Sukkot 5779 - Feast of Tabernacles 2018 (Sep 24, 2018)

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[Music] man this has been so good I just hope I don't screw this thing up really I mean it's just been really nice just to celebrate it's just so good to celebrate you know I just don't feel like I have to fight I have to tell you though Wednesday this is just my opinion I felt I felt about as anointed as I have a felt and I felt that message I am with you was about as important as anything I've ever spoken in the 16 years I'm here now with that being said I left feeling you know incredibly victorious in the Lord I was attacked by the devil about as hard as I've ever been attacked burn that will tell you he pinned me down he had his foot on my throat it was unbelievable how you can go from such glory to out-and-out you know pinned and I was pinned on went was Saturday Saturday night all day Sunday till till surcoat basically almost it started to started to fade but I had a couple of people praying for me but it's kind of nice to also be delivered on a time like Secotan actually feel the feast you know what I mean I know that a lot of people when they come into this movement they want to know how do we do it how do we do it it's never how nobody tells you how the Bible and say how people just made stuff up was it was it bad the things they made up not necessarily but it's made up the question isn't how the question is why if you don't know why that's the most important thing why are we doing this why are we doing this and that we're doing this because number one first and foremost it honors the Lord I mean this is a time of extreme Thanksgiving you realize the children Israel were in the wilderness there were no stores there were no crops they were fed miraculously and they would taking care of miraculously and they closed and we're out and their shoes didn't wear out and he sustained them and if he didn't sustain them we wouldn't have the line of Judah you would be throwing you kids to the fire you follow God's provision his power his presence it's unbelievable it's unbelievable to have God in your life I mean just maybe some of you would just raise with it I don't know human beings tend to think things for granted guys we're we're we're a creation that it's almost like we have to lose a leg before we thank God that we're able to walk it doesn't have to be that way you know just stay appreciative I was wondering what to give you for your anniversary and what do you give a girl who has everything so so I gave you Sukkot okay wise guy um but Bernadette's mom came here when she was 1 years old from Austria her name was Lilian Hecht Hecht HEC HT is an absolutely unequivocal Jewish name it's not even a question but when she came in in 1940 through through Ellis Island the Jews that came in then were afraid they were going to be deported you either understand that the camps some of the ghettos were starting and the concentration camps were was starting so they were you can imagine if you escaped you know Europe at that time and you came into the United States you don't want anybody to know you're Jewish because they might send you back so they they signed on the on the waiver into Ellis Island and an information docket Catholic and she was raised Catholic but obviously you know she was Jewish she just didn't know her parents never told her and as she grew up she never so burned that was raised in strict Roman Catholicism in in the Bronx she went to elementary school Roma Catholic elementary school and high school and it was a you know a big part of her life so I wanted to share a story with you you you guys can listen to this if you want but this is really just between me and her about a century or two ago the Pope decided that all the Jewish people had to leave Rome which by the way was true naturally there was a big uproar from the Jewish community so the Pope made a deal he would have a religious debate with a member of the Jewish community if the representative won the Jews could stay if the Pope won the Jews would leave the Jews realized that they had no choice they looked around for a champion who could defend their faith but no one wanted to volunteer it was too risky so in desperation they finally picked an old man named Moshe who spent his life sweeping up after people to represent them being old and poor he had less to lose so he agreed he asked only for one condition to the debate not being used to saying very much as he cleaned up around people he asked that neither side be allowed to talk the Pope agreed the day the great debate came Moshe and the Pope sat opposite each other for a full minute before the Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers Moshe looked back at him and raised his index finger the Pope waved his hand around in a circle Moshe pointed to the ground where he said the Pope pulled out a communion wafer and a glass of wine Moshe pulled out an apple the Pope stood up and announced I give up this man is too good the Jews may stay an hour later the Cardinals were all around the Pope asking him what happened the Pope said first I held up three fingers to represent the Trinity he responded by holding up one finger in a remind me that was still one God common to both religions then I waved my hand around to show him that the God above was all around us he responded by pointing to the ground showing that God was also right here with us I offered the wine in the way for the show that God absolves us from our sins he pulled on an apple to remind me of original sin he had an answer for everything what could I do meanwhile the Jewish community had crowded around Moshe amazed that this old somewhat feeble man had done what all their scholars had insisted was impossible what happened they asked well said Moshe first he said to me that the Jews had three days to get out of the city I told him that not one of us was leaving then he told me that this whole city must be clear to Jews I let him know that we was staying right here and then asked a woman I really don't know said Moshe he took out his lunch so I got mine [Applause] this little story connected up with your mom and the whole surcoat see how it comes full circle there's really nothing like Jewish you know my really I know a lot of you weren't raised in it I mean the 50s it was exclusively but funny funny a lot of humors birthed out of tragedy you know the Yuma came from the Holocaust