Jun 20, 2020 - Revelation Series: Are You Inscribed In The Book of Life? (Part 4)

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so you're familiar with when she hosts a fat and a little with he had a little war going on with the ammonites and the Moabites and this is what he said because there was it was a panic not exactly but I want to get to it for a minute that I thought that was a ventriloquist dummy but my mouthful of the moving yellow he said listen all the Judah and you who live in Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat here is what Allah Noi is saying to you don't be afraid or distressed by this great horde for the battle is not yours but gods you won't even need to fight this battle just take your positions Judah and Jerusalem stand still and watch how I don't know it will deliver you don't be afraid or distressed tomorrow go out against them father noise with you you got to keep reminding yourself this all right so we we were speaking last week about the seven edict letters royal that is written by a sovereign Yeshua himself they're so important you know they're so short but they're so important because there's nothing like it in the whole Bible you know these were congregations I told you seven literal congregations like a congregation like ours you know and he's he's writing letters to them about their condition and obviously we can see ourselves in one or two or who knows who knows but you know last week we went over the first floor we talked about emphasis in Pergamum and we talked about Tyra Tyra right and Smyrna and they they're very concise the letters they're very short and they always start with you know a commendation which is the way you want to start if you have a look at Paul's letters even when he was writing to whether it was a little congregation Corinth or Colossae he started out by telling what they were doing good if you start out just with bad news with somebody it's yeah it's hard to hit you know just critiquing and critiquing critiquing your critique and critiquing nobody can handle that so there must be something good right but sadly enough in one of the congregations there was nothing good and that's unbelievable that Yeshua had nothing good to say about them and and this is the one we gotta watch out for but let's pick up in congregation 5 Sardis and Sardis was a wealthy capital what all these places have in common was they had great wealth and great affluence just like we have today I don't know if you're aware this some people say well I live paycheck to paycheck your paycheck is pretty good compared to the world you live paycheck to paycheck but you still live in a house you still drive a late-model car you still have plenty of good food to eat yeah you live in paycheck to paycheck but you're paying your bills your bills are high I know the bills are high today but you're paying your bills they're no different than us very wealthy very affluent right Sardis was was a very wealthy community it was the capital of this ancient kingdom Lidia it had civic structures like a theater like we have a stadium like we have we have in cracked we have unbelievable stadiums right the new stadiums are over a billion dollars it had a central marble road very impressive and multiple temples of course especially the monumental Temple of Artemis obviously a very pagan land these believers were living in a very pagan land and we're going in that direction we're not there yet we're not as pagan as they are but it's it's definitely going in that direction ok and you have to realize things are gonna spiral down to Yeshua touches down so it's not gonna spiral up you're not gonna see this great revival and all of a sudden you know millions of people getting saved that's gonna happen in the very very last days in Israel so it starts out with a rebuke which is kind of strange he doesn't he gives them a commendation later but why did he rebuked them right away he went right into a rebuke which look I read I take my time you might have read this a million times have not saw that okay I'm trying to bring it out to you too it's not magic it's right there I'm not discovering something where I have to go to the home aalia's or something or I had to talk to a Swami it's just right there in black and white but I want to point out to you now there's a there's an exit I think it's 153 on seventy-five minutes called Saudis Church Road I got to tell you I tried to find the origin it was either a devout Christian who was making fun of of the churches of this today or it was an antagonist to the faith but for any Church to call themselves Saudis Church that would be like naming your kid Adolphe or naming your daughter Jezebel this was not a good congregation okay but see if as I'm sharing if maybe you can see some of the similarities today okay I always left in the first verse to let you know that these letters and not coming from John they're coming directly from you Shu himself to the angel now that's the pastor that's the leader of this messianic community this church this fellowship in Sardis a literal place right here is the message from the one who has the Sevenfold Spirit of God only issuer has the Sevenfold Spirit of God and the Seven Stars okay basically he's saying it's by the power of the Holy Spirit that he issuer controls the churches and their messengers okay it should be okay I should say it should be okay I know what you were doing omniscient he says that every time I know what you're doing okay you I don't mean to be I don't mean to say this to cause any fear but it there's nothing hidden from God I think sometimes we forget I think when we do things and closed doors are in our mind we think that well only we can see it not so I know what you are doing you have a reputation a lot of people have good reputations but that not not it's not necessarily what they do behind closed doors you have a reputation for being alive you know you have this role you're you're a strong Church but in fact you're dead in fact the fact of the matter is you're dead wake up and strengthen what remains you know a smoldering wick he won't snuff out there's something there you got a pilot light that's still armed you got to fan the flame before it dies too it's going out it's going out for I have found what you were doing incomplete in the sight of my god does your shoe is saying my god now you got to understand that's a whole nother story but my shoe is the Messiah he is not the father and he's saying before God I don't want to get into too deep theology because this theology doesn't work with modern Western theology but they're one but the different entities but they one he's the Word made flesh okay for the as I said for the prior four congregations that we spoke about last week Yeshua begins with a commendation which is beautiful but here yeshua quickly condemns the lifeless state of Sardinia in