Sep 28, 2020 Yom Kippur- Rabbi Greg Hershberg

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well you know that um obviously the fall feasts come one after another like boom boom boom three of them it starts off in the first of tishrei one being a number where god's blowing is so far because he wants us to be one with him and then you have 10 days 10 in biblical comatria meaning days of completion you have 10 days to kind of examine yourself and ask the holy spirit to give you more or less a spiritual x-ray and see where you are and then we come to this day the tenth day where it's complete and with true repentance and penitence of heart god will pour out from his mercy seat the rivers of forgiving water not just living water and then what happens after that you have five days and what's the five for that's the number for grace before you get to party with god on sukkot and feel his presence once again you should contemplate his goodness for a good five days so you can come in and really thank him and praise him the way he deserves to be thanked and praised and that's what you have 15 days boom boom boom and the beauty about the fall feast is that they haven't come to pass like the spring feast you know the spring feasts and memorials but what we're doing today is a dress rehearsal you know so let's just look at what the scriptures say about yom kippur um there's not a ton of verses because i don't think god wanted it to be that complicated i talked to people today i gotta tell you i mean i know i choose to be simple on purpose um but they are too psychological there's so much psychology in their thinking i mean i don't see it in the bible forgive me i'm not knocking some of you a psychologist i'm not saying there's not a place for that i understand there is but sometimes i think these folks open a pandora's box that isn't even there and sometimes when you go too deep you know in the submarine you got to up periscope a little bit and see what's going on around you you just got to move forward you can't keep wallowing in the past you can't keep making mistakes for your current situation based on what happened to you you've got to move forward how many husbands did the woman at the well have how many and what about the sixth was but she had somebody right basically kind of a partner a life partner as they call it today do i get married i have a life partner did you see your shoes sit with her and go listen let's go over let's go over husband number three let's talk about that you guys i'm telling you you you know what you're messing up and a lot of you i talked to and you know what god forgive me but you sound very confused you don't sound sharp you sound confused be careful of psychology okay the founder of monday psychology was a maniac leviticus 23 26 through 32 this is what the lord says adonoi said to moshe his mediator okay in the old testament there was a mediator between god and the people of god okay in the new covenant not the new testament in the new covenant we have a mediator as well we have a mediator i know people go well i just go to god i'll just go to god the only way you can go to god is because you have a mediator don't forget the mediator okay i don't know he said to moshe the tenth day of this seventh month is yom kippur that has never changed it doesn't matter if people believe it or not god said the 10th day of tishrei is yom kippur you are to have a holy convocation you are to deny yourself your yourselves forgive me and you want to bring an offering made by fire to illinois by the way if you brought an offering back then we brought sheep and lambs i'm sure some of you would you know animals that got so detestable to god you know why they were bringing animals that were detestable and it didn't mean anything to them i'm sure if we brought an offering today somebody go to the aspca just bring a mangy mutton here but today our offerings aren't animals so if you did bring an offering there's i think offering boxes in the back is that right guys is the offering box in the back okay you are not to do any kind of work on that day any kind of work none because it's your own kipper a day to make atonement for you before i don't know your god anyone who does not deny themselves on this day is to be cut off from his people and anyone who does any kind of work on that day i will destroy from among his people so the tenth day of the seventh month on god's biblical calendar i know a lot of people aren't necessarily down with that but god has a biblical calendar his calendar is not the gregorian calendar our calendar is the gregorian calendar and we live in a society that recognized the going growing calendar so please don't tell your boss i'll meet you on the third day at don't do that because you know what if you're trying to witness to them you definitely lost them because you would have lost me if i was secular okay even even nissan was named after a babylonian god so just relax if you're going to go witch hunting you're going to find you can't use any product and you can't talk to anybody so just i'm just a word to the wise i'm just saying after 31 years i'm just throwing that out there to you but on the gregorian calendar the 10th day of tishrei coincides with the date september 28 2020 and the day started sundown yesterday okay that was arab yom kippur of the eve of yom kippur today is yom kippur okay no doubt about it god's saying it's holy this is from his mouth it's sacred and it's supposed to be a set apart called out assembly now you're watching online you're called out you're here we're with you you're with us okay it's not so easy to come from north dakota to to beth yeshua but warner robins you can make it it's supposed to be fasting as opposed to feasting people say but we're delivered we're delivering yeshua's okaporo man just pay attention to what god says you know just do what he says stop stop it one day one day you can't like fast instead of feast you can't not party one day that will kill you and what's it for to make atonement corporately rabbi do we wait for yom kippur of course we don't wait for yom kippur the bible says we're to repent daily there's not too many p believers that do that by the way just throwing that out there there's not too many believers that daily repent of their sense it's a rarity it's a rarity but this is a day that god's called out the body of messiah not just at beth yeshua no at first baptist at first presbyterian at first methodist and not just in macon and not just in georgia and not just in the united states but in every country in the world where there's a blood-bought believer we're supposed to be together today and corporately ask god for forgiveness guys look i'm just throwing this out there a lot of you believe is longer than me what would happen if every blood-bought believer united on this day and came before god on their face and said forgive us o lord the gates of hell would fall apart so instead we have these things going on in washington and and in singapore and other places where we spend millions millions and millions and millions of dollars putting it together hoping that people will come and watch and who always comes the same people that always come the people