Jul 4, 2020 - Torah Parsha Hukkat: The Bronze Snake

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this is um obviously you guys have been coming here a long time but some people are very new the first ship out of the month we do a Torah portion and it's it's a portion of the portion because you know the Lord told us in in there in the Old Testament that we should read the Torah in in a year so we just break it up and in portions that we can accomplish that and so the you know it's a much larger portion but of course we don't you know read a hundred and fourteen hundred fifteen verses it would just be too too much and plus there's just not enough time to comment on that it's just it's impossible you know what we do up here I just want you know is very biblical expository preaching is the way it was supposed to be forgive me but I didn't invent it Ezra did you know back in 425 BC okay you have to expose expository to me exposed the scriptures you have to expose them you have to interpret them and that's you know the fancy term is hermeneutics but you won't know what the word is saying unless you expose it now people today they do a lot of application people just want to know okay that's fine I don't really care what it means how can I apply it in my life and the way you apply it is by obeying it but that's not what they mean they mean like how can I use it to improve my life and this is where it's going and it's very insidious guys I've been at this for 31 years I it's it's you know you'd have to be blind literally and I mean spiritually blowing not to see where this is going you know if some of my boys from the 18th century or 17th century were alive they would not believe it was the things they said things they said back then and it's only getting worse you know I'm not the bearer of bad news I'm just the bearer of the truth it's only getting worse it was there was a time where they said back then you know the churches in the world as it should be when they say the church they're not talking about a specific church that's about the body of Messiah the churches in the world is this should be but the world is in the churches it shouldn't now that was back then they said we should have Shepherds feeding the sheep now we have clowns entertaining the goats they said the gospel has been so watered down that there's not enough liquid to make soup for a dying grasshopper and that was back then and so you know you're used to being exposed to the scriptures here and I know there's other places that do it but they're becoming the anomaly they are far and few between and that for me for somebody who just adores the Word of God and would fight for it that's a hill I'd find on it's sad to me it's just it's very sad to see where this is going but just because something's going in the direction that is wide and the masses will find you don't have to be on that course you know I mean I'm an American but I'm a believable form in America I'm proud to be a believer that an American and I'm a pretty strong American you know my dad was a very highly decorated you know Ranger in his day in World War two so you know and have a lot of family than a military but with that being said I'm gonna believe it before I'm anything you know even my Judaism takes a backseat to the fact that I'm a believer so even if I live in a goat nation I don't have to be a goat Daniel lived in the most goat nation the most goat Empire ever this is where this is going but but fret not it's not a matter of what are we gonna do the question is what are you gonna do it's never what are we gonna do I don't know what we're gonna do I know what I'm gonna do I mean this is very biblical isn't it then Joshua say to the children of Israel the children of Israel look I don't know what you're gonna do but as far as me and my house so I don't know what you're gonna do but as far as me in my house you listen in house that's my house through the camera Ronnie I'm the you Melissa okay so you know it's like what do you start with this thing do you just go okay so he was using this example to show that you she would have to die on the cross and let's go eat yeah we could do that and that would be a shame and then we could put in a little bit more context we can do that or whittier what do you stop with this thing I don't watch TV I know this TV series out there writing they have seasons okay numbers is the fourth book in the Pentateuch it's the origin of God in Israel right to start just in numbers is still out of context I mean when you some people watch TV series right do you start it season four so why would you start a book 4 it really doesn't make any sense and you won't really understand numbers if you don't read it in context with the whole pack to talk and for that matter you won't believe it you won't understand any scripture if you don't read it like that and you know we've hopped on this a million times and I know you're sick of it I don't blame you I'm kind of sick of sharing it but you know you've got to read the stuff in context otherwise you won't understand what it truly means you won't understand what God is trying to get of course numbers is a phenomenal book to some people it's like oh man numbers really numbers really yes really yeah it starts with numbering the troops at the beginning but it is so rich crazy rich it's the bridge between God's covenant promises in Genesis and Exodus and the fulfillment of those it's a bridge between those promises God made and the children actually going into the promised land your numbers right now man you're in the wilderness you're not home yet no no not really and the whole idea of Bittman mar the hebrew word is not the wilderness it's not a nun habited place it means where God speaks I don't know how he how you you don't hear him when you're just everything's going well because you're too loud you just like it at this praise party and you're screaming and God's tapped me on the shoulder go I have something not now I'm praising the Lord but when things aren't going so good and you're on your face and worship you tend to hear God pretty good the narrative in the book takes us into the world with the children Israel for 38 years I can't really get into the numbers but it wasn't it was 40 years but they've already been in there for two years they were already at Sinai and they left in the second month when they got the Torah and so they're really only that I don't want to nitpick okay but it was 38 years they