Sept 4, 2021 - Nitzavim (Standing)

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so let me read you what i got okay um let's put that up there will you i call on heaven and earth to witness against you today that i have presented you with life and death the blessing and the curse therefore choose life so that you will live you and your descendants loving i don't know your god paying attention to what he says and clinging to him for that is the purpose of your life on this depends the length of time you will live in the land adonai swore he would give to your ancestors avraham yes okay so just to give you a little context deuteronomy 30 the whole chapter is dealing with the restoration for returning to the covenant okay they're at the tail end in deuteronomy they're the plains of moab they're ready to go into the land they're ready to occupy the land they've been through a lot of stuff a lot of travels a lot of ups and a lot of downs and god went over their history with them he gave them a review he said look i want to go over some of the highlights and i want to go over some of the lowlights this is what you did well this is what you did badly and now you're ready to go into the land and you've got to be a certain people to stay in that land and in deuteronomy 28 he gave them these blessings and curses and and if you look at our building that's the way it's set up it was it was everything was very uh well thought out in prayer everything in this building is soaked in prayer we didn't even think about well how high do you want this we i know it sounds kind of nutty rabbi did you really hear how yeah i think we did we prayed and fasted about everything in here everything and i mean everything and so if you notice you come in from the east they were on the plains of mob east of the jordan you come in from the east and you go west right that's how they went in and as they were going in as they were walking in there were six tribes on the right side right those guys those six tribes those windows you're looking at and they were on mount where ebal good and these six tribes are on mount where there is them and as they're walking in they're speaking these are speaking the curses they're speaking to them every israelite that's walking into land hearing this in their right ear and they're hearing the blessings in their left ear and god was saying when you get into the land everything you do there's going to be the blessing or cursing attached to it there's no neutrality well guess what is it any different for us we have walked into our promised land in the sense of the kingdom of heaven and they're saying the same thing just because you saved and you walk in doesn't mean that you're just going to get blessing and curses aren't arbitrary proverbs tells us they're not it's the same thing nothing's new under the sun i tell you it's the same so he gives them the blessings and the curse in deuteronomy 28 he repeats it from leviticus 26 not just to be repetitive just to remind them then deuteronomy 29 he makes a covenant with them called the israeli covenant saying i won't leave you israel why do you think israel exists people go oh they're military oh stop it just stop it holy military yeah okay right give the military credit it's the god of the military and then here just to give you a little context let me tell you what happens here and it's kind of sad let me go back to the first two verses in deuteronomy 30. it says when the time arrives that all these things have come upon you both the blessing and the curse now so you read this and you go what are you talking about well if you read in context you know exactly what he's talking about they're going into the land he just spoke the blessings and the curses he said which i've presented to you i let you know full disclosure i told you what's up and you are there among the nations which god has driven you why did he drive them into the nations they they didn't even get in the land yet they didn't get land they're not even in and what's he saying i'm going to drive you to the nations that must have been hard to hear don't you think if you were there wouldn't you say what what i thought this nations why are we going why are we going to the nations it's not a good thing it's not a good thing then at last you will start thinking he's prophesying the lord is prophesying to them about what has happened to you when you're in these nations and you will return that's good so i don't know your god and not just return like okay we're sorry it doesn't work like that if you do something wrong you just don't say you're sorry you correct it i'm tired of sorry like i'm sorry you sure are stop it and you pay attention to what god has said which will be exact it's not going to be any different it's exactly what i'm telling you to do today it's not going to change the rules aren't going to change you and your children don't just you do it teach it to your kids i got a responsibility no matter how hard it might look to you when you guys were young if i didn't do it i would have had an answer for it i had no choice it was a delight but i had no choice kids it's a command and you come back to me not half-hearted ain't no half-hearted believers i want all of you all your heart all of you i want your emotions i want it all that's what god's saying so he's anticipating that the people will break the covenant before they even get in and be carried off into exile but the lord prophesies they will return and of course the only way to return is by making teshuva and it's perfect this pasha on the hills of yom teruah which is all about teshuva which is happening monday night next two verses it says when the time arrives that all these things have at this point i don't know