Apr 11, 2020 - Revelation Series: Are You Inscribed in the Book of Life? (Pt 1)

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- about the book of Revelation and I want to talk to you next week about the book of Revelation and this this is a is a book that is that is so important and so vital and people are definitely afraid of it they just are somehow I don't know who told him cuz I know God didn't I know the Holy Spirit didn't somehow they were told that this is a book that you really can't understand so just stay away from it you know who told you that Satan Satan does not want you reading the book of Revelation he does not want you to read the book of Revelation no this it's the consummation of all things he doesn't want you in it so I wanted to spell this lie I want to do what I do usually and take these esoteric complicated doctrinal topics and make them simple for you very simple so if you if you're wondering am I gonna go line by line piece up by precept and tell you everything there is in the book of Revelation no I'm definitely not going to do that because that's not what God wants the book of Revelation as far as I'm concerned can be called the Grand Central Station of the Bible now Grand Central Station is very near and dear to me because I went into that terminal every day for 10 years and left for that terminal every day for 10 years it's in the top three busiest terminals in the world the other two being the Toronto station and Penn Station which is also in New York City it's absolutely gorgeous it's on the National Register over 20 million people a year go to visit just the Grand Central Station it's magnificent and its services the New Haven lines Connecticut services the Bronx where I was from and Woodburn that's from MIT services Westchester County Dutchess County and it's really amazing when you look at it but the reason why I call the book of Revelation the Grand Central Station of the Bible because it's here that all the trains come in and and back in the day to bed we will maybe we were born at the wrong time burn but back in the day they had red carpet service Grand Central Station before you know planes took over on people's travel and plans and they would have people bring in their suitcases and they have beautiful restaurant cause and everybody wore a coat and a tie to get on the trains in Grand Central beautiful but I called the Grand Central Station of the Bible because as I said all the trains come in - to Grand Central and all the trains come into the Bible now what trains obviously it's a it's a metaphor the trains of thought that begun in Genesis and all the following books such as concepts of redemption concepts of the nation of Israel concepts of the Gentile nations concepts of the bride of Messiah concepts of Satan the adversary of God's people concepts of the Anti Christ concepts of the false prophet and many many many many more subjects they all end in Revelation even a casual reading I mean just just just glossing over the book of Revelation should cause a strong warning to unbelievers to repent and it should be an encouragement to God's people to persevere so for the people of God reading this book should encourage them not make them fearful when when I here I just spoke to a pastor yesterday I said when's the last time you preached on the book of Revelation he said well I did up Wednesday night eaching on it for about ten weeks and I said what was the feedback and he said people were scared that's so sad to hear why why I mean forgive me for being so crude but my analogy is usually awful if if you're not having sex why would you be afraid of getting an STD if you're saved and redeemed by the blood of Messiah why would this book scare you it should encourage you actually now it should though cause unbelievers to go this is awful and you don't have go through that awful they say so this is this is its purpose overall and I think sometimes when it comes to the book of Revelation in the Bible you got to get over all you've gotta you so many people miss the forest for the trees some people want to know what what what rabbi what what do you think the 666 means well first of all nobody knows exactly what it means nobody with all the study and this is would be my question if I explained to you what the 666 means will you have more faith will you be more obedient to God and the answer is always no so why do you want to know knowledge puffs up the 666 I mean it's simple guys God is 777 the number for man is 6 so of course the devil is in in triplicate of that 6 he always falls short always fall short of the glory always fall short of the glory not only does revelation look forward to the future consummation of all things of all things and the eventual triumph of God in the lamb but it also ties up all the loose ends of the first 65 books of the Bible I mean before 90 nobody had this do you know how blessed we are to have the book of Revelation the apocalypse the end of all things the consummation of all things to know about the coming of Messiah to know about the millennial reign to know about the binding of the enemy to know about the great white throne judgment to know about the second resurrection to know about the coming of the new jerusalem and new heavens it's priceless for the life of me i don't know why you're listening to the enemy and not reading it in fact this is how the book can be best understood the only way you can understand the book of Revelation is by understanding the Bible and the reason is is because the characters and the symbols and the events and the numbers and the colors and so forth are nearly all previously encountered in the Word of God in other words how do we know that seven years of tribulation revelation isn't Ellis but Daniel seventy week and 9:27 and Daniel tells us but if you don't know the Book of Daniel Hagin know how many years of tribulation there is so here listen listen listen listen listen listen please listen so of all the characters and the symbols and the events and the numbers and colors all the book of Revelation is somewhere else in the Bible then the problem is not with people not understanding the book of Revelation the problem is with people not understanding the Bible and why don't they understand the Bible I'm gonna tell you why and you know what I don't even care if you get mad at me you don't study it you know it's amazing to me this is what's amazing to me Jews Orthodox Jews they study the Torah and the Talmud every day this is the big problem in Israel they don't they don't the if they're studious and they're going through the rabbinate and they're in a or Sheva they don't have to fight for the country and the other Jewish people can't stand that because they feel like they're not being supportive which in a lot of ways I totally agree with them and family so they sit they get paid by the government subsidized