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[Wapoosh!] Top of the morning to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome to "Late Shift". It's not a game- It kind of is. It's an interactive thing. Remember when I played Virtual Morality? That sort of web-based video thing where you could click and make decisions in it and then the actors went off, and it's something else. It's one of those, so I don't know how long it is I don't even know really know what the story is but I like these types of thing I like the idea behind them, the interactive real action story, it's like you get to interact with your own movie. So if someone's gonna make a stupid decision. You're like No, do the other thing do the not stupid one. So here we go, new game. Choices matter, 1 of 14 I made a good choice apparently I clicked "New game", it was the hardest choice I had to make so far I like it. It's like John Wick music. You ever seen John Wick by the way? Good movie. Man look at those graphics! Okay dude, relax. This is so silly, I love it. Uh, selfless? Are you Mr. Robot? Yes, let's dash. Imma help. I'm gonna miss my train, but ah haha! I made it anyway! See, you can help and still catch your train! Why's everyone in such a rush all the time, Slow down, ponder, help someone out. Late Shift Okay, this is gonna be good! I know this is gonna be fun!!! cuz we're going to have some really cheesy shitty dialogue but that's what's going to be the best part about the whole thing and then making ridiculous decisions based on that Niiice car [British accent] Morning Alfred, how are you doing? Well, bye Facking 'ell So I guess this is why it's called late shift then Looking dapper my dude That must be a boring bastard of a job It's a nice car Look at them doors you gotta lock it again That guy was a dick I don't think one random encounter with a dick turns you into a dick Unless deep down hidden inside there's a small bit of douchetry going on're back Algorithm game theory? *laughs* Liar! Oh should we give them over or not? Why? why? let's enquire. Whoaa Okay [laughs] This is going to get me in trouble, but down the rabbit hole we go! I wanna see what crazy shit this has to offer I heard something Is there a ghost? [gasps ]There's somebody! Don't worry ma'am. I'm going to take out my pencil sharpener and fuck this guy up What are you doing mate? [whispers] Let's get spooky The fuck? Oh, no, he's got a pistol! You do not look like the same guy who would climb down through a vent with mission impossible gear Keep pepper spray. He's not gonna shoot me Okay, he might shoot me Shit Which one? There's so many. hurhur You said that she was rash. That's a rash This guy also looks like a dickhead. A lot of them going around This is interesting. What's going on? Is James Bond gonna come save us? Uh, let's drive. I don't want to get shot in my back. I like my back. It's always behind me. It's always supporting me Plus I just want to drive the nice car Are we in jolly ol England? Of course we are. Everybody in this thing so far had British accents You do not match any of this Wait, don't want to get died. I woke up this mornin. I said not today, not fucking dying And I keep going into the accent because everybody else is speaking it. I'm like a parrot [laughs]. Ooh, hello Mr. Handsome. Hello Ow! Fuck Ooh! That's racist Irish Pete! [Irish] Ah sure fair play to yer petey! I can drive! Can I be part of a heist? Steal away. Protest! Er, fuck you! Nyeheheh [laughs] These are all words that definitely mean something [laughs] Yes He looks familiar [British accent] I say smashing, gentlemen! Let's do this Uhh, what's in it for me? I'mma push it! I'mma keep pushing She's impressed. That's the face of a person who's impressed nice, dude Quit my job, met a couple of people, now I'm on a bank heist. Fuck yeah that's how I James-Bond my way in situations. uhhh Normally, I try and turn ya in but this is so much fun and I want to see the crazy shit happen. I want to see car chases. I want to see gunfights. I want to see Tom Cruise Mission impossible At least you look good And you still have all your teeth Of course. It's what I thought. ah-hah Maybe talk a little quieter? Uh, agree just fucking music See just slip right into the suave detective role uh, double-O what? Take these rabbit Ears such a boring bastard of an auction. You need to be yelling these things out! [fast auction speak] 9-50 9-50 9-50 on the right One of things is not like the other Oh man, but I was just about to bet a million on it Take it Away, Katie Then wear some gloves! Yeah he's wearing gloves Good man! Thank you, guys Billion dollars! Oh Two million is a lot of money Four million for a tiny rice bowl? [gasp] sneaky You do not have seven million That's a man who has eight million, just Ahhh, let her go I want to see where this shit kicks off to Oh, Mr. Tchoi dude, I'm having fun If I had popcorn I'd be eatin it It's okay I have it in my wallet But he has math! She's- She's- She's keen She's gonna get it! She's gonna get it! Come