Sep 12, 2020 - Trust and Obey No Other Way PT2

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week we had a tauropasha and it was so juicy that i never got to get into the new testament but it you know it very much connects and i'm going to go over something that i think i've been asked you know a thousand times by people here rabbi can you lose your salvation okay or rabbi what's with the one saved always saved let me let me start by saying nowhere in the bible is the term once saved always saved used it's some made-up religious thing i think in the evangelical world that they came up with okay i don't i don't read it anywhere in there once saved always saved do you and it does not say anywhere about a person lost their salvation i never read that okay so i'm just gonna hand it to you as it was given to me and once again as i've always said i never want my theology to be yours i never want my revelation to be yours i don't i absolutely don't you're big boys and big girls so take what i say with a grain of salt you have two ears as my grandmother would say one for listening one for letting go um but let me just tell you this okay most religious people hate grace they hate grace they want god to look at them through the eyes of mercy but they look at everybody else for the eyes of the law and they're no different than the religious men of yesteryear who pile things on people's shoulders that they can't even do themselves i just thank god that he's god and not you okay so let me go back to just the two verses we read last week that was the torah pasha deuteronomy 26 17 18. um in this chapter you should know they're on the cusp of occupying the land they've walked through the desert now for 38 years they've been delivered but sadly enough their faith didn't get them into the land so they had to wander 603 550 men of fighting age came out of egypt and only two remain so 603 548 people passed away in the wilderness said and now they're ready to possess the land and god is ratifying the covenant the covenant he made with them way back in exodus 19. and he just wants to remind this new generation do you do you understand what you're agreeing to which is which is quite beautiful of him there's many times you'll hear me say you follow i'm not trying to be a wise guy i want to make sure you follow because if you don't we'll stop and make sure you understand it's very important so this is all god saying he's saying you are agreeing he's saying just i just want you to i want to make sure that i understand and you understand what we are agreeing to a covenant is just an agreement it's a brit in hebrew it's a covenant but it's a very serious agreement it's one that's not to be toyed with you don't go into a covenant unless you're going to be thoroughly and totally committed to it he then forced them to go into this covenant they agreed they said yes back and next to this all that you say we will do so he god is saying you are agreeing today this is moses speaking on behalf of god he is the intercessor he's the mediator between god and the people of israel so moses is saying to them you are agreeing today that aranoi is your god in other words you are not going to have any other gods you're not going about any other gods you're not going to mess around with any other gods you're not going to listen to any other gods the lord is your god you're one and only and you are going to follow his ways he's going to be your lord right yeshua is a savior to a lot of people but he's not their lord you're going to observe his laws his mitzvah which is hebrew for commandments and his rulings his decrees how you handle judgments and do what he says you're going to do what he says right which is no different than what yeshua said right i mean his mother said it best whatever he says do in turn in turn it's not going to be a one-way street it's a covenant it's always mutually beneficial and we always get more from god than we give always okay always always nobody in here could say i have out given to god no matter what you've given he's given you salvation he's given you deliverance from perdition he's snatched you from the fire he's delivered you from the pit he is your protector your healer your deliver your strong tower we cannot say that okay in turn arduino is agreeing today that you are his unique treasures say gulot in hebrew very very powerful term i don't want to go over what it means i went over it last week you can go back and look online and find it you can go to our bedside and finally go to and finally go to youtube and find it it's there as he promised you in other words he promised you back in exodus that you were his treasured possession even though you've denied him even though you've disowned him in a lot of ways even though you've disobeyed him even though you disavowed your promises towards him i you have not stopped being my special treasure you understand we cut people off god does not cut us off he doesn't this is going to be a little hard for some some people to swallow especially if you haven't been loved in your life if your parents didn't love you if you what this is going to be hard because you're thinking about this natural love and you're going wait a minute i don't even love myself how could god love me and a lot of you you know you'll smile and you say no i know god loves me but i know you don't really believe it as much as you act like you do because if