(Sep 10,2018) Yom Teruah 5779 - Feast of Trumpets 2018

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[Music] it's um very rare I would say something like this but I just feel like I have to well I'll lose my breath there is a portal open in heaven right now over this place and God is raining down and if I were you I would probably try to get rid of some of my preconceived notions and some of my preconceived theologies and just open yourself up to everything that the Lord has if nothing else up to now I mean he has really done some intercession and he is preparing us to be the army of the Lord for sure at the end of service we have people up here praying I would I would suggest to you I'm do just suggest to you that if you need prayer this would be a good day to get it no one can tell me that God doesn't keep his appointments he has six and if he's asking his children to show do you think he's not going to they have very special days according to him they're his appointed times I don't fully understand it but listen if you want to understand it better I would I would really suggest and I don't say this often listen to the sermon on Saturday it comes on the heels of 30 years of contemplation and meditation about the feasts and it is not mechanical it is not academic I believe it really hits the heart of God and I think it will hit you in the heart and I think it will set you straight because and I hate to say it like that but there's so much imbalance in the body of Messiah it is so out of whack there's either too much grace and not enough truth there's too much truth and not enough grace it's just a mess people focusing on the minutia straining gnats and swallowing camels making ministries out of one theology out of one verse when there's thirty one thousand one hundred and three of them and it hurts me not that I have all the answers but I know when something's wrong and I see so much wrong and I see people walking in it and teaching it not only is it extra biblical not only can't you find in the Bible but it's anti biblical and if it's anti-biblical it's Antichrist and that's some dangerous stuff it's so important to know the truth because if you don't you won't know what's counterfeit and there is so much counterfeit and people say well she means well so did use' when he touched the Ark and he dropped dead and so did an eyes and Sapphira when they were gonna put up so meaning well doesn't cut the mustard sweet pea meaning well won't set you free the truth will this is not going to be mechanical or academic I'm not going to teach the Gentile world how to do Rosh Hashanah first of all no offense to the way I was raised because they did the best they could but rabbis just got together and tried to figure it out and I'm not saying they figured out wrong but it's just their way of doing it and I don't want to necessarily be traditional I don't want to follow a man so I'm trying to figure it out with you but if you want mechanics and you want to know all about the shofar blasts and the hundred blasts and we then if you go to Getzel dog there's a lot of mechanics on the feasts if you want to be mechanical I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that you know let's not laugh at people that dig into knowledge because some people are like you know a mile wide and an inch deep with their knowledge and you know when people come to them and say you know men wrote the Bible they go well this is my Big Bang Theory God said it's a bang you sound like a it says set apart Messiah in your heart is Lord always being prepared to give a defense for the hope that's in you is that your defense is that your apologetics kids don't even know what apologetics is all they know is songs skinny jeans and lattes it's a pretty sad state of affairs when you can't really defend your faith when you can't defend the authenticity of that literary work you can't you don't even know how was the internal evidence was the external evidence was the bibliographical evidence was the scientific archaeological it's like and you don't even have to be a theologian to do that but most people can all I know is God said that's all I know that is all you know don't boast about that this is a place for knowledge there is a place for systematic theology yushua towards systematic theology but by the same token without the spirit today we have TV preachers I mean they connect with their audience because it's all about their performance it's not an overflow of time spent with the Lord they all Ora tours they know how to get a crowd they have a carriage mater not necessarily from the Lord and their content is lacking not only is it lacking but it's often most occasions and then sometimes you have people that are so theological and so knowledgeable but the Spirit of God is missing and the best it could do is hitch in the head you need both and there's very few people out there that have that a guy like Derek Prince had that there's very few out there with exceptional theology and good charismatic from the Lord one without the others got a ball so let's see what the Lord has you if you were raised in in a major city like New York or Miami you you know from young to rule but you never knew it was called young Torah right I mean most of my Jewish people don't know it's called young Torah that's that's the crazy part they just known as Rosh Hashanah if you say young true they're like what's that I'm like what what that's that's what it is Nitori what's what's what's the Torah you know cuz they don't read anymore they're they're more culturally Jewish like a lot of Christians a lot of Christians are cold for losers they're not born again they culturally go to synagogue or church rather and then afterwards they culturally go to the game it's it's messed up it's not good it's not good so let's let's find out why the holy day has two names okay why is it called Rosh Hashana as opposed to what the Bible calls it yom teruah is it Russia shun is it yom teruah is it neither i don't know let's see biblically speaking the holy days called yom teruah okay Rosh Hashanah translates his head rosh like rosh pina head of the ha the shut up yeah head of the year but wait a minute look at Exodus 12 1 through 2 this is when God is delivering his people out of bondage out of darkness Egypt is darkness and he says Illinois spoke to Moshe if you want to hear God's voice read the Torah because over and over it says and I don't know I spoke to my mom Moses is not speaking on his own behalf he's not even speaking while the Holy Spirit told me which we know is like really you sure we if you want to hear the words of God this it's like nothing else he spoke and he spoke and he spoke and he spoke too nice but all over it he's speaking he's speaking he's speaking he's speaking he's speaking and speaking and the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron they were his mediators if you will like you schewe is our mediator now under the new covenant in the land of Egypt he said you ought to begin your calendar your you have a calendar there's a Hindu calendar guys is the Chinese calendar there's a Muslim calendar we have a Gregorian calendar which stems from the Julian calendar this different calendars God has a calendar I don't want to get too caught up in it because some