church they had a good reputation but in reality they were dead as it is not much to figure out in these letters that's the beauty of of these letters they're very straightforward in other words this is this is in other words the church was filled with unsaved souls just going through the motion now it's it's very easy for me to - I think any pastor wants to think well of this church they should they really should especially if they've been attained late at a time the average stay of a pastor in Macon Georgia is two and a half years they should put a revolving door okay I've been here 18 years and obviously I've been here a very very long time you establish a culture within five years they don't even get a chance to establish a culture and sadly enough the so controlled by the people that they're trying to please everybody and that's impossible it's impossible to please you but it is possible to please God and so that's what a leader should do that's what you should do is leading in your family or if you have a business that's dedicated to the Lord just please him you know some people will love that some people won't it doesn't matter either way don't play to the crowd play to a crowd of one so sadly enough the church today and the church a hundred years ago yes there's unsaved souls in it it's it's it wasn't really set up to save souls like it is today it wasn't if you look at Yeshua's model he sent them out to save souls and then he would bring them in to be discipled that was his now and now if it changed they changed I'm not aware of the change okay I'm not aware that you sure made a change in the form at all the way the the modus operandi of the church I'm not aware of it if if if you could tell me somebody some man of God who had the authority on the issue to change it then I'll I'll defer but I don't think that's the way it was you know you she wouldn't bring unsaved Souls into the temple seeker friendlies to try to get them saved that was that you know that's too hard to do what are we supposed to do just sit here and wait for them and show up any unsafe soul show up tell you know oh well you know you got to go out in the streets that's what the disciples did that's the method that's always been the method to connect with people so he gives him a solution very simple the next verse the first part of that first you Syst so remember what you received and heard and obey it and turn from your sin it's the same message in every single solitary letter repent it sounds like an ugly word it sounds like a very religious word but but it it's really not he's saying remember that you have this lifeless profession you have this profession you made a profession with the ellipse no question you know you walked up you made a profession but look at you lie if it doesn't match up not like you're living in some hellish situation not this late but well it's kind of all you got as a profession this look at the fruit or lack thereof so they needed to pursue the holiness that flows from grace grace and holiness is not separate grace produces holiness holiness is the evidence that you understand the grace of God and that you have the grace of God in your life then he gives a warning kind of a strict warning he says for if you don't like this is what you need to do and you don't need to do this like some people say wha just take care of that next week he's saying immediately if not sooner if you don't wake up I will come like a thief and you don't know what moment I'm coming so I just want to highlight that word for a moment wake up of course in the Greek because it's the New Testament Gregor UO which is where my name comes from Gregory means to be vigilant means to watch but there's a metaphor here it's used metaphorically to give strict attention to to take heed lest through insolence which insolence is off slothfulness you know the sloth it's like the slowest moving animal that's what they were they were very slothful now listen to me I'm not insinuating than any of you are not born again but I would venture to guess that some of you had a flaming burning light at one point in your walk and now it's a smoldering wick and that happens it sometimes it happens just because you're tired you've preached the gospel and preach the gospel and nobody I don't have a lot I mean yeah there was a couple of times in India where a couple of hundred people came at one time it was very exciting to see two or three hundred people come to the fold but in America have I had a great a batting average no I've planted seeds all over I don't know if those seeds germinated I don't know but but if I let a ton of people to the Lord know have I tried Wow and do I get tired of trying am I at a point right now where I'm like you know what they're not even listening anymore so I'll just go into my own private Idaho yes that could happen yes it happens without a doubt so through some insulin insulin some destructive calamity suddenly overtake you so if the command to wake up is a reminder now Yeshua was more brilliant than we realize I think he obviously he spoke very simplistically he didn't use any words in Hebrew that caused more than three syllables he spoke simple so that the aam Haaretz the commoners could understand him but let me tell you what a direct hit this is okay Sardis was captured twice in its history they were captioned 547 BC by Cyrus the second and 214 BC by Antiochus the third the reason why they were captured is because their Watchmen on the walls failed detect the enemy sneaking up because they were so proud of themselves that they had this army and supposedly they had these impregnable cliffs and walls that they fell asleep I got to be honest to you our security team here I tell them all the time stop jerking around stop talking to your friends with you back to me like because if you got you back to the entrance it's really messed up when I did security I didn't talk to nobody nobody nope and when I was in the gym training a client when I was doing personal training I never took a phone call it was their time I wouldn't got hey do you mind if I take this because what do they say no not at all do they mind yes should they mind yes yes so they were like we got this you know we're impregnable and they fell asleep and they got attacked and they got taken so when he was saying wake up they knew you know what I mean they knew what he was talking about it's a much bigger point to them than it is to you so it means to start paying attention to the need of salvation and to stop being careless about their hearts condition before God for if you don't wake up he says I will discipline you he's not just the beatnik playing songs in a coffee shop that we think or that we tend to believe today you know I see your shoe is my homeboy I see that on a hat no your shoe is the Messiah okay the only begotten Son of God take that hat off God is dope no you're