just like you see a lot of african-americans to the funny because they had to laugh otherwise they wouldn't survive you know so sometimes it's good to see you may in some difficult situations it it's like good medicine don't take yourself too seriously all the time really all right let's look at let's look at some of the scriptures for Sukkot and try to get something out of this thing today we already have but let's see if we can continue to get some more hopefully we will father just be with us and help navigate this thing okay Leviticus 23 we're at the basically the end of Leviticus 23 and the last feast the full feast the third of the three feasts in the fall you know of course yom teruah it would be the word that would describe yom teruah to me is regather incurring us back and then yom kippur the word that was is repentance a time to repent and this would be restoration it's a beautiful progression just an absolutely stunning progression either noise said to moshe tell the people of israel on the fifteenth day of the seventh month it is is the feast of Sukkot for seven days to annoy on the first day there is to be a holy convocation do not do any kind of ordinary work for seven days you were to bring an offering made by fire to and annoy on the eighth day you were to have a holy convocation and bring an offering made by fire to annoy it is a day of public assembly do not do any kind of ordinary work on the first day you to take choice fruit palm fronds thick branches and river willows and celebrate in the presence of I don't know your God for seven days you ought to observe it as a feast out of noise seven days in the year it is a permanent regulation generation after generation it's kept in the seventh month you want to live in Sukkot for seven days every citizen of is is to live in a circle there you have it let's break it down a bit let's look at the first few says I don't know I said to motion tell the people of Israel on the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the feast of Sukkot for seven days so Sukkot is seven days I just want you to know that the eighth day is not necessarily part of the code it is but it isn't it's its own thing it's a separate thing this is seven days of Sukkot on the first day there is to be a holy convocation that's this last night at sundown it became the fifteenth of Tishrei on God's calendar okay not the Gregorian calendar the lunar calendar so that's why we here on the first day a holy convocation a holy convocation means a cold out public assembly it means to assemble publicly with other people I don't want to get into technicalities I know some people have to watch because they don't have a messianic synagogue but make no mistake when God said public assembly he meant public assembly don't do any kind of work for seven days you to bring an offering made by fire now I highlighted those words obviously I italicized them I didn't highlight my italicize some holy work and offering that's what I see in the directive and he says it for the the first day where and he says the same thing for the eighth day he says you were to have a holy convocation of repeats himself bring an offering public assembly don't do any ordinary work to me holy means that it's set apart from everything else it's special you know like an anniversary of birthday whatever it is or a ribbon cutting it you have some kind of festival or some kind of party to recognize that it's not like everything else this is special and and it's sacred it's special to God it said that it's you know I we shouldn't be said today but it's said to me that it's not special to his children he only has seven feasts it's not that much I mean when you think about 365 days a year you think of all the appointments we keep all the lunches and all the dinners and all the meetings and all the kids programs and you have to keep them there's nothing wrong with that but God asks us to meet with him spit in a special way seven times of year and of course it says to the children of Israel but the you know the $64,000 question is who are the children of Israel if you're grafted in and you're part of the Commonwealth of Israel according to the New Testament then then these feasts should become your feasts I would not obligate you because what a shame what a horrible thing to force somebody just celebrate with God I mean you know it's like forcing burn to love me you must love me because the Bible says that you were to love me Wow I mean I don't want love like that and God doesn't want love like that said the remembrance is there there's special times to thank God for what he's done what he's doing and what he will do and they're beautiful and nobody can deny that they're his feasts and if you belong to him then you have to ask yourself what feast am i celebrating with that being said he says no work and to me this speaks of God's grace like he made this happen okay it was his Passover he you know it wasn't a little bit of the blood on the door that saved the children of Israel it was God that saved the children Israel he said I will pass over the homes the Angel of Death scumming but if I'm over your home he can't touch you it wasn't the blood I know I'll see the blood it believe me it's not the blood it's the god of the blood just like it's not the cross it's who hung on the cross don't get caught up in things and amulets it's it's it's not a good idea as far as I'm concerned so God you know delivered them and and God rose and God sent His Spirit and God's blowing his shofar and gods ask us to repent and God's forgiving us and tabernacling among us and God's gonna we're gonna experience the eternal Shabbat one day these are beautiful things to thank God for to remember for the life of me I don't see the fight you call this legalistic I Got News fear some days legalistic it's a law by man it's on the books you could check it out and there's many other things I don't want to get into because I don't want to make it a fun I don't like make it up it used to be 15 years ago I could show you when he was born I can show you these born in Tabernacles I can show you according to Chronicles 24 first Chronicles 24 I could show you the the priests the terms of the priests and the acts of duty I could show you according to Luke I can show you everybody knows every theologian that's a decent theologian they've written it in their books we know he wasn't born then so why are we celebrating his