50 Cal VS. Human Head

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if you've ever wondered what happens when somebody is shot with a 50 cal go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is out of control i can't control you guys youtube has tried they'll probably kick me off youtube soon make sure you get into that comment section ladies and gentlemen the biggest sponsor of this channel brownells [Music] after narrowly escaping the last siege of the wrong germans random finds himself lost in a desolate demonstrator [Music] [Music] the timing sensing a disturbance in the multiverse accesses his event and siege time machine arriving just before all his accounts were depleted the time warrior provides aid in the form of the italian corniche [Music] so [Music] ladies and gentlemen my opt for not but most certainly not by me armor piercing incendiary rounds welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about a very interesting topic and that is 50 cal versus human head but before we can start we have to bring on our guest star so we have our esteemed colleague not dr kentucky ballistic sir thank you for coming on the channel what is your scientific experience a lot there we have you thank you for coming on the channel we are looking forward to your uh extensive knowledge on 50 caliber weapons and of course i've got a little bit of experience with the 50 calories oh i didn't even hate you so next up we of course have a not esteemed at all science person what is your science experience sir i went to college for a really long time and i don't use my degree much anymore perfect that counts for about all this so we of course have matt from demolition ranch thank you for coming on the channel and uh you know the question is is we're gonna be shooting a human head with a 50 caliber rifle oh not scott no no no no he's already been shot once so the question is what is going to happen uh well there's going to be a lot of blood okay so much blood so much blood you may need a thumb possibly that's a good point so we're gonna be doing a couple different uh you know checks today we're gonna be doing a just normal shot on a human head see what happens about seven yards just a normal shot here's a normal shot no big deal we'll be doing a close shot what happens if a 50 cal pass is very close hopefully we don't just shoot it anyhow and if that you know fails and we'll just go ahead and point blank that guy and then we'll allow you to finish it up with something special cool absolutely perfect so what we'll start with right here is you guys know we have tested shotgun rounds against human heads great right very violent however we now have the 50 cal will it be more violent yes i'm pretty sure this video is not getting monetized yeah absolutely in zero way this will be monetized love it let's go set up like and subscribe let's go set up ahead let's uh let's get this going what were you telling me huh you want to punch it i kind of want to punch one just to see if that feels like brace it i'm afraid to hurt my hand doesn't it right here like yeah yeah go for it that hurt yeah that hurt was good he's fine he's all right thanks didn't break that jaw yeah i mean i guess we can not realistic yeah it's not this isn't a realist i just clearly you would have broken his jaw with that about broke my hand on him that's stout dude that's crazy i've never seen these have you shot these human heads no i would never have you never have never done i'm actually pretty pumped about it just to see it okay so to be clear let's come in on the side right here um they are filled with uh these sacks that uh pretty accurately depict what a brain will do under pressure so you have both the brain sacs and then of course this is a really good analog for human tissue so it's pretty accurate it's pretty good in the thickness of the yeah and you've got the nose of course i mean the thickness of the skull is pretty much there so it's it's pretty damn good matt you're gonna have to shoot it first you have to have to pop your cherry on this let's do it predictions it's gonna explode i think it's i think it's gonna zip through it and we're not gonna have as much of an explosion as we think honestly i think he's gonna be fine he's gonna bounce off his skull it's probably gonna get about it's just too fast you ready come on here man okay uh what should i aim for uh get like right between the eyes okay firing hey my gosh is he okay he's fine he's not see he he left dude ran away okay i was completely wrong yeah that was wild what you've never shot one of these with a 50 cal no no we've never never shot one of the 50 cal dude you're go pro blown away blood all over the gopro uh where'd he go holy where'd it go oh i got a piece right here yeah here's the biggest chunk okay yeah you want to bring it over sure uh we'll determine the cause of death uh oh this table oh my god that's not good so i don't know where to put my thumb go where did the skull oh that's what that is hold on oh the skull's in a million pieces there we go hey this piece all the way over here i found a piece of the vertebrae yeah it's real bone that's crazy that's i mean i don't know what we really expected it is a 50 cal but this uh i didn't expect dude there's a condom in here yeah that's a condom don't don't think i legit thought that it would be moving too i've shot ballistic gel with 50 before yeah it's used it's okay i shot ballistic joe with 50 before it it took like 10 inches into the block before it really started doing damage yeah so i was like uh i bet you it's going to zip right through maybe blow the back out but i didn't expect that you know what really changes everything where's his teeth honestly i see a jaw oh oh go get it yep found some features there there's literally there's just chunks everywhere so here's what really changes things is fluid i think i think the fluid really changes it like ballistics gel it's like whatever but you add fluid into there and that fluid can't and it's freaking contained yes like a brain yep and uh you know i just really did not expect it to be that energy energetic that was pretty wild as a man of science oh me that's a man of science i mean is this guy dead i'm gonna pronounce him very dead all right we got a first one dead okay here i can't definitively say without a stethoscope but i think probably dead yeah that's fair here's a question though close like really close who's doing that that's gonna be mac because he just took the shot and he's got that zero down i'm gonna hit him right in the ear all right i wonder like if we have like a ear shot him yeah with a small contact right here you mean like a near miss yeah like it takes off a little skin like is that enough like energy to just so let's say shoot him in the ear