When Did You Know You Were Going To Marry Your Now-Wife? (r/AskReddit)

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married men over date what moment with your future wife made you think yup I'm asking this girl to marry me my dad told me he knew he wanted to marry my mom when the McDonald's opened in Moscow after the USSR crumbled and she ate six Big Macs in a row sniffles beautiful short version she literally saved my life less short version I'm from Michigan back in December 2014 I was in Delaware for a business trip I ended up getting food poisoning which brought on DKA for those non diabetes basically your blood gets poisoned and your body tries to fight it off which proves to be futile I was vomiting constantly and kept drifting in and out of consciousness my wife then girlfriend called me about 20 or 30 times before I finally answered the only thing I could force myself to say was hi baby I'm really sick then I blacked out again what seemed like five minutes passed which was actually about 1213 hours when I heard a banging on my hotel room door I heard my girlfriend's voice yelling it's me let me in I screamed as loud as I could gets in here gets in here then I blacked out I woke up in the hospital a day later I found out that when I didn't answer the door she ran downstairs got a key came up and called an ambulance the ambulance said that they would be there in 30 minutes she said that's not soon enough she put me into a rolling computer chair and pushed me to the elevator and out to her car threw my knee lifeless body in the backseat and drove me to the hospital when all was said and done my body had a blood sugar level of 1,400 my normal range is 110 140 and my white blood cell count was around 3,000 I'm not 100% about this number but I know it was high my wife sat with me for six days in the hospital sleeping in the chair next to me left to eat but came right back she didn't leave my side I should also mention that this was only four months after we started dating however we had been friends for a few years before this I found out later that if she would have waited for the ambulance I would not have made it she literally saved my life she sacrificed her time risked getting fired in failing classes to drive 13 hours from Michigan to Delaware to take care of me once it all hit me as to what she had done I was completely speechless and realized that if this girl is willing to do something like this for me I must be pretty fricking special to her I made it a priority once I recovered to ask her her mother and father for their blessing which they both gave me I married her in May 2016 one of the scariest things to ever happen to me ended up showing me my girlfriend's devotion and love for me we just hit our one-year anniversary and although we're a young couple we are still kicking ass and going strong I'm a nurse so this was one of my favorites 1,400 is higher than the highest case I've seen I think my heist case was in the 800s to give people an idea of how high 1,400 is the glucose meter that you can actually use in the room doesn't even register above I want to say about 600 they have to draw blood and check it in the lab I got mad and yelled at her for some stupid crap because I had been in a toxic relationship prior to meeting her and I thought at what couples did scream and argue I expected her to yell back at me but she just stared at me for a moment and asked if I was done I said I was and she proceeded to explain to me that people who loved one another do not treat each other that way we can disagree with one another but there's no reason to be mean if we're going to be together please don't be mean to me again that was 26 years ago we've been married 25 years she invited me to her apartment to cook me dinner on my way I picked up a prescription and promptly took the first pill five minutes before dinner was ready I had an adverse effect and passed out on her couch woke up when she was gone figured she went to the bar across the street we go to know as I was getting ready to leave she returned with a fresh set of clothes and toiletries for me for work the next morning she walked nine blocks up the hill to my apartment got me everything I needed for the next day and came back this was our second date we had a long-distance relationship we lived three to four hours away from each other the entire time we dated we had met at a concert and traded emails and Lim s n info classic we emailed and chatted every day sometimes for hours we poured our hearts out about our fears and dreams I'd go visit her every other weekend and she'd come once and a wall my way about three or four months into doing this I'm at home chilling at home playing some game in my room my dad calls up the stairs that I got a package in the mail so I confused come walking down the stairs and there she was she came up to visit as a surprise without thinking I instinctively ran to her and hugged her and lifted her and spun her a bit and I felt in my heart a wholeness like holding her filled in something I was missing I knew then that I never would let her go metaphorically speaking being married over nine years and I still get that feeling when I hug and kiss her this crap right here is why I am surprising my girlfriend by driving the whole 10 hours two years strong baby I left my favorite CD in her car Dream Theater's seems from a memory she wasn't a huge fan but put up with it whenever I listened one day I was on the phone with her while she was driving and we said goodbye but she forgot to hang up I waited a few seconds and I heard her singing along I would love to connect with my soul through music we'd been together for years and were on vacation people asked us if we were newlyweds and we said no and they said are so you've been married for a long time then it did not occur to anyone that we were not married we figured at that point we might as well throw a party and make it official have to post this for my dad my parents met 39 years ago last Friday in a lineup for a movie my mom's