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This is internal US politicking and does not affect the rest of the world (it's not like Russian ammo makers are short on customers).

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nj0tr ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The US only knows how to go to war or put an embargo on people. They dont actually know how to solve anything.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/zenigata_mondatta ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 05 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
gone meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers and welcome back been a while if you're getting some groundhog day vibes not to worry this is actually the second gun meme review in a row we basically had an afghanistan meme special for this last episode which pushed a lot of the means we already had uh for the regular gun meme reviewed to the side so at the end of that i asked if you wanted another bonus episode of gunmen review and thank god i did that because holy [ __ ] did some [ __ ] happen immediately after that video dropped no joke hours after that video went live something big happened and not something good if you have no idea what i'm talking about and weren't clued in by the title of this video let me fill you in the biden administration uh on the heels of massive success on the national stage in afghanistan uh has announced their new wave of sanctions against russia random attack on russia is successful but what do these sanctions include well most notably it was a ban on russian-made firearms imported to the united states not a big deal considering most of those that we actually care about were already banned so whatever the real [ __ ] dick kicker on this one is it banned the import of russian made ammo agonizing failure in foreign policy let's punish gun owners hey joe since you're giving the taliban all these high-tech military assets and equipment do you think we could keep our braces best i can do is ban russian ammo and i'm taking all the risk if you're not quite sure why this is a big deal let me attempt to fill you in a pretty large percentage of all ammo that is available here in the us is actually made in russia not the majority of it but a pretty big piece most notably ak food which is stuff like this also the majority of non-standard calibers that comb block guys like me love like nine millimeter macros also made in russia almost entirely pretty much all of 9 by 39 and a bunch of the cheap 9 millimeter that was finally starting to come down in price normal ammo prices gun owners russian sanctions the ammo was just starting to come down back through the stratosphere and then this [ __ ] happens in fact we were starting to be able to find 762 by 39 for 26 cents around again that [ __ ] has not happened in a long time checking on ammo seek one day later and the price of 762 by 39 steel case has doubled biden's import ban ak community if i don't look at ammo prices it's not real i've already went out and bought a bunch of ammo and calibers i think are going to be hard to come by or don't have production anywhere other than russia and at this point i'm just praying that my order doesn't get [ __ ] cancelled i have a question for joe ah we all know why this wasn't done for russia although joe is so senile that he may still think we're in the cold war this was done to handicap gun owners at least that would be my guess this administration has made no secret of the fact that it despises us and we really should not be surprised to see strategic moves like this made against us which is why it's important for all of us to stick together as a community right now ar guys making fun of ak guys over the ammo ban all ammo prices inevitably skyrocketing yeah because remember it's not just 762 and 545 and all those calibers that are made in russia a lot of the el cheapo 223 ammo also made in russia of course this [ __ ] doesn't really run very well and a lot of subpar ar-15s because well how do you know where that's going but the point is without this [ __ ] one way or the other uh uar guys too are going to have a problem with the same amount of demand but reduced supply so ar guy ak guy whatever it does not [ __ ] matter we are all in the same boat right now some have it worse than others i'm a big 74 guy 545 is probably my favorite caliber and it's in trouble right now i don't know of a single company producing domestic 545 thankfully i have a [ __ ] load up because i mean of course but every time i have to shoot it from now on i have to think about my ammo supply and that's really not a good place for us to be come join us ammo made in russia wolf 223 remington yes buckle up boys this is about to get kind of interesting and again ak guys might be kind of in the center of this but we are not the only ones affected and i can already hear what you guys are saying in the comments why don't we just take the ammo made from russia and then ship it to a country like germany or somebody that we don't have sanctions against and then we could just ship it here ha ha okay no that's not quite how it works so first of all you can't just ship ammo to the states you need an import permit these sanctions are specifically talking about denying import permits for ammo manufactured in russia not just ammo that is being shipped from russia so no matter what country it's in we're still [ __ ] biden bans russian imports domestic 7.62 by 39 producers it's showtime this is pretty optimistic and unfortunately i think it is largely misplaced will domestic producers of ammunition rise up to the challenge and meet this new demand in the market yes i think so to degree what i don't think any of you understand is how [ __ ] long that takes and how much money that takes most of you guys would blow yourselves up if you were trying to reload your own ammunition now imagine starting from scratch making casings primers projectiles everything and then loading tens of billions of rounds that is not an easy operation we are not going to see domestic manufacturing capabilities meet that new demand in the market at least for the next couple of years and that frankly terrifies me but it's not all doom and gloom um it's not good news by any stretch of the imagination i'm gonna be real with you but there's other producers of ammunition in the world that are still imports that we can still get for the surplus com block guys there's still surplus out there in romania in poland old hugo stuff there's there's still a lot of stuff that's available and even some new production stuff like hell this stuff right here this bellum ammo that i get from global ordnance brass case new production 762x39 ammo made in serbia these are still things we're going to be able to get cs supply is going to be [ __ ] for quite some time but at least we will still have an outlet and that's about all the good news i got for you i'm sorry let's move on to something else so since the last time we did a gun meme review not the one like three days ago the last last gunman review rare breed trigger's forced reset trigger that was meant to