Rosh Hashana 2021: Here's What You Need To Know

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the two days of rosh hashanah were treated with great uh seriousness in some way more than any other holiday of course every holiday is awesome in its holiness and in its importance and its meaning but rosh hashanah was different i say was i'm talking about how the debbie treated rosh hashanah never would not speak hardly at all not even holy subjects certainly the first day of rosh hashanah and a little more lenient on the second day there was a time when the rebbe was in pain he had a sciatic pain and it had flared up and somebody said to the lebenson to the rebbe's wife how is how was the devil feeling very concerned and that ebbetson said my husband is not afraid of pain he's afraid of rosh hashanah rosh hashanah was an awesome day for the dead let's let's try to understand a little bit the significance of the day other holidays even yom kippur they're all very related to the jewish people it's celebrating an anniversary of something that happened to the jewish people we came out of egypt we crossed the desert we were saved from haman onyam kipper we were forgiven for making the golden calf it was all very parochial it was relevant to jews and really not more shavuous the day that the torah was given is a little different because it's the torah for the whole the seven noahide laws and the obligations of all human beings are also in the torah but all the other holidays are strictly jewish events what exactly is rosh hashanah what does it have to do with the jewish people it's the anniversary of creation the creation of the whole universe angels should celebrate their creation humans of course should celebrate their creation the fish and the sea should celebrate their creation in whatever way fish know how to celebrate and yet we were given a special mitzvah of sounding the chauffeur on rosh hashanah the theme of the prayers on rosh hashanah is universal king of the entire universe over and over and over we're talking about something that is not limited to jews that's the text of the prayers and yet the mitzvah to sound the chauffeur is only for the jews the point of it being that in other holidays more or less we are inspired and commanded to deepen our connection with god gratitude thankfulness celebrating the miracles but on rosh hashanah we are given a responsibility for the whole world that we don't see in any other mitzvah because god is the king of the universe of the entire world and yet every year it really depends on this mitzvah that the jews do that will determine the nature of the year in simple language to be the king of the world is a demeaning task for god to run the physical universe to make sure that the sun rises and sets that that's a menial task that's custodial work and yet that's what a king is responsible for whether he does it with his own hands or or or gets angels to do it or but but it's his job and of course there's no way that the world can exist without god being the king because then there would be anarchy and chaos the mitzvah of rosh hashanah is to coronate god as our king meaning to ask god voluntarily to be our king not a dictator not that god has to force us into existence and force us to accept his uh authority over his world coronating the king gives god some pleasure in being king so here's the essence of rosh hashanah how do we make it more pleasurable for god to do this menial task of running the world in the everyday life everything that needs to happen to maintain life on earth now the world was created we know through words god said and there was and regardless of how we understand god's speech the fact is god wants us to know and he opens the torah with these words i created the world through speech in some way when we speak we are imitating god or reflecting god so the words we say on rosh hashanah take on a very special significance this is the anniversary of creation and all creation came through speech of course divine speech but human speech on rosh hashanah also has a powerful effect so if we say positive things we're producing a positive energy in a way supporting creation of course every day when we speak positive we're adding positive energy but it doesn't compare to rosh hashanah and that's why so many of the prayers in the uh rosh hashanah yom kippur liturgy follows the alphabet in other words every every sentence is begins with the next letter in the alphabet in that way we have the entire alphabet drawn into holiness into godliness so that every letter of the hebrew alphabet is saying godliness so the entire speech phenomenon is devoted to godly purposes that makes the world that was created from these letters and words more godly when the world is more godly it means the world is more receptive to god in other words we want him to be our king and we want only him to be our king it's not a complaint we have no other king but you it's not a complaint it's not a problem it's a it's a preference we want no other king only one this affects the entire world which means the faith of nations which is the fate of mankind depends on what happens on rosh hashanah said god gave us an awesome responsibility when you say these words of coronation and sound the trumpet the chauffeur of coronation the pleasure in being king is increased the closeness of creator to creation is