Relationship Status: "It's Complicated" ... Or is it? (2 Hours Reddit Compilation)

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marriage engagement photographers videographers of reddit have you developed a sixth sense for which marriages will flourish and which will not what are the green and red flags at my parents wedding the photographer said to my grandmother i've seen a lot of couples and i know which ones will stay together these two they're gonna stay together then three years later that photographer killed his wife technically doesn't invalidate his opinion wedding band guitar player here drunk and guerrilla sized groom physically attacked us when we cut off the music after already going over our contracted time an hour mother of the groom got into the mix and pulled him back bride was in tears best man pulled out a bluetooth speaker and kept the party going we did not get a five star review so that was a red flag they lasted a few months that best man did exactly what he needed to do at least i am was a wedding photographer i think you can kind of tell if they are going to stay together forever based on how they handle all the little and sometimes even big problems a wedding day can bring there was one couple's story i love to tell they are not your typical bride and groom they had their wedding in a forest where you could also go climbing sorry don't know what they are called with a big wooden house and fireplace in front all vegan food and a lot of friends with loads of dogs everything was perfect except the special dress the bride had have made and painted didn't arrive in time for the ceremony and she was devastated she was in her sweatpants and a mickey mouse shirt at that time and her soon-to-be husband took off his suit put on a big white shirt stood there in his boxer short and just said well we have to go cause the ceremony person had to leave an hour later and she just laughed and went with it i was in shock but other than it being strange to have hairy man legs in my wedding photos taking the pictures was really fun and they were totally relaxed i'm pretty sure they will be doing well that's god i'm adorable and i have to tell this one too i didn't need a sixth sense when i heard that on their honeymoon the bride cheated on the groom so the groom's parents didn't want the photos or the video i had shot instead they wanted me to sue her for the remainder of the money they owed me i told them i was sorry but they signed the contract so they had to pay the bride was a total bee to him all day at the wedding it was no surprise she did this he was absolutely heartbroken and yes they sent me a check for the remainder and i still have all the photos developed and collecting dust in a pile still in the lab bag i brought them home in this was in 2003 and i can't bring myself to throw them away the best part the groom called me two years later to do his wedding photos and video because he was getting married again i was all set to do it and then the new fiancee pulled the plug turns out she didn't want any memories of the first wedding being involved so i was fired as soon as i was hired jesus i thought you were going to say she pulled the pluggers and called the second wedding off entirely just when that dude didn't have a crappy enough love life wedding videographer here had a couple flyers out to iceland for their engagement shoot now the first couple of days were fine and everything looked okay but in iceland some lodging options aren't very luxurious the groom chose to book what was essentially a tiny bunk house the ones meant for those summer camps and the bride lost it and complained the whole night next morning things are pretty tense and our team continues the shoot as planned even though it is incredibly awkward most of our plans fall through because they start arguing in front of a beautiful solitary glacier for two hours our team can hear them yelling at each other half a mile away because there is literally no one else around for miles we finish up whatever we could of the last day of the shoot and awkwardly said our goodbyes later on i learned that they broke up a month before the wedding at least they didn't commit to making one another miserable for the rest of their lives or for a month after the wedding photographer here i swear that all of the couples that have split up have smashed the cake in their sos face none of the nice cake couples have just my weird anecdotal experience maybe it's a sign of respect for each other you're the second person i've heard say this if it's not okay with both people it totally makes sense i feel like i would want to do that but plan it ahead of time there is one particular venue that has a 100 percent divorce rate with our clients it's a state park which i've dubbed oman meadows former wedding videographer when doing the letter read the bride at the end said which i quote well that was freaking stupid i cut that part out in the final video let me clarify what i am referring to the couple reads their letter from their partner prior to the wedding she just got done reading the groom's letter and was talking about what he wrote to be fair what he wrote was not exactly shakespeare but still a harsh response red flag the groom winking at both my assistant and i during the ceremony he was not winking in the sense that he might have been tearing up or had something in his eye but there was a part in the ceremony where the couple sat down and he would lean his head back in his chair look past his soon-to-be wife and wink at me or look over his left shoulder and wink at my assistant it was bizarre that's just morse code for i'm a douchebag not a wedding photographer but my parents wedding video is a tell-all story at the cake cutting my mom had specifically asked my dad not to put cake on her face which is usually a tradition dad did it anyway mom smacked him across the face dad said frick this and stormed out of the reception they had a 20-year rocky marriage of lies and infidelity and are finally officially divorced they are much better off now the cake cutting really seems to be a good rule of thumb for a relationship i'm genuinely surprised at the number of times face caking has been called a harbinger of divorce in this comment section to be fair i never did enjoy seeing it happen unless the couple had agreed to it beforehand and were having fun it always seemed like an out of the blue dong move that ruined the victim's mood and often their clothes and makeup photographer here to me the biggest sign is the cake coating some people like to smear the cake everywhere as a joke some people don't usually the couple is in sync about this they know what the other would like and they don't smush cake on the other's face if they wouldn't want that sometimes one of them usually the groom will force cake all over the other's face and embarrass and upset them i've seen this happen a handful of times and all of those relationships that i have kept up with have ended in a divorce at my wedding my husband knew not to do this i warned him multiple times before the day not to freaking do this guess what he does when we're cutting the cake yup i was furious we lasted two years and he's now my ex-husband so i can definitely attest to the accuracy of this lol photographer here you can tell somewhat based on how the couple treats each other on the wedding day if they are respectful towards one another and toward me during a day full of stress then i think that's a good indicator of being able to deal with other problems that may arise during a marriage best advice i got about marriage was from my psychology professor he told us never to marry someone until you've seen how they react when something goes wrong i think for some couples that may unfortunately turn out to be the day of the wedding ex-wedding photographer typically i saw red flags when the bride or groom is super quiet i mean silent in just watching one instance was a groom who barely said 10 words to anyone during the ceremony or reception afterwards the bride and her mother were extremely loud and excited the entire time the bride needed everything to be perfect i dropped off the photo bundle with them two weeks later and he was still quiet she however complained about all of the pictures because the groom wasn't smiling enough she wanted a discount because i couldn't make him look happy enough they got divorced about a year later i know because i did his engagement photos with his new fiance about four years after his first wedding his engagement photo showed him much happier i stopped doing weddings but i do some portraits and mostly commercial and product work he called me for a wedding quote but i had stopped doing them at that point i do still do portraits so i offered to do engagement photos for him that he was happy with well at least he liked your work enough to hire you a second time despite him being miserable the first time so you must be a dang good photographer my husband and i are wedding photographers we've been pretty lucky so far and haven't had too many crazies we have stayed friends with a few of the couples and see them regularly the one couple we hope we never see again fought the entire wedding day the couple barely looked at each other it was so bad then we had to photoshop a smile onto the groom a couple of times so he at least looked happy in the ceremony of all things to describe what he looked like i would compare him to her polish meat butcher with transitions lensed glasses totally brutal i have no idea if they are together still but i would say not comra polish meet butcher with transitions lensed glasses yikes wedding videographer here i try to get to know both people beforehand so i can work in their hobbies unique trays into my product a big red flag is when one person is clearly trying to change the other i had one dude who loved poker craft beer cigars hanging with his rowdy friends video games etc i planned a cool shoot where i had all his friends in an old west saloon and he sees his bride-to-be etc but he steps in and declares oh he won't be doing any of those things anymore poor bastard just sat there in silence as i awkwardly had to plan them shopping for a yorkie puppy instead halfway through post-production after the wedding he called and said he was getting an annulment i wanted to say could have told you so but i try to stay neutral green flags are just the opposite embracing the other person's habits hobbies interests basically not being a controlling freakshow cake artist here i had a couple coming for a tasting appointment was 4 7 p.m but he was late first half hour was just her she told me they met at a stable where they both kept their horses those horses were going to be featured at the wedding as the bride and groom would ride them to the site a beautiful farm venue she described in detail her self-designed medieval gown flower wreath in her hair embroidered shoes likes and from a museum sounded lovely she wanted a cake like a castle which was a specialty of mine the whole wedding would be over the top but not in a crinky way then he arrives barely says hi to her sits down and starts telling me about his wedding he'll ride in dressed as a riverboat gambler with a frog coat brocade vest string tyre big hat gold pocket watch and sterling silver spurs he's fine with the castle cake but wants to incorporate the watch and a pair of mother of pearl handled pistols picture given i had already decided that i was not going to work with them no way could i come up with a cake that would work for them but they were there so i brought out the samples for the next hour they carried on two entirely separate monologues they didn't address each other or me and they didn't listen to each other or me i made no attempt to book them that night and when they called later in the week i told them their date had been taken they were living in two incompatible and entirely self-contained fantasies i doubt they even made it to the wedding day this is so interesting i'd love to see what these people are like day to day i'm envisioning a ceremony that is split right down the middle of the aisle half beautiful and ethereal half rowdy and gunslinger why it's amazing ex-wedding photographer here there were only a couple situations where i had doubt about the couple's future and one where i was certain one i met the couple in a cafe to discuss their ideas and my services the girl was very happy she was very emotional and entrusted the guy however was rolling his eyes and grunting at everything and i stopped trying to get him involved in the conversation after he ignored me twice it made the girl very uncomfortable and she was apologetic of his behavior i don't know what happened to them as they apparently chose to reschedule their wedding and didn't hire me in the end two i declined shooting a wedding when the person who was going to hire me was the groom's mom when i asked her to arrange a meeting with the couple she said that they didn't want a wedding meaning they wanted to elope and it was her initiative to celebrate it i tried to play i want to hear brides ideas card but she told me the bride has no ideas she obeys the groom and the groom obeys mom so i'll only talk to the mom so i declined i hope the girl is fine no one deserves a controlling mill 3 finally i was a guest and a photographer at my friend's wedding the bridesmaid was wearing a short white dress and she was chirping about her side hustle modelling for photos and catalogues how her boyfriend saw her in her so many wedding dresses he won't be surprised when she wears one to the wedding and how she caught eight bouquets already this will be her ninth she talked a lot about wedding planning and stuff but apparently there hadn't even been a formal proposal and her boyfriend who was a guest as well looked very annoyed and clearly wished he was somewhere else anyway the bridesmaid started bugging me for photos of her and her boyfriend a week after the wedding i told her several times that when i start editing the photos i will do hers first and by the time i sent her the photos they were already broken up she started dating someone else a month later and got married the next year looks like she cared more about the idea of marriage the man is just a placeholder for a fantasy big red flag i used to work in day of wedding coordination and i remember two couples that i couldn't wait to hear about the divorce when you pay a wedding coordinator you only pay for the things the coordinator orders plans flowers catering dj and coordinator fees anything else couples buy dresses gifts suits etc are added we estimated this to be a 500 000 wedding easy dad paying for all of it the bride was a total sweetheart when i met her the groom seemed quiet but was very easy going always nice to have a sober groom and he didn't drink a drop during the day then the photographer videographer left to take some venue shots the bride began berating everyone myself included on how her perfect day had to be capped out because no one wanted to give her more my clothes were trashy the dj's computer was a pc the bar staff were wearing red vests and she hates vests photographer came back and she was an angel again the second was a wedding of a general and pediatric surgeon in the local hospital paid for their own beautiful and in their means wedding the bride was seriously amazing but there was a mix-up day if the wedding the 200 chairs that were supposed to be moved to the third story of the historic building when taken upstairs so my boss the other assistant and the eight-month pregnant venue coordinator started carrying chairs upstairs at three flights it wasn't great after the wedding we had to do it again but down the father of the groom started helping us we begged him to enjoy his son's day but he responded that if it were his daughter doing this he'd be furious groom comes by and tells his dad to stop helping the pregnant woman stack chairs he looks at the monster that is his son and asked how he'd feel if it was his wife or sister who had to do this the groom told his dad that maybe if we had applied ourselves a little more we wouldn't have been taking out the trash at a successful couple's wedding clearly he didn't know how much his wife was paying us comma the dj's computer was a pc of all the crap