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emergency gun meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers today we've got a good news video which never happens at least i feel like it doesn't happen very often that's right we had a completely different video planned for today but something happened yesterday that we just had to talk about david chipman is gone [Music] white house to withdraw a nomination of david shipman to head atf in face of bipartisan pushback over his gun control advocacy we won mr stark yes joe biden's nominee for the head of the atf or aft whichever one it is today david waco chipman by the way big star of uh the channel in the last few months on gun meme reviews apparently is out of the runnings breaking white house to withdraw a nomination of disgrace to david chipman as head of atf disgraced david chipman that has a really good ring to it now if you think this entire video is just going to be uh dabbing on uh david chipman then you're right you're pretty you're pretty much right i never thought i would do that on the channel there's a couple serious things we should talk about as far as what this means going forward and such but right now let's take a [ __ ] victory lap i don't want to play with you anymore bye woody this one just makes me feel good i know there's the phrase about don't throw the baby out with the bath water but in this case um there was no bath water it was a toilet and uh he was a piece of [ __ ] so i feel like we did the right thing that analogy worked way too well the 2a community david chipman i don't get to say this often but i'm so proud of his community this is not a fight a lot of people thought we were gonna win i was really hoping we were gonna win this uh considering how much i have openly talked [ __ ] about the guy who was potentially going to be the new head of the organization that determines if i have a business or not not a great plan but luckily this time that all worked out for now we've got a bunch more memes some relating to how this affects things going forward but first time to thank our sponsor today's sponsor raid shadow legends raid shadow legends has a whole world of amazing looking champions all from their own unique faction and these factions have a lot of lore use my links down below to download raid for yourself either on your mobile phone or your pc dwarves have their own rich history within the world of talaria dwarves are one of the later factions added to raid's lineup of over 600 characters they're evil looking ones noble barmaids sorcerers feels like a whole society now why do i like raid for me raid is a great way to kill time on my phone on the go if i ever get bored i just whip it out and play with myself or others online you know leveling up my champions battling other players that sort of thing and this month raid has just released a huge doom tower update there are two huge new bosses to take on estranic the dark fae and bommel the dreadlord and if that's not enough there's a special event with a brand new feature super aids super aids allow you to double up your rewards from hitting dungeons and massively speed up your progress so if you want to get a huge head start in raid all you have to do is hit the link in the description or scan my qr code and you'll get an epic hero chanuru plus 200k silver one xp boost one energy refill and one ancient shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in game all this treasure will be waiting for you here so just click the links down in the description and i'll see you in game so here's one from el preza's statement himself or at least whoever the hell actually writes his statements unfortunately republicans in congress have made clear they intend to use gun crime as a political talking point instead of taking serious steps to address it that is why they moved in lockstep to block david chipman's confirmation am i out of touch no it's the republicans who are wrong nah it couldn't have been that he was just a terrible candidate for the job also couldn't have been that you actually had enough democrats in the senate to have pushed this through anyway if he didn't suck so bad and made it so that they didn't even want to vote for him it's those pesky republicans gun owners march safe from david shipman nomination yes we are safe from david chipman's nomination and this is where we talk about the other part of that this one comes from papa plaid himself this is a victory but don't get complacent until next time and i'm sure the comments are already full of this already but let me go ahead and address it yes this is a victory and it is important to celebrate your victories this is a win treated as such but it's not the end we won the battle but the war is definitely still on we just have to remember to keep fighting battles like we fought this one we really came together the fire and policy coalition did an excellent job a bunch of other groups did a great job you guys contacted your elected representatives and said we do not want this dude and what do you know it worked let's do that again when cynical gun owners say that we'll never prevent shipment the brace ban or the receiver redefinition well first of all through cod all things are possible so jot that down no but it does really frustrate me because i understand the cynicism like we've had a lot of [ __ ] shoved down our throats at this point being in the gun industry is a lot like being a porn star you just kind of get used to constantly being [ __ ] but this does show it's not all doom and gloom and what you guys do with reaching out in these atf comments and reaching out to your elected representatives and fighting this stuff it actually does make a difference because we did win but there's always a new threat like one you guys probably may not have heard of if a new atf director isn't appointed in the next 23 days rule 34 of article 2 of clause 2 of the united states constitution states that the speaker of the house may appoint nominees to any vacant positions google speaker pelosi rule 34 to find out how you can help fight the liberal takeover of the atf i'm gonna do you a favor stop right there don't google it i actually don't know what comes up if you do um yeah i'm i'm not even gonna [ __ ] google it this is a meme by the way this is not a real thing um they're just trying to get you to google speaker pelosi rule 34. if you're unfamiliar with what rule 34 is welcome to the internet it's a hellscape have fun white house to withdraw nomination of davidship and to head the atf and face a bipartisan pushback over his gun control advocacy this is good but it can be better margery taylor green i believe i said that right i've read it a lot never said it out loud introduces build to abolish atf and auction off confiscated firearms not gonna [ __ ] happen unfortunately not even close but one can dream plus it's a good idea anyway to just keep throwing stuff out here like that on the offensive so we can stop playing defensive so damn much and who knows with all these states getting constitutional carry and pushing back against federal gun rights man i'm actually starting to think we're starting to get some [ __ ] back call me an optimist but it's a nice thought chad u.s gun owners you can't defeat me i know but he can u.n arms trade treaty if you haven't seen that yet i would suggest looking into it biden administration has uh gone to the u.n on the idea of their cooperation in helping us with our gun violence problem you know maybe it's time for those memes about blue helmet target practice to come back and here we have the good doctor senator rand paul just looking at all the guns at joe biden is going to try to ban one thing rand paul just pretty based secondly something i'm not sure why we weren't aware of before but damn rand is thick a man's been working on those filibuster muscles i just kind of threw this in the end because i kind of just wanted to start that meme also i get to talk about the fact that i actually got to meet ron paul for the first time down at the yale convention super cool somebody who's been a big inspiration for me in a lot of ways and i know a lot of guys that are more libertarian-leaning uh ron paul is like an og small government pro-gun rights hell yeah i was there to do a panel with mr guns and gear and rhonda mary but i also did a speech on the main stage just talking about gun rights and how you guys can stay involved in the fight uh to preserve the second amendment that speech is going to be up probably this weekend on the b channel if you guys want to check that out i'm going to leave the link down in the description end of the pin comment i'm wearing at least a suit jacket so i guess that kind of counts seeing me be formal is scary yeah i hope to have that clip up so you guys can kind of check it out if you want i just think it's really important that you know this whole video it's the whole point of it i guess is to to celebrate our wins but always be prepared for the ongoing fight because this is something that is not ever going to stop but your help with getting involved getting your friends involved can really make a difference and hopefully like i said we can stop playing defense so damn much and start going after the [ __ ] that we want and getting rights back so anyhow that was this episode emergency gun meme review i hope you guys had a good time i appreciate you watching to the end of the video and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 533,744
Rating: 4.9676819 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, meme review, gun meme review, david chipman, atf, aft, joe biden, emergency gun meme review, cursed gun images, darwin awards
Id: x-7PRNQTZgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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