to sit in a yeshiva in a school and study Talmud seven eight nine hours or day the Muslims they read the Quran every day the Latter day Saints they read the book of Mormon every day the Jehovah Witnesses they read the New World Translation every day so instead of following that suit we just poke fun at them let's make fun of them right that's what Christians do because Christians operate in Christian arrogance and they say look at these fools knocking on doors you should be knocking on doors jesus said go into the whole world and preach the gospel look at these idiot juice just studying and they don't even have the truth so that's amazing you have the truth but you don't read it ouch ouch is right read your Bible you bless this people that have died for reading the Bible there's people that have died for they go into a house and they find the Bible in the house and they kill them and yours is right there on the shelf right there you're not to go to the library go through the Dewey Decimal System you don't have to go to some shaman right there easy pickins a simple key to understanding the book of Revelation is to realize that it's divided into three main parts real simple chapter one describes a vision in which John the Apostle not not John the Baptist John the Apostle brother of James son of Zebedee saw a Messiah robed as a judge he was robed that he wasn't the baby in the manger not the Christmas version he wasn't the one on the cross no not the man mangled the judge that's how he's coming back as a judge make no mistake he sees him robed as a judge and standing in the midst of seven churches okay that's chapter one first he had to get a revelation of the grandeur of God before he goes forward chapters two and three is the Messiah is Yeshua's edict letters to his seven congregations which have a lot to do with the AIDS that we live in now the remaining 19 chapters have to do with future events chapters four through nineteen described the tribulation period with the seven seals the seven trumpets and the seven bowls and by the way the Seventh Seal releases the trumpets the seventh trumpet releases the bowls and then chapters 22 22 deal with messiahs second coming he comes at the end of the tribulation his kingdom on earth the millennial reign the judgment of the great white throne where he judges the unbeliever and the eternal state how simple is that how simple is that well rabbi you just made it simple how did I make it simple well you must have read it a few times yeah yeah chapter one is two and three is led us to these seven churches chapter four we John sees the throne room of God chapter 5 talks about the little scroll that nobody can break but there's one sitting as a lamb on the throne who can break the seal and then chapter 6 starts the revelation starts the tribulation chapter 19 Yeshua returns 20 21 22 is the eternal state that's it that sounds simple isn't it yes it is because it is and by the way you'll see a lot of sevens in the book of revelation 7 is a number in Hebrew reckoning gematria biblical numerology not not then what Dianne Warwick and the psycho network friends biblical numerology and it means completion because this book is the consummation of all things now there are people that are going to tell you this 49 7's there's people that say this 55 752 752 leavers interpret the book of Revelation in the manner I just outlined granted some think that the book was entirely fulfilled in the early history of the body of Messiah okay I would say that they definitely need some psychiatric help others teach that the revelation presents a continuous picture of the church age I would say that they need some help as well that's why there are a premillennialists there a post millennialist and there are amillennialists I'm not even going to get into that it's real simple there are seven years of tribulation and at the end of those seven years Yeshua comes okay it's that simple if you desire to understand the last days and some people do because obviously we're in them I was telling I don't know if it was my wife and a couple of kids Myra for the kids but there's birth pangs okay I had four children with burn three of them were were were delivered naturally and and there's a lot of birth pangs with a natural birth it's not it's not you know no epidural you don't kick back and file your nails it's intense it's one of the most intense things I've ever seen in my life I mean and Bernadette is about as tough as anybody I know and I'm telling you what Wow Wow I'm telling you there was one point where I I just almost had to get out of the room because I thought I don't know it brought me back to the days when I was a kid and I saw The Exorcist you know what I mean I mean I was waiting for ahead to spend and pea-soup to come out of her mouth but anyway seriously it was intense but there's birth pains before you give birth right now we're in the birth pangs I mean the Bible talks about birth pangs and what does it mention it mentions there'll be false religions there'll be a lot of natural disasters there'll be Wars what do you read about today I mean the last 20 years less 30 years tribal wars wars between this tribe was the Cucuy in the luau when I was in when I was in Kenya there were tribal wars this tribal was this international Wars there's international Wars there's people there's rumors of wars and all we see as natural disasters has there always been natural disasters of course they have but statistics show us that it's growing and growing and growing there's places that are getting tornados that never got tornadoes before I mean it's incredible and then of course false messiahs false religions listen I'm not talking about like people that peddle like a nonsense I'm talking about Christians who are not preaching the gospel anymore to me that's a false religion if you have a church that's really hip and all they're telling you is how you can use God's Word to make your life better then our preaching the gospel and I don't care I don't care if you're watching go to that place I'm telling you the now preach on the gospel and if you're the guy that's preaching that call me and we'll talk you're not preaching the gospel you're you are you are a motivational speaker who's using God's Word for your advantage period and the story now forgive me for Injection but if you do want to understand the last days Matthew chapter 24 is a beautiful place to start Matthew chapter 24 gives you an overall picture of the end days it gives the overall picture without a doubt daniel will give you the timing and then Revelation will give you the details okay there's a there's a couple of other prophecies like Zachariah but seriously if you take those three if you take those three Daniel give you the timing revelation will give you the details but Matthew Matthew chapter 24 will absolutely give you they asked you sure