Can you Beat Pokemon Sword with JUST ONE Ditto?

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this was the hardest challenge I've ever done okay we get our starter I picked the monkey wait what it's a ditto no way yes way you read the title this is a ditto only play through our hero's name is Duncan also it's got imposter that's great we never have to waste a turn transforming but not good enough to beat hop not my fault that's wulu's fault hey look there's a spooky dog in the Mist hey look there's two spooky dogs in the Mist thanks imposter wait this moveset is insane anyway we move on until we find our young friend here blocking our path should be an easy win right he's just a kid well this battle is where we find out about one of the biggest limitations of our little ditto friend Duncan we learned a lot here so buckle up you see when you transform his ditto you copy all of your opponents moves and stats excluding HP but for some reason ditto only gets five uses for each of the moves it copies so after taking out this youngster's blip bug with four struggle bugs we don't have enough attacks left to kill a second Pokemon naked thankfully after you run out of pp for all your moves your Pokemon can still attack hack with a move called struggle this is an interesting attack that has no type meaning it can't be resisted which is pretty good but the drawback is that every time you use it your Pokemon takes 25 percent of its own HP and recoil damage so overall it's pretty bad but as you'll learn throughout this video to beat this challenge we have to take every little bit that we can get in this first battle we're actually able to use struggle to finish this nicket off but the recoil damage ends up killing Duncan on that same turn so effectively the battle ends in a tie you might be wondering what happens here unfortunately the game just treats this as a regular loss so we hold that L as we grind out a few levels on ditto to increase its total HP which reminder is the only stat that ditto doesn't copy when it transforms with our new larger HP total we're able to barely struggle our way to victory in our next battle against this literal child it's only seconds after defeating our greatest foe yet that we Face the hardest battle in the entire game but before we get to that I have something to talk to you all about I promise this isn't an ad it's a serious update about the Channel I want to talk to you about a very important man Kevin James you know I wouldn't invoke the name of the genius behind Paul part Mall Cop if it wasn't serious so what did the King of Queens and I have in common that's right we both have under 1 million subscribers on YouTube criminal I know granted the Zookeeper is a little closer than me but unlike Yours Truly Albert brennaman from Hitch hasn't posted in seven months so there's a realistic chance we could actually beat him there I need your help it's easy all you need to do is scroll down and click subscribe with a tiny bit of help from all of you out there we can live in a world where your favorite Pokemon YouTuber has more subs than officer Landers from Monster House and what a world that would be where were we uh oh yeah hardest battle in the game yeah you don't actually have to win this one we just get washed baited at this point hop and I board a train to the wild area where we grab the leftovers then after some story stuff in Modesto we're finally off the training wheels and so we head out to start our adventure but before we leave town we have to deal with this Joker hop one last time and this time we can't just throw the battle to move on so we get our first taste of what this challenge is really gonna be like to start off the battle we transform into a real stinker of a Pokemon wulu not just any wulu though this is hops wulu so naturally it's just missing moves that it should know at this level anyway in this first battle our wulu tackles his little heart out but we exhaust all of our tackle PP before even taking out Hop's first Pokemon yikes after that disappointing display we decide to do some research and learn a couple very interesting things first off we learned that if your Pokemon is holding a leperberry in battle it'll activate once a move runs out of PP and restore up to 10 uses very useful to know especially given the fact that ditto is uh always a little short on PP so we swap out the leftovers for Aleppo various our held item yes five more tackles but we still end up killing ourselves with the recoil damage from struggle following this loss we decide that we should probably level our ditto up a few times times leveling up does two very important things first and most obviously it increases our total health the second and much less obvious benefit has to do with the way that damage is calculated in Pokemon games to calculate the damage a move does the game uses this big surprisingly complicated formula if you look closely at this formula you can see here it actually takes into account the level of the Pokemon using the move the higher the Pokemon's level the more damage the move will do granted it's a minor increase but remember the motto of this challenge we take what we can get engorged with this knowledge we continue to throw ourselves at Hop we do this until we get to level 26 and thanks to some killer RNG we get a crit tackle on the first turn then finish hops wulu off with another tackle from here he brings in his Sable who goes for a bunch of binds we trade a few blows then hit Saba with our fifth tackle which activates our leperberry and gives us those delicious extra tackles and so we're able to use two more tackles to finish this thing