you did you'd have a different life and if you really did then you'd be treating people a lot better than you do and that's the truth that's just the truth that you are to observe all this misfold so here we have the people had agreed to walk in the ways of the lord the lord in turn said you're my special people and i'm going to exalt you above all other nations nobody's going to be special to me like you are no one their response to such an honor and it is an honor do you know do you know what i mean it's for the god of creation for the creator and sustainer of the universe to say you're the most important thing to me that's an honor and to this extreme honor they were supposed to what they were supposed to do is obey nothing more nothing less not saying that just obey do what he tells you real simple so god would then speak in the next few chapters we're not going to go over chapters 27 and 28 he starts speaking the blessings and the curses your blessings and your curses are not haphazard god just doesn't throw blessing and cursing dust and it falls where it may no there's a total correlation between blessings and obedience and curses for disobedience totally and he goes over that he warns them he warns them up front and then in 29 he signs another covenant called the israeli covenant and it goes on into chapter 30. okay and i'm going to read you the first three verses of chapter 30. he says when the time arrives this is god that all these things have come upon you both the blessing and the curse well like i said the the prior two chapters right he says okay we made an agreement you're going in the land for my part what i'm going to do for you i'm going to protect you i'm going to provide for you i'm going to prosper you and i'm going to grant you peace that's what i'm going to do for you what you're going to do is you're going to obey me you're going to obey me it's real simple okay and he says when the time comes when the blessings and the curses come upon you which i have presented i haven't hidden it i i told you clearly about these things i let you know up front and you are there among the nations to which i don't know your god has driven you then at last you will start thinking about what has happened to you like a prodigal and you will return to i don't know your god and you will pay attention to what he has said i mean guys this is no different than when you punish a child and they come back say i'm sorry i won't do it again it's the same thing they don't stop being your child but you're just not in the same level of fellowship you were it has to be restored right this this is not theological rocket science this is so simple only intelligent people confuse this because they can't deal with the simplicity of it they're too smart for their own good so you will return to i don't know your god and pay attention to what he has said which will be exactly what i'm ordering you to i'm not at i'm not you don't have when you come back when i restore you you don't have to do anything different than when i asked you in the first place i'm not gonna go now that you messed up now that when you come back i'm gonna i'm gonna give you double the commands no that's what pharah did remember i'll give you straw to make bricks now you got me angry so you're not even getting the straw that's not god that's the evil one you and your children with all your heart and all your being you'll come back to me with all your heart and all your being you and your children your family at that point i don't know you god will reverse your exile and show you mercy he will return and gather you from all the peoples to which i don't know you god has scouted you this isn't incredible okay this is incredible this was this was said like 1250 bc okay what he's saying is god is foretelling that the people will break his covenant no i won't do it i won't do everything you say he's saying i know you're well intentioned i'm telling you i'm prophesying you will absolutely break my covenant and you will be carried away in exile now i just want to say on a side note if god was willing to send his own children his treasured possession the jewish people into exile you really think you're going to get a carpet right out of here i want to tell you honestly i know you've been pummeled with this in southern religion it's not even in the bible i'm sorry it's not yeshua never ever preached it we get a little hung up with it because we look at this little letter written to this small congregation called that's in thessalonica where paul spent three saturdays with them and we get hung up on it we get all messed up in first corinth first thessalonians 2 3 2 5 we get all messed up and we misinterpret it yeshua never told his disciples don't worry about it before it gets rough you're out he told them the opposite in matthew 10 he told them the opposite in matthew 24 25 and i know it might be like oh you know i have a prophetic word to share with you next week and anytime i share a prophetic word that's not hey everything's going to be great everybody's countenance gets low i've tested it out i've tested on men of god this past week and we're hanging around we're talking for about an hour they're all happy they're happy and i share this and then really and you do the same thing aren't you excited to have the lord back what is wrong with you what has happened to you nothing has changed isaiah was such a powerful