birthday then I don't understand if we all know why and where did it come from why are we celebrating this on the day that we celebrate the Sun and the winter solstice Sunday comes from Sun God moon day comes from moon de I'm not saying that they're anybody's hearts doing that and I'm not saying it's inherently evil it's bad I'm just saying once you know the truth what are you doing I don't it doesn't it's not gonna change me my family my life my walk my faith in my relationship with God one iota it's not but I just sometimes sit I don't make it a big deal because you know there's too many Hebrew roots people that are off base and all they want to do is beat up the church Dean Hahn and Chuck Williams on my dearest dearest friends I take a bullet for them any day of the week okay that Baptist ministers my Christian brothers and sisters are my Christian bone sisters if you wanted to clear war on the body of Christ have at it see how see how God likes that if all you want to do is run around and show Christians how wrong they are I got news theater you be careful now because God's gonna show you how wrong you are and you don't want that if you act unmercifully men you don't want God to act on mercifully okay but I'm a child of Israel so this is something I have to do if you feel grafted and you want to do it I'm all yours I'm gonna help you but I'm not gonna go out to every Church knock on doors and tell them where they're off no it's their revelation I can tell you something they have the best revelation there is that your shoe is the only way to follow that's a good revelation but with that being said once you do a little study and you know the truth what the heck is wrong with I just I can't understand how you know you go well yeah God didn't want that but why do you got to put your big butt in the way all the time but it doesn't matter you know God is raising up it says in the end days in Zechariah 10 Gentiles who read the hem of one Jew who knows Jesus and say God is with you take me this is what's going on in the world guys all over Africa they're celebrating on Shabbat all over India the celebrate on Shabbat only in America because we're too smart we have these degrees and we go to these seminaries and we're so brilliant we're too brilliant for own good they're not as smart as we are they believe what the Bible says they don't want man's doctrine they could care less they don't even know it see they got pulled out of that Hinduism they got pulled out that's all man's doctrine so your doctrine on those days to them it's just like Hinduism it's just man-made they don't want it so no work understand I think it speaks of God's great grace okay especially into coat when we're celebrating a time when when the children of Israel were going through the wilderness and God provided for them he protected them remember when he sent the snakes and numbers 23 okay do you think those snakes dropped from the sky those snakes were always in the wilderness God was holding him back they were always there God protected them and provided and you know what the best part the best part was he was in their mist he said I'll walk I'll walk with you a manifest presence of the glory of God was always with them well it stayed they knew to stay when it moved they knew to move and the day it was a cloud to protect them from the massive heat in the desert and night it was a fire to warm them up from the cold in the desert God was so good to them and he's so good to us why offerings let me tell you the story I told my kids yesterday at circo dinner when I was first in ministry I was making a whopping hundred dollars a week and obviously couldn't feed my family on that so I had to work in a gym and it was the best place you can be because Gold's Gym is one of the most narcissistic places in the universe so I felt if I can minister there I can minister anywhere if I could lead people to the Lord there I could lead people anywhere and many miracles and wonderful things happen I don't want to get into it but I was training people for free to give them a taste and a guy came up to me who is a multi mega millionaire and a marketing guru and he pulled me aside he said do you think you're good at what you do yeah I'm a humble man I'm like I'm okay he's like that's not gonna work for me I'm asking you son are you good at what you do because I know you're really good at what you do I've been trained before I said yes okay I'm really good at what I do and he said why are you giving things away for free I said I I want them to see what it's like in them a chance he said if you don't charge anything there's no value to it people won't respect it all Frings you bring because if it doesn't cost you nothing it has no value you want to watch a company go down the drain leave it to your kids give him the free car let him not work for it watch what happens does anybody take care of a rental car no they don't cuz it's not theirs it's got to cost you something man you got to see it cost God everything you gotta have some value you got to put some value because if it has no value then you won't appreciate his provision you won't appreciate his protection and you won't appreciate his presence look at I just want you to see everybody knows this song the great 100th just look at this one verse it says enter his gates where are the gates they're out there those aren't the gates you come through the gates by the way we were originally gonna close the gates the gates closed look magnificent there's a menorah a seven-branch menorah and there's Yahshua coming off in its grace and truth it's amazing artists that did the work but I didn't want to lock the gates because I wanted people to come and be able to pray so you never get to see the gates but you came through the gates right it says enter his gates with Thanksgiving and these are his courtyards you got it you gotta come with Thanksgiving before you come in with praise because if you're not being thankful then what you don't even know what you're praising them for thanks before praise praise you're singing to them why are you singing because you're thankful and guess what when you're thankful it's impossibly to be to be miserable science tells us that the brain can have two thoughts at one time so if you're thankful you can't be miserable you can't be thankful and complain at the same time so God's saying hey man you know as a parent if you're you know a good parent a decent