off unfortunately at this point we've taken a ton of damage luckily we're able to survive a couple packs from Hawks rickety and finish it off with our very last tackle if you think that battle looked annoying man just buckle up for the late game after we get our first real win over hop we can move on into the Galler mine we beat up all the workers here until we meet our new secondary rival or whatever bead for this battle bead leads with the Solosis with two moves confusion and the more interesting move Endeavor this move sets the opposing Pokemon's HP to be equal to the Pokemon that used it and thanks to our level Advantage we have a much higher HP total than his Solosis and on our first attempt we win the speed tie on turn one side note everything about our opponents first Pokemon people almost always do the same as this resulting in what's called speed time and speed time you have 50 chance going first okay turn one we win the speed tie and hit it with the confusion leaving it pretty low so when it uses Endeavor it takes us down to less than a quarter of our HP next he sends in his hatna who isn't too threatening but after taking it out we ultimately lose to his last Pokemon gothata so we end up having to do to actually beat this guy is get low enough against his lead Solosis then use the healing from our leftovers to survive as we use Endeavor to get his Pokemon low enough that we can take them out with a single confusion a delicate Balancing Act but it's not too long before it works after beating beat we head into turf field town where we meet a dog then challenge the first gym we heard some lulus then challenge the gym leader Myla here we learned that since gym Leader's teams are type themed and most types are resistant to themselves these battles are pretty much all going to be insanely tough luckily Milo's league glossifler has two normal type attacks one of those being rapid spin which boosts our speed after we use it with our speed boosted we go first for the rest of the battle which is a huge Advantage from here we take out his glossop floor then he brings in his Ace Elder gas another thing about gym leaders in this game is they all have access to the big old Power Up of Dynamax basically big Pokemon with big health and big damage plus some other stuff too we trade blows until we use up all of our PP and thanks to getting healed from the grassy terrain that we set up with Max overgrowth we take the fight home so after all of that we've finally finished the very first gym from here we head West out of turf field town have a quick battle against team yell where the Sableye disables by disable but we get lucky enough with some flinches to beat them and secure the bite then just as we're starting to get the tiniest amount of momentum our progress comes to a screeching halt as we find ourselves staring down none other than our rival hop at least this time his wulu does have double kick which is good enough to take out his sheep and a couple super effective hits easy enough but our problems really start once his next Pokemon Corva Squire comes in this thing can either lower our defense with Lear or just destroy us with pluck both of which are quite bad also a secondary effect of pluck is that it'll eat your Pokemon's Berry if it's holding one which is a serious issue for us because with this wulu's moveset we barely have enough damage to get through this battle with pluck on the table we can't use Aleppo Berry to refill our PP okay we sent this fight a few times but with our current level it doesn't seem like we'll be able to win this one meaning that we begin the fun process of doing this battle over and over till we end up all the way at level 45 with the refined strategy turn one against his wulu we hit it with a double kick to get its HP down into the red which prompts hop to heal a heal here might seem bad but this is part of the plan because if we get a high damage roll on the next turn we can take this thing out in one hit Bernie Hopps super potion on his wulu is good because it makes it so he can't heal his other beefier team members later in the fight from here he sends in his core of a squire instead of immediately trying to take this thing out we start burning all of our growl and defense curl PP just in case we need to quickly have access to struggle against hops drizza while we're doing this we managed to get super lucky as his corvus Square goes for multiple weak Theory attacks and pecks instead of plucks or leaders once we've used up all of our PP we take this bird out with four tackles finally he sends in his drizza it hits us with a bind turn one which thanks to our defense being boosted by defense curl we love to see but on the next turn it uses water pulse which not only does big damage because of wulu's terrible special defense but it also leaves us confused super unlucky but incredibly we're still able to get off three double kicks in a row without hitting ourselves in confusion once these three double kicks also all high roll on damage so we're able to finish this thing off without resorting to struggling after spending an entire day on this fight I'm numb to the feeling of Victory but at least we're able to get across this bridge and get into hallbury now here we track down the gym leader and overcome the great puzzle that is the Water Gym challenge after all of that we finally get to copy a decent Pokemon in a major battle nessa's Goldeen actually has a pretty good moveset against her Goldeen turn one we go for a Whirlpool which does recurring damage at the end of each turn with the damage over time rolling we should be able to save PP on our main attack horn attack