to even notice not a photographer but i make a lot of engagement rings it's actually really simple if they're nice to each other and nice to me and my staff they are going to do well if they're short-tempered rude pushy etc it's a sign they don't really want to be there when my husband and i were in shopping a worker who wasn't working specifically with us heard us asking about inscriptions she said i give them five years maximum the guy working with us was shocked i felt so bad for him i also couldn't believe a jewelry place would hire this woman we are coming up on five years this year but things are going really well so she can suck it haha wedding planner here red flags nerves are normal but when one of the pair start doubting whether they should go through with it worry before the day you know something isn't quite right green flags they make decisions together and have each other's backs especially when family can be pressuring the best wedding i ever saw the groom really liked donuts so their reception had a giant donut wall and it was so cool the bride and groom just seemed to exude happiness you could see the genuine love respect and joy in their eyes i knew they were going to make it weirdest one i saw wasn't anything major but the bride just didn't seem to care maybe she was simply a really laid back person but my job was to follow her for the day and she was doing so much nothing that i texted my boss and took an early lunch return for the ceremony i can usually also tell by the friend group how happy the couple is going to be when i see them together the ones whose friends are so happy to be there with them on that day they are the ones with big smiles the whole time and it said a lot but it's true the more expensive weddings are usually less fun and a lot more stressful i used to help a buddy of mine do wedding videos back in college i found the bigger the country hit they use for the wedding song the shorter the marriage obscure song seemed to last longer calmer obscure song seemed to last longer this is why i only played weird al deep cuts we're destined to be married until death do we part wedding videographer probably when the bride got absolutely blackout drunk and started telling everyone at the party in that drunk cloud whisper that she was freaking the groom's brother hello this isn't a red flag this is when you get a divorce a friend of mine is a fairly successful engagement marriage photographer as well as a relationship blogger she says she can tell how in love a couple is based on whether they pay attention to each other during the photos or her the photographer i guess it's the contrast of sharing an experience together versus fretting over optics i've never heard her mention specific red flags but she speaks very highly of couples who are willing to be silly and adventurous in their engagement shoots over those who are just taking the most glamorous streamlined portraits eta should have specified she is a wildlife documentary styled photographer she doesn't pose people she follows them around as they hike rock climb build campfires whatever that's why their attention is significant it's supposed to be a candid experience and capture their natural dynamic the biggest red flag i ever saw i was the assistant photographer at a wedding that took place in a 20-ish story hotel i took the groom downstairs to meet his groom's men for photos on the street riding alone with him on the elevator he'd had a couple of beers with his groomsmen but was far from drunk on the elevator ride he looked at himself in the reflective metal doors of the elevator and said loud enough for me to hear what the frick are you doing i stayed completely and didn't say a word we got off the elevator and neither of us mentioned it i have no idea if they're still married the wedding happened at least eight years ago and i don't remember their names i was an assistant after all so i wasn't responsible for client intake or anything like that i could see this going either way i've definitely said the same thing to myself while looking in a mirror but more of a positive reflection and a bit of amazement where i am not a photographer but i'm a minister with a 100 divorce rate i think the biggest red flag is me performing your marriage ceremony video editor here i've had my fair share of wedding videos back then red flags one partner is having a lot of fun dancing and mingling while the other is mostly sitting down they aren't smiling except when taking photos the vows are very fluffy or almost selfish like how you'd imagine an 11 year talking about their prince charming bonus if the counterpart has something very short and not as emotional green flags they can't keep away from each other laughing during the first dance at the aisle cake speeches etc i know maybe cheesy for some but themed weddings people that can dork out together stay together people that can dork out stay together heck yes if you and your spouse can let your freak flag fly in front of your closest friends and family you are honest people and can likely get most things worked through people everyday who got divorced and then remarried the same person again what's your story my parents step mom and dad married at a young age 18 and 16. i guess that was okay back in the day had two kids divorced dad had another child then married my biological mother and had me mother died of cancer was just my dad and i for a few years my oldest half sister was having her first child so we visited obviously her mother was there as well my dad and her rekindle their relationship after a few years she officially adopts me that was 20 years ago and they are still going strong i've known her over two stroke three of my life and she's as good as a mother that anyone could have this one is rather sweet i am sorry about losing your mother though my grandparents did my grandfather suffered massive ptsd from serving in the navy and would get so angry he would black out and forget what he did he was very abusive to my mother while she was growing up my grandmother divorced him and it was a wake-up call for my grandfather and he got the proper help he needed after about eight months of anger management sessions and seeing a psychologist on the regular my grandmother got remarried to him also my mother and grandfather's relationship is great now and he is a very calm individual i've rarely ever seen him angry and when he does it's definitely not violent my ridiculous co-worker divorced her husband because he said something like you can't live without me she divorced him to prove a point but then remarried him so i guess he really proved his point how has she really showed him and wasted a lot of money and time haha my parents did that bitter divorce drawn out custody battle nightmares all around almost 30 years later they got remarried and stayed that way until my mom passed away they were married in 1964 when my mom was 16 and my dad was 21. they came from completely different backgrounds mom was native grew up very poor in a rural area with alcoholic parents dad was a spoiled mama's boy but had a strict german father and both my grandparents really disliked my mom for years and years and still loved each other enough to try again regardless of the heck they'd put each other through during the divorce my dad and former stepdad became friends and they hang out every night just working on cars and playing cards so weird we got married in our early 20s had a few happy years together and eventually had several problems all at once from money to illness everything became tension and we ended up hating each other i got a load of mental health problems as a result and we separated and divorced amicably over three years we would sporadically talk on social media with a phone over christmas or birthdays etc but it would always end up an argument over long-standing bitterness over something eventually i wrote a letter saying that i couldn't talk to her again as it always turned into an emotional rollercoaster and it wasn't healthy i admitted a load of stuff and at the same time got off my chest what i thought of her at the time and we stopped contact another few years later she messaged me on facebook about something to do with a mutual friend we got chatting and agreed to meet up for a drink everything went well and we saw each other more often and eventually we started a relationship during that time talked over those old issues and we both realized that we had matured and had been improved in the areas we previously struggled with due in part to the divorce and also that we were now that much more emotionally mature we went away on holiday and in secret got remarried at gretna green with two shopkeepers as our witnesses seven years later we live an increasingly self-sustainable life with allotments two dogs chickens and have done lots of life laundry to work less and spend as much time as possible together i'm a full-time mature student and she has various part-time casual jobs in her field the less money we have the happier we have become we always knew we should be together i think it was just a matter of timing and maturity not me but my parents they married and had me at a young age they were very different people in every way nothing in common my mom had depression issues they divorced for a brief period when i was really young but i don't ever recall knowing they were actually divorced i never prodded why but my understanding was it just difficult so they split but realized pretty quickly they wanted to work it out they got back together although they didn't officially remarry for years i was eight and they said we're getting remarried and that was the first time i found out they were actually divorced lol been together 36 years now my parents were sort of the same next year will be their 50th and their second anniversary but when they lived apart they still saw each other every day would have meals together and do errands together they remarried when my dad was really sick and the doctors thought that he was dying he is sort of better and my parents live in the same house now it is not easy but it works for them my grandpa married my grandma then he divorced her and married another woman then he divorced that woman and remarried my grandma then he divorced my grandma and remarried the second woman again i'm sorry but this one made me lol my parents were married for seven years then got divorced when i was five they fought all the time so when they announced to me that they were getting remarried when i was 11 i was terrified they were then married for two years and had another child together during that time and then proceeded to get divorced again i recently found out the marriage happened only out of guilt and not real love all throughout growing up i heard each of their sides of the story until finally i told both of them to never talk to me about each other again after years of carrying that anger and resentment i decided i wasn't going to make the same mistake my parents did and i will only marry someone if i truly love them my sister went the opposite route and refuses to marry because it doesn't mean anything to her my dad and my stepmom divorced when i was 14 1994 they went a few years where they barely spoke to each other except when dad picked up my half-brother and half-sister my brother did most of the home maintenance and landscaping around the house until he graduated from high school after my brother went to college my dad started cutting the grass for her and doing the home repairs she couldn't do they soon started going to dinner together once in a while then they started hanging out and watching tv together and sometimes it would get late and dad would sleep on the couch after my sister went to college he started staying over more and more often and we'd celebrate holidays together again whenever they'd have an argument he'd just go back to his house and give her time to simmer down this went on for years finally after being divorced for over 20 years they decided it was stupid to have two separate houses so they officially got back together and bought a new house they keep separate bedrooms dad downstairs stepmom upstairs so if they have an argument they can get away and let things cool off they remind me of a line from a genesis song we cannot live together and we cannot live apart that's the situation and i've known it from the start the older i get the less surprised i am to find out when married couples have separate bedrooms as a key part of keeping their marriage happy my mom finally divorced my dad when three of the four of us had moved out and my youngest sibling in high school at the time was mature enough in my mom's correct estimation to handle the split she reconnected with a childhood friend fell in love and married him turns out he was off the deep end emotionally abused her for years then killed himself my dad had always wanted my mom back and they basically remarried for necessary financial and health care reasons neither are happy with it but at least they're familiar with each other yeah your dad shouldn't have taken your mom back my cousin divorced her second husband because she my cousin was possibly beating his daughter six months later they got remarried and then got divorced a year later because she was cheating on him which was the reason her first husband divorced her she's married again now to a very wealthy trust fund baby and has so far managed to either not cheat or not get caught that checkbook is apparently the only thing that keeps her pants on if i sound salty it's because she constantly likes to say the gays ruin the sanctity of marriage even though she's had three divorced and was a big portion in two other divorces i'm 30 gay as heck and have never cheated on a single boyfriend so take that brook you freaking see my grandparents had six kids when my grandmother was pregnant with my mom my grandfather left my prego grandma for another woman my grandma ended up eventually remarrying a wonderful man he raised my mom and her siblings we'll call him granddad but my grandma was damaged and never really bonded with my mother they have always had a cold relationship unlike the rest of her siblings my grandfather ended up having six kids with the other woman then after 16 years no contact my grandfather came back with no warning to my mom my grandmother promptly divorced granddad and remarried my grandfather they stayed together till his death just about a decade ago my grandfather's other children ended up scattered across the foster care system their mother abandoned them after my grandfather left the whole thing was quite horrible actually my granddad remarried a really nice lady and they are still together my mom still calls him dad and he is an active member of the family granddad and my grandmother get along but yeah weird your granddad seems like the only nice person out of your three grandparents i would also use step grandfather to make clear who you are talking about my fiance's mom is on her fourth marriage to her third person this guy was her second husband my fiance's dad was her third and then she left him to remarry the second guy after almost 40 years it's totally weird to be absolutely clear husband 1 a husband 2 b husband 3 c my in-laws husband 4 b again my parents did this married had my brother a year later me too after that they divorced when i was six mo old she remarried to an alcoholic abusive drug-addled piece of crap and did a great job at convincing us not to tell dad dad moved back in when i was eight it was freaking christmas every day the best when i was 17 she was supposed to be on a business trip to montreal i found the confirmation for her hotel stay at a ski resort in elsewhere and gave it to my dad that she'd been having an affair moved out shortly after haven't seen her in a decade and my life is so much less stressful frick her this would be my parents they divorced when i was 12 and got back together when i was 14 10 years later they are still together and they act like nothing never happened in fact i'm still not really quite sure what the heck that was all about interesting the first one i've read where they seemed happy before and happy after every other story there is some big change in one of the partners that makes the second marriage work or else