May 29, 2020 - Shavuot, It's A Spirit Thing

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pretty excited because um you know the more time I spend with the Lord and the more the longer I'm a believer I keep learning stuff and that to me is exciting it's so exciting to to spend time in God's presence and to meditate on his word because you're constantly learning and reconfiguring what you thought you knew and I I I love it I love to learn I'd love to learn if you see me on my phone while you're playing music it's because I'm looking up a word in Hebrew I mean I love it I can't you know I love it I just do I can't explain it but I just do so I'm gonna take you Shabbo it a little bit historically you know where it comes from and prophetically where it went to and then I'm gonna give you some very basic application how to get ahold of it and then I'm gonna ask you a very very important question at the end so hang on I think you know class is in session in the Jewish mindset a shul I went to shul I think that a synagogue gotta go to Temple we never called it the temple because there's only one temple and that was in Jerusalem a synagogue is a Greek word we didn't really use it much a synagogue a is where people meet like that Knesset in the Hebrew but to me when I was young and I went to an Orthodox congregation it was called the shul you gonna shoot you're gonna show that's all I knew I didn't even know the word synagogue and shul means school and the rabbi was a teacher rabbi and we were his talmud dean and we were to learn and then we were to make Talmud eeen which is not far from what the New Testament says in fact that's exactly what the New Testament says because the New Testament was written by Jews to Jews in a Jewish place about a Jewish King so let's take a look at shablow where where it originates okay obvious we go to Leviticus 23 the feasts of the Lord and I'm gonna read if you're you're at home we're reading from Leviticus 23 I was told that I I go too fast I just want you guys to know in some other states that are telling me I go too fast I have slowed it down Tremaine for you I mean I'm usually on 78rpm so I'm putting it on 33 and 1/3 I can't go any slower okay it's gonna sound like if I go any slow it's gonna sound like I'm having a grand mal seizure so just you should be able to turn to your Bible pretty quick okay you should be able to turn to Leviticus pretty quick the problem is you don't know where Ecclesiastes is right so that's that that's the issue which is turn to it Leviticus 23 we're reading from verses 15 to 21 about Shavuot and I quote from the day after the day of rest that is from the day you bring the sheaf for waving you want to count 7 full weeks until the day after the seventh week you ought to count fifty days it sounds complex but I don't know why and then you are to present a new grain offering to I don't know you must bring bread from your homes for waving two loaves made with one gallon of fine flour baked with leaven as first fruits I don't know very straightforward really along with the bread presents seven lamps without defect one year old one young bull and two ramps these will be a burnt offering foul noise still pretty straightforward this is if you asked a five-year-old what do you bring as a burnt offering he would say seven lambs not defects right there um fodder like with their grain and drink offerings an offering made by fire as a fragrant aroma five annoying let's continue awful one male goat as a sin offering and two male lambs one year old as a sacrifice of peace offering still very straightforward guys I know it seems very complex but it's really not if you break it down and go slow the Kohen the priest will wave them with the bread of the firstfruits as a wave offering before I don't know what the two lambs these will be Holy Father annoying for the Kohen on the same day you want to call a holy convocation do not do any kind of ordinary work this is a permanent regulation through all your generations no matter where you live okay so basically you can I've taught on shovel for since I've been here right so there's plenty of stuff online and there's other people online you don't have to just listen to me but this plenty you can clean about shovel I'm gonna make it real simple for the historical part okay the feast of weeks Shavuot means weeks in Hebrew or Pentecost I saw a sign on a big church come celebrate Pentecost Sunday school so the celebrating at shovel Pentecost Olivia collab they're celebrating it in the Greek Pentecost was held 50 days after the Passover Sabbath the Passover Sabbath now there has been an argument since since the Sadducees and the Pharisees over are we talking about counting the 50 days after the high Sabbath of the feast of unleavened bread or the seventh-day Sabbath because they're both Sabbath's anytime there's a day of rest it's called the Sabbath but there's the seventh-day Sabbath so if you if you go according to high Sabbath it would be today if you go according to seventh-day Sabbath it would be Sunday okay what do I believe I believe it's more Sunday why do I do it because the whole Jewish community does it this day and we are a messianic community and I want to connect with them it's very important it's not important for me to fight with you over a day when I have a potential to save a soul you understand and because nobody really knows we know in the first century that day fell out the same that day was the same it was the same day in the first century God just worked that out but maybe next year we'll do it on a Sunday maybe not I don't know that's not important okay if you're still fighting over days and times and hours I think you're more lost than the lost or let me just say this is gonna be derogatory but if you're fighting over days and hours and times join the Hebrew roots movement they love to fight they love to fight why it's called Pentecost Penta in Greek is 50 shovel to seven weeks in a day still adds up to 50 ok it was a harvest festival it was the wheat harvest you had the bolli harvest is the first four and it was a promise to come what what God was saying is if I provide the barley I'm providing the wheat I'm the provider I'm gonna keep providing a promise yet to come basically so it's a harvest festival and what's it all about thankfulness you can never go wrong with being thankful nobody's gonna ever sit down with you and say you know what your problem is you're too thankful you're not gonna sit with God and say you know what you messed up you were just too thankful you can never go wrong with being thankful if you want to get rid of your misery try be thankful trying to be thankful of what you have instead of miserable about what you don't so it's all about thankfulness which is great makes for a great holiday the firstfruits of the wheat harvest was presented at this time why don't we wave it before God would say hey if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have anything to wave look over here you know you wait somebody get their attention right hey look we realize that you will provide not us I know we think crow bread Publix provides but that's not true God's the provider God's the provider God always was the provider God always will be the provider and God is the provider no rain no wheat who's the Rainmaker come on man it's a no-brainer it's a no-brainer okay let's let's highlight a couple things just a couple of things I'm not gonna because it will take too long I want to get to the meat okay Leviticus 23 17 will highlight that says you must bring bread from your homes for waving