40MM Grenade Launcher vs Torso at Point Blank Range

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thank you micah get the camera you know what greeting launchers are pretty cool in fact everyone should own a grenade launcher your founding fathers had cannons and privateers so sure as hell you should have a grenade launcher you know what they're a little tough to get sometimes but the point of the matter is if you've ever loved the look of an m16 with an m203 go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys make sure that you like and comment the comment section is what drives this channel so make sure that you get in there guys the biggest support of this channel is brownells a big thank you to them go check out the discount codes right here check them out and of course for this video manscaped which we'll talk about later ladies gentlemen often forgotten most certainly not by me m320s welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about a very interesting question that question is what happens if you hit somebody point blank with a 40 millimeter grenade lots of stories lots of things i've heard from lots of people but you know what we need to figure this out with science so we're just here on the range with mojo i guess nah moja what are you doing here i'm here for the violence okay so we got our token marine here and we're gonna be going over how this came about so come on with me i don't know what we're doing but i heard the sounds of a 40 mil that's fair enough so this video took a long time to put together and essentially my camera guy was playing call of duty and he point blank somebody with a grenade launcher and it just duded and killed him and he was like is this correct and you know what it's not [ __ ] we don't know for sure but we're gonna find out because here's what's really interesting about these rounds right here so right here we have an inert m433 high explosive dual purpose round h-e-d-p so with these they're very interesting so how they work is that they actually won't arm until they're about 50-ish to 90-ish feet away from you so how that works is the firing pin is not going to line up until the centrifugal force because these do spin the m203 is a rifled uh grenade launcher and as that spins it allows the firing pin to align with the primer in order to detonate the composition a5 so until it does that it's not going to explode what that means that is that within 50 feet this thing is just going to kinetic into somebody and the question is what is that going to look like oh my god god bless that's what we're doing yeah so here's what we had to do for this particular video was i wanted to get this as close as possible so we actually had to it took about four months to find the inert m433s and to correctly weight it for the amount of explosive that being of course we have no explosives in these and we do have our fields alongside and all the prerequisite authorities and to ensure that this would be as close to the actual m433 as possible so this is just about there now these things do travel at about a speed of 250 feet per second and it's just a giant metal projectile gosh and the question is what is it going to do when it goes through somebody so we have a couple things going in here and we have to thank a lot of people we have to thank jason at chev tech go check him out he's a big guy in the 40 millimeter world check him out cool dude we also have to think ballistic dummy labs so we do have a very very close ballistic representation of what a human torso would be we have the skeletal structure we have the organs and we have all of this ballistic gelatin which represents fat muscle and skin this is about as close as we can get without actually putting somebody there and that's not legal so we cannot do that so the question is you know what is going to happen when we fire this and we don't know we're going to set this up and for the first one we're going to fire remotely but before we do that we're going to take a practice round and we're going to fire it through a watermelon just so you can see the amount of force behind these rounds oh my gosh are you ready mojo yes all right let's do it dude so we're literally gonna plant like these things oh yeah so we have these watermelons right here we have a chalk practice round so this isn't the actual metal projectile but you know it still has the same velocity and the same weight so we should see some really interesting um results i may be dumb but it's going to be safe no no 100 not safe now mojo do you have any experience with the m16 uh m16 yes a lot of experience from where afghanistan wonderful this is absolutely perfect let's go kill some watermelons dude load it up that wasn't even metal yeah i don't dude i don't know i just don't know what's going to happen i don't know that one's not good doesn't taste different that one yeah that's good sweet that's good cool predictions okay i think it's gonna make its way in okay and it's gonna end up like brewing itself a nice little divot yeah and bouncing out bouncing out okay i'm gonna say it's gonna lodge itself in there so i think it's gonna get in and stay in like the jill's just gonna count micah um well i played call of duty and it bounced right off and so i think there's gonna be a little x yeah when it hits oh it's gonna oh that's actually a good point that's a really good point actually right there okay so right here we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and we're going to put a remote string on it very fancy 550 cord which you can never go wrong with ingenious things i've ever seen i know okay put a little slip loop on there there we go yeah there we go wait what would you call this you call it slip loop is that air force thing it's like a sear thing i don't know your thing yeah okay moshe are going to be safely behind this very safe barricade and we're going to be remote pulling it and hopefully safe i don't i want to look i don't i don't want to what three two one okay so we do have blue uh fluid because this is the covenant or i like at least i like to believe i'm in halo that did that come out the other side wait oh wow it cracked a lot of oh no i think it came out the other way joe come look at that dude i think that went straight through what that's what i wanted to look so we could see the exit if there was one because i was totally pretty no way hold on let's clear this out okay oh that is oh here it is dude it went straight through look at that hold it out yeah you're insane that went straight through them i did not this is the second time we've done tests like this that proves call of duty is [ __ ] dude what the call of duty dude that wrecked the the army mechanism though you can hear it like it like wrecked it that's crazy let's take a look at the back right here that's incredible