parent a loving parent a kind parent especially a god-fearing parent you'll do anything for your kids absolutely anything you'll give them whatwhat's you know as long as it's good for them but if you're a good decent parent and I'd like to think I am and Bernadette is what you want is you want them to appreciate does anybody know what I'm talking about now listen to me parents some of young parents some of your old parents if your kids don't appreciate it take it away you're making a huge mistake yuge see the world's not going to give them you think the world's gonna even know the world is gonna fire them they show up late three days in a row they're fired that's the way this is setting them up for failure you're spoiling them ruining them basically the situation is God is the same way made in his element dad wants to be appreciated you don't want to hear from you just when you need things you don't want to hear you complaining all of my life my life what your life so bad it's not as bad as you think and get worse and be careful because if it does you're gonna wish for the bed he wants appreciation that's why it says give the head says thank enter with Thanksgiving then praise him and then it says and then while you're praising him don't forget what you're praising him for you thanking him and bless his name what does that mean to bless his name anybody no bro it's the same word when we ask to be blessed by God it's the same word bro we're asking for his peace and his protections prosperity he's not asking for our peace protection prosperity so even though it's the same word it has a totally different meaning when we're talking about our relationship to God and God fellowship towards us birth to bless his name means to get on your knees and salute him not just salute him standing up we do that with other officials but get on your knees man and the feasts really they designed to help us worship the way God deserves to be worshiped now this is this is I'm gonna just do a little I'd hate to say spiritualization on you because I don't like spiritualization you know those people that see some spiritual thing in everything but some things it's not from the Lord at all it's from something they ate so I'm a little I'm a little concerned about spiritualization because it could become very metaphysical and I like to stick to the word in its interpretation though that being said I have to go over this it's in it's right there smack in the middle of the scriptures Leviticus 23 40 God says take choice fruit palm fronds thick branches and river willows and most people to be like who cares but I care because what's it doing there so this is my take let's look at choice fruit choice fruit tastes sweet and it has a nice aroma okay to me when it says taste and see well that we don't live by bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God God wants us to feed off the Word of God so to me when it says it tastes sweet the fruit tastes sweet that's knowledge or doctrine if you will okay that's truth but nice aroma that talks about our deeds you see you're totally off when you just have the truth and you're not doing nothing with it and then you're also though off when you're doing so much work but your doctrine is wrong if you if you if you're doing the work and your doctrines wrong then you are sincerely wrong but you can also be in sincerely you can have a miserable attitude but have great doctrine I know plenty of those they find our way here by the grace of God they find their way out of here I call it blessed subtraction because you could be sincerely wrong or insincerely right God wants us to bear fruit right bear fruit bear fruit be fruitful stay in the vine tastes sweet nice aroma you you got a before you you know it's it's important to smell good you know what I mean when Bernadette Bernadette is a very very good cook by the grace of God we all love to eat in our family and she has a great meal every night it's not like a hot pocket or you know something like a wave oh it's a serious meal like wow and every night we have that you think was Shabbat dinner every night but whenever she cooks I always smell it always smells good I always go man that smells so good and then I want to taste it well that's what we're talking about tasting sweet is the word of God nice aroma is the works of God no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care nobody's gonna listen to your little doctrine or mumbo jumbo unless they're doctrinally mumbo jumbo and then - - you could take out your Bibles and have a sword fight and then you'll both walk away miserable right happens all the time right you feel you know ripped off they feel ripped off and what do you accomplish but you know look at palm fronds they're talking about the date palm in Israel it tastes sweet but there's no aroma so it's got the good knowledge but no good deeds look at thick branches their leafy they have a nice aroma but they're tasteless they have good deeds but they're lacking knowledge and then you absolutely don't want to be a riffle willow because that's no taste no aroma so you got you got nothing next point Leviticus 23 41 it says this feast is permanent there's no way to dance around this look at what permanent means olam is eternally and indefinitely it's always in forever so it's it's for me it is not a question should we be doing this it's it's not a question of course we should I think the question was for those that aren't biologically Jewish and this debate will go on to your schewe comes back but if you have received a revelation if you feel grafted in you know you know you you've got to understand my family my whole family's Jewish you can have strict Judaism without Christianity my whole family is strictly Jewish without Christianity but you cannot have Christianity without Judaism it doesn't work I mean hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn King of the Jews where is the King of the Jews where is the king of Israel I mean when when Yeshua said I didn't come to abolish the law what's he talking about what a new law you kids judeo-christianity it's not anything to boast about it's just a reality and somehow the devil from day one after your shoe is split started to extract everything Jewish from the Christian faith little by little let's change the day of worship everybody knows that Jews worship on Shabbat and then they put into law 325 at the Council of Nicaea it's a it's a funny