people get way too caught up in it there's people out there dressing up like the high priest and making a living of teaching about the calendar and people are contributing to that nonsense and I always wonder what are they doing with all that money buying more priest outfits you ought to begin your calendar with this month he said this is what I'm delivering you it's a brand-new beginning it's a new start this is the month you're supposed to start your calendar your calendar is my calendar my calendars your calendar because I'm your God you're my people and this is the way it is it'll be the first month view now we know that the first month is called Nissan and it falls out March or April why do we not know what falls out March or April it's because God's calendar is a lunar calendar that's why he created the moon the purposes of his calendar there was no watch back then and so it's a lunar calendar and so we don't know just like we never know when your own tour is gonna exactly fall out it's according to the moon's a lunar calendar so we know that's the first one so how did Rosh Hashanah become the head of the year when clearly the first month is Nisan in the spring look at Leviticus 23 it says 21st 24 tell the people of Israel in the seventh month clearly it's the seventh month right say right please it's irrefutable it says it right there I mean this is not my opinion guys my opinion doesn't count I don't care about my opinion you should definitely not care about my opinion and just for the record I don't care about yours as well it's mutual I care about God's opinion it says tell the people of Israel his people in the seventh month the first of the month the first day of the seventh month which is today it started at sundown last night Tishrei is the seventh month it's today is to you to have a complete rest that's what we're doing it's a Shabbat there's different Shabbat so there's a seven-day Shabbat there's high days of Shabbat like today have a rest for remembering a holy convocation by the way when you're in your house that's not a holy convocation are you getting legalistic on me no I'm just trying to explain it's not all the convocation a holy convocation is to call that assembly you don't have to pull that assembly in your house by yourself I know you think you're doing well have any a little homegroup it's a glorified Bible study that's what you have and what's your outreach you keep reaching in and you don't even go out because you afraid you you and your kids are gonna catch something what are you catch what's in you and what's in the world this was to catch what you've got you're not supposed to catch what they got but if you don't go out how you gonna catch it you don't go fishing inside a building do you I mean I would have thought maybe because I'm from New York I don't know it's a day of complete rest for remembering a holy convocation announcer bless the show now we don't have much there I don't know how you write a book on this I mean some people they amaze me how they complicate things theologians especially phd's what's that stand for Pilate higher and deeper right again I'm not refuting knowledge I'm a knowledgeable person to an extent but what I'm saying is how do you make something and people spiritualize constantly they make stuff up that isn't even from God the Lord told me the Lord told me no that pepperoni pizza you had last time he's telling you is this all we got but they the Jewish people felt that this was more not the biblical calendar but a civil calendar a civil calendar and they felt that this was a time Tishrei according to God where it was going to be more of a spiritual New Year okay that's why they called it Rosh Hashanah a spiritual New Year and God was calling his people through the trumpet blasts to prepare themselves ten days the days of all ten being a number for completion that we would spend 10 days in meditation to let God search our heart search my heart O God and know my ways nothing is hidden from you we see it all over the Psalms search me and at the end of that ten days we would repent now most people say well I can do that any time you can and you should but this is not about you it's a corporate holy day it's not about you it's about God's people it's a it's an appointment between God and his children which means a born-again Jewish person and a born-again Gentile person one who was reinstated into the olive tree and one who was grafted in I mean just guys I'm not trying to persuade you to do the feasts I could care I really could care less if you do them or not I know that sounds mean but I'm not out here trying to persuade you I I don't have the time or the patience for that but help me out tell me the danger and the risk in all of God's born-again believers whether it's Africa Asia Australia Antarctica America if all of God's believers on one day came before him hold on now fasting and saying daddy I'm so sorry I'm so sorry now in America we have a National Day of Prayer it's not fasting and prayer but it's prayer and it's a good thing and Americans think that they dream this up like Lincoln dreamed it up or one of the presidents dreamed up I Got News for you 34 hundred years ago we had an International Day of Prayer it's called Yom Kippur you're looking at this thing like it's legalistic and you are missing the power in it you think power is somersaulting my daughter was a gymnast you want a somersault somersault with her that's not powerful it's exercise powers when you come before God and instead of rending your garment you rend your heart and collectively all his children worldwide give up food and say father feed us with your spiritual food we are sorry we have wronged you not just with our sins of commission but all the things we haven't done for you that you asked all the broken vows forgive us what would happen why is the body of Messiah fighting that I mean the enemy is good but really is he that good I mean Paul says on his third missionary journey I got to get back for the fast day I got to get back for shovel old he says in acts twenty sixteen you think he was a legalist man I hope you have the power that Paul house so this is a time that God chose I didn't make the choosing God chose this and so we we just I don't know what word you want to use honor it obey it observe it but it's a delight because God if God asked you to go somewhere he is going to anoint what he appoints you follow if it's God's will it's God's bill you don't have to cry out for money if God's behind something in the 16 years have we some of you here 16 years have we have had a special offering No have we ever ever cried about money no have we ever had a teaching on tithing no and we have a plethora of funds had that happened God if God wants God's will God's I'm not saying that if it's my will god no some people say we're gonna do this and God's gonna provide uh-uh no he doesn't follow you but if he tells you something to do when he confirms it and reconfirms it and it's blatantly obvious like hand running on the wall it's gonna happen because he wants to do it he just just wants to know if you want to help out I don't need you but would you like to help out would you like to be part of this because it's really cool yes yes pick me yes I want to be part of it every time I'll