on her side you know and it wouldn't kill you maybe to buy a little something i mean it i i do it all the time i do it all the time anybody that comes to my house we just had an exterminator in yeah it's 20 bucks buy lunch anybody you want to talk to about god but you want to be tight-fisted well if god you know if you're so tight-fisted and don't let anything go how is he going to get anything in that's sorry that was just a side note she she doesn't she's not looking for a tip trust me but come on it's a nice way to say thank you sometimes just nice um it was the first day of the seventh month what does that mean it's yom teruah it's the first day of the seventh month so ezra blessed arnold the great god and all the people answered amen and amen so before he started teaching he prays and i don't know exactly what he said but he basically when he says bless brook it means he kneeled down and he saluted his great god and commander in chief and thanked him for everything and anything and so what do the people do amen what does that mean yeah no it means the truth has become true to me when you say amen you're saying what i just heard is truth and i'm going to make it truth to me meaning what you just said i'm going to do my best to walk out we throw a man around amen brother amen amen i'm hungry i'm going to launch amen amen i need a bath amen amen i need a bath too it's more than that it's it's a jewish word our main it means the truth has become true to me that truth that you just shared is true to me so they said amen amen as they lifted their hands in surrender to god this isn't something new didn't something that the pentecostal church drew up they've been doing this forever man it's a way to surrender it's to surrender to god to say i'm all yours and what do they do they bowed their heads in humility and then fell down fell down before god put their faces to the ground let's continue almost there just a few more verses so then he reads clearly from the scroll in the torah of god and didn't just read it but taught it this is called in theological circles expository preaching this is biblical preaching when you have somebody not doing expository preaching they are not biblically preaching period and expository preaching you don't find it anymore except in some all backwoods churches because everybody wants the new wave aftershave application on how my life could be better your life could be better when somebody exposes the scriptures and you obey them no other way so can we apply what's exposed yes but we got to expose it before we apply it we have to translate it before we have an application this is god's way of preaching period oh rabbi come on there's other ways to preach yes but god's biblical way of preaching is to teach and expose the scriptures so we could understand what we're reading isn't that what you do with your kids when you go over the scriptures what do you give them a memory verse that means nothing to them they don't know what they're memorizing so he taught he translated it and he enabled them to understand the sense of what was being read the governor ezra the cohen the priest and the torah teacher and the levine the levites the priests who taught the people said to all the people so they were all involved in teaching because there's too many of them and the levites were going around you understand you understand what he just said and then this is what they said to all the people quote today is consecrated to autonomous your god this feast that you're celebrating is consecrated onto him but he says don't be mournful don't weep you would only tell somebody to stop crying if they were crying right be pretty weird if i was laughing you came up to me and said stop crying like stop being mentally ill and i'll stop so they were crying they were all crying they obviously realized they were away from god they had finally come back to israel and they're hearing the torah and i'm sure they're thinking wow we we didn't even we haven't celebrated these feasts for a long time they just they heard the tequila they heard it they heard the sound of the shofar he said to them don't weep for all the people had been weeping so just in case if you thought i was making it up there it is when they heard the words of the torah they were weeping a lot of people hear the word of god and they celebrate and they praise i don't know if it should have that appro effect on everybody i think it should have more effective i might need to straighten this out i'm just saying then he said to them quote go eat rich food okay i just want to know something eating has been a staple in the bible forever it always will be celebration with food is worldwide everywhere i go in the world they celebrate with food and there's certain foods like why do you have a round challah on on rosh hashanah because it shows you the circular the circularity of life that life is circular and that we come to a place of repentance and we get a new beginning it doesn't end it never ends there's beautiful uh weed fish because it it speaks about prosperity and and other things of this nature and it's nice to tell a story it's nice to just not tell a story on passover with the foods to the kids this is how they remember it's really quite the beautiful thing i mean rosh hashanah was so special to my mom and my mom was so special to me that as soon as i came home yesterday bernadette had started cooking at 10 in the morning now there's nothing wrong you could have a grilled cheese sandwich on rosh hashanah don't think that's going to make you holy however like as soon as i walked in i smelled that and i just thought oh this is exactly how my house used to smell when i visited my mom and brenda said what does it smell like i said it smells like my mom's house and she says that's exactly what i want it to smell like it's special these are special days we all celebrate who doesn't celebrate a birthday some people go away some people have a big party it's not exactly how you celebrate it but to celebrate it make it a celebration go eat rich foods drink sweet drinks which doesn't mean sweet tea it means wine it means wine i know some of you recovering baptists are thinking you're not allowed to drink you are allowed to drink just the bible says beer is a brawler wine is a marker all it's saying is when you overdo it you get yourself in trouble but i just want to tell you i'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings i have this conversation with some of my pastor friends nowhere in the