BEEP BOOP! EVERY Paradox Pokemon EXPLAINED! 🤖📱Pokémon Violet Edition!

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With the release of Scarlet and Violet,  the new “gimmick” Pokemon of this game are   the paradox Pokemon. These are basically the  ancestors or descendants of existing Pokemon,   with a major focus on version exclusivity.  Scarlet gives the player a glimpse into the   past where monstrous beasts and… angrier  mushrooms thrived. But the focus of this   video is the future variants introduced  in Violet. And… these are honestly… kinda… …disappointing? Don’t get me wrong, most of  em look cool! But… They’re just robots. I   get we don’t have a lot of deep lore on  the future since… well it's the future.   But there are plenty of futuristic  sci-fi concepts that aren’t robots,   think mutated post-apocalypse, or far-future  speculative evolution, SO much more. Not to mention each of their names begin  with Iron and becomes a monochrome silver   when shiny. Overall, they just feel like an  afterthought. Simply Imposters of the originals. And if all calculations are correct,   past me should’ve just made a  terrible & overused among us joke. Oh I guess we’re doing this again Right you are! I figured you could use some  help from a guy who already did the research Oh? I mean sure, but they’re just  robots, there’s not much to explore. Nonsense! There are TONS of different kinds  of robots out there, it's not like one size   fits all. There are bots for building  machines, providing lifesaving health   care, and yelling at you on Twitter en masse.  So even if they are from the future, each has   their own rich lore and inspirations taken from  various robots of both pop fiction and reality. I’m not so sure about that rich lore  part. Have you seen their dex entries? Yes, they’re certainly lackluster compared to  other Pokemon, but the dex entries aren’t our   only source for info on these machines. If you  visit the academy’s library, you can find some   more info from the violet book and paranormal  occult magazines scattered around. Admittedly,   those sources arent verified, but neither are  half the dex entries. And im sure there are   still plenty of mysteries that’ll probably  be answered in DLC. But what we do have   is enough to form a solid diagnosis  on them. Let's begin with this one. The first paradox Pokemon Violet players are  introduced to is the quaking Earth titan - Iron   Treads. A highly-modified version of the Pokemon  you know as Donphan. It keeps the recognizable   elephant elements like the tusks and ears.  And I especially like what they did with the   trunk. It's a piece of tank treads! And while the  Pokemon itself doesn’t roll around like Donphan,   the “trunk” curls across the body, creating the  treads to do the rolling instead. Its pokedex   claims it can travel so fast it leaves a trail  of its path permanently scorched into the Earth. And that’s the most important aspect to its  design. If you remove the bottom part of a tank,   it resembles the body shape of Iron treads.  Just round out the turret and give it two   main guns to represent the tusks and wallah- a  really really scuffed version of a war machine…   elephant. And the pokedex  backs up this tank connection Of course, it could just represent  a futuristic war machine in general. now that you mention it, Plenty of scifi  franchises love making sci-fi wheel machines.   Like the monocycle from wolfenstein. It's  technically an old invention that never caught on,   but plenty of sci-fi shows bring them up,  especially in the context of alien worlds   where I guess they DID catch on, Even  the iconic Star Wars has a couple. But   How are you supposed to see when driving one of  these? I guess some sit their dudes on the side? Now considering this is the PAradox mon  they made the Titan, I could also throw   the Q-ship from infinity war in that mix.  A UFO manned by Thanos’ army. Trust me,   we’ll get to aliens in a moment, but I  don’t think there’s an Elgyem crawling   around in Iron Treads or anything. Instead,  these paradox pokemon are possibly drones. I can see that, Drones are remote-operated robots,  either by a controller or navigation programs   like gps. In either case, a human pilot is not  physically traveling with it. These days, most   drones are aerial vehicles, but the definition  includes any remote-controlled autonomous vehicle. Most people think of Amazon delivery drones  when you mention the word. But the militaries   of the world also use drones. Unmanned  combat aerial vehicles resemble what you’d   expect an aircraft to look like. The only  difference is there are no people in there,   Making them more compact and less complicated to  make, thus almost all warfare in some versions of   the future is done with drones. Drones maximize  reward while minimizing risk: if the drone dies,   no humans die, of course this is assuming  a future where human life still has value,   but either way; worst case your machine gets  blown up with no casualties for relatively cheap… Now that may be what it costs to house and  feed 1200 homeless people for a year… and   it gets blown up instantly. But context!  That’s also just a Big Mac in my time. Regardless, While on the topic of war. Elephants  have been used in many battles during the early   years of human conflict. War Elephants have been  used in classical India, China, Persia, Rome, and   even Alexander the Great himself owned 150 in his  armada. A large chainmail cover would be placed   over the elephant to protect it from weaponry,  as they proved to be effective before the time   of firearms. Their large size meant they could  barrel through opposing forces’ defenses, while   multiple soldiers could ride atop the beast and  attack from above with spears and bows. However,   once guns were invented, it was pretty much game  over for them. Suddenly these unstoppable forces   of nature became extremely slow and large  targets, so their use died out with them. But their legacy lives on! Media still  uses war elephants in fantasy settings   like in Lord of the Rings and  Adventure Time. And In some ways,   Iron Treads is like the ultimate war machine.  