a dope God is the almighty creator and sustainer of the universe he should cause you to hit the ground and bow before him I don't need any cool street vernacular I don't need what's hip God is the same yesterday today and forever sadly enough sadly enough a dead church is usually unrepentant of its deadness because they are clueless to their deathlessness there's a pride they don't even see it and that's you know when somebody's on fire obviously God uses them where they're cold God could change them but where those mix it's very dangerous gray is very very dangerous there's no gray in the whole Bible there's there's only two categories in every situation there's sand and there's rock there's narrow and there's wide there's sheep and there's goat I mean the whole Bible it's uncanny you know it's uncanny I saw that when I first started reading it back in in the 8th you know 89 I saw Wow God is making it so obvious to us that there's two roads you can choose two ways to go to God's you can serve it's just the amazingly beautiful and simplistic how we think give us two men each then he gives a commendation it's a rebuke strong rebuke against them because they're slothful and probably a fair amount of unsaved they made a profession that was it he says we're nevertheless you know based on this nevertheless you do have a few people a few not many a few in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes and they will walk with me clothed in white because they are worthy he's talking about when he comes okay so Matt when he's coming Yeshua is commending this faithful remnant there always is a faithful remnant from the first century to today there's a faithful remnant they have remained undefiled many was soiled by the sins of fornication adultery and idolatry but there was a remnant in sawdust that would count that is worthy in other words the profession of faith in their mouths that's the reality of faith in their hearts and produced a walk of obedience and righteousness they were only speaking from their heart and they will proving it by how they conducted their life the message fasaad us and for us is simple God wants our behavior and our beliefs to match up with each other he who doesn't just want creed he also wants character we have to be careful of the high talk low walk syndrome that is so prevalent today you have to be born again just attending church will not turn you into an a believer any more than sitting in your garage will turn you into an automobile six congregation was called Philadelphia also an Asia Minor and Philadelphia was a city on this Imperial post Road a very very important trade route where there's a lot of trade going on where there's a lot of Commerce there's a lot of money but there's a lot of money there's a lot of wealth where there's a lot of wealth there's a lot of stuff right there's a there's a difference between Las Vegas and Thomas then it lies in a fertile soil especially suited for growing wine grapes very fertile inscriptions mention the worship of Zeus and Hestia and the Roman Imperial cult was present again money stadiums the works okay he gives them a very strong commendation he says to the angel of the Messianic community to the pastor to the leader of this congregation in Philadelphia right here is the message of ha'qodesh the true one the one who has the key of David well if he opens something no one else can shut it if he closes something no one else gonna open it this is a direct hit from Isaiah 22 this speaks in the Messiah if Messiah opens a door there's nothing no one could do to shut it and if he shuts a door there's nothing no one could do to open it so again I just want you to see that this is a letter from Yeshua himself okay he says I know what you were doing he says it to every single congregation obviously then he must know what we're doing to it Beth you schewe right look I have put in front of you an open door no one can shut it I know that you have but little power yet you have obeyed my message and have not disowned me this is um obviously I said before an Old Testament allusion to the absolute sovereignty of God and although the congregation didn't have much power meaning they probably were a bunch of nobodies few in number who had no influence no royal line you know they would just laughed at a laughingstock look at these look at these imbeciles they're untrained unschooled uneducated but although they didn't have much power influence the Saints had been faithful in the face of trials again all these people are being persecuted this is the first century everybody is being persecuted it's not like we are today sitting on these beautiful comfortable chairs there's air conditioning when you leave here you're gonna get in your car and go to a nice restaurant okay I'm not saying that you should be persecuted but I'm just saying can you please appreciate those who were and could you at least realize that it might happen again maybe not in a lifetime maybe so I don't know but it will happen again where it started is gonna be where it's finished they was zealous they were zealous for good works and as a result they had been able to preserve the truth by living it out in their lives they would not and could not deny messiahs name it goes on revelation 3:9 it says here I will give you some from the synagogue of the adversary okay the synagogue of Satan is some of you version say a Jewish people who didn't believe in Messiah I know people are very enamored with Jewish people but if they don't believe in Messiah they're not in a good a good condition if he asked me I was one of them so I know for a fact those who call themselves Jews but aren't so who is the real Jew I Got News for You the Messianic Jews of the remnant not the orthodoxy on the contrary they are and I love the orthodoxy I was once an Orthodox Jew on the contrary they are lying see I will cause them to come and prostrate themselves at your feet and they will know that I have loved you Wow see right now where the tail right yeah you might think no no this is cool no well it's not cool Messianic Judaism is not cool okay where the tail trust me trust me the church thinks we're whacked but at least we love Jesus the synagogue thinks we're totally whacked because we love Jesus but one day we're going to be the head I know it one day we're going to be the ones that 10 Gentiles grabbed the hem of one Messianic Jew and say I know God is with you and this is what's happening there's a shift going on right now as we speak more and more Gentiles are realizing this some Meritus to this there's some legitimacy to this that a lot of these things have been man-made the only ones that can't see it are the ones that refuse to see its abject denial because you can't refute the Scriptures but traditions are so strong and family ties are so strong I understand the pressure of it I'm not pointing fingers but one day