(Sep 30, 2019) Yom Teruah 2019 - Feast of Trumpets 5780

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I don't know if it's just me and I can't speak for everybody but I don't know how a person could meet with God on his appointed feasts and not feel his presence I mean just think about it he has seven appointments meaning seven MOA deems seven times he says corporately I want my children to meet with me do you think he's not going to show think about that would God tell you to meet him somewhere and then not show what kind of God would that be so how one could not feel it either I don't know either your spirits messed up or your woods too wet I don't know I don't know but well look guys there's a lot of ways to attack his thing you know in the Orthodox community you know we attacked it a certain way but I'm not a traditional Orthodox Jew anymore I mean I I appreciated my upbringing I appreciated being brought up with the Ten Commandments and going to synagogue every Saturday I appreciated watching my father have incredible incredible character like nobody I've ever met and my mother as well I was very fortunate being raised by two people who loved each other and and had incredible character and my whole family we all lived in the Bronx and we were all together and we saw each other all the time you know I don't know what happened to society on my birthday I used to get you know like 50 birthday cards now you don't even get a text you know I was brought up when you somebody gave you a gift you sat down and write a thank-you card my kids are still like that now it's I mean it's it's not going in a good way you know Unity's broken family is broken it's not good you know it's really it's really not good there was a Jewish report a very famous one who was an atheist and he was challenged to try to walk out the Torah for a year and he took the challenge he he said his life was so much better living by God's tenants it's a no brainer it's just a I I don't I mean I guess somebody can refute it but I would I would think they were mentally ill and I'm not saying that sarcastically they can't be in their right mind to refute it God's ways the ways of peace pleasantness and protection always was and always will be so I can't attack this as a Christian because there's there's no attack Russia Shona doesn't exist I can't attack of this traditional Jew because you know you have to have Messiah in the midst of it so so let's stand and say I'm in no well let's let's let's just look at what the Bible says I'm pretty big on that Leviticus 23 obviously you have 44 verses in Leviticus 23 it's a chapter like none other in the Old Testament there is no chapter in the Old Testament like it it's the blueprint for God's plan of salvation it's real simple you got three spring reef all three spring point to your shoe is first coming three full point to a second coming real simple it's not as complicated now you um there's books written on the subject I for the life of me I'm the king of simpleton you know I don't see how you could take three verses and write a book but leave it to people you can get very caught up in spiritualization which is very dangerous it's making something of something that's not really true and it's it's spurs lusatian is dangerous people always talking dreams and visions and you got to be careful I mean stick to the script I stick to the script so this is what it says guys this all we got to go on other noise said to Moshe the Lord said to Moses quote tell this is the Lord speaking tell the people of Israel in the seventh month which is this month Tishrei on God's calendar I know that we live by the Gregorian calendar but that doesn't mean we should that should a brigate God's calendar we should you know still deal with God's calendar since with God's people the first of the month that is today it happened at sundown yesterday because that's when the day's thought biblically is for you to be a day of complete rest now I don't want to make anybody feel bad but there are people I've met them Jewish biological Jews very proud of their Judaism Messianic Jews very proud and they're at work today I mean you know what I mean and they get on the church right like you don't celebrate the feasts you don't get it and they're at work so they're not taking the day rest like you're kidding me right for remembering it's a holy convocation by the way when you're home in your house by yourself that's not a holy convocation okay so when that Shabbat you're home and not here and you don't have to be here we don't take attendance I'm just saying just know this unless you're sick out of town it is not a holy convocation Shabbat is a holy composition of called out assembly amongst believers you and your buddy sitting in your pajamas drinking coffee is not a call that assembly now I know a lot of people are watching and there's no mission like synagogue bother you and the ones that are like within a hundred miles they're kooky I get it I'm thankful for you I'm happy for you that you can watch but for you guys that live within a close proximity you don't have an excuse but I'm just letting you know that according to the Bible you're not adhering to what it says a holy convocation that's what we're doing today we just we just following the script right so far so good announced with blasts on this shofar how many in the traditional synagogue the Orthodox there has to be a hundred why why not and there's an order there's this three blessed johnny-boy let me hear a takea that's that's the Kia okay it's oh it's a blast okay and then let me hear shivering and then let me hear it to Rua okay so the first sound of the Kia is like when your alarm clock goes off okay I've never used an alarm clock in my life some you know I get up super early so that's not an issue I just get up so I'd never use wampa even if I have to be somewhere at like 4:00 in the morning somehow I have some internal clock I get up but some of you use an alarm clock yes don't be embarrassed there's nothing wrong with it the problem though is when you don't pay attention to it so that next sound that shivering uh gods like begging you to get up it's begging you it's like weeping and then you hit the snooze button and that's when the Sheva Rheem that's when he goes you follow those those are the calls and so this is this is what we got do not do any kind of ordinary work just clear the record rabbi aren't you doing ordinary work no it's yom teruah this is not ordinary work no I celebrate Yom Thoreau once a year so this is anything but ordinary and bring an offering made by fire to auda Noi obviously we don't have animals that we sacrifice now we sacrifice our funds there has to be some cost involved when when you work with God there has to be some good you got to put some skin in the