the next turn we set up agility which double boosts our speed and lets us go first for the rest of the battle then we take out our gold Dean with a horn attack plus the chip damage from Whirlpool next is our ericuda who also goes down to the whirlpool and Horn attack combat finally she brings in her Ace Dreadnaught turn one at dynamaxes and we set up yet another Whirlpool for the chip damage it fires off of Max darkness which does a decent chunk to us but not to worry because on the next turn we Dynamax boosting our health this also allows us to do big damage with the max geyser which also sets up rank then we use the damage Boost from the rain to take the turtle out with two more max geysers with an easy gym win under our belt it seems like our fortunes might be looking up we have a nice celebratory lunch with the chairman then we take our Newfound confidence with us through the second Galler mine here we easily beat using a very similar strategy to our first battle and continue blazing our way through this part of the game we return to modestoak and beat Marnie for the first time then head in to challenge the gym leader kabu ironically the fire Chim is where our flame Peters out kabu's lead is in nine tails which I would say say is normally an above average Pokemon Well turns out that kabu's nine tails has the ability flash fire which makes it immune to fire type attacks okay no worries we can still damage it with quick attack so we quickly attack his nine tails until it goes down then he brings in his Arcanine which intimidates us dropping our attack shouldn't be too big of a deal nine tails is a special attacker anyway so we go for a fire spin which deals chip damage at the end of every turn and we Whittle it down with that plus a couple Embers finally he brings in is a center Scorch this is when we find out the fun little fact that this thing is also immune to fire type attacks and since we're out of quick attack PP we take a fat out alright easy enough we can just hold a leperberry to restore our quick attack PP and beat this guy right nope since Arcanine drops our attack with intimidate we realistically can't do enough damage to take out a center Scorch even with the help of Dynamax eventually we find ourselves all the way up at level 66 with a decent albeit R and G dependent plan we start out by using five quick attacks to take out his nine tails which activates our leftover bear then we use fire Spin and Ember to take out his Arcanine as usual all while resetting if this thing ever makes a Flinch with bite which happens a lot but this time we get lucky and don't Flinch and take this dog down finally he sends in as a center Scorch which Dynamax is turn one since we have just barely enough damage to defeat this bug we go for an ember on the first turn which as you know does no damage the reason why we do this is since a Pokemon's health is elevated when it's in Dynamax attacks against it effectively do less damage as a percentage of the Pokemon's HP so we use Ember here to save one of our quick attacks for after Cena scorches out of dynamic from here we go for two quick attacks one of which crits which is nice all the while we soak up Max flutterbyes and end up extremely low on HP but we have successfully stalled out its Dynamax after it returns to normal we Dynamax and hit it with a Max strike leaving it just below half Health at this point we are so low on HP if this this thing decides to go for any attack we're basically dead luckily for some reason it uses smoke screen twice in a row which allows us to live and get off two more max strikes to take it out and secure the victory wow only level 66 with three gym badges at least we're doing better than I used to do as a kid I guess anyway at this point there's some Exposition where we go over to hammerlock and beat Team yell again which wins US the favor of the Region's renowned Beauty opal then we have my personal favorite Battle of this challenge against this metronomical fairy lady nothing crazy happens but it was actually a bit of fun for a change after winning the dice rolls we beat all the required trainers in our way until we arrive at Stowe on side from here we conquer our motion sickness and blast our way through this human pinball machine then challenge the gym leader Bia she gives us a huge gift with her lead hitmontop so with a few well-timed counters we're able to beat her fighting Squad without even using Dynamax then as we exit the gym we hear huh that sounded strangely like a historical site being smashed by an elephant oh wow it was unfortunately we're too late to stop bead but not too late to beat that ass with our ditto we're able to easily sweep his team on our first attempt without too much thought now after getting revenge in the name of History we moved through the Enchanted Forest into balance where we Face Off against the next gym leader opal in this battle opal will periodically ask you quiz questions and if you correctly answer these questions your Pokemon is rewarded with a stat boost so with our galaxy brain we're able to stack up the Boost and use wheezing's poison type attack sludge to Super effectively blast our way through our fairy types after defeating Our Queen Opel accompanies us back to hammerlock and instantly falls in love with another Suitor heartbroken but determined to win her back we move on with our Quest we're able to quickly make it over to the next gym in sir Chester thankfully the hardest part about this gym is the gym challenge with our controller's broken Rumble Gordy's lead barbarical is just about the best Pokemon we've gotten to you so far not only does does it have a water type attack