The Loneliest Thing You've Ever Done (r/AskReddit)

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rajat what's the loneliest thing you've done when I was in elementary school and high school I was bullied horribly when I was about 13 the kids in my class invited me over to go for milkshakes and fries to celebrate the first day of Christmas break I excitedly told my parents and they were so happy for me it seemed like I was finally making friends needless to say they all stood me up I was too scared to go home and tell my parents that once a game I had fallen for their lives so I stayed out by myself for a couple of hours ate fries and drank a milkshake and felt so alone obviously a horrible way to start Christmas break for me it was when I moved my fish from the kitchen into my living room for company my goldfish are great sometimes I get drunk and yell at them but in the morning it's as if they don't even remember googled things to do by yourself on Christmas one jerk-off to eat three jerk-off four get high five eat while jerking off six get sloppy drunk seven try to jerk off eight fall asleep with your dong in your hand nine dial your exes number on your phone and hover your thumb over the call button before chickening out attend cry and jerk off create singleplayer rules to a board game basically my past five years have been pretty much alone I go out and meet people but we never end up hanging out I can chat people up and be funny and get phone numbers at bars I call these people the weekend or the next weekend to hang out and it never precipitates into anything I guess when people sober up they realize it might be awkward going out to get drinks with a complete stranger sometimes I pretend I am texting most of the time I don't even turn on my phone I just swipe around on the black screen when I came back from Iraq in 2005 I had been over there for well over a year flew all the way back to Germany and got to Frankfurt late midnight we jumped on a bus and drove to the base we lived on and it was snowing outside they herded us all into this gym and we stood there on the basketball court in formation and they released everyone to their families I remember standing there watching all these people who were my only family go to their real families and leave I didn't have anyone there I just turned around picked up my rock and walked the two miles back to my barracks room when I got there it was completely empty save for a bed and a six-pack of beer in the fridge someone was thinking ahead I popped open a beer sat on the bed and felt like I was supposed to be happy but I was more lonely than I'd ever been that feeling never went away my neighbor was having a Super Bowl five different kinds of chili party but did not directly invite me and I was too anxious to just go so I picked up Wendy's chili and ate it in my car in the Wendy's parking lot and waited until the Super Bowl was over before going home I won two free movie and drinks and popcorn and ended up watching two different movies one after the other the ticket stub lady was looking at me like an Ebola patient selling our house after my wife died walking through the empty rooms the night before the closing was so sad and final when I started high school I wasn't really friends with anybody I knew a few guys from middle school but that was about it my sister and her friends who knew me were in grade 12 and went to the same school so for the first month of school I didn't have anyone to eat lunch with and I didn't want to sit alone in the cafeteria and then have my sister see I have no friends she would no doubt worryingly tell my parents and I didn't want them to be concerned about my inability to make friends so I started eating my lunch in the washroom stall and then moved to secretly eating my lunch in the library after about a month I decided to go to the lunchroom because my teacher let us off early like 10 minutes before lunch bell I figured I could go sit and eat my lunch quick before people got there as I was eating these black guys who were in my class came and sat next to me it was their usual table they lived in what you could call a hood in my city although we don't really have a hood just a place where a lot of low-income families lived and then soon the entire row filled up with guys from that hood and they basically went on usual making jokes they knew I was there and even though I wasn't talking a lie they involved me I ate lunch with them every day for the next two years after that during a long stretch of being single I went to a strip club on Valentine's Day all my friends had something going on and I didn't want to be alone one of the strippers gave me a kiss on the cheek it left a big red lipstick mark on my face and she whispered in my ear hope that doesn't get you in trouble Yeah right if I had someone at home who cared about random lipstick on my face do you think I would be at a strip club by myself on Valentine's Day ended up going home getting blackout drunk by myself and trash talk to young kids on call of duty in middle high school a legitimately ate lunch alone in bathroom stalls a few times when I had no one to eat with but didn't want anyone to know I wasn't disliked or bullied just really shy and basically totally unwilling to make the first move in friendships ever when I found out that my wife was cheating on me and I was laying on the kitchen floor crying looking through my phone for someone to call and realize that no one was a good in a friend or family member to call when the chips were down I once walked into Dairy Queen wanting a sundae not knowing if I wanted a strawberry or chocolate I compromised was a little fat but and got both when the girl handed the sundaes to me she asked if I wanted one spoon or two I told her to please it's not like they're both for me she