that don't necessarily need to repent as hard as the people that really do need to repent and we have these meetings with the same people and we call it the national day of prayer or a national day of repentance we have an international day of prayer that god has already ordained and of course do nothing to get here except for a little bit of gas money you didn't need a hotel did you no come on man are those things bad and of themselves no no they're not bad in and of themselves but why go with man's plans when we have god's plans man's plans garbage cans stick with the script well we've never done that i don't give a crap what you've done i never believed in yeshua growing up in the synagogue i made a change i didn't go well that was my tradition we just jewish people just i'm an orthodox jew we just don't he was a good teacher he seemed like a good guy but he's not the messiah i defected get rid of your ego atonement let's look at the word so we understand it kaffar to far to cover to purge it's a good one to make reconciliation now you you know what these words mean basically right spiritually speaking god's saying to cancel to pardon to forgive that's what god wants to do he wants us to come before him and he wants to corporately forgive the body of messiah he's chosen this day to do that the all-important concept regarding sin in traditional judaism as well as the overall concept regarding sin in the bible is that the penalty for sin cannot be excused or overruled it cannot in other words it cannot be brushed under the rug because if god does that for a moment then he's not a god of justice and what do we cry out today what do we decry all the time justice there's no justice our justice system is so unjust we're so frustrated right got murders and rapists are getting just six months time like how does that happen and so god is a god of justice in fact when messiah comes back justice and righteousness will be the foundations there will only be two foundations of his throne that he's going to build his government on and that government will have no end for eternity and it's justice and righteousness and because god doesn't change he's a god of justice so he can't sweep it under the rug no can do so what does the bible say somebody's got to pay you got a mortgage either you pay somebody pays or else that home is taken away so it has to be transferred it has to be transferred in order for it to be satisfied somebody's got to pay you've got to satisfy that debt that's what they call in the financial world that debt has to be satisfied if it's not paid it's unsatisfied so there needs to be what's called the zorbach that every religious jew knows what that term means is a sacrificial innocent victim slaughtered as a substitute does that make sense i mean if yeshua wasn't the most innocent victim slaughtered i know it looks pretty in the movies it was disgusting and deplorable now there is one chapter in leviticus 16 that gives the details of yom kippur and i i've taught on it so many times i don't want to do that not because i don't want to do that i'll do whatever god wants but it seems like that's not the direction this is going in okay forgive me if i'm off you might have come said i really want to learn all about young pippa go home and read leviticus 16. it's one chapter but i want to highlight one thing because in those details there's really one main feature and that's this the sacrificing of two goats right there's two goats that are sacrificed on yom kippur one is called khatat which just is the sacrificial goat to wipe out debt there has to be a sacrifice for sin somebody's got to pay the other one is azazel and that is the scapegoat and they would send the scapegoat out lay hands on it to transfer that's why we lay hands i don't need to lay hands on my kid it's not like okay that stuff went out when benny hinn retired all right and thank god he was forced into retirement just as a side note for all you who do gurus he doesn't have one legitimate medical miracle on the books that can be attested by the medical community and if some people were healed it wasn't because any power from him it was power from the healer and god did that because of that person's faith because if there's one man who has healing and that man dies we're all going to be very sick but there's a healer who doesn't die and there's a healer who heals [Applause] you put hands on just to signify you saying god this one this one and you put hands on the goat to say transfer this and get it away from the camp and you send it out and of course the scapegoat is going to be killed the scapegoat will be killed but you're sending it out of the camp because what are you sending not the sin the guilt of the sin the sin won't kill us it's the guilt that will it's human nature we stay guilty for way too long look if you're a recovering catholic you know about guilt but let me just tell you something catholic you ain't got nothing over the orthodox jews we invented guilt you came in as 500 a.d we we've had guilt for way before you even thought of catholicism and it's easy to make people feel guilty but a good person doesn't need somebody to make them feel guilty they feel guilty enough when somebody messes up you don't have to tell them i think they know who tells you when you mess up your neighbor or the holy spirit leave it alone you're not the judge and you're not the jury you're a witness let's take a look at this in kind of new testament terminology here john 19 we're talking about the crucifixion obviously verses 31 to 30 foot says it was preparation day and the judeans did not want the bodies to remain on the stake on shabbat now was it the seventh day shabbat any time there's a holy day it's a shabbat when when darren was saying shabbat shalom because he saw you saying shabbat shalom and then he kind of caught himself but then he said wait a minute it kind of is a shabbat it's not kind of is a shabbat it is a shabbat any kind of holy day that's called out by god whether it's rested as a shabbat so what was this day this was the coming into the 15th of nisan if you check your bibles in leviticus 23 that was the day that started the feast of matzah and it was a shabbat because some people think oh that was passover if it was coming into passover then he didn't die on passover he died before passover but he did die on passover nissan 14. and towards the afternoon it was coming into sundown nissan 15 and it was a holy day a consecrated day a culvert assembly and so they couldn't leave the bodies on the cross so what do they do they break the kneecaps because the way you die from crucifixion is a fixation because you have to push yourself up to get a breath and if your knees aren't working you can't push yourself up to get a breath so that's what they did so they asked pilate to have the legs broken and the body's removed listen we're coming into a holy day they didn't care about him that much him the thieves it doesn't matter who's ever on the course just get them off it's sacrilege to have them on a cross like this when we're coming into a holy day boy did they not miss the forest for the trees man the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man so there was