two loaves all of a sudden it's two loaves why two loaves and it's baked with leaven you know Levin's always representative sin I've seen some things that people have written about this and I'm like where did you fine what are you doing crystal meth when you came up with that were you high two loaves and leaven Levin represents sin it's talking about man's form of the Jew and the Gentile it's prophesying a promise to come prophesying that God is going to send Messiah to the Jew and then to the Gentile God's going to open up salvation to the whole world look at Ephesian to 11 through 14 it says therefore remember your former state you Gentiles he's speaking to Gentiles right you Gentiles by birth Gentiles by birth you weren't biologically Jewish most of you in Beth you will aren't most of you watching aren't that's not a big issue but that's the truth you would Gentiles by birth that is your biology you can't change that you will call the uncircumcised yes that's what they called you in the first century by those who merely because of an operation on their flesh like this special because they have an operation on their flesh they're circumcised the point is it doesn't matter about your biology doesn't matter about your ethnicity should you be proud that you're whatever sure knock yourself out but why do you think there's so much prejudice and bias now because people aren't filled with the Holy Spirit because they're not really born again because that should knock the crap out of your prejudice at that time you had no Messiah no at that time you were estranged from the National Life of Israel you had nothing you didn't have the patriarchs you didn't have the covenants you didn't have the promises you didn't have salvation you had nothing you were foreigners I'm not talking about the band from the 70s you will foreigners to the covenants embodying God's promise foreigners no hope oh there it is and that funny you were in this world without hope and without God that would naturally and spiritually to me come next and there it is you imagine that you don't see that now because the church is totally a Gentile Church you don't see that in the Messianic movement is some you know weirdo movement but in the first century it was the opposite when the Bible was written it was the opposite you were in this world without hope without God but now hallelujah I mean hallelujah and if you read Romans 11 you know what why are you being so uppity who do you you our salvation came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and God in His infinite mercy sent a bunch of Jews to bring the salvation to the world but now you will once far-off not a little off no somebody goes that guy's a little off hey that note was a little off no that was way off far off you've been brought near by the shedding of messiahs blood period see the period see the period for he himself is our Shalom he has made us both one and has broken down the myth hits on this wall that was in the temple there was a wall for a court of the Jews and the court of the Gentiles a wall that separated them which divide us yes walls divide yes so two loves what is he saying you brought two loaves out the bagel and the biscuit was supposed to be one now it's not supposed to be a Gentile Church or or a Messianic Jewish synagogue it's supposed to be one and if this is saying that you will foreigners to the covenants and you were strange from the national life of Israel than if you were estranged from the National Life of Israel supposedly through Messiah now you're part of the National Life of Israel and the life of Israel if you read Leviticus 23 has feasts why would you not celebrate them I don't make a federal case of this some people like adamant you're not saved by the feasts but because you're now grafted into the national life of Israel why are you celebrating man-made feasts and not God made feasts guys it doesn't make any logical sense to me I don't care who tells me oh it's not about feasts it's not about feasts it's about the Messiah who happened to celebrate the feasts - it's about remembering what God did in the prophetic aspect and that there's still feast that have to be fulfilled this Bay the biscuit is alluded to elsewhere I'll go slow for you you can look in acts 2 verse 21 and 39 you can look in the Gospels Luke 2 verses 30 to 32 and in the prophetic books like isaiah 49:6 let me just read isaiah 49:6 to you okay it says is it not enough that you are merely my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and restore the offspring of Israel he's talking to the Messiah I will also make you a light to the nation's to the Gentiles it's there right there so my salvation my yeshua can spread to the ends of the earth what do we see in acts 2:21 well let's find out sorry I didn't write this down but I just think men the fighting over this is crazy man you don't want to celebrate don't celebrate you know whatever it says whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved yes whoever and then verse 39 says for the promise is for you talking to the Jewish people for your children and those who are far away who are those who are far away the Gentiles and Luke 2 look it's right there in the Gospels boom Luke 2 let's see Luke 2 verse 30 to 32 let's take a quick look it says for I've seen with my own eyes your Yahshua which you prepared in the presence of all peoples a light that will bring revelation to the and glory to your people Israel always the bagel in the biscuits supposed to be one always always always now here's my next question based on that should the feasts be celebrated by a messianic - should I celebrate the feast or now that I believe in Yeshua am I done with them obviously are the feast celebrated by Jews yes Jews all over the world of celebrating trouble or should the feasts be celebrated by a Messianic Jew or now that I believe in Yeshua now that I've accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior now I should reject the feasts listen listen I I appreciate your opinion but let's I no offense but let's take a look let's take a look you're right but let's take a look Leviticus 23 1 through 2 says I've annoys said to most to tell the people of Israel the designated times of I don't know what you're blaming our holy convocations and their perpetual so obviously based on that it doesn't it didn't say until Messiah comes in fact when you read the the narrative about Shavuot it says a perpetual covenant for future generations and everlasting please there's no way to work around that okay acts 2 now now okay forget Leviticus let's you know what forget the Old Testament done with it let's go to acts it says acts 2:1 one in five it says the festival shovel it arrived and the believers all gathered together in one place what were they doing they were now that was staying in Jerusalem religious Jews from every nation so all the religious Jews had to come to Jerusalem to celebrate shall vote Messiah had already died the Messianic Jews were included with them why were they still celebrating it in that forty day course that yushua had with them on the Mount of Olives forty days maybe eight hours a day that's a lot of hours don't you think he should have slipped in there and listen guys a couple of things Sabbath done gonna change it I'm gonna resurrect on the first day so we're just we're just gonna vacuum out the fourth commandment and these feasts that we've been doing for centuries silver he would have slipped that in what are they still doing it but this is the kicker Paul Paul's the guy who confuses everybody up up up to the