go I'll go I'll go I'll go my tent pegs are loose I could care less don't owe nothing not the house synagogue oh is it not the Gloucester City not gonna listen I'm ready to roll you want me to go to Israel let's go I'm gonna play I'm gonna retire here and then I'm gonna do this this he says you don't know what tomorrow's gonna bring you guys got your whole life planned out do you think God can get in there he's not gonna be jumping he's like okay I love you if that's your plan go with it this is all we got in Leviticus 23 we have three verses 23 to 25 is all we got the first verses I don't know I said to Moshe it's a good voice and it's a good verse the key is hearing his voice one of the hardest things for believers to do is hearing the voice of God there's a lot of reasons for it it could be as simple as unconfessed sin will cause a block it could be as simple as how many times did I tell you to do that and you don't do it so you want more direction have I go to you unfinished business file take care of that and then we'll go to the next step he doesn't need us but it's such a pleasure to be used you know what I mean you build a sanctuary and the hammer doesn't come out and say look what I did well the screwdriver goes what do you think it's the builder but isn't nice when the bill that has a favorite hammer or a favorite screwdriver is it nice when the builder says that's the one I need to use so just be a tool some of you know exactly what I mean right amen you know people laugh it's something like that and then they say I'm terrible what what what did you think I meant I said a screwdriver a hammer your brains messed up not me good it's a good time to do that good girl a day to rest and remember that's what we got announced with blast of the shofar yom teruah that's all we get right I don't know what you see but that's all I see and how you write a book of volumes of books on it it's amazing the intellect is dizzying look at the word bless this is where we get the word yom teruah now in jewish circles you have a takea you have a to hear good Dola you have a shivering and and maybe we'll add some more things I don't think the heart was in the in the wrong place at all I don't think there's anything wrong about that doing something traditionally they get you closer to God if you tell me rabbi at 6:00 in the morning I stand on my head till 6:15 what are you thinking I'd say does it are you more obedient afterward and you walk and you yes I am then stand on your head but don't tell me I have to stand on my head if God gives you something I have four children they will birth from the same parents they went to the same synagogue all their life they were raised exactly the same way home school raised exactly the same way but they're different identical twins don't have the same fingerprints so I talked to them differently because I know them I know them just like God knows you and if God tells you to do something that doesn't mean he's telling that person to do something and some of you would just you talk so much but it's not for them it was for you he told you something in private and you blew it because you had to tell people and why did you have to tell people because you got to let them know that you're special if I tell them something they know this is for you man that's why I pulled you aside that's why we wouldn't take a walk it's not that I keep secrets from your sisters or brothers it's just that there's something I'm talking to you I want to have a one-on-one with you I mean they know who's my favorite anyway it's obvious who knows the time of the hour right okay at urilla though a tour of the reason why they call it young true it it's it's an alarm to rouse from sleep okay I mean gee do you know the average just this is by Tom rain Raynor who's a brilliant statistician he was a Southern Baptist past a few years went to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary head of the Billy Graham mission he is like any walks on water and he keeps statistics you know the average length in America now of a sermon 23 minutes because because they say I'm sorry they didn't hear you they say that people's attention can't can't last more than that do you know how much how much time people play gaming TV TV 5 hours a day and depending on your ethnicity it goes up to 9 I don't want to get into that because I say anything like that right don't tell me you can't keep your attention you're just not interested you spend time on things you love everybody does will you spend your time your talents and your treasures there you'll find your God it's C refutable you don't need a psychology degree to know that but this this blast is a dot it's not a takea a tak Kier's uh-uh but what do people hear when the hair duh they hit the snooze button and then the next blast is a shava Reem it's a crying staccato uh-huh it's like people think it's we should be crying no God is crying he just made a blast to wake you up and you hit the snooze button so he cries uh like please get up you have fallen asleep your priorities screwed up should you provide to your family yes is it wrong for your kids be involved in sports no should you not have fun in times of joy with your friends and family of course you should but man I wonder is that the foundation and is God just the icing well I'm saved that's messed up and then when he tries to wake you up and he cries and you still don't wake up that's like a jackhammer get up come out of your slumber wake up that's yom teruah that's what it's all about you blow the shofar to remind israel corporately to get right and prepare for Yom Kippur it's not like God just like if you don't get up right now we're done ten days 240 hours before we come to Yom Kippur God is patient and kind way more patient and kind that we even understand long-suffering he suffers long on the you know as a parent how many parents have suffered waiting for their child to wake up the suffering the pain the pain they go through is nothing to the pain of the heart of a parent they'll never understand it never until they experience it you think if you're made in God's image to tell him that he's any different that it doesn't pain him the difference is we have two or four six he has seven billion seven billion children and he is intimately involved with everyone and every mistake they make gives him pain anybody no Maimonides anybody nobody maine mana DS was one of the most famous famous rabbis I mean look he's like Cher and Beyonce is one name you know what I mean when you have one name you've arrived actually his name is Moses and maman and they also called him the Rambam that's what he had another name now they did one name but then he had a nickname you know what I mean like like the rabbi formally named Maimonides Rambam he lived from 1135 - he died 12:04 12:04 he was a rabbi he was a philosopher he was an astronomer and a physician and he was the most influential Torah scholar of the Middle Ages which is from the 5th to the 15th century he took in a thousand years yeah what an underachiever half yeah he was brilliant and this is what he said this was his take on Rosh Hashanah with all that brilliance is what we got quote the sound of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah is meant to wake up the soul and turn