what is the sign of your coming in the end of the age and he gave him an answer he didn't say it's not for you to know he says now for you to know the day or the hour but he told them they should know the season when you see the fig tree bringing forth its leaves seasonal you should know guys tis the season and yet you read this and you go home there's gonna happen not to you rabbi you same pre-tribulation rapture I'm saying I'm not even talking about the rapture I'm saying you know what I'm saying that whether I'm here or not I'm saying that I trust God that's what I'm saying and I'm saying that you should say that to the Bible doesn't talk much about rapture there's a couple of obscure scriptures in the book of these'll vessel an ayah that speaks about it but not in detail I don't want to speak about it I trust the Lord I've already gone through some situations that that that that I think kind of like a tribulation of sorts you know when when Corrie ten Boom who wrote the hiding place okay a Dutch woman whose family got pulled into the concentration camps because they were hiding Jews because her father was a devout believer and knew that those who bless her will be blessed well they went into the concentration camps they suffered her and her sister a family perished and she came out of course she had this incredible witness who could deny that hiding Jews and willing to go to the go to the concentration camps and die for the sake of a bunch of Jews come on this woman was a woman of faith but she was a woman of the Bible you would think she was doing something out of the ordinary it's not out of the ordinary if your god do you protect life and when she went over to visit the Chinese Church the underground Church these people being persecuted beaten tortured killed for their faith some American past this will over there with her and these American pastors were preaching the pre-tribulation rapture they were preaching that hey guys don't worry before it gets rough God's gonna pull you out and take it to heaven and as they're listening and I know I know somebody's view because I preached an old Chinese Church I'm not trying to be a big shot but they they were they were the product of the persecuted Church so I met them and talk to them in Orlando I preached in their church it was called the Orlando Chinese Church honest I needed an interpreter I mean they only spoke Chinese and so I was able to talk to them listen they went to Corrie ten Boom and said Cory please we really appreciate the American pastors come in trying to help but please tell them to stop preaching this pre-tribulation rapture because we're dying now now I don't want to get into it because if you really want to push for a pre-tribulation rapture you can pull some scriptures out you can if you want to push for a mid-tribulation rapture you want it this is what I'm saying guys because it doesn't say it blatantly trust the Lord trust the Lord that no matter what you go through he's with you and trust him that he'll bring good out of whatever make it simple make it simple in Matthew 24 and if you're home with a pencil write this down verses 4 to 28 of Matthew chapter 24 describes the 70th Tribulation Period Matthew 24 verses 4 to 28 Yeshua gives a beautiful synopsis of the seven-year tribulation period right before his glorious Advent his return the first three and a half years broken-down the 70s is broken down into parts simple first three and a half years is the part where many will be hoodwinked the Antichrist will act like the Christ and hoodwink many but in the middle the abomination of desolation comes and we see his true colors and that's called the Great Tribulation or the time of jacob's great trouble because hell is gonna break loose on the Jewish people we have seven years okay the first three new hands is spoken about in Matthew 24 4 to 14 and the last three and half years are spoken about in Matthew 24 14 to 28 how easy can you make it oh my goodness you mean tell me rabbi in 24 verse in Matthew 24 I get a whole picture of the tribulation yes how come I never saw that because you don't read your Bible you do drive-bys in your inbox no weapon formed against my roster how are you I'm attack the world now now I'm gonna do everything I want to do nonsense I tell you nonsense there is also a striking parallel between the events listed in Matthew 24 four through 14 remember I told you the first 25 years and revelation 6 1 through 11 revelation 6 1 through 11 speaks about the first 5 seals and it totally connects with Matthew 24 for instance there's 4 horsemen the rider on the white horse false messiahs false religion we have a ton of that the rider on the red horse war the rider on the Black Horse famine and the rider on the pale horse pestilence and death some used to think you know a lot of if you if you talk to people let's say 50 years ago you know with the advent of the antibiotics and penicillin all this you know they used to think that plagues were no longer a threat because of antibiotics and wanted drugs they're not thinking that today are they no no no no the great killer diseases were never conquered guys they would just dormant they were just dormant it sound like God's created then they were always there do you remember in the wilderness when the Vipers came out and the scorpions came out they attacked the people and stung the people they didn't drop from the sky they were there God was holding him back everything's there everything's in place and now what's America saying even on Christian radio stations we will combat this virus we are brilliant minds and we will defeat this we we we we we will defeat this oh I'm also pray to God but the human spirit what humans spirit what if it was the humans ever defeated you can't save yourself you can't deliver yourself you can't come back to yourself you can't resurrect yourself insanity and these killer diseases can spread like wildfire like wildfire and they're mutating and we can't catch up we can't catch up to them many of the conditions that characterized the first half of the tribulation have have existed to the extent throughout human history they've always been there but they will appear to be greatly intensified during the period we're speaking about they're just going to be like issues on steroids they're just going to be more of the same now let's take a look at the very first verse how are we doing so far you okay revelation 1:1 first chapters 22 chapters the first verse in the first chapter it says this is the revelation which God gave to issue of the Messiah so that he could show his servants what must happen very soon he communicated it by sending his angel to his servant John now forgive me but I heard for years Christians say it's the revelation of John the diviner right have you ever heard that it's the revelation of st. John the Bible say the revelation st. the first