you god will reverse your exile and show you mercy i mean he's telling left front you're gonna blow it but you're gonna you're gonna repent and i'm gonna extend i'm not gonna judge you i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna overlook some stuff and bring you right back in he will return and gather you from all the peoples to which i don't know you got scattered you make no mistake the devil didn't do it stop blaming the devil for stuff god's in control sometimes when you're suffering ain't from the devil if one of yours was scattered to the far end of the sky now do you know what you hear this was said we're looking at about 1240 bc when did israel become a nation again when was the rebirth 1948 that's a long time man do you think they thought it was going to take that long nobody did but it did not his fault your god will gather you even from there he will listen listen to the listen to what he's saying you won't have to struggle returning i will come and get you this is the goodness of god he's going to reverse the curse that's what he does that's the whole point of turning your life over to him and he's going to reverse the curse extend mercy recover and restore doesn't that sound like a good deal to you and he says i will find you listen the jews have all returned i told you this over and over again the only jews that haven't returned to the land are north american jews why don't north american jews return the same reason they didn't return from persia during the time of esther in 483 bc why did the jews return who wants to trek across the wilderness with no food no goods and then go back to jerusalem when the buildings are toppled on each other when we're living in persia like kings do you know how many ezra brought back when you read the bible you don't read the bible like you probably should read the bible and study it a little bit you just read it but only five percent went back meaning 95 percent stayed why did the jews stay in north america because they're rich because they got good jobs because the best colleges the best hospitals are in america america is a big convenience store it's a big drive-through you get whatever you want people complain they call their doctor their doctor calls in a prescription they go to cvs at two in the morning and they get and they go i had to wait there were two cars in front of me you spoiled brat come with me to africa come with me to india and i'll show you kids dying in the street we have it too good so no man at the country club swinging the golf club living in the big house rabbi i don't have a big house i have three thousand square feet that's 3 000 square feet more than they have in india so they don't want to leave but god promises them right that they got to come back so how is he going to get him back sock him in the wallet that's why the economy's got to go you think i don't want it to happen well god does he has a plan and his ways are not your ways it's high the heavens are from the earth his ways from yours so just sign on agree with the lord they're coming you might say rabbi what are you doing here i don't know i'm just waiting waiting for the call see ya there were 50 jews in jakarta indonesia indonesia 10 000 islands heavily islamic not a good place for a jew to be 50 of them and you know what god said i'm gonna get you and he went there and got him and now you know where they are in israel [Applause] five and six of deuteronomy 30. i don't know your god will bring you back into the land your ancestors possessed yes it's their land don't give me this focta he was this color he was that color he was a no they were hebrews period from the middle east i know there's all these cockamamie theories out there it's not biblical you're under a delusion confusion who's the author of confusion you bet it you will possess it he will make you prosper there and you'll become even more numerous than your ancestors there's more jews in israel now than there are in the united states that's a first and i don't know if you've checked recently but they are prospering then i don't know you god will circumcise your hearts what what's that about and the hearts of your children he's not talking about a physical circumcision that that he's already done they've already been circumcised physically so you can't be talking about that so that you will let yeah a circumcision in your foreskin doesn't make you love illinois in fact if you were probably old it'd make you hate arnoy but this circumcision is something different he's not talking physically he's talking spiritual and you're going to love the lord with all your heart and being thus you will live there will be a physical return he's saying and that has happened right has that happened this this is a prophecy has it happened amen yes yes and it and it's still happening but he's talking about a spiritual renewal he's foretelling the new covenant in jeremiah 31 this is a prophecy of foretelling about the new covenant and this covenant although it was revealed in the old testament it was not ratified until the death of yeshua for his was the blood of the covenant every covenant has blood except this was different now we can go to deuteronomy 30 19 which is at the very end and he says after he tells them all this he goes i call on heaven and earth meaning there's nobody hired a witness than himself every middle eastern or near east covenant contract had to have witnesses even a ketubah when you get married in a jewish ceremony right a lot of you have i've done your weddings we have a ketubah which is a contract in english and do we have to have witnesses yes yes witnesses authenticate it well he's saying i'm not going to call on moses or aaron i'm calling on myself to witness this