the second marriage appears to have the same problems as the first my parents never loved each other constant intense fights finally got divorced when i was 13 dad bought a house furnished it but never moved in without showing any affection or explaining anything to me and my younger siblings they remarried then they divorced again when i was 17 also they were very against therapy which we all could have really benefited from we're all fricked up now so if you're a parent and you're denying your child mental health treatment or ignoring their need for it don't be surprised when they grow up and go no contact with you emotional neglect and abuse is real and damages every aspect of a person's life for a very long time possibly forever even with treatment later in life also some people just shouldn't be parents not everyone is physically financially emotionally well suited for it having children is a choice children are not an extension of yourself they are not your therapist or best friend and having them doesn't fix relationships seriously my wife divorced me after we had been together for years citing lack of attention private life understanding etc she also had issues with alcohol self-esteem and severe depression stemming from her childhood i was a full-time pre-med student with two part-time jobs she dated around for a little less than a year then told me that she wanted me back she's seeing a psychiatrist to try and find a medication that works for her and only drinks on special occasions i'm down to one full-time job and my last year in undergrad i've also learned to try and take more time just for her learn to avoid living only to work schedule dates and just hang out with her more often hopefully everything continues to be smooth sailing because i love that woman more than life itself as a woman in your wife's situation good on you i hope you too make it through this my parents divorced when i was like four and my mom remarried they divorced when i was 12. when i was about 20 my parents got remarried to each other for practical purposes which i don't entirely understand but it has to do with my dad's really good free health care and my mom didn't have any but mostly because my brother is disabled and if one of them died it would be easier for my brother to be taken care of if they had been married i'm not sure of the details and i didn't approve of the marriage it was only supposed to be on paper but somehow 15 years later they live together and have separate bedrooms and snipe at each other all the time i guess i'm glad that they're taking care of each other and they're not romantically involved but they both seem fine with the situation and it works financially they're both retired and just hang out watching tv in different rooms lol my ex's parents did this the father could never hold down a job would either get let go or just leave it because he didn't like it every few months whilst the mother was working her butt off trying to set up her own baking business completely off her own back whilst he spent most of their money on booze nightly before she started her business they both worked in a store and he started having an affair with the manager right under his wife's nose everyone apparently knew about it but her he also cheated on her many many times bummed around eventually she'd throw him out to his sisters who also never worked a day in her life but would boast about all the latest gadgets the government paid for or she'd have him sleep on their couch they broke up i can't remember if they actually fully divorced or just became estranged and then a few years ago remarried then he did it all over again their grandmother got really sick and put into hospital he slept with the nurse he really was as a piece of crap guy with the gift of the gab could talk his way out of anything the mother would sometimes reminisce with me over an old boyfriend she had when she was younger and how it didn't work out but she made it sound like that guy was her soul mate watching her forgive her husband over and over again as she brought in the money working her butt off it was terrible she's an incredible woman remarrying fix nothing but she knew that anyway turns out the ex was showing so many similarities to his father that i jumped ship before it got to that his mother even told me after our breakup i completely understand why i love her still and hope she finds happiness as an entrepreneur she really should know how to stand up for herself and advocate for herself you've got to be assertive to be respected my mother and father divorced when i was six dad used to abuse us both physically and emotionally and my mom got a bit of it as well she told him that if he were to do something despicable again she would divorce him immediately this is after all the crap we as a family had to deal with he immediately cheated on her and it ended with said divorce my dad moved an hour away leaving my mom to work three jobs and use food stamps just to afford to feed three children and herself while my dad who happened to be the breadwinner was living comfortably my dad fell into a deep depression because he knew he screwed up but decided to keep going knowing that if he were to fix himself and become a better man he could have another chance to be a true father and husband while visiting him we three my older sis younger bro and i could see how he was improving slowly but surely for two years he tried improving his life and his relationship toward his family with the end goal he would remarry his wife the true love of his life as he told me he stopped seeing other women after a few months after the divorce he quit drinking he quit watching violent tv he was trying his best to be kind overall he was becoming better at the halfway point in their divorce divorce was for two years so this is a year into the divorce my mom and dad started talking again my dad tried to convince her he was becoming a better man and that if she took him back in he would show how much he had improved she declined and said a little more time would be a better idea the following day he locked himself in his closet and put a gun in his mouth about to pull the trigger before he eventually broke down and sobbed for hours my mom has told me for years after that she knew he was about to commit suicide even though they were miles from each other dad also confirmed his near suicide this was the starting point of their bonding my dad continued trying to get better and eventually moved into the house next to my mom's it was rented out by a great guy who became close friends with both my mom and my dad during their divorce when he felt he was much more emotionally stable my mom began seeing his improvement and we kids got to see him a lot more after another year my dad eventually proposed to my mom again i don't know the details since i haven't asked nor do i want to since it's a bit personal for them but they truly felt in love again as their bond was restored after all this time since remarrying my dad has become a fantastic person and mom although frustrated with him sometimes still loves him a lot we've improved a lot since then as a family my dad remembers the man he once was but he doesn't like to think that was him before he changed for the better he thinks the second marriage is his true marriage to my mom they've been remarried for 13 years and counting i'm 19 currently i think i put onion on my eyes accidentally this is my colleague at work married husband one quite young according to her she cheated and he was unreasonable about work so they divorced without making a proper go of it discussing anything husband one had been married even before this to a young woman who accidentally got pregnant my colleague then marries husband too and stays with him for 20 years though he's abusive divorced last year this month she remarried husband one they have had no couples counselling and he doesn't like to talk about feelings he did mention the cheating occurred 35 years ago whilst drunk he's an alcoholic but neither will talk through their issues i just can't see this ending well i suggested they try and build a good foundation for this marriage by having date nights couples counseling going through their issues but she won't force him and he won't talk about anything because he is a builder i couldn't imagine not talking to my so about our feelings and hopes and dreams what a crap show he and i met the year after i graduated high school he was a senior here we had an on and off relationship for the next three years and then i got pregnant back then 1993 i thought that we had to get married and he did it out of a sense of responsibility it lasted 10 months we divorced shared custody of our daughter and did well for about a year and a half then we started dating again then we moved in together then we got remarried and it lasted three one stroke two years i thought of him as the love of my life for the longest time but just recently i realized that the man that i met and married five years after the second divorce the man that i have six children with bought a house with have built a life with he is the love of my life i had been reminiscent of a relationship that had never been very good to begin with i had romanticized it until i went with the our daughter to visit him he never got remarried and he still thinks that he is the coolest guy in the room i used to think that he was too a us friend married a vietnamese girl to secure his visa for vietnam via some broker he divorced her after about two years when he didn't need the visa anymore with mutual agreement but they spent considerable time together and meanwhile fell in love about a year later he proposed and they decided to marry again but now for real they had to get a lawyer because at local municipal office the civil servant said he couldn't marry the same person again he got divorced why would he want to marry her again that must have given a traditional religious local city clerk a total processing failure redditors who realize their spouse is a completely different person after marriage were there any red flags that you ignored while dating if so what were they yeah she was really worried about some of my female friends stealing me away from her to the point of not allowing me to interact with them it's not that i don't trust you it's that i don't trust her yeah she cheated on me that's why she didn't trust her the biggest red flag was immediately after i proposed she said are you sure because i'm freaking crazy then laughed there is truth behind most humor later she was diagnosed with ptsd from a physically and mentally abusive relationship that she got into shortly after her father died relatively young and unexpectedly she has extensive professional experience caring for people with severe mental disorders and in retrospect i felt like she knew how to mask her symptoms well for example she let on that she was capable of setting healthy boundaries for herself and that she was emotionally strong and independent i am attracted to both of those trays but the opposite is true while she isn't crazy what does it really mean in any sort of constructive sense anyway she must or minimize a lot of issues she deals with at first became dependent and then physically aggressive and emotionally abusive towards me after she physically restrained me and wouldn't let me leave a room until she was done screaming at me i told her physical aggression was a deal breaker and said if she gets physical again it's over she told me she would get physically aggressive again she sounded almost proud of it actually she did i stayed true to my word the divorce should be finalized next month i really appreciate how you didn't demonize this woman your post is full of compassion and honesty hard things to present while separating sorry you had to go through this several lies were told at the beginning but there was always an explanation and a story for it previous divorce but didn't spend much time with their kids caught several times still on dating apps but said they were just friends to keep in touch with never admitted to any faults of their own and all of the previous failed relationships were always the other person's fault couldn't keep the same group of friends very charismatic but couldn't keep a story straight she didn't finish high school after we got married i found out that she couldn't see anything moderately difficult through to the end including our marriage she ghosted me while i was at work three years three months one week and three days in i haven't seen her since same as others immediate family relationships were overlooked ignored her parents were gigantic enablers her parents didn't believe in counseling since her father was a drug rep there was a pill for everything as soon as we had our first kid stress and anxiety showed its face she turned to xanax and amber then she never learned any coping skills i was 29 when we divorced a drug rep who doesn't believe in therapy is the worst kind i'm sorry you went through that i had an opposite experience she showed green flags after marriage prior to marriage she was very meek with anyone other than me her parents were very strict so even as an adult she was too afraid to tell them we were even engaged but what they said went even though we were living together as roommates more than once she called their house to let them know she was going out as if she wasn't allowed to otherwise there were issues with a few friends that clashed with me they were pretty toxic and i don't locate that type of behavior so i'm not always well received doesn't bother me and i saw her comforting people who were treating her poorly after we clashed over it more than once she's a bleeding heart and couldn't stand to see people upset even when the upset was caused by their own misdeeds i felt like she didn't always have my back but i never thought it was something i needed and i would always have hers she let people walk all over her while i'm the first person to put my foot down in that aspect we were the most different before marriage he also had a huge amount of medical issues and i was more than willing to accept a life of working to keep her alive and supporting her as a stay-at-home wife when she got too sick then we got married and she changed i think she finally saw us as a package deal while my girlfriend was meek and weak my wife became outspoken not only socially but politically she started calling me on my crap something i appreciate greatly i like learning about things i can work on but would absolutely slay people who weren't treating us well we ended a lot of friendships that weren't healthy and were stringing along because of her bleeding heart after the wedding it was like she was a phoenix rising from the ashes of crap friends she is still medically frail but i think she sees a future to fight for now the fact that i make more than her isn't just a fact now it's a challenge she wants to be the breadwinner so that i can quit my job and go back to my career in art i did great but the market was so unpredictable i needed to leave my dream for stability she is still beautiful caring and gentle but since being married that caring aspect includes caring for herself she doesn't let anyone dictate her life especially her parents and because of that she has healthier relationships with everyone including me i would also like to state that once she knew she locked me down she opened her own king floodgates and sex has never been the same we do things to each other that most churches won't even preach against in sermons because they are ashamed to discuss the acts that ring in those vows somehow told her she was worthy of self-respect and self-expression i love her it was like she was a phoenix rising from the ashes of crap friends i realized it was a possibility since i met her but i don't care because i love her she's extremely emotionally unstable and the recent death of her brother spiraled her into a dark place from there she was diagnosed with bipolar and now a lot of things from the past make sense she is compliant with her meds and attends therapy we are best friends so we communicate well i love her very much and i'm here to support her no matter what even though she is an extremely different person now i'm sure i'm different too but