voice for god the most powerful besides moses and besides yeshua and the king of israel not the king of the philistines sought his body in half amos was a powerful voice of god and the children of israel god's treasured possession bludgeoned him with a club to death and zechariah who brought so many beautiful prophecies about the lord's return they stoned him and they had the audacity to do it in god's holy temple you think anything's changed and you say rabbi i want to hear something good this isn't good this is great because on the cusp of this on the other side the lord returns [Applause] he says they'll be carried away but even then god says i will totally have compassion on you you don't get that from another human being even when human beings say i'll put it behind me they never do they just act like they do but it's there amen not with god this is why it's so different with god this is why if we think of our naturalness and our natural relationships we can't relate to god's goodness it's not natural it's totally supernatural everything god does is totally supernatural everything he says that he will restore them if they turn to him in repentance if and it's a big if now you see where i highlighted the words return now why did i highlight both of them there are certain words in hebrew that depending on who they're used with and for and towards they have a different meaning for instance when we say god bless you it's not the same meaning as when you say i bless the lord the word bless is the same word in hebrew baruch but when you say you're going to bless the lord you're not going to give the lord protection or deliverance or prosperity or peace no no when you say you're going to bless the lord that means you're going to bow before him and salute him as commander-in-chief and do whatever he says some of you a military you know exactly what i mean whether you like it or not they are your superior officer you don't have a choice but when you say you know god bless you you but you want to see on a person bestowed peace and protection and prosperity so it's different look at these two words return it's perfect for a precursor into yom teruah because yom teru is all about toshuba turning back to god this was the message of every prophet this is the message of every man of god this was john the baptist message turn for the kingdom of god is near then yeshua comes along and says turn for the kingdom of god is at hand it's not near why was the kingdom of god near because yeshua was coming why was the kingdom of god at hand because the king was here and he was extending his hand to you in holy matrimony spiritually speaking so when god said if you would shoot he said if you would turn back to come back to repent it's real simple and repent doesn't mean confess it doesn't mean i'm sorry that's confession all confession will do is bring you to the door of repentance to go through that door you have to agree that you're going to do all you can to go in a different direction if any of you have been in a relationship for any period of time you get tired of hearing sorry over and over again for the same dang fault you want to almost say you are sorry but you keep doing the thing over and over again isn't there some way you care enough you don't do that at work you're incredibly diligent right anything for the boss anything to do well anything to get ahead turn back to come back to repent now when god says if you shoot then i'll shoot it's different look at the next definition it's to repair and restore so you turn back to me i'll fix you that simple and even though we have a hard time with this he does it over and over and over forgive me i know some of you kind of feel the sense of i'm incredibly holy wow everybody in this room is incredibly selfish prideful self-centered on their own schedule on their own time frame giving what isn't hard to give that's a hard pill to swallow but that's what keeps you humble and that's what keeps god exalted and that's what keeps you thankful just is now going into the next couple of verses in deuteronomy 30 this is quite beautiful he says if one of yours was scattered to the far end of the sky i don't know your god will gather you even from there for he will go there and get you now a lot of people say well this already happened in the babylonian exile no no babylon was east when isaiah speaks about this and he says they'll come from the north and the west and the south he wasn't talking about babylon he's talking about right now we are in the last days of this promise you are walking in the very last days where the children of israel have been scattered throughout the world and they're coming back he says even no matter how far wherever you are he will go there and get you guys i've preached this so many times i mean you know this but for some of you that are new to the messianic movement your greatest proof that there's a god is the amazing jew not the scripture there should be no rhyme or reason that the jewish people should be alive today none do you remember the cold war do you remember the iron curtain some of you do some evil as old as i am we could not penetrate the iron curtain it was impossible none of our embargoes none of our diplomacies none of our connections could break down that curtain the jewish people demanded that the russian jews be released there was well over a million russian jews living in russia they gave them