The Feast of Trumpets and the Return of the King - Pod for Israel

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really the fall festivals all speak about the return of our king as we talk about this circle of holidays that are appointed days i mean they're they're they have a purpose and the church has been robbed of that and so even thinking reading and thinking about the um feast of trumpet and and the sense of expectation it encumbers you know christ the messiah is coming i mean he is coming yeah throughout jewish history even until today the blow of the shofar of the trumpet is signifying an expectation an expectation for god to show up you're listening to pod for israel for more information go to one for i want to welcome you to an exciting episode of pod for israel and this is a special episode we're going through all the biblical fall festivals uh we have dr aerosoriff with us today and we're he's going to expound to us really the meaning of yom torah the feast of trumpets and in israel they refer to it also as rosh hashanah that's right which is like the head of the year so this is the jewish new year where did that come from and what's the deal with this festival well we know that the biblical new year is actually in the in the spring near crossover before passover so it was only after uh the babylonian exile that some customs were adapted actually from babylon and then they were institutionalized much much later by actually in second temple period and forward that tradition says that this is the first of the year but the biblical year is actually in the spring just before passover so it's strictly tradition wow that's interesting really i think we really want to focus in on what did god intend to tell us with the feast of trumpets yom torah what is this all about what does the scripture say well the the feast of trumpet is the fifth of the seven biblical appointed days that are found in leviticus 23 and and the the appointed days that the word in hebrew is from a root of a purpose so there's a goal for each one of them and the whole circle is supposed to teach us about god's plan of salvation right of course it starts with the passover and then the resurrection and the holy spirit comes then there's this long summer break and then we have the fall holidays and then feast of trumpets of course the trumpet has always been throughout the bible a sign of god appearing or god showing up and it's the same word that appears in exodus when god is coming down on the mountain then it says there's a sound of a very loud trumpet and then god shows up as you and i talked just a little earlier throughout jewish history even until today the blow of the shofar of the trumpet is signifying an expectation an expectation for god to show up and so in the in the circle of the holy days this is something that's reminding us god is coming and it i think it's very very special that it occurs particularly in the feast of trumpet where if we look at the prophetic meaning he talks about the shout of the trumpet the sound of the trumpet yeah that signifies the messiah coming back in the new testament right yeah it's on the sound of the trumpet that that there's the resurrection happens there that's exciting and and and he comes down his foot touches the mount of olives it's an amazing scene there's some other really exciting things we're we're developing a new series we're really excited about this on the return of the king that's right and you mentioned passover in these festivals really the fall festivals all speak about the return of our king so um what happened with ezra nehemiah there's something really significant that we're going to be talking about in this new series with ezra and nehemiah what happened from the feast of trumpets then yeah so i think that's where um god is so much into the details you know of of letting us not just celebrate the the the circle of the holy days but kind of showing us a you know a preview as it were so in the first return to zion after the first exile with um ezra and nehemiah nehemiah there was a great i would i would even call it the pinnacle the highest point in ezra's life in ministry right and that occurs in um nehemiah chapter eight right the wall around jerusalem is finished in a record time of uh 25 52 days and then all the people gather in a in an open space in the temple which is by the way it's the um uh it's the watergate where jesus 400 years later is going to say whoever thirst comes to me but that gathering in the days of ezra and himaya occurs in or just before and in the feast of trumpet and very specifically the nation the jewish people that have returned to the land come to ezra and say ezra read us from the word of god there's a hunger but the hunger is for the word of god it's not for water is not for bread it's for the word of god and when ezra does it and again it's an amazing chapter he's he's immediately ready clearly they were preparing uh with interpreters to aramaic and so on but ezra is standing on the on the pedestal that they set up for that purpose and he reads from sunset until midday i mean they were and they were hungry and thirsty i mean yeah it's pretty warm out here yeah this this uh this time of year but they were all not just hearing but they were understanding and the word understanding repeats in this chapter several times they were internalizing the message of god's word and their response was you know it's kind of funny to see or beautiful to see they started weeping because they understood how short they have come of god's standard you know the mirror of the word of god was put in front of