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meme gun view what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers i'm having a stroke a stroke of genius also interrupted blood supply to my brain sorry guys if i seem a little out of it today i spent the whole day out in the sun on the range and brain no working that well but you guys need a video because of course gun meme review time so i'm gonna be powering through to give you guys the gun memes you've been craving because i love you speaking of being tired do you know what i'm tired of ammo bands you tired of hearing about the ammo band yet just kidding rhetorical question we have memes about it so we're gonna do that because let's face it gun meme review is where half of you guys get your news from anyway me realizing that the bearing straight freezes sometimes and you can get to russia for ammo ice road truckers i knew there was a reason we bought alaska so i'm gonna get sarah palin on the phone uh see if we can borrow a boat this is of course referencing the russian ammo ban that just recently happened from the biden administration i'm not gonna delve into that because i've done two videos on that now so you can check those out if you would like but we are gonna do some memes because that's what we do here the ak community you took everything from me i don't even know who i am jack i just keep thinking of biden in the white house with his hand on the nuclear button just chock chock chip brandon i don't like it when you get political well guess what i don't really like being political so quit [ __ ] my ammo man current state of 545 owners yeah um pretty much i had many thoughts of committing honorable sudoku after the announcement of that ban but not to worry i have stockpiled enough ammo at the rate that i shoot to last me like 12 maybe 13 days i should probably start converting some of those machine guns back to semi-auto now that i think about it and yeah i think that's enough of that we've already done half a gun meme review on that before no need to beat a dead horse so up next we got some atf memes some grantham memes and maybe even marty robbins meme if you're good the first time to pay the bills and show you the sponsored bid hey donut we're just waiting for kentucky to hop on ah sick yeah he had me kind of worried when the 50 cal exploded same dude that was crazy are y'all talking about me i know you're talking about me hey scott yeah we were just talking about how awesome it is to have you back man yeah thank goodness for these thumbs but while i was resting i discovered warpath even managed to get some cat usha rockets oh wait warpath yeah i've been playing it for a while i have more heavy tanks than anyone i know uh well at least i did until someone took them out with rockets sorry boys i built up a badass air force even managed to put together some p51 bomber promotions guys did you hear that they said that they could hammer us in warpath join my team in the competition and let's fight together warpath is a crazy addicting free-to-play war mobile game that you can download on google play or at the app store right now you can click the second link below and sign up to help me beat donut in kentucky whoever comes in first on my team will be given a 1 000 visa gift card if my team wins we'll be giving away hoodies to my 15 top players or amazon 65 gift cards to places we can't ship all together worth another thousand dollars to open plus everybody who signs up with the code air force 2021 will be given free in-game goodies like gold acceleration problems or past most recent update introduced air power so now the battlefield is more three-dimensional as war is upgraded from just ground to more ground air synergy everything you see like infantry tanks aircraft all of it's very realistic i mean who doesn't want to build badass guns fly planes in the air force meet up with jean-claude van damme anyhow click the link sign up using the code air force 2021 and let's kick donut in kentucky's ass alrighty so next up on the docket grantham memes so recently grantham did a pretty great video about uh giving himself garand thumb so grand thumb giving himself grantham on the grantham channel yo dog i heard you like a rantham just put your thumb in it okay that was a good one i cannot actually enjoy this uh impractical joker's bit after the uh meat canyon video that came out just recently on them it's uh that that is a thing and this is a callback to the grantham episode of gun meme review the one where we introduced him to the internet craze that is girl's front line so this point i'm fairly convinced is actually a cult you have nice thumbs commander it would be a shame if i yeah yeah i never would have thought of this but this is a great follow-up the face he's making too is [ __ ] priceless that is the face a man makes when he successfully puts a thumb in it so now we got a couple of atf memes here u.s citizens what happened at waco and ruby ridge atf i don't know what that really proved but it was really fun to do only 90s kids will remember this when you work for the atf and your girl wants you to do her doggy style oh no little ppk nice your honor she literally asked for it atf hand signals shoot that dog i'll shoot that dog come over here and shoot a dog i hear another dog i see a dog to shoot that poodle has a gun come behind me to shoot this dog you're okay to shoot this dog use this gun to shoot this dog it's the same punch line over and over again but i don't know why this works also i'm pretty sure this is an fpc meme which is just another [ __ ] reason to support the firearm policy coalition any gun