were in the world of us okay throughout their wandering God was constantly teaching them things about himself and about their own sinfulness constant the same message over and over again it's the same thing today God as we travel through the wilderness is constantly going to teach us about him and our own sinfulness then we're gonna change the soul remains the same shortly after those amazing events at Sinai you know what God shook and and and he gave the Ten Commandments to the people of Israel God brought them to the border of the promised land shortly thereafter but when the people heard the reports from the spies their faith failed and as a result of their unbelief God sent them into the wilderness to wander until that generation died the theme of the book is real simple it's walk and spiritual progress or sadly enough the lack thereof it's not just an ancient Jewish history look okay it's a most significant book for all believers Paul even quotes it in first Corinthians as we tend to resemble we tend to resemble I know look I can't tell you how many times I've been in a church and somebody talks negatively about the children of Israel you do the same thing and your revenue not only is your revelation far superior they didn't even have they had the Torah and it wasn't even finished how could Deuteronomy be finished if they're in numbers they didn't have the whole Bible they didn't have the book of Revelation they didn't have Yeshua and they didn't have the Holy Spirit where do you come off accusing them that's nuts no we have we complain we backslide and we have unbelief and that's a fact no matter who you are you could put on you can put on your game face with me it's not gonna work okay the book shares great stories like despised visiting Kanaan korah's rebellion the Aaron's rod Balaam and Ballack the talking donkey and the enigmatic brass serpent and it is enigmatic and that's what October Portia today so let's read it just a little bit in context mark read so nicely verses eight nine we're just gonna reach for tonight that's it not a lot not a lot of verses okay then they traveled from Mount hor on the road and that's not horrible that's not the same mountain on the road towards the sea of stuff that is not a Red Sea it's part of it in the Gulf of Aqaba in order to go around the land of edom but the people's tempers grew short because of the detour the people spoke against God and against Moshe quote why did you bring us up out of Egypt to die in the desert there's no real food there's no water and we're sick of this miserable stuff were eating exclamation point end quote in response God send poisonous snakes among the people they bit the people and many of Israel's people died the people came to Moshe and said quote we sinned by speaking in so anoying against you pray died annoyed that he rid us of these snakes end quote Moshe prayed for the people of Illinois and I'm sorry prussia prayed for the people and i don't know i answered moshe quote make a poisonous snake and put it on a pole when anyone who has been bitten sees it he will live end quote moshe made a bronze snake put it on the pole if a snake had bitten someone then when he looked toward the bronze snake he stayed alive hallelujah so here we are we're confronted with this mystery and it is a mystery for right now it's a mystery okay we see it you know the mystery is unveiled to us in the New Testament right now it's a mystery namely how does a bronze snake have the ability to heal people from snake bites well let's just expose it let's just break it down let's look at the first verse then they traveled from Mount hor again that is not Mount Horeb that's another name for Sinai okay they traveled from Mount hor on the road towards the sea of stuff the Gulf of Aqaba in order to go around the land of Edom but the people's tempers grew short because the detour so the plan for entering the land was not to go directly north from the world if you knew a sign I was it's a hop skip and a jump to the to the southern border of canal it if you walked every day it'd take you 11 days 11 days an eleven-day journey turned into 38 years said okay but they had to travel they had to travel east so it wasn't a straight shot it was a straight shot just not full but they had to go east and the reason why they had to go east was because they had to avoid the territory of the the had descendants of Esau their cousins and then they would go north on the east coast of the Dead Sea I wish I had a map up here but if you're familiar with with the land then once they got up to that point they would cross the Jordan and go into Kanaan the king of Edom refused them safe passage he's like you're gonna we're gonna we're gonna declare war on you if you try to come throw out they said we're not going to touch a thing we're not gonna drink your water we have a nope nope we don't want you we don't like you and we're gonna declare war so Moses being the brilliant leader he was realized this was not a good idea to engage beat him in battle especially because the Lord didn't say so Moses made no decisions on his own none he went into the tent of meeting and said boss what's on the agenda what do you want me to do him what do you want me to tell the people because he didn't hear God tell him to attack he's like nope it's not the right thing to do so they went around the land of Edom on the east side okay their tempers grew short let's take a look at what that word means I'm sure you already know what it means but we should look in the original Hebrew cuts ah it means to be impatient irritated annoyed now I know none of you can relate to it I get it I know that so let me try to explain what that is it means they were very very angry and why were they angry they were over it anybody been there they were over it yeah it's been 40 years since the Israelites left Egypt 38 years since the spies went into the land it's a long time man you guys get over it when when somebody slow on a line you get over it when somebody's driving five miles under the speed limit you lose your mind this is 40 years a whole generation passed away there's six hundred and three thousand five hundred fifty tombstones in the Sinai six hundred and three thousand five fifty the only two that were going in was Caleb and Joshua of that generation it's unbelievable the price they paid so I can understand so they journey from Sinai to Kadesh Kadesh Barnea not Kadesh Barnea Kadesh Barnea okay it's Hebrew the whole