I now OWN a freakin RAILGUN!!!

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The E gun is probably based off of that, it looks exactly the same.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/eddsonYT 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you [Music] [Music] welcome to demolition ranch my name is matt and this episode is sponsored by my friends at simply safe simply safe is incredibly easy to use and it's totally customizable for your application they focus equally on the most up-to-date tech and a relation-based service team this is their newest device a wireless outdoor security camera so satisfying ultra wide 140 degree field of view so you can keep watch over your entire yard 1080p hd resolution 8x zoom so you can zoom in and clearly see things like faces and license plates built-in spotlight color night vision and two-way audio so not only can you hear them you can actually talk to them and try to scare them off your front porch your property whatever and setup is super easy you mount this somewhere and then it just magnets to it and you can turn whatever angle you want camera added and then you can log into simply save app and you can see exactly what your camera sees this is my backyard you can see that we are live and you can talk to people hey bad guy get out of my pool as always the interactive monitoring system will call the police if it's alerted to anything their team of always-on professionals are easily reachable and they always keep lines of communication open for the most protective service take 20 off your simply safe security system and your first month is free when you sign up for the interactive monitoring service go to simplisafe.com demo ranch to learn more thank you to simply safe for sponsoring this episode of demolition ranch welcome to demolition rash i'm here with kentucky ballistics and introducing for the first time ever on demonstration it's grantham did you all hear the angels i heard the angels for a second that's something uh people have been wanting you on the channel for a really long time glad to be here not really kentucky as much nobody likes scott no sorry do they know your units got this i feel better already so you have a youtube channel i do what do you do i shoot things i actually don't know how to shoot but i shoot things nonetheless he puts his thumb in things yeah yeah i'm going to play this fun thumb guy very cinematic mm-hmm yeah it actually is very cinnamon that's cool stuff anyway go check him out don't don't check out kentucky no um but never but i would check out grantham's channel today i have something that neither one of these guys have ever fired i think right yeah i've never seen it i've never seen that before this is a rail gun i actually test fired it so i have shot like 10 rounds through it and for those who don't know and i'm gonna probably butcher this uh railguns use electromagnetic forces to fire projectiles out so there's no gun powder no co2 compressed air anything it will fire a projectile just by charging these coils you can see these copper coils they run all the way around a barrel here and it uses science and electricity and magnetism to go and fire something out really fast so this is actually it's called an e-gun or e-shotgun um we just got it and it is awesome have you heard any of those words being from kentucky nope electricity i actually didn't go to school what's electricity this thing is not an actual gun it's not classified as gun it does shoot hard enough to hurt probably not kill but we're here today that's why i find out i can't wait to be tested on so it actually shoots these little discs you can see the barrel there the barrel is just a slit it shoots these little steel discs so obviously the discs have to be able to be you know attracted by a magnet and it just goes and shoots it down does it make that sound uh i wish it would be way better okay so we're just gonna actually fire it i'm gonna fire it first because it's my channel and i don't care about y'all it also is like halo it tells you how many rounds are in the mag and so what you do after you empty your mag you just spin it around so there's actually 50 rounds 25 on each side so this we're going to put it in you see it says auto right there and then it has max we're going to put it on auto min so that is the slowest rate of fire and speed and we're going to fire one here like airsoft or what i don't actually know i've i've shot this only one time we didn't put sights on it so okay i would legit let you shoot me with that okay what do you think a little hurt i'll shoot you in a leg i mean you've already been shot before all right so this is on the men power ready yep [Laughter] all right you've survived at 50 cal now you survived a rail gun all right it's on mid power now so it's on full auto so you just give it a little a little pulse okay see what mid power looks like whoa all right spicy we're getting a little spicier i don't know if i'd want you to shoot me with that one oh dang did i go on his arm i don't know i think it did did that go in him there you go you just went through all right so mid power looks cool we'll just go ahead and turn up to max all right you are at max power there max power x power is this safe i don't know that's why i'm behind you yo he's dead you can't hit me with that no all right are you sure i was gonna tell you hit those two leaders but there's a gopro there hold on stand down stand down my leg is actually a little sore after that yeah it's kind of tender now there's no way that it's gonna bust it i don't think so that's max power this is max power right here yep oh whoa dude wow those all came back what wait there's one right here you got oh yeah you got uh eight rounds left yeah you don't you don't have to pull that out you can count count god uh oh hey back up out of the light did you it said 25 now that i put it in there this is what we have for having you on the channel oh he's going what are you doing [Laughter] so it went in right here so this is more of an up close and personal gun yeah you got to get in their face it really takes them out hit the steel hit the steel plate that yellow one yellow one taking paint off all right you're out i'm out okay now the cool thing about it is we can turn up the speed uh the rate of fire basically so it was on automatic it it's not doesn't make 100 sense automatic is slower than shotgun so we just turned up to shotgun right now which doesn't fire multiple at one time it just has a very fast rate of speed here you go like how fast are we talking very fast like like railgun go bert i've only fired it on like three rounds out of it but it's like burnt i'm doing the full