It incorporates the earliest technology and   the most advanced, so it's prepared for  any conflict throughout all of history. It's definitely more than just a war machine  though, remove the treads and tuck the legs in   like they do, and it's clearly a spherical  robot. Loved for their great mobility even   without anti-gravity. Haro from Gundam has the  same “ears” as iron treads. But again, sci-fi   has taken it to an extreme, and you can find MANY  examples of hovering spherical robots and such in   the context of aliens too. Perhaps the shape got  this association because of our first satellite,   Sputnik. Heck aside from the “flying saucer”  UFO style, spheres are the 2nd most common. All great points about Iron Treads, and it  makes sense to follow up with Iron Moth, Right, according to its dex entry: This Pokémon resembles an unknown object   described in a paranormal magazine  as a UFO sent to observe humanity. Notice, that it emphasizes its an  alien ship versus an alien weapon.   The magazine clarifies it CAN attack people,  but its primary purpose is to observe,   which is typical for UFO reports. Just hovering  there, not attacking or anything, just… watching. Like a galactic safari.  “And here we see the humans,   still fighting over melanin and  hormones, hence our lack of contact.” oooOOOOooo! Alien surveillance drones are another  huge trope. Don't want to fight the   humans until you know everything about  them. Or maybe they do just see us the   same way we see animals in nature documentaries. But either way, I like how Iron Moths wings  resemble space telescope satellites. The   recent James Webb especially. And thats  VERY fitting of it being an observer. And Considering Iron Moths' body shape, a moth? Yes, but the black knight  satellite also comes to mind. A mysterious object was observed by NASA within  Earth’s atmosphere in 1998. Nobody knows what   it is or why its here, but it first appeared at  Earth 13,000 years ago and sends out mysterious   messages of unknown origins. We also know its made  out of a material stronger than diamonds and has   never been replicated on Earth. To this day, the  satellite continues to watch over Earth, revealing   little about what it has planned. Literally  a 1 to 1 with Iron Moths Scarlet dex entry. Right, but it's all fake. It's just one of the  more popular UFO conspiracy theories, but Like   the only thing real is the image. Certainly spooky  and mysterious looking, until you realize it's   just a folded-up thermal blanket lost by the ISS.  However, NASA has addressed the rumors and come to   the conclusion that the conspiracy is a collection  of a bunch of different alien stories that got   tied to this image through the grapevine. A common  occurrence in tons of UFO conspiracies. But I   suppose Iron Moth is a sort of representation  of what the black knight would be if real. But actually, this isn’t the only UFO it  takes inspiration from. During World War 2,   American aircraft pilots reported large  glowing orbs trailing their jet at night,   dubbed foo fighters. These orbs were believed  to be made of fire and would fly in formations   as if operated by intelligence motivated to  toy with the pilot. Yet, whenever confronted,   the orbs would vanish into thin  air… and they could not be shot   down or directly interacted with in any  way. And this separation goes both ways,   no hostility was shown by these objects,  tying to iron moth’s behavior even closer.   Now, you may be expecting me to say Foo Fighters  were in the same boat as the black knight,   but it's a lot more complicated than that.  Other countries have also observed these UFOs,   in Europe, they called them “Kraut fireballs”  and German forces have sightings as well. So with so many sightings, some  scientists think they were indeed real,   but rather than interdimensional aliens,   they were a natural phenomenon similar to  St. Elmo’s fire. A rare weather phenomenon. To this day, we’re still not  sure exactly what they are,   but this is definitely where it gets the fire type  from. Aside from it being a Volcarona, anyway. Now what about the poison? Thats definitely odd, the majority of moths are   not venomous or even poisonous…. By  the time they become moths that is. Right, metamorphosis. moths start their lives out  as caterpillars or worms,   and MANY of these are in fact poisonous  and even venomous. This includes the   main one Larvesta is based on, the  worm of the sycamore tussock moth. Most lose the trait when they become moths,  but some like to still carry some poison with   them. Never enough to cause serious damage to  humans -unless you ate it for some reason-,   but enough to irritate the skin  if they even just crawl on you. And then it being a robot from the future,   that could just imply that its made of  poisonous metals, of which there are plenty. Arsenic comes to mind. It can come in a bright  orangy yellow like Iron Moths wings too. And for   a time it was one of the most common ingredients  in pesticides. Its still in use today but not   as heavily, SPECIFICALLY because it turns  out moths have a slight resistance to it, They eat it up! “UMNUMNUNMUNMUNM GIMMIE THE POISON!” And now its in their bodies, and they are  fine, but then, a bird or a spider later eats   them and oopsie whoopsy! Now there's  a load of arsenic in the food chain! There's even an instance of a large gathering  of Bogong moths living in a cave together,   it rained, water poured out of the cave, and  washed a TON of arsenic from the moths out   into the wilderness outside the cave, killing  all the plants! As its also a great herbicide. its poison, it just kills everything. And  Think of the aliens from Flowdram’glawawa. what? oh They haven't made contact in your time yet. oh. but its a media trope too. Aliens that live  in or breathe things that are poisonous to us,   Heck, xenomorph blood IS acid to us… Or vice  versa, things fine for us being poisonous   to them. Like oxygen. Thus them being  merely observers for quite some time.  