The Scariest Thing You've Seen In The Ocean (Scary Stories r/AskReddit)

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ship crewman what was the creepiest experience you had out on the ocean we did a Man Overboard drill on the way to Hawaii which includes throwing a dummy into the water I went portside to see the experience in less than one minute and by the time I reached the water there was already a rate foot shark waiting near the dummy found a sailboat adrift after a storm in the Atlantic with nobody aboard we decided to tow it to Florida a couple of us went aboard to attach the line there was a foot of water and tons of bondage pee floating around in it never found out who the owner was reported it in Key West and left it in the harbor not creepy but gross I was chumming and cutting bait at 5 a.m. on Jeffrey's ledge in New England I kept hearing weird splashing sounds every few minutes but it was still dark I was a noob at the time around 530 I could see a little better but not great I think I kept seeing a boy looking like a giant road cone popping up out of the water then it would disappear again I was full-on WTF captain comes out on deck and catches me staring off into the sea he looks out the road cone pops up a few hundred yards off he looks back at me and starts laughing his ass off how long you been watching that whale masturbate humpback whales masturbate by rolling around on the surface of the water using the splashes friction honestly this is the best story here came upon an empty life raft in the middle of the Atlantic in all likelihood it was probably an accidental discharge maybe a crew member was freaking around with the release or something who knows the implications otherwise are very disturbing though did a ship go down with all hands without anyone making it to the raft was the raft abandoned for some reason it left me feeling vaguely disturbed for a while afterwards free raft this was over 30 years ago we were living aboard a 22 Fito day our first boat we pulled into a dock and were trying to sleep we heard the crackling sound almost like twigs burning was very concerning I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my boat our neighbor didn't help he said it was fiberglass worms apparently this is some mollusk that attaches itself to the Hulland clicks in some way that the hull picked up and amplified that would be a sheep head convict fish eating barnacles off your hull freaked me out the first time I heard it all those crunching noises worked for a bit as a deckhand on fishing boats out of San Diego a few times we would come across deserted smaller boats pangas drift in with outlandish ly big motors every time the captain would just cut hard port or starboard to get away from them a quick as possible I knew they were drug-running boats that had probably dropped off their cargo but I would check them out with the binoculars if we were close one had two people on it both had clearly been shot a bunch of times and one was moving and fairly alive I told the captain got a disapproving head shake and we were on our way my dad told me this story once he spent a year fishing off the coast of Alaska one night he and another boat were racing together last slip the other would have two more in the harbor for the night that night there was a storm in the fish in the bottom of the boat moored in the harbor all slid to one side and capsized a boat my dad woke up the next morning to find the entire boat's crew had drowned in their sleep kamar had drowned in their sleep I'm sure they were awake when it happened deep fog like I couldn't see the front of the yacht sailing and it was only 50 foot the real creepy part came from the radar system tracking the boats and ships around us our radar not being a commercial shipping or fisherman spec was not quite as accurate so sometimes boats would disappear be right on top of us or appear in sight but not on radar that on top of the sheer quantity of marine debris throughout the ocean made me really scared that some boats had sunk when they dropped off radar especially in the months after Fukushima the situation was terrible in the Pacific the number of boats adrift and lost was among if not the highest it ever was in the history of mankind the doldrums you spend a year or two at sea watching the waves and winds are blowing constantly and then one day they stopped not so much as a wisp of wind in the sea is like glass it feels as if time has stopped realizing how creepy it feels the cat tinkles foreign all stop and goes dead in the water like a horror movie everyone migrates topside and just stares to the horizon no one says a word and you can hear yourself breathe he lets the ship rest there for an hour and the sailors freak out panic can set in quickly with a green crew the only thing the captain says when we get underway as men this is the doldrums bastard knew what he was doing not a ship but you know in the movies the creaking sounds on a submarine from the pressure when going deep the first time you hear em for real is a bit unnerving I have not spent much time a/c compared to men who should post their stories but you're right the creaking especially as night is unnerving to start with I've spent about nine years out at sea and there were a couple of things that stuck with me the very worst was a colleague hanging himself overboard on purpose going next to a tornado off the coast of Taiwan and the massive waves around us hearing a PA from the captain to pick up a heavy tool and head on to the back of the ship next to the handrail and it was not a drill turned out a ship that went past us in the opposite direction change direction and started following us nothing came out of it the very last one I remember was hearing a splash and start looking overboard to spot what fell in the water only to realize it's dolphins playing I got to see glowing algae on top of the ocean in the middle of the night having a smoke on the upper decks after my watch on a warship surreal and extremely uncommon but a memory I'll have for the rest of my life one of my most magical experiences at sea was seeing a school of flying fish skim over bioluminescent sea that was can't even describe it I hope I'll remember that for the rest of my life was on a fishing trip off the coast of Oregon this was about a year after the