thing to me because this is Baptists world this is Baptists central ok with that being said some of you don't get upset I'm not making fun of Baptists what I am saying is Baptist loved to take shots at Catholics right the Mary ology the statues they love to beat up on Catholics right if somebody asked me if you would ask me honestly how do I feel about Catholics my two best friends are Catholic my friend Michael best friend since 1980 and my friend dr. Dineen they're two of my best friends I love Catholics I don't like Catholicism but there's some beautiful Catholics I don't like much of any isms if you will I'm not an ism kind of a guy I'm a God guy and I'm not looking to be Jewish I'm looking to be ganush but that being said Catholics always take a poke you know it always take a poke at the Catholics that's us right but don't you realize that as a Baptist by going to church on Sunday you're following a Catholic doctrine isn't that amazing how the devil did that and then you hang them up like a pinata if this is a revelation you've received you have to be comfortable that you received it from God I think some of you work so hard to try to convince other people because you're not convinced yourself nobody's asked you to be his cop if somebody wants to know they say hey I noticed you've been doing some of these things they look like Jewish things I'd like to know more do you really want to know do you really want to sit down lovingly and talk I mean I know that sounds crazy but I've had too many altercations spiritual altercations I don't want to fight my brothers and sisters so if they really want to sit down then sit with them but nobody told you to go out and just just point the thing and slam people with it I mean is that how you got it no so why are you giving it the way you didn't get it doesn't make any sense to me guys it's just it's like vulgar spiritual Ebola to me but it is eternal and it is indefinite it was celebrated in Solomon's day right we went over this right look at 2nd chronicles 7 8 through 9 I just want to show you definitely celebrate in the Old Testament of course slomo Solomon celebrated the festival what festival at that time for seven days there's only one festival seven days Sukkot together with all Israel an enormous gathering right having observed the dedication now if you keep reading and I don't have time for it you don't have time for it but if you go home and read it says he sent him home on the 23rd day of Tishri so of course she's talking about Sukkot because they celebrated the dedication of the temple for seven days and then they celebrated Sukkot for seven days and then the eighth day is the 22nd day and then he sent them home on the 23rd so what I'm saying is yes the Jews absolutely celebrate surcoat what I also want to show you is Jesus celebrated Sukkot I've taught this a million times I'm not gonna go into detail if you want there's a ton of teaching on Getzel org but it says the festival of Sukkot in Judah was near not until the festival was half over did Jesus go up to the temple court to begin to teach why would he celebrate it it was a law if he didn't celebrate it then he broke the law if he broke the law then he's a sinner if he's we don't have salvation but I'm telling you you Shoei didn't go out of obligation he went of desperation he loved to be in his father's presence on the holy days no question about it so you see a shoe is celebrated but is that it no look at Zachariah come on stay with me wake up it's not just hey let's just Jesus died I'm saved that's it there's more to the equation there's more there's more relationship you can get out of God look if this is prophetic he's a prophet Zechariah says everyone remaining from all the nations this is after the tribulation all the nations that attack Jerusalem will go up who were they those are the people that made it through they gave their life to the Lord he came back they looked upon him and more Jews and Gentiles he'll be here during that time that last half of Jacob's trouble and some will come to the fold and Illinois to vote it says every year they'll go to worship the king when and keep the festival Sukkot see his look I don't I'm not trying to persuade you not that's not my style okay there's no power in persuasion but I'm saying they did celebrate surcoat your schewe celebrates a coat and we will celebrate Sukkot what's with the intermission does is there any logic to that no no logic at all Leviticus 23 42 let's figure out really what this is about you want to live in booths or seven days every citizen of Israel is to live in a booth they don't live in a booth in Israel or here in the United States they eat in the booth sometimes they might sleep in it a tent overnight but this is what booth means it's a it's a booth a temporary shelter like a Hut okay temporary shelter God's always after the spiritual not the physical you can live in a booth for seven days and have no relationship with God you can live in a booth for seven days and be a murderer an adulterer a liar it's not going to cut it it's never about the external God is not ritualistic he's not he's into internal relational reality it's relational reality hearing his voice knowing his heart being involved with his work so if that's not what it's about what is this rabbi why is God telling us to live in temporary shelters I mean how many Jews are going to go into a Sukkah and have no relationship with God whatsoever none and for that matter how many Gentiles am I going to suck and have no relationship with God it's a corrective spiritually God's trying to correct us to pull us back there is a natural pull or tendency to the human being to become excessively attached to things other than God now I used to be attached to things for saying they've had things I was a poor schnook from the Bronx so I had a motorcycle but I almost worshipped it the reason why I don't have anything our house is not owned by us and my car is leased I don't want to be attached to anything I don't want anything to get in the way of my god my first son got in the way and he almost lost his life I just for me it doesn't work for you maybe you can have things and not care about them but I watch I think you you might want to ask yourself you don't know how attached you are to something until you have to let it go that's how you find out but it's a corrective we've become overly occupied with food with clothing with honor with