up till the Gospels you shoot and confuse anybody I didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it not one jot or tittle will go away no problem then Paul comes along we read in Colossians 2 and other places it seems like he's anti-jewish get rid of everything Jewish Judaism bad so let me ask you this why in acts 20 which was why into his walk way after issue ascended did shall decide to bypass Ephesus you know it's it's more important for him to get home to celebrate Shallotte than it was to preach the gospel Paul guys all you Christians that might be watching this is the great Paul there was no apostle greater than Paul he half the New Testament he had a personal encounter with Yeshua he was the apostle to the Gentiles shouldn't somebody have told them why you rushing to get home for shovel Oh the fee sure a done deal how do you miss that brother I feel like you're telling me I have to celebrate you don't have to do nothing I could care less do you think I care if your father your mother celebrates shovel I care if your mother and father say I don't care if they celebrate Shabbat but when they ask me why do I I'm like my question to be why don't you why do i okay so that ends that right I I'm supposed to do it and I'm happy too now the question is should some of your Gentiles be doing it for you are you nuts like some of your family says are you out of your mind have you lost it like some of your church friends say right well the Messianic Jew the answer is of course he should the Messianic Gentile my answer is why not why not look at a couple of verses Acts Exodus 12 38 and Joshua 8:35 it says a mixed crowd a mixed crowd is the bagel in the biscuit non Jews went with the Jews on their Exodus right we know this we know this which means they had up at the blow on the door and they left they left Egypt behind this dark place Egypt and they went towards Israel they became part of the nation of Israel what you think when they left they were like hey you Gentiles go to the back of the bus do you think that's what they said do you think they said once we get into Israel you know there's gonna be a compartment for you guys you guys have Alessa because you don't have the good biology that's what we do that's a mess no no they became part of the nation of Israel the Torah was theirs the covenants was theirs the pay trucks was theirs they just came in they left they left that darkness behind and they came in and they did everything that God was instructing his people to do because they became his people - it says so eight look there was not a word of everything motion had ordered that Joshua did not read before all Israel including why they have to put this in he's telling you something including the women it wasn't just men who had to obey the Word of God women would important the little ones did they have to obey yes the foreigners there they are getting that group from the 70s I want to know what love is no it was the Gentiles so do you think all of a sudden these Gentiles were grafted in and became part of Israel over someone once Messiah this came they grafted out they then they did they did graft out sadly enough after was it right no they did that man did that they graft it out let's let's let's start our own thing let's get some other you know by 300 let's get some other festivals in here let's get some of our Gentile festivals in to please these people because they're not going to be happy doing this stuff who was doing it who was behind it not not a man not a denomination not Constantine not the Catholic Church Satan Satan was slowly vacuuming out everything Judaic from the faith just like Satan is vacuuming out everything about God from the world he's on a mission he's very very aggressive very aggressive about taking God out of everything get him off the dollar bill get him off everywhere what what what most Christians don't know is he did that in the faith with Judaism it's high time we restore the rich Jewishness of the gospel so should the Messianic Gentiles do it okay let's move on shall we shall we just a couple more verses Leviticus 23 just two more verses in this in Leviticus then we move on to really juicy stuff okay real juicy stuff I just had to get that another way because because it's just yeah okay along with the bread along with the bread the bagel and a biscuit presents seven lambs with defect one-year-old one young bull two Rams burnt-offering drink offerings and sin offering and peace offering okay what's missing something's missing there's five offerings five offerings in Leviticus we have a missing offering we have the burnt offering the green offering the sin offering the peace offering the guilt offering is missing that's a big one that's a biggie why is the guilt offering missing it God just didn't leave it out I have something really neat to share with you I have one verse from the Psalms it's in Psalm 69 in it verse 4 is what it says this is this hosts whole Psalm about the Messiah's suffering but listen to this this is cool this is one of those little finds you know that's it's it's not really possible if you just find it you'd have to be nuts but those who hate me for no reason outnumber the hairs on my head my persecute is a powerful my enemies accused me falsely and III italicized am I expected to return things I didn't steal I believe that this is being alluded to the guilt offering hear me out just a second this is an incredible scene ok this is prophesied a thousand years before it happened but what is seen this is ok the Messiah of the world God's only begotten is hanging on a criminal's cross there is nothing more long than that and his guilty murderers are gathered before him men and women that Oh him they have very breath shouting venom and hatred and then he makes this magnanimous statement out of nowhere like he's standing god am i expected to return things I didn't steal in this respect I believe he's reminding us of the offering in Leviticus five the prominent feature of that offering was the restitution had to be made for any loss that the author had caused and an additional one-fifth had to be added so not only did you have to return the goods but you had to add 20% maybe for emotional suffering or loss I don't know but that's what got implemented for the guilt so to be removed of your guilt not just be forgiving of the sin but to remove to the guilt you had to add something plus it's not right just to give it back I didn't have it for the time you had it you know what I mean if you took my cow where was my milk you follow what I'm saying so sometimes people go I gave it back it's not good enough don't make yourself out to be a saint good 20% on that you know so so here you shoe ask this question which I'm thinking is very prophetic as our guilt offering Yeshua not only restored what had been stolen through man sin but he added more added more how because God has received more glory through the finished work of Messiah than if sin had never entered the camp God has received more glory through the finished work of Messiah than if sin never entered the camp through sin God lost creatures through Yeshua God gained sons these were creatures that would just program to obey Him now we choose two creatures two sons hallelujah and we are better off in Yeshua than we could have ever been in unfallen Adam you got it okay with that being said I just want you to see that in shovel with that being said as if forgiveness of sin and the release from its guilt was enough which it's more than enough if you can ever say Diane who now is the time dianna not only did God