I give myself Garand Thumb / we find out how painful garand thumb is

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[Applause] [Applause] wait wait till they're closed [Applause] oh [Music] if you ever liked the sound of the m1 ping go ahead hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is a little bit out of control but you know what youtube is now sponsoring us so that means that they can regret their decision ever bit more this video sponsored by brownells brownells is bringing ancient weapons back from the grave definitely go and check their website out they have just donated like 150 000 to the fpc so big thank you to them for supporting to a right now this particular video sponsored by simply save a home security system we'll talk more about that later but for now ladies and gentlemen often forgotten but most certainly not by me goran's welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about guarant thumb so the first question that we have is how do you pronounce it so john c garand actually put out a note and he asked that his preferred way of his name being pronounced was garen as in errand so we'll put a little bit of respect on that canadian-born firearm name because he did some great things now in the us everyone says garand whatever nbd but if we can let's put a little bit of respect then so we have the garand so question is we have the m1 garand right here and what the hell is grantham and what is a m1 and what is a guaran let's get into it so if we come up right here on this particular rifle we have the u.s rifle 30 caliber m1 this particular one is from the cmp it is a springfield built um this one does this one does have one of the new krieger criterion barrels it is superbly accurate a very well made weapon cmp has great resources when it comes to garen's so we have that this was the main infantry rifle of us forces during world war ii now i understand many other rifles were used this one was designed about the mid 30s to late 20s and of course came to production was eventually used throughout all of world war ii and the korean war and into the vietnam war and has been used in literally every other conflict because it is a very durable and a very robust design so a little bit about it we have a 24 inch barrel weapons about 10 pounds we have a long stroke gas piston system in fact in many ways the ak's gas system is very much so like a grand just flipped upside down compared to the ground so how the ground works if we come right up to it here first thing to notice is how long the sight radius is so long as you are doing the correct things you have a very accurate rifle and there's a very good and a very precise siding system so they did a really good job with that the peep sight is fantastic these are still used in many competitions throughout the country now if you come over here with a long-stroke gas piston system of course everything is somewhat connected from the op rod right here so we can lock it back and we can see that this weapon locks back so what's going to happen is when i'm ready to load a clip in so we have an in-block clip because at the time they believed that soldiers could not be trusted with magazines and they were correct marines so we have the inbloc clip right here and inserts into an internal magazine so what happens is when we insert that clip all the way what it's going to do is release that bolt so that it can ride forward now depending on what's going on the bolt will either slam forward as i release it or it might get caught we'll see what happens here so what you're going to do at this point is give the op rod a vigorous smack and then of course we have a loaded rifle at that point now at times that might not load very smoothly and that's due to a lot of factors both the ammunition getting bound on each other it could be due to the parkerization on the inside of the in-block clip if you want to come right over here so you can see that these rounds right on the inside of the in-block right here and if there's a lot of parkerization on the inside there that could arrest their movement forward for that bolt which is why you needed it why you need to give it a smack in fact if you watch some of those older world war ii films you can see it's kind of a mystery sometimes you load it and that bolt just slams right the [ __ ] forward sometimes you load it and they kind of hesitantly release their finger and nothing happens and they give it a smack and then as they're about to give it a smack it slams forward it's it's a mystery it's it's kind of the great mystery of the game on grand is it gonna eat your thumb is it hungry today who knows it's a little game you play at the grand it's like the eighth wonder of the world what is the grand gonna do today but in any case i think it's important that we hear that ping because because you see every time i fire this is a gas operated semi-automatic weapon it will cycle eject the spent round out load the fresh round in and then it will do that until it hits that last round once that last round is fired it will eject this empty n block clip and it will send it sky high with that very satisfying ping so with movie science right now we're going to go ahead we're going to turn on our high speed camera and we're going to fire this thing in normal speed and slow motion with our wonderful wonderful sound design never [ __ ] know what a good time so come over here now that we have this out we can talk a little bit about actually giving ourselves grand thumb so everyone's worried about grantham because you never know when that bolt is going to snap forward and there are of course ways to deal with it so we're going to talk about those thumb isn't very safe but you know what is safe simply safe this video sponsored by simply safe ladies and gentlemen we have to give a big thank you to them for sponsoring the channel now in this case what's great about simplisafe is we have a home security system now when you're young e3 you're a young college student it's a little bit difficult to buy the entire security system right off the bat so what i like about simply safe is that you can piecemeal things together we have tons of different things from door cams to room cameras to glass break sensors water sensors the home station works when it's disconnected from electricity and what's great for the type of stuff that me and you do is that we can add layers of security to certain rooms so if you need more security on a room you can add more cameras you can add more door sensors and those can alert your phone and let you know what's going on and don't forget that there's an interactive monitoring service they're going to call the police if there's any alerts or anything like that they're always online ready to help you out get you in contact protective services if needed so take 20 off your simply safe security system and your first month will be free when you sign up with uh me through simply safe dot com forward slash grantham we're gonna have it right below for you guys and definitely give them a big thank you for sponsoring this channel so one way that i was always taught to load a grand is that when you press it in what you can do first off make sure that your round is on the right side that way it's easier to put pressure on that particular round but also blade your hand down you can see a lot of world war ii and korean war vets doing this when they're loading their weapons we'll pop up a picture right here that way after the inbloc is set you don't have that op rod riding forward and snatching your thumb now if you compare that to older world war ii films like from the early 40s you'll notice that they don't do this either due to the fact that they don't have a lot of time on it or simply because they're just kind of learning you