hopefully in a way that is beneficial to her it was a hard lesson for me to learn that love cannot cure someone's depression and i'm still learning how to cope with this huge change myself people who are married to someone living with mental illness and struggling don't be afraid to ask for help sometimes your reality gets so skewed living with your partner's illness every day you forget some things are not normal or typical behavior for people who do not have depression or that particular illness my fear was that her irrational behavior would become normal for me and i wouldn't see the warning signs if she was starting to struggle again my own therapy sessions keep me in check thanks for letting me vent read it i understand that one helping someone who is always depressed made me depressed it becomes a chore and a duty that feeling in your gut like a silent tug that something isn't right but you ignore it because you so desperately want someone to love you and be in love well that feeling will eat away at you until it becomes too big to ignore and the only choice left is to see how things really are not how you want them to be to don't ignore your gut when i met my husband he was a bit of a neat freak and that didn't bother me but i later found out that it was because his first wife was verbally abusive in my opinion she'd make him feel worthless call him stupid ugly etc i guess he tried to please her by always having things just right she ended up cheating and leaving he and i met shortly thereafter well i went the opposite direction told him he's perfect just be yourself and don't worry about being a neat freak etc he's still my perfect guy almost 20 years later but he doesn't clean a dang thing anymore and i almost regret talking him out of that behavior because it clearly wasn't his natural tendency to be neat all's well that ends well happy story in a depressing thread thanks for this telling her girlfriend's personal things about you i don't mean the size of your insert whatever here but the things you confided in her about like the abuse you suffered as a child or that you pick out your face always comparing you to her successful friends or family members questioning every decision you make every single one shooting down every suggestion or decision until one of her friends or family makes the same exact suggestion or decision we met when i was 16 and he was 25 we lived together a number of years before we got married we went together really well and i thought it was a good match almost a day after we were married his family decided to set rules he bought the house that we all lived in it was large enough and we had the basement sweet we weren't allowed out after a certain time his mother and father could berate me as much as they pleased he himself became very controlling i wasn't allowed to finish school or work and he would use these to mock and guild me after saying i was a burden and a leech a gold digger they all decided for me that i would have his children and we would all stay in the house together soon after i was taken off birth control i was no longer allowed out of the house without an escort i wasn't allowed to see my mother more than once a week everyone thought we were the perfect couple i was isolated and after my mom moved away i had no one to turn to he gained a lot of weight and started to tell me how fat and unattractive i was he started looking at a lot of escort ads for asian women he brought over friends for me 16 year old girls he met on myspace and then would rule over them i never had his baby we were married when i was 19 and i was gone by 25. i ran away in the middle of the night i never tried to get alimony or spousal support i left all of my belongings behind he still has made the process of divorce difficult and i am almost 31 now it's finally going through he still lives in the basement i had no freaking idea what i was walking into and i lived with them all for years before the control started it was unbelievable how fast they changed in the kid of two fairly narcissistic people the red flags i've learned to avoid from growing up in my house were blaming trivial things on each other a need to physically attack or break something when angry attention-seeking behavior seen my father throw himself downstairs or start chugging liquor just to get a reaction from my mom especially if it's a rim totally going to kill myself unless you intervene moment selfishness like going out for food and never asking or offering anything to anyone else drug abuse not regular drug use but using drugs to cope with emotions that should normally be confronted x i'm mad or i can't deal with the situation so i need to drink smoke etc hiding money on the flip side needing to hide money because one person spends all of it leaving you high and dry come time to pay bills prioritizing one's happiness over everyone else's for example planning every vacation around one person's likes and dislikes this is a huge red flag emo total inability to take responsibility for anything literally everything bad is someone else's fault inversely taking credit for anything positive vindictive behavior can't count how many times i've seen my father break my mother's crap because he knew it would hurt her saying things you don't mean with the specific intent of upsetting someone treating others like their only purpose is to entertain you i basically grew up in a red flag factory the biggest one for me was finding a condom wrapper in the trash when i picked up a shampoo bottle for reading material while taking a dump it was only my fiance and i living there and we didn't use condoms i was heartbroken and when i confronted her later that day she told me that she found one while cleaning our adult drawer and wondered if she could put her foot in it at the time it seemed to be a perfectly reasonable explanation or i was just so afraid of the truth and heartbreak that i desperately wanted to believe something that wouldn't be painful we married a year later and after five months of marriage i caught her in a web of lies that led to a co-worker's house even after getting upset with her and telling her it was over i had a change of heart and asked her to see a marriage counselor with me she refused and left me for my co-worker sometimes the refusal of counseling is better than wasting your time the pictures we had to take a million freaking pictures of us doing stuff any stuff everything was on social media with a picture every post was my marine every conversation was about her being a marine girlfriend etc it was all for show i was a trophy when we got married she quit going to school and quit her well-paying job when she'd meet people and they asked what she did she said she was a military wife etc we divorced and she has a kid now and everything is about being a mom she just changed situations as far as i can tell she went full dependent back when i was married and he was in the marines nothing enraged me more than the military wife toughest job in the corps no b it's not not by a long shot this was the case with my parents my mother didn't discover my father's mental problems until later otherwise that they got married way too fast two months and bipolar disorders have natural ups and downs she had only seen the up textbook example of why you shouldn't marry unless you've been with the person for a while oh dang as a friend of a bipolar person the ups are exhilarating he turns into a really outgoing friend and it's great but you've also got to be there for the downs cause that's what friends do hope you're doing okay my ex when we first started going out would have a little too much to drink every few months she would say each time as i was holding her over the toilet never again well about 10 years later it was still happening she ended up meeting some girlfriends that were all of the same well lubricated frame of mind things got very messy after that and i felt that i was no longer an equal partner but a babysitter when that happens there really is no way of coming back my ex was like this would always get way too drunk she'd get angry with me while drunk and 90 of the time it would end in her crying while i'm trying to console her she made friends who all they'd do was go out and get drunk ended up almost every time her hating the night he didn't necessarily change but i woke up to an issue his mother is overly involved she wants to come stay weekends with us without warning when he told her he had proposed she told him he should have waited she was [ __ ] at our wedding and when we told her i was pregnant she also said we should have waited so basically she has a negative opinion on us he is a mama's boy too so i bet it hurts but he won't admit i just wish she'd butt out yes i ignored some pretty big red flags and to this day i am not sure why i went ahead with the marriage the first that i thought of was ignoring the fact that he was texting this one girl and lying about it the texts didn't seem too crazy at first but he would still lie and say things like i wasn't texting her or i just had a question about work then i also ignored when leading up to the wedding and him leaving for boot camp he seemed to just not care anymore he was already starting to get too big of a head because he had lost so much weight then on our wedding day he ignored me pretty much the entire reception his excuse was i want to hang out with my friends because i am leaving for boot camp in three days i should have just annulled the marriage right there but i stuck around for another year and a half and it only got worse found girls clothes in our room after visiting my family in our home state and then coming back to our act he would tell me my opinions didn't matter because i was nothing but a civilian ended after a year and a half of marriage he still tells people i left him because he was deploying and i didn't want to wait for him six years later and i am much happier than i was then your opinion does not matter to me civilian please step away she cheated to be with me no one ever listens do they people need to make their mistakes it seems as it begins so it ends always not me but my mum dad was a perfect gentleman then came the wedding night he had had a lot to drink and mum was just trying to put him to bed and he says to her shut up b i own you now i would have left where and then got an annulment mum stayed and two years later had my brother two years after that she had me five years later and after a lot of emotional and physical abuse staying for the kids my brother says to her do we have to live with that he scares me we packed up everything the next day while he was at work and left she's now been happily married to my stepdad for the last 10 plus years while my dad is a lonely pathetica living by himself in a crappy block of granny flats who hasn't seen either of his kids in 15 plus years ro your brother might have saved all of your lives by asking that i'm glad you all got out of that situation i doubt this will reach many people but it may help someone i wasn't married but my now ex and i dated for six years i thought i would get past her being a mean person she said that her past boyfriend had a large impact on her and that she was mean to people now because of it she had a malicious mindset where if someone hurt her it was her job to hurt them back which was me more often than not if someone has a personality that you don't like get out they won't change that's who they are it will only get worse and you will be miserable edit i want to reinforce that they won't change i'm serious there's no maybe they will maybe they won't the person will not change habits you can work through those that's a lot to put on yourself to take that on but it can happen if they want to but personality no that's going to be them until the day you die dealing with this right now red flags are something you don't pay attention to until it's too late my ex-husband had all the red flags of a sociopath he would test to see how far he could go with making things up and he learned what he could do to cover them up he would use flowers or spend money on me to hide things he was doing i learned what i was and wasn't allowed to say in public example none of his friends knew he had a 12 year old child i spent little time with friends and family because he would convince me that they weren't supportive or make up things that i would believe because i trusted him i left my career because he convinced me his pursuit was more important lots of things happened over the 10 years we were together most of them now i know were just lies to get him to where he wanted to be in life in the end he had a six-month affair and the flags were all there but after years of being manipulated i didn't know what to believe he managed to date her and then moved to be with her on my dime by convincing me it had to do with his job i even paid his rent for the first couple of months in hope he would come back he manipulated everyone around him including his friends and even his boss now he is a person i don't even recognize because he's taken on the personality of his girlfriend i feel bad for her because the same thing is happening to her but in a way i feel like she deserves it if you're looking for an outline of what to look for i would say one have you given up something you love for that person two do gifts tend to arrive after something you weren't quite sure was the truth three do you feel like you're begging the person to stay with you all the time four do you find yourself above and beyond to please someone just for their affection relationships should be relatively easy sure there will be fights and times where you aren't sure but if you're giving up your values or your personality it's time to go strangely enough no i've spent years racking my brain did nothing no clue at all while dating he was sex positive and had no issue with the number of sex partners i had had he also knew that i had been in an abusive relationship and told me so many times how nothing a woman could do could justify hitting her he was so warm and gentle and kind then we got married and suddenly i was a w who didn't respect herself had more sausage in me than a fat man at an all-you-can-eat buffet and i was cheating on him with a married co-worker that i had met two weeks before i was weak for letting my ex beat me up and i was stupid for not leaving the first time it happened he shouted at me for over an hour while i was stuck in the car with him that i deserved it for sting it was my fault i stayed married to him god help me but i never really trusted him again nor did i ever open up to him about anything really personal it turns out he was a closet misogynist never saw it coming one of the most underrated predictors of spousal behavior is the parents when we become husband or wife we emulate our examples of what a husband or wife is i was surprised when i started instinctually doing all the things my dad used to my wife started doing all the things that drove me nuts about my mother-in-law i found that things got better when i started acting like my father-in-law it's weird but it's just how things work you have no idea how much i think this may help me thank you for sharing what is your tinder horror story my roommate loves tinder and she's brought back numerous visitors which is fine except for the fact that the apartment is tiny and we share a room and also the fact that my roommate doesn't really care what i end up seeing and as it turns out most guys don't care about having another girl in the room either some take it as an opportunity to ask me to join my roommate is my tinder nightmare finally started seeing a girl off tinder it was going well for about two weeks and thought she was pretty cool then things started getting weird she used to always joke about killing me i thought it was okay the first few times but then it got annoying i told her to stop and she kept doing it idk if it was because she thought it was funny that it freaked me out or what anyways told me she has a shotgun in her room yikes long story short i told her i didn't want to see her anymore she didn't like that for the next three weeks she's absolutely hounding me calls me constantly shows up at my work asking for me keeps coming over to my apartment she actually knocked