book is Hebrew to be honest with you written by Jews to Jews in a Jewish place I know it's a shocker but it's true okay and they're on the threshold of Kanaan like I told you it requires 11 days 11 days and after all this after they're finally ready to go in God says no go east seriously have you ever been in a rush to get somewhere there were many times I had to fly out because family was how many ball mitzvahs weddings and I had to leave here on Saturday and I had a fly on the highway to the Atlanta Airport to catch like a 3:30 plane to be at these events in my family and this went on you know when all my niece and nephews were young the first like 10 years I had a fly out most of the time I had to get a ride because I didn't even have time to park and do you know what it's like when you when you up but and there's all of a sudden there's a detour anybody know what I'm talking about and when you hit that detune you realize I'm not gonna make my plane you say praise the Lord hallelujah I'm sure God put me on this detour for a reason so he has his reasons and I'm sure I'm gonna meet somebody although I'm gonna miss the plane and miss the affair and lose my money it's okay because I defer to the Lord liar nope not true they would done they were over it you know what I'm talking about why because of the debtor the detail okay the direction God was taken them now listen they had to go out of their way to the people just became very irritated with the way God was taking them I want you to know something I'm not bragging my whole entire believing life has been a detour I don't know about you and that's why sometimes I push you and I say things like don't don't build a concrete slab ten pegs I push you and you're saying why not you know what I'm sorry I shouldn't push you but I'm here to tell you if you legitimately want to follow God legitimately and I mean legitimately your plans garbage cans nothing I planned has come to pass in fact the antithesis and when I when I gave my whole life to the Lord said whatever you want and I have moved places that I didn't want to go and I've gone places I absolutely didn't want to go and I've stayed when I didn't want to stay total detour man and the only thing I asked I don't know if you could tell but I have an evangelistic spirit I have a gift of evangelism and that's what excites me nothing else excites me teaching doesn't excite me evangelism and I've tried and I don't have a great record I have a great record in other countries but not in America because right now I don't know if you've noticed but in America is like a pond with thousands of fishing lines and they're all tangled and nobody's catching nothing so like I want to go where you know if I drill I'm gonna get a gusher so I haven't had tremendous success although I've tried I really have it and I know success in God's kingdom is just doing what he tells you to do but I'm just telling you sheer numbers not nothing to write home about but I just got a this morning there's a girl in Florida dying and I told burn that I'm going and Brent's like wow and I was like this is my heart burn nothing makes me happier than Sharon that Hospital nothing and part of it I got to be honest with you this isn't the reason why I like to do it I like to do because God's put it on my heart but it's it's easier to blow and blow up and blow out it is easier that's not why I love it so when I came to the Lord I told them I know you're calling me to work for you I know that right away I will do anything you want I will move anywhere and go anywhere and I meant it the only thing I asked you not to make me do is pastor and I thought this was gonna be a quick blowing blow up blow out and I blew in I blew up and never blow out so they were impatient with the direction the Lord was taking them obviously and again I just got to tell you if you have a plan you still could be very very saved but enjoy it enjoy it numbers 21 5 the people spoke against God and against Moshe this is not good it was one thing for him to speak against Moshe they did this constantly you know daddy was a preacher she was his wife just trying to make the world a little better you know shining the light people started talking just to hear their own voice those people tried to accuse my father say he made the wrong choice no the people that talked where they were they yeah it's one thing to talk against the leader that's fine everybody does it but talk against God that's dangerous and if God has deemed Lolita to be a leader it's gonna come back to haunt you the people spoke against God against Moshe why did you bring us up out of Egypt to die in the desert there's no real food there's no water and we're sick of this miserable stuff we're eating okay people once again they got discouraged and they got impatient and that led them to blaspheme God and to reject his servant Moses and what was the stuff we're eating ma'am now look I don't know but do you know how long banana trees have been in Southeast Asia thousands of years thousands years they've been there I mean do you know who put him there it's not like somebody just a banana fell from the sky and they buried appeal God planted banana trees but they weren't in Israel but if they were and you mix the banana tree with the bread from heaven what would you get the manna bread hey at least I could tell my jokes in front of you sure can you tell yours no you can't can you ok so they rejected the heavenly manna but listen to me it was much more serious than they realized and a lot of Austin is much more serious than we realize you say well Moses just struck the rock no no it was bigger than that well they just rejected the bread they were tired of it first of all it was the bread from heaven it was perfect and in John 6 Yeshua compares the bread from manna to him being the bread of life so it was it was huge rejecting the the manna bread was equivalent to rejecting God's grace God gave them perfect sustenance it was kanuma people today right every week there's a new nutrient there's a new food item to eat right there's a new juice that they found in the Amazon that's gonna cure you of everything do you know how many emails I get from people take this this will cure your aneurysms you're an idiot it won't Robert we're praying for you thousands and thousands are Paul asks for his his flesh right his thorn in the flesh to be taken three times it ago sometimes God has a plan guys you know again a detour was a detour for me but