so i have heard stories of these going straight through and i was like no way like but sure enough like that smoked it broke a rib on the way out like that had more than enough force to go straight through and smell my finger oh hey taste the blood of your enemies okay so it went straight through the what do you think is gonna happen we hit like heart oh okay so i think the rib cage may may cause some dude i think it's gonna smoke it had so much energy going through i think it's gonna go straight sorry i think it's gonna go straight through the sternum to be honest we gotta find out we got two more let's do it i don't care this is crazy that is not at all what we expected not even remotely um uh mojo i know you're not a doctor in new jersey like i am but is this guy dead most definitely dead or at least he's like he's he's like asking for help no i'm saying he's doing something this is our engineer uh christian who's putting everything together for us um yeah this is cool yeah this christian that's all we need to say okay so for the next one we're gonna do it through the sternum um mojo predictions okay so i think it may have a harder time just to the rib cage but yeah so our buddies are saying it's just cartilage so i mean i guess we'll have to see when we send it excuse that what are you doing to my shot sorry about that dude you know i think it's gonna go straight through man that first one had so much ass going through it i think it's just going to punch straight out and it may be lodged in the spine but i'm going to say straight through it it went clean yeah i mean it was slowed down obviously because it stopped right there yeah it didn't stop it it exited hey what do you say we put a camera behind it it's not a bad idea we'll put yours behind it yeah that'll be awesome second test um straight through the sternum mojo predictions uh i think it'll hit it and then the rib cage may cause it to deflect somewhere else but we obviously know that it has a potential to go straight through yeah but there's only way to find out there's only one way to find out i think it's going to go straight through and obliterate the spine on the way through uh there is a rod through the center when they made these so it might hit that but we're we're just gonna find out we're doing science right now all right here we go all right very good fire all right weapon's hot we are lined up we are good we're dead on all right three two one yo that crushed the sternum going straight through did it exit no is it still in there no it doesn't bounce back no way yeah that's oh he collapsed long okay come come film this right here so we can see a really good what looks like entrance it looks like it crushed all that sternum going through all right we're gonna have to take this guy down and do an autopsy and take a look at it right here so let's go and let's unhook this guy right here all right you wanna help me help get him down all right there you are throw him over here yep drop good morning all right wow so smooth oh i'm sorry guys i didn't see you there i was using my manscaped lawnmower 4.0 you know funny enough this video is sponsored by manscape big thank you to them for sponsoring this and you know the 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believe in and of course they are sponsoring the video so we can't thank them enough go check out manscape.com all your grooming needs you have discount code thumb20 to get yourself actually 20 off plus some goodies out there we have to go to the website to find out so go check them out at big thank you to manscape.com let's get back to shooting some 40 millimeters at human dummies actually torso dummies they're not real just a sock doing surgery so taking a look at him in the light oh i swear i think i can see it look at the look at the side right there i think that might be it in there okay we're doctors in new jersey i'm a doctor in the philippines i got my license on ebay okay cutting through the sky hold on i wanna there you go oh god there it is whoa when we need to cut a little bit more okay so here come take a look at that right there so there's that round that is completely yeah open it a little more i get my exposure i can't see it there you go here i'm gonna point the knife at it whoops god damn yeah okay there it is right there so it looks like that went straight through the sternum into the lung actually tumbled as it went in completely deformed you can see it right there like that is that is psychotic look at that wow that's like the slug from hell again if we check the wound cavity right here that went all the way it stopped on that like i thought it would let's open it from the back yeah yeah let's just put that over ravels oh hey what's up yeah get off okay let's go cut the sky open yeah making my initial incision appreciate doctor proceed okay mike i would trust you to operate on me would you you need to look at this i'm good for any doctors out there critique me on my cutting skills you fillet like a fine fish fill it like behind fish there we go okay so that let me crack something yeah it looks like it cracked it just a a smidge right there so i it definitely made it back to the spinal cord right there but i don't think it did it stopped at the spinal cord so i mean the question is did this kill he's hurting he's hurting 100 but no matter what the most surprising thing is it didn't deflect it at all call of duty is such [ __ ] i know straight to you infinity ward maybe be a little bit more realistic have you thought about that battlefield right yeah battlefield did it right you guys don't even know okay so we have our first one um so we know what it's doing at like near point blank but i think my question is i want to do another one through the organs but i want to get further back like seven maybe meters or so dude what are you pulling out of that you put it back bozo pulling the lungs out out so the question is what is it going to do a little bit further back so we're going to go ahead and set up this once more and we're going to shoot through the organs at a little bit further distance and see if it still has enough to get through somebody i think it will i think it will all right we'll do this we may lose some muscle velocity i don't know it's a good question so we fired at point blank we're stepped back to about three yards right here and the question is do we at this distance have enough energy to make it through like we did at point blank now personally i think that we will probably get into it and probably lodge into it like what we saw at the sternum because i think it's going to lose enough energy to not make it through what do you think i i think it's not yeah because when you were close you had a lot of mobile velocity coming out 40 millimeter but right now you're gonna lose quite a bit it's got it's