verse says it's the revelation of Yeshua the Messiah not Saint John why Saint John getting the kudos it's not his revelation and he didn't even get a direct yeshua gave it to an angel and sent the angel to give it to John and he says to show his servants who his servants that you and me how could you not read it he's showing us what must happen he's revealing some to us it's amazing the very first verse announces the subject of the book mainly things that must take place shortly shortly the book of Revelation is primarily an unfolding of the future this revelation of future events was given to you schewe then committed to his angel and made known to John but the uniqueness of this last book is apparent in the very first word look at the word revelation in the in the Greek where we get the word apocalypse a disclosure of truth and instruction concerning things before unknown so it was something that we didn't know it was kind of hidden and when you reveal it you open it up and show he's showing all of us what has to happen and he's giving us instruction on what we need to do how to prepare you can't be that well how you gonna think you're gonna prepare for the last days huh guns you're an idiot listen to me you're an idiot rabbi you don't understand I have ten thousand rounds and what happens when the one that ten thousand and one person comes if China comes in my backyard I'll be ready China has two billion people if China shows up in your backyard and in listen I know some of you are watching in Monroe County they won I'm gonna build a bunker you've been inside for three weeks you're gonna live in a bunker for seven years you can't handle three weeks in your home and you have TV and you have food and you're able to go out to restaurants and you able to sit on your back porch still complaining that's not how you you prepare for the revelation and you prepare for the end days by having faith that's how you prepare God loves faith you can't please him without it this definition refers to prophetic visions of the future and in these prophetic fusions yet visions yes there's a lot of symbolism there's rich symbolism like I told you but those symbols have found elsewhere just like the olive tree we know it's Israel we know it's Israel now let's look at revelation 1:3 hang in there revelation 1:3 says blessed are the reader and hearers of the words of this prophecy provided there's a caveat provided they obey the things written in it for the time is near you see that blessed are the reader and here is back in the day they proclaimed Ezra got on a high place and proclaimed to the children when they were back from the Babylonian captivity the Word of God they proclaimed it publicly just like we do basically this is a public proclamation we're inside but it goes out and they proclaim the word in in other words God declared a blessing if you just heard the book of Revelation just hearing it you'd be blessed that's what he declared but for some reason unbeknownst to me I see Christians shy away from the book of Revelation they don't go near it all they know is well yeah that's you know there's a book a lot of bad things gonna happen I just hope that it doesn't happen to me always worried about me me me me me me I don't wanna think that happen to me you ever listen to your brain and how how much you think about yourself oh I love God I just think about me all the time think I mean write down spend the day with yourself and make a list and write down how many thoughts you have about yourself the desires you're trying to do the things you're trying to accomplish and then on the other list write about how many things you think about other people you'll be amazed it's pathetic just pathetic but the guys it's obvious to me in this third verse that God's intention is that this book should be read in our congregations right he says there's a blessing it should be read in our congregations our fellowships our churches because God promised a special blessing to the one who reads it and to those in the assembly who hear it and take it to heart remember the Hebrew word Shamar Shema doesn't mean okay I'm listening it is people that listen they don't hear you are you listening to me yeah listening but I don't hear don't hear because here's Shema means you're gonna do what you hear so God's saying look don't even listen don't even listen I don't know I don't know we don't need to talk if I'm wasting my breath and that's how I feel if I'm wasting my breath what am i doing it said I'm out here crying out begging people to stay close to God begging you to persevere trying to help you persevere to endure to the end he who endorsed the end will be saved I'm pushing you to endure and you're bored but if the big game is on and I come over you want to watch it if you getting together with friends for dinner or girls weekend oh yeah I'm all in man I'm pumped stoked come on man get out of here with that already get out of here with that you're a devout Christian right not only does mentioned the reading of the book bestowing a blessing but there are six other blessings in the book of Revelation yes another seven we don't necessarily look at those we think revelation is just judgment but this did not for us its blessing for the believer its blessing guy and that's what I want to bring out today I want to show you these blessings and then next week I want to get into the return of Messiah the book of life and so on the sevens that I see in the Bible is I see the seven messianic communities of the seven churches I see the seven stars I see the seven letters I see the seven seals the seven trumpets I see the seven plagues in the seven bowls that's what I see the seven blessings isn't really considered one of the explicit sevens but nevertheless I think it should encourage you let's look at the second blessing this is the first blessing revelation 1:3 this is the second blessing in Revelation it should be 1413 not 1:14 13 I don't know what book that is sounds like the Quran but it should be 14 13 next I heard a voice from heaven saying write quote how blessed are the dead who die United with the Lord from now on yes says the spirit this is the Holy Spirit which is as good as God speaking now they may rest from their efforts for the things they have accomplished follow along with them now I know that sometimes something even a verse like that is like confusing what's so confusing what's confusing about that a voice from heaven said that if you die United with the Lord you blessed forever forever and the things that you do won't go unnoticed there'll be a judgment seat of Messiah will be rewarded simple right I mean isn't that simple as simple as can be believers who die during the period of the tribulation there will be people will give their life to the Lord one third of Israel will come through the fire yes they will give their life to the