they're gonna see it they're gonna see it yeah Yeshua goes on to tell them here in this verse that those who are persecuted and those who are persecuting them one day I realize that these despised Messianic Jews are actually loved by Yahshua and they will bow at their feet of course in every letter there was a rebuke let's look at their rebuke none know who else didn't get a rebuke member from last week miss Marilyn Maroney got no rebuke and Philadelphia get nervous now last but not least lay on and it's late obviously it's not important but it's not lay old to see it's Laodicea they were a very wealthy again industrious City I'm not saying that wealth is bad I'm just saying it's not good I'm saying it will cloud you I don't care who you are it will cloud you and the more you have the more you need the more you'll go for it there's no way around it you think it's not because that's also these people thought they were saved layered I see it was a wealthy industrious city and the presence of Perga now again this is again Yeshua is just off the charts to me they were damaged by an earthquake in 60 ad but self-sufficient Laodicea being a commercial center and the site for a thriving medical and textile industries declined the imperiaz disaster relief so the Imperial offered them relief and they said well good you follow so you'll see and remember he said get some ice Ave I just told you they produced sev and Laodicea so when he was saying this you go I said what does that have to do with me they knew exactly what it had to do you can apply it it's applicable but it was a direct hit to them the city did not see itself as poor blind or naked the city had two theaters not one two we used to have two theaters in make him right then we replaced one theater for a gym they had a gymnasium they had a bathhouse got a bathhouse you know the wealthy loves saunas and themes and all that nothing too good for them a stadium and they were famous for their worship of Zeus now they got a commendation right let's take a look hmm none Wow so Saudis got hit with a rebuke from the gate Laodicea doesn't even get a commendation there's nothing not even a remnant not even a smoldering wick nothing how could that be you were a professed Christian Church how could there be nobody now in contrast to the other six churches the Laodicean church has nothing to be commended for so Yeshua begins his message then with condemnation let's take a look to the angel of the Messianic community in Laodicea right here is the message from the Amon the faithful and the true witness the rule of God's creation again making a reference to himself issue this from Yeshua I know I keep repeating myself but I just want you to see that every single letter was written directly by him I know what you were doing same profile okay you are neither hot nor cold I'm sorry you are neither cold nor hot how I wish isn't that's it's almost frightfully said you know you made a profession you're telling people you're a Christian how I wish you were either one of the other he wishes they were cold something give me something so because you were lukewarm neither cold nor hot I will vomit you out of my mouth and there's an exclamation point I'm not reading it with the proper grammar intensity but you see this exclamation point there so he's not saying it's Shakespearean he's saying because you were lukewarm neither cold nor hot I will vomit you out of my mouth for you keep saying I am rich I have gotten rich I don't need a thing I got this you don't know that you are the one who is wretched pitiable poor blind and naked everybody knows about this congregation everybody everybody's heard the term any any any believer a so called believe it knows the term lukewarm with very we're all too familiar with it Yeshua emphasizes their lukewarm apathetic nature three times three is a magical number when it comes to the Lord you know it's it's a number for divine perfection they were spiritually blind bankrupt and naked and the church was characterized by pride ignorance that doesn't mean that they were intellectually stunted in fact they will probably brilliant they probably highly educated like a lot of people ignorance just means that your choose to ignore the truth self-sufficiency and complacency their pride was we got this that sound familiar today I can't begin to tell you how many times I hear somebody say I got this or somebody saying as somebody you got this or we got this it's it's a term that's so popular today you know ignorance whatever that sound familiar some of you older folks might not know it but some of the younger folks what have whatever-whatever self-sufficiency we're good how many times you hear that you're good hey man sorry you good that's and then complacency it's all good think about it guys I know I did we got this whatever way good it's all good those terms perfectly characterize the congregation at Laodicea as a result of their ambivalence to spiritual things you would have nothing to do with them he would spit them out of his mouth now check this out Laodicea was 10 miles west of Colossae and 3 miles southeast of higher plus they were known they were known Harpal us was known for their hot springs they had these hot springs their Colossae was on the lee coast River and it was very cold water so the hot springs from her appleĆ­s and the cold waters from the leakers River came together in Laodicea so when Hot Springs meet cold water from the river in Laodicea what do you think happened yes the water would become tepid or lukewarm so they would have these aqueducts underground aqueducts bringing the water to the city and I don't know if you've ever like left water in your car on a hot day and it became kind of warm and you drink it and what do you do with it immediately spit it out look at what your shoe is saying he's saying you guys know this all too well because you have to deal with this all the time and you're constantly spitting water out of your mouth because it disgusts you you disgust me you declare my name you tell people about me you dance around and sing like you know me and you disgust me if the person spiritually cold metaphorically speaking they're asleep they're dead they're inactive and unresponsive the good news is the Lord can revive someone like that and end up using them for his glory if the person is spiritually hot then there's Ellis enthusiastic fanatical yet and passionate and the Lord obviously can use them for his glory is the solution yes I think issue is I don't think unbelievable to me he could have easily wrote them off and said I'm done with you in your nonsensical profession but no not him we write people off right we do it all the time because we're we but not he my advice to you is to buy gold to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich and white clothing so that you may be dressed and not have to be ashamed of your