Saddest "I'm Waiting for Someone" Restaurant Stories

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waiters what's the saddest i'm waiting for someone you have experienced god's at a party of 15 to 20 inches for a woman's bridal shower her mom decorated the table and chairs in the whole corner for the party everyone in the restaurant could see there was going to be a party there on a busy friday night four people showed of the possible 20 that includes the future bride and mom i didn't even care about the money i was missing out on four tables of my section gone on a busy weekend shift i just felt so bad for her you know it's bad when you're not even worried about your tips hug this one was tough i worked at a pretty fancy steakhouse in town and we had a private dining room that could set up to 32 at a single long table to book the room we charge a 1 500 deposit which we then use to cover part of the bill it was a deposit not a room charge anyways this girl books it for 26 people puts the deposit on her card she shows up with her sister and then after about 20 minutes two of their friends show up and sit at the opposite end of this giant table from the birthday girl and her sister nobody else came they waited an hour the birthday girl was sobbing the other two just awkwardly left it was awful i'm grateful to my manager who in a moment of compassion refunded the whole deposit back onto the poor girls card i felt terrible for her that's horrible it must have meant so much to her since she is willing to splurge i haven't bartended in a million years but the saddest one was a guy in his 30s he had a top asked for a bottle of top shelf champagne candles lit all that told me they were celebrating no one showed guy looked morose it had an appetizer poured a glass of champagne for the person who wasn't there then asked for the bill i felt bad he obviously got stood up so i brought him a dessert in the house he smiled and told me it was his anniversary my face must have showed my sadness for him so he clarified his wife died of cancer a few months ago it may have been the saddest thing i've seen the guys had something horrible happen to him and still decided to go out and attempt to remember the good times not dwell on the bad you were nice to him and that probably meant a lot his day probably sucked but it sucked less than it could have done not a waiter but worked at a coffee shop for several years and made friends with tons of regulars one of the regulars we'll call him jay was working on his phd in art history or something to that effect at the university near us he came in one day got his usual tea and asked if i could charge him for a latte did make it later no big deal i was bussing tables and asked who the latter was for and very excitedly expressed that he was meeting a lady and it was kind of a date he was an awkward kind of guy but very interesting and incredibly friendly one hour passes no show two no show finally three he's looking despondent and starts collecting his things and leaves she showed up 20 minutes later asking about jay apparently they got their times completely mixed up he comes in the next day and i mention that she came in looking for him and he looked so excited i found out a week or so later from him that she basically blew him off a second time he was so crestfallen it broke my heart that one was almost going well and then no my poor heart not exactly a waiter but i was working at a bar a few years back and there often was this girl in her early 20s maybe who sometimes used to meet her mother at the bar maybe about every two or three months the thing is more often than not the mother either came extremely late one or two hours at least op didn't came at all when she came there often was a huge tension between the two it was obvious that they had some unresolved issues watching the girl wait for hours even if it was clear that the mother wouldn't come on that day always broke my heart as a bar keeper and since she was a regular i tried my best to engage a conversation with her to distract her a little but there's only so much you can do fun fact years after i stopped working at that bar i met her at a random party and we had a great evening night together she told me that she broke up with her mother though it sucks being the child and trying to resolve issues with your parents because you want them to be a part of your life but then they refuse to do any work on their part ugh this gentleman in his mid 40s came to my restaurant frequently and would not order his drink until his wife got there he would wait for a few minutes then pull out a framed picture of a woman set it on the table and proceed to order his food and drink he would talk to the framed picture and have dinner with her about once a week i noticed him doing this often and told my co-worker i thought it was cute he was having dinner with his late wife and she replied oh no that's not his wife he found that picture at goodwill and has been a relationship with it ever since he told me that a long time ago what did i expect from working right off the freeway in crack town very true story no lie they had us in the first half not gonna lie i was actually a hostess at the time and i was asked to take the table for a server an old man came in asking for a table of six and he asked for six waters i set up his table and i put his order in he said it was his birthday he was there for about an hour or two and nobody showed up it was really sad he ended up tipping me like 30 dollars and he said sorry for the trouble i still think about that guy i hope he's doing okay ugh i have no idea why i clicked on this thread it's just making me