forgive our sins and release us from the guilt but then he promises to one day write his ways on the interior of us and not only write his ways on the inside of us but then give us the juice to walk it out and we know this I'll just give you two verses from jeremiah and ezekiel and jeremiah says for this is the covenant this is the Brit this is the everlasting alliance for defense I will make with the house of Israel after those days somewhere in the future says I don't know it it's not going to be like the Covenant when I wrote it on tablets of stone and you had to teach it telling you what to do no no I'm gonna put a teacher on the inside of you guys can you imagine not having it on the inside of you and having to go to somebody and going is this okay is this okay can I can I do is this is this you know when I go to foreign countries I gotta ask is this okay is this what's the protocol what's the Prothean when I go to a church and speak I asked is this okay you're the gatekeeper is this appropriate I'm very respectful very so God's saying aunt Phyllis days I will put my Torah now make no mistake okay people say the Torah is not a round of the tours now how could that be if he's gonna put it on the inside of you what well that people say well the teachings of Christ guess what the teachings of christ is the torah i will put my torah within them within them and write it on their hearts why does it say on their hearts he doesn't write it inside your heart it's your job to keep your hearts soft and get it in he's not gonna force it in there he'll write it on if your hearts supple but a lot of hearts get hard people get hard-hearted and the ground gets very fallow and it needs to be broken up on a regular basis because if you have hard ground i don't care how much seed you put in ain't getting in I will be their God so personal and intimate and they will be my people well I'll be their God and they will be my people very intimate very personal it doesn't get better than that okay no more you're gonna have a mediator like Moses was between the people not even Yeshua he's gonna leave the mediators gonna leave and then Ezekiel says in 36:27 I will put my spirit inside you and cause you to live by my laws I'll put my spirit inside you and cause you to live by my laws respect my rulings and obey them okay so not only is he gonna write it that wouldn't be good enough I mean listen don't get me wrong it's real good but if you tell me to fix a flat and you don't give me a spare tire and a jack then how am I gonna do it if you don't give me the tools to do something it would almost be mean to tell somebody to do something not given the tools God would never be me and today he's giving us the tools that's how crucial the Holy Spirit is you're gonna see it is so much more crucial than most people know if they knew how crucial it is they'd go after it okay so here you got it the promise of God's Torah on our hearts and then to empower us to obey it he says I'm gonna cause you he says I'm gonna cause you you look at that word in the in the Hebrew Omar means you're gonna do it once I put the spirit inside you're gonna do it what do you mean you can't you'll say you're gonna do it he's right he's absolutely right there's no question about it yes now let's take a look Luke 24:49 just so you know it says now I am sending this is at the end of the gospel this is at the end of his ministry issue his ministry says I am sending a forth of forth upon you what my father promised promised long ago right in Ezekiel long ago so stay here in the city until you have been equipped empowered with the power from above he's saying don't do anything you know I know I told you I know I told you in at the end of math you go out and make disciples you you're not gonna be a you don't leave remember the American Express commercials don't leave home without it don't leave home without it he's saying don't make a move don't do nothing don't nothing stay right where you want to you get it but this is the deal with the with the Holy Spirit you know how most things are counting down to take off like if you haven't been to a launch at Cape Canaveral they countdown ten nine eight take off this is the opposite I love God it's accounting up to touchdown we count up in the oh man for it to come down upon us all so you should know something about this movement of God that it was not the beginning of a new religion but an awakening of an old one look at acts 2 1 through 3 the festival of Shavuot ride they're just carrying on now the believe is all gathered together in one place suddenly they came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind they were celebrating shovel out they were Jews like myself who believed in issuer like myself who was celebrating shovel like myself and then all of a sudden the house was filled where they were sitting then they saw what looked like tongues of fire why are their tongues of fire because she get a flame on a menorah only when you put oil inside it and it came to rest on each one of them each one of them and every single one of them the crucifixion was most important but the Ascension was most essential acts 233 it says moreover he has been exalted he being issuer to the right hand of the Father has received from the father what he promised namely the raw ha'qodesh and has port so he went up there and got it and then poured out this gift which you are both seeing and hearing listen this is crucial this is so crucial after the death and resurrection of Messiah the greatest gift given to mankind by God is none other than the Holy Spirit let me repeat that after the death and resurrection of Messiah the greatest gift given to mankind by God is none other than the Holy Spirit there's a lot of misnomer between the baptism of the Holy Spirit the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the filling of always right and forgive me but it is screwed up a lot of believers I mean I hear people I've heard them in the past well I got saved in 1972 but I got baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1992 so that means God didn't give you the spirit for 20 years he asked you to obey Him and didn't give you the power to do it for 20 years that doesn't sound right well you've heard it right it's more of the charismatic types they might have got a massive filling in 92 because something happened but they didn't get the indwelling in 92 that happen they were saved that's just the Bible flat-out they're wrong yes they're well-intentioned but what they're teaching is wrong it's not biblical Ephesians said you're sealed that's that's ownership that's a guarantee at the time of your salvation sorry I'll explain later but I know I sound very arrogant like an arrogant jerk but how arrogant are they to lead people down a primrose path to make them feel like they're not they don't have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit how messed up is that what's messed up my little bit of sarcasm well they're miserable false teaching Wow that sound that's not an area I didn't mean it to sound that way just listen a person in the faith who loves God gets tired of teaching that isn't biblical that's all I'm saying because I was told that when I was first watching TV I was told that I didn't have a teacher I didn't have a mentor guys I've never had a teacher I've never had a mentor I've never had anybody decidedly never in my life I spent three is in the Bible and then I turned on the TV I thought these guys have to look at the crowd they have to be men of God and they kept on telling me that I