Lord it'll be a massive evangelistic pull they will not miss the blessings of the Millennial Kingdom you already have them if your blood bought you had them he's speaking to those during the tribulation the tribulation Saints he's saying that even though you came in at the end you still get all the benefits in that beautiful you get all the benefits so for you you already have the benefits what does man say if you want to know what God says just listen to man and do a 180 this is what man says man says blessing of the living I want to live I want to live blessed are those who who have the most toys and the most stuff dude I had I had friends that a multimillionaires that a billionaires and I wouldn't even say they even remotely happy like I am in the Lord not even close man says blessed are the living God says blessed are the dead who die in the Lord that's what he says I'm going with God on this one blessed are the dead who die in the Lord and their works will follow the meaning listen to me listen to me careful because some of you had done a lot and you like I just keep doing for people rabbi and they never do for me I keep doing for them and they never do for me you might be married to a slug who just sits around and doesn't do for you and you do for them and you do for them and you do for them near like when listen to me and listen to me good everything done for Messiah and in his name for others will be richly rewarded everything done for Messiah and in his name will be richly rewarded every kindness every sacrificial gift every prayer every tear every word of testimony Yeshua will reward make no mistake he keeps incredible records the third blessing revelation 16:15 it says look exclamation point I am coming like a thief as Yeshua speaking how blessed too those are blessing blessed of those who stay alert and keep their clothes clean and he's not talking in the natural this is rich symbolism so that they won't be walking naked they won't be exposed to their unrighteousness and be Pablo they put to shame sadly enough the second resurrection them it's at this point in Revelation where they mention the war of the great day of the Lord of Hosts I don't know it's of all this great war in the valley of our Megiddo where we get the word Armageddon and the Lord then all of a sudden out of nowhere interjects this blessing talks about this great war and then he just goes hey there's gonna be a special blessing on tribulation Saints those who are watching for his return this is what this is what a saint is those who are watching for his return if you're not watching for his return something's wrong with your walk something's wrong with your walk those who are watching for his return those who kept themselves pure from the idler ship worship of the day because he will come like a thief in the night he will come when you don't expect him and he's gonna come to the unsaved as a thief unexpectedly and causing great loss not to the saved who are looking for him they'll see him coming Revelation 19 9 the fourth blessing the angel said to me write how blessed are those who have been invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb hallelujah then he adds these are God's very words okay here an angel instructs John to write a blessing for all those who are called to the wedding feast of the Lamb and this is nothing new there's nothing new Under the Sun you can read this in Isaiah 25 have you keeping score verses 6 through 8 you can read about the wedding feast of the Lamb it's right there these are believers who belong to his beloved bride if you're blood-bought that's you the angel reinforces the importance of the blessing by insisting hey this isn't me speaking the these are God's words this is God he's letting you know this you're blessed if you have an invitation and guess what this is the crazy thing guys if you're watching your unsaved everybody's been invited everybody Yeshua has extended an invitation to every single solitary person even those in the Old Testament whose faith was credit to them as righteousness and now in this time period he has extended this invitation to everybody all you got to do is RSVP rabbi I've seen people go up and pray and their life didn't change because they weren't saved don't blame it on the invitation don't blame it on the invite her blame it on the invite t-plus they thought they could just come up and say a prayer no no you you kneel before the cross look at the man on the cross look at the only begotten Son of God look at the only one whose father birthed him look at the god man look at the one who in the beginning was the Word of God and who took on flesh to die for the sins of the world look at him look at his scars look at his hear his pain see his see his pain man and his suffering on your part and then look at him and say you did all this for me and I don't give a damn if you could do that that's pretty amazing I don't know who could say you're sorry confess your sins they're already known to God repent of them and tell him you want to change tell him you want to be a good guy you want to do the right thing and tell him you can't do it alone because nobody can he will send the power of the Holy Spirit another type of grace to help you do it I'm telling you I promise you he will I'm not perfect but there's things I used to do that I'm not doing that without the Holy Spirit I would be doing no question about it no ifs ands or buts fifth blessing revelation twenty six we're almost at the end blessed and holy is anyone who has a part in the first resurrection meaning when Yeshua comes the dead and Messiah will rise the second resurrection comes at the end of the millennial reign you don't want to be part of that second resurrection because every single one of those goes before God's great white throne their names are not written in the book of life sadly enough they get cast in a lake of fire for all eternity that's what happens at the end of those thousand years and then once everything's clean the new heavens and the new earth are restored so blessed are those who have a part in the first resurrection over him the second death has no power better to be born twice and die once then be born once and die twice on the contrary they will be Kohanim what they will be priests of God and of the Messiah and they will rule with him for a thousand years man finally you're gonna realize who you are you're part of God's royal priesthood man those who participate in the first resurrection a blessed because they're not included in the second death where sadly enough all unbelievers will be cast in a lake of fire true believers shall be priests of God and shall reign with him for a thousand days hallelujah blessings 6 revelation 22 7 almost at the end is the last the last book that's chapter I mean he says look Yeshua says I'm coming very soon a day is like a thousand years guy look