three being crucified who had been put on the stake beside yeshua then they broke the legs of the other one obviously they were still alive but when they got to yeshua and saw that he was already dead they didn't break his legs obviously to fulfill prophecy right because the lambs on passover none of their bones could be broken and we have a few we have a few doctors here right a few doctors here and a few people that think they're doctors and the real doctors know what i'm talking about well i ran in the internet really well i went to school for 22 years see doctors like me but then i got to straighten them out on insurance areas and they don't like me so much you know it's okay um it is possible it is very possible that this spear would would would miss the bones no it's is that possible doctors that it could have went between the bones so some people say well well the spear had to do no no no but the spear would go across the pleural space correct am i right doctors just give me an amen to the pericardium and if the pericardium sac wasn't punctured there would still be blood from the lung vessels and the lungs itself correct okay so the pericardium didn't need to be punctured per se for blood and water to still come out okay good i just want to make sure that this is legitimately because sometimes you know people like anti-science no science corroborates what the bible says the bible doesn't corroborate science okay you can be a scientist and be a devout believer at the same time they're not enemies so they asked paul to have the legs broke soldiers came broke the legs of the first man put on the stake then the legs of the other one when they got to his shoe where he was already dead they didn't break his legs however one of the soldiers stabbed his side with a spear and at once blood and water flowed out and i think that the order is crucial i don't think anything that god wrote in the bible is haphazard not nothing we have some english teachers too that's a double negative i know i know some of you were like i just can't i just can't believe he did the negative not nothing in the bible i'm gonna do it again and again because i'm from the northeast and we love double negatives so these soldiers were well experienced in these matters they were experts they were experts at torture these weren't just a couple of like guys who they just picked out hey you wanna no these were experts they worked on human beings constantly constantly to find out this is what they were looking for how can we make people suffer with the most intensity for the longest duration and they found that crucifixion is the winner crucifixion is the winner there was no possibility of his being in a faint or a swoon they're called resurrection myths i got news for you forgive me but you've got to have more faith to believe in the myths than the actuality of what took place in the event he was already dead so they didn't need to break his legs okay but we are not told why no one in the scripture would be told why the soldier pierced aside but if i had a venture to guess if i had a venture to guess i would say it's ungodly hatred it's what we have today when we wish politicians death i'm not political you know why because i've already voted for my king he's been my king for 31 years okay we live in a beautiful country where we get to vote how we want and how do we vote selfishly but it's okay that's a democratic republic you get to vote for whoever you want but to wish death on somebody listen christian that's ungodly hatred that's disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself it's deplorable and this is what this guy had ungodly hatred he had wickedness in his heart so out of the frustration that this lunatic didn't get to inflict pain on this person that he could care less about it wasn't yeshua to him it wasn't the messiah it wasn't the son of god it was just the guy that was convicted of some crime bless me but he wants to get his hands on him son of a gun he's already dead frustration just frustration which only shows the wickedness of his heart and then blood and water came out not water and blood oh what's the big deal everything's a big deal everything's a big deal who do you say what's a little deal what's a big deal what do you know about what's a big deal in the little deal if it's in there it's a big deal because this parallels and azazel spoken of in leviticus 16. the first goat is khatat the sin the blood it had to be sacrificed then once you pour out the blood then you could take away the guilt not before blood and water look at what hebrews says and who are we talking to we're talking to messianic jews and all those grafted in but that's who the letter is written to and basically you know what the letter says don't throw out the baby with the bath water you know what i mean let the sacrificial system go down the drain but don't let the feast go now every cohen that's the high priest that's not the levitical priesthood every cohen stands every day doing his service he doesn't celebrate young people every day but if you know about the everlasting sacrifice in exodus there has to be a sacrifice in the morning and the afternoon in the temple in the holy of holies every day that happened every day offering over and over the same sacrifices which can never take away sins what no now when you do something awful and you say you're sorry to someone and they go it's okay you still feel dirty still but this one after he had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins sat down at the right hand of god the ministry of every aaronic priest is now in these two verses sharply contrasted with that of messiah there was no chair in the tabernacle no there was not a chair in the tabernacle or in the temple not one to aaron's priesthood you know why because the aaronic priest had to stand daily in the performance of their duties there was no rest because their work was never completed now i don't fault them this is the system god set up he was building something it was a present progressive revelation and it started in the beginning god and it finishes at revelation 22 21 when all things will be restored and made new it's this progressive revelation it's not like they were wrong i'm not making fun of them i'm not poking fun of my people they were doing what they were told i applaud them for their obedience but no they couldn't rest because it was never complete the sacrifices were repeated year in year out year in year out it was an unending routine which basically left sins untouched and the conscience unrelieved not so with yeshua's sacrifice look at one verse in john 19 30. after yeshua had taken the wine he said it is accomplished what is accomplished and then he gave up his spirit mission accomplished the work that his father had given him to do was complete and what was that work what did he say make it simple guys stop delving into the internet how much knowledge do you need you guys have so much knowledge than my friends in africa and india and they're banging on doors every day doing exactly what yeshua told them to do yeshua said i've come to seek and save the lost that's what he said you want to know why he came he came to seek and save the lost