laughed I went home and ate both sundaes rented out a restaurant that housed over 70 people after coming back from a deployment so I could spend time with all of my friends and family in one place after having announced the event for over three weeks nobody showed up having sat there for over two hours waiting I got up and left nobody called or texted to cancel I still think about that day I bought a TV dinner and a bottle of wine for dinner the cashier at the store laughed at me when I was checking out because that is all I bought I once bought some Lean Cuisines a bottle of wine and an engagement card for a friend and the coupon that popped out for me at the self-checkout was for cat food planned my birthday a week before and invited all my best friends to the mall to go eat and go bowling I got there an hour early on the day and sat at our meeting spot that's when I got the first text sorry dude can't come happy birthday then slowly one by one they all messaged me about the same thing I was so mad and almost cried when I calmed down I got Starbucks and went to watch The Fault in Our Stars I came home hoping for a surprise party or something or maybe a dropped off gift nope nothing hugging my pillow because I'm dying for a spoon I do this as well I bought a long pillow just for this when I order two burritos at Chipotle I pull out my phone and pretend I'm reading what someone else wants on theirs sometimes I sit in my car and watch netflix on my phone and eat them my loneliest moment occurred about two years ago it was during the summer and I had gotten two free tickets to go to the local Renaissance Fair I did the only thoughtful thing I could think of I asked my girlfriend of several years if she wanted to go if she was a teacher and claimed that she was too busy preparing for the school year so she kept stalling and gave me non-committal responses I asked her if she wanted to go on Friday night Saturday came and went I asked again if she would be game to go for an hour or two on Sunday for something to do they were free so I didn't really care if we stayed for a short amount of time she claimed the game that she was too busy even after I offered to come help her and still didn't given me a firm answer Sunday rolled around and I asked again she gave me the same routine it was too short notice to invite anyone else so I ended up going to the fair by myself while I was walking up to the admission gate to get in I saw a younger couple getting ready to pay for their tickets I still had an extra two get so I gave it to the couple they seemed genuinely happy the situation ignited an intense feeling of sadness I spent an hour or two wandering around the fair alone I wasn't happy and I knew it less than a week later I was singled by my own choosing the saddest moment that has resulted from me living by myself these past five years was when I was at my parents house playing Legos with my four-year-old nephew when it was time for me to leave I told him goodbye and he was all you're leaving yet Oliver I have to go home why who's missing you nobody Oliver I will get upset invented clever but because I didn't want to bother my friends with my troubles also the only Christmas card I ever get in the mail is from State Farm whenever I get it it makes me feel pathetic since the holidays already bring me down they usually make me cry because my insurance company is the only entity that bothered to spend $0.35 to say Merry Christmas that's usually the lowest point of the year because I'm usually drunk from Halloween to Valentine's Day fine advertently sent a friend request on facebook to the wrong person who happened to have the same name as the intended recipient for whatever reason that person accepted the request this person and I have never interacted and don't live anywhere near each other I now read all of her updates and follow her life story I've cheered during both of her pregnancies felt scared when she had to deliver one child two months early cried when her husband was hurt in Afghanistan and felt proud when she was accepted to medical school I realized one day that I had invented a completely one-sided friendship with an online stranger all while sitting at home alone in my pajamas I went for a run to clear my head after a rough week at work and a fight with my ex it started to rain I ran too hard and had to lean on offense to catch my breath stopped myself vomiting a person walked by with their dog the dog stopped and looked at me and gave a half wag with its tail and tilted its head quizzically as if to say you okay but I know I probably romanticized that moment and actually the dog was just like bleh I play game but in that brief moment who felt like the dog was the only living thing around me that week that bothered to actually look at me and actually give a crap that was a very lonely moment especially as the dog bounded away and I slowly walked back to my empty flat turned 30 years old while sitting by myself in a Denny's at midnight I'm married with three kids at least you got some peace and quiet created multiple AOL Instant Messenger screen names and logged them all in at the same time and went into chat rooms pretending to be a fun group of friends my wife passed away a few years ago one night after a lot of drinking and crying I took one of her shirts put it on a pillow and curled up with it she was my best friend and I miss her everyday when I moved I had a lonely period where I hadn't had anyone to have a conversation with for around a year great food I knew I couldn't so I'd have to go to the emergency room and staff there would see my details and someone would wish me a happy birthday I ran into a stranger they said hey I remember you you were at that event wearing a steampunk hat good to see you again that was the most interaction I'd gotten in a