WORST AK SHOTGUN - Chinese Saiga 12

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hey mom can we have saiga 12 no we've got saiga 12 at home this is saga 12 at home what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers this that i'm holding in my hands is uh the jts 12 gauge is a 12 gauge ak made in china imported here to the states and it is similar to the saga 12 or the vepr 12 in the way that it is a 12 gauge ak pattern shotgun the only difference is it's it's awful not a knock on jts of course they're just the importer but this is uh this is definitely a budget budget very very budget saga 12. but there's still some things that makes it kind of cool and unique especially on the inside but we're going to do a little bit of shooting with it and we're not going to do the normal montage this time around because that might accidentally make some of you think that this gun is cool so we'll improvise [Music] [Applause] be [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] the jts 12 ladies and gentlemen what we have here is a failure to to communicate yeah so this is a a bizarre double feed where we have a round that was picked up while it's also trying to chamber the round below it that is still in the magazine um however ow just cut myself a white ass open on that it did not want to go back down into the magazine cool this mag is also supposed to be a rocking lock has that little back tab there but you just kind of have to slap it into the [ __ ] gun i hate this gun so we're gonna delve into the guts of this gun and show you basically why this is even worth talking about in the first place considering it's stellar performance but first time to thank our sponsor today's sponsor is nordvpn it's 2021. if you're not using some sort of vpn what in the world are you doing anytime you're using public wi-fi you're basically just raw dogging the internet raw dogging not something i'd normally be opposed to but in this case it's a little different whether it's hackers or making it easy for certain three-letter agencies to check out exactly what you're doing online you need 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believe it or not for one i love the retained ak elements that even the saiga 12 doesn't really retain like the standard looking rear sight block with the standard ak rear sight leaf i like that it did a combo block here on the gas block still has the traditional ak front sight drum and post there so that's pretty neat i like that the selector has a cutout that actually is in the right place for still being able to take the magazine out put it in whatever kind of an odd mixture of straight shove and rock and lock but that way you can just do what you need to do there and then drop your bolt carrier back forward i like that trigger is present i also like the aesthetic of uh having i i don't think they're actually interchangeable with ak upper and lower hand guards but they look like it which i i enjoy that aesthetically and that is about all the good things i could say about this so let's take let's go ahead and take it apart so you've got a plunger style uh recoil spring uh little take down here that prevents you from taking it apart once you push that little thing down and then you've got a hinge top cover which i also do kind of like this fyi but you gotta watch your fingers because that looks full take the recoil spring assembly out you've got this which is a moving uh extra dust cover underneath which i'm just now realizing is plastic that's interesting what that does is uh it allows you to cover up more of the action uh but it also moves as the bolt carrier moves backwards as well allowing you space to be able to eject a chunky shotgun shell for a control group out of the way take this bolt carrier out and this is where shit's a little interesting so carrier here again pretty simple it's a very very crudely machined but it really doesn't need to be anything fancy got a little squidward nose uh carrier tail there cut away up top and uh piston is just yeah it's it's super straightforward and you do have this cut away here again for clearance for ejection now let's take a look at this bolt now this bolt is interesting uh it's two piece here as you can see this swivels independently of the main bolt body we've got a spring-loaded firing pin that's kind of neat if you can zoom in on this i'm not sure if you can see it but this is clearly uh cast the bolt is cast which that's not great it's 12 gauge shotgun so it really doesn't matter as much as a rifle round because you're working with significantly lower pressure but but yeah this is this is definitely a cast bulb for the uninitiated when you have an ak especially with uh the parts that hold your lock up uh being cast that's usually not a good thing i also have an interesting cam groove cam lug set up here which of course you know i'm nerd about because if you look in here i remember i've taken these apart before but the cam groove is just completely round which is unlike a standard ak which is more of like uh the cam lug itself is kind of at like a 45 degree angle there uh just so it has a long flat contact surface the whole way whereas this one is more round this looks like it could be done by a roller bearing if they wanted to but it's not the way they did it appreciate this cam group is kind of reversed it's definitely funky this is definitely different this is a departure from the typical 8k in a lot of ways but you have your typical uh lock up here where you've got your two locking lugs one on either side and that up top is your cam log in an interesting what the [ __ ] moment i've just realized something you have a what would traditionally be your locking tab down here on pretty much any other like ak based thing you got your front tab in the same place but your rear tabs all the way up here which means in the guts of the gun the locking tab is all the way up inside of here like it's in the it's it's like on