on my door for 30 minutes when i didn't answer she went around back and started knocking on my bedroom window got really concerned for a while but eventually she gave up i went on a date with a guy and the entire time he was talking about how men are superior and how they have been scientific studies to show that women have an emotional reaction to the color red when they see it i wonder why he was single i'm probably too late but here it goes sorry for the wall of text my first and only tinder date i started talking to a cute guy we hit it off really well we'll call him greg greg lived in a town nearly an hour away so we texted for about two weeks before we decided to meet due to schedules during this time greg consistently attempted to wow with his food knowledge i work in the fine dining restaurant industry often telling me about what meal he was cooking for him and his roommates each night after several days of talking he then asks me to come to his house so he would be able to cook for me i oblige figuring what's the worst that could happen i've talked to him several times and felt okay about the whole situation the day comes and we meet somewhere neutral and i follow him to his house all the while i'm explaining how excited he is to cook for me we arrive at his place everything is going really great he's exactly as i pictured him and his personality fits me perfect dinner time rolls around and he tells me he needs to go downstairs to begin prep i become eager and say i'd love to help he insists i stay on the couch and relax we continue to talk across rooms and i can't see what's going on in the kitchen he put something in the oven and says it will be ready in just a bit and that he made extra in case i was hungry 15 minutes late greg leaps off the couch to a timer and runs to the kitchen he brings sauces first saying that they are the best part he lays ketchup ranch and barbecue sauce on the table i begin to get confused wondering what he made as he refused to tell me announcing that he wanted to keep it a secret greg returns to the kitchen to retrieve the plates he walks in and carries a turkey platter to the table i gaze into what had to be no less than three bags of frozen fries he had displayed on a turkey platter for our dinner he looks at me eagerly awaiting my reaction for me to lose it i begin uncontrollably laughing and his smile drops as i say this is great thank you assuming this was a gag meal and he had prepared dinner to follow no greg invited me to dinner to cook me his specialty frozen french fries they were delicious fries and the sauce was the best part met up with a really hot but curious girl i'm a lesbian this girl had only ever been with men and wanted to experiment with girls she was stupidly hot like hot hot we matched and we chatted for like two days i soon found out we had no common ground at all like none however she wanted to meet and me being the frisky les gremlin i am agreed just because she was hot and i could take a girl on girl virginity we agreed to meet one day picked her up and we went for drinks walked back to mine and chatted a little more over alcoholic root beer and breaking bad we started making out she took off my bra i took off hers she took my pants off i took hers off but we started kissing touching feeling she starts fingering me i can't tell straight away she is a first-timer she starts jabbing at my poor bag with her half-inch acrylics i tell her to slow down a little and be a little more gentle about it all of a sudden she bursts into tears and says she's not ready i tell her it's fine blah blah she ends up staying at my place and we cuddle for the night until i sobered up enough to drive her back home in the morning later the next day i go for a p and realize it stings like a b and my p smells dreadful and is cloudy run to the doctors because i'm a casual hypochondriac and take a pee sample doctor sticks the paper in my pee and yup straight away it shows i have a ut i didn't pee after little miss bakeria scratched my insides out b gave me a ut and blue balls comma blue balls blue walls i dated someone i met from tinder for a month seemed good on paper master student yoga teacher cultured etc found out she was doing h and didn't consider that a big problem i actually had to explain to her the definition of a high-functioning addict because she felt that having a job and going to school meant the h thing wasn't a problem we broke up and she went back to her junkie xbf bullet dodged edit lol all the people peeming me trying to confirm if i was simultaneously dating their own crappy gf if you find yourself wondering if i'm describing your gf you should just break up with her immediately my tinder horror story is very funny looking back the girl comes over she couldn't get there until 7 30ish i had some pizza warming in the oven just in case she was hungry for some stupid reason i put the pizza in the box to warm in the oven it was a real pizza from a pizza place she wasn't hungry so we jump right into making out clothes gets drawn we head back towards the bedroom i go into the kitchen and turn the oven off but leave the pizza in there a few minutes later i am going down on her and i hear a beeping i lift up my head and say what was that she says i think it was a truck backing up i hop up just to check in the oven without my glasses on i had accidentally missed off by an eighth of an inch and my crappy oven went to broil the beeping was telling me it was preheated i stupidly opened the oven and smoke comes billowing out then the box bursts into flames i am standing there but but naked and i start yelling frick frick oh crap then she comes running in totally naked as i pull the box out thinking i am going to pour water on it it was stressful i don't know what i was thinking i set it on the stove and then she hits it with a dish towel sparks and burnt crap go all over my kitchen but the box is still on fire my sink is so full of crap that i can't get the box in there she yells bathtub so i pick up a goddamn burning box and run to my bathroom over the carpet my shower mat and pass the shower curtain all very flammable the entire top of the pizza box was either in flames or charred and flaking off as i ran remember we are both totally naked this whole time so imagine a naked screaming man running through his crappy apartment with a burning pizza box in his hands that was me this was a date i throw the box in the bathtub and turn the shower on she was so super cool about it she helped me clean everything up and then we got dressed and just stood outside for a while she could tell i was really freaked out and kept reassuring me all was well then we went back in and i went down on her again then we had sex we still hang out often and have a lot of fun together i still have burn marks in my bathtub and on my bathroom door como i stupidly open the oven and smoke comes billowing out then the box bursts into flames to extinguish an oven fire just close the oven door and turn off the oven the inside of the oven can easily handle any flames in the oven door staying closed deprives the fire of the oxygen that needs to keep burning i had been on a couple of dates with this girl that i met on tinder and learned that she was really into the rockabilly scene i found out that a local nightclub was hosting a rockabilly themed night and so i took her she had dressed to the nines and we were having a great time in the club suddenly this guy accidentally tipped a drink on her 50s style dress the guy apologized profusely she storms over to grab her coat and bag and on the way out she just punches the guy in the face everyone in the club was shocked i took her outside and told her she couldn't react like that and that's when she took her heel off and hit me square in the face for siding with the guy blood everywhere i never answered her calls after that oh and she used to be a stripper and kangaroo this adds nothing to the story but i just like telling people pew pew i met this guy on tinder and we had a couple really fun dates i was pretty into him so on our third date i decided i wanted to have sex with him he took me out for a really nice date and then he invited me back to his place for a glass of wine one thing led to another and we started making out on his couch fully clothed but this lasted forever i was ready to go if you know what i mean i didn't want to make out the whole night so i decided to take matters into my own hands and i took off all of my clothes then he sits up still fully clothed and looks at me and says i can't have sex with you i have a std possibly most awkward moment of my life i tried to be super nice about it but i promptly got dressed and left and as many of my friends have pointed out i am extremely grateful that he told me that's really big of him nothing but props to that dude and route to the worst date ever this guy texted me from the burrito place we were meeting to tell me he'd already ordered me the salad i repeat salad at a burrito place also was this the past was i now incapable of placing my own food order anyway after arriving with my salad ready beside his plate of tacos he spent the next half an hour telling me about his model ex-girlfriend and how passionate their breakup sex had been last weekend the final straw was even after telling him i wasn't a big fan of smoking he literally asked a stranger for cigarettes and then chain smoked them beside me way way way late to the party apparently but i feel obliged to share my best friend's story eu philosophy i think was his username died recently at age 23 from a massive seizure in his sleep but he loved to tell this story so i'll tell it here so at least if i ever forget it i know at least i can find it so this philosopher is a shy guy timid a bit neurotic dates are hard to come by for him but when he's on them he's nice and charming and fairly handsome i'll give him that so he doesn't do too bad once he's got a shot anyway all the slabs are on tinder at this stage and we all have the philosophy always swipe whichever way is yes so you get maximum matches and take it from there now there is this one girl who looks a bit rough a bit unkept i'll say in her description read i love giving bj's now philosopher was a very compassionate guy and talked to literally everyone he matched with and gave everyone at least one date he didn't match with many but bless him he dated them all including his gf up until his death may she never read this full stop he travels on a train to date this girl at her house he recounted that from being picked up at the train station the car was full of litter the football was ninety percent litter ten percent his feet and the woman from the photo she had aged not too kindly either and the house was run down dirty every room doubling as a bedroom for some cava dweller from that part of town my memory gets a little hazy here but she asks him if he'd like tea he says he would and he has some chamomile in his words the one clean thing i had in this house was a teacup and a chamomile tea after a while of small talk and awkward experience she asked him if he wanted a [ __ ] assuring him she was really good at these he finds a spot on the bed among the rubbish cup of chamomile in hand his only refuge of cleanliness as the constant background dripping is drowned out by excessive slurping off his half mast he cuddles his warm tea thinking only of home man the way he described it was a very funny and less like he's repulsed oh crap my time to shine now i swear all is true this girl i've been sweet talking for a few weeks and i finally set up a date to meet up and go out to this nice restaurant and have dinner the night comes and she asks me to pick her up because her car is in the shop i head over to the address and it's this confusing apartment complex but quickly find her outside her building but she asked me to meet her family so i go and meet her mother who is the sweetest woman ever and her father who was quiet but kind after we leave she immediately turns to me and says can we pick up my cousin i'm shocked but say sure i didn't really question it we head to a really sketchy neighborhood in san jose and pick up this super skinny tatted up white guy and he asked who the frick i am and i was about to say her date but she cuts me off and says oh just a friend don't worry about him and he says all right babe he then guides me two cities over to this crappy house where this really nicely dressed asian guy meets us outside and takes us into the garage where a cracked out skinny mexican guy and pregnant white chicken sits us down in between then and asked our poison my date said weed along with the mexican guy and the cousin the pregnant chick says i'm fine weed is bad for the baby and then pulls out a crack pipe and starts smoking something the asian guy said pay up and everyone looks towards me and i said all right and pulled sixty dollars out of my wallet and asked if that's enough and the asian guy said it's fine he leaves the garage taking my get the guest soda and comes back 10 awkward minutes later and stoned with nothing saying sorry guys i'm out of weed but my dealer is on his way 20 minutes later he shows up screaming and throwing weed at the mexican guy and just leaving then the asian guy asked if anyone had a pipe and i said i did and they all got happy and i went outside to my car and drive off because i'm pretty sure i would have died that night i had been talking to this girl on tinder for a while and we decided we wanted to smash the problem is i had asked my roommate if i could of the room later apparently unlike the rest of the animals you people seem to have as roommates so when i went to sign this girl in we have a proctor in the lobby at my university's dorms my roommate and several other friends of mine placed a bluetooth speaker in my room and hid in the hallway waiting for me to get back i didn't see them and things started to get hot and heavy when let's get it on started playing from somewhere in the room i started searching and after five minutes while the song i just had sex was finishing playing i found the bluetooth speaker under my roommate's bed behind his dresser yes i had to move both of them i found the power button but not before the wonderful sound of hardcore pornography filled the room but the two of us decided to call it so we threw on some clothes i walked her past all six of the bastards i never saw her again come on unlike the rest of the animals you people seem to have as roommates coma my roommate and several other friends of mine placed a bluetooth speaker in my room and hid in the hallway met this girl on tinder invited her into bed she accepts comes over we have fantastic sex a lot same thing the next night thing is she's moving to montana in a few weeks for a job a cook position in a national park she invites me out there i look into the job and eventually gets it we decide to start dating met twice known her for a month i'm an idiot to keep it exclusive at adult summer camp there in montana i get out there she freaks out and breaks up with me because she has cancer cancels the breakup does it again the next night i agree and say it's over proceeds to dong block me constantly throughout the summer and we scream at each other in the kitchen poor choices all around as a man in a long-term pre-tinder relationship i'm really living vicariously through these stories and they are outstanding bless you people this didn't actually come about through tinder but rather through an equivalent app so i meet the guy there and he's just incredible clever good looking funny you get the type the only catch is that he doesn't live in my city after a couple of weeks of messaging and phone calls we decide to meet up and we settle on that i would be going to him because i'd never been to his city and that seemed like a fun little adventure right wrong the big day comes and i embark on the 2.5 hour train journey and i get all excited and i can't wait to get off the train and then he's not at the platform when i get off try to call him to no avail and after four hours of waiting i decide to take the next train back home i haven't heard from him since tl dr met a guy from a different city relatively far away stands me up when i go out there to meet him i don't really have a horror story since i've gotten about one