you might say when is it gonna happen are you kidding me you're 80 years on earth is a blip Oh phony she could have lived to be 85 you're 85 years of live well I know somebody died 105 flip Moses got a buck 20 flip it's a blip on an eternal scale your problem is you just don't believe it you don't believe in eternity so all you have is now and that's what you focused on my condolences my condolences I would expect more from unbeliever look I am coming very soon blessed I'm blessing is the person who obeys the words of the prophecy written in this book how could you obey the prophecy if you don't know the officee this is the climax or the high point of it all revelation 22 this is the glorious advent of the savior the new heavens and the new earth and new jerusalem hallelujah he assures us that he's coming very soon and a special blessing is given to each one who keeps the words of the prophecy we can do this by maintaining our hope of his coming maintaining all hope of his coming believing it no matter what you say no matter what the circumstances say no matter what the world says no matter what CNN says no matter what your goofy little social media things say I could care less he's coming soon and I'm looking last blessing revelation 22:14 how blessed are those who wash their robes this is the finale man so that they have the right to eat from the tree of life remember the tree of life it was in the beginning that was the tree they were supposed to eat from they were gonna live forever in a perpetual state of glory look at that God so good he brings it back he brings it back we're gonna talk about this next week a lot a lot about the tree of life they will go through the gates of the city this is the seventh and final blessing in the book of Revelation blessed are those who wash their robes you know what that means blessed are those who wash their robes it's another way of saying blessed to those who do His commandments blessed are those who wash their robes is another way of saying to deya clean Hebraic Allah who do His commandments if you don't do His commandments then what kind of relationship do you have try that at a job you work for a boss don't don't listen to what he tells you to do see how that works out see what your bonus looks like we are not saying and I am NOT saying hear me now I am NOT saying salvation by works and that's not that what this is saying yeah it also when you read he who endures to the end shall be saved it doesn't mean you're going to save by your endurance it means that endurance is a byproduct of being saved if you're enduring you're saved if you're not enduring you're not saved works or a byproduct your faith your salvation produces the works your works evidence the faith how do you know what tree is known by its fruit I can look on the tree and see apples and no I'm Dylan apple tree how am I gonna look at you and see you're saved I got to see what fruit you're producing if all you doing is taking care of yourself baby girl you ain't saved oh no rabbit you understand when I was eight I gave my life to Lord and now what's up now who's your life given to tell me still to the Lord look I do stuff for myself I I walk I exercise I I tonight we're gonna have dinner with my family but I'm gonna tell you something when I walk and when I exercise when I have dinner with my family the undercurrent is God when I have dinner my family I'm thanking God when I'm walking I'm saying I can't believe I'm able to walk I can't believe you gave me these legs not it's hot I'm threading go back inside no man no only true believers have access to the Tree of Life and to the Eternal City now we're almost home we'll be home soon I promise revelation 1 3 go back to it for a minute it says blessed of the Reta this is the first blessing and here is of the words of this prophecy provided they obey the things written it for the time is near the time is near meanings the time for the fulfillment of the prophecies was near that's what he said 2,000 years ago now you might say like oven they say as say well that was 2,000 years ago the time is near I just told you a day is like a thousand years a thousand years is like a day that's two days in God's economy when he spoke that that's two days on an eternal skill you've got to get this down you you you you're trying to think about things that are infinite with a finite mind it won't work you've got to think like an infinite being you got to think like a biblical being this refers to the day of the Lord okay people I've heard people preach about the day of the Lord I'm like what it's simple dude it's it's one it's the it's the great and terrible day of the Lord I asked my daughter yesterday how could something be great and terrible you wouldn't go to a party go oh man I went to this party it was great and terrible I went out with my friends the other day man it was so wonderful and awful hey that chicken you made it was it was incredible and terrible only the coming of the Lord can be great and terrible only the coming of the Lord nothing else will define itself as great and terrible and he asked my daughter my youngest what well how could it be great and terrible she nailed it she was dead when Yeshua comes back it's gonna be great for believers and terrible from believers way to go kid because God will come and intervene to punish the disobedient take this down Isaiah 13 6 through 16 Joel 1 13 through 15 and Obadiah 15 to 20 what chapter that means you don't know your Bible Obadiah only has one chapter those are scriptures that talk about God's intervention to punish the disobedient all the stuff in Revelation is in there and and that's terrible what about the great part and to save the faithful Isaiah 27 2 through 13 Jeremiah 38 through 9 Joel 2:31 through 32 it's gonna be great for us it's gonna be so great I know you guys have a lot of good days look we're living in a time in America where America isn't just the most prosperous nation in the world this is the most prosperous she's ever been we're living at a time where our seats in our cars have air-conditioning yes air conditioning so you get no but sweat that's how comfortable we are our beds our beds are made of the finest materials organic Cotton's plush plush memory foam and and and and their and their computer driven so now if you move it adjusts shoes the most comfortable shoes in the universe the most incredible clothing Thinsulate clothing that can keep you warm in the in the coldest conditions food look at the Food Channel we sit and we watch and we watch him and then we just we just eat and watch and eat and what look this hasn't hurt anybody this coronavirus what do people do they got to eat and they watch movies so what are they doing at home they're eating and watching movies nothing's changed we're blessed so it's hard to see this as a blessing you like rabbi I'm so blessed yes you are