super depressed i hope that man is doing okay too guy was dressed really nice says his date should be there soon and goes ahead and is seated he orders a drink and 30 minutes pass by then an hour and another drink later he started fidgeting with something and i noticed it was a ring after an hour and a half he asked for his check and muttered something about their ghost two years wasted and down the drain he tipped two exes bill poor guy was working an evening shift and a relatively younger guy came in and waited for his date she showed up and not even 10 minutes later he got up and left and she sat there crying patrons that are there to break up are also hard to witness a woman came in four nights in a row just in case she got the day wrong she'd sit at the bar wearing the same flowery dress every night and would hopefully look at the door every single time it opened left in tears the first two nights when we closed the third and fourth night she just stared vacantly at the door until we had to make sure she left i never saw her again i don't think any other staff did either but we all felt really bad for her she got a couple free drinks and apps we didn't even care if it was a scam cause she seemed so broken about it a woman came in four nights in a row just in case she got the day wrong i feel bad for her but this is not normal behavior i wonder if she's okay i was a server for five years and the most heartbreaking experience i had was an older woman probably in her 60s was waiting for her grandson to come meet her for lunch when i greeted her at the table she was very excited as i assumed she didn't see him much as time went by no one showed up so she decided to order towards the end of a meal no had shown up so it being a slow shift me and my gf we worked together at the same restaurant and which is where we met decided to just talk with her for a little bit and give her some company we both felt so sad for this sweet old lady but we could tell that simple act of kindness made her day shame on that grandson anyone who stands up their own grandma as an ungrateful punk place i used to work at had a man come in every night for a week wait for a few hours order food and drinks then leave with no one showing up later learned he was just trying to cope with his wife's death believing that she'd arrived to greet him at the restaurant where they had their first date in a strange and not so sad way that location may have allowed him to feel close to her and that was good enough not a waiter but to cheer this thread up i waited an hour and a half for my dates to show once i ended up sitting texting my friends fed up big kept telling myself five more minutes five more minutes just as i was about to give up she showed she explained she was a nurse on a mental health ward and one of her young people had gone into crisis she'd been stressing the whole time anyway we've been married 10 years in february sometimes it's worth the wait i'm not a waiter but i set up a joint party for my son and my nephew who have the same birthday his stepmom decided not to bring him to his own party the boys were born on the same day three years apart i set up a pizza party with family and joint friends his dad was working and the stepmom just decided not to bring him long before cell phones not the wait staff but the waiter i had set an okcupid date at this nice coffee shop in brooklyn i get there and i know the barista from college i'm the only person in the shop at the time so we talk a little awkwardly gradually other customers arrive so she attends to them and i attend to my phone it gets to the point where my date is 20 minutes late and hasn't been responding to my messages asking about an eta i'm sweating profusely i'm so embarrassed that i'm probably being stood up in front of someone who i had several classes with years prior and knows most of my friends i feel so humiliated then my date walks in stands there for a moment and walks right back out the door barista was that her me yup barista what in butthole that comment made things slightly better what why that's evil not a waiter but was out with my girlfriend and we were seated next to a date guy was clearly trying to engage with the girl but the girl kept looking at her phone disinterested guy initiated all the conversations only to be met with one word answers he ordered a lot of food it's a dessert place so a lot of small meals and then the girl suddenly took her bag and left he banged the table after about paying and just left with the food and touched everyone in the vicinity including the waiters were visibly shocked i felt so bad for the guy she sounds like an awful person i used to work birthdays at a science museum so one weekend the birthday family arrives i escort them back to their room as usual and start talking with the mom about how she wants things to go setting up the room etc she mentions that they just moved here and her son doesn't have many friends yet so they invited one cousin about their son's age and then just invited the kids entire second grade maybe class to the party an hour goes by and the little cousin has shown up but nobody else the little dude invited every kid in his class and not one of them showed up now to be honest the birthday boy himself didn't seem that concerned he and his cousin were happily playing with each other the whole time i just don't think he was really that warmed up to the kids in his class to begin with but the mom was heartbroken she had set this party up for her son had bought a birthday package that included a private room general admission for all guests and me taking a tour of liquid nitrogen to the room and making ice cream for