game you follow because if you don't put any skin in the game then there's no value right I mean who here who here has rented a car before from a car rental place were you ever worried about where you parked it are you concerned that it was dirty no but some of you have a nice car and that one you worry about where you pocket right because you paid for that one so you got skin in the game they have to have some value these things have to be valuable to you otherwise you won't treasure them so this is what we got and this is pretty much what we're doing the only thing I could see that's kind of strange is it says remember you're supposed to remember with bless so let's just look up that word I'll just show you what it means to rua yom teruah the day of bless some call it russia shana it's not a it's not a bad thing Rosh Hashanah is head of the year and it's the head of a spiritual new year that's the civil calendar it's not the biblical calendar the biblical calendar says that the new year starts in the spring Nisan we know that from the book Exodus things are springing forth flowers are coming forth it's a new year but this is a spiritual new year this is a time to take stock according to God of where we are where are we and this is nothing new if you go back to Genesis 3 verse 9 God said where are you man that's what he's saying where are you man you know well yeah it like you know I'm good you know how people say that old-time I'm good I was here there's nothing good not one whatever so he says now that's good I'm good you're good I was here no one's good I hear God say every time so this teruah this blast is an alarm to call attention to or to rouse from sleep and in the Bible basically the shofar was blown it's blown a few times but for the major three times its summoned to battle you know there was a watchman on the wall and when Israel's enemies according to her they would summon the troops to battle with a shofar blast okay second reason why we have a blast is the day of the Lord the day of the Lord hasn't happened yet when he comes we're gonna hear a blast from heaven right you see that in Isaiah 27 13 and and you see that in Matthew 24:31 issue is said the same thing and then of course the blast for the resurrection which is the best blast that's the best one and that you see in first Thessalonians 4:16 18 so it's an alarm it's so obviously it's a wake up we just sung song wake up wake up wake up to rouse from sleep I don't know if you've noticed but the body of Messiah is fast asleep I'm not saying that's you I'm not saying that but I'm saying the vast majority that I see just my little humble opinion is she's sleeping and when she wakes up she wants her ears tickled like a little baby she wants to be spoon-fed and she wants her ears tickled and she goes around to different places to find that person who will tickle their ears most and this was so this wasn't prophesied this was spoken that it was happening 2,000 years ago and we know I mean I'm here to tell you that from from Genesis 3 things started spiraling down they've never spiraled up until your shoe or cut touches down that's ones so if that was happening 2,000 years ago what do you think's happening now like yikes so you got these blasts that are supposed to wake you up to remember the word remembers a-ha in hebrew it comes from a word zip or a note to to remind to recall you know the only question I have and I'm sure maybe you don't have it but the question I would throw out is what do you want us to remember and I think it's I think I don't know if it's something that standard for all of us I think there's something Standard and then there's something specific for individuals you follow there's something Universal I think God wants us universally to remember something and I'm gonna share that with you and then he might want to remind you of something remember when you said you were gonna and you remember that that's an individual thing I got no part in that but the universal thing I could speak to okay anybody know who may mana DS was if you Jewish you would you would definitely know him if he not I mean he he was like the man was born 11:35 passed away 1204 he was a rabbi he was a philosopher he was an astronomer he was a physician and he was the most influential Torah scholar of the Middle Ages what a sluggard half-match if he was around today meeting some of the Millennials yikes let me show you a quote by this very famous brilliant rabbi he said the sound of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah is meant to wake up the soul that's your decision maker your soul is your decision maker and turn attention to the important task of repentance that's really what this holy day is really about overall a time to come back to God that's all well all the prophets ever said every single of them return to God that's all I said they said at different ways but basically the message was returned to God right and you know of course this is a time now should you wait for Russia shown to do that not necessarily but let's face it guys we get busy you know we're supposed to take 40 days before this feast 40 days a time of deliverance and overcoming that's 40 in geometry and biblical numerology take 40 days to search our soul some will blow the shofar every day just to remind them and then once once God has you've let him search your soul that's when you come in on Rosh Hashanah and you repent for the things he showed you repent doesn't mean say you're sorry that's confession confession or confession can do is bring you to the door of repentance repentance is not confessing you know there's people Otunga well you know how I am that's just me Wow so I've got to live with that did you ever think of changing you a little or letting God do it better so that's repentance you know Bernadette Sisk you just do me a favor could just hang up your suit when you come home and I go well honey you know it's just me it's cute but it's not really repentance repentance would be why don't you hang it up that's repentance no that's not repentance that's just that's just a joke yeah I'm very I'm very if you if you saw my office if you saw my house you would think almost nobody lives down very I have to have things in an extreme order nothing could be out of order they can't be a plate the sink it's I just don't like it you know I just it doesn't work for me I have to have a water in order to hear and that's what's most important for me look again verses 23 and 24 of Leviticus again we're in the seventh month the first day and it says for remembering okay we usually have to remember something we forgot right I know human beings very well when you're in ministry for a long time you have these ministries all over the world you you you're not a sociologist a psychologist by no