which is super effective against his rock type team but it also has shell smash move that lowers your Pokemon's defense is one stage but sharply raises its attack stats and speed so we go for a couple of those then Sweep with razor shell man maybe this challenge is starting to get a little easier huh just kidding it's another impossible hop battle this is by far the hardest battle we've seen up to this point this fight pushed me to my absolute limit and almost made me quit this challenge our buddy hop has gone back to his old team so we get to copy his double which is better than wulu but still not fantastic for some reason this is double as leveled up hop has decided to keep defense curl growl and double kick instead of reversal headbutt or guard swap I do not know about this guy in our first few attempts we get through his double and Snorlax but we just hard lose to his intelia so we keep retrying over and over and over until his intellion starts to feel bad for us and uses a couple tearful looks instead of attacking this allows us to take it out and move on to his next Pokemon Corva Knight this thing is part steel so it doesn't resist our fighting type double kick so it should do decent damage right nope that kind of damage we don't have anywhere near the pp on our attacks that we need to beat this bird and that's not even considering the fact that he still has a whole nother Pokemon after this one so what are we gonna do well as you may have noticed this battle takes place in hey meaning that at the end of a return Pokemon on the field take a little bit of Chip damage this is simultaneously a serious problem and our greatest asset it's a big problem because due to the fact that double doesn't have anywhere near the damage output needed to get through this fight quickly we're basically forced into using the leftovers as our held item to mitigate the damage from hail so any held item like leperberry or a damage boosting item is off the table but this same annoying hail damage is our best chance to defeat the tanky Beast that is hops Corbin here's how one huge weakness that bird has is its high propensity to use the non-damaging move scary face this bird seems to be obsessed with this move because sometimes it'll even use it after our speed has been lowered as low as it can possibly go so if we get lucky enough and it keeps going for scary face we can use growl to lower its attack and defense curl to increase our defense after doing that we should be able to stall long enough for the hail damage to kill the bird then hop sends in his last Pokemon Pink hirch by far the weakest member of his team but at this point we have almost no gas left in the tank so we lose discouraged but not defeated we reset and start this whole process over again six months later eventually after leveling our double all the way up to level 95. we have another promising attempt we take out hops first three Pokemon then stall out as corvinite and finally he sends in his pink urchin at this point our double only has a single takedown left before it's completely out of move thankfully it doesn't miss and takes out about half of the urchin's health but unfortunately on this same turn this thing goes for a curse which raises its defense we're at about half health and if we don't kill it on the next turn we'll die to The Recoil from struggle and thanks to its race defense our calculations say that struggle will only take out about 30 percent of its HP but if we somehow manage to land a critical hit we can still win so we click that attack button and pray all right foreign [Music] oh my God I did it I have legitimately never popped off like that for a Pokemon battle by beating that battle we've probably exhausted all of our good luck for the next 10 years so hopefully the next major battle isn't too hard right after beating hop and getting the water bike we head over to spike we're at the main entrance is locked and the side entrance is guarded by Marnie thinking back our first battle against the goth princess wasn't too tough so this time it probably won't be too bad either right wrong marnie's lead is a Lie Part A Fine Pokemon on its own and at first glance at its moveset you see fake out and Sucker Punch both pretty good then you see nasty plot which is one of the best setup moves in the game fantastic but if you look closer you might realize this thing doesn't have any special attacks for nasty plot to boost not only that but both of its attacks only work conditionally fake out you can only use on the first turn after your Pokemon enters the battle and Sucker Punch only works at the opponent attacks this move set is a discouraging sight but after spending all that time beating up hop we cannot give up now in one of our early attempts we managed to beat marnie's Life part but after that she sends in Scrappy in addition to being absolute defensive wall also 4 times resists our only usable attack Sucker Punch we try to beat this guy a few times but make minimal progress after struggling with this battle for a while we realize we're gonna need some external help we search around until we realize that we've missed a very powerful held item the choice band The Choice band boosts damage on your physical attacks by 50 but the big drawback is that it locks you into only using one move but we take what we can get then it's back to battling Martin even with our Newfound Choice band we just don't have enough power to make it through this fight with our current strategy we end up slamming our face again against this battle for hours and hours until we find something that just might work remember that Scrappy that's been giving us