Canadian vs. American Pronunciation

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there's a lot of pronunciation differences between you the dual citizen but canadian-born and of course me the bay area born and raised Browdy Brazil so that word right there brownie you're from Saskatchewan that's where you were born how are you raised to say that word well first of all I was raised pasta but it's pasta now I've grown ups pasta I've lived half my life you say wait I've been corrected that is the key right there I've been corrected many times all right so if you're watching of hockey you hear this word all the time and how do you say it north of the border organization organisation is that five syllable yes well how do you say it like organization maybe three organization you do everything in a hurry organization Canada there's no hurry relax enjoy organization organization yeah whatever okay it's all about the Oh process so like you eat processed foods I say proper mind processes things yeah that's more syllables slower you're starting to realize what we do all right so take our time we've drawn it a little we've gone through some words that are different here what is that right there what do you call that in Canada that box of goodness that we all enjoy even as adults well it's the first word Kraft Dinner Kady Kraft Dinner ladies and gentlemen that is macaroni and cheese I don't care what you say that's the macaroni so let me tell you what I some mac and cheese for dinner tonight yeah so there's many different types of macaroni and cheese homemade different boxed ones that's that one right there katie kraft dinner the best ask any kid in canada they'll tell you I'm having kraft dinner tonight you guys are weird uh what is that that's a toque it's finally one syllable toque say beanie two syllables maybe I'm the bad guy all right one more now this one blows my mind that's a parking garage like I'm gonna go put my car in the parking garage in fact at work here I park in a parking garage but in Canada they call it the parkade like an arcade but a park aid apparently however you break it down it's a little bit different parkade that's the segment I've been wanting to do here on sharks pregame line for how did we do it was it well worth the wait by the way it was an all-canadian road trip for San Jose and they're closing out their road games here so perfect timing
Channel: Brodie Brazil
Views: 74,000
Rating: 4.9064546 out of 5
Keywords: canada, canadian, pronunciaiton, eh, america, english, speaking, language, hockey, brodie brazil, curtis brown, san jose sharks, nhl, border, pasta, process, organization, kraft mac and cheese, kraft dinner, macaroni and cheese, parkade, parking garage
Id: 7fpoYrnwGJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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