the party she had high hopes for this and nobody showed and she was in tears and she asked me to go out the museum and just invite random kids into her son's birthday party just so that there would be at least some other kids for him to play with and this is the part that i'll never forget we found a half dozen kids who were interested in coming to the party and the mom was very grateful to them but word also got out to the staff and the staff absolutely rallied around this kid other employees showed up to sing him happy birthday some staffers went to the gift shop to buy him gifts one of my managers got the family vouchers for future admission we have a mascot a robot who will walk around and play with guests and he showed up to the party with some gifts from our gift shop i brought down the materials for making a couple of different types of homemade slime and made slime with the kids one of my co-workers one of the smartest and kindest people i've ever met spoke with the mom about the sun's interests and discovers the birthday boy is a fan of the avengers so he goes back to where we have a laser etcher on display and comes back with a wood burning that is a picture of the avengers wishing the sun happy birthday by the end of the party the mom was in tears again but for a very different reason a few days later she she sent us the sweetest letter about how much it all meant to her i worked three to five birthdays a weekend every weekend for about five years and they were always fun but that was the absolute best day at work i've ever had once at my shift i saw a really shy guy you could see that he is on a budget bit omg he was so trying so hard and looked so exited about upcoming date he brought one rose and asked what he can purchase on 10 euros to make this evening beautiful my heart melted so much that i offered him for free two glasses of wine and a dessert i was a manager we put on a table some candles and so he was sitting there and with the big smile waiting for his dates to come but she never came he waited like two hours nervously checking on his phone when he left he gave this rose to me and thanked for kindness towards him he was so broke so was my heart about this situation ngl this almost made me cry see we had a 21st birthday party booked for 20 the family showed up early with a few friends they had a few drinks and let the staff know some of the party were running late half an hour in when the late people were supposed to arrive two friends left an hour went by and the birthday group ordered got their starters told the service staff some more people were coming about two hours and the mother said just bring the mains out it was so sad i felt so bad for them being stood up by 14 people and the two friend who did show up didn't even eat years ago when i was bartending a man showed up in the early afternoon and told me that he was waiting on someone and when i asked he told me that it was his ex-wife and that they were celebrating that day now that was something that i wasn't about to dig into so i just went on with my work but once she arrived they seemed remarkably friendly with each other and started ordering the works steaks expensive drinks appetizers they only took a bite or two of and multiple desserts towards the end of the meal while chatting with the two of them i made the mistake of asking what they were celebrating they told me that it was the birthday of their son who passed away and every year they get together despite their divorce to celebrate him order all his favorite food and drink all his favorite drinks they got a bit misty-eyed but this seemed like a therapeutic experience for them i on the other hand had to take five in the walk-in freezer to have a little cry afterwards not a way to but a patron at the restaurant my girlfriend had taken me out to this local niche type restaurant one of the ones that was the type where you could get vintage old game and stuff to play while you got your food as we get in and seated young man around my age at the time think 1820ish comes in holding a nice bunch of flowers and he is dressed really nice with the hair done up and everything it clearly took him a lot of preparation so me and my girlfriend order nd talk and enjoy the evening and we realize that this guy is still alone after an hour we have our food and our eating but he's still sitting there drinking a soda and checking his phone then the door then his phone every five minutes this went on for the whole two-ish hours we were there it became obvious by his increasing anxiety and glum look that he must have known he was stood up but either couldn't accept it yet or was still desperately holding out hope me and my girlfriend felt so bad for him that when we paid our bill we gave the waitress extra money to send him a cheesecake waitress ended up giving him two just because she felt bad as well to this day it still sticks with me seeing that poor kid go through that and it boggles my mind because a guy wasn't bad looking there wasn't anything apparently wrong with him not that it would justify it if there was it just adds to the confusion people can really be crappy sometimes we gave the waitress extra money to send him a cheesecake that's nice waitress ended up giving him two that's just rubbing salt into the wounds have a cheesecake on the house and one for your date oh crap right a few years ago i took myself to a movie and dinner it was the weekend before valentine's day at the time i had a warehouse gig and that day my step counter was at 7.9 kilometers being exhausted i just sort of plopped down ordered quietly sipped a beer and derped around on my phone i must have looked like i was on