r/IHadAStroke | Dad Bot Strokes Out

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I have depression de Porres shon-di never mind I have the big sad alright / I had a stroke this is this is gonna be a mess oh and also disclaimer what Sam by mistake [Laughter] namaste little mistake I never mind to be honest don't the food with bare hands use the concern dinner with me the shoot I just cause with me free price to rise five stars cool nice good find story addicted good do so is em is that me do is do is em is good well that was helpful hi hi dad I'm dead I'm dead hi hi hi dad I'm dad I'm dad I'm Dan hi hi dad I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead guys I think dad's obviously hi hi hi hi dad I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead is anyone here a doctor hi hi dad I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh it's a little raving rabbit all kind of cute Ravis rabdi episode digit rabis you know Rabi Jerusalem [Laughter] I moved a pencil with my face shut up you know what I such a man is I don't check with the flock eeeh our slash our thoughts if you have our a car your friend don't need bike walk if you ride horse not mind-blowing CAPTCHA [Music] my friend who has only ever drank a few times in his life recently went to university you are having a good night f McMurphy laughs can't feel lunches somewhat help chick-fil-a have Mattel mediums instead of large hail ye what they were taking long to make me a large fry so they gave me two mesh memes oh nice precious fries you had a stroke saying that first part 1 year ago today I drunk Texas my grandmother for her birthday Apple a brick bad grandma I'm getting a lid for the both of Vice 84 yes ho I love you so much only BIC he's making it to 84 real talk [Music] Cambria Kinsley you are a disgrace James that was deep as hell my god where'd that come from that works I'll text you before I do anything tomorrow sound guck yuck good luck going Gucci burp thanks alright sachika has struck up top critical review 1 star do not download this game it takes forever ever if you don't want is a sign in and we'll never done this game what it doesn't work please don't I don't like this looks like real like a really I some games I look some of the videos and playing games in the wild but it's not please give them one of one star Jesus ok sometimes you think of earth flat me love for you size of tall tower but I'm sorry what look at this absolute abomination of design here I think this meme down here represents the combinations nicely dude I don't die safely don't drive safely help I have no idea how to read this it's do drive safely don't die or maybe it's don't die do drive safely I left it to be good so I left if you aller dick allergic allergic oh no now do you - obviously I forgot to type in my vision let me get my eyes close to the screen allergic yes there's a [ __ ] cool outside a Lubell hello owl how you spell it hoot-hoot there's a [Laughter] cowboy emojis yeah her ear hopper dank it ye how Yuri halwa yee-hah oh my god finally south pretzel bites cool I'll tell you what mom and dad day because they don't know how to answer a question that involves them driving within 30 minutes hours of me asking it say not say day what any minute our tiny mini mini tiny mini mini tart and tired mini oh my child is leaking hey bro do you want some ice cream it cream is cram ice crane ice crayon do you want some flavored ice yeah you don't want just put this on our / edit stroke and want to be a meme well Oh help hello hello hello well this was a disappointment sad not said I need Frenette friends friends there's nothing else they gave up NZXT god that is so clean at 60 hi how much do you I need to pay to get 300 FPS at fortnight with any options I don't care I just need 300 off ends and don't Lin Chi ID anything just tell me here 300 fps and fortnight try the Minecraft benchmark instead basically what you do is you get minecraft Java Edition put Silver's volumetric shader in there and crank the render distance to 32 if you get more than 60 FPS you pass our / our thoughts make sure that you determined if but coming to look up shower thoughts mind blowing I feel like this is someone who like had this thought and just wanted to type it out as fast as possible but just like quickly just scribbled it in and then hit post and realized that his thoughts did not quite convey properly and the keyboard attention toilet only for disabled elderly pregnant children thank you for shopping with us that's a very very specific demographic they're a pretty impossible thing a graphic but alright but there might be someone out there who does fit into this demographic who's probably like finally representation and you that I say good on you grabs your ass jigs mmm tasty grabs butter knife in butters then cheeks will you be my girlfriend please well hey what the hell why yeah girlfriend plans now I just a tip to those of you who are entering the dating sphere don't do this angry you are not your when you are yourself try our burrito and then we just have this [ __ ] of yours and just just my god oh look it's cat my discord admin no one's safe longer ones awkward icky icky Warda and Kate no acquires ah said cat Snorlax acquired as someone please someone help me god of having a stroke valve reading that good job Kat also thank you for sending me this image yet now M learn the what is life how I react to the people because of lonely teach so many things it's big pain don't feel anyone in your life words to live by Oh God 4chan time man and girl go out to drive under moonlight they stop add-on at a site of road he turned to his girl and say baby I love you very much what is it honey our car is broke down I think the engine is broken I'll walk and get some more fuel ok I'll stay here and look after our stereo there have been news reports of stairs being stolen good idea keep the doors locked no matter what I love you sweaty so the guy left to get full for the car after two hours the girls say where is my baby he was supposed to be back by now then the girl hear a scratching sound and boys say let me in let me in let me am the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there she gets out to check in man door had her car door they butchered this story hey congratulations on making it through that my god what was that I don't know but it happened anyways um yeah if you if you enjoyed this video then do the liking and subscribing and all that jazz and I even got a gaming channel where I stream on the weekends so yeah see you all next time
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 1,257,208
Rating: 4.9560289 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit cringe, comedy, funny, r/ihadastroke, I had a stroke, reddit top posts, best reddit posts, best of reddit
Id: WlnxUbNJk0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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