all this trouble Well turns out that this guy actually has a chance to use a move other than brick break sometimes that move happens to be Swagger which sharply boosts our attack stat but leaves us confused not only that but sometimes it'll go for a swacker again even when you're already confused further boosting your attack and if you get some incredible luck it can even use it a third time which maxes out your attack and maxed out attack plus the extra damage Boost from Choice band might just make us able to squeak this one out so we begin the incredibly long arduous task of actually getting this to happen six months later it finally does this crafty uses Swagger three times in a row and finally we have the attack boost we need to win only problem is we're still confused from swag and if we hit ourselves in confusion with maxed out attack we'll just kill ourselves straight up but on this day we were blessed we use up our final PP on Sucker Punch and since our choice band forces us into only using one move and that move is out of pp we're able to use struggle which we land through confusion to take out our scratching then we managed to not hit ourselves in confusion again as we One-Shot our Toxicroak with struggle finally we finish off for more pekko with one last struggle now after using up all our good luck for the rest of our life we can finally head into Spike month where we try to take on the gym challenge but this guy at the front won't let us in with just one Pokemon since we can't enter this gym with only one Pokemon technically it's not possible to beat Pokemon sword with only a ditto but after what we've been through we are not going to let this random team yell homie put it into this challenge we think for a while and decide that the best course of action for these Force double battles is to catch a low-level Magikarp to occupy the second slot by only using using Splash it'll have as little impact on the battle as possible so with the minimal help of our new second team member we're able to defeat the team yell Grunts and Spike myth then challenge the gym leader Pierce thankfully marnie's older brother isn't quite as well equipped as she was to deal with dunk his leads crafty with its secondary fighting type is the perfect counter to his dark type team so with the help of our attack boosting Choice band we're able to easily brick break our way to the seventh batch and thankfully from hisanity after grabbing the choice Backs from the back of Spike but there's nothing standing in the way of us heading back to hammerlock to take on the final gym unfortunately this gym is all double battle so we have to bring our friend foddy along for the ride but with the blessing of the fish we're able to dispatch the nerds in ryhon's gym and challenge the big man himself since this battle is in the doubles format we have something that has been extremely rare in this run a choice Duncan's ability imposter automatically transforms it into the first Pokemon of season battle but since there are two Pokemon imposter copies the Pokemon that the ditto is directly across from so if we put Duncan into the first slot we'll copy raihan's Flygon and if we put it into the second slot we'll copy giggler we tried a few attempts with gigolith but it seemed too slow to really make an impact so we decided that Flygon was our guy go for this fight we give ditto the choice band and kick it off with a breaking swipe which hits both of ryhon's Pokemon it's able to one shot his Flygon and take out about half of gigolis HP while also lowering its attack meanwhile our friend foddy splashes around like a good boy next ryhon sends in his anaconda and we use another bricky swipe thankfully on the same turn his snake hits foddy with an earth power instead of paralyzing Flygon with glare like it's known to do then our Flygon is easily able to soak the damage from his giggle this body press and on the next turn we fire off another breaking swipe which kills both of his Pokemon simultaneously from here he's down to just his Ace duraludon so we Dynamax as he brings in his skyscraper and does the same something interesting about Dynamax is that it overwrites the effects of the choice band so weren't able to go for a Max Steel Spike which isn't very effective but boosts our defense we decided to go for this move because dirt ludon's gmax move g-max depletion takes away PP from the last move that the opponent used so we have our PP deducted on a less important move than Breaking sway from here he's another steel Spike then a Max darkness which doesn't quite kill but with our boosted defense we lived through both depletions and once we're out of Dynamax a choice band boosted breaking swipe is more than enough to take this thing out and win us the battle now with eight GEMS under our belt We Begin the very long and extremely taxing end of this game we've ride the train with hop over to Windon then head in to take on the first round of the champion tournament in this round we Face Off against Marnie again and just like the last time she proves to be a ridiculously strong opponent at least this time her lipard has the special attack snarl so we can actually utilize nasty plot the only problem is even if we max out our special attack with life hard Daryl still only takes out about one third of scrafty's health so we basically have to use all of our special attacking PP to deal with our first two Pokemon not to mention the fact that her Ace is now a grim snarl which thanks to its dark fairy type also four times resists our dark type attack not only that but it also has a super effective Dynamax fairy type attack yeah it's a big problem but