you can't get a better witness than the lord himself she says i call on heaven and earth to witness against you today i have presented you with life and death the whole bible all of the spiritual kingdom is either good or bad no in between nope no half-hearted it doesn't work nothing everything in the bible is black and white you can either be a sheep or a goat nothing else and he says i presented you with two things two columns i've given you life and i've given you death i've given you the blessing and i've given you the curse and he's begging them pleading choose life choose life life for obedience death to disobedience but moses is pleading guys please choose life stay in the land be blessed be protected keep your enemies at bay let them come at you in one way and run in seven you'll lend you won't borrow how many of us have stuff and we're up to here in debt up to our eyeballs and then the last verse this is the objective where to love the lord where to love the lord pay attention to what he says and clinging to him you know there was a book i think it sold 87 billion copies the purpose driven life you know you could have summed it up right here this is the purpose is the purpose of every human being but especially a believer and you see that exclamation point he's making an exclamation he's exclaiming he's not just whispering this is the purpose of your life children of israel and those grafted in on this depends the length you will live in the land i don't know he swore he made a solemn promise he would give to your ancestors he made you check back in genesis he told abraham and then he he retold isaac and he retold jacob all the way back loving god is paying attention to what he says i can't say i love bern if i don't pay attention to what she says i can't if there's something she really wants as long as it's not immoral or illicit or going to cause a real problem logically speaking i have to pay attention otherwise my words are bogus i can say all day long i love you love you love you hun write in notes if it's not backed with action it means nothing it says cling to me and moses says this is the very purpose look at this word clinging to bach in hebrew why in hebrew because the old testament is written in hebrew it means to stick to to stay close to and to hold fast to stick to stay close to and hold fast you know velcro is an amazing invention i think it was invented in actually the 1950s a guy from scandinavia i think got the patent on it and it's great right i mean as we get older those sneakers with the velcro they're wonderful just tremendous so that's what he's saying that's what he's saying that piece with the hooks you got a piece with hooks and then you've got that other nylon piece with fibers and if you really think about it for us like god's like the garment your shoe is the hook and and where the pieces that stick to it and through him we get to have a relationship with god now moving on to the new testament reading that i got it was from 14 of john 6 and 7. it says yeshua said i am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me because you have known me you will also know my father from now on you do know him in fact you have seen him okay looking at the first verse 14 6. we have the sixth i am declaration by yeshua this is number six of seven he is proclaiming his unique identity and his purpose the disciples have been with him for three years it's the end of road now but they're still confused about what he said and don't be hard on them because if we were there we would have been just as confused okay first slide says i am the way i am the way you've got that one yeshua is saying i am the way to the father on the way to heaven he's using the definite article i he was saying i don't merely show you the way i don't guide you to the way he says i am i am the way he's not saying i'm one of many ways which a lot of people teach today i meet a lot of christians i i just travel a little bit and i'm telling you you know me i talk to everybody this one lady said well there's a lot of different ways and says she's a christian i said that's an oxymoron you're going to hate me but you are not a legitimate biblically based christian if you said that and believe that do you think she liked me i didn't care her husband was jewish i spoke to him for an hour and a half he was he was wearing a baseball cap and i was talking about about miss county judaism and then he lifted his hat and he had a kipper on what's the chances it was great you know god always gives me these appointments because you know what i want them i really do i want them most people like i'm tired i'm traveling i just want to sit here and relax you know you got plenty you got eternity to relax it's not relaxing so much he's not saying he's one of many ways he's saying he's the only way the way is not the ten commandments it's not the golden rule it's not ordinances and it's definitely not church membership etc etc it is true yeshua according to yeshua and the bible and yeshua alone in other words salvation is found in no one else period don't come up with your kakamemi well maybe they did well maybe god after they die yeah okay so i'm going to start listening to your bible i'm going to trust that i'm going to trust your cockamamie philosophy and ideology because you think maybe i think maybe you're totally wrong i'm gonna go with this it's proven i've studied it not just to read it i you know we did a 10 week series can i trust my bible if you're not sure watch it again 10 hours worth watch it and then he says i am the truth right he's not saying that i teach truth or the things that come out of my mouth the truth again the death i am i am the true i am you are the truth you know when somebody speaks