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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers and welcome back to another episode of curse gun images now in this series we normally look at a bunch of just really terribly built guns terrible ideas for guns and just in general the things that should not be but today we're going to do something a little bit different today we're going to be looking at improvised weaponry you see it may shock you to know not all people live in the united states of america yes in the rest of the world you can't just get full auto m16s out of vending machines or however you guys think things work here in the us but yes in the classic tale of the bad guys we'll always find a way to get guns sometimes those guns are a little harder to come by and it requires people to have improvised munitions homemade guns pipe guns zip guns whatever you'd like to call them today we're going to be looking into a couple of those kind of breaking them down a little bit and just i guess enjoying it well you guys will be enjoying it i'll be uh yeah you get the picture but without further ado let's rock and roll a scary looking decrepit pistol of unknown caliber with an external epoxy material finish found in esperantina pyowie state by civil police i don't know what looks scary looking about this other than the fact that it looks like it was made by a fourth grader this looks like a c96 broom handle mauser that you put in the microwave too long although the commitment to using multiple kinds of materials is kind of impressive got a little bit of wood a little bit of bench sheet metal [ __ ] play-doh for the most of it definitely interesting and apparently technically a firearm but let's say you go to a shooting range you're using this again technical firearm to poke holes in your paper targets obviously you don't want to be an [ __ ] so you have to put up a new paper target when you're done with it so you go up with your new target and you pull out your staple gun and lo and behold it's a 22. honestly this one's pretty clever i like this the base firing mechanism of a staple gun relatively close and when you have a rimfire cartridge like that it doesn't really have to be spot on on the primer you can just kind of strike anywhere on that rim makes perfect sense mix that with a low pressure round like 22lr and uh you don't really have to worry about it blowing up in your hand which uh is a plus however if you're a hardened criminal good luck on anybody taking you seriously when you rob them with a stapler overall six point nine out of ten my fox with it mom i want a sten sub machine gun no we have sten sub machine gun at home sten sub machine gun at home this one's actually kind of rad too i don't god it's so hard for me to be mad at these like so many of these are just really kind of ingenious for having limited supplies and such open bolt sub machine guns are super [ __ ] easy too basically all the trigger group does is get the hell out of the way of the bolt and then the the bolt weight and spring take care of the rest of it it's uh you know pretty easy to do uh just a pipe nine millimeter sub gun like this which is why anybody with a rudimentary understanding of tools physics and access to bad sheet metal can easily come up with something like this which is one of many reasons why no matter how hard people try criminals will always be able to get guns even if they look pretty [ __ ] whack and speaking of whack i got a pretty funky looking ak derivative coming up before i do that time to talk about our sponsor our sponsor this episode is actually a company that i've used for a long time if you're looking to legally buy a gun or sell a gun person to person in your state is this place for you you and i both know that gun store shelves have been empty for a good while basically since the you know the rona hit sometimes your best bet is going person to person especially if that's legal in your state if it is you might want to hit up arms list just like it sounds arms list is craigslist but for pews i personally used arms list a ton in the past to get a bunch of cool deals over the last few years so if you want to check them out definitely give them some love and we appreciate them being a supporter of the channel all right so for me to call this an ak would be a bit of a stretch but this is clearly ak inspired uh this is something along the lines of like a nine millimeter or or some other pistol caliber uh probably open bolt type of weapon no actually no not open bolt [ __ ] i'm getting ahead of myself this is a pistol caliber sub machine gun uh based off of the ak receiver and an ak fire control group you can tell by the access pin locations there and uh the fact that this is an ak trigger and of course an ak pistol grip there behind it you can also tell that they have overlaid on top uh like like a blank jig of some sort like they printed out a blank jig for uh the typical ak receiver that is about where all the ak similarities stop of course you got some sort of uh submachine gun magazine there with a ghetto mag release god knows how long that barrel is and seems to be held in by screws charging handle on top i'm assuming there that the big allen key thing there rear trunnion there or whatever is posing as one appears to be uh made out of aluminum held in by again some more screws and a little bit of pixie dust overall this looks like absolute dog [ __ ] but i i applaud the effort again when it comes just down to just crude homemade small caliber stuff like this especially like pistol rounds like this that require no lock up man it is really easy to make this stuff it's almost like no matter how much you regulate it people will still be able to get their hands on this kind of thing as long as they have access to you know a hand drill and basic tools you can get from a hardware store weird but you know a bunch of these guns just look ghetto is all hell they really could use a little bit of sprucing up and i think i know what would do it i think some wood furniture would look really nice haha yeah that's more like it it should be no surprise to you that a lot of these photos are coming from either gun buybacks or police confiscations these