nakedness and I say if there it is to rub on your eyes so that you may see so again the solution is the same as it's always been in all the other letters to repent their material wealth had no eternal benefit for them so Yeshua commands them to get some genuine faith which is the goal that's the genuine faith shown by acts of practical righteousness that's the white clothing and gain true spiritual vision that's the ICF through the Enlightenment of the Holy Spirit the council by him was incredibly appropriate since Laodicea was known as the center for banking there's the money the gold they were known for textiles is the clothing and they were known for medicines especially ICF isn't that unbelievable think about what a direct hit that is so it's not as directly hitting any of us or anybody watching or maybe anybody in other congregations because they always think that's somebody else not necessarily now you might not be closing Yeshua to vomit but you still might not be as strong as maybe your profession says that's a possibility and again I'm only pointing my finger at myself this is my walk between me and God now I understand that there's a lot of you know hopeless situations in the world and the last thing you want to do is is hear this I not only am i obligated to preach the Word of God I find it a distinct honor and a privilege I don't have anything else to preach except the Word of God I don't want to just give you a rah-rah-sis-boom-bah and have you leave with false hope okay I tell you I related back to I remember in my days of doing martial arts forgive me this is this is just forgive me but it wasn't about belts and competitions and in the school I went to it was very scary it was the Shawshank Redemption there were guys in there who were ex-marines there was cops there was bounces I'm sad to say there was a pimp these were guys who were fighting all day long all the time and they needed something that was gonna work now we don't necessarily need that per se but when you take a girl and you're teaching her an anti a rape technique and you go grab my arm no grab my other arm now take a step foot a 250 pound guy on crack is not going to treat her that way so it becomes a full sense of security now are there great things to learn about discipline and the art yes it's not all about that but I'm just saying if if you want this girl not to get attacked then she's got to be able to fight like a fighter okay so I don't want to just look we do have I think we do have hope here and and let me show you why in the next two verses okay this this should be and this is to a congregation this is not to you I don't believe we're Laodicean I don't believe that I don't believe the things we're doing doesn't show that we don't have white clothing I don't know how's this you might say well rabbi I'm just giving some money and and and and Betty she was sending it out look at what some of you doing your families tomorrow's Father's Day do you understand that that American now is like 80% fatherless even some dad's that are there aren't there now I know some of you might say God I wasn't if my kids listen you're gonna have to learn to put the past in the past if you repented otherwise you're gonna be a very miserable soul for the kingdom I can't do anything of a pest I can't do anything about the fact that I didn't know Yeshua till I was 30 but I don't sit around going god I wish I knew when I was 18 I'm just happy I know I don't care who you know you could be very late to the party as long as you get to the party that's what's important remember the last labor he got paid the same wage he was like it's not Phan you she was said don't you tell me what's fair I dip out the rewards not you so let the past in the past write a lot of you maybe didn't marry a believer a lot of you maybe you didn't raise your kids and say look just it's never too late this is what this is saying and he's saying this to the worst of them there's no commendation some of you are so guilt-ridden like myself will you go is there any commendation for me Yeshua or am I just going through the motions you don't think I say that you don't think daily I questioned why I do what I do you don't think as I'm getting like towards the tail end of my ministry as far as I see it for this stage that I don't say am I just a professional now and the best way I know how the best litmus test I know for myself and maybe this will apply to you is that when I go to a funeral and I'm hysterically crying I know I'm the furthest thing from a professional if you could not cry over somebody's woes you have become a lukewarm believer forget about everything else forget about worshiping on Saturday forget about eating certain foods forget about it all that's when you're in trouble pal it's called dry-eyed Christianity and it's a pandemic he says as for me list this is Yeshua saying as I just told you your issue he goes as for me does your shoe are speaking i rebuke and discipline everyone I love so if you if you don't feel rebuked and disciplined that's the issue I mean I hate to turn this around but it's like it's almost like has he given up on you I have you given up on him so exert yourselves turn from your sins exclamation point same old same old here look I'm right here he's saying I'm right here I'm not far away you don't have to travel you just have to turn your mindset you just got to turn your mind to say okay I'm struggling this area I want to change and turn and face him he's right there it's not like you got to do this and that and not to this and that and then maybe he'll show he's right there he says I'm standing at the door knocking no battering ram no hitting somebody over the head with the Bible knocking just knocking at the door now what door is this is this the door of the church now many people I'm sure you've been in the church way longer than I I haven't really been in the church per se so I don't know from it but as far as I can see I've heard many a pastor many a men of God many an evangelists use this for evangelistic purposes now you might want to do that applicable but that is not the interpretation of this it is not this is not a call to get saved this is a call for the church to wake up and it is not more applicable now than it's ever been if someone hears my voice and opens the door of their heart I will I will come into him I won't say whom I don't like that room or you never clean this up I will cut all you got to do is open and I come in do you believe this you're not going to get this from anybody you're not going to get this from any earthly boss if the employee did with the Laodiceans were doing for the kingdom if employee did that to an employer fired instantly and and do not call me for recommendation because you won't get the next job look at what your shoe is saying I will come in and I will sit with you I will fellowship we will have intimate