thing yeah just dump it on that yellow steel dump it [Music] it's like a burst it's like a five round burst yeah it's empty now he told me it's halo wait that was a five round burst it's a five round burst oh it wouldn't let you just yeah you can't just oh yeah you gotta bump it okay so maybe you just have to constantly i don't know let's we need to find out freaking dump this as fast as you can okay 25 rounds [Laughter] [Music] oh it feels good no it's not hot at all it feels good dude it gives you temperature readouts too oh yeah it did have a tip it's 55 degrees it was about 40 celsius it definitely heat it up all right i'm gonna i'm gonna dump one i want to dump it into the mannequin you want uh scott behind the mannequin yes that'd be great scott you all ready yeah yep okay i'm gonna try to hit him in the crotch there may have been a little soda can in there here scott you got to try out the shotgun version okay oh mag's empty my bad i wish we could put it on the table but that's weird scott broke this table when we were not even filming he just he just drove the bike right into it he's like oops i was like he does not mean it he does this all right we didn't even get it on film here we go so the cool thing about these you actually can shoot them again like if they're not that's mush if they're hitting steel they get bent up but if you catch them in a watermelon gosh yeah eat it it does look pretty good better than eggplant do you think it's gonna go through that's a big old pumpkin no it's too thick texas grown pumpkin right there you hit it all in the same spot you think it'll go through one or two i think it's gonna bounce back like at me not just as that's it they actually could bounce that's that thing's tougher than a watermelon let's find out oh god come here okay i'm going it all went in and stuck what wait flip that mag and do it again those went through those were three those went through oh look you got two through no i didn't two little ones came through well i think that makes me the most qualified man on this weapon such a qualified e-shot gunner we've had two other ideas to do with this thing grantham wants to see how far we can shoot it kentucky wants to see how high we can shoot it kentucky was carrying the gun he goes hey there's still one in it he looked at the round counter so he pointed up in the air and goes and it hits the tree and goes like almost got us when we weren't even filming okay 50 yards oh close low about 10 feet low that was pretty close that was close there it is oh a little higher okay i didn't change anything they're flipping oh oh it's right over the right shoulder looks like it hit it low dude these are destabilizing i cannot hold them freaking flipping this is not a sniper rifle shotgun max speed he's going to mag dump straight up into the air and then we're going to come under here we just want to see how long it takes till they all come down uh all right go ahead and screw it up i'm going to try to get them straight uh you need to go more high yeah walk yeah that's no no back it off back it off a little bit i mean straight up straighter straight there yep go forward hey come on you can see him yeah did you hear them coming in yeah dude they were hitting all the trees you do it again yeah all right hold up hold up i'm gonna get you i'm gonna get you straighter this time if you know what i mean straighter straighter there oh no what happened uh i can watch that thing here it comes what happened oh let's try again wait wait straighter nope it's not working anymore oh i bet you our batteries running out hit by these [ __ ] oh that was so loud i just kept shooting then when i heard it hit that i was like maybe i should take cover they're still falling not letting you shoot fast because it has a temperature gauge and so it overheated so maybe we need to cool it down and try it again let's go put in the ac yeah let's go we're gonna get some water we had to take a break to let the gun cool down uh so while we did that we filmed a video on grantham's channel and we got really bloody yeah just a little bit you can check it out my pants yeah look at this oh yeah there it is anyway anyway we're back we're back all right gun's cooled down it's half the temperature it was before um you need to go up higher okay yeah right there arch your butt a little bit more i'm just so scared uh here they come i think it's gonna hit this time whoa they all hit like right there you were really close hear them coming in yeah you can hear them all right oh hi hi hi hi oh uh oh [Applause] we're going to try this again but this time scott is going to fire a full mag flip it fire another full mag before they come down all right i need to i'm going to tell you how that's going to be tough okay you ready are you going to tell me if they're coming i don't know if they'll see them all right higher you're going way too low higher that's it oh you i got stuck out here oh i was too scared to run across the gap higher higher higher there that's it that's happening yep that yep those would hit so hard i was also what yo that dented it that dented it wait what just happened that dented it dude we're gonna shoot the texas star for those who don't know those little things fall off when you hit them so i just want to see if this will knock them off whoa almost i can do it what am i at five left dang it okay it does work this is the dueling tree whoa yeah come on baby oh you're out point blank against the 12-ounce soda not me kentucky's doing it cause he's not very smart you can talk him into anything it's crazy hey what are you saying that's just a chicken you hear those things everywhere oh my god oh wow oh what happens if you get a railgun soaked in soda [Music] [Music] it keeps ain't no joke it keeps leaving just one in the mag let's see if it'll crack a cinder block this time when kentucky ballistics came we didn't break my truck's windshield uh we didn't put any fragments of bullets in anyone nobody bled no one bled real blood no um you did destroy a table off camera for no reason break the table like we weren't even doing anything it just did it otherwise i'm gonna call it success otherwise like that that's pretty good that's that's a that's a light day for me it's okay yeah we lost we lost one uh table and we have a big mess to clean up kentucky the tornado go check out kentucky ballistics go check out grantham thanks so much for coming thank you very much i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 4,317,114
Rating: 4.9613752 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: izW1X2555Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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