need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit so I did whatever they said and I tried not that never happened yes I had it all along okay once we're saved let me get a sample water for me this is where the it's gonna get juicy it's juicy I think it's juicy already you know you don't say milk is juicy right too many people get milk but when you get a good piece of meat it's juicy should always be juicy you shouldn't waste any time up here you shouldn't have a little story for a fill-in or a couple of scriptures to fill in you don't waste a verse if you think you've got to speak for 15 minutes you don't I'd rather you speak for 5 minutes of juice than 50 minutes of milk not important that the amount of time is important nowhere does the Bible say I have to teach a certain amount of time but just no fluff no fluff once we are saved once we are saved at the point of salvation the Spirit takes up residence in our hearts forever that's what the Bible says Yeshua gave the spirit in his absence take a look at John 14 15 through 16 this is right out of the Messiah's mouth if you love me you will keep my commands that's how you know so if you're wondering if you love God you'll keep his commands if you don't you don't love him matter what you say I know plenty of people that tell people they love them lip service and I will ask the father's issue I will ask the Father and He will give you another comforting counsel like me the Spirit of Truth which is also the Holy Spirit to be with you forever okay this is unbelievable okay you got a picture it's the first century and where the 12 disciples and and your shoe is our teacher and and I want to ask you shoe a question I gotta have him face-to-face with me I can't just telepathically ask him and let's say he was in the galley and I was in Jerusalem I can't just get to him it's locked in him it's locked in this one person and he's got to be right there for me to get it but then he goes to the right hand of the Father grabs the Spirit and pours it out on all of us now I have my own No yeshuaa I do the Holy Spirit's a person if it wasn't a person then why can you grieve it it's a person it's like having your own personal yeshua all the time you ever think about that we think of the Holy Spirit of some power watch me prophesy watch me do somersaults watch me get a word of knowledge that's one part of it those are some gifts that's not everything that's one minuscule little thing you think that's the juice let me tell you the greatest gift for you to obey the Lord you want to be gifted that's one part of it we focus on these little parts and miss the whole issue is saying that he would give the spirit in his absence to be our helper or comforter and our guide we would always have access to a helper a comforter and a guide what can you ask for it's unbelievable that's one aspect of the spirit the spirit also helps us to understand and interpret the Word of God which is invaluable you might say you never had a mentor so shall we not have them enter no it's great to have a mentor if you are fortunate enough to have an individual who's mature in the faith who is who is tested and true and wise to personally disciple you for a year so you are blessed beyond measure I just didn't have access to that but I still had access to the Spirit of God to help me interpret the Word of God that's what I used I would read it and I would talk to God explain this to me I don't understand it how do I know this is true look at John 16:13 it says when the spirit of truth comes the Holy Spirit he will guide you into all truth what's God's truth his word so he will not speak on his own initiative but will say only what he hears he will also announce to you the events of the future invaluable invaluable try to walk with the Lord or hear from God without the Holy Spirit impossible it also serves as we've already mentioned as a gift give a look at first Corinthians 12 just one verse verse 7 it says moreover to each person is given the particular manifestation of the Spirit that will be for the common good first of all know one thing God dispenses the gifts you cannot make one up you could just not proclaim that you have a gift of whatever you know you get one word of knowledge and all of a sudden you have the gift or you pray for something they get healed and now you're the healer no no at best you're the healing okay he gives the gifts and were they for not to put on a dog-and-pony show like we saw in the 90s on TV you know these guys that had the audacity to say when somebody touch them I felt the spirit come out of me you want to know why that guy fell apart and God was merciful let him keep going for a while to hope that he came to his senses never dead sadly enough it's for the common good the gifts are given to bless others not to strut around like a peacock it's not to say oh that guy's so gifted no God is the gifted one Messiah is the gifted one the Holy Spirit is the gift and if mist owes anything upon you it's to use for the common good for his glory and to bless people period not only is it a gift giver but let's not forget it's the fruit producer Galatians 5:22 2:23 says but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness humility and self-control so I always tell people I told this to them in the 90s I'll tell it again don't let you gifts take you where your fruits can keep you remember there were bells and there was pomegranates on the priest garment the reason why their own old bells is because bells allowed and some people that are gifted they're very loud but they don't have much fruit and I don't I'll take I'll take a person who operates who's producing fruit over people who are so gifted it's the fruit of the Spirit that gets things done there's nothing wrong with the gifts they're everything right and they come from God they're a manifestation of the power of God and I get it I'm just saying you need fruits in between the bells it's just kind of quieted down a bit muffle the sound if you will the spirit also gives us power to be bold very important I don't know if people understand what boldness means listen to me if you ever wondering the Word of God is a hill that I'm willing to die on make no mistake there's no other hell I'm willing to die on but the Word of God yes and if you go shouldn't you be willing to die on the hill of Mosiah well the Word of God is Messiah with flesh that's the same thing yes I'm willing to die on it yes I'm not gonna let anybody screw around with it or views it or no no so yes I'm bold about the Word of God make no mistake yep if you're wondering yep I am but you might not know what bold means you might think bold just means a big mouth or a tough guy that's not that's not biblically bold okay let's take a look at the scripture in acts 4:31 obviously after the spirit was given it says while they were still praying the disciples the place where they were gathered was shaken they were all filled with the rococo - the Holy Spirit in English and they spoke God's message with boldness now let me show you this word boldness it's a beautiful word okay it means freedom and speaking it means free and fearless confidence and my favorite a lot of people I had a stumble this in a Greek lexicon cheerful courage so doesn't mean courage like Street courage like I've worked with people in bars and bounced and there were a couple of guys yes they were I'm laughing because they would they were crazy they weren't afraid of nobody no how if you pulled a gun on him they weren't gonna show any fear if you weren't gonna shoot they would have made you eat that gun they were crazy