Sending observational satellites  to watch us from afar. I like how Iron Moth's satellite wings also  resemble solar panels to capture the sun’s energy,   hence it retaining the fire type, but also  All six combine to form the image of a sun,   absolutely perfect for a futuristic  Volcarona, with its sun mythology and all. And even though the bug type is gone now,   bugs are still an important part  of robot and computer technology. ah! Null pointer exceptions! …software bugs. oh yeah, and Fun fact! They’re  called bugs because ALL THE WAY   BACK in 1947, Harvard was building an  EARLY computer called Mark II. Just a   relay calculator, reporting the trajectories  of artillery missiles. But for some reason,   its calculations were always slightly off. After looking through it for potential repairs,   they found a dead moth lodged in  one of the relays. And sure enough,   its math was perfect after it was removed.  Thus us calling computer errors, bugs. Just wait until you get a nanomachine infestation. I’ll probably die before then, but now that  we’ve covered two aliens from beyond the stars,   surely the next future paradox Pokemon will  be…uh… Iron Hands … who is pretty much just a guy…   without arms… Hey does Rayman ever  become a proper franchise again? who? oh… well, in-game, the Occulture magazine  explains that Iron Hands was born when a great   athlete became mortally wounded. But thanks  to the advancements of future technology,   they were transformed into a cyborg  and kept alive. Cyborgs are biological   creatures whose bodies and abilities  have been modified through mechanical   and technological advancements. And it wouldn't  be the first time a human turned into a Pokemon. Though maybe This mystery athlete isn't  a person but rather is just a Hariyama,   maybe they were dying out  because of future pollutants. we've got a lot of those. '  and now as a cyborg it's been gifted floating  hands, which is perhaps the best bodily   modification it could have received because  Hariyama itself is based on a sumo wrestler.   The sport involves two individuals engaging in  full-body wrestling with the goal of pushing   the opponent outside of the circular arena. As  such, it's pretty much impossible to fight from   a distance, otherwise, you’d be inviting the  other fighter to chase you down with built-up   speed. Therefore, the best strategy is to stay  close. That is, unless your hands happen to be   detached. Suddenly, a great disadvantage is  now a massive strength. The hands can push   without the threat of the user being pushed  themselves, all advantages no weaknesses. Its a lot like real robot fighting sports,  which we have legitimately in my time,   but your primitive attempts at it work  too, both in the forms of boxing and   sumo-like pushing each other out of the ring  fighting, which is literally called robot-sumo. The glowing hands were seemingly an odd choice at  first, but then I remembered its fighting ELECTRIC   type, and it learns plenty of electric moves,  considering the way it attacks like a sumo slap,   it's like its hands are defibrillators!  Sending big jolts of electricity through   them! Almost like the Burning Finger  attack Gundams use, but more electric. Heck, a LOAD of anime mecha can launch  their hands, thats a big trope too. And while on an anime trope note, it's also like  when a character punches or slaps so fast that   there appear to be several hands floating around  them. E. Honda is a perfect example of this. And   come to think of it, it was the Honda company  that made one of the first humanoid robots, ASIMO. Here's a fun thought for you. Think about Chess engines, highly sophisticated  AI that can process thousands of chess moves   and determines the best move to make next. When  they first started popping up they weren’t that   great. But now it's pretty much impossible  to beat one, even for chess grandmasters. oh I see where you’re going. Yep, Robots take over many sports down the line.  Look at the ASIMO, or the Boston Dynamics bots,   far from perfect for now… but still seeing LOTS of  progress. And also consider the special Olympics,   sports for the differently abled, In the future  might there be cyborg Olympics? Sports for those   who are cybernetically enhanced? It wouldn't  be fair to have them in the same competition   as non-modified humans, but its also not  fair to exclude them entirely. And where   does the line get drawn? A dude with two  full robot legs? How about a guy with all   robot limbs and a brain implant? What about  a full-on robot with a brain inside of it? what about just straight-up  a robot with no organic parts   holding it back? I mean we already  have that! they are just still…. …Still learning. Iron Hands is a representation of what a  perfected sumo wrestler would look like. Remember,   Iron Hands is a cyborg, which is defined as a  person whose physical abilities are extended   beyond normal human limitations by mechanical  elements built into the body. It's still a   biological creature at the core. In fact, it's the  only future paradox with organic components. So in   some ways, even as technology advances, humanity,  or I guess poke-manity, still reigns supreme! Oh, right. This one’s technically  biological too, but it's complicated. But before getting to that, we should  talk about its name first. I mean Out   of all the paradox Pokemon, this  is the only one whose name deserves   some explanation. Like “iron hands” is  self-explanatory, but what is a Jugulis? That what me grand pop call this what? It Jug-U-Lis-en to. How did you get here? Sponsor Power, it call to me. oh yeah! This video is sponsored by  Holzkern! They are an Austrian team who   collides the worlds of the past and future  to make some unique and amazing watches,   handbags, sunglasses, and jewelry out of  natural materials like