date out of tinder which went all right but i've been rejected plenty the highlight of which was this girl who seemed pretty interesting and was reasonably attractive so i swiped right and it turned out that we matched hooray so i sent her a message something clever along the lines of hey a match did we just become best friends though i can't take credit for that one i did steal that from ridic step brothers happily she responded rather promptly so i was eager to read what she'd sent cause for the most part women just kinda ignore me anyway i open it up and all it said was i swiped the wrong way that woman is a savage matched with a girl and she was quite pretty in the face all of her pictures were mostly of just her face upper body but i didn't pay any mind she initiated the conversation and she was immediately into hooking up so of course i invited her over she gets there and i answer the door and turns out she was about six feet five inches i am five feet eight inches on a good day i let out an audible holy crap and she picked me up and carried me to the bedroom like a baby no regrets advice welcome so i went on three dates with this dude and we hooked up the last time at his house things end with the typical fade away i was fine with it we weren't very compatible and i noticed a few minor red flags six months later he starts emailing me obviously looking for a reenactment of our summer fling when i turn down his advances he sends me a screenshot of myself in his bedroom while we were hooking up half a year ago so obviously this douche nozzle filmed us without my consent i reported it to the police and now almost a year after i filed the report i have to testify against the creep i have no legal rep except the state's victim advocate who only seems to have experience with dv cases has anyone else been through something like this i can't find a way to report him via tinder i deleted my account a long time ago my biggest concern is that he's still out there being a creep to other ladies on tinder downloaded tinder for quick and simple hookups first couple matches were pretty decent drinks sex etc the third girl however wanted to take things a little slower first date a little making out second date same thing but still won't go home with me third date we had some really awkward sex with the lights on and no music i was so nervous i had a hard time keeping it up and she was barely wet we've been dating for 10 months and she is going to meet my parents this weekend the horror happened a year ago met this guy similar interests looked great in his pictures we decided to meet up on a sunday for lunch i was so hungover from a friend's christmas party that i threw up upon arrival he didn't seem to mind he didn't order a drink and i couldn't order one due to the hangover once the hangover subsided i suggested we walk around and head into a bar he doesn't like the first bar had a bad experience at the next bar and keeps on passing on them until we finally get to his favorite bar he orders drinks and after a few more drinks i suggest heading to a wine bar he passes because he confesses that he's only 20 and while his profile said he worked at a local college it was a work study position because he is a junior there maybe it was the hangover maybe it was the exhaustion but i still brought him home things occurred and i found out he was a virgin he ran away in tears and threw up on my apartment stairs repeated the process once he was 21 and it was almost the same situation never again we talked for a couple of hours drank some wine watched a movie and we had sex then things went a little downhill we laid in bed and suddenly it looked like she was about to black out so i helped her sit right up and asked if i could help her get her some water and stuff but she didn't speak a word she just sat there with her hands in her hair for a couple of minutes and then puked all over my sheets at this point i wanted to get her to the shower asap but she was just stunned or something i didn't know what to do after a couple minutes i finally convinced her to get up and brought her to the shower so she could clean herself while i could clean the sheets and all that every five minutes i checked on her if she was okay but she would just sit on the floor with the shower running and wouldn't talk it was all very awkward after 20 minutes or so i brought her a towel and some clothes and we sat on the edge of my bed and she told me that she was born without a womb she cried i calmed her down and we finally went to sleep without a blanket or sheets i didn't have spare ones in my student apartment the next day i made breakfast and she went home weirdest date i ever had i matched this pretty cute looking girl she didn't look like she was in super great shape but she didn't look obese or anything well we exchanged numbers and i called her she agreed to come over to my house so i waited outside while she found her way over she pulls up in a super badass car so i'm like hercule when she gets out it looked like her suspension let out a sigh of relief she was at least 300 pounds nice girl though she gave me a back massage then i told her i was tired afterwards and she left i'm a little late to the party but my first tinder date has been my most eventful date ever so i matched this absolutely drop dead gorgeous girl way out of my league and we arranged to meet in the city for a few drinks on a friday evening we meet in this little bar and share a drink the conversation is a lot of small talk to begin with but it's flowing well anyway we're there for about 30 minutes when she says she hasn't eaten anything yet and asks if i wanna grab a bite to eat i do so we finish our drinks and start moving outside to find some food as we're walking along the sidewalk i see this guy in front of me staring me down like he is proper shooting daggers at me and making me super uncomfortable i try to ignore him look at the ground look at the girl whatever we move to pass him and he spins around on his heel and slams me into a wall he has his forearm pressed up against my neck and is pushing so hard my feet are starting to lift off the ground i try and pull his arm away from my throat unsuccessfully and my vision is starting to go black i thought i was done for here in a last-ditch effort to not be strangled to death i used the wall as a board to push my knee up into him as hard as i can i hit him square in the groin and he relinquishes his grip my vision starts to return although it's giving me a splitting headache i splutter and try and get my breath back a bit while i watch this guy curl over red in the face with veins popping out of his forehead he stumbles over to the street and throws up all through the gutter i turn to the girl who's just watching all of this like a ruin headlights turns out the guy was her ex-boyfriend who heard about our date through a mutual friend of theirs i managed to wheeze out enough to ask her if she'd like to get another drink with me as i could really use one she declines and says she's just going to get a ride home and practically sprints away from whatever the heck this situation was i ended up leaving this other guy puking in the street and stayed out for a few hours by myself had a really good night in the end met a bunch of new people and a pretty fun story in hindsight went out with a girl and had a great time together i only knew her first name we were texting later that night after our date and i told her to add me on snapchat and gave her my username she added me and up popped a request from first name last name her last name being my mom's very rare maiden name she was my second cousin we clarified things briefly and never spoke again people that walked in on there so having sex with another person how did you react serious i vomited it felt like it happened even before it registered what i had seen it caught me totally by surprise no suspicions no sounds coming through the door i was walking towards the door looked in the window as i passed suddenly vomited in the grass as i'm heaving it slowly sinks in what i saw i can't believe it totally caught me by surprise i walk down the street to give myself some room to breathe i sit down on the curb wanting to cry or something i couldn't decide if i was devastated or furious i sat there for hours thankfully it was only a girlfriend anyways we lived together and i got released early military at the time and came home caught her in the act and honestly i think it was the dude's reaction that kept me calmer than anything he started yelling at her who the frick is this guy and you said you were single she had lied through her teeth to the guy and to be honest i've never been one to hang pictures or anything or to live like a slob so it is fairly believable he didn't know a guy lived there anyways i just started packing my stuff and she tried to yell at me and cut at me and stop me from packing she tried to take stuff to me and dumped my bags and i just kept my head down and kept packing away honestly i think i took it the best way i could there was other stuff like quickly contacting the landlord and informing him i was moving out at wilton and in a month to month lease and getting out of there the next day but my reaction was the only sensible thing i could do at the time i think he started yelling at her who the frick is this guy and you said you were single well at least he reacted sensibly too all too often people get mad at the wrong person in these situations i didn't say anything just walked in and she said that typical it's not what you think i just walked out and haven't spoken to her in over six months i don't even miss her it's nice to say that and actually mean it walked in on my aches after three years together with one of my best friends at the time took a double take and just stood there for what couldn't have been more than five seconds i then just drove back to my dorm and literally lost my crap for a minute i've never been one to actually be out of control of my temper bits of the time all the emotions overwhelmed me as i fell out of shock i will never forget that moment that i felt that i had no control over myself it was both frightening and relieving literally losing your crap is pooping your pants girlfriend had been feeling sick the past few days it was a slow day at my part-time job so my manager decided to let a co-worker and i off early decided to surprise her with soup and a red box movie i picked up when i was heading out the shower was running when i got there so i warmed the soup up and sent her a text telling her i was downstairs with a surprise while preparing it all i heard a very distinguishable voice yell out in joy that voice belonged to a pretty good friend of ours each step up the stairs boiled more anger but finally seeing it with my eyes only brought disappointment eight months destroyed in eight seconds the amount of times she apologized and told me it's never happened before this didn't matter i won't lie it fricked me up i'm still dealing with trust issues and anxiety from it all e they've been dating ever since and i never did see the great gatsby punched a wall that turned out to be a support column and broke my hand in two places not the brightest response if i could do it all again i would have just walked away and stayed away comma punched a wall that turned out to be a support column was really hoping that the building was going to crumble around you like a scene out of the hulk or some crap sadness wasn't as angry as i thought i would be i had suspicions beforehand we had been together for a year she started getting distant about a month ago walked in on them last night it is what it is but there's a massive hole in my heart now i didn't catch her in the sct but i came home one day to find another man's boxer shorts on my bedroom floor the tidal wave of sadness was overwhelming she swore he had just changed into swim trunks and accidentally left his underwear that story wasn't believable then and it was less believable when she moved in with him after our breakup first met my wife when i was studying abroad in china we dated briefly over there and kept in touch online when i returned home eventually the two of us got married and she moved out here to the states with me occasionally her family comes to visit four years into the relationship i catch her with her brother in bed i didn't know what the frick to think is this a weird cultural thing is this guy even her brother i got angry yelled at her stormed out for the night and crashed at my friend's apartment i went to work came back home when she was at school and the guy was gone i go through her macbook her skype and email were saved i find out the guy was a husband the money we were sending to help her parents was being sent to this guy and her kids we're since divorced i haven't dated in years i'm struggling with major self-esteem issues no i'm better off without her but i miss the feeling of being in love and having a sense of belonging i know poverty makes you do strange things but i cannot imagine pimping your wife and the mother of your kids out and for years we'd been dating for over a year she'd gotten a new job and to congratulate her i left work early and brought over two bottles of champagne no one was answering the door but her roommate was in the stairwell outside their friend's apartment and heard me knocking she let me in we both walked together to their room at the end of the hall and as her roommate pushed the door opened my soap called out not to come in and i heard laughing at this point i moved on a kind of numb autopilot and pushed the door open she was on top of him she threw the blanket over her shoulders and looked back toward the door i honestly lost my crap i cried screamed went to absolute pieces i knew the guy from other friends and he abandoned a close friend of mine after their daughter was born severely epileptic she wasn't apologetic at all they were in love i drove home balling the whole way i haven't loved anyone like i loved her yet in my life i drank both bottles of champagne at my apartment and packed a bag calling my family to pick me up i spent a few days with them being back home reminded me of the actual unconditional love in my life she and the guy deserved each other in the end she called me almost a year later while she was living with him and wanted to come over she wanted to have sex so we did then i detailed the whole affair in a message to him and he kicked her out of his house everything works out in the end people while i walked in on them sleeping in our bed i came home early from a road trip with a friend of mine and walked into my bedroom happy to wake her up and surprise her for whatever reason the guy had a polaroid at the bedside table so i took a picture said it next to them basically to say be glad i didn't kill you and walked out she tried justifying it later but i think i barely said 10 words to her after that dude the polaroid thing that is brilliant she must have been freaked out beyond belief when she woke up to that i wanted to surprise him on his birthday so i came with some of our friends to his dorm bringing gifts and birthday cake when i opened the door using the spare key he gave me there he was balls deep in a girl he brought home from club we just kind of stared at them in shock and they stared back also in shock and then we all left without a word dumping all the gifts and cake onto his floor he hasn't won any of his friends back ever since that's the only time i've heard of a situation where the friends witnessed it too weird sense of justice that they knew too i was on a trip and decided to come home a couple days early and surprise my now ex fiance we were not living together so i was going to go to my apartment to shower because i took a red-eye flight and i wanted to wash off the airplane stink before i surprised her with some flowers i walk in and i see a pair of shoes by the door that were not mine i thought maybe they were my roommates as i round the corner to my room i start to hear moaning and heavy breathing i thought my roommate was freaking in my room so i thought i would frick with him i burst through the door and said something like surprise sucker and find my fiance getting fricked by her roommate i guess their other roommate had people over so they thought