r/TrippinThroughTime | The Weird MeIRL

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do you love me mother I like you as a friend our / tripping through time it this is basically me IRL but with old-timey paintings oh and disclaimer I got to do this because you do people today people are so violent and depraved these days things were better in the old days medieval people let's just saw this guy in half when you're looking for your shoe and you inadvertently discover a gay wait so on I should just sit down here while you paint my poor oh you're done when everyone describes you as chill but you're on the verge of a mental breakdown and mask it by acting unbothered about everything god those eyes are dead they're so dead inside and they're not looking the same direction either damn girl are you sitting on an f5 key because that ass is refreshing Rupert are you a software update because not right now when your owner throws the ball but when you turn to chase it it's not there and when you turn your back he still has it and he has betrayed you why do animals look like extra inbred and old-timey paintings when you go to a fancy party and decide to steal their 50 inch HDTV it's fashion don't judge nobody lute playing backwards centaur with the creepy ass face what what the hell were they on when they painted this kind of stuff like seriously this is this is equivalent to modern posting and I respect this so much me I hate going to Walmart but I need something now and maybe they aren't that crowded Walmart upon entering you know mark this isn't the kind of thing I should be summoned for shut up and give you the answer to question to it being an old-timey doctor would rule just drunk as hell like yeah you got ghosts in your blood you should do cocaine about it did you know that like cocaine and chloroform was like considered valid medicine back like here's a picture of old timey wimey child's cough syrup look at these ingredients you got alcohol cannabis and chloroform all four cops here I bet it's one lucky kid what the hell picture I told him that - it's not that big a deal I told him not to text the flowers I'd like you to paint me a cat Oh what a cat you know what a cat is right you've seen a cat oh yeah of course [Music] I just love old-timey paintings of cats they're so just unbelievably dumb when you ask Santa for a puppy but accidentally right Satan all dogs are good boys no matter how is scaly and fleshy they are all this one even has like a little flower in his horns to match the girl it's kind of you hear noises pauses music complete silence play music hear noises again [Music] what's your name beater without an F but there's no F in Peter well yeah that's what I said this looks exactly the kind of guy that would when a demon comes to take your unfit soul but y'all end up having a lot in common you look depressed thanks it's the depression what up bang come over me I can't I'm in 16th century Japan I'm home alone me when you see a cute guide dog but you can't pet it because it's a hard-working professional when you try to take a 20-minute nap and you wake up eight hours later what century honestly the the naps where you wake up at 7:00 p.m. are some of the most dangerous ones because you honestly have no idea what day it is when your alarm goes off and you have to go to work because you didn't die in your sleep me I'll go out for a beer or two but I'm not attacking a pillaging Constantinople 15 beers later when your mom tells you to read and bursts into your room five minutes later expecting to catch you red-handed playing video games but she doesn't check under the pillow to find your DS neatly stored when your hotel advertises free breakfast it turns out to be an orange seriously hey you got a bird though that's pretty cool when the teacher asks a question and you're trying to avoid eye contact yeah I do I do feel as if if you make eye contact the death sentence at least that's how my programming professor teaches it god forbid I make a make eye contact when they're talking about pointers oh I don't know how these work me do it do I look high I feel like people can tell my friend nah man you look fine starts a rumor about Stephanie friend did you hear about Stephanie me when you only get third place at the annual village flower arrangement contest and that ghastly of fabok Elma cribbing ttan your arch rival is graciously accepting the first-place award like the egregious slag that she is cats and Middle Ages diligent went to mess contributed to society cats now feckless ingrates atheists too lazy to walk on hind legs chicken feed it has chicken it has chicken proportions and if I keep making these mistakes when someone is waving in your direction you're not sure if it's you see I'm really starting to think that we stumbled into me IRL by accident ah yes one of my favorite pieces of art from the Middle Ages Jesus is Satan arguing at the bowling alley beautiful when your nose is stuffed and you just sit there and think about the time when it wasn't stuffed and how you took breathing freely for granted does anyone else get stuffy noses I can't relate to this because I always a perfect love I'm mocking someone I know by the way me an intellectual judging people for making this same mistake I recently learned to stop making ha I did not realize this was an episode of me IRL every lady walking their dog that's weird he's usually so friendly as they're engulfing some pork I want to know like what am I missing context here what purpose does this painting server I just ended a six-year relationship oh my god are you okay yeah it wasn't my relationship when the sign the museum says to let me in why so I can save you from what from what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in let me in let me add love that meme still to this day Michelangelo had no reason to give God a thick juicy ass but he did he did that for all of us well he's got to have perfect proportions so oh look we got out we got a king henry the eighth meme here with all his lives that's up let's see if i could remember all the the Limerick here divorced beheaded died divorced beheaded survived yes this dualism there's dudes of just a goddamn mad lad he couldn't divorce his wife so he created his own religion are you kidding me Oh philia babe come over Hamlet I can't I'm hiding a body lophelia my dad's not home I know I fun fact in high school when we were going through Hamlet I played Ophelia I was kidding I pretty much talk like this whatever is Ophelia starts it pissed everyone off [Laughter] how fun is to sing and that voice would have filius parts come on great when you and your friend argue and then Google confirms your dominant intellect hey thanks make it to the end let me know if you like enjoyed this particular subreddit because I had a lot of fun with this one but it's not really something that I think would be super popular so I'm kind of iffy on it but hey let me know you guys think anyways subscribe like comment let me know you enjoyed the video and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 797,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blessed images, comedy, funny, history, me irl, meirl, oz, oz media, oz media tumblr, ozmedia, r/, r/me_irl oz media, r/meirl, r/trippinthroughtime, reddit, reddit cringe, sad milk, satire, tripping through time, trippinthroughtime, wholesome memes
Id: 6QIKuQivYD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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