means but you learn a lot about people because you deal with people all the time so I don't have a degree from a university but you learn a lot about people the myriads of people you deal with them this is what I've come to the conclusion okay people forget what they should remember and they remember what they should forget it's it's it's unbelief it's actually unbelievable it's it's unbelievable it's how in the world could you do so many nice things for somebody and the one thing that they decide is not nice that's what they magnify listen to me do you really want God to deal with you like that because if that's the way you delve out that's what you will receive from God and listen to me you will every time you are in no position to judge none judgment belongs to the Lord you are in no position to judge the best you could do is when you see your brother fall restore them you who a spiritual restorer you don't sit in the seat of judgment you don't I'm not talking about you shouldn't discern of course you should discern but how do you see the speck in your brother's eye when you have a log in your own eye each one of us in this sanctuary have enough to work on without having to worry about anybody else I'm just spitballing here but I have a feeling we do I think we forgot all purpose this is the universal message I have for you by the way if you want to know the ins and outs of russia shana i've done a lot of teachings on Getzel dog you can look it up there's a whole section on feasts and and you'll be very well-versed with it I think you should be but I kind of want to go into well I don't want to go in a different direction this wasn't my idea it really is it it really isn't I think we forgot our purpose guys you know we just talked about Saturday how sheep lose their way they can't there's no homing device they can't find their way home it's impossible of all the domesticated animals they're the only ones that can't find their way home if they don't have a shepherd they won't get home our purpose is to glorify God and to help less our neighbor period nothing more nothing less the shofar sounds as as God's alarm clock asking us not to slumber through life but to use our lives to love God more than ourselves and love others as ourselves it's just that simple it was the standard in the Old Testament and in Matthew 22 it's the standard in the New Testament out of his shoe his mouth they're in full agreement this man you might not know sir Moses Montefiore if you were raised in my neck of the woods you would know him in fact I his hospital a couple of times in the Bronx Montefiore hospital I won't tell you why but he served the Jewish people not only in Britain but worldwide he's very famous in the Jewish world he lived 1784 to 1885 he donated large sums of money to promote industry business economic development education and health very very important issues right if you ask the president today what what issues do we have it's health care education economic development and this guy was on the forefront now listen to this I think this is very telling I really want you to hear this I'll repeat it maybe he was asked sir Moses Montefiore was asked how much he was worth you know he was a very very very very wealthy man and he gave a figure to the person who asked I don't know what that figure was but he gave a figure okay quote the person said I know you own more than that like obviously you know he didn't give a figure of what he really owns Montefiore says quote you didn't ask me what I owned you asked me what I'm worth the figure I gave you was how much money I had given away this year to charity because we are worth what we are willing to share with others [Applause] did you get it or do you need me to repeat it you got it I beg you that guy was found dumbfounded what what do you say to that you say nothing I want to talk to you about something that in theological circles is called the sin of omission something that I never hear people talk about the Quintus versus in James chapter 4 17 verse James was Yeshua's half-brother they had the same mother they were raised in the same house he's not well thought of in the Grace community in fact the great Protestant reformer and one of the greatest anti-semites that ever walked the face of the earth except for maybe adult Hitler but he was right there with them you know who I'm talking about Martin Luther is it amazing how few people know about him he's held in the highest regard he said the most deplorable things that I think any human being could say about God's chosen people in fact in mine come my struggle that Hitler wrote he said I am only finishing what the great Martin Luther started now you might be sitting as Christian going ii-i've touted him as a wonderful man my condolences did he do something great with the 95 theses I will not take that away from him did he do that yes but you know it's not always where you start it's where you end up that counts so James is not well thought of because he has a hundred and eight sentences in his little letter 54 or 50 percent of those sentences are commands Martin Luther didn't want commands you know he went from a very staunch Catholic background where he struggled with tremendous guilt that would not could be alleviated which was the Catholic Church for the most part and then he realized wait a minute they're off was saved by grace I read Romans and he nailed the 95 theses and he went hyper grace he went from one extreme to another which is what a lot of people do because human beings are extremists right right they're extremists right one minute they're eating this and then they won't touch that one minute they're not exercising then they're exercising four hours a day they're extreme they're extreme they're nuts that would be my next book by the way people are nuts I'm gonna write it so he - hyper grace you know the tour is nail'd and it's ridiculous and well James says so then towards the end of his letter anyone who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it is committing a sin therefore omitting to do something is what's called the sin of omission in any area of life the opportunity to do good makes us responsible to do it there are some people in the fundamental Christian community go all I know is I'm saved saved for what so I can go to heaven Wow is that what you think you should die for just so you can go to heaven and live your life selfishly and self you have no clue what you're talking about you are so fundamentally off if we know what is right we are under an obligation by God to live up to that right failure to do so is a sin against God it's a sin against our neighbor and it's a sin against ourselves this is known as the sin of omission or not doing something we should do oftentimes you'll hear in most houses