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teenager sues his parents for 250 000 dollars for naming him gaylord his parents i don't know he seems kind of gay to me plot twist he changes his name to straight lord what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today's subreddit is r suddenly gay so sit down grab a can of beans and get ready to hork down a mouthful of hot dogs i'm mod me too uh that's that's a hell of a lot of art but i i don't understand i'm going with the headcanon that they're both moderators uh because i don't think i'm gonna like any other alternatives one of the weirder things about being an adult is having a favorite stovetop burner yet nobody talks about it bottom left well hurry and catch him before he gets too far away i still little bugger isn't he oh an eye test all right we got some pink bananas if you see these bananas as yellow you're normal red you may have coronavirus blue you're gay well crap i might be trans wait uh yes uh excuse me will you be my boyfriend uh yes or no i need to know because like some people have said i am the best boyfriend i have never actually been a boyfriend but uh i would be the best boyfriend no i'm not going to improve that impression you you can deal with that would you take one million dollars to walk in on your best friend with your girlfriend me yes plus one million dollars plus a best friend plus a girlfriend plus just join in that's the enterprising spirit birthday dinner mmm crab legs seafood is food for women but happy birthday that's what i don't get maybe i'm just dumb does watching gay prawn make you gay watching anime prawn doesn't make you a cartoon have at it fam if only this was a real exchange between elon musk and bill gates i'm not gay but big boy bush goliath beef master bradley oh god what why why did you why did you make hunky fruit like two episodes ago we had like hunky pokemon stop this playing spin the bottle at a party and it lands on your best friend hey there you got a can of beans would you ever give me head ew no that's gross what the frack uh oh oh oh i get it now oh dear have a lovely time sir guys say crap like the perfect girl isn't obsessed with her looks can play video games likes to work out watches sports and will drink with me dude just admit you're describing one of your homies some guys just want homies with tits some guys may also just want homies and some guys might want homies man don't sleep with your arm out yes see the demon under your bed is always gonna touch it it's always gonna touch your hand and and uh and you'll catch his eyes and you'll go what are we this messed me up me too username i can't pronounce me too the ancient texts clearly state and i quote upon meeting a female you must approach her and say hello there and if she responds with anything that isn't general kenobi then she is not worth it amen we don't date uncultured women we we don't date any women we date men if i had to give one meme to somebody to explain suddenly gay it would be this one this is a perfect progression we started at star wars relationship requirements and ended up gay as one does get in loser we're doing butt stuff got a can of beans hey heard daryl broke up with you hope you're okay hun i think you have the wrong hun i am antilla he who conquered the balkans who they call the scourge of god who gave daryl the best damn years of his life with normal friends can i get a hug no that's gay with the homies nice ass ugh me signing my friend up for grindr as a joke this email is already in use oh oh god being gay isn't a choice i was straight until 2005 when i was forced into homosexuality by chris evans wearing just a towel in fantastic four conflict attack how will you attack the bully pick your move lick pick your target his nipple attack him it's time for some nipple looking the bully no please no i know you have to decapitate me now but it was really worth it don't worry only females do that wait wait what remember these fellas well they're dating now ah that's actually really cute i hope that's like actually canon what the freck is boba it's a drink with balls in them you drink the balls and sometimes you choke on the balls what would you do in this situation take my trick out so if he eats me he's gay wife why are you putting garlic in your pants me so dracula won't try to eat my ass wife why would dracula try to eat your ass me he won't the garlic are you even listening yo so nudist beaches are basically a gay convention there are two women and 46 old men sharing space with erect penises finally found my place i'm glad you're happy all right all right we're gonna try something close your eyes and i'm going to tell you what you're going to feel not like that you are now feeling homosexuality congratulations spell your name using only these letters all right this person's name is gabby so g a why oh frick frank [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no no fragment no it's too late now the internet knows come and eat food point oh they they got a quite a line there paradise in your plate oh dear liberals if gay sex isn't a sin then why does charlie kirk call me a bad boy when he fracks my ass this is ben shapiro white power bottom that's between you and your media uh entertainment contract good luck breeding those lions oh oh oh my favorite meals to stretch apart grilled cheese mozzarella sticks buns pizza noah you got to enjoy the little things in life like blowing bubbles mason they call me bubbles in the classroom because i'm always rising to the top that's a that's that's one way to announce your romance i guess girls i have a new boyfriend how cute boys dude getting a girlfriend is way too hard what a frack yeah how does sucking dick one time make me gay if i cook one time am i a fracking chef fair point we bought mountain dew flavored lip balm and now we just keep saying bro i need some gamer