fearless I'm not talking about that I'm talking about cheerful courage I'm talking about being bold about the Word of God but it being jolly about it enjoying it not being mean or hardcore and just slamming people I'm talking about cheerful I love being bold I love the word of God it makes me happy I don't feel like I got a stick up for it oh I got a preach it I gotta read it I gotta teach it oh I gotta fix it no I'm I'm happy honestly guys if you're wondering I'm really happy I'm happy about the Word of God I'm happy that he entrusted it to me really happy cheerful a cheerful courage basically it also means to be totally and unequivocably not politically correct you can't be biblically bold and be politically correct at the same time it's oil and vinegar it does not mix and just as a side note these guys had no modern equipment they had no transportation they had no publication they had no internet no phones and they shook the entire empire you know my prayer is oh Lord bring us back to this primitive faith Samuel goes village to village they don't have computers they're not able to watch Beth yushua he goes village to village old school and he's already hit well over 300 villages in all of Southeast Asia India what are we doing if that was enough we also desperately need the power of the holy spirit to fight temptation you won't do it on your own if you could then you sure what they had to die and resurrect and ascend you won't guys for some of my young guys out there it's gonna get you it's not restraint it's not restraint that helps us fight temptation it's not like well I'm strong I could fight it no no it's not restraint it's inspiration and power from the Holy Spirit because if you could find it with your power then you have to get the glory if I tell you I thought that temptation is I'm strong and disciplined Wow rabbi amazing but that's messed up because then I get the glory but if you fight it through the inspiration power of the Holy Spirit then God gets the glory and God must get the glory it's this power that liberates us from sin look at romans 8 12 through 13 it says so then brothers we don't owe a thing to our old nature you don't owe your old nature nothing you don't owe the world nothing nothing it didn't serve you the world has failed humanity the world system has failed humanity the world system is a system created by man to make us happy without God it is not possible to be happy without God you could sit down at the table what's going on in the world sit down with a Democrat Republican a black or white I don't care you're not making peace only the Holy Spirit will make peace get those people born again and watch them hug for if you live according to your old nature you will certainly die but if by the spirit the Holy Spirit by the raw you will keep putting to death the practices of the body meaning its present aggressive meaning at the time of your salvation yes you had an indwelling but that's not going to cut it you need fillings every day to help you to fight temptation you have two appetites we have two appetites in us and based on the one you feed that will be the one that gets strong and takes over and dictates now last but not least you need the spirit to give us the power to love yes loving your friends is easy I know most of you have friends and your family and you you hang out with your family so you do you hang out with your family and your same for friends so you do go away well we're going away with telling so and I'm with my family go away with so-and-so I'm with my family it's a big deal you love them think that that's supposed to I'm supposed to apply that Wow really displaying the power of the Holy Spirit it's secular people that wouldn't know the Holy Spirit if they fell over it that hang out with their friends and family and love them I think they're right about now the Bible says love your enemies just show me that not just lo some ways some of the people in bed the Shuar you can't even love somebody because they rubbed you the wrong way now all of a sudden they're on the outs they're on your boot list right why do you have a boot list if God had one we'd all be on it Colossians 1:8 says it like this he has told us about the love which the Spirit has given you a Patras told us about this crazy love you have and waited to come from the Holy Spirit it made these people lovers they did the 12 disciples didn't agree on everything but they were in love with each other because they were all cut from the same cloth they had the same spirit the same Messiah the same God the same desire to glorify God and they weren't trying to one-up each other and they weren't fighting over the rapture they weren't fighting over what day we could celebrate Shavuot he's not talking about a human affection here he's talking about a genuine love for the Lord and for his people which is created by the indwelling of the holy spirit period so we went over all these things that the Bible has to offer us to teach us about the power of the Holy Spirit we know this the rule is indispensable we're using a word today around the during this time of this pandemic that this is essential and this is essential listen to rabbi Gregg the Holy Spirit is essential you will not make it without it what God is asking you to do and what you are requiring of yourself you will not be able to do without the Holy Spirit it is indispensable it is absolutely essential now if I stop here great what did you learn I learned that I needed to serve I need to understand the Word of God I need it to be comforted to be guided I needed it to to love I needed to fight temptation okay now what now how do you do that and that's what's important it's not you can't just teach theology you know teach some practicality first thing I want you to know the permanent indwelling is for all believers you have to know that theologically you have to understand that John 7 at the end of the festival meaning Sukkot hoshanah Rabbah the great outpouring the great salvation the great ho Gianna yeshua stood up and cried out if anyone is thirsty talking about the spirit let him keep coming to me and drinking keep coming it's not one time keep coming it's present progressive okay he says whoever puts his trust in me as the scriptures say rivers of living water will flow from his inmost being you can't have the spirit in you and not have it flow out of you it's not a pond it's a river rivers flow now he said this about the spirit now if you're wondering what he say this about he's telling you he's saying this about the Holy Spirit whom those who trusted in him meaning who was saved would receive later because the Spirit had not yet been given because shishu had not been glorified and then descend yet and go to his glorified state okay all throughout the Old Testament it was taught that those accepted Messiah those who accepted Messiah would be helped themselves and would be channels of blessing to others all throughout the Old Testament okay this would be a work of the Holy Spirit received at the time of salvation the filling is different the indwelling this is the indwelling this is different okay look at look at Ephesians 5:18 it says don't get drunk with wine okay obviously they weren't talking about grape juice like some people think but if you drink too much wine you get drunk you don't get drunk on grape juice okay sorry when he changed the water into wine it was not grape juice and anybody who believes that I'm just saying then I'm sure you think the tooth fairy's gonna come and give you a buck when you put your tooth under the pillow plus it's the