if it's God's detour you know the the sometimes the the wrong way is the right way with Yahweh you know I'm talking about yeah this was a great detour for me this was not on my radar this would have been the very last place that would have come I'm just being honest with you the culture is totally different from my culture I three strikes against me here strike one you're from New York New York is like you know that's like hell in the southern mind it's worse than any place like Wisconsin it's weird but you got cheese come on no but New York strike one you're a Jew strike two you can't worship on Saturday you can't do that that's blasphemous that's what I'm wondering and I'm doing it you know I'm saying and then I don't fit into the religious culture I don't want to fit into a religious culture I want to fit into God's culture I'm not interested in religious culture I'm not interested I gave up the Jewish culture not a traditional to you anymore no shot no way I don't want anybody's culture except gods period so you know it was a detail but look at what happened in this detail look at what happened for you guys there's no shot you were walking with the Lord the way you are now do you think you were you're out of your mind you forget you forget where you come from the things that are going on in the nation so what to happen in Florida what to happen I was totally happy in Florida that's home I just went back there I'm home when I'm there I'm home but none of this would have happened there it would have been such a mistake to stay God knows man trust him he knows trust them even if it seems wacky even if directions he's so wrong even if it's like you know you can lose so much trust the man trust him go in the direction he's taken you I promise you you won't be sorry no how no way so sadly enough they're complaining but they had already forgotten that it was their own sin that caused them to be there in the first place like they're blaming God like it was just fool it was their fault that they were in the wilderness not God's fault and then what they try to do what we all do blame somebody let's blame Moses let's blame my grandmother let's blame the government let's blame the black people let's vein the white people let's just blame and it's nothing new Adam blamed Eve Eve blamed the serpent they will all blaming God nothing new Under the Sun don't take responsibility now just blame somebody it's easier it's easier let it be somebody else's fault right numbers 21 6 in response once I don't know I do it's ok honey I'm just a God of love you're crazy you mess with fire that's one aspect of God and you'll see all throughout the Torah Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy but there's a price to be paid I don't know I send poisonous snakes among the people they bit to be many that means more than 50% the road is wide that leads to destruction and many will find it so his judgment against the people he's judging them God really not my father he wouldn't judge us your earthly father judges you at times the behavior and you think God doesn't have the right we have we have laws that we're supposed to abide by you don't think God has a higher court we have judges that we have to respond to whatever verdict they determine you don't think that God's a higher judge Wow okay well God sent poisonous snakes into the camp and the people began to die in fact scripture tells us he as I said that many died meaning the masses this showed the people that they were the ones in sin that God was a fault now there's a miracle going on here not that they died that's that's obvious but where do you think these snakes came from do you think they fell out of the sky no the miracle is a miracle in disguise for 40 years they lived in the wilderness a place in infested with poisonous snakes and scorpions infested nobody got bit why is that because the real miracle guys is that up to this point they weren't inflicted by these deadly pets because God's hand was holding him back in reality both the Hebrew words in the original Hebrew and common sense would dictate that God merely let loose the snakes from which he had protected them instead of miraculously sending them from nowhere the miracle was in the protection in not sending the snakes it's the same today the reason why we're getting bit is because we told God to take a hike and he is such a gentleman he said sure well we kicked him out of law schools we came and he's being he's being aggressively hunted down God is being aggressively hunted down while the body of believers is sitting inside building singing singing Chris Tomlin songs you think you think that the devil is upset about you singing you think he's upset about that you're out of your mind sing outside the building you think he's upset what I'm doing preaching to the choir preach outside the building take it to the streets so let's take a look at numbers 21 7 the people came to Moshe and said we sin by speaking against out annoyin against you pray Todd annoyed that he rid us of these snakes tell you what I think this is yet another miracle they actually repented most of the time they didn't want to they thought they were in the right sometimes we think when the right hey God why is this happening I demand an explanation listen if that's you even thinking that let me know so I can get away from you in case the lightning bolt comes seriously don't you remember one joke demanded an explanation I'm sure what God said okay brace yourself that's not good that's not good if I tell my kids yeah brace yourself yes ask my kids what what what that means doesn't mean they're gonna get a popsicle they might get some ice after the fact you know I mean oh yeah you talkin about no it's I I didn't have to I didn't have to do that because there was an authority that burned that I established so we didn't we didn't have to get into that craziness it was just a look and that was enough you know hey we're both from the Bronx if we go Bronx on them it's a bad thing - it's bad enough for one person go Bronx on you but to kick you in D down man so they came to Moses they confess their sins and they ask God for mercy okay genuinely repented genuinely turning to the Lord is beautiful beautiful that's all he wanted symbolically the people were bit by sin and stung to death that's what happened and they confessed they repented they prayed and they sought intercessory mediation from Moses sound familiar if my people will humble themselves