its attention to the important task of repentance you see with all his brilliance and his brilliance was off the charts I mean people couldn't even understand him there's just some people that they have a god-given level of genius it's staggering and yet look at the simplicity he gets from Russia Sharna I love that it takes a really wise person to make things simple for people it's it's easy to use five syllable words it's easy you could tell people all day long this is very intricate or you could tell them it's hard right because if you're intelligent you could clearly understand the simplicity but if you're simple you can understand the intellect so why not just make it simple you don't have to have people scratching their head right I mean if I want to preach extemporaneously that's my business seven syllables sorry you all right you all right today shake it off you're starting to disturb me shake it off the whole idea is repentance and I'm gonna show it to you in the Hebrew and the Greek because it's used both in the old and new Testament and the Old Testament obviously is written in Hebrew it's Xiu it means to return to God this was the cry of every prophet this was the cry of you sure this is the cry of Yochanan the immerser ek John the Baptist he said repent for the kingdom of God is at hand then when you schewe came because he extended his hand in marriage he said the kingdom of God is near because the king is here it's it's it's turning and returning it's not confession all confession can do is bring you to the door of repentance that's all it can do it's not it's not confession many people confess their sins and keep doing them right I'm sorry honey I'm sorry honey I'm sorry honey I'm sorry listen to me guys your wife is sick and tired of hearing it just change especially if it's within your ability to change I can see if it's something that isn't really possible or doable but if it's just a matter of picking something up what's the big deal I'm sorry I love you you know I love you I'm not so sure in the Greek it's very similar that time to owe it all to change one mind you got it everything stems from the mind the battle is in the mind every whatever you believe is the way you're gonna walk out your creed is gonna produce your character whatever you believe that's how you're gonna walk it out for the most part see a belief system is crucial and you have to protect your mind because that's where the battle is battles not in the heart you love the Lord battles in the mind nobody plays mind games like Satan and you have to know what you believe you have to have a belief system it is crucial and when that belief system is off repentance means you're gonna change your thinking because if you don't change your thinking about I want to quit this I want to quit that you cannot quit it unless you change your mind you'll quit it for a time I'm going to go on a diet that work what does everybody teach it has to be a lifestyle change it has to be a lifestyle change has to be a change of the mindset right we all know this we have to be honest with God I think and on ourselves and ask ourselves do we really want to stop because most of the time we say we want to stop but in our hearts we don't we kind of know it's wrong but it makes us feel good so we stopped for a little bit and then we vacillate back to it then we feel horrible but it's always easy to fast after you've had of a feast right so once you go back to that sin right and you do it then you feel terrible of course you feel guilty the Holy Spirit comes on you feel like crap you don't even be around people you feel I don't even desert and then you repent and God obviously in this infinite mercy forgives and then we stay away from it for a while then we go back and we vacillate like this back and forth back and forth back and forth and we always feel horrible afterwards are you familiar with the infamous infamous is not a good word by the way I want folks to somebody I said infamous and that is that is that more than famous no no it's not in famous its infamous it's bad when somebody says the infamous that's not good some people use that oh my infamous wife I'm like yikes I don't think you know what that means but you familiar with the word besetting sin besetting sin they were these four pastors that used to get together all the time and they took theology for a while but then they just became friends you know when you become friends you let your hair down I let my hair down all the time which is not hard but with that being said I I am an open book and some people have a hard time with that that's why a lot of people come and they leave here because when you are open with people and you make yourself totally vulnerable they have to be vulnerable something inside them says I should tell them about this and they don't like that so if you play the game everything is okay then you can play the game everything's okay and nothing gets done but when somebody starts telling you something deep and intimate about them you'll like I feel like I gotta say something deep and intimate now and you press it down you say I don't want to I don't want them to know little little newsflash we're all screwed up all of us have some kind of mental issue some more than others but all of us fall in a category with damaged goods and we're all under construction I'm not saying that means if you're have Abba settings in just party on I'm not saying that but I'm just saying we're all a work in progress that's just the fact now with that being said so these four guys are hanging out and one guy just feels like you need to come clean and goes look I'm I got a gambling issue i gamble like once a week I try to stop but I gamble that's what I do and the other one says well look I got a drinking problem I mean I keep I keep looking down in the basement and I have a hard day which is like every three days I I don't just have a drink I how to get drunk and the other one said I've got some anger issue my congregation drives me crazy I got a heavy bag I just see that person hanging there on that chain and I wail on that thing and they look at the other one and they said what about you and he goes my issue is gossip and I can't wait to get home [Applause] [Laughter] the believers life all life it's a race you know Paul use these terms I don't punch at the air we don't wrestle against flesh and blood we wait he was a little Jewish guy he was brilliant he was picked in the hold asked for a study on the Kamali L who studied on the Hillel the probably the most famous rabbi there isn't Judaism hand picked out of the millions of Jews but I don't I don't think he was like you know what he was studying all the time you don't get muscle studying but he was in this Greek culture this Roman culture where they had the Isthmus Games and the Olympic Games and he saw these guys and what he would do is he see these guys just giving their life in training and fighting like nobody's business for a reef and he thought if we could take that attitude and move it into our spiritual life we'd be dangerous if we could have the same focus and intensity and grit Yeshua's course was heaven there's no mistake he wanted to get back to his father so he came down it was just like everything was getting in the way his mission was