wood and stone,   but with the precise human clockwork  and engineering of the future! You know, ancient clock really was most  complex. Seems like stone on stone,   but really uses ballet of solar system to  tell time… But these watch look much nicer. o-okay Rockstin. Here, look at their selection  of impressively intricate wooden watches. They take tree and make it count  time! Power of future engineering! All tree and stone have unique natural lines  and beauty, so no two pieces look the same   and… Is that a slate handbag… how do… me never  seen such a thing! Be talk of town if me had! its true! And watches, jewelry, sunglasses,   uniqases, all made out of natural  materials, retaining their grain,   marbling, and iridescence… its no wonder  each piece makes for an EXCELLENT gift! Me speechless, truly! How me ever repay you? Uh, you could finish the sponsor bit! Si! Me do! I definitely encourage   you to peruse their selection of goodies using  the link at the top of the description box below,   AND if you use the code LOCKSTIN15,  you will get 15% off your purchase. Oh me had upside down. Still true though. That do sound like good deal. Even  if jug-you-listen-to no fit, in bag. Me still feel posh swank! So Jugulis technically isn’t a real world, NO! IT REAL! HERE! unless you count Latin, in short, it's derived  from Jugulum, which means neck in Latin. So Really   it's Iron Neck, or necks. Straightforward,  but not nearly as catchy as Jugulis. And of all the paradox Pokemon… this one probably  has the worst design. Don’t get me wrong,   it looks amazing, just like Hydreigon, but  that’s the thing… its just Hydreigon. If you   blurred both Pokemon and asked me to tell you  which is which. I probably couldn’t do it. And   if you could it's just because iron jugulis’  mane is slightly more neon. If I dimmed the   saturation, you got nothing. Regardless,  there’s a pretty big reason for this. Clearly, Hydreigons three heads  are a reference to the hydra,   a mythical multiheaded dragon  monster from Greek Mythology. But what business does it have becoming a robot? Not much as it turns out. The main reference seems to be Mecha-King  Gidorah; one of the main antagonists from   the Godzilla franchise. Unlike other  hydras that typically have nine heads,   this one specifically has three as well,  making it fit for a mecha Hydreigon. And the number of Godzilla references  in Pokemon is only growing each gen so…. Well technically, calling it a mecha isn’t  correct. This thing’s origins… Are strange,   by your standards. It is said that it  was born when a Hydreigon fell in love   with a robot… and just like Maushold, the  evil robot thing just showed up one day… Oh… so… its canon that in the future, the Pokemon  world has diddly-doodly robots? … FOR Pokemon? HEE HOO PEANOT IN ROBOT! HAHAHAHAHA! I’ll bring him back later, but if it is a  combination of organic matter and machine,   fused through unholy matrimony, This would make  Iron Jugulis a xenobot, a synthetic lifeform   designed by computers and built by combining  together different biological tissues. Scientists   still can’t agree whether they’re robots,  living organisms, or something else entirely. And despite how crazy sci-fi sounds, they aren’t.  we’ve actually created a few xenobots of our own. They aren’t anything spectacular, just a  few stem cells harvested from frog embryos   combined to form a moving object. This movement  is achieved through heart muscle cells that are   capable of expanding through contractions,  propelling the mass as a result. However,   despite being less than a millimeter in  length, they’ve already been designed to walk,   swim, push & carry objects, and  even organize crumbs into piles. Perhaps that’s why Iron Jugulis looks so similar  to Hydreigon: its unfinished. Maybe the robot in   the room with Hydreigon scanned it, and  started the process of making one itself. Sure, a murderous dragon monster is  a step up from glorified Roombas,   but compared to the other future paradoxes,  it's clearly lagging behind. This thing was   just born. That might also be why its  base stats are lower than Hydreigon’s,   though other counterparts experience  the same thing so maybe not… …But still, it would’ve been nice if they could’ve  changed something more in the design. But I kinda   get its origins, a fun fact I love is that  thanks to interviews, we know beta Zweilous   was already a mecha-dragon on its own originally,  having actual tank treads and stuff before they   realized robot Pokemon would be kinda dumb…  and now we have an actual robot-ish Hydreigon. Neat. So next up would be this thing! Ohh! Its kinda cute! N00T N00T I’m taking this one. This thing is  CLEARLY here because of nostalgia.   Hisui and Paldea gave SO much love to  Johto through regional variants and new   evolutions. And the Santa birdy Delibird  was always deserving of something more. Also, I love how this thing is technically the  only past paradox in violet, as it supposedly   came from an ancient civilization. Think  about the Star Wars thing, future scifi tech,   but it takes place a long long time ago…. Or maybe  this blurb about it being from the past is from   the perspective of someone in the distant  future, and WERE the ancient civilization!?   Or maybe this has to do with the “real world”  hyper-advanced ancient civilization, Atlantis.   I mean we know from data mining the games  code, the region is code-named Atlantis so…. Well, why don’t we ask someone who knows the past? huh? Where me at?? hello again, past paradox me. Tell  me, do you recognize this thing? uhhhh. Bird. I can’t believe it, he knows! That’s incredible! N00T N00T Tell me, what secrets does it hold? I dunno, to me just look like soulless  embodiment of post-modernist capitalist   Christmas. Move and look like creepy  animatronic santa. He substitute gift   bag with presentz for good little boyz and  girlz for cheap snow globe you dont really   want but are scammed into buying. and break  easy like cheap material so corporation can   raise profit margin by less than one  percent point. Is greed Incarnate. Well there goes my love for  it. And my childhood innocence. Robot penguin is animatronic like Freddy  Five Night. He not have free will of own,   only move off pre-programed path and TWO  double A batteries. That why fall apart   when faint and look cheaply made.  