pray and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear forgive and heal that's the recipe for revival buddy you're not going to get a country tab revival okay why don't you have revival how about you have revival and how about you have revive when you have revived me will get revival here it's with the individual God revives individuals he doesn't massively do CPR on a nation doesn't happen fires have to start and then we get a blaze and that's the recipe it's never going to change you're gonna hear that so much it's never gonna change that's the recipe and this is unbelievably more than available not just today but right now right where you're sitting this is available to you you don't have to wait till afterward repentance is the operative word once again and it's never gonna go away you're gonna get bored of it numbers 21 eight next verse and I don't know answered Moshe you didn't say yeah give me a minute you know what let me think about it I keep forgiving them you know what I'm tired of them not exactly he gives him out he gives him a way to bridge this gap between he and the people a way to wipe away their sin it's unbelievable if you think about it I think about it all the time I think about it constantly okay I'm obsessive and compulsive and I'm a little mentally ill and I get it but nevertheless that's my problem but you should think about it like once a day once a day I mean look at all the things you think about you're thinking all the time and what are usually thinking about you you you you you okay I don't know a lot about nutrition anymore I'm kinda I used to know a lot but I don't one thing we are taking an overdose of vitamin I so this is this is beautiful man he answers Moses's intercession his shoe is at the seating for us right now so God commanded didn't say well this might work commanded that a poisonous serpent God doesn't suggest things God that listen pastors go I want to challenge you what do you read in the Bible where God says I want to challenge you it's it's just it's it's it's this fear of men I don't want anybody to be annoyed because if somebody leaves then somebody else might leave and if they leave somebody else might leave and oh my god that's gonna affect our pocketbook you will never control the Word of God in Betty schewe through your wallet it will never happen because there are people outside this place that will never step foot in here and still they'll support the ministry because God's supporting the ministry plus it's his ministry thank you thank you lord but for releasing me from the bondage of men thank you so Moses hid the seeds he tells them put a serpent on a pole and he promises promises that whoever looked on it would be healed from their snakebite and live he makes that promise they operate by faith numbers 21 nine say this is the same thing that we listen it's the same thing you'll see in a minute it's the same thing and then and then we're done Moses made a bronze snake and put it on the pole if a snake had bitten some then when he looked towards the bronze think he stayed alive look I don't like to tell Roxanne this too often but her graphics a second to none I don't like to tell her because then she'll go work for a real ministry you know I mean with a youth staff and they'll give her a little office and she'll be famous but she does an incredible job it takes some time to do it too I should make you war the plants of the house you know that oh you all were in the Friends of the house okay so it makes that he makes the bronze snake yeah that's what we're so Moses obeys and he makes one out of bronze why bronze bronze always means judgment throughout the Bible and don't look at just one verse or don't look at a website if some you know somebody in his basement teaching you a bronze look in the Bible if he's legitimate what do you think he got it from look in the Bible don't trust you know Joe Schmoe who's telling you things on the internet okay look in the Bible bronze because what is bronze made of and by the way there were tons of copper mines in this area by ten-minute tongues so it's made of copper and iron right for the most part a couple of our but copper and iron right and the brazen altar was made of the same thing and and the brazen Laver was made the same thing why what do we know about iron iron is strong but it's rust it's not have elastic what do we know about copper copper is everlasting but it's pliable what is God saying my judgment is everlasting but I'll Bend I'll bet forget about it God's unbelievable unbelievable hard to believe so you place it on a pole yet the question remains or at least I'm asking a question right why don't one of those ask questions that's how I get answers how did it happen that people were healed from their snake bites from looking and a serpent on a pole moreover what is God teaching us and I think God was teaching us something about faith and I got news here I've done my fair share of study and teaching on can I trust my Bible the authenticity of the Bible did eleven its internal extra right all that stuff you know what the bottom line is you're walking by faith it's a faith walk yep it is no matter how much proof you still find it's a faith walk you're trusting that the Lord's gonna come back you're trusting that that your dead relatives who believe oh all of a sudden got to come together and then take this spaceflight everybody loves spaceflight but we got to bring our own atmosphere with us this is crazy and it's all gonna happening in twinkling of an eye you know much faith that is well we say we believe we're gonna find out in these end days who believes in who doesn't God's gonna find out I'm not gonna find out it's not for me to know know God was teaching the people something about faith because it is totally illogical to think that looking at a bronze image could heal anybody from snakebite right it's ridiculous but that is exactly what God told them to do it took an act of faith in God's plan Fanny one to be healed sound familiar faith wasn't new faith wasn't new in John 3 they had to operate by faith in fact almost more faith than we have to operate in much more they were walking in darkness for the most part for the complete answer to this mystery we have to look at the next reference where we see this in the Bible okay John 3 14 16 and you guys who have been raised in the church I was not this was very new to me you've heard this 87 million times right maybe 88 million but here comes 