on, May! Fuck, dude you're just like, look at this bitch Oh will they do it? Will he do it? he's gonna do it Your math was bullshit, Matt Kind of, coincidental how it was Matt and math Yeah, I think we'll quit here We got it it's fine it's okay, I got I got an adrenaline rush, and I get to keep my money fantastic, it's a great night's work See you later [laughs] it kinda does. You just said it doesn't work on that. You can't have your cake and you can't slather it all over your face at the same time Whoa, too fucking close It's too much fun! We got to do a super cool bit a second ago plus You're a security guard. You know the weak points. Touch the back of the knee. LG great TV Hi It's not my fault she bid 12 and a half billion dollars She looked like she was good for it Are you saying I should wait until Simon says What? Let's play along, I'm having too much fun! I like feeling like a badass secret undercover detective stealer Sorry. [laughs] Boop! get em, get em! Fuck em up! Uh, okay. Okay okay. Go get it. Go get it Dropkick em! [laughs] We need the trolley we need it. I want that Takeaway aw poor dude. don't fucking kill him! Stellar acting Oh no, it's Tom Holland! Who's going to be Spiderman now? did you kill him?! dude Ooooh feeling bad now I'm a mathematician two plus two equals bad feeling did it Boom We're in! Nice. I'm a fuckin natural, baby! I'm feeling a rush of adrenaline now, baby This is so stupid Choices matter 5 out of 14. Okay I don't know how many choices do we actually get I mean yeah, woohoo! Did we? Ha ha me neither, hurhur. High-five. Never refuse a high-five! Thanks Yeah, ahh okay It's all fun! This new year at Hogwarts fucking crazy Plus it's a game. Why not knock a bit of fun out of it. Let's see how far this rabbit hole goes This is really well made, too. like this is a lot of production value for something that's just up on Steam. I mean not to say that other things on Steam aren't of high production value, but I don't know, I I expected it to be a lot cruder than it is I like the music What's up splinters What were you doing all this time? Freaking Simon How would I ever get away with this I'm all over the cameras. I clocked into work. I'm on the cameras going off in the car Hold on there, Jimmy Oh no! Now we're all dead! That rice bowl is not looking too good anymore guys Is somebody alive? Matt, you're okay. It's short for the mathematician Tap-tap. Wake up Wake up, sleepy head Ouchies Are you alive? Yeah, they were gonna kill me anyway. How do you know that?! I've seen dead people before. Those are some dead people All part of the plan. What was that? Ah Mr. wall. Ah, Woe, sorry. It's gonna be May. Convince her Moment! You have to decide. Take her Sounds like I'm the one deciding We did it May and Matt together forever At least you're wearing flats. Sorry just had to check and make sure my ankle was still there. We're good. I can I can walk You go up to Mr. Woe and you're just like I got your rice bowl Here ye go All covered in blood and everything Um [laughs] Fucking sick tenner mate "Memory crearing." Oh no Yeah, and it's gonna be more than 10 pounds! Imma have a fucking fortune cookie I want to see what the fortune cookie says Is Matt and I gonna turn out great? I base all of the rest of my decisions on this Uh, mine says you're going to be a straight out baller thug and will be super handsome [whispers] For fuck's sake "Forrow me prease"... Really? [Cantonese] They said that they have something important to tell you. [Cantonese] Ah Tsam, come over here. Hello How are you? Nice suit. Ohhh that's a big meat piece of a sharp metal Don't you be eyeballing me. pretty good, right [Cantonese] Boss, isn't this Tchoi's bowl? Yep [Cantonese] Ah Tsam, prepare to take care of him. That's bad I assume that's Chinese for fuck their shit up Thanks man Thanks man! All great things! That's great for my well-being! Oops I'm not hearing a no Great idea Nah Matt wasn't working, but I'm gonna try again Uh-oh Uh-oh Shiiiiiit once more Man, Matt's math didn't check out that time 2 plus 2 equals dang Welp Burger King? Sell him the bowl Yup Better plan Oh Thanks. Yeah. No No What is this conversation? Ah okay. Police boring anyway. I want to see how we get away with this Plus if we go to the police that might end it. And I don't want to do that yet. I want to keep this train rolling I want to hear Matt's Mathematical algorithms and how much percentage of her subconscious is going to get away with this [laughs] That's the face of nervous people Oh, they're in for it now Choices matetr 7 out of 14 Nice you look like shit, mate. You got blood all over your head Why do you guys need suitcases? They look like aer lingus' bag tags. Did you guys fly from Ireland? Irish Pete, is that you? yep, that's how robbery work What's the mathematical probability of another kiss, Matt? Star-cross lovers This is amazing! Oh god, the cringe Hell yeah, it is that's going to explode behind you I can't hear the with the fucking music! He got killed! This music is a little loud in my back head