The TRUTH About the Russian Ammo Ban

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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers if you've been living under a rock about a week ago the ak community got some interesting news defying interest oh god oh god we're all gonna die yes in a timely response to something that happened a year ago the biden administration has announced sanctions against russia most notably banning the importation of russian made ammo no big deal really because this is just all i [ __ ] shoot about a day after the news drops we did a gun meme review where in the first half we kind of covered uh we touched on the ammo ban uh but i really wanted to do a dedicated video talking about what this actually means for shooters in america in general and just ak guy specifically i don't want to say that there's a lot of misinformation going around but there's a lot of stuff that is conjecture at best and believe it or not i actually did some reading on this yes as it turns out i can read ish so i delved into the sanctions themselves and into some firearm industry data and there's some kind of interesting stuff that i don't think a lot of people are talking about so that's what i'm sharing with you today first we're going to start out with the bad news and then we're going to move into the good news if there could be good news see i'm i'm not about to piss down your back and tell you it's raining unless you're into that not still not going to do it i'm i'm not into that yes while this is an overall negative thing there are some details in here that i don't think are gonna make this as bad as we were maybe fearing don't give me hope so let's start off with the bad news ammo's [ __ ] well not completely like i said we're going to get into that but this is pretty significant so let's delve into the numbers these sanctions prevent us in the u.s from getting russian-made ammunition no you can't just ship it to another country even though it came from russia and then send it to the states that is still russian made ammunition nobody's gonna lose their importer license trying to pull some war dogs too type [ __ ] probably but why has russian made ammunition being banned such a big deal so according to small arms analytics uh we imported 765 million rounds of ammo from russia in 2020 alone this is 765 million rounds out of the total 3.5 billion rounds of ammunition that we imported in 2020 meaning that russia is the number one supplier the number one country uh that we get imported ammo from at 765 million they single-handedly make up around 22 of imports according to the stats i'll leave some links and things in the description by the way if you guys want to read into this yourself so while this does mean that 762 is in a little bit of hot water what this really impacts are the calibers that really aren't common outside of like the com block arena so you've got calibers like 9 by 18 makarov 545 by 39 the ak74 caliber 762 25 tokurev 762 by 54r it almost single-handedly kills nine by 39 uh just because that i think russia was the only country really producing that importing it here but it's not just a big deal for us weird comb block guys i've touched on this a bit before but it also affects guys who shoot ar-15s nine mils whatever because a lot of the cheap supply of the el cheapo steel case uh two two three nine millimeter all that stuff comes from russia so this is potentially driving up ammo prices across the board for everybody not just the ak guys although it does kind of seem like uh the state department's putting our ppu and advice pretty specifically on this one so yeah that's been the prevailing opinion online uh shit's [ __ ] which yeah or is it i do actually have a little bit of good news potentially good news really there's no way to know how this is gonna play out but there are some things that i think people are missing i'm gonna get into that in a second but first time to take our sponsor you know the only reason i can afford expensive props like 40 rounds of 762 for this video our sponsor today is jake's mint chew if you're looking for a nicotine free tobacco alternative jake's mint shoe is a pretty good place to start they've got all sorts of flavors like wintergreen they've got cinnamon they've even got some cbd stuff cbd not thc the other thing uh i atf i don't have a dog yet but i might want to have one one day so please don't confuse the two but we want to thank jakesminchu for being a supporter of the channel we appreciate them i'm gonna leave the links down in the description and in the pinned comment back to the ammo thing so the good news it looks like this may not be a hard cut off at least not as hard of a cut-off as the one time you threw up on the pretty bartender's cleavage and then were escorted face-first to the sidewalk outside wait that was just me wouldn't it but that aside my point is actually in the verbiage of the sanctions themselves so i'm gonna read directly from the state department sanctions and then i'm gonna queue in on the interesting part restrictions on the permanent imports of certain russian firearms this has already been a thing for years so i i don't know why they're including this new impending permit applications for permanent importation of firearms and ammunition manufactured or located in russia will be subject to a policy of denial that's the interesting part it is not banning the importation of ammo at least not directly it is saying that all pending and future applications to import ammo from russia will be subject to a policy of denial which means they'll just be denied what this means is that there are already approved form vi import forms that could be tens of millions of rounds of russian ammunition that have already been approved and green lighted and are still coming into the country could be millions could be tens of millions i really don't know