of worship people speak against the sin of coal mission you'll hear it all the time doing something we shouldn't do right don't do this and don't do that and don't do this and don't do that and don't do this and don't do that see it's difficult to commit the sin of comission and get away with them like if you commit murder chances are you're going to be found you commit adultery chances are it's going to be found but see it's it's not difficult it's quite easy actually to commit the sin of omission without anybody knowing it the only one will know is you and God and we've been committing the sin of omission so much that we don't even think it's a sin so we don't even know it in the New Testament of the classic example obviously is is Yeshua is teaching about the Good Samaritan there is no teacher in the universe like yushua he could take a little parable a heavenly story and give an earthly message second-to-none I'll read them all the time they are they're amazing just amazing so let's take a look at this story if you want mind Luke 10 you'll see a lot of these beautiful parables in Luke because Luke is a gospel written to the Greek audience and they were looking for a perfect man and this shows the heart of Yeshua and the heart that we're supposed to carry Yeshua isn't just Savior he's not just like Superman who died you can go to heaven he's the model son - for us to emulate he could have just came down and died but he spent this better part of his life here to show us how to live we're supposed to model our lives after the model son right he's the son of God we are sons of God and we're supposed to look like him an expert in Taurus stood up to try and trap him by asking quote rabbi what should I do to obtain eternal life he's speaking to you sure but Yeshua said to him quote what is written in the Torah how do you read it listen you know when you're dealing with the Jew if you ask me a question I'm coming at you with a question it's it's a Jewish thing I mean when people ask me what do you think when I was living in Florida what do you think about y2k I said why not to K how did that go over huh y2k huh nowhere in the bible does yeshua say to store up he says store up treasures in heaven anyway that's for another time forgive me I'm sorry he answered you ought to love Allah Noi this is the expert in Torah with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your understanding and your neighbors yourself that's the right answer yeshuaa said do this and you'll have life but he wanting to justify himself said to you schewe and who is my neighbor taking up the question who schewe said a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers they stripped him naked and beat him up then went off leaving him half dead by coincidence a Cohen a priest was going down on that road but when he saw him he passed on the other side likewise a Levi who reached the place and saw him also passed by on the other side but a man from sham roan Samaria who was traveling came up upon him and when he saw him he was moved with compassion so he went up to him put oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them then he set him on his own donkey brought him to an inn and took care of him the next day he took out two days wages gave them to the innkeeper and said look after him and if you spend more than this I'll pay you back when I return of these three which one seems to you to have become the neighbor of the man who fell among robbers he answered the expert in Torah the one who showed mercy towards him Yeshua said then just go and do the same this is not rocket science my five year olds when they were five could understand this parable all too well easy now let's if you want mind let's break it down to Ted if you have to go or something don't don't worry you're not gonna offend me in the least I'm I usually end up talking to people and they leave anyway so don't worry about it Luke 10:25 it's important to break this down the message is simple right you see somebody need help them yeah but he really was digging in with this guy he really was that's the simple part of the message but watch this an expert in tourists stood up to try to trap him by asking rabbi what should you what should I do to obtain eternal life look the lawyers question he's a lawyer he's an expert in Torah you know he's a teacher he's a lawyer he understands how to interpret it the questions great how do I enter the kingdom of God it's a fantastic question the greatest question you can ask but let me tell you about three mistakes he made okay mistake one he was trying to trick you schewe seriously that's like bringing the knife to a gunfight okay I mean here's this lawyer a teacher of Torah and there's Yeshua the author of Torah he just didn't know give him a break he didn't know what he was up against we're sitting here going oh I went to done that yes you would have you sure would of your 2000 years on the other side come back a little bit don't sit in the seat of judgment mistake number two he was under the impression that he could obtain eternal life like it was something to be earned by something you can do 2,000 years on the other side of the cross we fully understand we're saved by grace through faith and not by works mistake number three he was insincere and disingenuous please hear me very clearly if your desire is to turn God off just act fake and phony if there's thing is she wouldn't stand it was a phony he couldn't stand the phony and he couldn't stand the yes-man when he asked the question he expected an honest answer even if the answer that was given wasn't right you don't have to backpedal well what I really especially when you're dealing with Yeshua if if you want God's here to heal then you've got to be real there is no way around it so he starts off really on the wrong foot Luke 10 26 but Yeshua said to him what is written in the Torah look there's a Jewish guy talking to a Jewish guy you know one's an expert in Torah the other one's a rabbi this isn't like he's talking to some pagan they both trying to follow God they're both religious people so you shoe says so well what's you're an expert in Torro what how do you read it what's what's what's your interpretation how one could obtain eternal life how one could get in the kingdom how do you see it I'd ask that to any Jew how do you see it there's no answer well it's the duck to Schubert of it how much what's the passing grade there's no answer just like there's no answer when my Jewish compadres tell me I'm not Jewish anymore where does it say that the Torah there's some exist you made that up so first of all Thea schewe right here the Old Testament is the definitive unerring standard of faith and practice did you hear me okay he's not belittling the Torah he's saying it's in there what does