and then he had to save the lost through his sacrifice and when his sacrifice was done that's when he said it's finished now the loss can be saved it's done mission accomplished therefore the work of atonement and redemption is complete and it is not once upon a time it's for all time it's not a fairy tale it's not a fairy tale although the knight will come on the white horse and take his bride away into the sunset and they will live forever happily ever after [Applause] and that's coming that's what these fall feasts are all about our redemption draws nigh hebrews 10 19 20 it says so brothers based on everything we just read everything i've just told you so brothers we have confidence listen guys there is a huge chasm of a difference between confidence and arrogance huge we have confidence to use the way into the holiest place the holy of holies opened by the blood of yeshua that's what our confidence is in he inaugurated he set forth a new and living way through the parakhet which is hebrew for veil by means of his flesh now there is no caste system any longer nope no rich no poor no highly educated no not so educated no white no black get the news flash no white no black you know i don't know i i i pray all all the time that we'd be one we're one of the few in macon that that have diversity not enough as far as i'm concerned but i pray maybe instead of praying for diversity you know what i should pray for you all to be colorblind this has all changed through yeshua's sacrifice and the way was opened through the veil which had to be rent or broken and this of course refers to yeshua's body broken in death the original pillars in the temple the two pillars the jews called that the legs of god the veil was his shirt for he sat like this so if i sit like this these are the pillars and this is his shirt when yeshua was sacrificed you know why that veil was torn because god mourned like jacob mourned for joseph nobody sees it they think it was so easy it says in isaiah 53 that it pleased the lord it pleased the lord to sacrifice his son so that he would see his offspring man the price that was paid was priceless and that's why we repent because it's through repentance when we're forgiven that we realize oh my god you love the world this much how dare i abuse this gift of redemption it draws us closer and more intimate to god it doesn't draw us away repentance is beautiful god had set up the system so that he could be more intimate with us and we could be more intimate with him it's his system and it works it works for me all the time but wait a minute rabbi time out you're talking about yom kippur then all of a sudden you move on to yeshua's sacrifices archipora i thought yeshua died on passover not yom kippur and if that was your thought you're right he did die on passover because passover is personal everybody needs their own lamb you can't my kids can't get in on my lamb won't work they need their own is corporate so you know what let's get back to kippur i wanted to show you that yes yeshua is our kippura he's our covering but he's our passover lamb yom kippur is different in second chronicles chapters three through five king solomon completes the lord's temple that's what happened the lord asked him to build a temple told david i'm going to have your offspring build it you're a man of war those hands can't build my holy temple and so he said your offspring is going to build it and solomon built it according to everything god told them to do in chapter 6 king solomon dedicates the house it's built he's got to dedicate it and he dedicates it as a house of prayer where the people shall meet with god that's going to be their meeting place the temple god will reside in the temple and they will meet him in his temple now let's pick up the narrative here second chronicles so the temple is complete and he offers up a prayer dedication when had finished praying that's what i just mentioned to you obviously in second chronicles 6 fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offerings and the sacrifices and the glory of illinois filled the house so that the kohanim could not enter the house of hanoi because the glory of illinois filled illinois house all the people of israel saw when the fire came down all the people of israel saw when the fire came down and the glory the kavod of adonoi was on the house they bowed down with their faces to the ground on the flooring prostrating themselves they gave thanks to aranoi and they said for he is good and his grace continues forever so the temple of the lord is complete in all its vast array i mean people sometimes will say why did they spend that kind of money on the temple listen first of all you need to do what god tells you to do you don't need to worry about what god tells me to do and i don't need to worry about what god tells you to do but that would be the day that would be the day that my house is prettier than god's house that would be the day solomon messed up when he made his palace three times as big as god's temple that was his demise because he started get caught up in the house not with god and it happens to the best of them the house is dedicated and god displays his acceptance with an incredible manifestation of his presence incredible can you imagine can you imagine that that happened it's this incredible manifestation of god's presence which causes the people to worship not praise praise is easy hallelujah hallelujah you know you're always talking you're always talking you can't hear god you know why you can't hate god when you praise him you're too busy talking hallelujah hallelujah he's like i know i heard you 30 times give me a chance to speak now but you can praise anything you praise your children you praise pizza today but worship is for god and god alone it's a whole different ball game and so this presence of god caused the people to hit the carpet let's look at the next couple of verses eight through ten so celebrated the festival what festival i'm sure a lot of people kind of skip over that like it's kind of not important well if it wasn't important it wouldn't be there so it's got to be important he celebrated the festival at that time for seven days together with all israel an enormous gathering they'd come all the way from the entrance of hamad where's hamat syria it's 132 miles north of damascus all the way to the body all the way to egypt this is his entire everybody from the kingdom this is when the kingdom was full egypt to syria they all came can you imagine wow what a worship service on the eighth day they held the solemn assembly having observed the dedication of the altar for seven days so they had a feast for the for the dedication seven days right how do i know they observed the dedication of the altar for seven days and the festival for seven days so they had two 14-day periods of celebration then on the 23rd day of the seventh month what do we know about the 23rd day that shimoni x-rate that's the eight day celebration the eighth day it's not it's kind of part of the code but it's its own thing after the seven days of sukkot i'll get to it i don't want to get this complicated i'm so not into that okay i'm just showing you where it is so when i tell you you