so even though this goes into effect in a couple of days we're still gonna be getting trickles of russian ammo in from already approved import forms i'd also like to point out those can go like i think 12 to 24 months into the future something along those lines which is really interesting because the sanctions themselves say that they are to be reevaluated in a year now i'm not putting a whole lot of stock in that just because like what is it that milton friedman said there's nothing more permanent than a temporary government program once we get restrictions like this very rare do they let up however they're the ones who put the limitation on their own sanctions so we'll see what happens in a year but that does mean that there is a possible timeline and god i hope we're living in it that these sanctions get reversed before the last approved import forms are are done with so while ammo imports from russia might slow down they might never actually even go away i'm not a betting man but if i were i don't think that that's gonna happen but it could so that's at least worth talking about kind of anybody's game unless you can tell the future which i clearly cannot uh who knows in the meantime i do have more good news or at least a little benadryl to make the pain go away people have already talked about throwing out their aks throw out your ak-74 just tossing all this [ __ ] because it's worthless now because you can't get the cheap ammo that that's that's horse [ __ ] again i'm not going to tell you that ammo prices aren't going to go up because they already [ __ ] have prices 762 and 545 pretty much doubled uh thankfully they're kind of holding there i never thought i'd say thankfully about 55 cent around 762 but here we are but it's reassuring to know that there are other countries that we import things like 762 from 762 9x18 makarov 762x54r a lot of these comb block calibers are still manufactured all over europe stuff like this i was talking about before the bellum ammo the the brass case 762 by 39 that that gucci [ __ ] that i only feed my aks on their birthday ppu fiocchi all over like there's i mean we still get ammo from uh from serbia from hungary uh just all over the damn place czech republic romania ukraine there are a lot of places we still get these kind of soviet ammo types from i would like to think that they're going to be able to at least somewhat fill that hole in the market because there is going to be a hole for sure now as you might imagine manufacturing millions of rounds of ammunition is difficult and it is expensive and it takes a lot of tooling so this is not something that's going to happen quickly uh but it is something that i do hope is going to happen and no i'm not opening an ammo factory please stop asking i don't trust myself to reload ammo for myself without blowing myself up so yeah no not happening all jokes aside i don't think people truly understand how much goes into the manufacturing of cartridges from scratch down to sourcing the brass to forming the brass to getting primers which are basically more [ __ ] rare than ammo these days there's a lot that goes into it if you were to start up from the ground it takes several years millions and millions of dollars and i think people just kind of oversimplify it in their head because they think they can buy a reloading press at cabela's but yes that tangent aside no the ak is not dead we still have a lot of ammo here we have a lot of ammo still on the way and there are other countries that are hopefully going to pick up the torch and uh kind of pick up the slack for where russia can no longer get us what we need plus who knows there's a lot of domestic manufacturers at least four seven six two by thirty nine a couple of the other calibers that might be picking up the slack as well i'd love to see that i've no [ __ ] had people arguing that this these sanctions were done because biden wants us to have american-made ammo i'll just let you think about that one there are people out there that believe that and they vote so while this is clearly a bayonet jab from the biden admin to american gun owners hopefully the unintended consequence is uh more american domestic ammo production because you know that government never has unintended consequences but anyhow guys that's about all i've got for this video i just wanted to dig a little bit deeper into this kind of tell you guys what's going on and uh hopefully this has been educational for you i try not to get too serious often i know this stuff isn't fun but i think it's important to know what's going on so hopefully i helped you guys out with that and uh yeah i guess i'll see you on uh gun meme review on thursday as always i appreciate you guys staying to the end and i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] [Music] what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers if you haven't heard if you've been living under a rock last week let me do that again what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers and if you [ __ ] it's gonna be one of those now about a day after the news uh we did a gun meme review where we touched on it for like the first half of the video but i really wanted to do a deep dive into what this actually means because there's a lot of i don't i don't i don't want to [ __ ] what the hell was that at least not as hard of a cut-off as the one time you threw up on the pretty bartender's cleavage and were escorted face first to the uh faced first what the [ __ ] new impending permanent app if i could read so while it's slow
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 583,118
Rating: 4.9632006 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Gun meme review, Russia, ammo, ban, sanctions, banned, Russian ammo, Tula, wolf, 7.62x39, Biden
Id: iyZruT1E0HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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