the verge of tears in reality i'd been rear-ended at a red light the week before and just hurt all over server camped my cheesecake smiled politely and quietly remarked honey it is going to be okay until that point i wasn't sad to be alone but after that i was fighting tears all the way home a six-year-old boy came every day with his older brother at lunchtime and for almost a month they ordered three plates of food and always left one when i attended to them the boy told his older brother to ask his mother for lunch because she was already arriving but their mother never came the boy's older brother asked me to give the food to someone who needed it when they left and he told me that his mother had died and that he did not know how to explain to his little brother that his mother was not coming back but that this cafeteria it was the last place where she had taken her little brother to eat and that is why the boy believed that she would return for the dinner that's enough red it for today i was the sad schmuck on the 23rd of december 2019 i had set up a date with an amazing girl from tinder we had a lot in common very attractive and she lived close by we agreed over snapchat to meet at a red robins in the area for our first date even though she would be a little late i got to the restaurant on time because i had no idea what a little late meant and got a table with a view of the door and started waiting the first 15 minutes passed with me excitedly telling the waitress i was expecting someone and wouldn't be ordering yet the next 15 minutes passed with me openly staring at the door sitting up whenever someone would walk in after 45 minutes the waitress asked if i wanted anything and i told her i was still waiting while i watched the door anxiously at one hour i was planning on leaving soon and swinging by target on my way home i realized i hadn't given this girl my number and i didn't have data so we had no way of communicating fifteen minutes later i was about to muster up the courage to leave when two waitresses that had stopped by previously came to tell me they felt so sad and wanted to buy me a milkshake i thanked them but told them i had lost my appetite and half-heartedly joked that this wouldn't even be the worst thing that happened to me today my childhood dog had been put down earlier that morning and i had spent the hours before the date digging her grave i told one of the waitresses jc whose kindness i will always remember that i had no way of communicating with my date without wi-fi to which she responded by giving me her hotspot password i connected as fast as i could and opened snapchat to find dozens of messages from my date explaining how her only good pants were locked in the dryer and if i minded that she showed up in sweats i sent her my number and told her i would be glad if she showed up at all a few minutes later she walked in and explained that she had been in the parking lot for the past 15 minutes not getting a response from me thinking that i had stood her up and was about to leave when she got my text we're still grateful to the waitress jc for helping us get together gotta get that data plan bro mint sim is like 300 for a year i had a regular who would always come in with his wife one day he sat in my section and i noticed his wife wasn't with him i asked where's your wife today he replied she's in heaven waiting for me immediately i died inside i think i would have gone white flopped on the bench and started crying all those deep breaths you take when you want to cry but you try to get yourself together at the same time ducking heck i would have been a wreck not a waiter here on my 18th birthday this girl invited me out to drink with her friends because all of mine were too young to drink i said no at first but they insisted so i went along got there when they said they would ended up waiting at the bar two hours before they showed up had a short introduction and then they went off to the bathroom one of her friends came back out and told me that she wanted me to leave it really hurt but i didn't see the point of arguing worst part was when i got home i found out she was spreading lies that i had stalked her to the bar and told all our mutual friends one heck of an 18th birthday not a waiter but this happened to me i went speed dating turned up to the venue to find it very quiet barely anyone was there the event was on the second floor so i got a pint for the time being and sat down and waited for people to turn up i tried to go up to the second floor only to find that it had been closed off noticing my confusion the barman asked if i was there for speed dating i said yes he told me it was cancelled i didn't get an email about this nothing so i sat there dressed up and alone i finished my pint and went home dressed up and alone i finished my pint and went home that for some reason hits hard i'm not a waiter but once my friend and i were out at a restaurant celebrating our new apartment there were some people sitting next to us that were in a tinder date the girl kept asking the guy questions about what was apparently on his profile and he kept saying he didn't do that or just put that on there to get someone to like him she seemed so defeated at one point he got up without saying anything and when she asked where he was going he ignored her came back about five minutes later when this girl looks like she's on the verge of tears she asks where he went and he just said bathroom and went back to eating it was awkward to witness frick that dude im not a waiter but i got one heck of a story i was going for a friend's party at a restaurant and when i got there there was a kid sitting by the