won't go how do you come up with that he sent the people away to their tents full of joy and glad of heart why were they so full of joy they just dedicated the temple and then they just had this sukkot of god's presence and then they go home like elated it's it's a phenomenal time for all the goodness i don't know had shown to david to now what do we know about if if they went home if they had a dedication for the dedication of seven days for sukkot then the seven days prior since the code starts at the 15th then that had to coincide with yom kippur it had to because young people was on the 10th you follow so if sukkot ran from 15th to the 22nd and then the eight days the 23rd and there was seven days before the 15th do the math so was it on yom kippur when they all came and repented before god and that's when the glory of god fell what say you repentance is always a precursor to presence now we're almost done second chronicles 7 12 through 14. i don't know he appeared to slumber by night now you guys know this so well because it's been so used oh my but it's okay because i never abuse it i use it on yom kippur now let me ask you something they just had built the temple they dedicated the temple they had these two worship times one for seven days which included yom kippur and one for sukkot right they go home and then i don't know appears to how long do you think when you read this right now you're a bible student right some of you i've been reading the bible for 40 okay so how long do you think obviously you're guessing take a guess how long maybe came that night yes and he take us it's okay don't be embarrassed maybe that night maybe a couple days later how about 13 years later didn't see that coming huh a lot goes on sometimes between the verse 13 years later then he appears to schlemmel and says tom hey i've heard your prayer i've chosen this place as a house of sacrifice if i shut up the sky so there's no rain don't give the devil so much power god's in control man okay the devil doesn't control the weather and i've never met mother nature father god does or if i order locus to devour the land or if i send an epidemic of sickness among my people then then and only then if my people who supposedly bear my name who run around calling themselves christians will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from the evil ways what evil ways do we have we're good people that's the problem right there i will hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal their land just look at the first verse for a minute 7 12. the temple is for sacrifice as well as prayer the old testament which we are in right now in this section of scripture the old testament understanding of worship regularly joins sacrifices of atonement and dedication and thanksgiving with prayer there has to be some material expression of the worships with the worshipers in a disposition so they come they come sacrificing and rededicating themselves onto the lord and thanking him that he's there and he's listening and he's willing thanking him the next verse it's obviously a summary reference to the divine punishments mentioned in solomon's prayer if you go back and look at this prayer he's just mentioning what solomon said and then 7 14 that's called the golden text of the entire book okay it is i know that we've heard it so much like john 3 16 but i i don't hear it like that i don't hear like oh yeah i know that one i don't know i never taught my kids to memorize scripture that they would come forward say daddy it says in philippians no i'd be like who's philippians you give me one verse in chapter four what happened in chapter three who wrote it why did you write it what does it mean put it in context this this great verse this and this is a great verse it expresses like no other in scripture no other there is no other scripture in the bible that expresses god's requirement for national blessing it's not open to debate it's not open to opinion it doesn't matter what you think god's doing a new thing oh yeah what's new he's not still saving souls and pulling them out of the pit of fire what's he what's he doing new tell enlighten me god's always been about saving souls and delivering people he's oh he is a god of redemption and deliverance and he's still doing it today today somebody is going to give their life legitimately to the lord whether you like it or not it's this requirement whether it's in solomon's land or ezra's land or in our own god does not change we don't need to reinvent the wheel we don't need anything new nope if it's new it's not true and if it's true it's not new god is the same yesterday today and forever and people of people and sin is sin and deliverance is deliverance those who believe though must first forsake their sins they have to legitimately forsake their sins they've got to turn from their life that is centered on self and yield to god's word and his will then and only then will heaven send revival then and only then then and only then will heaven sin revival what is revival the word is and it means to be restored to life that's what revival is when somebody gets revived you're bringing them back to life it's the same principle except spiritually speaking spiritually speaking it's a renewed zeal to obey god you want to know my definition that's my definition and we need revival just about every day just about every day you i any of us need to renew our zeal to obey god what is zeal real simple canna in the hebrew it means ardor ardor what does that mean who knows otter is a fervent persistent intense devotion my definition continuing in spite of opposition zeal is a fervent intense persistent devotion continuing in spite of opposition that zeal that's when a person is zealous revival is when god reveals himself an awesome holiness not so much love he reveals revival revival is different revival is when god reveals himself in awesome holiness and irresistible power it is when god visits the world of men to impart a fresh vision of his great glory and great grace while he simultaneously reveals man's sinfulness man's inadequacy and man's desperate need for his mercy this is so important to me because i think most people that are crying out for revival don't even know what they're crying out for god revive us you want god to come and reveal your inadequacy not necessarily then don't ask them to revive you i'm not poking fun i'm not being sarcastic a little bit i am because that's my personality i know a lot of you don't like sarcasm you weren't raised with sarcasm but give me a break a lot of you are sarcastic behind closed doors you know i can't believe she's wearing that bless her heart forget that that's not yom kippur hey bless her heart is not yom kippur at least what you get with me i throw it out there so you know why you hate me god visits the world of men to impart a fresh vision a new vision a renewed vision of his great glory and his great grace because some of us have been saved way too long we forgot we forgot how wonderful it was on the honeymoon we were just in a beautiful spot burn of that knife for our anniversary and i like to take her away someplace that we haven't been and we decided to go to maine i felt the lord leading