seven thousand as a token they said you're gonna get seven thousand no more when they said you're only going to get 7000 the iron curtain became a shower curtain overnight how did it happen it's a phenomenon nobody can explain it historically strategically militarily nobody can explain it because when god says you're coming home you're coming home and nobody can stop it nobody can stop the hand of god nobody i will bring you back into the land your ancestors possessed and you will possess it it's yours guy when you speak like a buffoon and you call a place palestine that was never called palestine and you don't read in leviticus where he removed the canaanites they weren't palestinians they were canaanites there's no such thing it's a political fabrication and you talk like this do you know who you're working for you're working for the devil you're going against the very words of god you know how sad that is that you could be so spiritual and yet hoodwinked by satan at the same time that you could be so deeply committed to jesus christ you could love your bible and yet be deceived wow how does that happen because satan is better at deceiving than you are better at understanding that's how he will make you prosper there and you will become even more numerous than your ancestors god is saying no matter where you are i'm going to send you away i will find you do you know there were 50 jews in jakarta indonesia 50 lousy jews in jakarta indonesia that god said i know where you are and he brought them back they have come back from everywhere they've come back from europe they've come back from africa the people of sunim in isaiah 49 they've come back from china kaifang they've come back from everywhere there's one spot they haven't come back from america and guess what america is going to take a hit and they're going to come and there's nothing you could do about it nothing it is as good as done it's gonna happen absolutely positively i believe it's gonna happen more than i believe that you're here and i'm speaking to you last verse 36 then i don't know your god will circumcise your heart and the hearts of your children so that you will love i don't know your god with all your heart this is all he wants nothing more he doesn't need your stinking service he wants your heart not your hands so in addition to physical restoration in addition to bringing them back physically there's going to be a spiritual renewal as well which we see with the modern day resurrected messianic jewish movement it was resurrected in 67 what a coincidence exactly when jerusalem was back in the hands of the jewish people according to the prophecy that yeshua spoke in luke 21 24. what a coincidence how is he going to do this how is he going to do this spiritual renewal look at the word circumcise [Music] what do we have in in what do we what what kind of person do we have to do the circumcisions in judaism oil which is where this comes from okay it means to cut off or to remove physically yes there's a circumcision of the man's penis at eight days old but he's not talking about that is he saying i'm gonna bring you back and on the eighth day diameter how could this be he can't be speaking physically the word also means something figuratively and it means to purify spiritually he's god's promising to remove their stony heart and give them a heart of flesh because this is the miracle of you want to talk about a miracle there is no greater miracle there is no greater miracle i mean how does he do it now some of you were raised in the church and you were always nice little people you think you were right you didn't drink and you didn't smoke and you never pre-marital sex and my god you could have been my messiah but yours truly did not have that life and a lot of you go by people in need and a lot of you turned a blind eye to people in need and that's a sin a sin of omission it's the same thing as a sin of commission you don't have the right to put sins in a hierarchy i was a big sinner not proud of it but i know what i've been saved from and i know how stony my heart was and it is a miracle that i'm here before you speaking like this it is a bona fide miracle how did he do it in israel how did he reach down the hand of god he's spirit he doesn't have a hand like ours how did he reach down and remove my stony heart and give me a heart of flesh how did he do it there's no way i can explain that to you but i and hopefully you are living proof that he shall enough did it [Applause] and this brings us to our two verses in the new testament that we were supposed to read last week and this is why god wanted me to hold off let's look at hebrews hebrews who was it written to know for some of you like i never knew that i'm like what why didn't you know that romans was written to gentile believers that's why the focus is so on the grace of god that they've been saved from because they didn't understand grace in hebrews the focus is on we don't need the sacrificial system and we don't need the aaronic priesthood we have a great and high priest now who sits at the right hand of the father making intercession for us don't go back to those old ways so here we have the two verses it says indeed and this is a tough one for a lot of people to handle especially those in the messianic movement indeed if the first covenant the mosaic covenant right had not been given ground for fall finding there would have been no need