comfort with pleasure God's saying 10 pegs not a concrete slab you got to be willing to move when God says move you got to be willing to go when God says go you can't be so this is where I'm gonna live then I'm retiring at 63 then I'm gonna do this I mean you gotta have a little bit of a plan but you have a little wiggle room if God changes a schematic that's what I think I think that's what God is saying with the booth okay Matthew 8 19 20 it says the Torah teacher approached and said to him that's Yahshua rabbi I will follow you wherever you go Yeshua said to him the foxes have holes and the birds flying about have nests but the Son of man has nowhere no home of his own now was he homeless no part of the reason why you know he was Jewish he lived at home Philebus 33 it's a cold lighten up for god sakes really really you know I'm always so serious give me a break okay plus he was in his father's business right and his mother thought he was God no no no no he wasn't homeless so what does this mean you know how many people wanted to follow your shoe you know how many people still want to follow him except and don't go into this part of my tabernacle and please don't change this and don't hurt my children and don't take my finances and don't what that's not a disciple that's a dove cycle I mean the rules haven't changed guys I know things keep changing keep these changing and the faith keeps changing and the world keeps changing but I'm telling you what he said still he says today he hasn't changed the rules it's just not that way you have your own plans do you ever think of how many times you just lay down and just think about you and your plans you got to think about it just wow I'm thinking about myself all the time first of all let me let me tell you something that's a sure way to become depressed a sure way you will not help yourself from being regretful and being nervous and being fearful about the future there's no way around it no way around it he wasn't homeless he was just saying this guy you want to follow me because it's cool I'm feeding people and I'm I'm making and doing miracles you don't understand what it takes to follow me you're gonna go through hell here on earth they hated me they're gonna hate you the devil came after me he's coming after you your own family's not gonna like you they got to talk about you people won't like you for all the wrong reasons they'll make stuff up they'll they'll say things that aren't even remotely true where did you get that from I could prove it no we're just gonna believe it we're gonna believe this because I'm a bigger that's what he was saying he wasn't homeless it's a spiritual connotation everything in the Bible is spiritual he had a work to do he was on a mission and he was not gonna rest until it was accomplished he had a goal in mind and he wasn't it coming off he was staying on point staying on I know where I'm going I'm going to go Gotha and then after that I'm coming out I'm gonna hang out with you guys for 40 days and I'm out of here back to the Father I know where I'm going the same is true for us the world is not our resting place it's not our final destination you've got to get out of your head you're getting older you're getting sicker stop trying to hold on to the glory days people can't grow up I had my time in the Sun man I was 21 at one point I don't want to be 21 now I'm where I am now I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing now this is the time for such a daze this I don't want to go back and I'm not worried about tomorrow because I don't have tomorrow I really don't have tomorrow so I can't live like that today's the day it's a coat man that's all I'm interested in looking and this is by the way this is not a New Testament principle if you're wondering look at first chronicles 29 remember David just if you go home and do nothing today read first chronicles 29 10 to 20 11 versus David's prayer man he's giving God all his money and he's saying I can't even boast it's all yours how can I even take any you know people say well i tithe or I double title good for you it's God's you're only giving back what he gave you don't be that impressed and David was like I can't even take any glory in this Lord look at what you've given me I'm just giving you what you I'm giving you what's yours it's yours that's not the way we think it's mine it's mine you only type I get 90% it's mine crazy and finally says for in your presence we are temporary residents just passing through how many times have you heard people in the world say this this is 3000 years old from the Bible we're just passing through make it count it's not a dress rehearsal you're not even gonna get this day back make it count look at the root word of both oh this is so cool it's a hiding place like a secret retreat some of you have a place maybe in your home or place by the water or something where you go and you commune with God for me I don't necessarily have a place because I I just feel like you know where the place where the temple of the Holy Spirit my job isn't to go to a place my job is to get as much of the Spirit of my tabernacle as I can so wherever you are that's the place but again we're talking about the spiritual places opposed to a physical place ok there's one more route to this word that's astounding it's so hot and it means to shelter or fence about now if I if I was to hide you in a closet and somebody came looking for you could they find you possible even in the basement right but if I was to put you in a closet and I was to stand in front of that door they're not getting in trust me if I put my kid in the closet and I stand outside they're not getting my kid and that's me what about God when he says the fence about you know what he's saying he's saying to block and stop the approach in other words not only does God hide us when we are in close communion with him but the enemy can't get at us he stands between us and the enemy so not only we shut in but the enemy is shut out when the Lord says he's at our right side in the Hebrews oh babe it means all around not one opening but the key is we have to try to cultivate this close communion with the Lord daily so that when the storms of life come we won't need an evacuation route because we'll already find ourselves at the shelter you don't have to go into panic mode you don't have to dial nine-one-one you all you have to do is Dallas on 91 1 he that dwells in the