Golgotha you see how Stern he was I mean to his favorite guy get behind me Satan he's like look I got it he never looked to the left or the right it was Golgotha because he knew come down get to Bethlehem get on with his life get to Gethsemane get to Golgotha then get out of the tomb and get back to dad all I want all he wanted to hear was he just want to sit the right hand and have his father in the midst of all the glory the living creatures the eldest he just wanted to hear his father bend down and whispers hear you did good kid you did good that's every kid wants hear from their father that's what we want here right we just want to hear I'll fall to say to us you did good come on come on now it's just joy there was work but now it's joy and it's joy forever not for 70 years not for a weekend you keep trying to get joy for a weekend it's not gonna work sweetheart you're barking up the wrong tree is it working no no guards gotta get in on the inside of you you gotta hang with him he's got to tell you those sweet nothings on the inside of your husband your wife could never say it's precious we have to stay focused we have to keep our eyes fixed on the prize it's got to be intensity it's gotta be tenacity you can't Juke when I played football I was small and I didn't know I had vascular problems so I'd always hurt myself I always hurt myself tear ligaments and and sprained ankles and hurt back I didn't know what I had but I wanted to play so I learned how to Juke plus I grew up in the projects you learn how to shoot in the projects I learned how to joke I learned how to spin I learned how to hurdle this I didn't want to get hit every time I got hit I got hurt you can't Juke the devil you can't fake left and go right you can you can't spin on them he's too good they'll tackle you every time you got a hide in the shadow of God's wings and keep your eyes focused on the prize you got to think about I don't think about rabbi I'm only thinking about right now cuz you're talking about it why who are you well you're a rabbi I read the Bible more when I wasn't a rabbi now I got all this other crap to do before I could just sit around and meditate and read the Bible I'm gonna write what does that mean I'm a rabbi should you you can focus on the prize seriously I mean can't you I'm not saying look we have a good week we love each other in our family we have a phenomenal family all the Lord's doing it would not have worked without the Lord it would not have worked without the Lord what we have is a glory to God without a doubt I know it she knows they know it but still no matter what we're doing I see the price no matter what in fact when we're having too much fun I'm like this is getting old go to bed go to bed it's boring go to bed I'm tired of laughing I'm tired of hanging out with you I'm tired of loving you go to bed I gotta get on the prize do you do that I mean my day yesterday was 6 o'clock 8 o'clock prayer 6 to 8 prayer I'm meditating with the Lord 8:30 I went on a bike ride so I want to get some exercise what I do on the bike ride a bike got back at 10:00 10:00 to 2:00 in the word then I hung out rested hang out hung out with them then had some dinner with friends for Rosh Hashanah couldn't wait to get out of there now cuz I don't love them and not close the food wasn't good although the turkey was a little dry if you're here so bad I know but listen but listen I'm just saying I couldn't wait to get home and then I had to do some things and then at 11:30 I just wanted to go to the dining-room table and open up I'm not saying you have to do that because that's obsessive and I'm mentally ill and I'm not telling you I'm just saying I actually enjoy it it's not like a chore and and I think it's important to come to that place where you enjoy it you know what I mean when you're doing some you know when you have a hobby and somebody says you're really good at this you should turn it into a way to make a living and you hate it then because then you got all that other stuff cause it's not a delight anymore right you know what I'm talking about some of you tried it right it should be a delight I mean God delights in us you know I mean he delights in us he's at the foot of your bed while you're sleeping he's watching every move you make and when you get up in the morning if you could just stop for a second and not run to your phone if you could stop for sick you might hear him say hey son how'd you sleep not bad dad I've been waiting for you all night wanna hang out a little bit we miss some really precious moments religion can't give that to you if we don't keep our eyes on the prize we get too caught up in the here and now and then we try to grab all the gusts that we can it's fleeting I know you're eating better you're using pearl cream wrinkles are going away you're gonna die I'm not I'm not Nilson I'm not Nielsen I don't keep stats but as far as I know one out of one still dies in America redeem the time redeem the time look at Hebrews 12:1 this is the message I won't keep you here too too long this lord knows I already overdid my 23 minutes that America lets me preach so after we've said all this so then since we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses it's not like they communicate to us with just people that went before us that really had a still a walk there rooting us on and we want to honor their memory so led us to put aside just what obviously this is what they did they put aside every impediment every impediment that is the sin which easily hampers our forward movement and keep running with endurance in the contest set before us this is really what this is all about Rosh Hashanah now look at that word some of your verses I know says entangles hampers it's by setting sin the word means the setting skillfully surrounding it's it's those sins that keep tripping us up everybody knows they have a setting sin or sins but the setting sin is like it's like a piece of furniture you keep hitting your shin against anybody no I'm talking about or your toe now you've been hitting your toe on that thing for 25 years you've had that bed you would think that you would learn to avoid it but when it's been awhile and you aren't thinking about it you got complacent what happens what you hit it again and what do you say o dung right [Laughter] Oh dong sure you do let me make a couple of points one we all have the setting sin or sins we all sweep pain we all have the setting sin or sins in our lives and they're always a danger to us always we can experience victory we can however there will never be a time when we're so spiritually strong that we don't need to go out against them never rabbi this is like hard to swallow not really 70 80 is for an eternity I don't think so I mean you don't have to be a mathematician to put that in a fraction ago it's it it's minuscule it's it's not even worth calculating it's so minuscule the key is to remain humble dependent and vigilant humble independent is something that is missing there is a Christian arrogance today in the body of Messiah and when I say Christian arrogance that doesn't mean that Messianic Jews aren't arrogant that's the body of Messiah let me just correct when I say the church it doesn't mean a denomination or the Gentile Church it means the body of Messiah I should