it say he's sticking to the Torah he's saying it's definitive secondarily if the lawyer was humble and the least bit penitent Yeshua would have probably answered him more directly nevertheless his shoe is about to take the teacher to school the teacher is about to become the student his arrogance is tremendous any of you have a walk in arrogance how could you know anything about your sin and know anything about God's purity and walk in arrogance is beyond me I'll never be able to figure that one out as long as I live let's look at the next verse he answered this is the expert you want to love I don't know your God with all your heart Deuteronomy 6:4 five and with all your soul strength and the boullion sing and love your neighbor as yourself Leviticus 19:18 that's it those are two commands we know it all too well all the law and the prophets hang on those so every law and every prophetic voice hangs on one of those that's attached see the loving God more than himself loving your neighbor as yourself so that's what he says to him he says just love God before your heart all the time and love everyone else like yourself no problem right easy right come on it's not easy none of you do it how can you say it's easy it was so easy why can't you do it so look what happens 10:28 that's the right answer issuer said you got the right answer you know the Torah there's a lot of people that know the Bible they know it well do this and have life just no problem the lawyer answers correctly but see knowing and doing a worlds apart world support so let's see what happens 1029 but he wanted to justify himself oh he wants to justify himself because you know what this lawyer realizes well I know the scripture but I don't do it just like the rich young ruler see the Lord just wants you to come to a place of humility to humble yourself so you can be dependent on him so he could direct your path he wants you to understand how much love he's bestowed on you so you can love others he wants you to understand his wisdom and his power his powers in his restraint not in his vengeance he wants you to be like that slow on the trigger but you got to meet him where he is and if you'll humble yourself he'll exalt you but if you exalt yourself you don't want him to home with you it's painful why don't you justify himself the lawyer says to Joshua and who is my neighbor see the lawyers anybody a lawyer here you know it's funny nobody wants to admit it that says a lot no we need lawyers don't we we do know they used to be a time when people actually gave their word say she didn't need lawyers but nobody gives their word people break their word so you have to have contracts lawyers are trained if you're a lawyer check me on this you are trained to look for some extenuating circumstance that might in some way limit the extent of the law that's your training in law school so this lawyer is looking for a loophole he's trying to justify himself trying to make himself feel good the lawyer should have said quote Oh wretched man am i but instead he asked the question who was my neighbor to settle his uneasy conscience I believe the lawyer was trying to shuck some responsibility by reducing some people to non neighbor status that's the Gregg Hirschberg version we do that all the time right Jews blacks Hispanics whatever well let's continue shall we Luke 10:30 taking up the court Yeshua said a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers they stripped him naked beating him up left them off a dead now this isn't just like some parable of some story this happened all the time okay the road from Jerusalem to Jericho is 17 mile stretch it descends 2,000 feet and it's a wilderness of rocks and ravines and it was a haven for thieves so this is legit okay thieves hung out the they had a decorum about them though they would not attack priests or leave I'd say just like look these are holy men let's leave Malone plus holy men never have money on him the road was called the way of blood that was its name in the first century the way of blood and the fate of this man lies half dead which means he's dying half dead means he's on his way okay he's lifeless he's laying there lifeless he's gonna die that's what half way death means so let's look at the first part of 1031 by coincidence a coincidence it's not a coincidence he's just saying that for the lawyer by coincidence a Cohen a priest these are the ironic priests these are the guys that get to do all the cool work they get to go into the Holy of Holies and like the incense they're the big shots in the religious world Cohen he was going down on that road okay so he's he's coming down on that road hallelujah just by chance an ironic priests pen surely he's well-versed in the Torah right let me show you what he would know look at these two scriptures Deuteronomy 22 floored says if you see your brother's donkey and ops collapsed on the road you may not behave as if you haven't seen it cinema mission you must help them get on their feet again now before you look at the Exodus you might say well it wasn't his brother I got you exodus 20:3 I got you cuz you're gonna be a lawyer right if you see the donkey which was someone who hates you your enemy now if God commands us to help our enemies donkey how much more a human being well good news is he's he knows the scripture right he knows the Bible where no fret he knows the Word of God he quotes it all the time you know those guys let's look at the second part of that verse but when he saw him he passed by on the other side don't fret guys don't fret next verse a Levitical priest is coming they like to get their hands dirty they just clean up the blood there they lose a part of the priesthood they don't get to do the cool stuff they just clean house they're just a bunch of cleanup people likewise a Levi who reached the place and saw him ah he passed by to kind of give you the RGV can I give you the rabbi Greg version would you like to hear it who wouldn't like to hear it get out now you might think how do you how do you read and see into it like that I'm not boasting I don't know I really can't tell you how but when I read the Bible I see pictures and I see what's going on I don't know you're probably getting a little tired by now right kind of coffee's wearing off what are you gonna do when the Lord comes okay the priest the priest just finished his tour duty okay he's from Jerusalem that's what the temple is and they have to come for two weeks at a clip so he has his tour of duty he listened to suburbs and Jericho it's very beautiful he's well-known and well-respected he's got a nice life but when he gets to Jerusalem it's all work it's all work for two weeks making intercession burning incense saying prayers offering sacrifices people pulling on him and pulling on him and pulling