If Rolex Built an AK - SIG 556

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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers my name is brandon herrera and i can already tell what you're thinking brandon why are you holding this kind of ar looking thingamajig right here well my friends this is not actually an ar derivative in fact i would argue that it is actually an ak and some might say it is even the rolex of aks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] man this thing really does not feel like an ak but uh let me show you why it kind of is one so first of all what the hell is this this gun right here is the sig 556 swat i assume it's called the 556 because it is in 556. we've got standard ar15 556 magazines that we're using here this one is an ac unity but giving its kind of modern combat rifle look not really ak-ish and in 5-5-6 what the hell makes this thing an ak well when we rip it apart i'm going to tell you i picked this bad boy up on gun broker a couple weeks ago as part of my crippling gun broker addiction thankfully sportsman's guide uh volunteered to sponsor this video really helped me out with the cost of this gun this thing was about two grand so not exactly a cheap piece we appreciate sportsman's guide for sponsoring this video if you want to check them out show them some love i'm going to go ahead and leave the links down in the description and in the pin comment but let's talk about the gun a little bit so while i may have called this the rolex of aks uh this is not the rolex of optics this is just a cheap uh sig romeo dot it's just what book came on the gun as well as these magpul backup iron sights which i do not use does come with this quad rail though and the angled four grip did come with the gun when i bought it which i actually do kind of like it feels kind of natural it points really good other than that this is basically your bone stock sig 556 squat speaking of stock let's talk about that first so we have our folding mechanism which is just a button right here this thing folds over and it attaches here it locks right up front with this tab so simple as that and there's no button or anything to release it you just kind of have to rip it a little bit and it comes back off you do have to rip it with a little bit of ass though because it doesn't really want to come out so if you just kind of get a little bit of an inertia start there it's really not too bad at all but one of the advantages of having kind of an ak operation style is that you can actually fire this gun folded because you have no buffer tube typical ar15 uh the bolt carrier group re uh recoils into the stock uh the uh the buffer tube there so it's kind of hard to fire it folded on the vast majority of ar type rifles this does not have that problem so as you can see here with the stock folded i still have full access to the charging handle up top so i can rack around knocker off safety and still [Applause] engage targets obviously you're not going to be nearly as accurate because of course you don't have a stock on it so you're still just kind of holding your new super long barrel sig pistol out at arm's length but it's especially helpful if you're like in a vehicle or something like that and you don't have the ability or the time to whip out your stock you can still lay down some hatred but yeah after you've been able to at least scare the [ __ ] out of the threat you just pop your stock open and then you can engage for real got an ambi selector here so it's just kind of linked through on both sides not the traditional uh ak style safety but let's go ahead and break into the gun a little bit because i bet you're thinking this still really doesn't look like an ak and i agree with you so let's go ahead and take it down so we have our two takedown pins here kind of like an ar again really not helping my case here am i we've got our upper and our lower let me go ahead and remove this pin up front and now we have our two different halves of the gun fire control group here nothing to write home about fairly simple although i will say the trigger is probably one of the weirder triggers i've felt on a gun like this because it has this little plunger behind it that is spring loaded and so it still feels super spongy and springy uh kind of an assisted reset trigger almost uh not like you're thinking like the frt or anything like that but it's it's very hard to uh i guess grantham would say you know to ghost the trigger with me it you kind of get a solid wall here and then it's just you're fighting another spring that's pushing the trigger back forward it's very odd now the takedown on this is kind of kind of cool so what we do here is we've got this lever we pull this down and we pull our charging handle out and what that does is it separates the front of the piston because this is a long stroke gas piston operated gun just like an ak it allows it to separate the piston from the bolt carrier group so pull this out and now we start to see why this is more of an ak so this is your bolt carrier or at least the rear part of it detached from the piston as you can see uh striking similarities to the ak bolt carrier got your little carrier tail there on the rear i mean the general shape is pretty much all the same even down to the cam groove that sweet sweet cam groove uh is basically identical it even has the same auto lug trip on the back as well interesting i'll have to make use of that later now on the bolt itself again these are pretty damn close to identical there's a couple of changes for one the cam lug on the akm bolt is on the actual head of the bolt itself whereas this one has it a little further back it's its own dedicated lug back here it's kind of interesting i'm not really sure why they did that but uh it's kind of neat but again your locking lugs are pretty much in the same space you got your uh lug there to the left and the bigger lug out to the right same as the typical akm style so two opposing locking lugs this does utilize a spring-loaded firing pin which a lot of the kind of higher end aks do as well and we have our akm style extractor it's the same picture now we're gonna get jiggy with it as you'll notice there's no hole in the back of this bolt carrier uh like there is on this