truth and you go that's truth man i can't argue with that he's not saying that he's speaking truth he's saying he is what he is the embodiment of truth and he reveals true god god why don't you come down here and show us what you'd be like he did yeshua wasn't yeshua up in heaven there was how could yeshua be up in heaven from the beginning if man wasn't created yet what's your theology it says in the beginning wasn't yeshua in the beginning was the word of god and the word was with god and the word was god he was tripartite right and part of his he needed a body god is spirit right and he has a word but he's tripartite was the third part he needed a body a body has to bleed so the word took on flesh it didn't give up deity it took on humanity that's your theology that's biblical those who have yeshua have the truth that's arrogant who i don't care the truth is found in no one or nowhere else if you have it you should be thankful because you didn't find it he found you just be thankful just be thankful don't look down on nobody be thankful there was no reason why you got it no rhyme to you you don't deserve it okay how good you think you are and if you think you are good that's not good i am the life yeshua is the life the source of life both spiritual and eternal those who receive receive him have eternal life because he is the life so only the life could give the life yeshua declared he was going to lay down his life for his sheep and then take it back again nobody's been able to pull that off in the history of the human kingdom he spoke of his authority over life and death as being granted him by the father having life in himself he is able to bestow eternal life to all who believe in him period end of story john 14 7 the last verse it says because you have known me he's speaking to his disciples and he's speaking to his disciples you will also know my father from now on you do know him how can we know the first of all you're calling god father we just know him as elohim i don't know almighty god what's going on here what do you mean i'm gonna i'll know my father and then he says you know him they're confused you can't blame them right put yourself in their shoes didn't die yet they didn't resurrect yet they just have a promise in fact you have seen him what are you getting this are you putting yourself there you should be like what the heck well you might not want to say that i can say that because i'm from new york once more the lord taught this mysterious union that exists between the father himself if the disciples really knew yeshua was the way the truth and life then they would know the father also from now on and especially after his resurrection the disciples would understand that yeshua was not only god's son but god the son what a mystery i grew up in the hood and i grew up playing a lot of sports i was a sport guy and i love basketball because in the hood we don't have the big fields that the rich people have to play soccer and football we had little schoolyards concrete and we had some rims and we played a lot of hoops it's a very inner city game and i played a lot of hoops and i was pretty good for a little guy when i lived in orlando i trained a guy who wasn't a millionaire he was a billionaire and he had first throw seats season tickets and he never used them so he used to give them to me anytime i wanted and i would take my son jeremy to the games before max was born and um it was funny max i used to go in the guy who owned the magic he's he's a believer devos richard devos he used to sit the role behind me and he just assumed i was some big executive at nascar and uh i would be there with jeremy and we'd just be i mean this is when um shaq was playing and they had the best team they ever had and i was right there man and um when i would go up devos would go how's things at nascar and i go i think pretty good we're making billions more than you and he kept on saying who is that guy who's that guy i'm a 20 an hour personal trainer that's who i am a bum anyway i saw the uh i saw vince carter who's the greatest slam dunker ever right in 2000 he he slam dunked and they just said it's over but they nicknamed him half man half amazing that's what shaq nicknamed than a lot of other players they said he's half man half amazing i got news for you yeshua is fully man and fully amazing [Applause] and he slam dunk the devil pretty good now this verse 14 7 does not teach that god and messiah yeshua the same person so if that's what you're thinking again your theology is just not biblical okay we know there are three distinct persons right we we know this but there's only one god you got it and the more you try to figure it out the more confused you're gonna get stick with the script stick with the script john 1 1 john 1 14 stick with the script now i'd like to close with something that has kept me going and has encouraged me now guys i i'm so aware i'm i just got to tell you i'm i'm tired of the prayer requests i'm tired of praying for all of them you know i think golly rabbit that's harsh no it's truthful there's so many there's so many needs so many it's kind of overwhelming at this point it's hard to throw your whole heart into every prayer um i'm not i'm not no i'm not appeared just rah-rah sis boom barring you you know i don't do that nonsense i'm aware there's all kinds of things going on there's all kinds of things going on for me really a lot um i'm just trying to get you and me to finish this thing i'm just trying to get you and me to keep going you know like like any i've played sports i did triathlons i competed in martial arts full knockdown before mma was around you know sometimes when you have nothing left you had that guy that goes come on dig deep dig deep and you