bible are you gonna find where it says alcohol is the devil's brew and we can't drink it doesn't say that that was a man-made tradition that you will not find in here okay i look i know some of you i think you just joined my synagogue just to drink i don't think it had anything to do with the judaic aspect of the faith it's like hey they let us drink over there let's go there you know they also let you drink the catholic in the methodist church but i guess you wanted something a little different huh and send portions don't forget this part don't just celebrate yourself always always sadaka in in judaism that's that's a pillar charity always if somebody doesn't have invite them to the feast if they can't come bring the feast to them always it's never just about you this is hardcore listen what i'm going to share with you is very difficult it's like when i've said this to some of you privately some of you will pride yourself on the fact that you're good husbands you're a good christian husband and that's wonderful and you're a good parent you work very hard at parenting your children that's wonderful but if that's all you're doing it's kind of a little selfish isn't it because all you're taking care of is your own and that's like come on rabbi give me a break i mean i finally become this good husband this good father and that's not good enough for you no it's great it's amazing it's great but don't let it stop there if you really want to show your kids what you're made of help somebody that can't help themselves it's a great lesson a phenomenal lesson so it says those who can't provide for themselves send portions for today again it's consecrated to the lord what is this to the lord business and he says don't be sad and how many times have you heard this quoted come on it's on t-shirts it's on dish towels it's on lice and plates it's everywhere the joy of the lord is your strength and i'm not sure we totally understand that i think sometimes we think well i have the joy of the lord right so i'm strong that's not exactly what it means it does not mean that and i'm trying to be difficult but the hebrew is the joy okay is gladness you know that joy happy happy happy i'm happy i'm happy i'm happy right that's joy but look at the root word and this will give us the definition look at the root word and this will give us the definition it's okay listen it's hard to follow me because i don't give them any i'm just i'm just flying right and they have to they have to work with it so i say that only in jest they work very hard back there unbelievably hard and and it's not listen it's not easy working for me it's not i mean i'm very i'm very i'm very easy okay you don't even work for me shut up and with that attitude you'll never work for me um i mean i'm very i trust my people emphatically emphatically total trust i don't micromanage i don't get involved in anybody else's ministry it's a rarity but there's some the ministry is so busy that i call regina and roxanna coach look denise she was unbelievable you know but i destroyed her she had to retire i mean i basically knocked her knocked her out of the game and and you're going to be knocked out soon too so enjoy it while you're here no um it's busy it's busy it's not this local we have people calling in and inquiring and needing and it's so busy it's just unbelievably busy and so i just want to say that about you guys you guys all do a wonderful job but i know i know every one of your guardian angels while you're up there's like i know i don't even look over there because if i look up they're all like oh they just turn it's automatically turned but i love you i love you you know that right if there's anything you know about me if you spend any amount of time with you know i love you i'm just i'm just nuts but you don't you you know that right you don't even take it seriously right when i get nutty right you do well then it's good that i'm here on yom turo isn't it okay the the root word of joy though is joined which which takes on a whole nother meaning for me man it's it's look look you know i don't know you know people say we're such a close friend with such a close family i mean i lost my dad when i was young and i hated it he was my best friend and i hated it and in my mind it sent like a really bad message it said the couple of messages one message is sent and where i say this let me preface this by saying we are all scripted every single one of us has had unique experiences to that particular individual and because of it we are who we are good better and different and of course we want to change and become more healthy and more happy and more at peace but the bottom line we've all had experiences and a lot of those experiences weren't so great so when my dad died it sent a message kid life is not on your side so my mother would say to me all the time you live so crazy you gregory you live so crazy you're too spontaneous you don't think about tomorrow and i know it was crazy it was crazy where i lived but i didn't know how else to live because i thought i honestly believe tomorrow wasn't going to be here because when i was a little boy and my dad kissed me goodnight he said hey kid he was a tough like a jewish mafia guy hey kid come here give me a kiss he goes don't forget tomorrow we're going out for chinese food because you know your mother's going to she's taking a couple classes i said okay dad all right and then two in the morning i heard my mom screaming and then 2 30 i saw my dad getting carried out in a black bag and that was it so it sent the message to me and so i lived kind of crazy i did guilty as charged you know but we're all scripted but family is very important to me really important so last night it's it's yom tour it's rosh hashanah jeremy and shayna are not here so i get them on facetime and i'm like come on guys we're going to sing the shamaru now and you know they're like oh man i thought you know once we left we got rid of this you know he's like the thing that won't leave he just shows up even with you know you got to be kidding me and i'm like shane's like well i was about to yeah we were about to light the candles and you were going to pray with us you know and because i just you know what i mean it's not the same when they're not all there i just think personally what was going on here was god's heart was broken without his children they were in exile they were far from him and he couldn't take it oh god can take anything i'm not so sure that you're right about that god weeps many