Who mixed this audio? Shame on you Uhum, I bet Mr. Woe is the guy who was auctioning it uh, open a window! [Cantonese] Wait, where are they? [Cantonese] Yo, they're upstairs, quick! I've played Uncharted. I know how to escape... [Cantonese] Hurry up and catch them! buildings Upstairs! Not the window, not the window! Matt it's a bad idea. the mathematical assumptions over that is stupid [Cantonese] Catch them! Go up, go up, go up! [Cantonese] Be careful. They're really slow. Yo fuck you! Oh no! [Cantonese] Don't break it! Oh it's so ridiculous looking! Oh no! Two kids gon' die tonight! [Cantonese] Hurry the fuck up, tie him to the chair. [Cantonese] Yes, boss. [Cantonese] You sit right there and don't move. Hello It's up my butt That was the dude who was at the auction [Cantonese] Uncle, sorry for waking you up this late. [Cantonese] Jim is next door asking the woman. [Cantonese] Hasn't said fuckall yet. [Cantonese] You disappoint me! The bowl is ours, go tell him that! Get slapped, bitch! [Cantonese] Yes. All he said was that your bathrobe looked really nice It looks better than nice Yes! Everyone's getting slapped Stole bowl ohhhh Those are some bad Juju That's a finger dismemberiser. Yeah, 's what happens if I stay silent? What! Wait that was true, what am I thinking [Cantonese] What is he saying? [Cantonese] He says he's got nothing to do with it. [Cantonese] Where's the bowl? [Cantonese] Don't you lie to me. [Cantonese] Say it! [Cantonese] Where is it?! What? Oh no, not my fingers! I wish it was simple math. Ow ow, holy fucking jesus OHHH Can we just play some mario kart? Oh balls bludgeon or blade? Hmm The long one Thanks oh I made a bad choice. That was the bad one. I don't fucking know Ohhhhwoooahhh [Cantonese] Lying now, aren't we? Meh [grimace] Oooghhh, my poor little Thumb-o's Cuz she looked at it, and she was surprised. So maybe she didn't know it was a fake either ow ow ow not my thumb uppers How else am I gonna like stuff on facebook? Arghh, in for a penny in for a pound Am I gonna get myself killed? Awwhhhhhh, fuck Arrghhhhh awhhhh No trust her! why not? Fuck it! oh bad idea. bad idea oh very bad idea Hello! [Cantonese] The girl exposed everything. [Cantonese] He will bring the bowl here. Bitch! [Cantonese] You have to trust me! Only he is able to bring back the bowl! Ahhh I rescind my my bitch remark, sorry. That was very unreasonable of me. That was very harsh I didn't mean it. okay This bowl doesn't even look good. You can't hold any food in that Parr? Well, isn't that just fine and Dandy like sour candy so the guy selling the item, was that Parr? The only par I know is golf Okay, Matt we can do this We got it May, also, fuck you Away I go Gooooood question There ya go Atta boy Fuck yeah! Oh Yes What a- what a dick! He sounds Irish He's Irish! We're just having a laugh aren't we? Fucking hell, man. All right see latta boys. He's fucking true person That was weird Did he? did he matt? just google him there he is! Sebastien So he's not dead? Oooh The good punch of morality He's been through enough, Matt, leave him alone So, how are you going to get in? Through the front door, why not Choices matter 10 out of 14! It's the girl from earlier Hmm, click click click click. No What? That's very true Didn't you just hear me? Triads! There is CCTV footage of you talking to her you know What if Sebastian just has the bowl with him? an old man out for a little stroll That's a cute old man. oh he dropped it. Ohhhhhhkay Ohhohokay in a porn magazine? Ah, Sebastien! Ah oui oui wake up please? I'm here. I am your reaper. I'm here to give you punishment Hi it's me. It's your boy, Matt Jesus Matt. Calm down Tres bien Elevator (Fuck) Pinky swear, dog Oh, God, oh, God okay Maan! right We got our answer cheers, Seb! No hard feelings, eh? Right. (Bastard) Uh, no, Matt He didn't know my name. Connard. I don't know that means I'm sure he called me some name Did he call me a canard? He called me a duck? How dare he? Just cause I look a little bit like a duck, just cause my mother was a duck doesn't mean I'm a duck Uh-oh, it's the police We safe We good I don't know how we're getting away with all of these It's almost morning though. They might kill me You're not just going to walk in the front door, are ya Let's sneak! That, was sneaking? She'd no questions. No nothing. No never seen you before Uh, go down? I don't know where I'm- oh I should've just swiped the card [gasp] swipe the card swipe the card swipe the card swipe the card swipe the card Hey guys I don't look suspicious. What are you talking about? What am I doing? Nahhh Let's continue We got the info needed Yes. I don't know where I'm going I'm fine! I'm fine. No one's, no one's any of the wiser. It- my mathematics face is my mathematics face is going to get me through this Was I supposed to go to the carpark? Ahhh, they're in the vans Hello Can I get in over there? There's van 5 There's van seven. Hide now go Ah shit! Didn't know he was going to drive away with it Dude! I thought I was hiding and then he was gonna close