a heavy round so it's it's losing that velocity pretty fast what do you think micah uh i was horribly wrong it's it's still lodging in there are we all like in a green so i don't like this i know it'll be different it's not going to go in all right let's do this uh well on target cool i i love you which is why i'm hugging you but i'm also hiding behind you so yeah i get it yeah all right here we go no what no no it didn't it didn't go through we lost the mother velocity that was a good shot right there that's a great shot great great thank you hey i'm a grenadier now yeah honorary grenadier okay let's i yeah you can see it right through here if you look right through it looks like it got midway through and stopped on that that spine it's like halfway through about yeah three quarters so i'm just i'm just curious how about we uh let's go down you want to shoot a chalk around at it you want to shoot a chalk round at it yeah we can shoot a chalk round at it can i shoot it yeah yeah let's go okay so i would say based on this that's most certainly gonna uh have severed the aorta that went straight through all those organs and uh as you can see this guy is suffering right now and that stopped on the spine i mean at that's gonna mess up your spine too dude yeah you're going down that's that's death right there death yeah death the experts say death at the door you've got a guy right there it's a good morning good morning now the question is what about chalk round i don't know major is crazy so he just wants to do chalk round do you think that is causing more damage than the slug video we did yo like is the internal damage did the slug have more energy or did you actually fire like a rifled slug yeah we did i think that probably had some sort of expansion and it like it's tumbling and all that fun stuff yeah you know i think those rifle slugs are made to you know go through that flesh so they're doing a little bit more i don't that's no because you'd rather be hit by one of these or the slug people dude can i pick neither um honestly probably i'd rather get hit by a slug like i saw that going to that sternum like that slug was devastating but that round through the sternum like obliterated everything but what about the chakra oh my god dude i think you put it through the same hole does that make us eskimo brothers interlock my hands yes oh okay so interesting so that one just deformed right when it hit and you can see all the fragments getting pulled out there can i shoot it again but lower yeah go for it yay what is money anyhow especially when it's not yours it wasn't part of plan this is not part of the plan that's why you brought me here oh god ready dang dude wow there isn't look at that from the side so the question was what does a 40 millimeter grenade do at point blank through a human body and you know i think we kind of found out and what was that mojo it does some serious damage and honestly i wasn't expecting i mean obviously the end-all be-all call of duty tells us it'll it'll name somebody but it bounces off so we had that preconception right now if we really look at the potential behind a 40 millimeter going into a human body or something similar to that yeah pretty similar it's dude i was not expecting that i was not expecting the amount of damage that we saw from that i've been told by people who have seen it that it does go straight through in many instances and 100 based on what we saw yeah depending on the angle and the closest that will go clean through the human body depending on where it hits it pretty incredible in my mind like even from three yards back yeah it's not enough umph to get all the way into the spine is that is that the new term we're gonna use the um umph the um the ump factor so i guess uh you know 100 this this is a very deadly roundup point blank now what happens now i'm kind of curious what body armor on this guy let me shoot him what's going to do the plate dude i think it's not going to go through a plate it's not pointing enough that's a back force deformation on the plane that's a good question right there my fingers in the dummies i don't with a plate i think it's going to spread out the force enough i think you're going to be fine well i mean you're not going to be fine you're probably going to stuck in air yeah sucking air for a while you know perhaps knocked out but certainly without any type of protection that's why you always wear protection guys always guys but here's the thing grenade launchers are awesome everybody should have them if you get the chance to get your hands on one definitely do it you will love it but no matter what the things that matter are of course training tons of different places to get training mojo where can we get training we can get training from dan smith's center field training up here in washington core vision out of bremerton hell yeah we got a lot of good dudes over haley's strategic hsp oh we're not just talking about washington yeah we're not talking about what we're talking about everywhere people do your research do your due diligence and researching and who you want to um everyone has a different mentality going into training specifically so obviously the beauty of social media is being able to pay attention to different trainers and instructors and see how they teach and if you buy with it dude take a class have some fun you know what i'm saying i just love that your fingers are just blue and chalky it's my favorite part about this so guys thank you so much for watching get training because remember as cool as these things are god don't touch me as cool as these things are you are the weapon these are tools get out there get training ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching we have nothing else for you final thing for you guys dad advice with mojo mojo give my severely distraught and lost people a little bit of dad advice right now enjoy life don't sit there and wish you would have done something go out there and do it you only got limited time on this earth have fun what if i want to do heroin i would i mean technically don't do harrowing kids it's legal in washington if you want to now i mean thank you for watching we're done
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 3,752,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, grenade launcher gun, grenade launcher vs torso, 40mm, 40mm grenade, m203, m203 vs torso, noob tube, n00b tube, grenade launcher vs, m203 point blank, grenade launcher point blank, special forces, call of duty, cod noob tube, cod grenade launcher, is call of duty real?, realistic grenade launcher, realistic GL, he grenade launcher, he grenades, HEDP, hedp grenades, grenade launcher, 40mm grenade launcher
Id: dG3j48dzlGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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