News Bloopers Gone Wrong

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to not for broadcast a game where I control the news I am the one who's going to determine what you out there in the public I get to hear and see and I'm going to craft the worst narrative I possibly can gonna make the world a miserable place at least I hope so enter game name Dinko Ben why not let's see I don't really know how this works I think I'm controlling the news and I think that I get to see oh okay oh god is too much information I want to fail miserably at this [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay okay okay my viewers are going up I'm a natural is this really her the new job okay or 3 2 1 okay this is so cool I can really just show the behind-the-scenes all right we'll get to that eventually I want to do a good job first but I am gonna mess with Jeremy in a while national nightly news okay okay okay three two one oh there's a really cool dude words [Music] okay daily 14 seconds it's so fun to see the behind the scenes alright imma [ __ ] this up I have the attention span of a wooden table but that's what's gonna be fun about this you're all gonna get the news and the best fashion possible welcome back to the news okay later we'll be hearing from the shock election winners advance okay here the star of stage and screen Megan Thank You Jeremy I think I went a little too early okay Lawrence are you the medicated I'm so good I'm amazing at this I would watch this I got the reaction that's good we for [ __ ] minutes on this sergeant Rock rock man she's not doing anything I think it's gross over billion don't see who's counting let's go to the Y between them okay the news is easy it's a beautiful question Megan I'm not easy to answer like you this is this is fascinating I'm a real live editor of news reactions I do it for the people that I inspire I do it but most of all I think I do my viewers that actually gone down of course okay okay okay [ __ ] that is exactly what it's probably like in real life okay this is good this is good no interference no interference on my broadcast I feel like Ron Burgundy okay did you slap her what a dick okay it's like a puzzle game it's like a stressful resource management game uh uh God and go together I'm gonna get a raise after this I'm the rest of this job the news is exactly what I deem it to be these these size seeds are really fun though I love this you boys had so much fun recording these for the game sterility okay here we go not today bumble okay okay oh it's but I just sense of the ad [Music] right oh man this is someone's actual job in real if someone out there is doing this right now [Music] [Music] I am going to I'm going to they saw okay I like hit these buttons though it makes me welcome back this guy in the top left just rocking away this is like five nights at new-path today is day one telling my viewership is going up I'm the greatest broadcast master my ratings are staying high I keep forgetting that I'm supposed to be talking to you guys as well I'm so focused I need to listen it's actually really fun I'm a natural baby when it comes to swearing and D monetization ain't no one better than a youtuber to figure this [ __ ] out yes today we'll stop making it very okay okay okay interesting exception spew in time someone's going to be in trouble not no no I believed it all at the time as the country braces itself for a new ad okay so that was the tutorial level that was super stressful what if she just get murdered secondly great a there was an a-plus I he was amazing at that that was really fun god damn notes outstanding censoring interference-free editing was just terrible yeah that part I was kind of failing on because I'm so worried about all the sensors and stuff when they were showing up that they kept forgetting about the ten and two second rule in that stuff oh what a glorious day it is to be in the news business No ah so you can actually just go back and watch all the scenes if you want that's fun so all the work that you put into for the game to like make ads and make scenes and Clips everything you can actually go watch them I don't actually want to watch this I don't like watching my work back all right day two day three an unexpected form is this game gonna take like a weird turn eventually I sort of turn into a horror movie day three an unexpected form you arrive home to find posts on the mat most being nothing more than the usual junk mail or letter however catches your eye the team wants to know you curiosity gets the better of you and you're opening it's a form from the new advanced government asking for information and all citizens the first page is filled in already your name Alex Winston your spouse Sam Winston your children Charles is Susie Winston well you muses at least they got the basics right the rest of the questions are left is for you to complete they appear to be mandatory question one upon starting a new job you would be friendly and introduce yourself to your new co-workers be productive and get to work immediately ease yourself in and orient yourself with your new workplace reminisce with friends about all jobs I think if I was to start a new job I'd like to show my productivity immediately then the stuff I can all do afterwards question to a colleague in a different department is confined in confided in you that they've been taking home confidential information now a foil of minor importance has gone missing would you help your colleague cover up their violation recommend that your colleague reports it promise your colleague that you won't tell anyone report the violation to your supervisor immediately I ain't no snitch I'll keep it private I should have heard to get in trouble later you know what I'll take the fall which snitches get stitches and our [ __ ] ain't one of those men an entire department was fired today for consistent underperformance your boss has put a new place new in place new targets that are significantly higher than the previous ones you would leave work untighten stay late to ensure you hit the first deadline leave work early and head to the pub to chat about the changes of colleagues leave work early and head home to your family I would make sure that I hit the first deadline after that it's anybody's game boy drinking with the mates and your family question four is the annual company barbecue and you and your family have