fuel and kissing each other this is an acute relationship post we are foreground men who are supposed to be working right now i mean i mean you're working something i'm you're being somewhat productive probably girls my boyfriend has to be over six foot handsome kind and smart boys my girlfriend has to be a girl optional youtube comment section prawn hub comment section facts or nah i don't watch prawn hub nerd i'm a billionaire who has snacks with your mama whenever i need to how the frack did you find my mom i have two dads tracked her down i have snacks with your dads also understandable gotta have the full set i wish there was a website like grindr but for straight guys where you could you know meet other straight guys to bang i know i know we could call it denial yeah that'll be great being called a prissy isn't even an insult to me bro i know you love prissy so basically you just said you loved me which means you're gay and we have to kiss now well hey sexy how you doing whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm not gay neither am i i'm a heterophile i'm only attracted to straight people oh phew okay then do you guys want to be beta testers for denial wake up son we need to have a serious discussion about the type of pokemon you've been catching lately elaborate come back i need to be inside you you already fooled me once oh that's hilarious wishing well i wish to be irresistible to men suddenly tom holland anything you can do out of a suit you can now do in a suit and now you know why we don't hear about the brand cricketer anymore girls compliments hey lauren that's a cute top boys compliments hey patrick nice cop does your meth contain unhealthy gluten sugar or msg not sure bring it down to your local police station and they will test it for free no appointment necessary it's a trap yeah so uh uh i went down there and told them that if they could find the bag i shoved deep up in my arse they could test it all they want during the search procedure i climaxed three times and each time i did i got all emotional with the police officer who was performing the search i asked him to cuddle and stuff but he got furious and kept on going it took him about an hour to realize there was no bag best evening ever 10 out of 10 will definitely visit what that that belongs in cursed comments that wow yeah no i'm good i'm i'm i'm good nope i don't need that anymore is anyone else sort of madly in love with someone they know they shouldn't be if so who is it my ex i am also in love with this guy's ex i am a straight woman that's pretty gay brother even better okay i didn't need to see this today i really oh god i did not need to see that how did this get cursed usually this one isn't that cursed i'm gay but i'm not actually gay my boyfriend took my phone and tweeted that okay totally understand wait what bro kiss me if i'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right sorry bro they're dead let's commit smooches no homo i [ __ ] choked on my water well yeah that happens if you're trying to drink while committing smooches nice [ __ ] bro did you say no homo nabra i said no hetero gay taco bell ah as a lifelong addict of taco bell ice soap oh never mind it's a sex shop if that'll do i never told anyone this at the 2 jane's concert for homecoming he yelled where my sexy ladies at me lit standing right near the stage not knowing what's going on puts my hand up he then says sit your gay ass down i went home and i didn't play his music for weeks when the bully calls you gay so you frack him in this cool bathroom oh my god crack around and find out i'm straight but damn i want to frack a femme boy really bad have you considered that you might not be strayed that shirt makes your eyes pop really yes not gay fracker come back yeah i i understood what the problem was as soon as i saw this me accidentally clicking on the prawn hub gay section my dad at the top of the oh recommend it oh no when your teacher says prawn degrades women but there are no women in the prawn videos you watch hmm yeah it's only robots and cans of beans like is it degrading towards cans of beans son hey dad i finally had my first [ __ ] dad how was the experience sun salty dead ah hold up almost every hand you've shaken has had a dick on it that's why i cut the chase and just shake their dick boss know why i called you in here me because i accidentally sent you a pic boss stops pouring two glasses of wine accidentally i'm very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today based upon how frequently you use the body part it will glow brighter than other body parts which parts of your body will glow the most and will it be embarrassing you could strap me to a merry-go-round and use my anus to warn ships of coastal rocks in a thick fog oh my god that's the best of scratch okay all right focus and that brings us to the end of r suddenly gay but wait we have some terrifically gay oh wait just just fan art oh it's just fan art sorry we have some fan art from username suarnava sangupta and they say can't draw well but i made this for jack since i love his narration hey that is a really good job you guys undersell yourselves this is great and the reflections the glasses and like i couldn't draw this not a million years this is awesome thank you so much for that fan art and if you want to see more gay content or at least some trans lesbian content go ahead and hit that red subscribe button if you smiled at all during this video go ahead and hit that like button and as always my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,361,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, reddit truth, truth, r/suddenlygay, r/suddenlygay emkay, suddenlygay, emkay suddenlygay, funny, reddit memes, Ez Pz, Chris Cross, reddit readings
Id: IpFrK6ooSPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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