for a second one i mean i know some of you you know especially the gentiles who come to the massachusetts there was no need for a second one guy there was a need for a second one otherwise we wouldn't have the new covenant there was a need it's right there it's in the bible okay i've spent so much time making sure that you stay spiritually healthy and i don't regret one moment of it not one moment of it i'm honored and proud to do it but it's so important to maintain the fullness of the grace and the fullness of the truth so important for god does not find fault with the people when he says see the days are coming says aranoi this isn't new what's he why is he speaking to jewish believers and tying in jeremiah because jeremiah is the prophet that's foretold about a new covenant you start off with the abrahamic covenant where god said i'm going to do this i'm going to save the world and you don't have to do nothing i'm going to do it i'm going to do it i'm going to come and die i'm going to do it it's me all me and then he says but you know what you can't just run the way you want to run i'm going to give you the mosaic covenant there's commandments that you have to live by and then he gives this israeli covenant saying i'm never gonna i'm never gonna leave you no forsake you never never no matter what you do you're mine and then he gives the new covenant and he says i'm going to do something out of this world it's going to be so crazy that whether you like it or not you're going to do it and those are the five covenants man he says see the days are coming suzanne when i will establish over the house of israel the house of judah a new covenant the new covenant was established with the jewish people if you're not jewish the best you could say and there's nothing wrong with it i'm grafted in but you can't graft them out they're in forever man and if you try to graft out his ishon the apple of his eye his say gulot his hebsaba his delight he's not going to be happy with you that's replacement theology that's not a bad doctrine that's a demonic doctrine it's a doctrine of demons because it's not of god if the doctrine is not of god who is it of there's no third choice man so the problem was i want you to see this because you can get hung up on the words the problem was not with the covenant why because the law is holy just and good according to romans 7 12. so if the problem wasn't with the law who was the problem with come on take responsibility if the problem wasn't with the law what was the problem with good claim it the problem was with the people yes in many ways the laws of god are still very much in force adultery is still an issue murder is still an issue lying is still an issue stealing is still an issue coveting is still an issue dishonoring your parents still an issue didn't go away the cross didn't wash that away the cross washed away you breaking those things so yes they're very much in force and of course that means they're still holy just and good but by the same token my legalists if we need to obey them fully in order to earn our salvation we are dead in the water if you take away the cross of messiah then you have to open up that book that revelation speaks about a book about your life and you better hope that your good outweighs your bad and i'm here to tell you it so you make sure you just make sure that your name is in the book of life and he don't open that other book because he says books were opened so for that person that's name is not in the book of life that book has to be opened and then you have to state your case and you don't want to state your case because every idle word is in there even thoughts if one should find fault in the first covenant if we should even call it that which i'm very disturbed by is that it did not contain the power to keep the people faithful you follow this is very important i'm giving you like faith 101 and if you don't get that you can't build on it it's very important now i'm just going to give you the next two verses in hebrews because it will tie this in it says the covenant that i'm about to make with you in the future will not be like the covenant which i made with your fathers on the day when i i took them by the hand i was their escort i brought them out of slavery the egyptians could do nothing i slammed every one of those gods every plague was was destroying their gods publicly humiliating they had the sun god ra i brought darkness they worshipped the cattle i brought cattle disease i publicly humiliated their god saying to that kingdom you have no gods i am god and there's nothing you can do with all your power and all your military and all your chariots i'm going to take these people by the hand and i'm going to walk them out in broad daylight there's going to be no black ops no covert operation it's overt it's in your face and guess what there's nothing you can do because i am god [Applause] i took you by the hand i led them forth out of egypt because for their part did not remain faithful in my covenant so i for my part stopped i stopped you don't care about me fine you ever see that when you try to make peace be at peace with every man as long as you can you can't make somebody have peace with you you see this today you see this today everybody's fighting they're out of their minds there's an ungodly hatred towards people look i'm just gonna give you a news flash okay i'm not that political but