been avoided you are looking forward to enjoying a nice day out with friends and family are washing your hair that day no I'm gonna go out and enjoy myself whatever decent wonderful time question five you've had a long successful career now about to retire in your speech you list your achievements and all the good memories you have of working there give an honest review of the pros and cons of the company focus on issues and challenges you've faced while working there refuse to attend let's be the nice person question six in your spare time you like to relax alone doing things like listening to music or making models attend political rallies and stand up for what you believe in encourages for your children but their hobbies play in your local sports scene I don't think you just do one thing in your spare time I like watching movies and playing games in my spare time but if it did that all the time that it would be boring let's encourage my children and all my children to turn out to be degenerates your ideal holiday getaway would be surrounded by natural beauty getting away from the strain of the daily grind exploring somewhere unfamiliar and discovering new experiences and challenges a structured day out at a theme park bursting with thrills and attractions for you and your family a romantic getaway for your partner to a tropical island paradise II again it could be any of these it was just in LA which was a nice time with friends and it was in a bustling city I also before that went with my beautiful girlfriend to a amusement park a theme park which was delightful as well it is the most important that the government keeps people equal maybe keeping people happy is a hard thing to do you can't keep people happy freedom is also good I think that kind of comes with the Equality though and their safety let's just say equal cuz I don't know what else to pick thank you for your cooperation offense knows your time is valuable and we appreciate your help and leading the nation to applaud a future sangmi ah day six a family matter so this is much more than just that stuff it's much more than just the broadcast off now it's like papers please but I have to do all the in betweens as well it's like some of the kids have gone to bed you're just drawing up a favorite coffee cup worn-out souvenir if you first strip together the prints faded but the goofy face still makes you smile and knock at the window brings you back to reality they're in the garden clutching a goatee neon green suitcase is Chris Sam's sibling as soon as you let him in they sit at the kitchen table visibly stressed Chris takes a deep breath I'm sorry for bursting in so late Alex Chris stammers but I need a favor and here's the only one who can ask what's going on you must have seen all this crazy advanced stuff the assets and wealth Act they're calling it taking or taking people's hard-earned money to fund the lazy it's [ __ ] you've never seen Chris this agitated I'm not saying that top 1% or whatever don't have stupid money Chris adds hastily but they can afford it people like me we're going to lose everything that's awful but I'm not sure how I can help you were always the well-off one in the family I'm sorry about taking sorry but taking from the rich to help the poor doesn't sound so bad yeah ah the god there's a lot of politics in that I'm not sure how I can help you were always the well-off on in the family this is what I think opens up more of the conversation because I want to know Hawaii he was the well-off one of the family they're going to take everything Alex everything I've spent my life building I can't let that happen I need a favor Chris's eyes find the floor tiles I need to borrow your passport my passport why they've taken mine and half the bloody counties but people always say you and I look similar so Chris is pacing now I need to leave before it's too late once I'm out me and my money will be safe but I need to go now before they freeze my accounts oh wait I read that surge of that wrong he's the well-off one and they're taking his money to help out the poor [ __ ] that yeah pay your taxes properly spread the wealth give back please Alex I wouldn't ask if didn't have any other choice surely there's another way it can't be that serious giving you my passport to run off with your money who Chris is miles falls open you're joking right I've always done right by you and Sam I've treated your children like they were my own we're families that mean nothing to you it's against the law I can't help you with this fine solve this myself so much for family loyalty a grabbing the Nayan fluorescent suitcase Chris disappears into the night you go back to the dishes picking up Sam's cup again the peeling face now seems to bore into you but not in your stomach tightens it's a hard thing to do going up against your family like that but you know what I get it family is family and should always stick by family but if they're asking you to break the law and steal your passport just so they can hold on to all the millions of dollars they have and not help out the people who need it most that's a bit different okay we're back in the studio they ate the phone oh right [Music] yes is this gonna become a thing later where I get too hot and I have to turn on the fan I know I'm talking God do they advance go getters okay that's a good one to start off with you know people need to pick me up a motivating factor you dick Oh Shawn where's this one bed should we play this is this yeah [Music] okay okay okay okay okay okay listen to what they're saying okay this is a weird picture I don't know why I would have chosen the other picture anyway look at those beautiful bastards okay I got this this is fine yes that's how you get the viewers up I forgot that I'm supposed to be getting viewers up at the end of it all oh god I'm afraid should we actually be I'll be going live around the country I joke with people fear my fears go to go from down the streets alone at night should this be exactly the right time for advances new approach Oh a mega cape I lost viewers I was trying to see if I could okay that's all coming up on tonight oh my god okay I did it I did it well this is stressful I don't actually be at work okay can keep an eye on this that's good [Music] all right we have some time before this ends right [Music] okay okay got it joining me Katie Brightman her leading economist Alan