probably just say that because there's always somebody that's gonna write me an email to be setting sins are rooted in the love of self now Christian psychologist won't tell you that nope they say that the reason why we have the setting sin is feelings of low self-worth and self-esteem that's what they teach and obviously if one of you a Christian psychologist you probably know that and you're probably saying I agree with you and I want you to know you absolutely have a right to be wrong but the Bible says just the opposite see that's what I have a problem with how my problem psychologist I've problem with somebody who's not preaching from the Bible the Bible says we've sinned because we love ourselves too much not too little we tend to love ourselves more than we love God and more than we love others and if we try to overcome sin by loving ourselves more we are simply feeding the source of the problem feeding the monster it's gonna get worse three bisetta ng sins always hurt others always always we tend to think our by setting sins up basically homeless but we never had the luxury of sitting in private never our sins always hurt others look we buy into the lie that our children are tough and resilient I remember when I first got called into ministry it was I've spent three years you know after my salvation experience in Israel I didn't know what to do I didn't even know that you were supposed to go to church I just read the Bible for three years every day for hours and hours and hours and I didn't realize God was really just getting the word richly in me and then we God said move so we left New York went to Florida and I met this guy and he was an Episcopalian past the former Roman Catholic priest and he said would you help with the youth and he sent me to a conference listen to me the biggest lie is that our kids are tough and resilient I spoke to hundreds of kids they're not as tough as we think they're hurting and crying out but they don't want to get between the issue which they're hoping maybe God will make it better and mommy and daddy will be okay the adulterer doesn't love himself too little he loves himself too much he loves himself more than his spouse more than his children more than even the other person now I might be oversimplifying the matter because I'm a simpleton but sin is sin and my point is it wreaks havoc on so many levels now if you go back with me in time 2,500 years ago I'll take you to a Russia shun in the Bible Nehemiah 8 it's a lot wow that's a lot huh can you handle four verses okay when the seventh month arrived whoa with the seven month we're in the seven months right after the people of Israel had resettled in their town so they had come back from their exile why were they exiled they were being punished wasn't the devil a lot of times we blame the devil and gods chastising us they were resetting they came back they had come back to God they had finally repented and God was bringing them back the Prophet spoke and they were returning not to the land to God it's not about the land it's about the people in the land all the people gathered with one Accord in the open space in front of the water gate that's not the complex in Washington 1970 where the Republicans went in and bugged the Democratic Party and asked Ezra the Torah teacher Ezra was the priest to bring the scroll of the Torah of Moshe why they were they were lost they were already adopting a Babylonian lifestyle Babylonian gods they were lost it doesn't take much there's 70 years you can get lost in 70 minutes they were lost so they had to reteach them it's what Yeshua did all you sure did was teach he would say look sheep without a shepherd a shepherd just doesn't hang out and party with you a shepherd brings you to a pasture where they even get good nourishment soul food as with the Torah teacher bring up the scroll of motion which I'll annoy I had commanded Israel Ezra the co hain that means priest brought the Torah before the assembly which consisted of men women and all children old enough to understand and I bet you we're talking four years old that's when a kid was weaned back then 2500 years ago they were weaned by the time they were formed by four they will learn the Torah you know what I mean we tell him little silly stories and watch the details with them and then all of a sudden we wondering why when they're 16 they don't get it it was the first day of the seventh month what what's that it's legit we got a biblical example here it's Russia shut up right facing the open space in front of the Watergate he read from it to the men the women and the children who could understand from early morning until noon oh boy see I'm not doing that bad at all I'll have you out of here in like ten to twelve minutes maybe now I don't put a time I don't I don't tie in my sermons I know most people when I go I don't speak any more places but when they invite me they'll go you have 28 minutes you have 34 minutes everything's I don't put I don't when God says you're done I'm done and you've seen me times I I feel like I have more and I'm like okay we're done and it's weird right it's like you can't just stop like that I what do you mean I can't I am you can't tell me not to stop and you can't tell me to stop that's up to him you can come and go I will listen if you gotta go I'm not offended I am NOT I'm here I love you and I'm here for you but I'm mainly here for him my audience is him and I'm trying to bring something that I think he gave to me and if I'm wrong I'll have to answer for it it was the first day of the seventh month facing the open in front of the Watergate he read early morning that means daybreak so we're talking about six o'clock to noon that's a six hour sermon and all the people listened attentively go figure well you had no video games back then you know there was nothing to do they read clearly from the scroll in the Torah of God translated it see it's very listen to me you can't just preach rah-rah-sis-boom-bah doesn't work it's a drive-by sermon everybody gets hurt it doesn't work topical teaching doesn't really work that well applicable teaching this is this this is the way God set it up you've got to find a biblical president 40 preaching I can't have somebody tell me how to do it they read clearly from the scroll and the tour of God translated it and enabled them to understand the sense of what was being read you see what's going on Yom - its Yom Torah and Ezra and the priests were the first in the Bible in a long line of expository preachers who actually explained the Bible they exposed the truth and they explained it to people so they can understand it and then they could explain it to others it wasn't just this is how you can use this to make your life better because lord knows it's all about you look at this quote from now listen to me this is from a guy donald campbell anybody know donald campbell come on some of you guys did about christians 40 years Dallas Theological Seminary president for Mary is you know Dallas Theological Seminary right produce people like dr. David Jeremiah dr. Chuck Swindoll who Hal Lindsey it's a it's a good seminary now now I know listen thank you I know somebody's gonna send me an email and it's gonna sound like this rabbi do you believe in David Jeremiah's eschatology did I say