89 million just as moshe lifted up the serpent in the desert you see how crucial that is he's relating to this Old Testament scene in numbers 21 this obscure chapter so must the Son of Man be lifted up so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life for God so loved the world that He gave His only and unique son so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life instead of being utterly destroyed okay Yeshua indicates here that this bronze serpent was a foreshadowing of himself in fact I say that is the very reason why God had the serpent on the pole in the first place to provide a picture of the saving work of Messiah Yeshua who was yet to come we'll break it down quick and then you guys are free to go John 3:14 says just as Moses Moshe lifted up the serpent and the desert so must the Son of Man be lifted up okay the Lord Yeshua was now about to unfold this mystery you remember he's talking to Nicodemus right the original Nick at night and he shows up at night and he shows up at night you know some people say well maybe sure look because it was hard to get to your shoe and now he was Israel's teacher man he was the guy he was the guy he was teaching all the rabbi's and if you get him man it's unbelievable so he came he realized this this guy's of God he has an authority and xu sia if you will a power to influence people he's influenced people the way that Nicodemus couldn't so he wanted to meet with him he had respect for him he's a Jewish guy from the Galilee was no weirdo from another planet you know you want to sit down with him and he does and he is ready to unfold this truth to Israel's teacher the teacher of the nation of Israel he says just as Moses lifted up the bronze serpent on the pole in the wilderness the children Israel had been bitten by snakes so the Son of Man must be lifted up that must have hit him hard there is no new testament this point so he quotes this Old Testament incident to illustrate how the new birth takes place men and women you and I have been bitten by the Viper of sin no question about it okay we have been bitten and we are condemned to eternal death that sounds really harsh I know I understand but God is holy and God is just and you can't take your sense with you to heaven no no how it's his it's his show it's his deal you know he makes the rules so of course the serpent breast speaks of judgment which was a type of picture of Yeshua the Lord was sinless he didn't have a sin nature okay he was tempted and had to fight the temptation but once you know let me ask you a question was was was Adam sinless or did he have a sin nature shouldn't be a hard answer what bother you reading it says he knew no good and no bad he didn't have a sin nature you know gonna know bad how do they have a sin nature but he brought a sin nature into his house when he cave to sin that's the big difference between these two federal heads okay we now inherit a sin nature from Adam but now that we're in Yeshua sins history and because one day we'll get a glorified body we won't have a sin nature in that wonderful why do you think we won't sin anymore just so much so much encouragement through the cross it's it's unbelievable just unbelievable so we've been bitten we're condemned okay the Lord was sinless and should have never been punished okay that's it's a huge difference I got a huge revelation about this the other day maybe I'll share it with you we'll see but he took all place you know this all too well how many vacation bible school did you go to growing up here and bore the judgment which we deserved right but the pole speaks of the cross of Golgotha on what Yeshua was lifted up we are saved by looking at him in faith in faith and if we are truly saved then we would not have a faith where that works the works doesn't save us we do the works because of our salvation not for our salvation the works have evidence when you want to see some evidence you'd see works of righteousness if there's no works of righteousness there's no legitimate evidence the faith produces the works the works evidence the faith they go hand in hand okay let's look at this word lift it up I'm sure you know what it means but in the Greek reading the New Testament means to lift up that's what it means but there's a metaphor here and it means to exalt to raise the dignity and honor okay I say we need to bring back the fear Lord that's my opinion okay I think people today especially they're afraid of everything except God it's the sickest thing I've ever seen therefore in the future they're afraid of what they look like they're afraid of everything fear fear fear fear fear but now the Lord nuts at the beginning of the year do you remember what I said the first Shabbat in 2020 I said quote this is gonna be a crazy year to cause fear but we need only to fear the Lord you remember I thought I was a little nuts to say it but I was convinced that God told me to now see and here listen to me listen to me listen I'm sure that they didn't want to hear from Isaiah right they sawed him in two and they didn't want to hear from Zechariah right they stoned them in the temple and they didn't want to hear from Amos they beat them with a club to death these were God's prophets so I know you want to hear me say don't worry everything's gonna be okay you're fine I'm good you're good listen the craziness is far from over come toward the end of the year it's gonna get very very crazy it's not gonna be a laughing matter okay and it's gonna continue to get crazier and crazier I'm sorry what coming into it but see I have a blessed hope because I don't stay in the tunnel although I walk through the valley of the shadow of death he is with me and I Got News for you I know some of you some of you have read the book act several times when you're thinking why why can't I why can't I lay hands on people let's say silver or gold I don't have I know and you've tried to use some kind of theological doctrine so what's good you will be able to when it hits the fan God is going to empower us because we're gonna need that power to explain the power and the great exploits of God in this kingdom and you will have that and let me tell you something I will take that any day of the week I I will explain more next week next week is a very very very important I just had to do the Torah Porsha but it's just a snippet of what I'm gonna explain to you next week okay there was a time years ago even some of you that have been here where I spoke