James is right the free man's guide to waking up this is awesome nothing Jeremy we're still vassal slaves for Justin okay I got this this is good do you agree I'm afraid I don't okay I should get better at using my actual numbers they're moving to the next steps in the grand plan okay got it Jeremy where to become the great hood sterile if we carry on the way we are we will destroy ourselves and this planet in a Dorji of consumption if you'll excuse the colorful mess I'm not even paying attention to what they're saying okay good I'm trying to see if I'm doing a good job with the transitions and I want to go to the white shark because it's ugly look I messed up they rebranded I forgot that there's a two second leading okay viewers go up the grooming of an entire generation to walk he's very passionate about whatever it is he saying so try to sell your book it's all coming from the water that chemicals humping it full of police juice lose their power after spending half my job that could be catastrophic the catastrophe is that they escaped I think we're doing okay 30 seconds bleep space where we've all been figuratively sodomized into submission we might be on the evils of brave new world knows we need some change but we need to be cautious let's walk forwards with our eyes open let's two very different visions of the future they're cool James kg Brightman thank you for joining me when we come back I'll be investigating Lauren orders the whole mega meets some beneficiaries of the assets and wealth that's all coming up tonight on the national nightly lives one minute back okay whoa I did it this is the additive we're not sure if we should be showing I want to actually see what it looks like [Music] they're swearing sorry I want to see what this toy is okay we're back I am so anxious playing this game just this department that we should be concerned we need legislation okay [Laughter] Jeremie easier [ __ ] it's all in the so much going on [Laughter] I am not having this again oh my god I'm trying to just run my [ __ ] editing here so saying Jeremy crime is the responsibility of the criminal no one else between everyone has this switch between them whatever okay when out door to a ditch come Sunday - does she kind of killing spree no she takes pills and hide under the stairs okay she's just call me slowly everybody else does okay are you space prisons a mixed bag okay [Laughter] rehabilitation it's just not up for it you know inherently just God more [Music] you are joking chrissy free polyphony got mr. fancy oh just some [ __ ] I lost viewers I was too busy trying to figure out what was going on ok we're oh Jesus Christ I I don't understand what he was saying there's so much information okay friendship mercy really important we got six minutes okay okay I'm doing going on this one I'm so focused I'm sorry I'm just like sitting here looking at the game got it okay so now it's okay for me today but why money's really happy what I need give it to him okay kind of pay attention to my viewers my two new friends these a molester of the netball team yes Blake owns a motorbike yeah but I can't fight all three of you okay I'm sorry into this oh [ __ ] what's happening [Music] take it I don't know what how this works [Music] [Music] oh wait I'll be on beat [Music] I'm okay [Music] [Music] okay I really have to concentrate Jesus [Music] yeah yes [Music] [Music] [Music] friendship yeah god that was so stressful oh those so good holy [ __ ] save a grenade yes they're [ __ ] nailed it oh my god BBA I'm still passing notes outstanding censoring interference-free you're editing was okay so I'm gonna interference and go to sensory skip at Dev yeah okay thank you hey I just did it just starts on the toys I didn't even realize this stuff [Music] damn it I should have saved up for these god [ __ ] anyway auto bleep wait why bother working when you audible you can do it for you this is gonna be so good damn it I cocked it all up okay what I'm gonna leave this video here this is really fun to play it mixes so many different elements that I thought I would hate and I it's so much information to take in and in trying to talk to camera and trying to figure out what I'm doing and listening to them and all this stuff all at once it's very overloading and very chaotic at times but it was really fun to do part of me kind of wants to [ __ ] up the broadcast but the gamer in me is like no do the best you can so we've gotten good grades so far because I think I'm pretty decent at this job but I can't imagine how hard this is gonna get later on and for someone like me it's my brain is going to explode playing this game but it really makes this kind of like a papers pleased with the sort of five nights at Freddy's interface where you're looking at the cameras you have to figure out all that stuff but they in between segments are also interesting and I hope that there's some sort of weird twist to this that something ends up happening outside of the studio and then this is all just kind of ancillary gameplay towards it that would be really fun if it turned into like a horror game towards the end put I'm excited this is a cool game it's only new out and steam so if you want to play it for yourselves you can click the link in the description to go to the link and download it but I want to leave it here thank you guys for watching if you liked it and you want to see more of it please don't forget to like the video and leave a comment down below it'll really let me know what you guys are into and also don't forget to subscribe if you're new here as well until next time I will see you then good night I think that was the most stressful I've ever felt playing a video game
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,838,066
Rating: 4.957478 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, not for broadcast, not for broadcast gameplay, not for broadcast game, not for broadcast walkthrough, not for broadcast full game, not for broadcast pc gameplay, gameplay, funny moments, funny, not for broadcast jacksepticeye, censor, censorship, news game, news broadcast, news bloopers, not for broadcast let's play, news bloopers funny, funny news, funny news fails, news bloopers the game
Id: YOPg5tkc6mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 9sec (3309 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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