secret place of the most high dwells last but not least Leviticus 23 40 I think people missed the whole point of this festival look if you didn't go through the time of Torah if you didn't hear the trumpet if you didn't spend 10 days with the Lord if you didn't go through repentance if you weren't forgiven my apologies you can always do that today but I went through it so I'm celebrating now look at what this word celebrate means you see it's so math sama to rejoice to be glad to party arrogantly don't you hide don't you hide the party I know you feel like you're the minority at times I know the same thing I go through with my my Jewish family about Yeshua you go through with your Christian family about doing some of these things you don't have to hide because what's right is not always popular and what's popular is not always right I'm not saying you have to prove them wrong I'm saying show them wrong party enjoy the Lord's presence let them see what is it that you have that we don't have and it's the joy of the Lord [Applause] no Steven and Arne and Samuel one here I just want to sit down for a minute anybody have to go back to work if you have to go back to work don't know no condemnation of nothing just go ahead if you have to leave or anything I know it's a hard day I know sometimes you can lose your job over something like this and I don't want you to so don't feel any remember it's a spiritual holiday you know you could be here physically and not be with the Lord spiritually so don't worry about those kinds of things or the comfy chair says Yeshua said a man had two sons the younger of them said to his father father and it's a capital F so obviously this is an illustration this is has rich symbolism it's not an actual story it's what's known as a parable it's a and a story told on earth but with heavenly meaning father give me the share of the estate that will be mine see this is it's very important to know this from the gate if you weren't Jewish or you weren't raised Jewish you might not know but if you read the Bible you know in Leviticus 25 and also numbers 36 that ancestral land could never be sold and if everybody does if ever they do sell it it has to be redeemed and why did God do that because God wanted to make sure that your children had a way to make a living he's always looking to provide for you if we give up the land how we gonna provide for our families so this kid is like I want what's coming to me now I don't want to wait for the land give me my money so what does he have to do the father just a silver land man can't sell the land what about your brother what about if you get married what about your children and your children's children and that is a big no-no in Judaism but this kid somehow he had the hutzpah the nerve to tell his father I want my share of the estate so the father doesn't even wince says the father divided the property between them doesn't mean like try to negotiate what I'm saying there's no way seems like he really cares about a son hoping that he maybe will come to his senses as soon as he could convert his share into cash the youngest son left home and went off to a distant country where he squandered his money reckless living you know some people save the money and save the money and save them money they don't buy themselves anything you know bind themselves and he clothes nothing and they leave behind a million dollars to their kids and they spend it in the weekend took him sixty years to save it took the kid a weekend to spend it but after he had spent it all a severe famine arose throughout the country and he began to feel the pinch say he went attached himself he needed something to one of the citizens of that country and they sent him in to field the feed pigs they know in Judaism a pig is a you know an unclean animal on many many different levels right a woman with no decorum is like a pig with a gold ring and it's now and he sent the obviously the the demons into the pigs and on and on and on so this was a real disrespect to this poor kid he longed to fill his stomach with the carob pods the pigs were eating now I just want you know he's starving there's a difference between I haven't eaten all day that's not starving he's starving he's gonna die if he doesn't get some food that's starving at last he came to his senses and said any number of my father's hired workers have food to spare now he was an estate owner he was the father's son and even the work is the lowest of workers had plenty to eat he said in here I am starving to death he's like I don't know if he's coming to his senses because he loves his father I don't think so that's how good our Father is I don't think we always come to our senses because we love our father we're disrespecting our father or giving our father a bad name no I think we come to our senses because we're in such a bad way we're desperate I will do anything to make ourselves feel better you know that's kind of sad when somebody comes back to you because they left you and they didn't make it on their own and they just need you it's not nice so he says I'm going to get up and go back to my father and say to him quote father I have sinned against heaven and against you I don't know if he really meant it I'm not sure but he's practicing his speech and he's getting it down he said I am no longer worthy to be called your son treat me like one of your hired workers meaning just take me back I'll do whatever so he got up and started back to his father while he was still a long way off his father saw him and was moved that means in your bowels my compassion the deepest part of you with pity because you got to understand the kid leaves the father's in a state owned he's wealthy the kid leaves he's wearing beautiful clothes he's you know robust rosy cheeks it's come back his eyes are deep in his sockets he's starving to death you have to see somebody stop him it's not funny I've been in India many times watch people starving to death in the street that's what this kid see his ribs and the father's thinking I recognise his eyes but it's my boy you know if any of have a kid that's whay would no matter what they're up to no matter what they're doing that's still your offspring you know if God was knitting that kid in your womb you nursed that kid you changed that kid's diaper you kissed that kids feet and fingers said so he said says that he ran and threw his arms around him and kissed his neck warmly