are clearly just some sort of pipe guns i guess uh that somebody put in so much extra effort to try to put some sort of wood chassis on and honestly it probably helps with the look quite a bit actually now that i'm zooming in on this i'm pretty sure the charging handles are a literal [ __ ] nail all right look these got confiscated for a reason ah i'm not applauding what these were used for but i am applauding a little bit of the ingenuity behind it that's some of this stuff is pretty clever what is that about necessity breeds innovation i guess i'm about to say that hey mac 10 can i borrow your homework sure just change a couple things don't make it look like you copied me and we get this it's really just kind of neat to see how much of this is just like bent sheet metal stuck all together especially like i said easy easy little calibers like 9 mil 22 stuff like that you can get away with a lot if you don't require lock up like any anything complicated as soon as you have lock up like a rifle round or something like that you're requiring some sort of cam groove with a lock up mechanism and all sorts of [ __ ] it's [ __ ] whack but you got small simple calibers like this it's amazing how simple some of the stuff gets and i know i know i'm fawning over something that looks like it came straight out of a child's rendering of a pistol from the jetsons but i still think this stuff is super neat and now for something else that's a little bit more ak related 7.62 by 39 homemade rifle smg things seized in kaduna nigeria now this one is a bit more complex although i am very very puzzled it says 7.62 by 39 but they're showing boxes of 12-gauge ammo okay they're also showing an ak magazine right next to it um which pardon me if i'm wrong but i don't believe uh 12 gauge fits in the 762 magazine so i'm not sure where this confusion came from not all together surprising that they [ __ ] something like that up because as you can see in this other photo buckway here whatever his [ __ ] name is is uh complete he's holding this gun assembled completely wrong you can see um he's very confused uh i'd poor guy probably i don't know why the [ __ ] he's in this photo honestly he looks like me trying to give a book report in the fourth grade i i don't know why i'm here uh i just know i'm presenting something to you even worse you could probably tell that this gun was confiscated in the disassembled state as the picture before shows that the furniture is apart from the gun and in this photo the pistol grip is now installed backwards with the screwdriver that was presumably used to attach it backwards uh laying on the hood of that car all in all though nifty looking weapon very surprised but you felt the need to do this though considering that aks are like 25 in a sandwich in nigeria but still i applaud the effort here's what i've been meaning to show for a good while warhammer bolter full auto 12 gauge smg may god have mercy on the poor bastards getting shot with this this basically just looks like a mac 10 chambered in 12 gauge with super high brass loads by the way lots of [ __ ] going on in this photo for one you're not going to be getting a whole lot of velocity out of that considering that your barrel basically ends at the chamber also huge style points for using an fire control group the little trigger pack there uh to make all this work uh very nicely done it's always a crap shoot with pictures like this though because i i have no clue if this is an actual firearm that works this could be some ghetto ass prop gun that was meant to be used by extra number 43 in the back of some shitty movie in the 80s nobody saw and uh we're just now seeing pictures of this from some prop warehouse given the fact that it has like a half inch barrel i'm more leaning that direction but who knows this could be something perfectly legitimate that was seized in something god only knows what in colombia but this is definitely a qualifier for cursed gun images if i've ever seen it so i'm showing it to you guys anyway do you guys think this thing actually functions because i'm gonna be perfectly honest with you i really don't [ __ ] know a couple of those holes in the pistol grip make me think that this is like an airsoft clone or something but i'm ultimately not that familiar with hk stuff so that could be perfectly normal i don't know uh let me know what you guys think down in the comments now a lot of these guns have been showing just kind of i guess redneck ingenuity to his sets without fancy cnc machines or polymer injection molds or anything like that people are still able to make do and figure out how to make this stuff work yeah when it comes down to even just the bare minimum that's really actually pretty cool as jeff goldblum says life finds a way and with that in mind let's check out the next one you know these improvised weapons are called zip guns not because they're completely ass [ __ ] by zip ties right man what the [ __ ] is even going on here there's no [ __ ] way this thing works all right jesus this is some copper tubing with half of a hardware store zip tied onto it if this works i will [ __ ] a canary sideways the [ __ ] is that true what how does that trigger even [ __ ] work you know you bend the trigger outward and jesus all right well i was ending this one fairly optimistic uh my mistake i suppose i think i'm about done for the day anyhow guys i greatly appreciate you guys watching another episode of curse gun images and remember if you can find some cool prototype guns some guns that you know of that you know are pretty popular today that didn't quite look so good in their prototype phases go ahead and send those over to me because i really want to do an episode of just prototype curse gun images i think that would be really cool as for today though i think we're good to go just make sure that you're subscribed so you don't miss out on future videos like this and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 814,694
Rating: 4.9679742 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Meme review, gun meme review, cursed gun images, Darwin awards
Id: P1p0AUDW3Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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