It simple type of robot to make. I’m impressed, pretty much got it! It's  an embodiment of mechanical Christmas.   That snow globe on its back operates just  like a snow machine, using it as a form   of propulsion to skate around on its snow-ski  feet. But the Christmas connections don’t end   there. Its head pops off like a jack-in-the-box  and it marches around like little wind-up toys;   two Christmas classics. But the LED  lights and general digital elements to   the pokemon also incorporate newer popular  gifts. Which are mostly just electronic. Remember the iDog from the early 2000’s. I wanted   one SO BAD! I remember thinking it was  the most futuristic thing in the world! It certainly incorporates that sleek  Y2K futuristic style everything had   going on back then. How fitting  the oldest future paradox would   incorporate the past’s ideas of  what the future would look like. Come to think of it, while I wouldn't exactly  describe Edo Japan as “Ancient,” it does kinda   make me think of Netsuke. Kimonos didn't have  pockets, so instead people carried Sagemono,   essentially small hard purses hung by  cords. And then to fasten those cords   together and keep it closed, wealthier  people used Netsuke, little statuettes   that fastened them together. And  while they could depict anything,   birds were extremely common. And what is  Delibird if not a bird that holds a pocket?   Now Iron Bundle is an artificial bird that holds  a pocket on a “cord.” Just like the Netsuke. UG! BIG STRETCH ME BORED! Now cartoon  you should Click button on it stomach,   will probably play music like eye doggy thing! Oh-uh-okay… N00T N0000000- UNEXPECTED ERROR OCCURRED-   SYSTEM REBOOTING -N00000T yea this isn’t nostalgic at all Oh! It worked! Did you summon this thing?!? Yes! This is Iron Thorns, cool, isn’t it? I never  would’ve thought we’d bring back dinosaurs in   the future, but I guess seeing is believing! It's  kinda like the opposite of Sandy Shocks in a way:   two electric-type Pokemon misplaced on the  timeline but continue to exist anyways. They   even inhabit the same rocky cliff environment in  area zero. It's no coincidence in my book. And I   for one am glad they brought Iron Thorns into the  game as, in a way, its iron thorns version two. oh yeah, In Black and White 2, there was an area  in the game called Pokestar Studios that let you   star in your own movies. It's one of the only  times in the games you can fight non-pokemon   in battle. Demonic doors, robots, aliens, …a  giant woman, for some reason? And of course, MT,   the mecha Tyranitar, its the most well-known of  these! It's basically a prototype for Iron Thorns,   though a black MT known as MT2 also exists,  so I guess that makes Iron Thorns MT3 huh? This is clearly a reference to mecha Godzilla, a  giant mecha created by either humanity or aliens,   depending on which movie you’re watching,  to eliminate all kaiju from Earth,   especially Godzilla. WAIT! No! Tyranitar is based on Bemular! Look at  this, we did a whole video on this two years ago! And Even Bemular has a mecha  variant! Did you learn nothing! Oh shoot is that what I used  to look like?? Cringe, I’m out. is that…. What happens to my  body?? Where does my body go? Maxill’s right, you did a whole video on all  the Godzilla and kaiju references in pokemon,   which heavily featured the vanilla Tyranitar  line, describing how Belumar from the Ultraman   franchise actually acts as a better fit  for the Pokemon’s design than Godzilla, I forgot about that, link here! HOW YOU DO THAT!!!??? AAAAHHHHH! I dont know how he keeps getting back. But  to quickly apply Belumar to iron thorns:   the Ultraman 2011 reboot redesigned this  character from a scaly draconic kaiju   to a mysterious mecha humanoid.  Two completely different design   directions that- kinda meet perfectly  in the middle with Iron Thorns. So yes,   in part this paradox is a representation of the  fusion between both Belumars. But it's definitely   fair to say a lot more Godzilla references  were thrown into the mix this time around. Really I think the reference speaks for  itself. Even the name MT is a reference   to mecha-godzilla’s codename: MG. And Iron  Thorns is just a more advanced version of   the original MT design, ironing out all those  rough edges and joints for a sleeker design. I don't even feel like I need to say “it just  looks more advanced” because LOOK AT IT! I mean   it even gets glowing future-spikes on its back,  which I guess is where the “Thorns” part of its   name comes in. These green crystals shoot out  during battle and start to flow with that starry   liquid seen in every other future paradox mon…  They are almost like a reference to Fusion cores   or power cores in all sorts of robots and machines  in media. typically an indicator that someone or   something is powering up, Or unleashing an  ultimate combo! The cores start to overheat,   or know that they are about to, so they stick  out to help cool off, and it glows with power!   They are common weak points on powerful robotic  or armored enemies in games, which is why they   tend to sink into the main armored body when  they aren't overheating. Gotta protect ‘em. Though they also make me think of  the glowy bits in a lot of mecha   anime, new parts just materializing to  give them a new ability. Like charging   a big huge attack! Or extending wings. Or  just glowing out the back with insane power. Iron Thorns is advanced even among  paradox standards. After all,   it's supposedly from a BILLION  years in the future, beyond me even. MG also has retractable missile launchers &  rocket boosters that come out of its back.   