instances he's found weeping yeshua wept he said if you see me you've seen the father i think he was legitimately heartbroken and now his kids come back they hear the word of the lord they're weeping and god tells the priest tell them not to weep i'm so happy they're back because we're joined that's the joy of the lord when we're joined with the lord come on you who love the lord when you're joined with the lord don't you feel strong like almost invincible like it doesn't matter what anybody says to you they could say the most disgusting derogatory things but you know what daddy loves me so there and i think that's what was happening on that rosh hashanah i really really do i could be wrong i could be reading into it but based on the definitions and based on the context that's my take there are many symbolic meanings associated with the shofar in judaism i want to tell you one other thing and then we'll get into the crescendo of this thing one of the best known has to do with the ikeda okay the ikeda is when abraham bound isaac and was going to sacrifice him obviously it culminates with the knife being raised and he's going to slay his son he's going to do it there's no signs of buds he's going to do it and god stayed his hand and he brought his attention to a ram in the thicket and then abraham of course sacrificed the ram instead so let me tell you jewish thought okay because i think you should know that it's not the most important but i i think it's important and you'll see why the ikeda in jewish thought became the supreme example of self-sacrifice to the obedience of god's will and i think it is an incredible right who would do that who of us would sacrifice their only son so some teachings are a midrashim it's a hebrew word teachings just means teachings claim that whenever the shofar is blown god will remember this is judaism now not messianic judaism god will remember abraham's willingness to sacrifice his only son and forgive us our trespasses it's it's a neat thought i don't want to speak go to bed about it i'll just say it's a neat thought but that's not my teaching okay that's the teaching of the rabbis and i respect them and i respect their teachings and i respect anybody who wants to follow the teachings but this rabbi my teaching is that when we as messianic believers hear the sound of the shofar we will remember god sacrificing his only son which should cause us i think to humble ourselves and surrender more of ourselves to his will take a look at a couple more scriptures and we're done look at luke 3 23 now that we got into that it says yeshua was about 30 years old when he began his public ministry now i don't know about you but the bible is pretty clear to me that he was born on sukkot and i don't think he was born on the third day of sukkot i think he was born on the first day of sukkot and that's why we celebrate shamini ezra it's the eighth day celebration because on the eighth day he would have been circumcised and he would have connected himself to the abrahamic covenant but also he was the fulfillment of the abraham covenant because he was the one that was to save the world it's very deep very deep so he's born on sukkot he obviously wasn't born in december guys if this is new to you i don't know if you just do like this much study you'll find out a.t robinson who is the guy in the southern baptist world he's the guy he's the theologian he wrote a book called this this of the gospels right you're familiar with the book the harmony of the gospels and on page 167 he says obviously yeshua was born in the fall and he goes into why but i can i've shown you many times if you go back to some teachings on you'll see it's obvious he was born on sukkot okay so now it says he was about 30 which means we got to be close to sukkot if you're 29 and a half you don't tell somebody you're almost 30 you tell people you're 29 right even if it's four months from your birthday you don't go i'll be 30 in four months usually if it's a couple of weeks out right so here's my take he's almost 30 so it's not the 15th of tishrei yet right it's not the 15th of tishrei could it be 15 days before could it be the first of tishrei when when he started his public ministry it could right he's almost 30. you're following me you look confused he's almost 30. he was born on the 15th of tishrei he was born on sukkot the 15th of the seventh month so could it be 15 days before look at this verse matthew 4 17 it says from that time on right after he was tempted yeshua began proclaiming he starts his ministry with this proclamation this is how he starts right out of the gate right out of the gate this is his first message to the world turn from your sins to god for the kingdom of god is near yeshua is declaring a message of repentance a little before sukkot right around the time of yom teruah could he have started his ministry on yom teruah is that possible it's even probable why not because it says in the bible he's not just a prophet john 6 says he is the prophet that moses prophesied about one that was coming after him so a prophet speaks for god the prophet speaks as god so yeshua is the shofar of god who would blow his shofar on the feast of repentance telling people the kingdom of god is near now look at that word near it's very similar to the word i used in the old testament for joined it's to join one thing to another in the greek it's the same principle it's not old verse new it's the word of god and it doesn't change so here he's saying the kingdom of god is near i'm here to join you to the lord i've come so you would know the father i'm here to make the connection how in the world are we going to connect a god in heaven who is in heaven to man on earth there is only one way we need a god man we need somebody that can grab onto god in heaven and grab on to man and earth and make the connection it's almost like forgive me for this horrific example or this horrific analogy but i'm okay with it it's almost like because other versions say some of the versions you read will say the kingdom of god is at hand right same word same word and idsgo same word in the greek it's at hand it's almost like yeshua shows up on the scene he gets on one knee he extends his holy hand to the world and he asks the question will you marry me what a magnificent life-changing invitation this is not only is the teruah a blast of war but the teruah is also a blast of alarm or joy which if you ask me and i know you're not asking but i'm up here and i'm going to tell you the the blast is an