I did I just said he went to the school do I believe in everybody's theology that when I mention name do I believe Maimonides theology you didn't believe in your shoe up do I do i bill no but just cuz I mention them and they're quality people they're not perfect either am i either are you this guy was a quality guy and this is what he said about this chapter chapter eight Nehemiah he wrote a book man in charges from page 75 he said and I quote Ezra and his helpers were the first in a long line of expository preachers who explained the Bible this method of preaching now this is this is how long ago this is like 2500 years ago and he's still sticking to it this method of preaching has been blessed by God down through the centuries and continues to be an effective instrument for bringing believers to spiritual maturity topical preaching may often be inspiring and helpful but the spiritual benefits do not compare with those resulting from a preaching ministry like Ezra's blessed indeed are the believers who are privileged to sit under expository preaching of the scriptures [Applause] if you're gonna teach your children expose the scriptures to them expose the Word of God to them now after he reads this to them for six hours this is Nehemiah 8 9 what happens yeah um yeah that's his Hebrew name Nehemiah the chief huh what's that the governor in Israel they love the governor somebody's from Alabama he enough see if they're from Alabama they didn't get it don't like what does that mean Bob in Birmingham they love the governor southern rock come on I'm in Macon are you kidding me okay let's move on Wow Ezra the cocaine and tortilla and the Levine the Levites the priests who taught the people said to all the people that this is the whole congregation um I like the two million people so that all these Levites that were helping the groups understand what was being read in the Torah because they're coming back to God they're returning but you can't just return to God you've got to return to God's ways you got to repent change your mindset return to God doesn't mean okay with Mack not if you're gonna keep doing the same crap or not you can't come back to your wife and then do the same stuff that she throw you out for today is consecrated to out annoy your God don't be mournful why is he saying don't be mournful obviously they were warning you don't say to somebody don't be mournful unless their morning they will morning they were weeping they were crying just hearing the Word of God they were weeping what was happening they're repenting on Rosh Hashanah you think God just brought them back from exile and just happen to have Azra just every the Torah when you feel like it guys God is a God of perfect timing everything he does is in an exact time an exact time when he makes a promise and it hits his timing it's destiny you can't get to destiny without his timing intersecting with his promise nothing is haphazard nothing there's no curse without a cause nothing is haphazard with the Lord today is consecrated to I don't know your God it's a holy day don't be mournful don't weep there front there weeping wailing that's repentance by the way not repent this is god this is not repentance man I didn't know you're gonna take it that way Wow seem to be really soft and easily offended I guess I'm sorry what I guess you're not for all the people had been weeping see if you just would have read that you would have known I was giving it away but for all the people had been weeping when they heard the words of the Torah they were just hearing the words of God God's Word is so powerful you've got to get into it it's so powerful it's God's Word it's energized by his spirit it's not just words of a book when you're in trouble who do you quote what book do you quote you don't say on page 75 a man in charge by Donald Campbell it's good writing but there's nothing like God's Word the thing is crazy it's crazy and you won't repent without it what's so powerful about this thing why they make it to Shuba look at what Jeremiah I'll show you in the old and new Testament just two verses Old Testament Jeremiah 23 Jeremiah 23 do you like couscous isn't my word like fire burns up the chaff is it like a hammer and I'm not talking MC it's like I have her shattering it shatters us in you don't need anybody telling you about your sin when you read the Word of God it shatters the sinful heart look at what Hebrews 4:12 says see the Word of God is alive it's not like dead words on a page like on the books it's dead it's not fresh manna you can read the same thing a hundred times and see a Fassett that you've never seen because it's alive it's breathing it's God's words it is at work and it's sharper look I'm not a prophet but I speak with a prophetic edge I don't apologize for it it's something God gave me there's sharpness to what say I'm not going to apologize I try so hard to be like mr. Rogers I want to be Pastor Dave hey how's it going how's it going you know those freaky people that caught you here's a free pen did you park in the good spot how you gonna serve the Lord the Word of God is sharp I don't even have to add anything to it it's sharp in and of itself it says it's sharper you know what a double-edged sword does when you pierce through it's sharpen it cuts right through to where the sole me it's separate soul and spirit we are body soul and spirit the soul is your decision maker but the Spirit has to dictate it's either the spirit of man or the Spirit of God it cuts right there and it says the Spirit of God will dictate to your soul it will tell you what you will do bless the Lord all my soul David says that's the spirit commanding his soul and then his soul says ocal bless the Lord his body said okay we'll walk it out it'll cut right with a soul joints meat marrow there's nothing deeper than bone marrow and it's quick to judge the inner reflections and the attitudes of the heart man nothing could do that I can't do that you can't do that only the Word of God to do it because it's the words of God it's the word that judges us not us who judges the word that's why the Lord keeps telling us to read and meditate me not to make you brighter not so you can one-up somebody because you know the verse so they repent they're crying but they're back they're back they heard the word they were crying and now they're gonna go with it they're gonna try to walk out the word they are they'll have a hard time just like we do but they're going for it God likes a good effort he likes a good fight and they're going for it and then you get this beautiful verse in the mi-8 10 it says Haddad Auto Noi he met us ahem and it translates the Lord's joy now a lot of your versions say the joy of the Lord I don't even know what that means the joy of Lord in my strength meaning meaning what it's almost like well just knowing God is very joyful and now I'm strong does that sound about right the joy the Lord is my strength does it sound about right like I just um I have intimacy with the father and that's very joyful so I feel good that's not what it means that's not what the original Hebrew means it means the Lord's joy is your strength the Lord is happy not you he's happy you're strong when he's happy and why is he happy because his kids are back with him you ever had a way with kid