to go to my place which they thought was empty i looked at them and i think you should leave the ring and the key they freaked out and asked what i was doing home i told them that this is my place and i didn't have to answer to them they scrambled to collect their crap and leave in the process she left behind her ipad i decided to go through it i'm really proud of that but i figured why not the wedding is off now anyway turns out she had been sleeping with a bunch of different people for the past six or seven months sounds like you were really lucky to have discovered that she was a cheater before you got married i'll never understand why people who cannot be monogamous get married it was about two years ago he and i had been dating for almost a year and halfway through that year i introduced him to a girl whom i'd considered to be my best friend i'd had a feeling he was into her but she had told me she wasn't attracted to him as months went on i noticed they grew closer they'd hang out without me i'd catch a glimpse of her phone when he would message her and he stopped letting me stay the night i kept telling myself i was being paranoid and that neither of them would ever hurt me one morning after a party i drove home and decided to swing by his house her car was in the street at 8am he lived with his mom so she let me in the house i stood outside his room and when he came out i looked past him to see the girl naked in his bed we sat outside for about 30 minutes and i kept telling him i knew it i knew it was happening if he basically told me i brought it on myself because butthole logic i never spoke to her again i only spoke to him a few times to get my stuff the girl moved in with him soon after they recently bought a house but a few days before they moved in she left him for a girl they were going at it so hot and heavy that they didn't even notice that i was there i put a note on the bedroom door got in my car and moved to a different state i admire your cold efficiency came home to see them on the couch and he was quickly doing up his pants she'd been blowing him i walked to the bathroom more to give them a chance to leave then to pee they did years later she came to terms with the fact that she can't be monogamous at least it wasn't just me she's cheated on literally everyone she's dated i know are two girls like this they need to either become swingers or hot wifes or get into cuckolding but for some reason they refuse to do anything but monogamous relationships well i came home from work about two hours early due to finishing up my paperwork quite early then i entered the bedroom ready to take shower then it happened and to be completely honest i just stood there and stared at them as they start back at me she then said babe it's not what it looks like i then started laughing in an obnoxious way and turned around and left the room then when she came out of the room i'm guessing he left the same way he came in the window she found me playing battlefield 4 on my pc baby she said i just replied saying how she asked if i was okay i just said yeah i'm fine i guess she thought everything was actually okay and started to walk back into the bedroom as she walked away i continued to keep playing and just said oh and you have three days to get all of your things out she tried to get me to take it back and started to get frustrated saying i can't do that i simply replied i signed the lease i personally pay all the bills and everything that is even involved between you and i has my name on it not yours but so you need to get out i would appreciate that greatly she then started to cry and i just laughed some may call me heartless for this but if you knew the amount that i had put into the relationship and how much i sacrificed for it you wouldn't blame me came home miley from work noticed a strange car outside found them sleeping in our bed cozy as can be after doing the deed they woke up to me closing the door and leaving she called and begged me to come home i said everything i had ever bitten my tongue about filed for divorce two days later a month after divorce was final i moved 1 000 miles away she still wants me to come back and tells me it's the biggest mistake she ever made people ask me why i even still talk to her i say it's because i have to be civil the truth is i'm still enjoying knowing she's struggling and that i won petty i know but frick her r.i.p inbox thanks for the gold kind stranger walked in on my ex not having sex with her ex-bf bit him asleep in his boxers on her bed and her beside him i had bought her a bunch of gifts because i had been away at school and was busy thought i'd surprise her i guess i did she bolted up as soon as i walked in i put the gifts on the ground and said so i bought you gifts i guess i should just go left the gifts and walked out she chased after me and threw herself in front of my car and wouldn't move until i came in to talk to her the guy left while i was sitting in my car contemplating running her over we went inside and talked decided not to end things two weeks later on valentine's day she dumped me because i hadn't yet put the past behind me she was crazy contacted me and told me she loved me still two years later after being engaged and pregnant i told her sorry but things were over and i was in a relationship with someone i love deeply my then gf proceeded to cheat on me and dump me a week later my luck was not the greatest good news is now i'm married to a wonderful woman the girl left while i was sitting in my car contemplating running her over nice writing that's probably my favorite line in all of this thread yeah i've been there too i'm glad you've made it at the end i was already at a low point in my life i actually just got fired and came back to the hotel room where we were staying at i reiterate it was a very low point in my life and went straight to the bathroom to take a crap hadn't really thought about why my girlfriend wasn't there sitting on the toilet i recognized her singing through the vents i could tell she was in the shower next door banged on the next door down for like five minutes before i heard the neighbor yell at her that it was me i said open the fricking door and he obliged i walked straight past him and threw her clothes at her she was getting out of the shower as she argued with me dusha mcgee decided that's when he'd step in and shove me and tell me to frick off i promptly lost it broke his nose and continued to throw him around his hotel room i left when he started screaming about the cops i just took off my bloody shirt and started walking down the street and kept going for a few hours all before noon it was a crappy day i honestly don't regret my actions don't get freaking physical with me after i discovered you fricked my girlfriend tldr just got fired she was next door scuffled with the guy for a bit went for a walk glad you smashed that dude what kind of clown would get aggressive after you freaked his girl that guy deserves much worse this was my first boyfriend in college he was a lot of firsts actually including the first person to cheat on me it was my boyfriend's birthday and i was going to surprise him by decorating his room at midnight he usually has work until 2 a.m those days so my plan was to go to his dorm room and decorate it i knew his roommate was going home that weekend so his roommate was nice enough to lend me his key i have all the supplies with me and go to his room at 1am i like to vlog things and was going to record the process so i had my phone recording me entering his room i swing open the door and i see him and another girl i guess i have impeccable good timing because he comes all over her back as i open the door and remember my phone was recording all of this i just kind of stand there we all just look at each other and he starts to say babe tears start falling down my face and i just lose it i fall to the floor and start crying he scrambles for his clothes and i just leave i leave all the supplies there grab my bag and phone and just walk away i went back to my room without saying anything in fact i never said anything to him ever again he stalked me for a bit after fun fact his roommate didn't know we broke up messages me a few days after telling me he thinks my ex is cheating on me with a girl he says the name of the girl which is not the same girl i saw him in bed with tl dr my first bf cheated on me on his birthday i cried and left in silence ron made messages me without knowing we broke up that my bf is cheating on me with a girl who was not the girl my bf was in bed with but bf was cheating on me with two girls well your ex's run mate was a good guy for telling you when he had suspicions came home from work early to spend a long weekend with my fiance put the keys on the table instant smell of sex and sound of faint moaning for a second i was naively aroused thinking she was rubbing one in walked to the bedroom and felt the blood drain from my face just felt like a ghost standing there they hadn't heard me come in and i didn't know what to shout or do to interrupt them just walked back out to the car and then the anger seriously kicked in went to the garage and got the chainsaw never starts first try was my granddad's i just wanted the noise to scare the living frick back out of them back to the bedroom doorway and started pulling the cord as calmly as i could hold my crap together instant screams from both of them pulled the cord a few times for dramatic effect and told them they had five seconds to get out of my house the guy scrambled and got his crap together she just fell to the floor and started crying i couldn't take the pleading and crying so i just got in the car and left with the chainsaw for some reason love of my life turned into a succubus hell [ __ ] in under a second there was this girl staying at my house for a bit she had family issues and never wanted to go home we'll call her erica every night erica would start crying when we were heading to bed and my bf and i would stay up house trying to calm her down after a couple weeks i kicked her out my bf really didn't like it but i was firm we needed sleep and this girl needed to deal with her family issues two days later i was at work and my bf called to say he was staying home sick and wouldn't need a ride later i felt bad for him so on my hour lunch break i went to the soup shop to grab him some tasty soup it took a while and i was going to use my whole lunch break bringing him soup i got home and he wasn't on his computer very unusual and the bedroom door was closed i opened the bedroom door and him and the girl were naked in bed together not actively sexing just naked i poured the soup on them and left he called me and said it wasn't what it looked like she was keeping him warm since he had a fever what an amazing excuse she totally had to be naked to keep him warm i'm sure i told him he better have his stuff out by the time i got home or i was calling the cops he broke into my apartment three days later to leave flowers and a note i was 20 years old and dumb so i took him back my gf and i had a large group of friends many of those friends were be or gay one night she went to her party where most of our friends were at i didn't want to go but then later changed my mind got to the party when everyone was loaded walked into bedroom and she's banging one of our gay friends the frick she cheated on me with a gay dude i was obviously upset and didn't talk to her for weeks we got back together for a few months and i finally just couldn't do it anymore we were both young and stupid anyways i laugh about it now honeymoon hot spot workers what are your best and worst stories regarding newlyweds i don't work out a honeymoon host but but over winter break i went on a cruise my cousins and i had met this couple on the cruise that were on their honeymoon the husband was pretty chill and the wife seemed really nice too i think they were in their 20s he was like 27 and she 24. i was drunk the whole cruise so i may be wrong well anyway we had hung out with them just about every night partying and drinking at the bar well on the last night my oldest cousin went to bed early and it was just i and my other cousin it was around two in the morning and we were just chilling been all drunk enjoying food when all of a sudden she comes stumbling into the restaurant and sat with us she told us her husband went to bed and she was lonely we openly invited her to join us and that's when she completely opened up she was saying how frisky she was and how she had been keeping her eye on us we thought she was joking but then she turned and said that if she wasn't recently married she would have loved to freak my cousin and die we didn't know what to do so we just walked her to her room and said good night to her but i really have felt bad for her husband she tried to apologize to us the next day bid my cousin got mad and told her she better get her act together my cousin is 23. and i'm 20 btw i used to work events at a high-end place that did conferences and wedding receptions to give you an idea one two-year waiting list for wedding receptions and cheapest plan menu was 300 ahead plus being a hotel the bride and groom stay in a room on the night propositioned so many times once every staff member got handed a photo and it always do not allow to enter and to call security it was the groom's mother apparently she hated the bride so much they put a navvo out on her i took three police officers to get her into the police car she bit one of the security staff a bride so drunk they refused to allow her to sign the marriage certificate the ceremony and reception went ahead but the marriage officially happened next day when sober the best and most memorable the bride's father was paying for the reception groom asked for a few projectors to be set up so that he could play a movie and photo montage of their relationship all's going well for five minutes until it hits a scene of the bride being pounded by two guys neither of which was the groom one was the best man still to this day don't know who the other guy was during the video the groom had left via a cab one other time the newlyweds had a cab called to the airport we rang the room 30 minutes before the cab call as a courtesy no answer manager goes and knocks and no reply so you he use the house key and there's a couple sleeping her in the wedding dress and him half in the suit bother covered in vomit so many have tried we are honeymoon couple please give us freebies a christian couple i know had never had fricked before their wedding night the guy wanted to break the ice so he got naked while his bride was in the sweet bathroom on their honeymoon he spread eagle and aimed his butt towards the bathroom door his bride comes out and he rips a fart but crap came out he crap the bed and she locked herself in the bathroom for seven hours crying they're fine now but she wanted a divorce that night i want to believe this i worked as a bartender at a pretty nice hotel there was a big convention center attached to it with a lot of meeting rooms and a huge ballroom i wasn't always aware what was going on at the convention center unless the hotel was full for a convention it had been a fairly quiet night and i didn't have anyone else sitting at the bar when a guy takes a seat and orders a beer i got it for him and he looked like he was kind of upset like something was really weighing on him but i didn't want to pry some people don't always want to talk this guy did he said aren't bartenders supposed to listen to your problems i say sure man what do you want to talk about he begins to tell me that he had gotten married that day they had had their reception next door and were staying the night in the hotel i congratulate him but i'm a bit confused as to why he's sitting here by himself on his wedding night he tells me that he's in his 30s and his bride is 26. they had been together at least a year and a half and she's a virgin and he's not i'm still confused as to why he's not consummating his new marriage and he then tells me she was so nervous about their big night that she drank too much champagne and was in the room passed out after having gotten sick i had to take a second to keep my composure and not chuckle at this poor guy's misfortune because he was obviously really