here goes okay listen to me i have yet to see a senator who's not good looking and wealthy and incredibly intelligent okay they're usually incredibly successful incredibly charismatic and they have an incredible life do i believe that some politicians are better than others yes but do i believe that basically politicians are selfish yes so what the heck are you getting so caught up i can tell you this thank god we live in the democratic republic where you get to vote how you want but i've never wanted somebody hurt or their family hurt that's disgusting listen it's not disgusting it's demonic they were candidates that i didn't vote for never did i want them hurt my goodness my goodness so you don't care about me then we'll have it that way okay go your way but this is the but i'm not going to forget about you because you're my treasured possession i promised you you're going to come to your senses for this is the covenant which i will make with the house of israel after those days after their exile and after they come to this i will put my torah my laws some of your verses say in their minds i will write it on their hearts i will be their god and they will be my people listen to me guys listen to me okay i'm an orthodox jew okay i'm not a wannabe i'm not somebody that went into a phone booth and came out super jew okay i was raised in it okay went to synagogue every saturday went to hebrew school two three days a week eight day circumcision 13th year bar mitzvah okay that's who i am but i'm here to tell you something that the law can't fix your heart no more than a mirror can fix your face something has to change on the inside so god through the new covenant and this is going to take a little bit of time if you have to leave i fully understand you will not hurt my feelings i'm on an assignment and if bernard that's the only one left i'm still gonna finish it i mean that i'm not being sarcastic i'm not being funny i'm not being disrespectful i'm not you might have a time schedule you might have someone to go i respect that i respect your time i don't own you nobody owns you that's why we don't have membership here you're god's property you're a member of his kingdom okay not not the kingdom of beth yeshua so god through the new covenant would perform a miracle he would miraculously put his laws in our minds why so we would know him not know about him we would know him we would know god and he'd put his ways on our hearts so that we would love him because to know him is to love him you can't know him and not fall in love with him you know when you meet certain people and you're like i love that guy i just love that guy when you get to know god you love him and the more you know him the more you love him this is amazing and then he says i will be their god this speaks of nearness i'm going to be right there never when they call am i going to put them on hold never get a busy signal this is unbelievable some of you say god why did this happen god didn't want it to happen knucklehead that's why he has laws it wasn't the spirit of god who took your husband it was the spirit of kentucky fried chicken why god no no god said don't why did my husband leave god said don't but he's so beautiful that he can only do so much because he chooses not to control he chooses to love and guide it also speaks i will be the god of an unbroken relationship and an unconditional security that nothing will interrupt this is the new covenant we are not new testament believers don't ever say that you believe in the old testament you believe in the story of creation you believe in the the songs the psalms you believe in proverbs you are a new covenant believer [Applause] all all that god was doing in the book of hebrews was repeating the new covenant as it was prophesied in jeremiah just look it's it's exactly the same jeremiah 31 you have it here the days are coming says aranoi when i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah he's just he's saying see it's here remember we prophesied this like 550 bc it's here it's happening right now you guys are getting a new heart i'm putting my ways in your minds and on your hearts you're falling in love with me that just you didn't wake up one morning go i think i'll fall in love with god because they for their part violated my covenant even though i for my part was a husband to them the problem is not on the divine side it's on the human side guys you could shake your fist all you wanted god thank god he doesn't shake his fist at you he has every right to you're not as good as you think sweet pea he chooses to overlook some things and just love you unconditionally because he's god i will make with the house of israel jose says i know i will put my torah within them and write it on their hearts look he foretells this time about this new covenant which is going to give men a new moral nature i got saved in israel i had 12 ushers man i ran with a big crew i had my crew and i'm getting married at this castle i had money it was a big to-do man and each one of my friends came up to me and this is what they said in my ear how are you going to pull this off man how are you going to stay married god god changed my heart man god taught me how to love but look how the new covenant emphasizes what god will do not what you must do i will i will i will i will get it kid get it look at me get it it's too many years that you didn't get it get it i walk