much more prophetically and and it was wonderful but let me tell you what happens with that yeah I'm sure there's plenty guys on the Internet speaking prophetically I'm sure some people have prophetic ministries but listen to what happens you hear from God not not when I wanted to I could hear from God if I was in the bathroom he would just tell me something that's when you know it's usually from him but then you kind of get a little addicted to hear from God and then you want to hear from him all the time and you want to do the say the Lord thing and then sometimes you try so hard to hear from them that maybe you're not so I kind of to a safe place and I just went chapter and verse okay I'm always going to chapter and verse you for sure but this week I heard a lot from God and it was really really really really neat not necessarily what some people want to hear but I for one am very very excited you know people ask me I'm 62 I got all this health issues you know you're gonna retire right now on I'm not retired I'm retired it's it's it's it's one thing you know to to lift your shoe up and see him on the cross or go golfing say look what he did for me but you're supposed to exalt him and lift him up in your life here's the problem everybody wants their soul to be saved but nobody wants the Lord to bow down to and worship your life is not your own you got all these plans right I know I'm gonna go to this school and you take this job then you get a moove hand you live there how about it but but you know God put them in your back pocket so if you need them you know what I mean did you get into pinch you know just pulling out and then when you get out of the pinch put them back in it works its really well works a lot of people huh okay the Savior was made sin for us look at John 3:15 that we might be made the righteousness of God mind bomb just as the Israelites were bitten by sin and they were dying we have been bitten by sin and we're dying we're dying guess what you're dying right now I know I know nobody wants to talk about it anymore right we try to stay young right 60s a new 40 stop okay we perfectly we you're dying okay I I'm not part of the Bonner Institute I don't work for the statisticians and I don't do polls but I know one thing one out of one still does and you look great and you're gonna look great in the box too but instead of looking at the snake who causes terror we should be looking at the Savior who causes triumph that's my message okay trust let's take a look at the word it's an important word to think to be true to be persuaded of to credit and place confidence in okay it's more than just believing Satan believes issue is Lord okay this is the key to a tall it's a trusting obedience it's just not a belief it's a trusting obedience to make issue a Lord of our lives look if your schewe is willing to die for our sins then we should be more than willing to die to that two more verses john 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only and unique son you know I was never able to memorize that and I think there was a reason for it but I think sometimes when we memorize things were like a parent we just parrot it back I don't like to memorize Scripture I like to have it right here I like to believe it and walk it out then just memorize it this is one of the most well known verses in all the Bible doubtless because it states the Bible the gospel so clearly so succinctly and so simply right it summarizes what Yeshua had been teaching Nicodemus concerning the manner by which the new birth is received we read God so loved the world the world includes all mankind God does not love men's sins he hates him he detests him and he detest the wicked world system don't think for a minute he doesn't but he loves people and he is not willing that any should perish the extent of his love is shown by the fact that He gave His one and only Son God has no other son like you sure know it was an expression of this infinite love that he would be willing to give his unique son for a race of rebel sinners make no mistake I know these are harsh words because nobody uses them anymore the big the big preaches in the big churches they don't use them because nobody wants to deal with it but it's true you weren't a rebel sinner what were you a good person by whose standard how good were you if you were that good then you don't need a Savior because good means no bad this does not mean everyone is saved there's a term theological term universal salvation that's not what he's talking about here John 3:16 a person must receive what Yeshua has done before God will grant them eternal life therefore the words are added so that everyone who trusts will not be utterly destroyed there is no need for anyone to parish there is no need no a way has been provided by which all might be saved but a person must acknowledge the Lord Yeshua as their Lord and Savior in other words you could be dying of thirst but you don't have to die thirsty last verse because everybody will miss this I don't know why but God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world that's that's his second coming I know we think he's just coming to save know when he comes he's coming to judge fire in his eyes a sword in his mouth now pretty he's coming to judge it's game over you can't mess around now No now we get the baby in the manger who grew up and went to Golgotha I get it I'm all-in but when he comes back no no manger no baby no donkey nope that's not how it works but this tells us that God is not a harsh cruel ruler anxious to pour out his anger on mankind like some of us are the body of believers especially those that are Torah observant they tend to look at people and the world through the eyes of truth but they ask God to look at them through the eyes of grace that's messed up that's messed up his heart God's heart our God is filled with tenderness towards man and he has gone to the utmost cost in order to save men he could have sent his son to condemn the world he could have but he didn't on the contrary he sent his son to suffer to bleed and to die in order that the world might be saved through him now I recently spoke to somebody they're not here but they called me about a relative who lost her husband and then recently lost her 18 year old daughter now that's suffering right some view is sitting here and I know you've suffered some more some a lot less some have had very little suffering life they don't even know what it's like they