one for the recoil spring that's a little bit of an odd choice where's the recoil spring well for that we have to disassemble now the gas system so our little gas plug comes out the front this is where our adjustable gas is here it's a little detent kind of like the muzzle brake d10 on an akm but this can rotate out comes out the front and now we have access to our piston and wouldn't you know it the recoil spring is on the piston itself so now we get to actually assemble this as if it were an ak and voila now you can kind of see what i'm getting at while this is fully assembled and the round is fired the gas hits this piston of course up front it pushes this back and this uh which unlocks the bolt but the recoil spring assembly bottoms out on something here around the front trunnion area and this is what acts as the recoil spring instead of having the recoil spring in the rear it's totally backwards but still somehow the same mechanism why did sig decide to do it this way okay next question to reassemble we're just going to plop this back down that's it stay put our gas plug back in put our bolt back in our carrier reinsert our charging handle and our upper is now back to being fully assembled another really [ __ ] cool thing that they did on this again i don't know why they did this i really don't but it's neat that they did so now on a standard ak there is a open slot here on the dust cover this is where the charging handle rides it basically just gets the material from the dust cover out of the way of the charging handle but that's not a problem during operation this does not really lead to any real problems some say that this is actually a really good way for dirt to get into the gun when you have loose tolerances on an ak like this not usually a problem unless you're doing anything ridiculous but some people like the new akv i think the akv 521 uh and the new series of galil's have like a spring-loaded cover here uh that basically when the charging handle isn't in the way it is covering that little slot on the gleals it's on the other side i believe possibly in the 521 as well and uh when the charging handle comes back it just depresses that and pushes it down and as soon as it's back out of the way it springs back up to the top the thought here is just to keep this kind of sealed from dirt and debris as much as possible what the sig 556 swat and this whole family of rifles does is they basically have [ __ ] weather stripping riveted in to the receiver to block any dirt and debris and the charging handle just kind of moves through that it's super smooth it's super weird it's super extra there's just so much about this gun that is just so [ __ ] extra it's not wrong it's not like i say it's not weird because it's just it's very unique way of doing it but it it's just bougie and with it being swiss made bougie expensive and just a lot of just above and beyond little details like that that is why i think this thing can clearly at least you could see where i'm coming from with it being considered the rolex of aks of course now just put this back together you have a typical of course upper lower slide that in there awesome and you are now good to go [Applause] that's also a feature as well kind of forgot about that it has a last round bolt hold open and on the side you can see it has a bolt release it's all around a lot of modern ar style features you've got the ar-15 caliber the ar-15 magazines so i would consider this a lot of the benefits of running an ar-15 as far as ergonomics caliber everything all the reasons you would want to run this in the us with in my personal humble opinion some of the benefits of running an ak operating system because on the inside truly this thing is a child of the ak that's enough of my nerdy uh glue sniffing corner let's get back out to the range just because i feel like we have to at this point or it's bad luck white claw penetration test this time natural lime now i know there's some natural lime apologists among you and i just won't [ __ ] stand for it day 419 of needing to be sponsored by whitecloth i may not like drinking natural lime but does smell good when you shoot it well i'm no doctor but don't think he's gonna make it keep your mouth shut when you chew although admittedly this thing looks a little different i'm happy to welcome the sig 556 into my collection and my reference library and i think i speak on behalf of the ak community when i say that we welcome this as the adopted cousin to the extended ak family it also gives me the idea of doing an entire video on 556 aks with the russian ammo ban kind of now just being accepted as a thing a lot of people are looking to 556 is the answer to keeping the ak platform more relevant in the united states if that's something you guys would like to see let me know down in the comments i appreciate you guys watching to the end and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video [Music] day 400 and something of needing a sponsorship by whiteclaw keep your mouth shut when you chew goddamn it goes up [ __ ] it although it's a little odd i'll admit i am happy to welcome the sig 556 into my collection and i think i speak for the ak community to say we accept it as the you know adopted cousin from europe i mean aren't they all yeah kind of but sure it might be a little different looking but i am happy to welcome the sig 556 into my collection i think i speak on behalf of all ak guys out there when i say we are happy to welcome this as the adopted extended cousin welcome this to the family as the adopted welcome this as the adopted cousin to the extended ak family that's what it was although admittedly it does look a little different i'm happy to welcome the sig 556 into my collection and my reference library and i think i speak on behalf of the ak community when i say that we are happy to accept this as the kind of as the adopted cousin god damn it if that's something you guys like to see let me if that's something you guys would love [ __ ]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 480,958
Rating: 4.9780164 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Sig, 556, swat, Rolex, 551, 5.56, Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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