rights group that'll post this a plus in my book yes i know these memes about the atf or of course just memes it's a funny haha unless david chipman gets in then uh that that might become less less funny all right moving on before i get nightmares oh today we have donut gear on tonight's program i break down a police shooting brandon still hasn't finished the ak-50 and eli [ __ ] around on photoshop i mean yeah that that kind of sums up all three of our jobs in a way hold on also you missed the perfect opportunity to not call it donut gear but cop gear top gear cop cop gear don't blame me you're the one watching all right so i'm not a hundred percent sure if this one is true or not but i choose to believe it is in my own head and that's all that matters so apparently some of the boog crew has decided to start involving the tally tubbies and some memes and uh they actually replied no you don't need a gun the right to bear attack helicopter shall not be infringed not sure if that's the group you want to be glorifying um by the way um pretty [ __ ] not rad but a response um oh how do i put this um but i'll just read it omg another ally in the boog against the government i love liberty so much and guns and weed and gay marriage i'm going to stone you to death i really i'd like i really hope this is a legitimate tweet i know you're looking for friends and allies but maybe the people who don't beat women with rubber timing belts for showing too much ankle that may not be the best place to look this was another good one we finally leave afghanistan the tally tubbies sell the equipment we left behind to china for reverse engineering cheap hollis sun and vg's pretty [ __ ] up silver linings though [ __ ] i just need nvgs i'm gonna buy some npgs put that on my grocery list under bread my shopping list is like basically just protein shakes liquor and apparently now white phosphorus and odds are owners i must clean my gun what every week at least how about you ak owners and the inside is completely dry yeah i don't i actually don't think i lubricate any of my guns any of my aks anyway probably a good idea let's be honest but just like it goes uh you know if it can't handle the steel it doesn't deserve brass if it can't run dry it doesn't deserve to get wet i need to work on the phrasing on that one also i wonder if i could get phil swift on the channel i think we could there's there's a crossover with flex seal there i know it don't sell guns to cartels hk fine i won't yeah hk little [ __ ] up we can't get mp7s but the cartels somehow end up with them hmm it's not fair all the bad guys get the cool [ __ ] also i am kind of excited for the new spider-man movie and even more excited for the memes that are coming out of just the trailer so far i put a knight's upper on a psa lower [Music] that feels weird but i'll allow it yeah who the [ __ ] jesus christ a nice upper and a psa lower that's like a catfishing tinder pick you're flexing on instagram with your knight's armament upper and you just kind of hide the psa logo on the bottom i thought it was against the law for knight's owners to like own anything from psa all right you've watched this far i guess you've been good ish let's do a marty robbins meme [ __ ] stole my big iron can't have [ __ ] in detroit well done i don't know what about this edit is so funny but i i legitimately chuckled several times uh and not even just the first time i saw it every time i've opened it since it's just kind of fine also i've been to detroit and i don't think i'll ever go back without a big iron that's really exciting range content i've got coming up for you guys some really special ak stuff very soon also next month we're going to be headed out to greystone to do some absolutely crazy [ __ ] we're going to be doing some simunition fighting we're going to be hanging out of helicopters i've never done anything like that in my life especially to that scale so i am super excited and the cool part is for those of you who can swing it there are still some slots available if you want to go check that out i'm going to leave the link in the description and in the pin comment if you want to go ahead and take a look at that i'm looking forward to it i think it's going to be a fun time and you get to hang out with me donut and the rest of the crew just wanted to throw that out there in case some of you guys were interested but that pretty much sums up this episode of gun meme review if you would go ahead and check to make sure you're still subscribed and youtube isn't playing any [ __ ] [ __ ] games with our sub count you'd be surprised every time we ask that we get comments saying that you've been unsubscribed so go ahead and check and make sure while you're at it you hit the notification bell we greatly appreciate it plus you won't want to miss some of the stuff we got coming up that's it for this video i appreciate you guys watching to the end and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] but we've already done half a gun meme review about that already so we're gonna move on from that up next we've got some grantham memes and [ __ ] now this is a call back to the episode we did with now this is a call back to the now this is a
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 658,819
Rating: 4.9651289 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, meme review, gun meme review, garand thumb, kentucky ballistics, donut operator, put a thumb in it, russian ammo ban, ammo, girls frontline, cursed gun images, darwin awards
Id: mDU9FEpodhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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