my kids are blessed my family is less but man I wouldn't compare this I wouldn't compare the blessing that the world has to the blessing that God has for me no shot no way the Bible describes the day of the Lord like a thief in the night this is a term that used to rob the New Testament that thief similarly suggests unexpectedness and unwelcome this you can read that in Matthew 24 43 to 44 Luke 12 39 to 42nd Peter 3:10 revelation 33 in revelation 16:15 the negative aspect is clearly seen for the unbeliever with the prospect of final judgment but for the believer it's an encouragement it's an encouragement of hope and deliverance it will completely be unexpected taking men off God the world will be wholly unprepared not us we're waiting we're watching we're looking at the eastern sky Matthew 24 42 to 44 look at it Yeshua says at the end of talking about this tribulation they asked him when you gonna come when you got to set up your kingdom he tells him and then he says look stay alert the word in the greek is gregorio where we get my name from gregory it means to be vigilant to be watchful just and and the word doesn't mean to look once okay now he's not coming we're good stay alert its present progressive keep watching keep watching keep watching keep watching people say they're depressed they're escapist baloney you'll lost I'm looking for the Lord to return stay alert you know why cuz you don't know what day all Lord will come you don't know you might know the season but you don't know the day but you do know this Yeshua says you know this this is what you know let me tell you what you do know I don't want to tell you what you don't know I don't want to be negative I want to be positive when I tell you what you know have the owner of his house known when the thief was coming he would have stayed awake and not allowed this house to be broken into if you know what thief is coming and you're sitting there behind the door with a 12-gauge sitting in a chair and just drink a little ice tea and sitting there and then you know exactly it is 10:13 the thief's coming and that door opens you're gonna be fine Jeremiah knew he knew the book he knew he said seventy years when they were in Babylon they looked at their watch to go I'll be the son of a god at seven years we're gonna let's let's pack our bags and they left and they left if you know if you knew when that the was coming and is talking about Yeshua the thief in the night he would have stayed awake and not allowed his house to be broken into therefore he's using an example therefore because of that you too must always be ready be ready be on guard you know guys that you ever see a secret service you ever seen I'm unready when I was just in Israel I was eating in this fancy-schmancy VIP thing in the hotel on the top floor and in walk the guy that's running for the for the prime minister of the country and I'm gonna tell you something man he had these guys around him Mossad guys it was unbelievable it was unbelievable how ready that I knew how ready they were they were here they had their gun here and they had their hand here go right out that's how I was taught you stand at the door like this you never have your hands in your pocket you're sitting duck you know with your hands behind you sit and duck not scratching your head and scratching your butt sitting duck you're here so that you can go right away right away right on God right on God hands here hands here right like this they will all like this they all have their hands right close to their gun when this guy got up to get something to eat they got up went around them there was only me and the server in the place nevertheless they were ready so the Son of Man will come when you are not expecting him look at this word ready it means to be prepared in the sense to receive one coming when I told Bern hey I'm going to pick up Jeremy and his girlfriend they're coming home well she went out to Kroger well she goes out to Kroger all the time and she goes out every day because she buys fresh food to cook for that day which I thoroughly appreciated but she bought more because she was getting ready for them coming she set up certain linens and set up a bedroom and this and that and the other and set up the house because they were coming how much more should be prepared to receive Messiah how much more therein lies the message guys in the warnings and what follows right after you schewe says this Matthew 25 which there wasn't a break in the chapters then he said he told the parable of the wise and foolish virgins he told the parable of the wise and foolish servants and he told the parable of the wise and foolish nations there's no third choice you can either be a fool or be wise you could be the virgin that trims the wick and has oil in the lamp or you could be the foolish version that when he comes goes oh my god he's here I got no oil can I get some no you can't have my oil not because I don't want to give it to you because God has no grandchildren uh-uh sadly enough oil in my lamp I can't give you its my oil you got to get your own let's conclude with chapter four of the book of Revelation and we're done this introduces us to the beginning of the tribulation chapter four the first scene is in heaven where John is given a vision of the glory and the greatness and the grandeur of God the Lord has done this before he gave visions to his prophets before permitting them to tell future events look at isaiah 6 and look at Ezekiel 1 both what I was a Ezekiel they needed to say something they knew God was great but they needed to see it sometimes we need to see the greatness job why do you think I'm up here we gave two week pour my heart out trying to show how great God is so that you'll worship Him that's my job in Chapter 1 in the book of Revelation John saw messiahs glory before he was planted to record the future history of the body of Messiah now john sees another vision he's given a vision of god's throne God's throne in heaven before he learns the judgments which will be poured out before he has to speak these judgments he has to see how grand and glorious God is say here we go 11 verses chapter 4 revelation after these things I looked this is John and there before me was a door standing open in heaven and the voice like a trumpet which I heard speaking with me before said come up here and I will show you what must happen after these things I'm gonna teach you John so you could tell you can write it down and that will have access to it instantly instantly I was in the spirit he was taken in the spirit and there before me and heaven stood a throne can you imagine imagine what he must have been feeling I just can't and on the throne son one sitting you see that someone is capitalized the one sitting there gleamed like diamonds and rubies different diversion see different stones and a rainbow they all agree on this