fellowship we will have conversation I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to heal you I'm here to deliver you not to condemn you and this was to the worst of them are you seeing what I'm seeing who would want to eat with somebody like this so like a loving father Messiah will reprove those whom he loves calling them to repent before he intervenes in judgment but no if they don't judgment is coming don't be hoodwinked it'd be a terrible thing to think that you're there and you've arrived and then judgment comes just because she made a profession that would be horrible if he didn't care he wouldn't bother he is not seen here's some homeless transient seeking shelter no but as the master of the house expecting alert servants to respond immediately and welcome his entrance I see this personally and I don't you know me by now I don't give a lot of personal how I see things because it's not important but in this regard I want to share with you that I see this as a picture of Messiah at the end of the age no longer dealing with the masses of people but inviting individuals to leave the apostate or backslidden Church in order to have fellowship with them now I say Church I don't mean 8 Church to join the Messianic community the church is the body of Messiah there's backslidden plenty of backslidden people in the Messianic movement trust me I know them they don't think I know I see I can't tell listen I can't tell when I you sometimes go to conference I can't tell this way men and the world the dressing world the acting world the talking world league going worldly just because you know how to say your shoe HaMashiach in hebrew is not going to impress him although people in the last days today will still get saved I'm not saying they won't it's not so much a call to evangelism but it's a knock on the door of the heart of the church one member at a time the message is a contemporary one for us today the church at Laodicea had become apathetic in their love for Messiah they were allowing they were allowing the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things to come in and choke out the word making it unfruitful literally wealth and the world was choking them out and say tap out and they didn't therefore the message is they were caught in a trap and no one and I mean no one is exempt now I know it's late because some of you didn't arrive on time and I'm one of I carefully apologize on your behalf but I just want to go something through real quick and then we're done with this okay tolerance in relaf ISM let me read something to you should a believer be tolerant of other people's religious beliefs I just sat with a guy yesterday a great guy and I loved him but he is considered self a Christian and absolutely believes that there's this God up there and that everybody has a different way to get to that God it was unbelievable okay and it's like where do I go from here like and he was so strong about it I mean he was saying to me in his conviction like nothing you say is gonna change that okay because you're nuts meaning me now I'll give them I'm nuts so should a believer be tolerant to other people's religious beliefs we are living in an age of tolerance where moral relativism is touted as the supreme virtue in other words the more tolerant you are the more special you are every philosophy idea and faith system has equal merit says the relativist and is worthy of equal respect right now again I have to say this some of you were in a bubble you've been raised in making you live and make in right there's you every every block you go there's a church on Sunday that all the parking lots are pretty full right chick-fil-a is closed on Sunday you're in a bubble and when you feel like you're you're you're okay you're the one that's saying we're good the church needs to repent not the world those who favor one faith system over another or even worse claim a knowledge of absolute truth today are considered narrow-minded unenlightened and bigoted bigoted you're bigoted you're a religious bigot of course different religions make mutually exclusive claims and the relativist is unable to logically reconcile outright contradictions for example the Bible makes the claim that man is destined to die once and after that to face judgment while some Eastern religions teach reincarnation I got saved in Israel Bernadette and I were on our way to Greece we met a couple this devout Christian that was going to Greece on a pilgrimage young guy from Napa Valley and his wife and I told about my salvation experience he was out of his mind and then I told him about reincarnation I didn't read the Bible yet and that's what I believed you follow I knew I met him I knew he was the Messiah but my profession was one thing but I had to learn the truth the profession didn't cut it and he goes reincarnation and I looked at him like seriously you don't believe that so so so do we die once or many times both teachings cannot be true they just can't be the relativist essentially redefines truth they're very brilliant in order to create a paradoxical world where multiple contradictory truths can coexist there all inclusive therefore sofie's you sound like an unintelligent imbecile when you say there's only one way I know you feel very strong about they're looking at you like you're an uneducated bigoted now when you're with your friends which is 90% of the time praising Jesus it works but let me take you to Seattle or LA or New York or Miami let me put you on the street with some of these people and see how you do the believer has accepted truth in a person if he truly believes in the resurrection how can he be open minded concerning and unbelievers assertion that Yeshua never rose again for a believer to deny the clear teaching of God's Word would indeed be a betrayal of God there are some fundamental truths in the faith that are absolutely non-negotiable now hear me I've been out there I'm not out there as much lately because I just don't have the strength as much I know you think I'm superhuman I'm the furthest thing I'm getting tired of sharing the gospel because so few people are listening just because I can't change them doesn't mean that I have to let them change me know that stay firm in what you know to be true especially in these last days where there's going to be an all-out assault on your faith to something called apathy ISM now many people don't even know this term they think of apathy but they don't realize there's apathy us out there okay different than a deist a theist we are theists we believe in one God was actively involved in us different than an atheist a NAPA theist okay it's a little term apathy ism is a modern word describing a particular view of God in spiritual issues the primary concept involves apathy the state of being disinterested or having a little concern about something a NAPA theist is one who thinks topics