on him wanted to tell him their dreams and their visions he's starving his wife's dying and they're pulling on him he lives here so he's on his way home he's done he's exhausted he's exhausted there's something exhausting it's not physical exhaustion physical exhaustion is beautiful is sit on a chain you kick back mental and emotional exhaustion is painful painful does anybody know if you're going through something that's really destroying you your mind will bury you okay so he's on his way back to his lush worldly suburb of Commerce in Jericho and he's walking along and what do you think he's thinking about his family the good food he's gonna get about the wedding of a very wealthy leader in the city he's been asked to officiate he's gonna rub some elbows with the wealthy people that's good you know get a little notoriety and make a buck or two and all of a sudden he comes upon this dying man well if he goes over to the guy and the guy happens to die what happens he's unclean the priest is unclean and he has to go through this elaborate ritual of purify himself seven days you can't do any work he won't be able to officiate the wedding yet his heart set on it he's gonna meet movers and shakers at that wedding there's wealthy people there they might ask him to do a bris and give them as a jiske plus he slotted to teach at the local synagogue and after all teaching is a gift shouldn't bury his talent right so God will understand do you like my version thank you let's talk about the Levite for a minute I'll give you my version he's worked tirelessly as well and he wants to get home he's been asked to give the opening invocation at the City Council meeting in Jericho that's a big deal he's gonna rub elbows with the mayor it's an honor it's an honor this could be a great career move for him I mean look at all the potential speaking engagements he'll get and what about the invites to those luxurious banquets and you know he's always wanted to bring religion to commerce and if he can make a Denarius or two it's not such a total then all of a sudden he sees the guy half dead see I don't get asked to speak because I am NOT a flipping yes-man you're not going to tell me what to say and hang a little offering out for me screw that God provides for me [Applause] now not all men of the cloth feel like this so don't go around I've got friends in the ministry they're killing themselves okay thereby vocational you guys have buried them bury them their families are in disarray their kids are all over the place so don't think that every Co hain and Levite is like this your shoe is just making an example that you can know the Bible and not do the Bible and that goes for all of us not just a priest or a Levite let's finish this thing up 10 33 35 but a man from sham rone a man from Shermer oh who's that a Samaritan who are the Samaritans half breeds half breed that's all ever heard half breed how I loved hate the word you're all half breeds it was a pure breed you pure what pure nonsense the half-breeds remember when this Syrians invaded 732 they had sex with Jewish women and they produced half breeds half breeds aren't well-liked are they no we have some interracial couples today it's much better but fifty years ago oh it's crazy how could they do that I don't know the human beings are they that's as bad as a I don't know a Baptist having sex with a Catholic what kind of child will they produce but the man from Sharma Rome look what he's doing look what you should let me tell you what his shoes doing he's more brilliant than you know because what happened in the chapter before the Samaritan sim prepare a place for him I remember the disciples good old John the disciple remember the disciple that that was the the disciple that wrote about love Yeshua should we call down fire and burn them all nice love and he said what do you know what spirit you're off like if you lost your mind so the chat just yesterday the Samaritans wouldn't let me shoe in today he's making the enemy the hero because let me tell you how you shoe a lived he always exchanged a blessing for a curse always he was traveling it came upon him when he saw him he was moved with compassion that's all it takes that's all it takes man it's all it takes for me that's it that's it bill calls me and says I want to do iPads for the kids in Israel I I'm in I'm in so he went up to him put oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them this is odd this is very spiritually significant oil and wine very spiritually significant the wine was a disinfectant and the oil was preserving the wound he sent him on his own donkey if the guy was on his donkey then the Samaritan was walking I guarantee you the inn wasn't too close to way he was laying he brought him to an inn and took care of him the next day he took out two days wages two days wages if the average person makes fifty grand a year that's a thousand dollars a week that's two hundred hours a day would you be willing to just take out four hundred bucks or somebody in it now the next day check out two day's wages gave them to me and keep and said look after him if you spend more he and debts himself he's like I'll be back I'll take care of the bill guys if this doesn't sound like Joshua right according to the Jews he was like a half-breed he was from the hood of Nazareth two hundred people the poverty-stricken people right did he not come and put you on a donkey and take it to the end and heal your sin issue did he not say that if you in debt yourself and more sin I'll come back I'll pay for it to ya read into it man read into it there's a lot more to it but I can't get into it right now it was unthinkable for a Samaritan to help a Jew and just for the record Jews were allowed to curse Samaritans Samaritans cursed them they had a whole different priesthood the Jews were stood on Mount Zion the Samaritans worshipped on Mount Gerizim the Jews observed the whole Old Testament the prophets and the writings and the Torah the Samaritans only the Torah they they it was a totally different set if they were at war with each other so they hate each other they were archenemies basically look at what happens in the next verse we're almost there of these three simple question a fibro could answer this right of these three so you have a co hain took a little Jewish person expert in the law expert and Tory you've got you Cohan you've got your Levite and then you got that dirty dirty half-breed of a Samaritan so which one seems to have become the neighbor of the man who fell among the robbers he asked the all-important inescapable question what's the answer let's see the one who showed mercy bottom line is guys that the words good and Samaritan should never be found in the same sentence if you do it but the Samaritan showed mercy he actually