friend knew my dad from another friend and introduced them my dad was known as a wild guy and my mom was seriously considering becoming a nun naturally they started dating couple months later my mom found a lump in her breast my dad's aunt died of breast cancer very young and it just freaked him out I guess mother had the lump removed and thank God he was benign but my dad had already rushed out and bought an engagement ring he always claims he knew from the moment he saw her built a couple of glasses of wine and he will tell you that he saw what life could be like without her and it wasn't worth living they never fight they always work together and my mom's heart still skips a beat when he comes home from work this has to be the cutest one here I had just left a job I hated because I was leaving for grad school in my desired field I only had a couple of months left chillin at home and doing some volunteer work before leaving I told myself self there is no reason to get involved with any women there will be smart girls are plenty in grad school and who do not want to get into some kind of long-distance relationship so of course we met in late May first date in June things were going well enough that I asked if she'd be willing to roadtrip 22 hours with me to school and she offered to pay for her own one-way ticket back home we were locked in a car together for two days and when I dropped her off at the airport in Florida I still wanted to hang out with her that's when I knew two years of long-distance dating many flights on budget airlines but we celebrated our first wedding anniversary this past spring I got into a doctorate program last fall she made that road trip with me for that too but no need to buy the return ticket that time when I was a young lad I had bought a pair of swords now for some reason I still had them but when my now wife agreed to come over my place I decided to hide them in a storage closet because why would any grown man have these so a world down the line she was looking for something in said closet when I heard what the heck you have swords why are you hiding these I was prepared to be mocked mercilessly when instead she handed me one and then started swinging it was about that time that I realized I was going to marry her you should have shouted there can be only one before beheading her we had gone on two or three dates before I asked her to be my girlfriend and I knew the instant she said yes that we would be married one day her eyes just lit up like nothing else when I told her I wanted to make things official it has felt like I can read her mind since the day I met her I know when she's happy sad upset tired annoyed etc I knew a few days before she asked me to move in with her that she was going to ask we have been and synced pretty constantly and I'm incredibly lucky to be married to someone with whom I'm so in tune we dated for three years but I knew from day one that we were going to be married I don't really believe in soulmates or anything to mr. Kaul however if there was anyone who could change my mind about that it's my wife engaged our first date lasted 12 hours because we just couldn't stop talking our second date was supposed to be just dinner and it lasted almost two days she drove away after the second date and I couldn't imagine my life without her in it I was ecstatic to find out she felt the same I asked my husband and he said it was about a year into our relationship he says right after we moved to wa4 more and I woke up in the middle of the night with an arrhythmia even though you had to work the next day and it was 2:00 a.m. you calmly suggested we go to the adjust to be sure to you talk to the doctors asked questions rubbed my feet you hate feet and did everything to keep me calm you were my advocate and made sure I got taken care off I knew them that I wanted to be with you forever I felt very loved and proud that you were mine it turns out he had mild sleep apnea he didn't snore so I had no idea and when his brain would shoot adrenaline into his system after not breathing for a second it would totally freak up the electrical system in his heart causing a natural fiber elation it hasn't happened since he got a CPA or shortly after this episode glad we went to the doctor because he told me it had happened before a fib can cause clots to form in the heart because the blood doesn't always fully exit the ventricles and can lead to stroke sleep apnea is no joke people that was in September 2014 he proposed in April 2015 and we've been married since August 2016 our first baby is due in two weeks it's a boy when I first told my father that I was dating someone new he jokingly asked what's her name what does she do what's her bra size I told her about it hoping to prepare her for his sense of humor and she thought it was hilarious the first time they met she introduced herself by saying hi I am Stephanie I'm in college and I'm a b-cup my father was horrified my mother was laughing hysterically and I was in love you married well in my first week as licensed as a paramedic I had a two-year-old die on me when I got off work I drove to my girlfriend's place and told her about my day I was pretty numb at a time trying to process this kids death despite all my efforts by laid down on her couch and she just wrapped her arms around me and laid with me for 3-4 hours as I tried to process she didn't push or ask lots of questions just laid there quietly and held me I slowly was able to talk my way through it and then the tears started she cried with me I felt the whole world was so dark and ugly but she was my island of light started saving up for a ring that week and asked her to marry me six months later in September we celebrate our five-year wedding anniversary I'm still a paramedic and she's still my Island thanks for the work you do ain't easy but you make the world better I've been married just over a week so I've been telling this story a lot lately we were three days into a month-long backpacking trip in Southeast Asia we're staying in