increased and therefore creation is elevated to a higher healthier stronger more godly existence now this year in particular nations are in trouble and not just one nation all nations and they are dependent very very obviously very clearly on some blessing from above where god has to intervene an act of god as the insurance companies call it to make sure that the world grows progresses not god forbid the opposite so this year rosh hashanah is in some way unprecedented the world has never been in such need globally there were always countries in trouble usually where the jews were the superpowers but to have every country in the world so confused and so lost directionless has never been and so this year when we blow the chauffeur and hear the sound of the chauffeur which is the mitzvah we're really determining the faith of the world how much pleasure will god have being our king this year what does that pleasure depend on how enthusia how enthusiastically we accept him as our king and how enthusiastically we want to be his people so on the one hand it's an awesome responsibility like the debits ebbitson said is afraid of rosh hashanah the responsibility on the other hand if god says that when you do this everything will be improved and go well for the entire world that's such good news so it's like doing brain surgery where the responsibility is awesome but the fact that it can be done new methods new procedures people who could not survive in the past now have a chance because we have this more sophisticated way of performing the operation more sophisticated equipment and so on that's thrilling and so rosh hashanah is awesomely thrilling it's got a certain seriousness to it but it's a holiday not a fast day so we need to celebrate this awesome responsibility but with a sense of awe so it's important that as many jews as possible should attend the blowing of the chauffeur the chabad custom is that every shriya every rabbi every every husid who has a chauffeur and knows how to sound the chauffeur makes it available to his neighbors to the people on the street anyone anywhere during the 20 the 48 hours of rosh hashanah if they hear the sounding of the chauffeur and fulfill that mitzvah they are contributing to the welfare of the universe of all the nations of the world that's what we call judgment day judgment day is not just reward and punishment judgment day means what is the fate of the nations of the world and from there of course it trickles down to the individuals in those nations down to the smallest detail and which faith are we talking about god's pleasure in being our king that is completely dependent on us let's make it a pleasant year for god we tell god we want you to be our king we love having you as our king we don't want any other king and unlike last year where there were times when you have to force yourself on us to make sure that we don't destroy ourselves this year it will be all cooperation no resistance the way you want the world to be that's how we want it to be and we will do everything we can to make the world your kind of world and we're enthusiastic about it and that gives god great pleasure so i want to wish everybody a year of good tidings of good news in all the things that we're worried about that we've agonized over we should have only good news we should have all the blessings that god can give and will give if we're receptive if we're excited we can get more we can handle more we can receive more so we should have all of those blessings it should be a pleasure to serve god which would make it a pleasure for god to be our god and to be our king and to be our father and every jew every jew can make a difference for the whole world so anyone you know who may not be aware that rosh hashanah is coming that monday night which means tuesday and wednesday are the 48 hours in which we can determine the degree of pleasure that god has in being our king may it be a pleasure for everyone beginning with god himself and may life become [Music] only pleasurable the way it's meant to be the way it was intended to be and the way it hasn't been for a while so all the blessings from a to z from aleph to tough a year of enlightenment a year of wisdom a year of goodness a year of kindness of course we're asking all of that from god but we're also pledging to do those same things for each other have a great sweet good year we have a sunday night program for vips that you might be interested in it's informal it's questions and answers it's conversation it's really relaxed it's really pleasant enjoyable informative and kind of community-like it's a sunday night program there's a wednesday morning program for the vips and there's a wednesday night program all of it just conversation casual laid back unscripted so join us take a look click the link below and see which which of the three suits you best and join us for some enjoyable conversation
Channel: Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 49,238
Rating: 4.9495058 out of 5
Keywords: education, educational, training, torah, judaism, chabad, religion, which religion in china, judaism beliefs, judaism definition, manis friedman, rabbi manis friedman, life, inspiration, inspirational, rabbi, life advice, adive, advice, life changing
Id: TT-llPiCcas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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