us there and it's um it could be the prettiest state without a doubt i don't think there's another state that rivals it for just natural beauty its coast is longer than california's a lot of people don't know about it and i think most maine people want you to not know about it that's why they never talk about it they don't want you to come it's beautiful new england is beautiful i've got news for you new hampshire vermont massachusetts cape cod nantucket lock island uh it's it's it's a magnificent part of the country just magnificent so i said to bernard let me take a picture you got on this cliff and she just looks at me goes is that the way it's gonna end and i said i had my shot 31 years ago i said sweet pea i had believe me i had my shot 31 years ago to push off the transfiguration mount and then the lord appeared i was just ready to do it it was like abraham you know what i mean but the knife i was just ready to push and then the lord appeared i was like fine and do it then you're safe i i threw that in there i think because this is such a heavy subject and you know i'm i'm really been full of the joy of the lord for a while now for months and months and months just full of the joy of the lord and i i didn't intend but as soon as i walked in here i felt the spirit hit and i threw it out then i was like oh man i had to walk out almost i was like oh man it's going to be pretty heavy but you know repentance is beautiful it's so beautiful i mean think about when somebody comes to you who you love who you love you you adore them and that's why when they did something to you it hurts so much you know because supposedly they love you so much how could they do this to you why would they do this why would they be so selfish to want their sin more than you and it just breaks your heart you want to do anything because it's beyond anger you just now what am i gonna do without you and then i gotta wallow in the anger forever and they come to you broken and they're crying and they're begging you for forgiveness it's so beautiful there's nothing like it there's nothing like begging for forgiveness and there's nothing like having that forgiveness extended to you and that's what we celebrate anybody familiar with count zinzendorf okay all three of you good seventeen hundred to seventeen sixties born seventeen and died 1760 he was a very well known uh german religious social reformer he was a bishop of the moravian church you've heard of john wesley right john wesley got saved unto him yeah he he thought he was saved and then he saw the moravians one day in the midst of a storm he was on a boat coming back to england and they were praising god he's really he was panic stricken he's like i want what they have i want what they have it's one of the oldest protestant denominations in the world it dates back to the bohemian reformation 15th century that was when the protestant reformation started so it's got a lot of history i'm going to give you a quote of what he said and i'm probably going to say it twice because to me it's priceless okay quote everyone desired above everything else that the holy spirit might have full control self-love self-will as well as all disobedience disappeared and an overwhelming flood of grace swept us all out into the great ocean of his divine love that's revival there are many that desire revival to come to america i i hear it i don't talk to as many people as i i used to i spend more time talking to non-believers than believers because i don't know i feel like my time is valuable and it's better spent with non-believers i personally would like to see revival come to america but i personally would like to see revival come to beth yeshua international i'd settle for that dave do you remember when i was invited i don't know who did it i think you might have orchestrated it to a prayer breakfast when casey kegel was running for lieutenant governor how long that was like when i first got here right 2006 i think he became lieutenant governor in in 2007 maybe 2006 and so it was at this it was at a church right downtown and i was new rose you were there okay so i was new and there was about 300 pastors there right i mean and i know what they were thinking i know the heck is he doing who's he you know some jewish kid we have pastors in this town have been here they should be up there i was like i didn't ask for it and i was told that i'd have to i have eight minutes i have eight minutes and the crazy thing was i don't time myself i don't do that i don't i don't do any dry runs nothing i don't know how long anything's gonna be but it was exactly remember eight not 7 59 it was exactly eight minutes but the message was basically it brought everybody to their feet remember rose they were all i mean they all jumped to their feet all 300 people that were there and they were clapping and screaming and yelling and i had walked out and one of the ladies recognized me i don't know maybe from mabel white i taught there some and stuff and she said rabbi what's the matter i said yeah it's okay and people were coming up to me and saying can you preach that message at my church can you preach that you know what i said i said i could but i won't that message was for right here and they right then you're done right what do you you know god forbid you tell the pastor you don't want to preach a message at his church you know then maybe he was wrong right you offended him you're done you're done so i was done across the board right then and uh what's that yeah sure does and um so i i just left quietly and the lady also then said to me why are you leaving i said i don't know i kind of preached the message about repentance and nobody repented they like the message it's a great message eight minutes you know out of joel rind your heart not your garments author author joel joel was the author i'm being sarcastic it's sad it's a sad state of affairs and that's where we find ourselves in america and the american church you know big screens fog machines and skinny jeans don't forget the coffee beans you gotta have them too right well there'll be many people in orthodox judaism across the world wearing white today i remember when i was a little boy we stayed in the synagogue until about four or five o'clock i wasn't eating and drinking it wasn't there's no eating there's no drinking there's no perfuming no deodorizing you look around the synagogue to me at four in the afternoon and you're looking at dressed up corpses you know judaism when you're buried you're buried in a shroud because everybody's equal and death and so you wear these white linen that you're wrapped in at that point if you're a man you're tally this cut because you don't have any more obligation to obey the torah at that point so to me it it's almost like they're dead you know right now you guys are deodorized i know you want that route and uh you know you're only here for a short time so everybody looks good all right about a four o'clock in the synagogue doesn't look so great doesn't smell so great and why do they look like they're dead to me because yom kippur is a day of death it is death of the old year death of the old sins death of the old ego it's a day of death so there could be new