door he was also coming to the party when i told the waiters i was there for the party as well they called my friend and he identified me immediately but had never seen the kid before as it turned out his friend who invited him to the party had the party days before and gave him the wrong date we felt bad for the kid so we let him join our party that day i made a new friend reminds me of an event a group my friend was in held they skied and held a single skiing event they put up flyers and sent notices out one of the people who showed up that morning was a 13-year-old kid who wanted to try skiing he said everyone was nice to the kid and they all made sure he had a good day his first time on the mountain happened to my friend she was a hostess at a restaurant and sat this old lady at a table while she was waiting for her friend she stayed there for a few hours asking every now and then if her friend had showed up my friend was heartbroken and told this to her co-worker who was working the other side of the restaurant turns out her co-worker also had an old lady alone at a table who had been waiting patiently for her friend the ladies got a chance to chat a bit before they left so it was a happy ending at least thank god for at least one happy ending in this thread not a server anymore or at a time but i still remember this one like 20 years later my dnd group was currently that week without a place to game so we went to the local dennis we told the waitress that we would be there for about six hours yes we tipped her very well for camping that long anyway about an hour into our session this guy comes in and sits at a two top in clear view of me he sets a single rose on the table and sits down when the waitress took his drink order he was all smiles nothing really dramatic happens but over the next four hours or so i just watch his body language change he checks his phone like every two or three minutes never gets a call never seems to get or send a text finally after the four hours he just gets up leaves a 20 on the table he only ordered a soft drink as far as i could tell and just walks out no idea why but that image of the table a single drink the tip and the abandoned rose stayed with me all my life for your own sanity you never wait more than 20 minutes if she isn't responding to calls or messages okay this story did not happen to me but to my friend my friend was a manager still is at a pretty fancy restaurant she was working during valentine's day a guy walking pretty nicely dressed but not too nicely kind of nervous he's walked to a table for two since it was valentine the restaurant did its best to give off a romantic atmosphere roses on the table love themed dessert etc the guy order a water and start to wait when the waiter tries to take his order he tells he is waiting for someone he waits for an hours the two and then three each time sending checking his phone trying to call someone after a while my friend goes to talk to him this guy had lost his girlfriend of six years he was 24 at the time two years ago and it was his first date ever since after that she talked to him a bit more about him how life is etc etc turns out they had quite a bit in common so they exchanged contact a lot happened afterward but they've been happily married for two years now he is now 30 she is 28. he was in it for the long con of free desserts not my story but my sister there was a boy in my niece's class think third fourth grade kinda chubby quiet kid he invited people to his birthday party my sister made my niece go to be polite luckily she did cause only my niece went from the classroom his mother was so happy she went my sister felt so bad for him but i think he was just happy one person came to his party so when my niece had her birthday party at a skating rink she invited him too he was ecstatic i met the boy very good kid and he had a blast at her party i think some of the kids wanted to go to his party but the parents were just too lazy seriously parents imagine if that was your kid's party i make my son go to every birthday party and all the kids including my son love it my mom was embarrassed to be poor and didn't have money for other kids gifts but instead of being creative or offering to help she just said i wasn't allowed to go to other kids birthday parties luckily had a number of other things to keep me from becoming a weird male adjusted kid adult not a waiter but i witnessed a sad experience in a ny restaurant worth sharing here on askreddit a lady sitting by herself at the table next to me just stared straight ahead and with tears in her eyes when i asked her if she was okay she told me that her husband had recently died and this was her first time out to her restaurant on her own she said she had a pair of concert tickets for a performance at lincoln center they had planned to attend bill would now be going alone another first since her husband passed when i told her that i was a musician she asked if i'd like her extra ticket so we went together and had a great time after the concert we even went out for dessert and a night cap she was delightful i'll forever be grateful for the opportunity in that crowded restaurant to speak to someone who needed companionship and understanding had a lady probably in her late 70s early 80s come in with her daughter for a birthday dinner they got there early and set up some small decorations on the table a bouquet or two some balloons they waited for over an hour and a half before they told me that they guessed no one was coming and they'd go ahead and order they had invited over a dozen people and no one even called i told the lady that the people she invited were missing out