such as God and religion are irrelevant meaningless or dis interesting now that does not describe anybody hear the term apathy ism refers more to an but but let me say this okay thanks you can take God out of his first-place position and then your job becomes first place or sports recover that's more insidious because again you think no no we got this I'm good with God I love God the apathy astiz one who thinks topics such as God and religion irrelevant the term apathy ISM refers more to an attitude then to any actual set of beliefs that's why it's so insidious belief in a single act of deity is called theism the idea of a single unactive deity is called deism this Deus like George Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was a deist he cut things out of his Bible the family fathers weren't all that they were cracked up to be trust me when a person positively says there is no God that is atheism and when a person says I'm not sure if I believe in God that's agnosticism but when a person just doesn't care one way or the other that's a apathy ISM very few people will label themselves apathy as an attitude and not a religious view apathy ISM can even show up and those who claim to belong to the faith the person who says I'm a Christian but whose life is totally inconsistent with biblical standards and gives no thought to God in their daily life is an apathy many in our Western culture apathy is most people are not actively opposed to God or confidently rejecting him did you snun just none last but not least political correctness of course we know this term wall - well political correctness is defined as a term that describes language ideas policies behavior seem to minimize social and institutional offense in occupation gender race culture sexual orientation religious beliefs disabilities and age-related context do you believe where it's gotten us so basically don't say anything the only way you're going to seen as politically correct is if you're tolerant and relative if you're a tolerant relative a theist you can't win it used to be just a couple of categories now it's everything and anything everything in anything so crazy it's such a crazy world that we live in now the key word is offense the truth is off faith itself is offensive and it's just as offensive today as no one likes to be told there's nothing they could do to earn that place in heaven that's what they hate they don't hate that Jesus might be the only way they hate to think that they're helpless in getting to heaven that they've got to humble themselves not their wealth not their stuff not their prowess not their intellect that they've got to lay down and cry out to God to be saved that they can't handle correctness in the secular political realm is not the concern of the believer because all citizenship is in heaven now what did you schewe say and we'll end with this I told you tolerance is what hang in there I know some of you like oh my god I want to go so you can do what so you can feed your big fat gut because you got to run to Walmart and pick something up if we can't get the dang church to listen who there's no hope used to be an hour-and-a-half message then hour and 15 then it went to 45 minutes now it's 26 three point crap and that's what people want listen just tell me a quick little message tell me the parable of the so is I got to keep my heart soft tell me a twenty minutes I could go home and watch TV for three hours so I go on social media for three hours so I can work 15 hours of my job to get ahead because lord knows that's gonna impress Jesus stop it already cut the crap tolerance teaches permissiveness and open-mindedness and wide thinking this is what yeshua said go through the narrow gate for the gate that leads to destruction is wide listen to me now some of you were very ambivalent you're not gonna hear well done good and faithful servant just because you're a nice person nobody would have ever called you Shu a nice nice is just a person who wants to be accepted by everybody I don't want to be nice it leads to destruction it's wide that's the problem it's wide you know I don't know if you've ever been in New York but when you're walking down Fifth Avenue it's 15 across and if you want to walk the other way it ain't happening because you just go with the flow mostly you don't know what that's like you didn't live in a city you know you walk on a country road you know and it's like you walk any direction you want no you go with the flow otherwise you're gonna get so that's what he's saying this road is wide that reads the destruction and people is going and you're going along with them come on let's go and many will travel it that's the problem the masses this is not what I'm saying but it's a narrow gate and a hard road make no mistake is it easy guys come on it is hard to be a believer I tell people this all the time all the time I've done a lot of things and I've accomplished a lot of great goals which caused a lot of intensity in my part and a lot of hard work this is the hardest thing I've ever done and nothing comes close and nothing comes close I could wake up 4 o'clock in the morning and swim back in the day I can come home from work and then ride a bike 46 miles I could run at 10 o'clock at night and I could do that 6 days a week but to follow your shoe is act a lot of times I just feel like an absolute failure I don't know if that's Satan I don't know if it's true I don't know the way to eternal life is narrow and it is through Yeshua alone though the way is hard those who choose that way of seeking or seeking approval from God not man ultimately if seek approval by man it will lead to eternal punishment and separation from God relativism we said it's the theory that truths are not absolute what did you schewe say yeshua said i am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me Yeshua as the Incarnate Word of God is the source of all truth and he reveals the only true God apathy ISM one who lacks passion they're indifferent what do you say we read it earlier revelation 3 you need the hot nor cold metaphorically speaks to the condition of the soul PC the ideology not to offend anybody okay what did he say you hypocrites he's speaking to the Church of his day yes Yahoo Isaiah was right what he prophesied about you he said this about you said seven hundred fifty years ago he was talking to you not you he's I'm saying as she was talking to he said he said these people honor me with their lips the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah Jesus Lord but their hearts are far their profession in their heart don't line up they worship me as useless they sing it's useless because they teach man-made rules as if they were doctrines that was his issue with the church that was his issue and if you if you follow the story look at the twelfth verse this is priceless the Talmud Ian came to and said do