Russell Peters and the Canadian Accent

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white people but I don't see like real proper Canadian my people kind of mean like like where I are you there and where the cake errs where are you sir okay that's I are we go good I miss you guys I love when I come back home you're not been gone for ten years and it's so weird because you know you grow up you're born and raised here and you don't notice things about it until you leave and I never really noticed the Canadian accent until I left now when I come home that's all I hear like it is good if you really think about the Canadian accent it sounds smart and dumb at the exact same time that's it oh Christ look at you eh oh yeah are you back in town oh no it's a hologram you're looking at oh no doubt ain't no doubt no doubt yeah wait people talk til they have no brother no doubt a oh so you're gonna take the news special are you oh yeah bring it on bring it on if you ever like if you're like I know you probably don't hear it even when I'm doing like loads so it's normal to me but I really gotta pay attention listen to like a hockey player in an interview they always say and sound exact same way oh yeah oh uh we got out there tonight you know coach says we need to get together and play more as a team and uh you know push the puck around and look for openings and then band and see the guys out there and you know pretty much have a good game of hockey you're born in Canada right sir hello because you're your parents from Canada - yes that's that's the real Canadian that's that's some you should be like yes we live in a weird time now you realize that like we live in a time where like in the especially in the US with the whole election going on they they've made a big deal out of race this year which is weird because when Obama was in it they didn't mention race once they're like well there's a black guy everybody keep this quiet um black dude are you a black guy right there
Channel: theCNY PGAguy
Views: 95,507
Rating: 4.8052258 out of 5
Id: OlD4qW9sQQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 31sec (151 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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