big tsunami in Japan the captain saw something off in the distance so we went to look it was a small refrigerator with Japanese writing on it just creepy to know that probably washed out of someone's apartment cousin is a ship captain or something one time they were loading cargo from Bandar Abbas Bay in Iran to transport to Abu Dhabi in the UAE a cat had climbed on board without anyone noticing halfway through the Persian Gulf she began meowing like crazy and they all legit got spooked some started saying ghosts or thinking they were legit sailing in haunted waters after three hours of shipmates searching like crazy they finally found her hiding between cargo containers they dropped her off in Abu Dhabi as an illegal immigrant , they dropped her off in Abu Dhabi as an illegal immigrant Garfield's plot against nermal finally came to fruition one first day on my first ship ever it's winter and like 30 degrees in the steel bulkheads racks beds et Cie are cold shipmate is nice enough to give me a small electric alarm clock to use the next morning I climb in my rack and put the alarm over my head kinda under the pillow and crash 2:00 a.m. I wake up after feeling something weird something just ran across my boot camp shaved head I opened my eyes and stare into the darkness then something else runs across my head I turn on my overhead lights in my rack and about two dozen roaches run for their lives they were nesting on my alarm clock and my head to keep warm yes this was a new guy joke yes I used it later on someone else number it was almost 30 years ago and I haven't forgotten I still feel them sometimes too same ship out at sea took a shortcut through the civilians birthing bedrooms area about 15 of them were sitting around a TV watching animal pee some were laughing but others were too focused those others three another ship out at sea when emergencies happen it doesn't matter who you are sometimes you have to get dirty and line ruptured and flooded several spaces with pitch-black oil about neck high on top of that we were sure there were a few bodies in there me and a buddy had to climb into the oil pool and wade through two rooms to get the pumps placed and confirm other things power is cut off of course so we had nothing but flashlights yes we found one of the bodies the other guy was actually elsewhere napping the job probably saved his own life there's plenty more but those are the first three we had a naval chief petty officer died of a heart attack while underway on Bo Dallas up since we were doing spec ops off the USSR coast line we could not surface and come off station for 60 days so every time we had to go into the freezer to get food there was the chief laying on the Shelf with his eyes wide open and frozen he was wrapped in a cling wrap material so you could see his face clearly so next time you open your freezer at night just think of having to look at someone's face looking back at you I can't believe the body wasn't at least put in a body bag woke up at 3 a.m. to a search and rescue alarm former Coastie I booked it to the boat we launch and end up cruising along for a few hours everything is pitch black one of the crew members are looking over the side of the bioluminescent algae being kicked up by our wake and says he saw something big roll over in our wake we explained it if that it was probably a shark and about 15 minutes later a deep fog sets in the fog is reflecting our running lights so it looks like we are in a hallway or tunnel everyone gets a little more tense we start keeping a close eye on the GPS and then the photometer alarm goes off we are in five feet of ocean the alarm stops we are in 300 feet and then three and then 250 and then six feet something was swimming very close to the bottom of our boat it was such an eerie experience we never figured out what it was perhaps whales or the Kraken we got to the boat we were rescuing and everything else was uneventful there's something wonderful about being on the ocean in the middle of the night but things can be very strange to us marine here during a float on a boat to operation top secret destination unknown one of our own were lost at sea I guess they just jumped overboard at night or something kind of depressing that's a crappy way to die anyways their coffin rack was adjacent to mine and we left the rack made and for some reason the sheets kept on getting messed up every day it was pain in the ass to keep making the sheets we straight the rack and we figured that no one should be sleeping in there since there were plenty of other vacant racks in the birthing but someone would keep making the rack and messing the sheets up in the morning I know aircraft carriers are big but could someone really fake their own death on one and get away with it there's no way someone would be sleeping there because we'd noticed someone climbing up on the top bunk and the Duty would have been posted at the entrances to the birthing it was just creepy seeing the rack being made neatly and then messed up in the morning a friend a captain asked me to help deliver a sailboat from featuring Lauderdale to Houston I was a somewhat inexperienced sailor only sailed for fun a few times short trips but he was able to get me $100 a day so I said why not I was between jobs it was three of us me my captain who is a very experienced sailor and the new owner of the ship once we got to Anna Maria Island on the west coast of Florida we prepared for the longest all of our trip the first time we will be away from the coast going through the Gulf of Mexico we did a four-hour shift then you'll get to sleep or do whatever for eight hours until your next four hours the eerie part for me was my shift alone pitch-black darkness of the middle of the ocean no moon out you also have to avoid a lot smaller oil rigs some still active some not active some not with lights some not you'd hear explainable sounds etc I dunno if it was just my head freaking with me but that one overnight shift was pretty tense and scary for me it towards the end of my shift we hit some pretty bad rain and rough seas my captain took over I went to bed I get woken up a bit later too crazy rough seas I go back on deck and my captain and the owner of the ship just yell we have to turn back we lost our GPS apparently the wind knocked it off the top of the mast and into