like this listen my whole objective is all the pitfalls i fell into if i can help you not fall into some of those pitfalls then it wasn't for naught then the devil doesn't get a victory but if i stay in the pitfall and nothing good comes out of it then i lose but if i could help some of you young guns not fall into this pitfall do you know how many years i performed not for your applause for his applause i couldn't handle it i couldn't handle the love and the forgiveness and the mercy i knew i didn't deserve it it made me feel worse about myself so i said look no disrespect god but i will show you that somehow somewhere you're going to see somewhere down the road i was worthy and i work guy look no listen i listen i'm not bragging but i don't know anybody i met great evangelists that didn't evangelize like i did ask bernadette every restaurant every place we went every vacation everything she'll tell you i was trying to save farm animals charles finney who was probably the best i know i know a lot of people would beg to differ they would say um probably billy graham but as far as i'm saying charles finney had a repentance anointing the likes of which i haven't seen in anybody in america okay i think he said it best he's from philly he was an attorney he was a brilliant man who the holy spirit really nailed and he had such a repentance anointing on him that he would go into factories and people would just start crying and repent to him and he would lead them to the lord he said the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant is the new covenant provides a power to walk out what the old covenant required but did not give the power to do so it's it's is perfect as perfect can be almost done deuteronomy 31 6 he's speaking to the children of israel and by the way this is repeated in hebrews 13 5 why jewish believers he's saying don't forget don't forget nothing i don't change i'm the same yesterday today and forever okay he says be strong this is for you guys now you're grafted in so you can claim this this is for you be strong be bold don't be afraid or frightened for i don't know your god is going with you didn't yeshua say the same thing at the very end of the gospel of matthew he said and i will be with you to the very ends of the age because they were going to be afraid he was trying to knock the fear out of them some of us are way too afraid this is it's stymieing us you can't just sit inside and eat chinese takeout and watch netflix till jesus comes back i understand you want to do that sometimes because you want to escape and so do we we escape we put on the knucklehead movie and eat mugu gaipan fine guilty as charged but i'm not going to do that the rest of my life he will neither fail you nor abandon you do you know how bad the devil wants you not to believe that his greatest weapon is to make you believe in divine betrayal that the lord your god has betrayed you he's saying be encouraged because the victory over your enemies is a guarantee it's a sure thing [Applause] he's saying that the people of god would enjoy the blessings of obedience where their enemies would be cursed now these words fail real simple rafa to relax god's saying i'm not going to relax we need to relax at times he doesn't he's not kicking back he is very aggressive he's a warrior the lord is a warrior remember the song of moses exodus 15 he's the master of war meaning there ain't no greater warrior and this warrior doesn't slumber or sleep or need a replacement he's on it all the time he's on his post to show himself slack no to let drop he's not going to let you fall he's not going to let go of you abandon azab in the hebrew to leave we've been abandoned by so many by friends i've been abandoned by so many people over the years constantly abandoned people i'll give you my heart i'll give you my lungs rabbi i love you more than anything to be just to leave and then say disgusting things that aren't even true about us we've been through it 31 years i'm telling you i'm not saying you haven't been abandoned i'm not saying that but if if you want to compare notes i bet my list is longer but it doesn't bother me because the lord has always showed himself every time they abandoned me he grabbed onto my hand stronger every time he's not going to let you go and this ties beautifully into john 10 that people have such a hard time with yeshua says my sheep that's key my the operative word they listen to my voice it's a no-brainer they listen to me i know them because they're right behind me i don't even have to look you ever see shepherds in israel's shepherds in our lives some all over they don't look back because they know the sheep are following that man they will absolutely never be destroyed you need a theological degree to understand this no one will snatch them from my hands my father who gave them to me is greater than all and no one can snatch them from the father's hands look at the word destroyed it's simple but i just want you to see it it means to put an end to to ruin to kill you metaphorically to give over to eternal misery in hell to perish or to be lost no don't ask me about one saved always saved don't ask an idiotic question that's not in the bible don't ask me about losing salvation ask me this will god turn his back on you rabbi the answer is no well rabbi i know a guy that he's not walking with the lord maybe he was never saved maybe he was never born again maybe