a fortunate thing for us is both Scrafty and her Toxicroak still have the move Swagger which has a 10 chance to miss and even if it does land does no damage so if we manage to max out our special attack and take no damage on any of the four Pokemon before her Grim snarl we will probably be able to use Aleppo Berry to give us enough damaging attacks to just barely have a chance so we level up to level 100 and start praying for the RNG we need we keep attempting the fight over and over and over until we finally get somewhere promising her life hard goes for a couple nasty plots so we're able to set up Max special attack and take it out with a snar then she sends in her Scrafty who not only goes for two swaggers but also misses both of them so we take it out with three snarls then we miss our first star on our toxic croak but fortunately it also misses with its swack allowing us to take it out on the next turn then her morpheco goes down to another snarl and finally she brings in a race Grim snarl and dynamaxes we do the same and go for a Max guard on turn one for some reason then on turn two we hit it with a Max Darkness this does a little bit less than half of its HP but also lowers its special defense now we just need to pray for no crit from its next Starfall and thankfully the crit doesn't come so we lived through the super effective attack and fire back with another Max darkness which thanks to its Lord's special defense finishes this big hairy guy off with that Victory we have officially used up all the luck of our ancestors and future descendants but we can finally move on to the second round of the tournament against hop who has finally taught his double some better moves the first two turns we max out our defense with cotton guard this Max defense goes great when combined with the healing from leftovers and even though we do end up getting Paralyzed by doubles body slam on the first turn we're able to push through and take it out next he sends in his Snorlax so we Dynamax and start using Max Knuckles to beat it down while also boosting our attack stack and our three Dynamax turns we managed to take out a Snorlax and Pinkerton while also boosting our attack three stages in the process his next Pokemon corvinite does manage to live through a couple of our attacks but with our maxed out defense it really can't do much against us so we take it out over the next couple turns then finally he brings in his Ace intellion who dynamaxes but it ends up just tickling us with a Max quake and so we're able to fire back with the boosted body slam to finish out the battle finally an easy hop battle uh oh seems like chairman Rose and oleanna might be evil we battle our way to the top of Rose tower for some reason then face off in a relatively quick Showdown with the Chairman's babysitter and decide to not intervene in the evil plotting that we overhear instead we rest up for the next day of the tournament luckily even with bead's surprise appearance in the first round A2 goes way smoother than day one speed gives us an absolute gift with his lead Mawile who's a steel fairy type with the move Ironhead which hits B's entire fairy type team super effectively so we're able to Crunch Ironhead and Max Steel spark our way to an easy Victory round two puts us up against Nessa who generously gives us her golicipod with Swords Dance so you can imagine how this one goes then in round three Bia throws us another bone with her lead halucha who super effectively destroys her whole team with its flying presses finally we Face Off against Ryan who proves to be a tougher opponent than our first encounter he leads with the torque hole which is not super threatening but it has the extremely annoying move yawn which it does not hesitate to use so we're basically forced to fire back on turn one with a yawn of our own then we trade Sun boosted lava plumes which takes his torque hole down to less than half HP and on this very special attempt we actually actually managed to wake up before his torque hole and take it out with a second lava plume from here raihan brings him his Fly Guy which does have earthquake we definitely want to avoid being hit by that if possible but thankfully this bug basically always goes for sandstorm turn one so we only have to take one hit from earthquake before we can finish it off with two body presses next up is his Goodra which is probably his scariest team member mainly because it loves to set up Rain then use its two water type attacks muddy water and Surf and in the rain both of these moves instantly KO Duncan but we don't have to worry too much about that because we take it out in one hit with a critical body press then he sends in his second to last Pokemon turtonator this guy likes to set up Sun which is pretty nice for us and it also loves to go for the move shell trap side note shell trap even works when it's asleep but we yawned it anyway and proceed to go for solo beams and lava clip and we're able to chip this thing down without taking any damage while getting some nice healing from our leftover finally he sends in his a stir a ludon who gigantom axes so we do the same turn one it lands a critical Max rockfall which is unfortunate but we fire back with a Max flare which sets up sun and takes this thing down into the heel range for ryhon the next turn ryhon heals like a good boy and so we're able to take out this Skyscraper with a sun boosted Max flare following our victory in the semi-finals we find ourselves in the championship battle against but of course you already know there's some evil stuff that goes down instead so we have to head up to the top of the power plant and hammerlock