while so I just went with it we talked for 10 minutes about an event I never went to I used to travel to Hawaii regularly for work sounds fun but once you realize everyone is there with family or lovers and you are alone it's the loneliest feeling I have ever felt it wasn't much better that I didn't have anyone waiting for me at home either when the delivery guy is dropping off my two xl's and I have the TV on loud and I shout back from the door and get ready for pizza guys oh the shame lonely shame three years ago my wife of eight years suddenly left me after a few months of voluntary seclusion I decided on one final hurrah to my loneliness I took my wedding ring cost nine hundred euros gold was worth about 200 euros and took it to a gold buyer sold the ring for exactly 29 95 euros leaving the gold by a flabbergasted of course then I went to the liquor store across the rode and bought a bottle of Johnnie Walker 2995 went back home closed all the curtains locked my doors played my depressing music playlist on repeat and turned off my telephone with all that done I opened up the bottle and downed it in Oh about an hour or so the rest of the night was spent crying drunkenly freaking out bashing my head into the wall and other such pleasantries I have never felt as lonely as that night the following day I woke up with a huge hangover which passed in due time I got on my motorcycle and drove to my parents for dinner my period of seclusion now ended imagine life together with a girl on the bus just because she was pretty gilded my own comments so it looks like I'm popular two weeks ago I went to an 11:15 p.m. showing of the final Hobbit movie I was the only person in the theatre I spent 20 minutes finding the perfect seat and seriously contemplated asking them to pause the movie when I went to take a pee holy crap that movie is long as I walked out of the theater at almost 2:00 in the morning there were no employees in sight my car was the only one in the lot and a light snow had recently fallen and was completely untouched as I was about halfway to my car I turned around to look at the theater and all the frontage and interior lights were off it looked almost like it had been closed all along as a kid I used to sit quietly in my room with my temple to the door-handle I was so alone i sat helping my parents would open the door and just knock me out they didn't open the door I was home alone on New Year's Eve I was playing The Sims in complete darkness I had a small get-together with some other Sims as the ball fell I whispered Happy New Year to myself well in six months I'll have made it 230 without ever being on a date having a relationship or intercourse there's that I bought a Liverpool FC scarf because it has the team's motto you'll never walk alone knit on it I'm not even a Liverpool fan I just like to take it with me when I go on long midnight walks I may be alone but I've got a God scarf with a badass liver bird on it so who gives a Frick when I used to live by myself I would prepare two plates off food and set one across from me at the table I would pretend that someone was coming over and they were just running late I felt less lonely that way just kidding they were both for me we have a winner on my commute home one day around 15 years ago I came across a last syrup so mix that had been hit by a car and left for dead no collar no one looking for it it was cute and kind licking my hand when I came close but its neck was broken and its back was broken in at least two places no one was around so I gently picked it up and brought it to the sidewalk I was a paramedic at a time and had some tools on my belt but I knew little of canine anatomy as such I was about to cross into Virginia Tory I knew that I had to put the dog down what I didn't know was what would be the best way to do that I tried gently smothering it but could not cover all of its mouth and nose with my hands it was awkward with weird angles everywhere my mechs tried to use my leather man's pliers to close off its windpipe and the poor little guy was even licking my hand while I did bat unfortunately that didn't work either so I took off my uniform shirt to get at my undershirt which I then used for the smothering it was heartbreaking especially when I felt that little guy twitching and then it was done shirtless I looked all around me again not a soul in sight not even a child on a bicycle the pain and anguish of what I had just done was mine alone to bear even though I had done the right thing it did not feel good I wrapped it in my undershirt and took it home to bury it in the backyard I left a note on a fence near where I found it along with my phone number but no one ever called I don't even know what that sweet things name was I spent a birthday crying into my own birthday cake that I had to bake for myself my girlfriend left me several months ago and ever since I've not really used my phone not texting and stuff today I was looking through my contacts and realized I still had kisses next to her sat for a solid few minutes trying to work out how to delete them whilst dwelling on what has been lost I once spent Thanksgiving weekend by myself with a case of beer two bottles of Jack $80 in Chinese food and I watched 30 rock from beginning to end last week I spent a good 15 minutes having a conversation with a stuffed shark that culminated in me apologizing because there was no water in the room for him to swim in before breaking into tears I'm 21 this is the goodest flyboy he will bring you ten years of happiness in exchange for a like on this video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit top posts, best reddit posts, forever alone, funny reddit, reddit forever alone
Id: Zy9cuX1onjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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