life on yom kippur we're given a second chance a chance that very few of us can give we don't forget we hold on and we hold on and we hold on and you know what else i've noticed in 31 years you could do so many flipping good things for somebody and the one thing you choose not to do for them that's what they magnify and they never forget it i've paid people's mortgages bought them cars done so much and the minute they ask me something i go we i just don't feel let to do that then i'm the bad guy man human beings are rough they're rough and they hold on and they hold on and they get offended and they don't let go they hold on and they grab that bait of satan and they are trapped if i can get you guys to stand if you have problems standing either because you're fasting or because you have an issue by all means sit it's not ultra important but we have a mock sword that i didn't hand out because of colburn i don't want to be responsible for all that but um maksor is a life cycle book and in the maksor there's prayers for yom teruah rosh hashanah and yom kippur and i felt very led to lead you in a prayer and i'm going to kind of go slow with it i don't want you to read it by wrote we we do need some liturgy because i think a lot of us don't don't think about all the different kinds of sins that we've committed this past year so i just want you to take time um with it um it's called it's a very famous prayer in judaism and it just means for the sin and i did put some things in in parentheses some things parenthetical because you know some of these prayers i mean they're not made for five-year-olds so i just want you to make sure of what you're saying so here goes we might say it again i don't know i'm just waiting on the lord for the sin we have committed no no no you know what i don't want you to repeat it no i don't want you to parrot it i want you to hear it when you're saying it you're not hearing it okay this isn't a sing-along we need to repent okay we need to do yom kippur okay and something might come up you're like ooh i gotta make that call i gotta go over and talk to that person i gotta say you know when you said to me about my kid you know 16 years ago that kind of stuff let it go man it's it's a trap and you're going to get clogged no matter how tight you might think you are with the lord it it's a kink not in the arm it's a it's a kink like if you have a kink and a hose and the water is not flowing strong it says rivers of living water not not like little drips rivers of living wood is supposed to flow from us and where the river is flowing there's healing in his name for the sin we have committed against you willingly or under compulsion and for the sin we have committed against you by hardening our hearts for the sin we have committed against you by acting without thinking and for the sin we have committed against you by speaking perversely or corruptly my body's shaking for the sin we have committed against you through sexual impurity and for the sin we have committed against you secretly and openly for the sin we have committed against you knowingly and deceitfully and for the sin we have committed against you by offensive speech for the sin we have committed against you by wronging our neighbor and for the sin we have committed against you by sinful meditation of the heart for the sin we have committed against you by lewd association and for the sin we have committed against you by insincere confession the sin we have committed against you by spurning our parents and teachers and for the sin we have committed against you in presumption or error just for the record presuming is declaring something to be true without any real evidence or anything concrete for the sin we have committed against you by violence and the sin we have committed against you by profaning your name that even means when you're saying that god said when he really didn't but you think he did that's profaning his name for the sin we have committed against you by unclean speech and for the sin we've committed against you by foolish talk for the sin we have committed against you through the evil inclination and for the sin we have committed against you knowingly and unknowingly that just means bending your heart towards that which is wrong for the sin we have committed against you by denying in line and for the sin we have committed against you by bribery that bribery doesn't have to be money paid it could be just showing favoritism for the sin we have committed against you by scoffing and for the sin we have committed against you by slander for the sin we have committed against you in our business dealings and for the sin we have committed against you in eating and drinking for the sin we have committed against you by demanding users interest by the way the bible says don't charge interest and for the sin we have committed against you by arrogance and pride for the sin we have committed against you by speaking gossip and for the sin we have committed against you by wanton glances for the sin we have committed against you withholding eyes and for the sin we have committed against you by insolence for the sin we have committed against you by rejecting responsibility and for the sin we have committed against you by contentiousness for the sin we have committed against you by ensnaring our neighbor and for the sin we have committed against you by envy for the sin we have committed against you by levity and for the sin we have committed against you by being stiff-necked for the sin we have committed against you by running to do evil and for the sin we have committed against you by tale bearing for the sin we have committed against you by vain oaths that's when you say you're going to do something but you don't do it and for the sin we have committed against you by hatred without a cause just not liking somebody because for the sin we have committed against you by breach of trust and for the sin we have committed against you with confusion of mind for all these sins oh god of forgiveness forgive us and pardon us in yeshua's name now there's another prayer i'd like us to recite together it's a short one it's in the moxor it's a sham new and it just translates as we have sinned so if we can do this together we have trespassed we have dealt deceitfully we have stolen and we have slandered we have acted perversely we have done wrong we have acted presumptuously and we have been we have spoken lies we have counseled evil we have spoken falsely and we have blasphemed we have scoffed we have rebelled we have provoked and we have oppressed we have been stiff-necked we have corrupted we have gone astray and we have led others astray but if we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness if i could just have you guys sit for a moment i promise to get you going if you have to leave for whatever reason it's not even remotely an issue believe me when i say that um look time is running very short i know you've heard this for a long time some people have said we've heard this we've seen plagues in 1900 and i'm not talking about culvert or racial issues there's always been racial issues there always will be racial issues and they'll always be diseases i'm talking about the