to put a stop to the Durant's chairman he gives us a huge gift with his lead escavalier having Swords Dance to set up and drill around to hit his Steel type super effectively so he isn't able to put up much of a fight against Duncan after beating him we head upstairs to give Leon some backup against eternites here we're able to answer the age-old question what happens when ditto transforms into a tournamax eternitus lame whatever with the help of some dogs we beat this big polygon with the world save there's just one thing left to do face off against the champ himself and wow does this battle really put us to the test alright his League is Aegislash that's a good Pokemon right well yeah but turns out that its signature ability stance change which is the thing that actually makes it so strong yeah when ditto transforms into it that ability just doesn't work for some reason not only that but take a look at the move sets of Leon's team notice anything interesting here yeah that's right every single one of them has a move that hits Aegislash super effectively this was easily the hardest battle in the game this fight took me almost a full week of attempts trying it every single day but eventually we refined our strategy and this is what we came up with turn one we want to lose the speed tie and go second we also want Leon's Aegislash to not use King's shield and attack so that it switches into blade form in Blade form its defenses are much lower so a single Shadow Ball is enough to take it out unfortunately this means we usually end up taking a super effective Shadow Ball from his age of Slash which leaves us around half Health from here Leon senton one of his most problematic Pokemon cinderase its signature move Fireball is super powerful and super effective so it just crushes Aegislash but sometimes it'll use the move acrobatics instead which makes contact so if we use King shield wouldn't use acrobatics we'll be able to lower its attack which is exactly what ends up happening after that we can just smell a pyro ball incoming so we Dynamax to boost our health thanks to Dynamax and cinderace's lowered attack we're able to soak the damage from a pyro ball and fire back with the max phantas then on the next turn we take another pyro ball to the face which is certainly not optimal but we fire back with the max knuckle to take this rabbit out while also boosting our attack after taking those two pyro Balls to the face we basically need perfect RNG for the rest of this battle his next Pokemon is Haxorus which does have the super effective move earthquake but sometimes it'll use outrage instead which thankfully is what it does we resist it but it still leaves us very low on HP we use our last turn of Dynamax to fire off a Max Steel Spike which does big damage and boosts our defense on the next turn we know that Haxorus is locked into using outrage again so we use a King shield which stalls for a turn and lowers haxorus's attack then we get lucky yet again as this thing opts to go for another outrage we live through that and finish the dragon off with a final Flash game next up is his Seismitoad which spoiler alert is another serious problem especially given in that it has access to a stab super effective earthquake turn one we protect through an earthquake with King's shield and the next turn it actually goes for a liquidation which is incredible because it doesn't kill us with fire back with the boosted sacred sword and then protect again on the following turn as it uses another liquidation this move actually makes contact and lowers the Frog's attack this lowered attack allows us to live through its next earthquake and buys us some more time to chip away at this thing with another sacred Soul this exact same sequence happens one more time and finally we're able to finish it off from here Leon sends in his second to last Pokemon dragon pull just like every other member of his team this thing is a problem with its stab super effective Shadow Ball but luckily turn one it goes for dragon breath which we resist and barely live through then fire back with a super effective Shadow Ball of our own not quite enough to kill but it puts it down into heel range the next turn Leon heals which allows us to finish it by trading a flash Cannon and another Shadow Ball for a thunderbolt which he barely survives AI finally he's down to just his Ace Charizard which gmax is giving it access to the very problematic move g-max Wildfire fortunately for us though turn one this thing goes for a Max overgrowth which we resist this move also sets up grassy terrain which gives us a little extra healing at the end of every turn we fire back with the flash Cannon which not only does damage but we also get a Super Lucky special defense drop on Charizard as well over the next two turns the healing from grassy terrain is enough to sustain us as Charizard goes for a Max rockfall and a Max Airstream we keep firing off flash cannons hoping for more special defense drops which unfortunately don't end up materializing but at this point Charizard is finally out of Dynamax turns so after barely surviving an air slash he fire off our final Shadow Ball and prey thanks to its drop special defense this is just enough to take this thing down and secure us the championship Victory and there you have it you can sort of beat Pokemon sword with just one Ditta like the video and subscribe drive to the channel till next time
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 1,308,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: shsuvrbdxjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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