performed the acts of kindness not prayed for him I hope somebody comes along he has 20 bucks a little bit more than that a little bit more than that we're good at shipping people but they need more than that they need time they need mentoring it takes time to lead somebody to the Lord it takes time to disciple somebody time he did the act of kindness and compassion to show that he truly loved the neighbor did he hand him a verse did he put a tract and his blanket was it about his salvation it was because he was a god-fearing human being and god-fearing human beings loved other human beings and they're moved in their pain period that's what religion can't teach he loved his neighbor love doesn't look away love doesn't walk away love involves itself love inconveniences itself and loves in debts itself so the story starts out with the question who is my neighbor but it ends with another question who isn't my neighbor or Betty yet to whom do I prove myself to be a neighbor Yeshua said it best at the end of his ministry in chapter 25 of Matthew it's a tough section I'm not going to read it to you it's 31 to 46 go home and read it it's the judgment of the nation's he separates him into sheeps and goats the goats are sent away by Messiah those who saw others hungry and thirsty but did not provide food and water those who saw others in need of clothing who was sick or in prison but did nothing to clothe or comfort them he sent them away these are examples of the sins of omission this is what you should was teaching there was no sin committed against these needy people they were not intentionally starved or deprived of their needs but the sin of omission was committed when those who could have provided for them chose not to therefore faith without works is dead by the same token we are not saved by works faith produces these works you're talking to the former king of selfishness now I always protected people who couldn't protect themselves that's what I could do I was really good I did a lot of the things and I did I was a protector and that was the attraction of burn I could definitely protect her and that's what I wasn't a bad guy to an extent until I understood what good and bad man but you're looking at somebody who would not have done this definitely not have done this and not have done that out there but when you meet the Lord and when you get a revelation of his heart and you constantly keep getting that revelation because you visit the cross daily your faith supernaturally produces these works almost like you're not even involved and the works evidence your faith because your faith without those works is dead it's just talk and we all know how many people are talking I'm not on social media but I hear a lot of people talk on social media about what's wrong and who's wrong why don't you just do right instead of worrying about who's wrong you know you can't cut another person's legs out from under them and make yourself any taller it doesn't work so look guys I I know it's late I wanted to go over a few more things with you but we don't really have time I apologize there I tell you you know we this is never about Beth Joshua it's always about Yeshua if you tell me you're involved in a ministry up in Atlanta or involved in the ministry wherever I'm so happy if you're honoring God and blessing others I am so happy okay but we do have a few ministries here but I want to make you aware of this is not a ploy to get you to do something at Beth yoshua this is a ploy to get you to do something just something you might think it's a drop in the bucket but listen if every believer put a drop in the bucket the bucket will be overflowing now I know some of you say well I've got children I'm very busy you know what if you get busy ministering you'll show your child what it means to be a believer instead of sitting them down with a Bible study it says in Matthew 25 go take them to feed the homeless they'll get the message better than Matthew 25 I mean some of them want to say to you daddy you're always talking about the Bible but you don't do anything for anybody but yourself that would be a that would be embarrassing so we've got the clean team burn that's on it okay she's always been on it Beth Judah in here she likes to clean although she does use some colorful language at 7:00 in the morning when she has to be here oops there it is but you know in the in the in the spiritual world that you know the the queen of the pastor doesn't put a hand in the toilet why not issue a came to serve not to be served who do you think you are anymore you stop doing toilets yeah congratulations that's an important part of the message make sure everybody heard that and all you thousands that are listening you play to hear she does not do toilets anymore hallelujah and therein lies the message of yom teruah don't do toilets moving on the people who clean the synagogue's was the Levites they were priests I'm not gonna have some wacky pack come in here I could afford it and you could afford it but I'm not just having anybody touching God's holy sanctuary in the Bible it was for the priests to do that and it's an honor an honor to clean God's house and if everybody got involved you would have to do it once a year maybe once a year for god sakes it's the same people to keep doing it homeless we have a homeless ministry I hope we can feed them almost every weekend we have the funds people are going to supply the funds but we need people to distribute the food to these homeless people right in our backyard I'm doing it in India I'm doing in Africa I'm doing Israel but we need to take care of Megan too this is where we're situated okay hospitality we need some greeters preferably those that haven't been baptized in pickle juice once you pickle a cucumber it never becomes a cucumber ever again so please understand it is not for everybody you know we don't want mana back there she'll lose your heads gonna spin it's green pea soup coming out of your mouth we don't want people coming for the first time feeling that they have to cast a demon out of our readers okay Landscaping yeah that's not fun right who wants a landscape Julie rayon Gerald I mean together they're older than Methuselah and they're out there working killing themselves I mean they've been doing this foot they've been doing this since the inception look at our grounds they've gorgeous yes we have professional mowers and stuff with this they take care of the little things when they have an announcement that they're gonna put our pines for it wouldn't kill you to show up once once twice a year she does that Mert the medical emergency response team you gotta have some medical background obviously you can just say I played a doctor in a high school play that's not gonna work okay milla milla we built a coffee