you seen that video where they the guy kills the deer by shooting a bullet right past it yeah it's fake i know it that's it's fake that's the video i explained on the way here it's fake it's fake who faked it probably the guy who made it i don't know i don't like this he's a faker he's a liar and we're calling him out right now this is [ __ ] and we're going to prove it yeah we're going to prove it right now so angry right now hey wait we need that we actually need that table god there's a deer over here i'm just going to shoot it in the ear and see if it's head explodes okay yeah load the 50. hurry give me the 50. come back there's another one all right we'll just shoot the dummy okay oh man that ears tiny better zoom in okay this is going to blow up no ready firing did i hit the ear that's the question i know i think you did i think you did you pierced the gear no you did [Music] that's pretty definitive look at he totally gauged out his ear that is pretty definite that's exactly what i was trying to do is give him a nice gauge there and no damage just the ear take it off that's about as near miss as it gets so there's actually a lot of rumors about people like i saw a guy in afghanistan and we shot missed him by three feet but ripped his arms off like people talk about that kind of stuff clearly fake clearly fake that did not happen because this guy literally took one straight in the air that's incredible like i would have thought it would have transferred like a little bit more energy into it like you science boys if you think about it bullets are specifically made to not create shock waves they want to fly as smoothly through the air as possible and so it's like designed to do that that's why you got your degree i i get it now that makes so much more sense so the question is what about a cheek hit cheekbone yeah i think it could bust his skull it's gonna transfer a lot of energy i'm really interested to find out to be honest there's only one way to know it's only one way to know all right here we go okay so um did you hit the tree yeah i got the cheeks okay okay hold on hold on first off no one tell you i hit the cheek this is a crime scene because this is his brain it's still intact that his brain is intact that is true it did not go through his brain dude it exploded his skull that is he's fine put the brain somewhere else we did not have this big of a skull piece with the first guy wow which means you didn't hit that skull directly yeah look look at that we can like we can start piecing this back together so you winged him and it still exploded his face that didn't just explode his face that removed his brain entirely and placed it upon the floor so you get nicked because i want to point out like look at that like he landed there's no not really a whole lot of dirt on it do you want to does anybody want to take a bite out of it or anything or i kind of want to step on do you have a knife yeah do you have a knife i do have a knife really let's see it it's going to be gross yeah safety first actually i don't know if i'm gonna stick my knife but you already said you have a knife you can step on if you want oh that's very nice knife you can step on if you want i want to put what does it feel like oh that's does it feel like normal brains that you've stabbed yeah no step on it step on the brain just like crush it you know just put him out of his misery oh god okay so near uh near hit or you know kind of a grazing hit certainly enough to kill somebody what's crazy is you get hit in the ear nothing just moved over just a little bit your whole head explodes you put that whole bullet inside the tissue and yeah just let's see a little bit and we get pieces of vertebrae everywhere there is a it goes from zero to approximately ten thousand in about a centimeter yeah wow so do i okay the question is we've shot two human heads what is going on guys i brought my server oh hey big fella i don't we're not doing that today i'll take care of this well what about a different kind of 50 cow okay what 500 magnum yeah that's would you have ammunition for that i actually brought something special for this test i'm ready holy crap got one right here it's called a vaporizer it's a 425 grain hollow point what does it do really curious to see what that's gonna do i won't see you do this at point blank one hand one-handed bet let's do this point blank point blank predictions we're gonna have to call the insurance company today it's gonna be all over you it's gonna be i think it's gonna be bad keep your mouth closed i would say keep it open to be honest it's watermelon time for real oh my gosh dude that was more than i expected yo bro get the gun that gun was just cleaned dude that's incredibly violent yeah if you drive home with that in your car you're for sure going to jail if you get pulled over this stuff smells really bad it smells really bad smells really bad i can't even see where oh straight up canoed it took everything off the top yeah he did wow he looks okay so vaporize around extremely effective yeah that vaporize around was um i think even compared to a shotgun like buckshot that was still like incredibly yeah incredibly violent that was pretty wild i was not expecting that at all yeah i think there's one look at the table yeah i think if there's one thing that we can say about shooting head analogs it's that no matter what round you use it's uh the head's really not a great place to get shot it's pretty violent yeah that's pretty bad that was i think uh okay what was the worst one you think the 50 for sure i think was the worst that's that's second place yeah this is 100 yeah that's pretty bad i like how we're like which was the worst direct shot to the head one would we least want to happen you know i don't really know what we expected but um it was certainly something that was really close to what we just saw here today yeah and the point is is that these rounds are very effective these guns are effective yeah but these weapons are tools you are the weapon so make sure that you get out there and you get training tons of great places to get training from whether it be haley strategic bear solutions cogworks make sure you get out there you make yourself the weapon and as always we appreciate you guys thank you for watching we got nothing else for you today final thing for us today we're going to be having scott giving us dad advice for today scott give my people some dad advice 50 cows are violent thank you for watching you had blood dripping down face
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 5,688,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, military, veteran, special forces
Id: BQAfHvpv6uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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