and we chatted for a bit i tried to make sure that i checked in on her a lot made small talk cracked a few dad jokes and while she was very sweet you could tell she was disappointed i mean at her age who knows how many birthdays you have left at that point in your life i feel like family and friends would be the most important thing to you they finished thanked me left a tip and departed later that evening about five hours later two young men about 2025 showed up and asked if the such and such birthday party had been seated yet i told them they'd missed a fun dinner and that it had ended hours ago they didn't seem to care and just ambled out later that evening about five hours later two young men about 20 25 showed up and asked if the such and such birthday party had been seated yet i told them they'd missed a fun dinner and that it had ended hours ago they didn't seem to care and just ambled out that kinda sounds like they honestly got the time they were supposed to show up wrong they had a reservation for 12 people it was the girl's 17th birthday and she arrives first with her boyfriend her dad comes a few minutes later the three of them wait about 45 minutes and decide to just order they eat and are about to leave when the rest of her family shows up drunk they make a scene about how they weren't hungry and had to show up so nobody would be mad at them for not coming eat her cake and leave the birthday girl was crying and her dad and boyfriend were trying to console her they sound like my pose-in-laws this happened years ago when i was a bartender i worked at a fairly high-end restaurant dress code but not too uptight an older gentleman who i had seen multiple times before sits down at the end of the bar and he tells me what he's drinking and then also orders a second drink for his wife who is supposed to be meeting him there 30 minutes go by and he's on his second drink while his wife still hasn't arrived he's looking around behind his shoulder at the door and calling on his phone to no avail another 45 minutes passes and he finishes his wife's drink for her then closes the tab a couple weeks go by and this man comes into the restaurant again he has a bunch of people with him who range from old age to teens they all look sad and are all dressed up in black his wife wasn't in the group with them he orders a drink for himself and another for his wife he closes the tab then walks back to the front of the restaurant by the hostess stand with his drink but left his wife's drink behind i was kinda busy at the time so i didn't think much of it in the moment i later found out through one of the hostesses no idea how she found out that he and his family were there after the funeral of a family member who had died a couple weeks prior i did the mental calculations and it seemed to fall in the exact time frame that he had been sitting at the bar alone waiting for his wife now i know that funerals usually don't take weeks to complete once a person dies so this could have all been coincidental but it seemed a little too perfect of a coincidence it depends sometimes especially when there is a cremation the memorial service may be some time later i worked at tim hortons over 25 years ago one day an old man came in by himself and requested a cake for a birthday he asked that we write happy birthday angel on it when it was ready he came to the counter to pay for it flashed a huge smile and said it's my birthday i'm angel i will never forget angel buying himself a birthday cake my co-workers just told me this story last week and i cried i work at a semi-classy seafood restaurant in south east michigan and the host who has been working there for a long time said she had the sweetest old man who came with a single rose and vars set it up himself and ordered a bottle of champagne sitting by the tate eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight for a date that never showed literally cried when she told me this another one they had was the guy who set up the reservation called to cancel at the day of and asked the host to please inform his date they told him they obviously didn't have her number and he just hung up the woman showed up dressed to the nine and was stunning apparently his loss i had a really bad fight with my ex following a meal at a semi-classy seafood restaurant in southeast michigan several years ago and i would have rather had that fight than be that poor guy who gets stood up not my story happened to my roommate he worked at an old diner that had a fair amount of veterans as regulars there was one group that came in and shared a meal every three months and caught up with each other's lives been doing it since they got back from serving together in the korean war over the years the group had gotten smaller as some passed on by the time my roommate started working there the group was down to three then down to two by the end of that year the last two kept coming back for over a year until one day the last guy came in and after a few cups of coffee said i guess i'm all that's left he never did come back as far as my roommate remembers ugh this happened to a good friend he's one of just two left of his company of 20 they served in iraq together they're all only 40 44 if they were still alive one of them only passed two weeks ago it's devastating this is similar a man in his eight is used to come in on his own every night without fail always ordered the same thing was genuinely lovely to the staff it turned out his wife had died a few years previously and coming to the restaurant and talking to waiters was the only social interaction he had all day we ended up giving him free meals every day just so he could