don't know where you where you're getting it from but you finish strong i'm i'm just a coach in the spiritual realm in the kingdom of god that's it i'm just doing my job now i'm not faking it i'm not blowing smoke up your dress i'm not doing that i'm not like faking it and setting you up for failure because the bible says that i'm confident of this one thing that he that started a good work in you and it's a good work will bring it to completion so i'm just acknowledging that fact but a lot of times because of circumstances circumstances not biblical facts we're like overwhelmed by those circumstances i know what it says but rabbi my life is not lining up with what it says anybody with me come on you all are you dirty little liars don't act like you're not it doesn't make you less spiritual it makes you normal you are not god and you are not yeshua you are just you and we get frantic at times and it's normal it's okay you don't have to put on your little game face here at beth yeshua and make like you've got this because nobody's got it yeshua's got it and don't look at anybody who might be fearful or scared and look down upon them because i got news for you god has some divine crazy crazy judgment sometimes and when you're looking down on somebody you might just have something come upon you that's a lot worse he has a way of doing that just so we play nice we're just us man we're just us but through it all yes i am trying to get you and me to finish this thing and not just finish it like oh okay finish it with a smile understand your position understand your destiny understand your blessing understand what was done for you be thankful be thankful for what you have did you did you walk through the sanctuary did you thank god this morning when you got out of bed instead of going oh oh i got to get coffee when you put your two feet were you thankful that they were feet at the bottom of your legs because there's not feet at the bottom of everybody's legs did you forget to do that did you forget that you didn't walk here did you forget that you got a frigid home full of food and if you don't feel like eating it you'll go to a plethora of restaurants to choose from so far blessed beyond the curse so far blessed beyond the curse well i want to show you a verse that you are very very very familiar with deuteronomy 31 6. okay this follows deuteronomy 30 of course but after he told them that they're going to be exiled and he's going to come get them he gives them this word of assurance now this word is just not for the jewish people or the children of israel the hebrews it's not just some old testament thing because it's repeated in the book of hebrews and the book of hebrews was written to who jews but they were believing jews they were they were me they were messianic jews and he repeated the same thing so it's not just the promise for the old testament jews it's a promise for the new covenant believers so when i read this to you it's not just something that well he said that to the children of israel in 1250 so maybe we can apply it no you could bank on it he says be strong he doesn't say be weak he doesn't say just be weak and you'll get in no no he's commanding them to be strong be bold stop being so timid stop wearing your little christian shirts and go into bible study after bible study and sitting in and sitting on the internet being a little spiritual internet gangster and shine your light nobody puts their light under a bushel basket it can't shine that way don't be afraid or frightened of them for i don't know your god is going with you that should be enough for you that should be enough for you he will neither fail you can anybody attest can i get a witness [Applause] in other words he's saying be secure be secure father look what's going on in the world i mean look what's going on in the world i just got from a friend this morning they just named the chaplain of harvard university who's responsible for 40 chaplains a card-carrying atheist who wrote a book called goodness without god do you know why this this this is beguiling to me are you familiar with harvard university do you know what the oldest university is in the united states harvard do you know what year it was was incepted 1636 do you know why because 17 000 puritans were immigrating and they wanted to set up a school for clergy for clergy and now they got a cod carrying atheist who wrote a book hey life is great without god he doesn't exist and he's heading up the program guys we're not coming to the end days we've arrived i i don't i don't know we're here but with all that's going on right okay rabbi sounds good you selling us a little bit come on i need a little bit more sounds good but give me some more how can this be lord how can i be secure when everything's falling apart simply because aranoi is with you [Applause] this is the amazing assurance and reassurance that we're not alone this is consistent with the new testament we're at the end of the gospel of matthew what does yeshua say when he gives them their charge and he's out the door and he's like and he goes oh and remember i'll be with you always event not just your life to the so we can't get any further than the end of the age because when the end of the age comes he comes so we're guaranteed to make it to the end of the age those words are very important look up the word fail in the hebrew and this is what you're going to find god's saying i will not relax how often do we relax come on you're all going to go home and eat like a pig and then go to sleep come on we relax all the time right i got to relax i just need to relax i need a day for myself surprisingly at times yes god's saying i will not relax i love that i love that word i will not relax i will not