you know that the perishing were offended by you what you said why did they do that because they had to live with these guys they didn't want they're like look just sit with us listen this is priceless basically what they were saying was look we sit under a tree you teach us you're our rabbi we like you we love this teaching we like our little group don't don't put it out there you're gonna get them angry and they're gonna take it out on us what do we do we're in the church we sing songs we hear a message don't put it out there leave it alone you're gonna offend them you get people upset they're not gonna like you just keep it in the church listen to me the devil doesn't care if another Church is raised and Macon I don't know what you think he does oh yeah well we're gonna sing we're gonna upset him he doesn't care if you sing just sing inside the church you don't care if you do Bible study just do Bible study inside the church just care if you have an older Kol just do an altar call inside the church just keep it inside the walls don't let it get out and that's what they were saying now once he resurrected then the gloves were off they're like okay we'll die for you but they didn't see him resurrect yet and we didn't see him resurrect blessed do you who have not seen yet believe so they're saying Shh now what does he say says you're right right next cobbler says you're right I know I offended them they're good man they're religious men I was a little too coarse so I will apologize or I will stop no basically what he says to them is hey guys wait till I get to Matthew 23 if you think they're offended now he tells them these were the pastor's you're going to help get hit on the Valley of Hinnom where they burn the garbage and it never goes out that's what he told now here's my question can in coronate love speak such scathing words not today in all Western society no Jesus would never tell somebody going to hell especially not a man of God yes incarnate love can speak scathing words because true love must also be righteous and holy the popular conception of Yeshua is an innocuous reform a capable of no emotion but love it's unbiblical love can be firm and love must always be just whatever interpretation we take of the book of Revelation it is undeniable that the Church of Laodicea presents a vivid picture of the age in which we live she was tolerant relative apathetic and politically correct this is what we have today luxury living abounds on every hand while souls are dying for want of the gospel Christians are wearing crowns instead of bearing we become more emotionally stirred over sports politics or television than we are over messiah there is little sense of spiritual need little longing for true revival we give the best of our lives to the business world then return our remnants of a wasted Korea to the Savior we cater to our bodies which in a few years will be returned to the dust we accumulate treasures on earth instead of in heaven the general attitude is nothing too good for the people of God if I don't pamper myself who will let's get ahead in the world and give us spare evenings to the Lord this is the condition we find ourselves on the eve of Yeshua is return but we don't have to we get change in an instant if we were a certain way we can go back to that way instantly we don't have to be Laodiceans or Sardinians or Ephesians or Pergamon or fire tyrants no you know we can be Smyrna Delphine's yes according to your rabbi we can be Smyrna Delvians rabbi how would you describe a Smyrna Delphian I'm glad you asked a Smyrna Delphine is one who is willing to suffer on behalf of Messiah to outward appearances they may look poverty-stricken and weak but as far as spiritual things goes and concerned they're rich why simply because they remain faithful in there in the human weakness they trust in Lord and they will not deny your shoe his name because they love him so much they are zealous for good works always looking to reflect God's character and goodness to the world works of righteousness is commonplace like helping the poor the widow the orphan lifting up the downtrodden remembering those in prison and setting captives free by way of sharing the good news of salvation this is the Smyrna Delphian faithful witnesses always looking to be and stay revived their reward is that they receive the crown of victory they're exempt from the second death because they would rather go to heaven with a good conscience than stay on earth with a bad one they are made to be a pillar in the house of the Lord which means they shall never leave the place of safety and joy oh one last thing Yeshua says he will write the name of God on them the name of the New Jerusalem on them and his own name on them the Smyrna Delphian to his for all eternity brothers and sisters please not but it's apologized fee issuer in the immortal words have you shew himself how blessed is anyone who is not offended by me we should not and cannot be ashamed if we have been clothed in the garments of salvation we're in the robes of righteousness all made possible by the amazing grace of God I pray that we all finish this thing strong let's stand together I know it's Father's Day tomorrow I wish you guys well I know a lot of times you don't get the accolade that you deserve you know mom's birth the baby nurse the baby in you know therefore most of the time so you know mom's Mother's Day you know it took a lot a long time for us to identify father's day took years and years and years but father's get a bad rap you know and I think some fathers like they're trying so hard especially believing fathers they're trying so hard that they're exhausted because they think they have to be there all the time and and listen don't worry about playing with them all the time or being there for them all the time just be real with them be honest with them and set a good example don't tell them about how great it is to feed the poor take him and feed the poor they'll get the message a lot better that way so I wish you well tomorrow if you do have a dad appreciate that I lost mine when I was very very young back in 1974 and I miss him like it was yesterday so you never know how long your dad will be around and you don't want to just say nice things about them at his funeral you want to say nice things while he's alive to hear it because the dead hear nothing now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you be gracious on to amid Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and I'm the principal piece of schewe you've a wreck on annoy the East maratha you're out annoy pono velika the who neck ah yes ah I don't know hoy por novela ha yes Emily shabbat shalom guys
Channel: Getzel
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Length: 66min 44sec (4004 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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