the doors and walk away then I was gonna go over and sneak in and get it It's ok we can chase him. Follow that van! We got this Matt. We got it. Don't you even fucking worry about it. May's going to survive. We're going to save her and we're going to make bank at goes down smooth We're just at someone's house now Ding-Dong It's me, the postman Okay. You've a- you've a cool accent Samuel Parr We meet again Don't give him your real name, you fucking idiot Sorry dad Give it up, Gandalf Dude! Now we're- now we're fucking talking. Attaboy Sebastien Samuel. Sebastian was the other guy, sorry. I'm a little hazy over the fact that I was in a car crash and my life is upside-down Keep intimidating. I don't want to hurt an old man! Poor Ula Ah-hah! It's right here [belches] What if he has a panic button? Shit! Oh got him! Yeah! Dude! Matt just dodged a bullet! I'm not gonna shoot him Umm Nuh-uh Nah, mate, nah I think I got an ending Sit boom sit I- Oh jesus How about we settle this over a nice cup of tea. Ula? Come on in It's a picture of himself [laughs] Fuck's sake I think I got an ending cause a bunch of achievements showed up Uh-oh Ohhh ohhhhh We got it You know that bowl's good for? Dank soy sauce, dude Fuck this! I'm going to the Tchoi's. I'm not gonna go home and sit in my bath I want to know what's going on Okay, they don't seem to have any objection with me being here so that's good Fucking Matt with the badass stare He's got this down Hello, spitface oh she's not going to be dead, is she [Cantonese] Call the police. Is that what he said? Does anyone know what they're actually saying in Chinese? I'm curious. I want to know if they're actually saying what they say they're saying No Noooo Motherfuckers No! God, what a bittersweet ending! Actually, it's not bittersweet. It's just fucking horrible! I got caught by the police they told me- they told them where I was gonna be And now they they think I killed her Joe sour-butts? [laughs] The dude who played Matt was called Joe sour-butts Oh It's probably so-wer-butts or something, but it looks like it it spells sour-butts Oh My God!! that is the best name I have ever heard Fuck yeah, dude. That was fun! Despite the ending that I got I think there's other endings that you can get where you actually get away with it or Everyone survives and all that kind of stuff. Erm, so I kind of messed it up, but that was fun. I really like that. I like these types of things They're very inventive And they're very creative and this one was actually done really really well cause when I played Virtual Morality that was still really good But you could tell that it was made on a budget So this one actually feels like it was made with a much more considerable budget we had car chases We had, well, some of the car stuff was in green screen we had like a car exploding and then we had like a lot of sets and a lot of areas and a lot of Scenery to go through and the camera shots really nice Dialogue and the audio mixing was a bit all over the place, and you can clearly see where they had ADR-ed all the lines Um But that was really fun!!! I liked that a lot! I hope you guys enjoyed that. I know I didn't get a great ending out of it, but It is what it is um.... Plus I wanted to pick the choices that kept the story going the longest I didn't wanna go to the cops right away Cuz normally, if I'm playing a game like this, and I'm trying to make actual moral choices I'll try and do the right thing as much as possible, but this just felt like it was too Cheesy and corny and over-the-top. I wanted to see where it went I wanted to get to the end of it I wanted to go the whole way and See what happens. I don't even know if you went to the cops immediately will that actually end the game or something I have no idea. I'd be curious to see if we go through it again. How other stuff will end up. But anyway~ Thank you Guys. So Much For Watching this!! if you liked it, PUNCH THAT Like Button, IN THE FACE!! LIKE A BOSS!!! And High Five all-round! *Whoopsh 2x* But Thank you guys and I will see all you Dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO~~~~! (Outros) "I'm Everything By Teknoaxe" Tell me Matt. What was the mathematical probability of the algorithm that I'm gonna fuck you over at the end? Probably quite high
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,951,096
Rating: 4.9360356 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, late shift, late shift game, late shift movie, steam, interactive movie, interactive, interactive video, movie game, interactive movie game, real life, actors, live action, interactive live action, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, let's play, Virtual Morality, choices, interactive real life, in real life video, reaction, characters, scenes, choose your own story, interactive choose your own story, heist, heist game
Id: P2dRxRBfTa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 33sec (4713 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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