shop because people come from far away so we wanted the people to be able to sit and have coffee before and after it's a freebie it's not like we set up as a revenue Center it's a freebie but we need people to help out okay Pulaski the prison ministry is pretty close to those people that minister it's set it's set but these gals and we have them come here after they get out they need penpals badly they can stay connected you might say is that ministering Oh like nobody's business remember we're feeding the homeless Matthew 25 we're visiting those in the prison okay we got a couple of couple of other areas all right Shabbat school we we desperately need people to help with the children they are crucial some of us have you know was set in our ways but the kids are coming up they're the next generation man they got to be trained Shabbat school needs help and Shaun Micheel of course which are known in the Christian world is Usher's these are the guys that do all kinds of things from security to helping out to clocking up they need help John's been at it for 17 years I'm sure he's getting just a little tired of it he needs help you know he needs help so they're going to be out there in the for yay the only area that we lack is a hospital visitation team and it's it's an area that desperately needs I was in the hospital for 18 days with IC in ICU it was poison I couldn't have an but he visited me but I'm telling you it is a dark place a hospital it is dark it is depressing you constantly hear bad news and let me just tell you something I have friends of the doctors none of you would be any game show hosts you don't realize that that person is scared they are scared they are fearful that could be your mother and that could be your dad especially as a believer let them see who you are it's a very depressing environment these people need somebody a team of people to visit them at times to pray with them to just let them talk to them they feel so alone sometimes their own family isn't visiting them so I would love for anybody to get that unction it's not like you got to go every day you might not even go in a week you might not even go in a few weeks I don't know how that's gonna work out but please if God moves on your heart oh if you're watching and you want to help out so that's what we got going on okay let me leave you with one verse that comes at the end of the book revelation 22:12 I can't get to the other ones we'll do it another time but look what Yeshua says pay attention wake up wake up sleepyhead says Yeshua I'm coming soon and I Got News for you whenever he is coming he's clearly it's gonna be a week sooner than Lasha bought right and and I Got News fear before he comes you might go I mean I had lunch with my best friend we eat every Wednesday my best buddy every Wednesday we and he's always made my life special he always made me laugh he showed me the most unconditional love of almost anybody in my life he totally let me be me and he loved being with me and I felt it I couldn't wait this week I don't know why we were away and whenever I'm away we just mr. lunch but for some reason I felt I had to see him so Friday comes and he says yeah I'll do lunch he came out he was so sick I've never seen a guy this sick but he wouldn't miss it he wouldn't miss it and Michael is with me and I left I said Mike he looks like he's a death's door I told him he looks like he's at death's door I'm sure of it and that night I dreamt that I officiated his funeral and I was begging people to come cuz he wasn't well known I was saying this guy's a beautiful guy please come and honor him and then Saturday after service I got the call just like that I saw him Friday satis gone that could be you straighten up your broken relationships straighten up your broken attitude your shoe is coming back and his father's glory his angels are with him and his recompense is with him and he's gonna pay back everybody according to what they've done not what they believed action action Rob are you saying that we're saved by action you know better than that I'm saying you're saved by the grace of God through his bloody horrific sacrifice but I'm saying you've been saved for good works that's what you've been saved for and that's what yome true is all about let it blow let let you hear the shofar and wake out from your slumber everything's good too blessed to be stressed nice bumper-sticker people are hurting and people have a lot of oppression and they have a lot of demons and there's a lot going on and sometimes just a little bit of kindness could be a lifesaver just an absolute lifesaver the key is just get out of yourself for a day because it is very depressing to just think about yourself it's freeing it's freeing to help others when when the women in Israel not that I'm look for the Orthodox women and they kiss my fingers because their child who's never been out of a bed got to go to the Wailing Wall or another mother another mother grabbing your feet on the floor because for the first time they heard the child say I love you mom to the iPad or a widow in India you give her a saree and you've just increased her wardrobe by a hundred percent and then they say why are you doing this nobody does this Yeshua does it but he's gone and all he has is me and then you could talk them about the Lord let's stand together now you don't dilly-dally because I'm quite hungry okay and you know it's my day to clean the toilets right actually max cleans the toilets right none of us do anymore Thank You max wherever you are hey uh guys I love you I love you keep me in your prayers I'm gonna I'm gonna miss this guy I never I never you know I knew how much I loved him you know I really did but I never really knew till I got word there's there's no funeral his family does not want a funeral and it's a long story but there is anything but don't don't ever forget Bob Nixon he was a beautiful beautiful beautiful man and I'll miss him forever and don't don't look so fast to move on from people you know remember their memories remember though the Molly Smith's and remember the Kris fries don't don't just let them be a passing memory man don't do that they deserve better than that keep their memory alive in your heart now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you me gracious onto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace and the name of the Prince of all peace issuer give a wrecker can annoy the East Moreira you're an annoyed panov allaha the who now huh yes sir I don't know how poor novela huh the assembly hall slum guys cops the mail
Channel: Getzel
Views: 4,686
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Yeshua, Feast, Holydays
Id: pb5AyFb2cGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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