he's coming back i don't know and i don't care i know my god will never leave or forsake us that's what i know and that's all i need to know to keep me in the game he will nobody will snatch look at this word it doesn't mean like by surprise it means to claim you are claimed you are god's property nobody else can make a claim on your soul you are owned and hands it's figurative god doesn't have a hand okay he's spirit doesn't have phalanges it means symbolizing his might his activity his power power and creating the universe you think this powerful almighty god can't hold on to your hand upholding and preserving the universe and then determining and controlling your destiny he has determined your destiny and he is controlling your destiny and when all things seem out of control they are not out of control he is very much in control [Applause] these verses teach emphatically and succinctly that no sheep of messiah will ever perish if any sheep of messiah ever perished then the lord yeshua would be guilty of failing to keep a promise and this is not possible not i don't give a hoot about your dopey theology god is not just a promise maker but he is the ultimate promise keeper one cannot show me one reference in the bible where god failed to keep a promise now does this mean that a person may be saved and live the way he pleases of course not that's for the knuckleheads on tv to preach not me no it's pathetic if one is born again he would no longer have the desire to do whatever he pleases it would be his very heart's desire to follow the lord a heart of flesh is so tender to god's will and so very sensitive to sin the heart of flesh says lord you know i love you help me love you more and a heart of flesh is always thinking about the lord's return the doctrine of eternal security does not encourage careless living rather it is a strong motive for holy living there is no power in the heavenlies or on earth or under the earth that can snatch us from yeshua's grip the sheep's security is in the power of the shepherd this would be more than enough assurance for me but not only are we in the hand of messiah but we are in the father's hand as well recently i felt very very led to go to colorado very lead i'm not really much of a hiker but i do love exercise so i'll do anything for exercise i felt led to go to a very strenuous hike called the devil's causeway now if you know what a causeway is it's a road it's 10 miles in length and it brings you to 11 800 feet most of the people that were on this hike were very very very experienced hikers obviously me and my puma black sweatpants and my black nikes didn't didn't fit the bill and as i was going up it was really hard and i'm not a quitter i don't quit especially when it comes to physical activity i've been involved in a ton of sports and a ton of competitive sports and it's not within me and three times i desperately wanted to quit i had a nosebleed from the altitude my head was coming off i could not go any further in fact there's a couple of times where they recommend you go on your hands and knees there are people that have died on this hike it's very easy to slip off as you got more and more elevated it became more and more narrow and god was speaking to me when i got up there it wasn't about the hike it wasn't about whoo look at that i could care less about the view i've seen a gazillion views i could care less that wasn't it the lord just said you know to me over and over again don't quit just keep going and at one point i was like i don't need to go to the top he said son it's not about this don't quit just keep going and i got on my hands and knees and i said lord i've never asked you this i've never asked you to go behind me but i'm literally need to go behind me and push me up to the rest of this if this what i'm supposed to do and so i got to the top and he told me that things are going to get very tough on these end days and many of you will want to quit and he told me to tell you don't give up do not give up do not don't forget what i'm telling you today do not give up and he promises he promises that he is going to get behind you and propel you and finish this thing i promise guys the fact of the matter is we don't have to hang in there because yeshua already hung up there by simply trusting and obeying we are assured of the victory no matter the obstacle the lord will go before and behind us as he did for moses as he did for joshua as he did for solomon and as he's done for many others the lord will never ever leave us nor forsake us all we have to do is cling to him for this is our life in him we are absolutely more than conquerors now if i can have this quadrant stand for a moment on the count of three my count of three i want you to yell out we win you hear me don't ask me why i'm just following a directive i don't know what it's gonna mean not my concern okay one two three you stay standing if i could have this quadrant stand same thing on the count of three we win one two three if i could have this quantum stand on the count of three one two three [Music] [Applause] now may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the prince of all peace yeshua is the assembly [Music] shabbat shalom winners
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,542
Rating: 4.8639455 out of 5
Id: YPmGPlXZ2ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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