Danger Cats - Accents across Canada

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welcome back danger cats today we're gonna do a little more alert ansible canada for you this time being the accents across this country I already have a limp dinner in because I knew coming into this I'd have to be thinking beforehand because [ __ ] what I'm teaching about Canada the greatest country on the [ __ ] planet Earth I like to be prepared now I know before you say that I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I don't know anything about this country that is incorrect I actually have a community college degree I had a host party one time and this girl had her I don't know what the hell it is I think it was like a [ __ ] communications degree or something from a community college but I stole it off the wall so technically I do have a community college degree so now you cannot say that I'm a stupid [ __ ] because I have a degree but let's get right into this because I love teaching about Canada I am Canadian as [ __ ] I love this country and I don't think the world knows enough about us I know Canadians have a thick accent because everywhere we go as soon as we drop up hey everybody's like you must be from Canada right yes yes I am but a lot of people don't know this there are a couple accents across this country yes that's right there's more than one first off we're gonna start right here that's right Newfoundland this is the most [ __ ] up accent you will ever hear in your life I don't understand a goddamn lick of what they speak I've been living in Canada for 27 [ __ ] years and I still when I talk to a new fee I don't have a goddamn clue what is spewing out of their Yap I'm gonna show you a little clip so you know exactly what the hell I'm talking about last night seven o'clock seals were on the beaches over twelve o'clock last night he's ready gonna invest going the cord the one I come back for one last night you see what I mean if you knew what the hell he was saying there's only one explanation you're a [ __ ] Newfie now moving on here what back if you took a ladle full of peanut butter and stuck it on top of a human's mouth and then told them to speak that's the accent you're gonna get and if you don't believe me go to mom's pantry grab a [ __ ] ladle take a scoop of peanut butter put it in your mouth and start spewing English to it your mom will probably assume that you are French Canadians I'm gonna show you another clip right now about what the hell I'm talking about hello everybody so one of my friends wanted me to make a video of me using the accent that the people have when they speak English that right there is a french-canadian talking English yet again nobody knows what the hell he just said now as we move a little more over into the West right here Manitoba Manitoba accents are honestly I don't know I don't think I've ever met anybody from Manitoba honestly I don't even think that people live in Manitoba do they have an accent anybody here know what there you have it nobody lives in Manitoba so they don't have an accident but pushing more west Saskatchewan Alberta number one baby and BC like more along the lines of leg not over in the island like keeping it close to the Rocky Mountains the accent out here is pretty [ __ ] easy all we see is a bud what's going on a bud very easy to understand it's a good clean Canadian accent very redneck out here I will admit a lot of Cowboys [ __ ] goes on over here we're the backbone in this oil-and-gas eat naps but I saved the worst for last obviously once you get here Vancouver and like the island and [ __ ] like that avoid this area at all cost cuz all you're gonna run into is a bunch of if you like hanging around or like a drum circle and talking about poetry and like painting and stuff like that it's good you'll understand them and like whatever the [ __ ] it is they do that's your area bro head out there so there you have a danger cats these are the accents of Canada I feel like nobody's ever talked about it before and I am glad to be the first one to do it for you so now if you come to Canada you meet somebody from Canada or any of that [ __ ] you'll be able to decipher where they are from just based off their accent that's another Canadian learnings from uncle hawk you
Channel: Danger Cats
Views: 463,751
Rating: 4.5531597 out of 5
Keywords: uncle hack, danger cats, canada, accents of canada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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