the ocean so there we are now rough seas pitch blackened with no GPS luckily my captain is old-school and knows how to sail with just a chart so we made it back to Anna Maria and purchased two new GPS the whole event was just surreal and I was definitely worried a few times the rest of the trip was uneventful the next nights had nice bright moons calm season that made it a little less eerie this is why you should always have an emergency backup sextant I was on ship during Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico during the worst of it the wind made the mysterious noises and the ship was creaking and making all sorts of metal on metal noises a ship shouldn't make my buddy and I were about 20 miles west of the Lower Keys in the Gulf of Mexico we were on his Bertram looking for dolphin and wahoo when we see a boat in the distance heading our direction we weren't under power or anything just drifting and drinking beer the boat gets closer and we see smoke it was pretty much a burned-out cabin at that point but still running it just idled by we yank our lines up and go run it down luckily no charred corpses that I could see I kick it into neutral with a gaff and we decided to see where it came from on the way we reported its location to coast guard we drove that general direction for probably 10 miles didn't see a single thing no other boats no lifejackets nothing hopefully the people who were on that boat were picked up safety it was like something from Walking Dead just a burned-out boat floating on by one of three guys sailing a 45 foot Morgan from Antigua to Daytona Beach Florida I had zero crossing experience prior to this trip any who I pictured getting tan pina coladas and white sand beaches nope it was open ocean at least by land lubber standards and three hours shifts round-the-clock Manning the helm GPS and radar while the other two guys chilled during the day or slept at night it was hard as heck and I've done a few things considered somewhat tough and out of the ordinary the biggest worry while on autopilot other Brazilians of ships flying around throughout the Caribbean yes you can see them from many miles away especially at night and with the help of radar but they sneak up on you and a 600 foot freighter captained by Oh possibly hammered crewmen in the wheelhouse at 2:00 in the morning wouldn't even feel a bump as it split us into kindling so one night I'm on shift trying to stay awake we Snickers and coffee and it's so black you couldn't discern the horizon line just stars blackness and the running lights of lots of far-off freighters going in all directions I proceeded to take my occasional 360 degree glance around like I was told to make sure there's also nothing coming up aft and OMF gourd there's this giant round yellow like stretch in what seemed like across the entire sky directly behind me clearly this was a freighter directly behind our boat with some kind of a spotlight on the bow trained on us and about to gobble us up like Jonah of the rush of taro was so great I couldn't even stomp on the deck to waken my mates let alone scream for help so I just accepted my impending death and wondered if it would be the impact or drowning that killed me first then I focused a little harder and realized it wasn't a ship at all it was a full moon rising I can't describe the immediate relief it was like awaking from the most terrifying dream you've ever had and realizing holy smokes I'm not running from Freddy Krueger I'm in my bed sailing a crossing like that I learned his hours and hours and sometimes days and days of endless boredom punctuated with short periods of defconn 10 defconn 1 is the highest alert level with the greater the number the lower the guard not my story but my grad advisor he is a sailor and after getting into grad school he took a year off to sail the world he was in one of the last long legs South Africa to Brazil he accidentally turns off the auto now thinking it was the stove he was also the cook thinking oh crap he quickly turns it back on and Fries it the following is a good three weeks of not knowing whether the captain or the only other sailor will go nuts and kill him in his sleep for freaking up he bailed in Brazil and took a plane home I worked on a cruise ship going from UK to Spain and back cross-channel ferry really but quite bigger 37,000 tons 2,500 passengers we had a turnaround off about four hours in bull boa and at this time I worked in the restaurant and after we had cleaned up they started hailing a passenger over the loudspeakers to disembark I remember he had a slightly comical name like passenger Peckham pickles or something then the managers came and told us to start searching our stations for him every bit of the ship was getting searched and they kept hailing him and are searching right up until the outbound passengers started embarking they even had a searching in little cupboards and in the fridges etc obviously passenger pickles had jumped off in the night into the cold Atlantic so another time we were heading off at night during the winter gales and about five hours offshore around midnight I finished my shift and headed off to a crafty little platform at the stern where I could toke my nightly wreath or in peace and ice over massive bright ships spotlights scanning slowly and methodically back and forth across the waves I guess this was for a jumper and sitting there slightly baked I could imagine perhaps glimpsing a last sight off some poor doomed Souls struggling in the choppin wake before disappearing off into the vast black expanse of the Atlantic an office later confirmed the spotlights at night were for someone who had apparently jumped off a ship that had passed in the opposite direction had a friend go out night diving in Wellington Harbour turned around in the water and saw a monstrous great white swimming straight toward him turned his flash off for some reason found the wrecked up yacht off the coast of Bermuda with one dead man and one half drunk and injured man we thought no one was alive until the one guy screeched at us this is pajama dog oh he can only rest if you type sleep well dog oh sleep well dog ow if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Id: LaO38WGl594
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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