Firearms Expert Reacts To Rust’s Guns

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That guy is unironically carrying their whole channel

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/SteelrainTV 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was really damn interesting thanks for sharing.

Makes me wonder if they should add a chance for catastrophic failure on weapon breaks

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/monkmasta 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wanted to see his reaction to the DB :/

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zefsinz 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal army's museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and thanks to a few battlefield pvp practice servers we're able to show jonathan the cobbled together weapons of rust wow what a monster so this is a 12k shotgun i think this is meant to be made from plumbing supplies if there are any other games guns and mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below make sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan all right this is a really really quite a fun one for me because this weapon if i can call it a weapon is something that's actually from the royal armouries collection and i have it with me today it's not identical to what we see on screen as i'll explain in a moment but i am about 90 odd percent sure that the aoka pistol is based directly on this specific object so the difference is the big one i mean the stick's the same pretty much and the wire wrapping it onto the uh together the big difference is the barrel which in the game is some sort of an iron tube whereas on the real thing it's a 20 millimeter cartridge case and to make it a barrel all they've done is dent in the top of it and drill that in the center to create not only a touch hole or a vent if you prefer but a pan for the priming powder and that's probably the biggest divergence from the game version this is really a medieval handgun or hand cannon recreated using the cartridge case as a barrel and you need that depression to fill with powder so that there's something to go flash so that the gun goes back what we see in rust is the player is striking the barrel with a rock and it's creating a spark off the iron or steel barrel and the sparks somehow going into the gun setting it off it's not completely implausible but it's pretty daft so whereas this is not not a very good weapon and but it would fire for for one shot the one in the game i'm not confident would work at all they've kind of covered that by showing it require multiple random hits from the rock to actually fire so they put that level of thought into it there are there are some some fun and interesting weapons in this game for sure this is the shovel ak kind of infamous in the firearms world because around about 2008 photos of a an ak with a shovel grip buttstock appeared on the internet instantly the image sort of spoke to that post-apocalyptic vibe of how would you keep a gun like this in functional order if you haven't got spare parts but actually what it was was even more fascinating guy i believe in the states had decided to make a kalashnikov rifle which is what we're looking at here a caricature of version of one to make an ak out of a shovel and he didn't just use the grip the handle as the buttstock he took the blade of the shovel heated it hammered it and forged it into the u-shaped main receiver of the rifle so how's that relevant to what we're seeing here well of course you can't say necessarily that this receiver's been made out of a shoveled blade but i wonder if they're trying to hint at it because it is a solid receiver with the top cover kind of integral to it and those of you who know the kalashnikov no that's not how it works it also diverges from the ak in the selector switch which is a thumb selector switch more like a gleal and if we look at the other side we see that there's no there isn't the classic big ak safety selector switch lever that's just not there different design around the ejection port different cocking handle so it's a sort of a squint and it's an ak easily close enough to be a tribute to the famous shovel ak [Applause] i quite like this improvised bolt action rifle it looks like it's something you could actually build and might actually work although the receiver is looks to be welded sheet metal and you need it to be quite strong up front where the barrel is attached depending very much what it actually shoots the way the thing sh actually fires is kind of curious um i'm not sure if other weapons in the game are doing this too but the recoil is slightly off so the gun is built as a right-hander as it should be and it's fired from the right shoulder and yet it's recoiling off to the left one-handed pistol shooting will do that because of the sort of bio-mechanics of how you're holding it and how it recoils rifles though because they're nestled in your shoulder and pushing you back and to the right so that's a bit weird bit counterintuitive so the rifle we've got here i did have to look this one up because it's although it's clearly an ar-15 derivative it's not one that i was familiar with and it is the lr300 so one of the sort of tactical flares that we see in the handling of the lr300 is that they flip the gun onto its left side and look at the right side the idea of that is if you're not counting your rounds that the idea there is the gun stops firing you quickly flick it over to check that it hasn't jammed and is in fact empty the bolt is locked to the rear there's no cartridge case in the feed way or anything then you flip it back over the way to reload it but that's what that is okay so anyone was wondering quite an interesting effect visible there where we're shooting at some distance and you can see the bullet drop but what i'm seeing is the the rounds are hitting the ground and they're bouncing up which is a real phenomenon smaller calibers like 556 which is what this would be probably not so much not something i've witnessed because they're very small they tend to break up when they hit something for a game that isn't trying too hard on the realism front it's quite impressive that they've got their ballistic models worked out like that this is of course the fn minime uh specifically it's the m249 um it's quite detailed in the modeling however when we reload this importantly when there are no rounds left there's still a complete belt of ammunition in the gun somehow they've stopped at a certain point in modeling this thing effectively or at least in the in the reload animation it behaves quite believably kind of works as you'd expect an lmg to work certainly in a in a game here we see it used to literally batter down a wall um maybe 556 isn't the ideal caliber to be total breaching at all that makes sense so um and actually i don't know how effective it would be i think you'd have to use quite a lot of ammunition especially 556 to blow enough small holes in the door to actually remove it which is what we see happening here so this is where it gets particularly interesting with post-apocalyptic setting and improvised firearms whereas this thing is craft produced it's been made by somebody i've grabbed a couple of examples from from our collection to illustrate the range that this can encompass and this one is actually a similar configuration to what we see on screen it's about the same proportions now this is actually a more of a small factory made gun than a man in a shed and so it's finished to quite a high standard at the other end of the homemade slash craft produced spectrum is this thing and this is more akin to what we see in the game here this one is a northern ireland loyalist terrorist example sheet metal and that round tubing and then the all-important solid steel barrel and bolt how well it works i can't say not very would be my guess also a point worth making