window for people to come into the kingdom is really getting short the road to destruction is wide and many will find it many will find it truthfully there is a stairway to heaven but there's a highway to hell and this is this is life and death now look you might be watching and say you know what what am i supposed to do you you're supposed to come to grips with how messed up you are that's what you're supposed to do and you're supposed to come before a holy god and say can you rewrite this mess and he can you can't one of the things on yom kippur do you notice in that little section leviticus 23 how much talk is about no work don't do any work don't even do any regular work don't even do any fun work no work if anybody's caught working they're out of the camp don't you dare work don't you what's the emphasis no works can save you you can't work your salvation but that doesn't mean to be flippant either somebody might be here and say come on give me a break you're saying if i just say a prayer i'm in not exactly it's a good place to start but if you legitimately want the holy spirit to come in your life and guide you and you legitimately want to try to obey his guidance you'll be saved and it doesn't matter what you think about their profession or what you think because that's how you all started where you are today is not where you started don't forget it it's taken you years and years and years to get to where you are so how dare you tell somebody that wants to come in it's like you got in by the grace of god and then you become messiah's cop stand at the door and go i don't think it's legit how did you decide that why did you decide that who told you to decide that you got to start somewhere you can't do this by yourself it is impossible i think sometimes we think no i got this thing ah shine my light that light was given to you from the light of the world it's all a gift from above every good gift trumps of the father of lights anything that i do good or that looks remotely good is from god and everything that's bad is from greg i take full responsibility i'm off i'm messed up i'm still messed up but one thing i've noticed when i mess up i fess up quick and i recover quick ern said to me she said come on you were an exercise fanatic so was she that's how we met and she said one of the telltale signs of fitness is how quickly you can recover after your heart zone gets whacked how quick it recovers that's what it's about how quick do you recover how quick do you wallow and stay angry how long how long is that what you want god to do you want god to be like ah i think we'll wait this one out stay guilty stay miserable come see me at the end of the week who are you to act like that why would you act like that is that what you want back from god in kind so it just takes a person coming forward and saying i need you to direct my life because i'm a mess and newsflash everybody in this place is messed up to an extent and if you think you have it together that only proves how messed up you really are it doesn't mean we're horrific people are axe murderers but come on come on we could be these sweet beautiful people right talking to a stranger and in the store and get word of something and lose our freaking minds and become like a lunatic right even for that moment like temporary insanity how does that happen how does that happen how could a person go from you you drive me crazy i can't stand when you do and the doorbell rings i'll get it how do you do that we we desperately need the lord i'm telling you 31 years and i promise you i need the lord now more than ever i realize that now more than ever there is a short window for america there's a short window for the world okay on the 10th of october i will be baptizing people why god told me to it's the eighth day of sukkot shimoni etc it's a new beginning and i believe there's people that desperately need a new beginning but i also believe there's some people okay that need to give their life to the lord okay if that's you come up here and if that's you listen i know some of you there's a couple of you out there i know there's at least two maybe three there's at least two maybe three that's watching that needs to do that if you do that and you contact me here and you can't afford to get here i will pay your way to get here for sukkot and i will baptize you on the 10th of october okay there's at least two maybe three but at least two and you know who you are everybody here is good and saved everybody here is going to be at the big bash no question at all you're there you've made that commitment to the lord and you're good to go we're all good you sure okay let's stand together let's end with the prayer for the moab for the yom kippur do we have that moad prayer let's do this together if you wouldn't mind our god and god of our fathers you have given us this day as a time to examine and judge ourselves to joyfully bring harvest offerings to you and to look forward to messiah's return we remember yeshua our great high priest who brought his own precious blood the blood of atonement into your most holy place through his blood which cleanses us from sin we now have our consciences purified from guilt and condemnation and can serve you in love with pure devotion you will bring this age to a close with a shofar call heralding a new age then nations shall learn war no more the lion and the lamb shall lay down together in peace and your name shall be won over all the earth in that day israel shall be delivered and dwell in peace and all the nation shall come to your light the new jerusalem and the new temple will be established with priests and levites from among all peoples and from one new moon to another and from one shabbat to another on the appointed season of sukkot all flesh shall come to worship before me hallelujah we dedicate ourselves to you today for your purposes as living sacrifices we consecrate ourselves to you and we seek your will wherever you want us to go we will go whatever you want us to do we will do and whatever you want us to say we will say if there is anything you want us to change show us and we will do it we seek you and desire your anointing your manifest presence that breaks every yoke let it rest upon us and we will be victorious hallelujah hallelujah take these next five days and enjoy them enjoy the peace of the lord enjoy god's goodness enjoy god's forgiveness enjoy god's mercy enjoy god's long suffering enjoy god's patience enjoy it all because he really does enjoy us that i know that i know if he can enjoy me he can enjoy anybody this i know for true and then we'll get back together on saturday so not only will we be celebrating shabbat but we're celebrating the start of sukkot which is going to be quite the powerful time to be in god's presence and just celebrating that goodness of god amen now may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the prince of all peace yeshua is in five days
Channel: Getzel
Views: 4,212
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Id: -NpXYzpMJMk
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Length: 81min 27sec (4887 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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