suffer maybe from some insecurities that's not suffering or inadequacy or an issue yeah that's not the same thing not exactly but to you it is because it's your suffering right and again me me me me but I recently spoke to her and she said rabbi people think I have the they really they want me to travel to another state what's they think I can lead that person to the Lord I just spoke to a lady about this and I said you know what you've never let anybody to the Lord God wants you to do it because he's gonna lead her through you and you're gonna see that he can use anybody if they're willing yeah so I recently spoke to her and she has suffered greatly and I didn't well you know this is a risk of looking and sensitive if you know me and some of you do and you know firsthand where I've been dealing with you and your life through you know the last thing I am is insensitive am i bold yes yes am i arrogant about God's greatness no question about it what are you arrogant about yourself that said that's really said so I will be arrogant and bold about the Lord I'm not gonna apologize for it I never will never ever but if you don't understand that that how much my heart breaks when you're going through it man something went amuck between who I am and how you received me I'm sorry but something went a monk well with all that you know who hasn't suffered that's one thing we have in common everywhere I go in the world I see suffering suffering all the time suffering job said in 14 one man born a woman that means everybody lives a life that's brief and full of suffering it is we either have suffer because relatives or children or something illnesses you know we suffer some more than others but there is a gargantuan difference between our suffering and the issue is suffering and this is what I told them I said ours was not selfless your suffering isn't selfless your suffering was because somebody either made a bad choice towards you or you made a bad choice for you usually that's the way usually works and why is there so much cancer look what we've done in the name of the almighty dollar look what we've done about food sources look what we done to our world we've destroyed what God made we've destroyed it and then we blame him for the destruction it's incredible but his suffering was totally selfless it was for nothing he did it was for everybody else that's insane and when I told it is what a shame through my tears I said what a shame it would be for you to go through this life suffering and then miss out on a place where suffering doesn't exist that to me is worse than the suffering in this life so far worse so I want to end with a quickie story I'm sure you don't know this guy maybe a doodle surprised me anybody know a guy named Charles Pease pe AACE Charles piece lived who was born 1832 and he died 1879 he was an English burglar and murderer who embarked on a life of crime after being permanently crippled in an accident in a steel rolling mill the age of 14 you know usually people that are atheist they just made a god they lost a child they met they made if if there was no God how could you be mad at something that doesn't exist I don't believe in atheism I don't believe in atheists after killing a policeman in Manchester he fled to his native Sheffield there he shot another man dead and then settled in London way his crime spree continued he was finally arrested and sentenced to death by hanging on the morning of his execution he was escorted by the prison chaplain who was reading aloud something called the consolation of religion about the fires of hell you know booing his religious thing and peace bursts out and said quote sir I don't think you believed what you sang and of course the priest was like how dare you you just emerge you know you're a dirtbag I'm part of the ecclesiastical lerczak how dare you and he said sir if I believed what you and the Church of God not the Church of God but us say that you believe yet this even if England was covered with broken glass from coast to coast I would walk over it if need be on my hands and knees and think it worth while living just to save one soul from an eternal hell like that do you guys see any other salt and light besides yourself are you gonna be like the priest or the Levite and says somebody else will help guys you're all God's got I don't know if you realize that you're in you leave the lights go out man darkness wins I know it's not easy and I know a lot of people aren't listening and I know sometimes it's frustrating even scary I pray in the name of Yeshua the Messiah of Nazareth that the fear of sharing the greatness and goodness of his kingdom would vary all from your being that all those chains that lock up your soul would be release right now in Yeshua's name and you would get Reif fired and I'd pray right now that if anybody's watching and an earshot of my voice they would realize that there is only one way god has absolutely made it available - he's saying common know this God does not take life he receives it be received by the Lord in the name of Yeshua let's stand together think I gotta go out and buy some frozen pizzas now for something that one for breakfast that's really sad anyway I hope you guys have a really good weekend as usual I hope you love one another hope you don't fight over stupid stuff and I hope you have an opportunity to share with somebody you never know you know you never know and if you're wondering if I love you you shouldn't be wondering that something's radically wrong if you wondering that you obviously don't know me okay I don't do this for the glory it's not fun being a messianic rabbi in Macon Georgia not even close you know so I don't do this for any glory there's no glory in it for me at all you know I do this ahead of a passion for God because I love them you know and I pray that you know if you if you haven't fell in love with God that today would be the day you do and you shoot his name now may the Lord bless you and keep you it'll Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of the Prince of all peace Yeshua evil can annoy the East maratha your Illinois porno villa ha ha yes ah I don't know oh no villa ha they are sem little shallow spatula
Channel: Getzel
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Id: NomAufI2-3M
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Length: 58min 55sec (3535 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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