shining like emerald encircled the throne surrounding the throne with twenty-four other Thrones and on the throne set twenty-four elders dressed in white clothing and wearing gold crowns on their heads from the throne came forth lightning and voices and thundering and before the throne was seven flaming torches which is the Sevenfold Spirit of God in front of the throne was what looked like a sea of glass clear as crushed crystal look at how detailed in the center around the throne were four living beings covered with eyes in front and behind the first living being all living creature as some verses say was like a lion the second living being was like an ox or a bullock the third living being had a face that looked human command and the fourth living being was like a flying eagle each of the all living beings had six wings and was covered with eyes inside and out and day and night and night and day right now this is going on right now it never stops the four living creatures say over and over again holy holy holy is that annoyed god of heavens armies the one who was who is and who is coming and whenever the living beings give glory which is constantly and honor and thanks to the one to God sitting on the throne to the one who lives for ever and ever the eternal God then the twenty-four elders so you've got the throne you've got the full living things and then you've got the elders they fall down before the one sitting on the throne who lives for ever and ever and they worship Him it's like constant worship from these four living creatures from the twenty-four elders and then we find that in Revelation five we won't get there today that there are Myriad's millions and millions of angels worshiping they throw their crowns in front of him they throw them down and they say you are worthy I don't know hey no the Lord our God to have glory and honor and power because you created all things your the your God this is the way we should worship Him this is the way we should worship Him because he's God because of your will they were created and came into being you did all this you birthed us you made the heavens and the earth you brought Redemption to us you're coming back for us you're gonna bring us to a restored heaven on earth unbelievable and we'll live with you eternally in bliss euphoria paradise heaven perfection so we see the eternal God sitting on his throne in Majesty Majesty majestic and splenda majestic the rainbow is there for a reason it's a pledge remember the rainbow and Noah's day with the rainbow God is saying that I will keep my covenant in bite of my judgments I'll keep my covenant I'll protect you kid we cannot say what certainly who the 24 elders are isn't that something why because it doesn't matter is it the 24 priests in the Book of Chronicles is it is it the 12 disciples and the 12th let me have some if we were to find out will that make you more obedient to God of course the answer is no it doesn't matter there are 24 elders this is what we do know because they're crowned and enthroned we could say that they're Saints who have been judged and rewarded that's what we know they're Saints who had judged and rewarded and given a place of importance of prominence to sit around the throne of God come on it's crazy so they must be very very special people incredibly special could they be the 12 disciples and the 12 heads of the tribes or as possible the special then we hear that the throne has as lightning and voices and thunderings which is displaying God's terrifying splendor also his judgments the sea of glass picture it it's the floor of heaven and the ceiling of the created universe and it's transparent but it's tranquil and what it shows is heavens peace in contrast to Earth's turmoil the weather's always perfect up in heaven God never frets the full living created beings in the description parallel the way Yahshua is presented in the Gospels we see one like a lion that's Matthew the King Matthew's written to the Jews and what does he talk about where is this king of Israel where is this King of the Jews royalty purple the Ox speaks to the Romans they wanted somebody strong a suffering servant that's mark the human in Luke human to the Luke talks about the compassion of Yeshua the beauty of Yeshua the fact he was a perfect man though he was tempted like we were but he sinned not and of course the Eagle speaks to John the universal gospel is the son of God in the beginning was the word and the word was with God in the word was god and the word took on flesh she didn't subtract he added and tabernacled among us and they sing ceaselessly ceaselessly over and over again about the holiness and the Eternity of God and whenever the living creatures worship the eternal one on the throne the 24 elders prostrate themselves and worship the eternal God cast net crowns of Lords throne offering worship and submission to God's authority here is a beautiful picture of God is the almighty rule of the universe about to send judgment on the earth it's not like he didn't want us guys you can't shake your fist at God and say you didn't warn me I'm warning you right now in his name if you do not have a relationship with God three of the shoe issuer the Messiah I am begging you I am begging you to think about it the invitation has been granted to you you need to RSVP quickly and expediently do not hesitate if you've done that today if you're watching what a family may be done that do not think that it's poppycock I'm telling you it's legit you repent and cry before London it's a JIT I want you to call my office I want to get you a Bible I want to get you a book I want to get you some some resources all free and then I'm putting together a discipleship series that I want to get you also free of charge that will help you stay on the straight and narrow last but not least for all children of God the book of Revelation teaches the foolishness nay the lunacy the lunacy of living for things that will shortly pass away lunacy it Spurs it spurs me to write to the perishing and encourages us to wait with patience and expectancy for the Lord's return for the unbeliever the book is a solemn warning of the terrible doom that awaits all who reject the Savior for the believer it is a blessed hope that out of the ashes of the tribulation comes the millennial reign of Messiah I pray that we be found faithful and on the tip toes of expectancy in these last days now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of all peace Yeshua evil can annoy face Moreira your arid annoy point of ELISA Vanessa yes I don't know how poor novela are the Assembly Hall Oh [Music]
Channel: Getzel
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Id: gRC2O36gDdA
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Length: 64min 21sec (3861 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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