them and that began the great spiritual revival that occurred um in the days of ezra and nehemiah that for us foreshadows for us to see about the time that is coming that as a nation we're gonna cry to god not for um peace agreements and not for getting out of lockdown you know that's coming upon us right but our call as a nation will be for the messiah for the living word of god so it's just uh something that i think is very significant wow and you know just reminds me in zechariah when you know we see that prophesied of this national repentance so there's a day of national repentance it said it was a day unlike any other where the sorrow was turned into joy and one it speaks to repentance and that true repentance there's no joy and peace like when you've really come to repentance i think you could think of when you first met your savior and for me when i repented of my sins and there was no other cleansing so joyous and clean so awesome as that day and in the context i mean most of most of us you know we could read through the scripture and we might shed a tear but it won't trigger that sort of bitter morning right it was clear that this was not familiar scripture that's right they hadn't been studying the torah was hidden for thousands of years you could say right in the same way we look at the word of god who is hidden from he's still today hidden from many the majority of israelis it's hidden from them but as the eyes are opened we hear that in the testimonies of people who've come to faith there's that breaking and and i guess in a way it's not just for yourselves for your own sin but thinking about your forefathers thinking about all the generations that have missed well you know i always think about that especially in a day of atonement where a lot of jewish people go to synagogue you know just because that's kind of the thing to do on day of atonement and the final prayer the closing prayer it's it's a prayer you read and sing and i think the vast majority of people um you know you kind of sing it and sing out the words just because that's kind of what you do but the words are you basically uh you know the crowd is as a crowd you beg god for his forgiveness is it the words are provide us with your forgiveness as we as we close this day in in in prayer and then after that actually is when at the end of this the last thing you do at the service is this you know song or prayer and then the trumpet is blown and then it turns into joy you know it's kind of where you put your booth basically yeah so yeah i think it's still it's still there but there's something that kind of blocks the heart blocks the eye but on that day on a national level we will see wow well how can we pray for israel how can we you know as believers around the world what can how can we observe this maybe we could find a shofar we could blow a shofar but what do you think god's trying to speak to us even you know gentiles and jews alike what's the message that god wants to share to us through this well you know uh first of all i would say i think that the church has been robbed of parts of god's rich plan particularly as we talk about this circle of holidays that are appointed days i mean they're they're they have a purpose and the church has been robbed of that and so even thinking reading and thinking about the um feast of trumpet and and the sense of expectation it encumbers you know christ the messiah is coming i mean he is coming yeah and that's i think a great great news and encouragement and um i would also ask for prayer for you know for the jewish people at this time uh many many that have already heard maybe something about yeshua um many even probably more that have not truly heard about him um and in this day there are many people that even though you know the heart are blocked the hearts are blocked the eyes are blind in a sense but they sincerely try to search their heart before god so just join us in prayer for the jewish people forgot to open eyes forgot to open hearts for the messiah for who he truly is and as you said this this sense of cleansing the ultimate cleansing from our sins amen and you know we mentioned in the very beginning you guys know uh we're about to hit another lockdown another coronavirus lockdown and with that last time we saw a huge opportunity so many became open to the gospel like never before so many were sitting around and watching our videos we had a huge uptick we're having 35 000 a day sustained uh people visiting and watching our videos every day in israel alone that's in israel alone not talking about the nations and so i'll also pray because you can see and you can hear but we need the holy spirit to open up the ears and also pray pray about supporting that work so we can reach more in this again it's another time of great opportunity again during the festivals of god it's like god's bringing everyone in and we pray that they would find uh the real meaning behind this festival in this season amen amen so yes do pray with us this is a time of salvation we pray there will be one more great revival in israel in the united states in asia all over the world before the truly difficult times come and it's a time like you said of expectation and we say come lord yeshua come bring your kingdom soon in our day amen amen god bless you thanks for joining us thank you
Channel: ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry
Views: 248,263
Rating: 4.9505873 out of 5
Keywords: messianic, yeshua, one for israel, messiah, jewish, israel
Id: mkzI5Hlr0UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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