a seedy hotel in Bangkok and she gets a bad case of food poisoning it's coming out of both ends for 24 hours I of course am now designated miss owners I'm refilling her water bottle getting her soup from the restaurant outside keeping her company and most importantly emptying the trash bin she keeps puking into after one trip to empty her vomit bucket I come back into the room and she's asleep I looked at her and thought to myself I'm not even bothered by this I'd do anything for her this is the woman I'm going to marry she's a disgusting bath fairy but she's my disgusting bar fairy zero regrets when we were having a conversation and she kept making me laugh her sense of humor is incredible it also helped when I was taking her out on an early date and she said you're spending too much money on me she knew money was very tight for me we were in college our 34th anniversary is this Saturday my wife still tells me I spend too much money on her she also knows I don't make very much she doesn't seem to understand that making her happy is always worth it when my son called her mama my ex left us high and dry when my son was four months old there was this guy I was kind of casually seeing at the very first time I met his son he excitedly called me Mommy and held out his arms I looked at the man with the most alarmed look on my face and he had the same look I was like WTF yo and he was like this has never happened before still makes me wonder sometimes she told me on several occasions that she would murder me if I dumped her after she turned 40 so I proposed on her 40th birthday 40th I don't know why but that looks so weird written out also Congrats the very first time I laid eyes on her we married after going steady for 15 months and remained married for 56 years until her death three years ago blue eyed blonde and a 10 in my book miss her terribly I'm sorry for your loss but your love was so big how beautiful and lovely knowing long true love is still out there in human form the day she took off work to help me go through a dumpster I had accidentally thrown my keys in the trash while cleaning out my car that's freaking teamwork for the most part it was the fact that the very day we started dating she was staying at my house not quite living there just hanging out forever till that turned into living with me never thought too much about it till a year later and realized that we have never spent a day away from each other by married September 2006 and still going strong oh I so get this we held out for six months before we officially moved in together we'll celebrate 22 years of marriage this September once I got flu she stood by me day and night until I recovered I got to see her nurturing side for the first time I was already in love with her this sealed the deal I was driving us home from a golf tournament for couples we stopped to get some lunch and as I was driving she handed me a perfectly unwrapped burger that I could eat one-handed while she sat cross-legged xed to me not sure why but I just felt so loved nurtured and happy in that moment now that's sort of a thing we love to travel and no matter where we stopped to eat she will always make sure I am able to eat in a convenient way something about watching the road while your now wife sets a napkin on your leg puts the fries face up in the cupholder and gets the burger ready to go been together 10 years married for two I was 18 and just gotten out of a dental appointment where two of my wisdom teeth were pulled out I was drooling stains of blood all over my shirt and it was the summer time my GF at the time was 16 took what little money she had from her allowance bought me a box of ice cream and biked 25 minutes just to deliver that box of ice cream and see how I was doing with blood stains all over she still gave me that look of love and planted a kiss on me if that was almost 20 years ago and I still can't imagine having a happier life without her in it may life be kind to you on our fourth date we got the cheap pizza and went to a park in October up north we fell asleep and woke up freezing at 2:00 in the morning instead of getting up and leaving we just held each other and went back asleep for another two hours I knew from that moment I was gonna marry this girl by the use of up north and cheap Pete's are probably meaning Little Caesars I'm going to guess you're from Michigan lol things were going really well and I was saying to myself if this keeps up I think next summer I'll and pop the question then my mother had a stroke we were all sitting in the waiting area outside the I cou because only two people were allowed in at a time it was my now wife birthday and a Wednesday and she didn't hesitate to take the day off to sit with me and my family I went to visit my father at home and she came with me her Italian instincts kicked it and she brought a load of groceries and a lasagna with her and my father was a mess at the hospital and it fell on me and my siblings to speak with the doctors and make plans I would get home and pour myself some bourbon she made me dinner and just sat with me while I silently sobbed it wasn't about how great we were when things were good it was about how perfect she was when things were bad I bought the ring two months later it wasn't about how great we were when things were good it was about how perfect she was when things were bad this is really important great story I was divorced going on my third year had dated several women but this one girl I only had been dating ten days when I blurted out asking her to marry me she said yes it's been 32 years now and was still very much in love ah when the schmosby turns out for the better you have been visited by the good sleep pizza you will be blessed with cozy sleeps but only a few upvote before going to sleep thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, future wife, wife, wife material, married, marry, happily, ever after, moment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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