keep coming i had a dude at my bar waiting for a tinder date it had been like 15 minutes and a girl walks in he perked up and smiled he then proceeded to watch her i can only assume very drunk self go over to another guy of a completely different race and seem so excited to meet him she realized her mistake and quickly looked around to see her actual date most awkward tinder date i've ever served i was in a nightclub famous for having girl sex workers and there was this guy with two women one in each of his sides then his wife came and dressed as a h got herself a glass cup and shattered it in his head i never saw that much blood and yelling but the guy was okay kinda it was like a big mexican soap opera he kind of deserved it though english is not my first language so sorry if i sound offensive the waiter here this was at my first job when i was maybe 16 or 17 and didn't have many friends i had been asked by co-workers to go bowling one afternoon i was excited to go as i didn't really get to go hang out with anyone very much and my crush was the one who asked me to go i got the details from my crush via text and got to the bowling alley a little early to make sure i had the right place i headed in and realized i was the first one there over the next hour i called reach person who had said they were going and each one sent me to voicemail i'm pretty sure the alley staff thought i was being sketchy as heck too i ended up going home and just never brought it up at work even though i know my manager would have gone off on the stuff for doing that to me dude had a soft spot for me and told me i was like the kid he never had he was a really kind man server here as many stories have said a mom made a reservation for 20 i believe for her kid's birthday the mom arrived an hour early and we gave her the entire back section so she could decorate it however she wanted she did a lot like she really went all out for her kid which me and my co-workers thought was the sweetest thing ever come party time at 2 p.m and no one comes more time goes by and nothing by 3 p.m nothing the mom waits until 4 and comes to us crying that no one showed up obviously heartbroken my manager says to them you guys order as much as you want and we will make you the biggest birthday dessert for your son they had a giant feast and while they were doing this me and my co-workers made him a custom birthday card with all our names on it we had an artist that worked there so she drew him a bunch of disney things on the card and laminated it the most interesting part about this happened after with me the kid was kinda quiet and he had a switch that his mom gave to him as a present something about this kid reminded me of me as a kid so i went up to their table and asked them how everything was they were both in a better mood and spirits and i started talking to the kid about video games and stuff for like 20 minutes i found out later that he loves anime more specifically naruto so we started talking about that and i'm not sure if he knew anyone else that liked naruto but this kid lit up like i was the first person he's talked to about the show it was the most heartwarming thing to ever happen to me the whole entire time the mom was like you actually understand what he says about the show so obviously the kid talked to his mom about it but she had no idea what he was talking about at some point the mother started crying because she was so happy that her kid had someone to talk to about his interests as they were leaving i went to my locker and got my car keys because i had a naruto keychain on them i took it off and i gave it to him and i said happy birthday and this kid says this was the best birthday ever to his mom and he said that he wanted to come back and eat at my restaurant soon most heartwarming thing to ever happen to me in my entire life i don't know what happened to me after they left but i just started crying from being overwhelmed with what happened it still brings a tear to my eye anytime i think about it tldr mom reserved party of 24 sons birthday no one showed my manager gave them a giant feast i talked to the kid about video games and naruto and his day was made not me but my mom so basically there's this sweet old man that comes down to the restaurant that my mom works at as a waitress and it's usually him and his wife and sometimes their grandson but anyways one day the man came in with his daughter and they told my mom that the wife had passed away then a couple of days later the daughter had started to show up regularly with the old man and the daughter one day before they ate had told my mom that the old man had alzheimer's and was starting to forget stuff here and there but still remembered the important things but he forgot about the wife's passing so whenever they eat he would wait for his wife to come but the daughter would remind him that she wasn't feeling good so every day they come they eat their food and have a good time but at the end of it he would ask for the cake of the day whenever there's lemon cake because she loved the lemon cake i don't know how my mom does it but it must be hard to do all this without crying if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video you
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 259,031
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Keywords: im waiting for someone, restaurant, restaurant sad status, dating fails, dating, relationship, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: TGEt5cHX0lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 55sec (2455 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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