now you have to know something also about Judaism when you do something like that to your father and you disrespect him you have to be publicly humiliated in the town so usually you go down and you kiss your father's feet and then you kind of get whacked a few times by even other people in the town to send a message to the other kids not a bad idea by the way I think it would straighten up a lot of kids in the neighborhood you know but do you see what the father did he kept kissing his neck which didn't allow him to kiss the father's feet it was like the father was saying I know they want revenge I'm just happy you're home I mean I haven't gone one day without God for you I kept looking at pictures I took out the old stuff with your hand prints I couldn't enjoy one dinner without seeing you at the table it's killing me I don't give a hoot what they think you home he said father I have sinned against you that's when he meant it when he felt his father's love he realized oh my god look what I did to my dad he didn't deserve this he was always so good to me that's when it was really repentance it wasn't a speech anymore he was speaking from his heart I am no longer worthy to be called his son look what I've done to you look how humiliated you I made you sell half the land but his father said to the slaves quick before we lose this moment bringing up the road the best one you could find he's covered he's back he's back put it off on him right away put the ring on this thing a reinstall him as my son shoes on his feet because if you didn't wear shoes you're his slave he's no slave he's a prince and bring the calf the one that's been fattened up I've been saving it for such an occasion as this let's eat and let's have some aha let's party arrogantly for this son of mine was dead but now he's alive that's the coat guys if you took advantage of Torah and you cried out to God for your sins and you repented you back home your father wants to throw a robe on you and a ring on your finger and he wants to have a big party and you don't want to miss that party the great parties coming you don't want to miss that one that would be a horrible thing but this is what I want you to see coz I'm sure you've heard this story too many times but it says he was lost but now he's found but don't miss the last four words and they began celebrating the celebration doesn't have to end you can stay close to God and stay celebratory after surcoat after the seven days of Sukkot after the tribulation is over and the millennium is over Shabbat comes see it's still spiraling up during the millennium it's not perfect people still getting sick this delicious but it's spiraling up it's getting less and less and then finally he hands the torch to his father he said I've done my part take over and he comes and that's when we get back to Eden Eden is restored total restoration the only thing that will be missing is the servant so what can we say Yeshua come soon and in our days this is what we can say give me that less like you know let's stand together and let's all sing this together because if if any time you can proclaim this it's Anza coat because this is what we're proclaiming ok hi love Alpo ha RS by Omaha who by Omaha Musha Musha Musha [Music] you got the English rocks then I don't know I will be king over the whole world and on that day I don't know I will be the only one and his name and his name and his name will be the only name hug them out I understand that some people are camping at Julie Ray's farm is that correct Julie are you here are they camping out there did you get those um porta-potties and other things did you get my message that that's not your expense you didn't get the message she did she said she didn't yeah we didn't want to do that okay how'd that happen okay well okay either way we just didn't want the people you we we don't want you to have any expense towards that at all so we really appreciate you guys opening up the home and Gerald yeah we really appreciate that very much that you guys can camp I would be there but my people can't for 40 years and I'm a little anti camping enjoy enjoy this time and enjoy the time I know that the enemy is throwing a lot at us I know that the world is unraveling I understand that but trust me my mother used to always say this it can always be worse it just you know this right and all things considered we don't have it that bad because look at this bless it hope we have the world is falling apart but not us we don't have to fall apart in the midst of it we have a real blessed hope it's real you've got to approach this thing with trust in faith and you got to make these spiritual things a reality he turn is real Yeshua is coming back he is gonna restore the kingdom he is so I wish you a good surcoat this next Saturday will be the fifth Shabbat of the month so we will have an extended praise and worship next Saturday and then Monday a week from this Monday we'll have the eight day celebration and I have a little surprise for it's gonna be a little different celebration than than what we've done in the past so hopefully we'll see you next Monday as well okay thanks for the gift whatever it is hopefully it's not ticking and definitely appreciate you guys so much I have a lot of respect for you and when people come to visit you know they always say what a wonderful place it is and I say it's only wonderful because of the people you know that's what makes this place so special you guys and I appreciate like how devout you are I appreciate how serious you take a relationship with God I appreciate how you go out of your way to really love each other I mean remember they're not gonna know you by a fish on the back of the car a cross on your neck or how much scripture you know Yeshua was blatant when he said they're gonna know you by the way you love each other and people know God is here because you guys love each other now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace you sure even annoy the East maratha you're an annoyed poor no Violetta Vanessa yes ah I don't know boy poor novela ha they are sama heart hallo haagh Sameach [Applause]
Channel: Getzel
Views: 6,041
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Sukkot, Tabernacle, 2018, Feast, 09/24/2018
Id: KH3GozcPlSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 4sec (3664 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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