Even classically. And its missiles stick  into Godzilla like thorns or stingers even. Alright, but… why such a big focus on those  anyways? Like I know the thorns are cool looking,   but Unlike Tyranitar, this thing learns  pin missile and I don’t know- “thorns”.   Gamefreak REALLY likes those thorns for some  reason & This isn’t the first time they’ve   done it. Mega Tyranitar looks basically the same  except its thorns EXPLODE across its entire body,   the pokedex even says its back split right  open. I Just think I'm missing something here… Well the spines could be a reference to  a real-life phenomenon called “induced   metamorphosis”. Basically in certain  species of amphibians and insects,   humans can create an artificial environment  that forces organisms to reach adulthood faster,   or even reach a life stage not  normally possible within nature. The best example comes from the axolotl.  Normally, these Salamanders will remain   submerged in ponds and lakes during their early  life, but eventually, make the voyage to land to   live the rest of their lives. But these lil frilly  axolotls never make that journey & technically   remain baby-larva their entire lives. however  this adult stage is still baked into their DNA,   and under the right circumstances can be  unlocked through hyper-precise environment   conditions only achievable within a lab. This  is what a terrestrial axolotl really looks like.   Not gonna lie it's so much less cute without  the pink hair. And they should stay that way,   as this induced metamorphosis is terrible for  the animal’s livelihood, with most seeing a major   decrease in quality of life and passing away  shortly afterward. An extremely painful forced   transformation… that’s just  mega-evolution isn’t it? So am I suggesting iron thorns is  some sort of secret mega-evolution?   No, but its a different form of induced  metamorphosis. And thus has some similarities,   Think about Roaring Moon and Mega Salamence,  theres similarities there too, or think about   Mega Gengar and Gigantamax Gengar, both phase  through the ground and gain spikes… it seems   most ‘extra’ evolutions made to pokemon lead to  overlapping observations in their appearance.  And for Tyranitar, that’s bigger & better back  spikes. These ones retract too, kinda similar   to how bee stingers act. The Tyranitar line has  always had this weird insect undertone to it,   as Larvitar and Pupitar are literally named after  life stages of insects, and remember, it learns   pin missile now- a move held almost exclusively  by pokemon with stingers or poisonous barbs. Come to think of it, those being like stingers  could explain its new electric typing. It works   similarly to a taser perhaps, shoots some needles,  and unleashes electricity between them. Yeah. Plus how do you keep a giant mecha functional in  the first place, you need to have a CRAZY power   supply. That’s part of the reason it needs  those energy cores in the first place- just   to keep it moving. All advanced technologies  require a power supply of some sort - whether   it be a generator or battery, there’s just  no way to get around that. And It could also   be a reference to Godzilla's nuclear powers.  Whenever he fires off his atomic breath attack,   his back spines shine in a blue aura  that somewhat resembles electricity. Pokemon’s very own Zekrom possesses blue  electricity, so non-yellow lightning is   not a foreign concept to pokemon. And perhaps  then, This energy requirement is also why the   rock typing sticks around, too. In some  iterations of the Godzilla storyline,   he gains his powers from the energy of uranium  ore found in rocks. Whenever you think of a   radioactive element, uranium always comes to  mind first and foremost. And we use uranium   to power all sorts of things. So maybe that’s  why it likes to hang out in the rockier parts   of area zero, its desperately hunting for  the uranium it requires to keep functioning. Also this new type combo means it loses  the dark type, which makes sense for a   full on robot. It has no free will, how can  it be dark or evil? Iron Jugulis keeps its   dark type because its theoretically  still partly organic as a xenobot. ugh!? This not evil! But Iron Thorns? If its  piloted by a psychopath sure,   but if its piloted by a guy  who runs a charitable pizzeria? it's used to flatten pizza pies  before putting them in the oven Exactly. The opposite of evil. I love me a locust pizza. Me love locust. ah, perhaps we’re more similar than I initially  thought, we find harmony in consuming insects. uh… y-yeah! Haha… uh… theres  only like one left right? Correct, Iron Valient. A robotic mix of  two Pokemon, even in-game the Occulture   magazine mentions it is similar to both  Gardevoir and Gallade. But take a look   at that dress and those arm blades. Its  specifically based on their mega forms. again just like the similarities some of  the other paradoxes have with the megas! and its typing now, it took fairy from  Gardevoir and fighting from Gallade;   the only pokemon with this combination. A neat  accomplishment, but a failure based on the goals,   according to the magazine, it supposedly  is a robot built as the product of a mad   scientist's efforts to create the most  powerful psychic Pokémon…. And that   shortcoming is probably a reference to what  type of bot it's based on: A sort of evil AI. Evil? But no dark! because its also a failure, but again, the  magazine mentions that its a cruel Pokémon,   willing to take its shining blade and cut  down anyone confronting it without hesitation. More specifically it represents the  science-fiction side of AI. as we all know AI   is super complex, but under the hood, it's just  really complicated math- nothing that special. ah yeah, Like, if I had an AI designed to  identify fruit and I showed it a blueberry,   it would just detect the  color and shape of the fruit,   compare it to other fruit its seen,  and tell me it thinks its a blueberry GRAPE! Look don’t get me wrong, there’s some  incredibly impressive AIs out there,   