upset about it he explained that they're taking a flight out tomorrow and then getting on a cruise for their honeymoon i did my best to try and reassure and be optimistic for him i said something about nerves and i was sure that everything would work out for him on the cruise he seemed a little better than he was when he first sat down but he still looked frustrated and who could blame him he ordered another beer and went back to his room i worked for a timeshare company as a supervisor over the phone so i got all the escalated calls for those upset owners for whatever reason and there was this couple that were spending their honeymoon in aruba they had it all planned out they were going to take a nice walk along the beach under the moonlight and go back and just get freaky well the time of year that they got married in happened to be a very humid time so there's a lot of bugs out i get the call from the bride she's irate goes straight to the supervisor she called in and blamed the timeshare company for the fact that she wasn't able to get naked in front of her new husband and frick him so that they could convenience their first child together all because she happened to get some mosquito bites and she was embarrassed to get naked in front of him because of those bites and since the beach was on the resort's property it was the hotel's fault that she couldn't get naked and get pregnant to not convenience the child for shame bart ended at this upscale lodge in texas catered mostly to oil money in the fw area rich people this lady came in probably 35-ish and decent looking with a nice body not quite a newlywed it was married six months earlier then he cheated she left him about four martinis and she started spilling her guts she said they had only had frick maybe 10 times as a married couple and she misses the feel of a man etc really putting it on thick that she needed some so i playfully bartender flirted with her gave her a free drink paid good attention etc it got to be about midnight bar closed at 12 and she asked if i could have a drink in her room with her when i got out i said i couldn't do that place had very strict rules and i was making decent money after a few minutes i decided that the story might be worth it and i told her that if she ordered room service i could deliver it in a few mins there was an end of night walk that had to be done that takes about 20-30 minutes which i figured i could just not do and i could help out this divorcee she drunkenly nodded and walked away after about 15 minutes we got the order for strawberries to her room i prepped them and got ready to go told manager i was going to do the night walk as well probably 15 minutes had gone by and i got to her door it was slightly open i knocked and walked in there she was on the bed with another guy really fat hotel guest she must have picked up going down on her and she was no joke slapping his head yelling at him tongue frick me harder while he was jerking himself off neither one noticed me at all set down the strawberries and walked out it wasn't even remotely close to a honeymoon hot spot and that was the sad part i was 17 and working at a particularly crappy open-air motel on the night shift next to the nicest hotel in town which wasn't saying much a young couple came in practically in tears because the honeymoon suite they'd booked at the nicer hotel had rented out their room and there wasn't anywhere else to stay so they came to our motel literally the only one in town that had a single room to rent i felt terribly sorry for them and gave them the biggest discount i could and let them into that last crappy little room while they were getting their luggage i remembered the suite right above the office that was usually rented out as an apartment it wasn't any great shakes of an apartment but it was the best we had i didn't say anything to the couple right away but went upstairs and did the best i could to scrub off the dust and spiders and rub rubber bleach rag over the linoleum it took me about an hour and i was pretty proud of myself for getting the room ready as quick as i had given the decrepit condition it was generally left in i threw the bleach rags and dirty linens in the laundry room and went to go bring the couple to their fancy-ish new suite i knocked but no one came to the door the new husband eventually asked what i needed and i told them about their room i was sadly puzzled that they didn't want to seem to leave even just to check it out and that they didn't even come to the door or turn on the lights and that the new bride kept giggling i made my way sadly back to the front office and concluded that they must have been really tired after such a long day they sounded a lot happier than they did when they first came in though so i figured my efforts weren't a total waste they were definitely naked i'm not a honeymoon hot spot worker but i do have a good story at a resort with honeymooners when i was 19 i went to hilton head south carolina with my girlfriend at the time and her mother and brother we were staying in a time share that her mom and uncles shared and it was a pretty nice place one night my ex and i decided to go out to the hot tub for some alone time however there was already a couple there we still wanted to go into the hot tub so we went anyway she was a real personable person so she started a conversation with the couple right away and that's when we found out they were on their honeymoon we all kept talking and after a bit they offered us some of the champagne they had which we eagerly accepted after the bottle was finished we were all trying to decide what to do my ex and i had some weed we planned on smoking and decided to ask the couple if they wanted any since they were kind enough to share their champagne they accepted right away and invited us over to where they were staying if you want a fake foursome story like most have been anticipating stop here and skip to the next edit if you want the real story continue reading we smoked and drank wine with them until we were all pretty gone that's when the couple started getting really emotional and serious they told us that we were a cute couple and that we were young so we shouldn't get ourselves tied down so early by what they were saying it almost seemed like they were having some reservations about the marriage which made it really awkward for us my ex and i exchanged looks trying to look for a way out since the night was taking a turn we did not want when she got a call from her brother asking where we were we used that call as our way out so we said goodbye and congratulated them again before we left that night and that couple has stuck with me over the years and i honestly hope everything ended up well with them because they were really cool and nice we got back and as we packed a bowl they offered us some wine we drank and smoked until eventually the idea of a foursome was brought up we were all pretty gone at this point and this was their first night together as a married couple so it seemed like a great idea we decided to make a game of it though and played a strip version of never have i ever using all of our fingers instead of just three so we would ensure we'd be naked after about 20 minutes we were all pretty much naked and things got heated my ex started making out with her but before anything happened we decided that we should smoke another bowl that's when i decided to be a jerk and derail this whole story by saying thank you for choosing this adventure maybe they had both escaped bad relationships and were grateful they had found each other a little later in life this just happened a few days ago i work at an upscale hotel chain on the coast in florida we get a lot of international guests this couple wasn't on their honeymoon but they were clearly married and on a special trip they were both french and in their late 60s i was working at the pool and the husband walks up to me looking for a towel as he is walking up i see his wife pull out a bottle of wine and take a serious pull right out of the bottle but we have a no glass policy on the pool deck and not wanting to make a scene i grab a couple plastic cups and ask the husband if he could put their wine in the cups he looks really outrage offended when i asked and said my wife doesn't drink alcohol well i was pretty confused at this point but i just said whatever it is could they put it in the cups he takes the cups and walks back over to their chairs and after some heated conversation she storms out giving me a witheringly dirty look as she leaves i walk over to the guy apologizing i didn't mean to upset you guys just doing my job etc turns out she was an alcoholic and had been pretending to be sober the guy ended up crying as he sought or explained what the big deal was it was pretty awkward i think it was probably for the best that it came out into the open though tl dr couple comes to my hotel from europe i accidentally revealed to the husband that the wife isn't sober i wouldn't take the dirty look personally when someone is that deep into their addiction they can find fault with anyone else rather than look into their own behavior i worked at a goddamned dairy queen hot spot i think not anyway this couple comes up to the counter gushing and talking about how they just got married x days ago they were clearly looking for someone to comp their first shared blizzard what they did not realize was that i knew the girl involved from a church related thing no less the relationship was just distant enough so that she didn't recognize me without context clearly they were dating or friends or something who decided to try to get free ice cream if she'd truly been engaged i would've known anyway i said in my sweetest voice sure name of girl and congrats her face was priceless both at the time and later when i saw her among church people totally worth the money i had to eat for the blizzard i worked at a camera photo store near a tourist location when i was a student back when you took your film to get developed in an hour my job was operating the big photo developing machine a generally crappy boring job most of the time it was fully automated get the film picker load the film press some buttons wait then the stack of photos comes out and i put it in an envelope for pickup i had a supervisor lab technician who monitored and calibrated the machine so i was basically just a button pressing minion a 90 percent of the time i don't even glance at the stack that comes out unless i need to check for issues with the print so i'd have to get the lab tech i always see the top print however when i load it into the envelope and often thread be nudes i'd occasionally have to flip through the photos anyway to prevent the photos sticking together so you'd see things here and there generally these are not attractive people so i don't ever flip through them i try not to take more than a glance if i could avoid it i think unattractive flabby 40 something's performing oral and terrible hotel lighting and you know what i'm talking about one time i saw a bald guy giving another man fellatio as the top photo i didn't think much of it except the guy performing had a very noticeable facial mark i think it was a birthmark or something again i don't think much of it just drop it into the envelope put on the code sticker toss it into the box i had forgotten about it by the time i left for lunch a local sandwich joint but then halfway through my lunch i see this guy walks in with the exact same birthmark on his face and he was a priest i tried not to steer and he just buys a couple of cans of soda and walks out the rest of my lunch all i could think of was that priest and the man sausage in his mouth i have nothing against gays it was just such a weird intimate thing when i went back i asked the girl working at the cash register to see if a priest had picked up the photos and she said he did of course i didn't tell anyone about it mostly because it's none of my goddamn business what a guy does on his vacation i just hope he's happy one time we had a couple who had just gotten married spend their wedding night with us before they were to fly out the next day for their honeymoon we made sure the room was perfect even comping them some champagne then at about 1am we got several complaints from the surrounding rooms that they were screaming at each other not ecstatic yay baby kind of screams more like a go ahead and cry you freaking be kind of screams so our protocol in such a situation is to call the cops for a domestic dispute turns out the guy had punched through our wall he was arrested and she spent her wedding night alone great foundation for a marriage not really a honeymoon story but i thought i'd share i used to work at a big hotel and one week we had a gay wedding the ceremony reception went well with about 60 people in attendance for the night the couple had booked one of the bigger rooms expecting about 200 people so we set up all the tables buffet and the dj sets up all prepared for what we expected to be a massive night cut to 11 pm i walk into this big room to find about 25 people and one of the grooms crying onto the other unfortunately they had booked their wedding the same weekend as our city's gay pride festival no one has shown up to the night party and half the people from the day had left to attend the festival we felt so bad for them he was just crying all night poor guys we rent out holiday homes on a weekly basis that saturday the family that rented one of them didn't show up though they paid the 3 000 euros up front no phone call or message to warn us of any delay we tried calling them no reply in the end we concluded they must have had an accident on the way two days and various attempts at contact from us later i get a very embarrassed phone call it turns out they were at their own wedding feast when they were supposed to arrive in their home country one thousand kilometers from there they passed out at 5am slept through the next day and only found our messages the following evening the whole party just assumed someone else had told us they planned to arrive two days too late i'm glad they turned out to be just wet rather than dead but who the frick goes on honeymoon together with their parents and in-laws my brother used to work at a big restaurant resort that would often do weddings one night they were hosting a large dinner party for all the guests after the wedding earlier that day of course at that point everyone was pretty wasted so the groom ended up getting into a fight with one of the bride's distant uncles i kid you not the uncle ended up biting off the groom's finger and swallowing it so he couldn't reattach it everyone was freaking out and the groom's men ended up beating up the uncle until he puked back out the severed finger my first marriage was back in 1987. we were both 20 barely enough money for food and rent you know the drill we went on a honeymoon to a resort location nearby in a hotel they gave us a room right next to the door leading to the indoor pool area we checked into our room and i did the whole carry over the threshold thing and we got busy pretty fast clothes piled on floor and us naked going at it athletic sweaty freaking then i heard a noise and looked toward the door and i see a couple of families staring into our open door that i forgot to even close freaking paparazzi literally i work at a hotel since i have been working in this business i have decided that i am never going to step foot in a hotel jacuzzi tub i used to work at a large hotel where weddings receptions would be held on a regular basis but one night after a wedding the newlywed couple is in their sweet and complaints start coming in about a fight in their room turns out they got into it with each other and the new wife beat up her new husband the cops ended up taking her to jail i guess the new husband was fapping that night if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 163,187
Rating: 4.7691312 out of 5
Keywords: dating, dating advice, dating stories, marriage, married, relationship, relationship advice, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: vXdI8cQwCqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 46sec (8026 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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