simulate full auto fire or at least kind of a bump fire kind of thing has been deemed a machine gun by the atf really not too surprising um does it meet the definition of a machine gun i don't personally think so a machine gun being a firearm that fires multiple rounds per single pull of the trigger which the rare breed triggers trigger does not meet the definition of but just like in the case of bump stocks the atf don't really give a [ __ ] what the law says um if it's close enough to a machine gun if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck they're gonna call it a [ __ ] machine gun is the rare breed trigger legal well yes but actually no but there's a plot twist to this one yes the atf did send a letter out to rare free triggers saying that they're now going to consider their forced reset triggers to be a machine gun and they are to cease manufacturing operations rare breed triggers just flat out said no they actually had their attorneys send this letter back which i actually thought was extremely well worded basically saying politely it doesn't meet the definition we will take you to court over this and we're not going to stop production because we're not breaking the law this most likely made the atf agent reading this letter fall over due to the massive gravitational pull due to the just density of rare breed triggers balls atf to rare breed triggers the frt15 is a machine gun and you have to stop making and selling them rbt to atf no the rest of us super ballsy move kudos to them i'm interested to see how this plays out for everybody involved something that was also pointed out is uh they also uh the atf wanted to talk to rare breed triggers about how we deal with the triggers that have already shipped since those are clearly machine guns as well if you made everybody who owned one of those turn it in you're gonna have the same level of compliance that they had with bump stocks which is to say hardly [ __ ] all rare breed atf cast it into the fire destroy it frt owners no there is no [ __ ] way the kind of person that buys this trigger specifically to circumvent machine gun laws is gonna comply with this kind of [ __ ] it's just not the sort of thing that happens atf rare breed continuing to manufacture frt15 triggers damn rare breed looking good non-compliance so hot atf sends rare breed a cease and desist letter atf so you're going to comply right rare breed factory noises you're going to comply right factory noises speed up honestly i have no idea what's going to happen with this situation i don't even really have any predictions but uh a kudos to rare breed for having a giant pair and uh being willing to take litigative action against the atf and not just roll over everybody says i will not comply whatever but when you have the real likelihood of your entire career being taken away and you being made a felon that's not how most of you would actually respond rare breed being put in this situation um they're handling this about the best way i think that they could they are not flat-out complying they're taking legal action against the atf and man i really really hope it works out for them okay so we've been covering some really heavy [ __ ] so far on gun meme review so let's bring things back over to the lighthearted side of the force shall we so last last gun meme review we broke the internet or at least we made gun meme review history all right i think it's the same thing we actually got flannel daddy himself garanthum to be on the channel lots of memes about that ensued and you know what we've been covering some really serious [ __ ] so far so i think that's a good way to just end this segment a little bit of lighthearted fun to distract us from nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare marvel infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history me an intellectual yeah it seems like you guys were really stoked for this episode and i'm really glad i'm really glad that uh you guys enjoyed that crossover it's beautiful i've looked at this for five hours now however a lot of you guys took the opportunity to mean the [ __ ] out of it which come on to be expected all right i know what we do around here reject tradition embrace modernity response to the what is the girl's girls frontline thing which i was unaware that's actually what it was i've heard that being referenced a lot on on the reddit and in comments i had no [ __ ] clue what it actually was so when i saw this i didn't know that it was gonna break the internet in the way that it did but what's done is done and i can't really take it back now so here we are my mom regretting not having an abortion me explaining why i want to [ __ ] a gun i did really enjoy how much grantham seemed to get a little excited by that photo that was uh well apparently you guys noticed as well you have nice thumbs oh my god she called you commander of course there was mention of an ak-50 being given to garan thumb uh in the baby [ __ ] rhodesian camo pattern which led to this soldier of fortune cover which i'll be honest i don't really hate as much as i should maybe we'll [ __ ] do that i don't know it's also really [ __ ] good at it by the way now some people did point out in this episode that the couch looked a little familiar perhaps a little too familiar um and then you guys just got sexual engrossed with it flannel daddy puts a thumb into a hairy texan gunsmith you know what's worse about this is that this video whatever you're parodying i guess or pasting on top of it's uploaded by brandon but it has 20.8 million views which is more than any video i have ever actually put up maybe i am in the wrong business at least in the right business wrong wrong website now this one was so predictable i'm actually embarrassed that i didn't see it coming yeah anyways that was that's probably enough of that threat i love that you guys enjoyed having grantham on there he's an awesome dude i enjoyed hanging out with him uh if there's anybody else you guys would like to see be a guest on gun meme review please let me know in the comments i really like that kind of format i think it could be cool again to do in the future so if you have anybody in particular you would like to see on a future gun meme review please let me know down in the comments there is no sponsor in this video today it is sponsored by you guys this is just an extra bonus video because i love you guys and i want you to be happy at the end of the day probably not the right video for that this was pretty [ __ ] depressing but an attempt was made you know guys i appreciate you watching to the end as always and i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video bye guys [Music] [Music] gone meme review those are shitty claps let me try that again oh god damn it i picked the wrong box oh no that is the right box cool
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 830,886
Rating: 4.9596725 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Meme review, gun meme review, Tula, wolf, ammo, banned, cursed gun images
Id: 71YP3uinS0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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