about this is it has the the classical video game grip wrap that doesn't always make a lot of sense well here may not be essential but it's quite important it gets quite chilly up in up in northern europe and so cold and potentially sharp metal under your hand is not ideal so they've just put a lot of turns of black electrical tape around this to give you something of a comfortable grip nice that they've gone they've got quite a lot of trouble in conceiving this they haven't copied as far as i know any any specific homemade design they've come up with their own based on things they've seen and it looks quite plausible mp5 my favorite modern modern firearm i think don't necessarily think it's firing quickly enough it sort of chugs along a little bit in this one and it definitely looks looks decent loads as it should now the mp5 and weapons like that in this kind of collapse of civilization setting are going to be a bit more problematic to keep running than a lot of other designs the the roller delay will wear out wills become less reliable over time and eventually it won't work and you probably wouldn't be able to find the spare parts for it headshot headshot headshot yo he dead so the other submachine gun proper submachine gun in the game is the thompson it's a good model it looks suitably distressed and most notably buttstock has had a catastrophic failure at some point and they have taped on some kind of metal rod replacement for it i think i'd probably just give up and use it without rather than what looks like an extremely wobbly arrangement there and the front hand grip has also become detached despite two very large looking bolts on there and is taped in place so it gives it that uh that aesthetic whether the thompsons would still be around and functioning i don't know how many years in the future this is meant to be but you'd probably be able to get that keep that running maybe um if you are the sort of person who can make a firearm from scratch or have access to people who can make firearms from scratch they could probably keep a simple blowback submachine gun like this in working order fabricate new parts for it probably and not the typical setting for a tommy gun we've had it crop up in fallout of course but um yeah it's not it's not your go-to mad max-esque weapon i'm liking the look of the homemade shotgun it's vaguely reminiscent not in look but in function of the wichita 1897 shocker pump action shotgun where the bolt will protrude back over your hand when you operate it just because of the design of the receiver um most modern shotguns all modern shotguns contain the bolt within the receiver so you don't have that sticking out you have to worry about where your hand is so you do on this one otherwise it's quite a chunky looking sheet welded sheet metal design that looks somewhat plausible the magazine tube well first of all it's visibly got a spring in there so it's housing the pump grip more than it is housing a magazine shoe by the look of it so i don't know where all six of those rounds are gonna go i don't think they've sort of thought that one through i am less of a fan of the sort of pipe guns this rifle has got a big open drawn tube as a receiver which doesn't inspire confidence if this thing's meant to be as it appears to be 556 some kind of rifle caliber homemade guns firing rifle calibers are problematic because they are operating at much higher chamber pressure there's a reason why you typically see pistol calibers shotgun rounds that level of pressure because you can more easily design a gun to take that unlike some homemade looking guns and games where they don't really look like anything this looks like it has been made from stuff which i very much appreciate some sort of bit of bit of driftwood as the um as the stock there i don't know that you would bother with an enveloping stock like that especially as it doesn't actually have a wooden butt stock as part of it we've got separate a separate tubular stock bolted to the wood but hey homemade guns are at the whim of the maker or designer so we can't be too critical of that and we've got a wooden bit of wood taped to the barrel as a heat shield which you would need for this yeah so in terms of real real world weapons this thing is a bit of a mess it's a big heavy pipe this is this is meant to be a launcher of an explosive munition so a big heavy pipe would be a good start and improvised launches like this have been made so you can look this up um the acronym was uh prig and it was the um projector recoilless improvised grenade and this was an improvised ira shoulder-fired launcher now the thing about that was about any launcher of a big heavy bomb or rocket munition is that you need to balance the recoil because if you're firing this thing or launching this thing you've got to account for physics every action having an equal and opposite reaction if you just have a closed tube a gun and you fire essentially a five pound bullet out of it whatever it is you will be on your ass from the recoil so one of which is to say this thing is a shoulder fired gun it is not a recoilless weapon it is not a rocket launcher it wouldn't work won't work but you would be you would fall over every time you fired it back to quite a nice plausible looking homemade ish revolver so when this thing is opened up we see well firstly that it's eight shots which is unusual there is also very little real estate in that cylinder to accommodate all those chambers you need thick chamber walls just like you need thick barrel walls and if you look at that open cylinder there's a little wafer thin bit of metal between chambers that would quite simply blow through uh if not with the first shot then with with successive shots the other thing this reveals is there's no ratchet on the back of the cylinder so there's no actual means of rotating it so all things considered what this should be is a manually operated revolver and the other side of it is how you're cocking and firing the hammer or the striker there's no visible means of that happening as you pull the trigger there isn't space in the frame really for that kind of lock work so i would see this plausibly only working if you manually cocked it like the striker on the liberator pistol from the second world war what a monster i mean if the jubilee if the hose clips weren't a clue the flanges on the pipes would be i think this is meant to be made from plumbing supplies so this is a 12-gauge shotgun it breaks open like a 12k shotgun the big issue here is there's no latch for that big heavy barrel so just on a very practical level it's not going to stay shut but certainly when you fire it there's going to be a lot of pressure on on there trying to force it apart at the pivot i'd be a bit concerned about that and the other thing about this design is we've got the the classic 12 gauge shotgun extraction and ejection going on but there's no actual way of that happening you would be looking for a handy rod to bang out what would probably be a stuck cartridge case or desperately trying to get your fingernail in which wouldn't end well i don't think if you'd like to see more of the royal armouries collection we have our own youtube channel that you can head over and check out we've also got links in the description for ways to donate to us and also links to my book which is this is on bullpup british firearms but is also available from the royal armouries shop so if you're in the uk it will be cheaper on the shipping in any case i'll see you again next time thanks very much [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 4,726,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, firearms expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, rust survival, rust gameplay, expert reacts rust, eoka, real guns of rust, rust weapons
Id: X0P-p8dGfsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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