know so we have the luxury of knowing so when i'm loading this i've laid my hand down push down it wants to ride forward but i'm blocking my hand release it hit it forward and we are good to go so we have a dummy round right there so we'll go ahead and we'll pop that guy out and if we need to release the end block it's pretty easy i'm just going to hold the op rod all the way back and there's this little button right on the side it allows me to release that in block and then you can then go ahead and either top it off or do what you need to but it is very easy to release that in block that is either partially expended or full from the m1 grand now the thing i'm dreading is going to be giving myself a 1 grand i don't know if i want to do it okay fine i'm gonna do it i'm not gonna be a [ __ ] so for the first time on grantham we have grantham giving himself grand thumb on the channel named grantham i think it's pretty deep so let's go ahead and get into this oh are we ready for this micah yeah dude uh it's been a long time coming yeah you're right dude all right here we go first time getting ourselves grantham micah are you in slow motion right now i am definitely in slow motion [ __ ] my life dude all right here we go [ __ ] okay that wasn't too bad as far as grand thumb goes just kind of pinched a little bit and that's typically what happens to a lot of people when they show grand thumb what they do is they stick their finger all the way into an empty chamber that's not really true you get grand thumb by loading it with rounds in there it kind of pinches your finger a little bit let's go ahead and do that several more times because i hate my life clearly here we go let's do it really poorly okay that was a good one so you can see right there it's pushing putting quite a bit of pressure on there trying to close the round nice that's a good one i know you did it twice but i kind of want to get a like a bird's-eye view angle yeah yeah that's fine okay so it's not terrible you know there are many uh firearms that do this like the hakeem and that thing is horrible so this isn't as bad but yeah the things i do for youtube okay here we go yeah that thumb's a little sore dude okay got my bird's eye shot okay here we go wow see that time oh [Music] that was a good one [ __ ] my life we're doing it again okay this is now the pain games i'm sure houston jones will love this video right here and we're going to give ourselves grantham one more time god that was a bad one come on baby oh i got saved thank you i'm on grand well you know what i have given myself grantham more than enough times but you know what i love you guys and we're going to give yourselves one more because you know what we're going to do it good we're doing it big [ __ ] so that's a good one right there it pinches your [ __ ] finger but you know what a lot of videos and like movies will show like the guy gets grant on me he's like oh my god i'm gonna die it's not bad it just kind of grantham just kind of nicks your thumb you're just like damn that's just kind of all you feel like but you know what i'm pretty experienced with the m1 grand i've been shooting it for quite a while hence my name is grand thumb but the question is what will it be like when we get some absolute novices to try out the grand and get grantham when they don't know what the [ __ ] gonna happen these are great questions let's go let's try it out have you ever shot a grand before i have not cool you wanna get grantham i guess so okay so all you're going to do is you're going to load it wrong sounds good do you know how to load it wrong sounds like i'm just going to try and just just keep your thumb in there perfect okay cool so i want you to use the red rounds those are dummy rounds and uh you're essentially just going to get it in there you can see the little dimple right there it's where the dipper goes you're just going to push that [ __ ] right in all right sounds good let's see how it goes go ahead uh we have a we have a crew watching it's not bad it's not too bad all right you're gonna give it to yourself one more time and this time we're just gonna go ahead and [ __ ] you you ready so put your thumb up there right by the chamber yep [Applause] [Music] yeah that was a good one it's not bad though right everyone acts like it's a really big deal it's not that bad who's next you're a marine once a marine always a marine this is like your people's rifle front there you sure all right hi my name is chilly and welcome to jackass [Laughter] well that was fun good time that's my camera guy i don't like him all right micah you're right yeah you've loaded the ground i've do it twice do it wrong okay and don't be a [ __ ] and like try to pull your thumb out yeah but that's where i hurt my thumb i can't right oh oh my god it got under the rail oh my god how are you guys so bad at this you said doing bad dear god oh i think i got it worse than all of you like really like everyone makes out to be the thing where you're just gonna [ __ ] die as soon as the grand closes on your thumb not so much the case [ __ ] that was actually one of the worst ones i've had yeah she bit me like i said you never know what's gonna happen with the m1 grand and that is the best part about it but once again the biggest thing with the grand is once you have it loaded just go ahead and keep that palm down or finger right in front of there and that will rest it and then you can let it go forward at that point nbd there guys hope you've enjoyed the video on one grand i know we did quite a bit you guys enjoy yourselves i know it was [ __ ] terrible now let's see where's chili actually yeah let's get chilly kit come out here guys so as cool as the grand is right what matters with training guys we always talk about train you guys want to go ahead and pimp yourselves for a second uh so my name is chilly i'm with epsilon outreach now outreach foundation nice local training out here in the pnw mostly in washington i'm located in enclave washington right now but we have guys up in everett and we also have a bunch of dudes down south yep i'm up in marysville i'm always constantly helping epsilon and a bunch of the local shooters get out there and train yeah guys get out there and train have it have us have a group in this case we have epsilon out in the pnw and many other great organizations or organizations check them out get that training that's what really matters especially that community aspect when it comes to 2a so make sure you do it thanks for coming on guys appreciate you guys thanks for just suffering for me appreciate you guys all right before you guys leave yes we usually have nothing else for anybody and we do have nothing else for you i'm just kidding guys just kidding dad advice guys all right what is your dad advice for my audience uh make sure if you are grand thumbing yourself make sure it's just your thumb but nothing else damn that's a good point all right all right i'll give you something so i believe that my dad advice is to disconnect from your electronics every once in a while you know get out go camping be out in nature enjoy it while you can oh yeah love it guys thanks so much for coming on guys a big thank you to all the supporters of this channel to patreon thanks for helping out so much and a big thank you to simplisafe for sponsoring this particular video
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 7,264,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, I give myself garand thumb, how painful is garand thumb, m1 thumb, slow mo garand thumb, M1 garand thumb, ww2 thumb, Flannel daddy, Flannel thimb, rifle pain game, giving yourself garand thumb, How painful is garand thumb
Id: ssvZWdu4sZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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