and they come back how happy are your mom you have kids that go away and they come back for the holidays and they're sitting at your table and the joy is just overwhelming you're made in His image you know how sad he is when you're away from him because when you're away from him he can't protect you he can knock on the door of your heart and he can ask you to let him in but if you don't man you're bait for the enemy he's gonna destroy he's gonna rip you up one side down the other and there's nothing he can do and he's watching it and he's screaming come back to me I want to protect you but he can't force you because God is love and love doesn't force themselves on somebody the Lord's joy the children of Israel back and and he's saying don't cry your back God's happy it's a time of celebration Rosh Hashanah you've wet but he's forgiving you and he's back he's happy look the table set the fattened calf is ready to be slaughtered we're gonna party he's happy that's your strength look I can prove it to you look at the word joy Hedvig lad miss but look at the root word ha ha it's joined join the root word he's together with them now it's good but how do you get joined to them by doing his will doing his will not doing yours and if you're far from him I'm not a Baptist minister but if you've never really repented of your sins and have never been born again in house by the Holy Spirit I would think that Russia shenna would be a good day to do it push the trumpet is blaring if you are far away you can come back way would you know they call it I think rededication all I know it's back home man back home safe and sound with Daddy last but not least I don't know I said to Moshe tell the people of Israel in the seventh month the first of the month is to be a few a day of complete rest for remembering that hit me what are we supposed to remember God is blowing the shofar and he wants us to remember something because I think we forgot something and I don't know what you forgot and you don't know what I forgot but listen to me look at me you forgot something you did with all your busyness and all your craziness you forgot and I think what we forget the most is the same thing that congregation Ephesus forgot they were serving they were worshiping but the motive behind their worship in this service was missing their love for God and love for others there are so many people in the body of Messiah and we're gonna get into this on on Yom Kippur who love God before their heart but they don't like people God can't pour his love out on you because you don't love what he loves I know you've been hurt and betrayed I know I don't want to compare but I'm promise you I promise you you won't one-up me in the betrayal department you don't know what it's like to pour your life into people to have a best friend a friend that is in your will who's gonna take care of your children because you got vascular disease and then not just departs but does says awful on through things and you're not mad at them you're sad because you know you'll never see them again and when that happens over and over and over and over and over and you just say lord I just won't quit let me just I love you I love you I just want to retreat I want to quit it's okay oh well I can't anoint you anymore it's okay it's all right and then he's like that's not gonna work for you you'll be with your son trust me you'll be more miserable than you can even imagine go back fall out tired of getting bit I'm tired I'm just me I'm not you sure it's okay with you so you go back and you go back and you go back and you learn about how much you've been forgiven of and then you learn what God really wants from you is to just pay it forward the shofar sounds as God's alarm clock asking us not to slumber through life but to use it to glorify God and bring blessing to others there's a guy sir Moses Montefiore I know Montefiore because it was a hospital that I had my stomach pumped out up but he was in the 1700s he was a benevolent Jewish man in Britain and worldwide unbelievable giver he was wealthy beyond wealth he was the financial planner for the Rothschilds his wife and the Rothschilds wife was sisters somebody once asked him how much he was worth and he gave a figure quote the guy said I know you own more than that the man said mother Fuhrer said quote you didn't ask me what I owned you asked me what I'm worth the figure I gave you was how much money I have given this year to charity because we are worth what we are willing to share with others if somebody asked you what you were worth and you had to answer with what you gave to charity how much would you be worth for me personally and I don't share my personal viewpoints with you almost ever because not that I'm hiding it I'm it might be off and I don't want to influence you with me personally I want to influence you with the Word of God I want to marinate you in the Word of God for me personally I would not wait for Russia Shunta to hear the Trump of God the Bible says teach us to number our days Oh God so we could spend our lives and obedience to you and make a count for all of eternity make your lives count you will not get back this very day hogs the math let's all stand together I will totally lose my Jewish status if we don't supply you with kala and honey it's a it's a very very traditional thing that we do but it's it's it's nice it's nice you know Israel is the land of milk and money I mean the land of milk and honey and so we have outside there some bread and it's just because it's a spiritual New Year we're wishing you well we I hope personally I hope that this is a beautiful year for you I hope that you get closer and closer and closer to God I really do so that's out there for you and I'll just say the blessing because I should borrow Scott's our own oil henna mela alum i mostly left him in the nerds I'm ot lickin Hashem Hashem Yeshua chicane o alikum ha ha blessed are You Lord our God King in the world who brings forth bread from the earth but more importantly brings forth the bread from heaven in the name of Yeshua the Messiah the bread of life we roast at total oil hey Noel Colombo ray pareja AIT's a main bless today you O Lord our God King in the world who creates the fruit of the vine and the fruit of the tree I'm an father I I pray for our congregation and those listening that it would be a sweet year and I pray for those that are suffering and going through it and they don't know about the next day please father if nothing else be with them make your presence known because I'd rather be with you in Hell than without you in heaven so father bring peace to your people in the name of Yeshua a name may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you I made a little lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace and then in the principal peace ashore even annoy the East morass and annoy point of a letter ah yes ah I don't know boy poor novela the assembly hall Charlo Hawks mouth guys
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,733
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Trumpets, Feast, Yom Teruah, Teruah
Id: MOrLQ2Kt7Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 27sec (4347 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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