same fairy tale nonsense because it makes you lose control grape juice doesn't make you lose control instead keep on being filled with the spirit so that's different than John 7 that's indwelling that's promised at salvation this is after salvation she's saying be filled with the spirit it's different and here let me let me explain to you real easy okay I'm gonna give you the five-year old version the Greg Hertzberg version the indwelling ylim bono to receive means we have access to it we can use it it's like you know you got a gas tank now but you got to get tanked up you got you just can't pour gas into nothing when you put gas in your car there's a pipe that goes into a tank right if there was no tank you go on the floor so now you have you can use it once you're saved you can use it you have access okay you have access you're wired it's wireless right you're connected you got access to it you can use it you got access you saved you got access to the holy spirit you saved you got access you saved you got access you watching you save you have access to it the filling is that he can possess us the Spirit can possess us not we possess him you follow we don't we how do i trap I do I got a grab a do I got to say a certain praise do I got to do certain things the spirit wants to possess you it wants a house you that's why it's saying don't get drunk with wine because when you're drunk and I've been drunk many times prior to being saved I don't drink now I have an occasional beer maybe I don't drink now not because of religious reasons I don't really like to taste but back in the day yes yes very very heavy and I was under the influence you know when you're driving and you get stopped for drunk driving what do they give you a DUI driving under the influence because it's it's the liquor is controlling you you're not controlling it the Holy Spirit wants to control you in the same way you don't control it you don't possess it it possesses you it wants to take charge of you and direct you and comfort you and bless you and pour it out onto others how is somebody going to see the spirit who's not saved you think it's gonna fall on them it's got to come through you you are the channel so how does it possess you you yield Yeshua was possessed with the spirit it says in John 3 31 that he received the spirit without measure every day your shoe is tabernacle was full of the Holy Spirit every day of his earthly life can we be filled with the holy spirit every day to the full no because we have a sin sadly enough but does that mean we can't be filled up at times and get more filling than we have we sure can we sure can everybody can use a good filling trust me it is not a once and for all crisis experience it's not like oh I got baptized no there was times these times I've been in I remember being in a what was I in an attic in a you know church that was built in Wales during the Welsh revival that was never used because it came to an end that I went up to this attic and there was 12 women that was from different areas of Europe that heard I they wanted to meet with me talk to me I could even stand in their presence because the Holy Spirit fell so much I was baptized but I have still always had access to it and it possesses but that's a whole different situation sometimes the spirit just falls in a certain dimension a manifestation it's beautiful but every day you have to open yourself up to it every single day it is a continuous process and I'm here to tell you that today's filling will not do for tomorrow's issues nope it won't work you need fresh manna every day the ideal condition of the believer on earth is to be filled with the Holy Spirit yes it means that the Holy Spirit is having his way it's a person you can grieve it you can quench it the Holy Spirit wants to have his way it's not an amulet it's not magic it's not a rabbit's foot relatively ungrazed it wants to be ungrazed do you think you're gonna hate somebody you think you're gonna hate your neighbor and the Holy Spirit's gonna fill you up God wouldn't do that because that's leading you down a primrose path it's a lie of the enemy oh you could you could send you can do whatever you want don't worry you'll let Exodus Holy Spirit just because somebody's Tong talking you know most of the time it's just jive talking that doesn't necessitate that you're filled show me an obedient life show me somebody who loves their enemies show me some who's praying for those who persecute them show me somebody's putting others before them and I'll show you somebody filled with the Holy Spirit now there are a few things that will keep the rivers of living water flowing in and through our Tabernacles just a few things in them which we're done okay number one we must confess and put away all sin everyday first John 1:9 you are all too familiar with this verse it says if we big if if we acknowledge our sins then since he is trustworthy meaning God and just he will forgive them and purify us from all wrongdoing it is obvious that such a holy person the holy spirit I'm talking to cannot work freely and a life with sin is condoned know what is holiness and righteousness have to do it each other the Bible says we have to drag our sins out into the open drag them right out and agree with God and call them what they are you are a lawless act against the Word of God and you are getting kicked out okay that's number one number two we must yield ourselves completely to his control you're also familiar with this these are all very very very well-known scriptures Romans 12:1 through 2 it says I exhort you therefore brothers in view of God's mercy based on our salvation based on God's goodness based on God's tend to loving-kindness based on a forgiving our sins based on him removing our guilt based on him running the tour on our hearts based on all this live set apart live set apart listen I'm going to tell you something okay God has not gotten weak God has not gotten old and God has not changed so you tell me why the disciples experienced something that we're not experiencing it's because the world has done infiltrated it just has we're not set apart you tell me why they saw the power of the holy spirit wait we don't we have to contrive it in other words don't let yourselves be conformed we've gone over this many times don't be squeezed and said keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds by thinking the way God thinks so that you will know what God wants you'll know what God wants and you'll agree that what he wants is good satisfying and able to succeed in other words this involves the surrender of our will of our intellect of our body of our time of our talents and our treasures every area of life must be thrown up with his Dominion that's the difference the disciples every area of their life every area of their life totally like take it God take it I know it's hard to do because we go to school we have families and we have a lot of distractions but you could do it some other time right you can't do it all the time I get it it's a crazy world that you could do it some of the time and just because we can't do it all the time doesn't mean we shouldn't do it any of the time we have our own agendas we're booked what booked I'm going here I'm going there I got no time any time for the Holy Spirit oh and if we study we study for ourselves so we no more third we must let the word of Messiah dwell in us richly Colossians 3:16 let the word of Messiah know it's richness live in you this involves reading the word it involves studying the word not just reading you won't you won't know what