but that’s because coders spent hours and  hours supplying said bot with information,   you have to! Thats what your  picture captchas are for. ooo, try that one! ok, ok don’t panic, you got this. Take a  look at its color,: red. And its shape is   round with a point at the top, similar to a  teardrop. But hang on, its bobbing its head   every two seconds in a clear 4/4 rhythmic pattern,  so it could be a mouse. But we’re in the southern   hemisphere in summer with only a 5% chance of rain  today. Mice hate getting wet so its probably not   that. Not to mention mice are endangered here…  somehow. Though lizards appreciate sunlight and   can be found in this area of the world. Though  judging on its heat signature, it seems the thing   is warm-blooded. C’mon computer, that’s me,  the computer, you can do this, Think, think. It is a grape! see? Isn’t that ridiculous? To  get a fairly functioning AI,   you need to pump it full of different  scenarios and how to respond to each.   This scientist clearly didn’t  do that. All he did was say “if it attacks, attack back, if it looks like  it's gonna attack you, attack first. Boom,   I’m taking my fifteen.” So no, terminator style AI takeovers   aren’t really going to be a thing anytime soon  because you can crash their system by turning your   shirt inside out or wearing your socks on your  hands, or even just wearing this cheesy sleeve. Recently while training, the US Marines beat   a military robot just by hiding  in cardboard boxes like Snake… see? So Even if iron valiant  looks like a dangerous foe,   it's “brain” is really barebones, which is  why its movements are so sparse and stiff. And that’s really the problem with Iron Valiant.  It clearly has the hardware to carry out these   commands with those arm blades capable of  transforming into a double-sided halberd,   but there’s absolutely no free will  or emotion behind those eyes. You   can’t take a pokemon line whose pokedex  classifications are “the feeling pokemon”,   “the emotion pokemon” and “the embrace pokemon,”  and turn it into a stone-cold violent killer. Its   implied the Gardevoir line gets its psychic  powers from the emotional bond it creates   with its trainer, so you can’t replicate  those powers by robbing it of its humanity Don’t worry I think the internet  did that a long time ago Gardevoir it still looks pretty cool though, even if it is  still just kinda… the same as the rest of them… Yes, Iron Valiant is just kinda the same, and  honestly, it has the least going for it out of   all the paradox pokemon besides being a fusion-  but that’s because the design was unfinished. Enter Iron Leaves- the paradox pokemon of  virizion. Design wise… this one might be even   lamer than iron jugulis. Its just virizion with  those same LED eyes. But there is one cool aspect   to its design. When it attacks, three beams of  light come out of its forehead and neck thingies-   clearly a reference to the three sacred swords.  But aside from that, it just… doesn’t really move. Hmm, almost like another paradox  pokemon we just talked about. Yep! Just like the rest of the future pokemon,   this one too serves a unique robotic role.  I believe Iron Leaves is a support mount-   specifically for iron valiant. Not only do  their color schemes match- but so too does   the “move only as necessary” demeanor. As  if both were created by the same inventor. now that you mention it… one of the main areas  we see Artificial Intelligence being used is   within self-driving vehicles. Fortunately or  Unfortunately, depending on how you look at it-   this is still one of the main areas where  a lot of growing pains still exist. Sure,   its nice that 9999 times out of ten thousand  the AI recognizes grandma crossing the road and   stops the vehicle… but the only thing  people care about is that ONE time. Maybe One day, grandma can safely go  to the grocery store without fear of   being the latest news story of a Tesla  malfunction, but especially right now,   its comforting to see AI can’t  do EVERYTHING a person can. That is until real life Iron leaves comes out.  The ultimate AI battle vehicle of the future.   It can recognize EVERY grandma, but consciously  chooses to avoid them or not. The ultimate mount   designed to assist the ultimate body guard of  the future. Even the three energy swords look   incredibly similar to Valiant’s halberd.  And look! There’s that psychic typing the   scientist was after! Iron Valiant isn’t a  failure, its just incomplete! Just plop it   on top of its steed and BOOP! There you  go! The ultimate psychic type Pokemon. I love a happy ending about a killing  machine reaching its full potential! yeah! but sadly, this is probably closer to  fantasy than reality. We know next to nothing   about this Pokemon. It has no dex entries,  no in-game lore. The only thing we know is it   somewhat resembles the Swords of Justice fusion  sketch in the violet book. And even still, not   really. Maybe with the dlc we’ll see this fusion  come to be, but isn’t it a bit odd? Its clear   the Pokemon somehow came into existence AFTER the  sketch, as its explained the drawing came from the   imagination of one of the explorers. And I know  we just talked about how Iron Leaves never moves,   but when it does, it does so in an… unnatural hop  that realistically could not exist. Almost as if   the movement were pulled straight from pop culture  like Disney merry-go-rounds or the gazelle from   Circle of life. Its like whatever’s creating these  paradox Pokemon is doing so from the point of view   of someone who doesn’t understand our culture.  Like they technically got the baselines right, but   they all feel… uncanny and strange, even moreso  for the two newest ones. What’s going on here?... hush now, this isn’t the video to answer  that, this one is! Whenever its made anyway. Regardless, iron leaves is like an AI animatronic,  and seems like it could be the steed of iron   valiant… I mean they're shaped too perfectly  for that, and look so similar… but then again,   all of these Violet Paradox  Pokemon look kind of similar… What’s the deal with that by the way?  