the same level as the fire control group um it ends like up here like right by the center support that's strange uh most are not like that you may notice it also has a third pin i noticed that it doesn't do anything but seriously like that this gun has a third pin okay i guess because the parts would be totally different this isn't considered a machine gun uh just because the standard autos here would not work in this doesn't have an auto lug or anything like that on the ball carrier um still odd they decided to include it but i'm no attorney i just work here yeah you're rear training here too i'm just looking at it now definitely mega cast like very very cast which we're trying not really the end of the world but still worth pointing out now on the front of the gun here uh we have a gas regulator so you see it's got four different settings here so this right here has a little paddle on the front of the gas block combo that allows you to push this down and change your gas settings and it locks on all of those so whether you're running light target loads bird shot or buckshot or slugs this will allow in more or less gas depending on what you're shooting you want less gas if you're shooting something like slugs slugs or buckshot because that's going to beat the [ __ ] out of the gun otherwise but you want more gas if you're running something like target loads bird shots something that's kind of light because you want to give it every chance it has to cycle and this thing really does need the extra help overall i thought i knew the worst thing to come out of china last year um until i saw this so with that glowing uh breakdown back to the range so now we're going to do two different white claw tests we're gonna do of course both with with mango but for the first one stay we're gonna do with buckshot and then we're gonna try it again with the slugs just to see the difference let's just face it both of them are gonna rip this thing to absolute [ __ ] but it's gonna be kind of cool to watch now for those of you guys who may not understand shotgun fundamentals and don't really understand why i'm shooting it with two different loads this is double aught buck this is multiple pellets uh all inside of this one shell what a slug is is just a big ass one ounce hunk of lead so it doesn't spread it doesn't have a spread like a normal shotgun but it does carry a shitload of energy so we're gonna see how uh the white claws react to both loads all right first up double up buck i had no clue how bad the out of the box zero is on this gun it's i mean it's not like i had it all the way up here or anything it's down at the regular point blank setting all of the pellets missed this and i was at like five yards i had the irons lined up dead nuts on it that is actually embarrassing so if somebody's running at you with jts apparently the safest place to be is directly in front of the irons all right another round loaded i'm gonna try to aim a little lower i'm hoping that was just a crazy hide-over boar kind of thing but we'll we'll find out okay so i am going to aim directly at that white claw got another another round of buck shot loaded and aim directly at that white claw and we're gonna see where the pattern is on this because i i frankly at this point have no [ __ ] clue where this is shooting what the [ __ ] okay so all of the pellets hit on the bottom side so i'm assuming if i hold a little high this time we'll actually be able to get a shot on a white claw at [ __ ] five yards man maybe the keyboard warriors you see you can't hit [ __ ] with aks just only shot these i'ma hold high see what happens [Music] i know [ __ ] had to hold like [ __ ] half a foot above the target at like five yards but we got a direct hit here peeled the can wide open i think so we impacted here kind of split out the side i was going to see if we caught any pellets on the inside we didn't but i'd say that white claw is taken care of all right now we've got the 12 gauge slug i'm gonna get even closer give this thing you know best chance it's got oh my god the energy transfer on that is [ __ ] crazy just completely canoed this thing apart so it would have hit here would have entered from this side and exited here but you really couldn't tell by looking at it it's so [ __ ] blown out this thing's just ribboned and that's the power of the home i mean uh slug a 12-gauge rifle slug so we wanted to show a little bit more how much energy transfer you actually get out of these one ounce slugs so we've got a gallon of milk up there because he needs some milk [Music] [ __ ] i knew that was going to happen at least i kind of thought it would still disappointed this probably does a better job of showing you exactly how much energy we got going on here and it still kept on trucking into the berm that's [ __ ] crazy i need to take a shower now all right so normally this is the part of the video where i'd load up a couple rounds just dump a few into the berm and then turn to talk to you guys and give you an outro spiel but no no not this time i'm done i'm done shooting this um i have not had a good time out here shooting this gun and um i've actually got some creative plans for how i'm going to destroy this later so um it was neat it's neat to see all the different ways that you know ak's have been done i just i i don't like it i don't like this one again not a hit piece on jts or just the importer but [ __ ] me i do not like this gun at all anyways this was a very very honest look at this shotgun i hope you guys enjoyed it and uh as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks the perfect guys [Music] [Music] i
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 627,116
Rating: 4.9510608 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Saiga 12, Vepr, 12, 12 gauge, Ak, jts, jts-12, Chinese, shotgun, Lynx, Kalashnikov
Id: MxFhjwXsknQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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