alarm or a joy depending upon which side of the cross you find yourself on when he returns when he returns if i were you and i'm not and you're not there you're not there i would rsvp responsible play it's just an acronym for a french word that means please reply immediately if not sooner immediately if not sooner i would grab his hand and say yes yeshua the shofar of god is still blowing the shofar as we speak from the beginning of time in genesis 3 god asked the question where are you man and the question remains with us today if you would say yes you can leave this mess no other way out there is no other way out you can't show me another way now i'm i'm no prophet i'm not from the guild of prophets i don't run around on youtube and prophesy like a lot of people do and personally i think some people's prophecies these hour and a half prophecies there's a lot of them in it i think when god gave a prophecy it was quite simple and straightforward i have a word i just need an ear if it doesn't resonate no problem but i have to give it rabbi how do you know if it's true i don't i don't and if it isn't you know i'll definitely apologize it would be the first time but november there will be a massive change in our country and our world first judgment will come to the body of believers because judgment starts in the house of the lord all those preaching hyper grace and a false gospel will be brought low and their ministries will come to nothing then the world will begin to be judged god will quake and shake up everything in the near future all that can be shaken will be shaken whatever is not fixed firmly on the rock that is higher than ourselves shall be uprooted it's a time that the body of messiah must focus on being more like yeshua it's a time we must ready ourselves for the wedding feast of the lamb for the lamb is coming soon now last two verses and we're out revelation 19 6 7 it says then i heard what sounded like the raw of a huge crowd like the sound of rushing waters like loud pills of thunder saying hallelujah aronoy god of heaven's armies has begun his reign yeshua has come back let us rejoice and be glad look at all these exclamation points let us give him glory exclamation point for the time has come for the wedding of the lamb and his bride has prepared herself this is the fulfillment of yom teruah there will be a trumpet blast and the eastern sky will come out and he will return and this is this is a happy day this is going to be a glorious day when messiah yeshua returns to put down all his enemies marry his bride and set up his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven faithful to his promises and true to his character he must remove all things that are unwilling to live under his reign of righteousness for believers it shall be magnificent when the lord yeshua returns and we get to coronate him as the king of kings and the lord of lords he will then take his rightful throne in jerusalem and things will begin to spiral up for the very first time since the fall then the van nemar which by the way we've been declaring for 2500 years it was originally declared in 520 bc 2500 years we've been declaring the vinay maw but it will be finally be fulfilled we won't say the lord shall be king over all the world but we will say the lord is king over all the world hallelujah and the lord will be the only one and his name will be the only one i so so look forward to this i can't believe it's going to happen and because of it i can't miss it i can't miss out on that that's the whole thing you know i mean i do love life i love being here i love you guys i love this guy i love love love but man to think that yeshua is finally going to set this thing straight and finally you know we'll have you know a reign where justice and righteousness is the foundation of his throne and he will do nothing out of selfishness and conceit or for his own purposes to have somebody who would really care for us you know really really care and want our best and that things start to spiral up in that millennium you know where people are dying now at young ages and cancer is so prevalent it's all over the place things start to spiral up you know somebody's gonna be like wow i can't believe it i'm 630 years old it's unbelievable and then finally it gets to the end you know when the lion will lay down with the the wolf will dead down with the lamb be careful know the verses he's going to deceive us in these last days even the elect he's going after us we desperately need to stay strong and we need to stick together you are not going to be able to handle listen to me you you you you you every single one of yous will not be able to handle what's coming alone it's not going to work but together we can handle anything so we'll culminate this with the fact that come monday i forget the date off hand i'm not sure the date um is monday the 28th oh i'm sorry no no i meant next monday that the 28th we'll celebrate yom kippur at at 10 o'clock do we do that at ten o'clock right and um so hang tight spend you know take advantage of this time spend some time with the lord you know there might be somebody you need to call and straighten something out with it's really quite beautiful and you know you can't it you know peace among brethren as much as they're willing to make peace with you right sometimes you apologize with somebody and they're just not willing and you can kind of tell when they go it's okay now if they say it's okay it's not okay if they cry and hug you it's okay so give it a shot you can't force it upon anybody but at least if you try you know you have peace with god and that's what's most important right okay let's stand together last night there was a there was a time where i i just felt you know dizzy and euphoric and i thought oh wow the holy spirit's coming down to me but it was really burned that made this caramel custard thing from scratch and i was actually having a diabetic shock is what was going on but nevertheless it was quite good and i hate apples but i ate like 42 apples just because i wanted the sauce just to have the sauce may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace and the name of the principle of peace it's great to see you back
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,685
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zzUu694uufw
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Length: 65min 19sec (3919 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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