I get we just spent eons explaining how   they could all be considered different types  of robots, but they all look pretty much the   same with these LED eyes and weird starry goop  floating around their bodies, them all having   the exact same unpainted shiny look, all having  the same ability And their names all starting   with “iron” … I mean, I get that Scream Tail  isn’t a particularly clever name, but Iron   Treads, Iron Hands? Iron Valiant? Surely there’s  other robot names they could’ve used right? Correct, but considering they’re so  similar, it has to be intentional right?  It's no accident game freak designed  the future paradoxes to be pieces of a   seemingly overarching collective.  A singularity, if you will. The   technological singularity is a hypothesis where  at some point, humanity will reach a level of   technological advancements that cannot be  reversed. Technology advances so rapidly,   it vastly overshadows the entirety of human  intelligence. famous mathematician John von   Neumann describes such a possibility  as “approaching some essential point   in the history of the race beyond which human  affairs, as we know them, could not continue". Media takes this in all sorts of different  directions, but for our purposes here think   about the example of, Skynet, the AI  that powers the Terminator, its just   one representation of what the singularity could  look like. When a human tries to power it off,   it sets off a nuclear attack referred  to as judgment day. Ultron is another   interpretation of this event; and here too,  all of the robots look similar. The Ultron   AI deemed this appearance would be the most  optimal representation of its physical form,   given its available resources and therefore  had no more need for advancements. There are countless examples of this idea  in this context, Mass Effects Reapers,   Gurren Lagann's Anti-Spirals, Dr. Who’s  Cyberman originally, And Pokemon Violet is   perhaps yet another representation of this  event, and quite a unique example at that:   What happens when the point of no return  comes early and invades the present? Ooh! You can leave this next part to me, I used  to do theories myself. *Ahem* And that leaves   only one question: what IS the Pokemon singularity  specifically? It can’t be the hardware components,   because no matter how similar they  look there’s just no way iron bundle   is as durable as iron thorns… but what’s the  one thing they DO share? The starry energy. Over billions of years the material the pokemon  are made of can change as more resources become   available, but that liquid never alters -  it's reached the point of perfection. It's   the only element on the box art- besides Miraidon  itself- that even hints at the future. And that,   ladies and gentlemen, is the Pokemon singularity-  the substance destined to hijack all Pokemon of   the future into its absolute supremacy. Of  course, we don’t know what this substance   is or what its made of, but whatever it is,  it has to be some sort of supercharged AI   juice or plasma or secret 6th form of matter.  perhaps even the mysterious “infinity energy”   occasionally mentioned in Pokemon… only now  its been advanced by sparkly nanomachines… Perhaps thats why each of these pokemon  HAS to be called “iron” something,   or I.R.O.N. right? Suddenly, being called  I.R.O.N. hands or I.R.O.N. bundle makes A   LOT more sense since most of the paradox  Pokemon aren’t steel type to begin with.   Let alone a metal as primitive as iron… so  What does it stand for? I’d like to dub it: Interstellar Reinforced Omnipotence Nectar me call it ‘Ice Rainbow Ounce KNot!’ That too! At least, it might  be something like that, but how does that account for  their names in other languages? uh… to be honest pokemon will probably never  give us a straight answer on this regardless.   But who knows? DLC might surprise us. Maybe  they aren't really from the future at all,   and are really just manifested  from Professor Turo’s ideas of   what the future would look like?  And the time machine is really just   a reality-bending crystal device similar to  the reality-bending crystals the Unown make…. Either way, I’m not too concerned  with a technological takeover in   my lifetime when our AIs are still  learning to count fingers and toes. And! … I think that wraps up the Violet paradoxes, which one’s your favorite? Let me know down below Hey, What you doin with hand? Oh, sorry. Force of habit. Last week my   coffee cup randomly disappeared in a flash of  light and I haven’t been able to find it since. Must be these nasty 5g vaccines. Yea, I don’t think too much about  it. I guess I’ll just get a new one. well, its this cup right? I just went back to  when you said you lost it and grabbed it for you. oh, that is… quite convenient, thank you YOU FOOL! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THE  CATACLYSM YOU’VE JUST BROUGHT ON?!? A   TIME PARADOX WILL SURELY OCCUR! LOCKING  US IN AN INFINATELY REPEATING CYCLE!! Pfft, I mess with time all the  time and everything’s always fine,   you need to stop watching conspiracy videos. huh, yeah nothing’s happening, I guess we’re fine yep, as long as nobody refreshes the page and  rewatches this whole video in its entirety…
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 221,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon design, pokemon origins, pokemon lore, pokemon based on, pokemon anime, pokemon dlc, pokemon indigo disk, pokemon teal mask, paradox pokemon, future paradox pokemon, terapagos, ogrepon, pokemon sv, pokemon explained, every paradox pokemon, area zero, pokemon area zero, where to catch iron, where to find iron, iron valiant, iron leaves, iron thorns, iron bundle, miraidon, legendary pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon horizons
Id: lK9oiCyh3Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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