show myself slack i'll be taunt i'm not going to hold launch you haven't seen the movies when they're holding on they're trying to get the guy up and sometimes you make something no no god's got you and then he says i won't abandon you look at this word azab i will not depart from you i will not leave you behind you will not be left behind you know in israel when they run maneuvers the guy who gets in first has to go to the back of the line and make sure the last guy gets in i will not le i will not desert you there will be no deserters in my kingdom i mean is that not beautiful is that not beautiful to you you know i tell you this all the time a good rabbi they're really good with the old testament they're great with the torah they do a great job you know they bring in all this esoteric stuff and it's really cool and then a pastor he's just kill it with the gospels right but so few of them could bring it together they're either one lane or the other look at john 10 27 29. yeshua says my sheep listen to my voice i recognize them i know them they follow me and i give them eternal life they will absolutely never be destroyed no one will snatch them from my hands my father who gave them to me is greater than all he's the greatest he's the greatest i tell you they're not the same he's the greatest and no one can snatch them from my father's hands so this is the picture i get i get that picture from that now maybe i'm having some some autistic license but i don't think so because see that's not even good enough for me it has to be a closed circle so yeshua on the right if he comes around and grabs the father's hand is he not at the right hand of the father and now we got a closed circle remember our old testament reading from deuteronomy 30 wasn't that long ago usually people forget the sermon like after lunch you forgot it before you left the building wow let me show you that word clinging one more time to stick to to stay close to to hold fast the first time i read this i don't know why but the lord highlighted to hold fast i knew what to stick to matt i knew what sticky meant and i knew what to stay close means i knew it both physically and spiritually but to hold fast now you know i'm no builder jews don't build we've spent 400 years building the cities for pharaoh and therefore we don't own construction companies we don't do manual labor doctor lawyer engineer accountant so i don't know much about building but god said look up a holdfest so i did and that's what i got anybody a builder anybody know what this is you all know right we're from the south rabbi we know where the whole fast is boy what you talking about you don't know nothing so let me see if i have for you that don't know or i didn't know until i looked it up but i didn't look it up yesterday i looked it up years and years ago he told me like 15 years ago or something so the table and that block of wood that block of wood is held fast by this which is a hold fast once that locked that block is not going off the table you follow it's not moving so to me we're the block you calling us a blockhead no i'm calling you a block yeshua is the hold fast and the table is the lord you're held to the table by the hold fast yes is that what he's saying is he saying look when you feel like you can't cling to me i'm clinging to you i'm sticky when you feel like lord i can't hold on anymore even if you spread your fingers that doesn't stop him from holding your hand he's got you you know people say today the kids them all i hear them i got you you've got nothing you think i'm trusting you to get me you're out of your mind god's got me god's got me yeshua is a hold fast a hold fast is a device that holds something in place like a catch or a hook or a clamp your shoe is the catch your shoe is the hook your shoe is the clamp that holds us in place because of his life and death and resurrection we can be totally secure that the lord will never drop us or let us go we cling to him because he clings to us we're not holding on he is hallelujah if you know him then you have life and you have life eternal yeshua left but he didn't leave he's returning but he's still here fam we have to remember that as we go through these trying and turbulent times that we are being held fast by the hold fast let's stand together i was supposed to say something right i'm going to tennessee i'm going to tennessee to first baptist going to memphis thank you very much um elvis in there uh yeah i'm going next weekend right after synagogue i'm flying to memphis and i'm going to be there sunday morning for two services i think they stream them if you're interested i'm just i have to say this i'm not saying this i want you to watch i'm saying this because when i don't say it somebody called said why didn't you tell us so um two services on sunday morning one service on sunday night and then one service on monday night and they have a conference a it's fall it's a full conference yeah so they invited me to go there and i like these people a lot um i'll get it i like these people a lot and so um so i'm going anyway i just thought i'll let you know that just in case you have somebody in the area or something people watch and they from tennessee so they want to know when these things happen so that's why i'm like you know they happen moving on let's hold hands together may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be graced unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you peace and then the principle of peace yeshua is [Music] i love you guys shalom
Channel: Beth Yeshua - Macon
Views: 975
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fhdxsSZNbCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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