you're reading if you don't study it it involves obeying the word when the word of Messiah dwells in us richly the spirit flows the spirit flows last but not least we must be emptied of self Galatians 2:20 when the Messiah was executed on the stake is a criminal I was too so that my proud ago no longer lives but the Messiah lives in me and the life I now live in my body I live by the same trusting faithfulness that the Son of God had who loved me and gave himself up for me to be fill with a new ingredient a cup must first be empty to the old you know there was a there was I said I say this too because it makes so much sense to me this example you know Bruce Lee was one of the greatest martial artists we had of all time I was enamored by martial arts I've studied a bunch of arts and I loved it I would have given anything to study in fact if he has Bernadette I mean I buy this I buy this this luxury condo I was doing well and I've bought a luxury condo with a doorman and a gate guard in the pool and indoor parking and just gorgeous condo what do I put up in the condo a picture of Bruce Lee you know I started a lot of martial arts I practiced all the time and I was into it and Bruce Lee used to take on certain people and then he got famous and he only took on like you know major actors and people of influence it said but that's what happened ok I get it but his system that he developed was second to none it was unbelievable it just was so efficient and people would come to him and he'd say tell me a little bite yourself what do you think they'd say they should have said I'm just happy to be in your presence I can't believe you considered taking me on but what do they say well I've got a third degree black belt and karate and I have a second degree black belt in Hapkido and I studied Wing Chun down in Chinatown for four years and he look at them and say I can't fill your cup unless you add to yours same thing guys we got to be filled with the spirit we got to first empty ourselves of us now last but not least I have a question for you can a person know if he or she is filled well it's a great question I'm glad you asked it's important because I don't think people know like if I asked you how do you know if you filled I'm sure you'd come up with something don't don't get me wrong but we should know when we fill them when we're not know ok actually the closer we are to the Lord the more we are conscious of our own complete unworthiness and sinfulness the closer we are to the Lord the more we are conscious of our own complete unworthiness and sinfulness I get letters literally every week is very few I think that do anything for a living they get letters complimentary letters you know we thank God for you thank you for your obedience just very very beautiful lettuce and I'm telling you I appreciate them I do but then again I think one they don't really know me but two even if they did know me there I think they might be impressed with maybe how God chooses to use me but with that being said as I grow in maturity with the Lord I am more and more conscious of my own unworthiness if you're not growing in your consciousness of your unworthiness you're not getting closer to God there is no way there is no way the closer you get to the Sun the hotter it gets the closer you get to his son the hotter it gets next in his presence we find nothing in and of ourselves to be proud of in his presence in the presence of the Holy Spirit we find nothing in and of ourselves to be proud of no strut we are not aware of any spiritual superiority over others and we have no sense that we've arrived in fact we feel we have all the more distance to travel the believer who is filled or occupied with Yeshua is obviously not occupied with self at the same time at the same time feeling your unworthiness feeling your sinfulness feeling no superior at all you don't want to beat yourself up and go on I'm the scum of the earth not necessarily but at the same time here's the beautiful part the believer who is filled has the realization that God is working in them and through them you can feel it I know when people are touched by God I know he's using me but I know it's him using me but I could see it it's if God lets us see it so if we know that the Holy Spirit is working through us the person that is filled sees things happen in a supernatural way there's no explanation for it except it's divine intervention circumstances just click miraculously miraculously lives are touched for God lives that touched I see this all the time events move according to a divine timetable you wait on the Lord and he lets you know I don't have to pray about what to do he tells me I don't know said think Oh God what he tells me and if he if he says nothing if I happen to pray about something god what do I do with this he says nothing then I do nothing because because darkness about going is light about staying you have to die listen to me you have to stop serving your own will even though you love God desperately you have such a desire to do certain things that you're putting the cart before the horse it's dangerous it's not gonna work out your life's gonna be in shambles it's gonna be a spiritual mess even forces of nature seem to be on our side when the Spirit is housing he sees all this he sees you know he feels his unworthiness he does but he sees things happening he sees it from above but he also realizes that God is the one that's working for and through him and yet at the same time he feels strangely detached from it all as far as taking any credit in his inmost being he realizes and knows it's all the Lord it's all the Lord just as you have left the whole burden of your sin and have rested on the finished work of Messiah so leave the whole burden of your life and service and rest upon the present in working of the holy spirit give yourself up morning by morning every day give yourself up to be led by the Holy Spirit and then go forth praising and at rest at peace leaving him to manage your day cultivate the habit it has to become a habit all through the day of joyfully depending upon and obeying him meaning the Holy Spirit expecting him to guide to enlighten to reprove to teach to use and to do in you and with you what He wills count upon his working as a fact altogether apart from sight or feeling forget it forget about what you see or feel forget it know that he is working only let us believe in and obey the Holy Spirit as the rule of our lives and cease from the burden of trying to manage ourselves cease sweetpea from self-management it's gonna bury you then and only then shall the fruit of the Spirit appear in us as he will to the glory of God I pray that the grace of the Lord Yeshua I pray that the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all let's stand together take-home message you have access to it he wants to possess you yield and stop managing yourself be at rest be at peace and enjoy the rivers of living water flowing from you to others it's a blessing now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious on to and mid a little lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principal peace issuer give a rock on annoy the East maratha your Eldon open / letter then who never yes I don't know hoy por novella the assembly hall [Music] clogs the Mara love you see ya bye
Channel: Getzel
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Id: gxPU1Q1YGqY
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Length: 73min 41sec (4421 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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