r/Trashy | not feeling too good Mr Bucket

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the golden nectar army it's it's not as nice as you think yep pee gummy bears made from oh no i'll be uploading a video to my only fans about how i make them hey you saucy studs studets and all the studs in between welcome back to mk my name's jack and today we're going to be looking through a subreddit that's full of your exes sounds like a great job until you think about the fact that that kind of more says something about you than them ah get away you self-reflection on partner preferences speaking of partners and preferences that clearly end up being rather trashy not at this address since june 2020 his testicular tonka truck kept falling into other women is that a smiley face or like someone who's just eaten a lot of good food but now that's totally understandable mate see what i do is i buy a chastity belt thing never comes out still looking for the key though it's it's been about two weeks since i've been able to have a shower hi so i'm here to pick you up for your tinder date oh no you just you ignored that just ignore that sticker so it's my dad's car yep that's that's my father figure who could put that there well yes i do feel like i've been raised on good morals well why what's your opinion on eugenics this is henrik husby the owner of a tiny phone repair shop in norway here iphone owners could get their phones repaired instead of buying a new one apple is currently suing him for 25 000 and demands him to destroy all the iphones he repaired the case is now in supreme court okay trashiness aside can we just imagine this guy literally going around norway banging on doors like oi you give me your phone i'm going to destroy it quick oh no i gotta pay 25 grand please give me your phone i know you needed to call your grandchildren but my issue is more important but in all seriousness i thank you apple for strengthening my resolve until never to buy an iphone that's why i have a samsung because they're good they've never done anything wrong a tinder profile in our slash trashy ah that is so out of place just a casual photo of them at a funeral which is purposely cut to show willing the waist area but wait there's more rip gramps but my ass looks cute there okay meanwhile from the same type of species some little kid was holding a ps5 i snatched it out of his hand and went home with it 2020 finally did some good praying hands yep that's why i'm definitely going to heaven for this met a child cry but do i have regrets no i do not you are making a great case for hell my dude now presenting baby manicure yep this exists oh this exists i didn't want to put this one out here but i have no choice do you do you really have no choice red squiggle brought me some beautiful gifts for baby benjamin for when he was born a soft fleece blanket cuddly elephant booties some clothes and a singing toy i didn't ask for these things as i said they were gifts well as you all know i lost benjamin at 29 weeks i gave birth to him but he did not survive oh geez i'm reading this as a karen but i feel like she's not being the karen right now a week later squiggly red messages me asking if benjamin used or touched the things she bought because if not she wanted them back i wrapped him in the beautiful blanket she got him and he was buried with it too she wasn't happy about this and asked for the seven pounds she spent on it back as well as the other gifts that could go to another one of her friend's babies i've made a terrible judgment and i apologize to the op of this post it seems the true trashy was me seriously though this is a horrible thing to experience i am so sorry but also in the positive you got to see the true colors are squiggly red which in reality is just a ugly uh red if we're going on a date and you don't offer to pay for baby shooting pleasure to go back to meal for my child we are not going the most attractive trait on a first date parental responsibility because why use dating to find love no you use it to outsource your personal workload when someone steals your phone at the bar and decides to take mirror pics before turning it off lol my phone auto backs up and found these after restarting my new phone oh please tell me you contacted police about this please oh they are so cocky and confident they deserve to be caught every girl's dream is to be carried on her wedding night ah romantic mum who pretended to have cancer to make 45 000 pounds from gofundme faces jail oh good for a second i thought she was getting away with it it's one of the sadly few times i'm proud of the justice system for context in this next one they're an ex i miss you i miss you too oh sorry that was part of a drinking game i'm so sorry it's kind of sad how people get away with this kind of behavior like it's subtle but it is damaging to people's trust in future relationships i don't know it's just sad moving on though more funnies oh yeah i say wrecking cars oh i'm so cool well people don't like that okay hang on let me do a little public speech uh psa i never said i was proud of wrecking cars it's stupid as hell see i just cheated on my license test and never really learned the rules of the road to be honest here's a photo of my dog in the background so you'll forgive me because cute even the dog's looking at him with contempt you serious brow did you you really did this if you park in my spot i'll break your freaking windows have a nice day life is short go ahead and cheat on him sweetheart can i cheat on her no who cheats more boys or girls males who ever cheated before multiple times i really hate being out of cigarettes come on child support i know the feeling it sucks not my problem but that money should be for just that supporting a child not that happen telling me how to parent oh oh no oh no no no seriously is that baby dead or something it's just gone hey how can you tell if a couple's not ready to have kids can anyone show me a clue where where on this image does it show an unprepared parent couple before you cancel thanksgiving and christmas with your loved ones remember that this may be the last holiday you have we are not guaranteed a single minute on this earth stop living in fear and embrace life to the fullest last year was my uncle richard's last thanksgiving because he caught this damn virus and died well sorry to hear that oh we never know how much time we have with someone that's not the point i'm trying to make here you should go see your loved ones right now don't worry about a mask because you want to kiss their faces might be the last time you kiss the face warning to all stores restaurants gas stations etc this is how someone paid for their food at the huddle house needless to say we no longer take rolled coins sorry to the honest folks yeah that's trashy but i mean okay look i gotta be honest i gotta give props to creativity when i see it ah what a lovely stroll through the neighborhood today lovely things to do i can smell the scent of the air it's real salty in the air today i wonder why please stop having kinky times and leaving your used condoms in our driveway i am tired of picking up and cleaning your trash you are not welcome well that does explain the strange puddle my husband just told some lady that i was deaf and the only way we communicate is by reading lips so he can't wear a mask that's hilarious why did you marry him hi i'm a black mazda now you might think i'm an a-hole for occupying two disabled parking spots never said you were right though i'm just i'm saying you might be thinking that anybody missing this dog at the augusta apartments aggressively tackling kids and topping them no joke i stopped it and got it off one kid and it snapped at me come get it it's already came after my kids more than once okay i'm pretty sure i see a zipper there so what you have is a [ __ ] pedophile i complain about being single and then acts like this are you single unfortunately well why don't we go out there after matching on tinder or chat a little we would have a ton of fun i doubt it i hate all men i am confident i'd change that though i'm great i treat you so well too doubt it i'd love to prove it to you can i get that opportunity why are you so doubtful that i wouldn't be able to make you laugh i don't laugh oh man when will you learn your persistence is only attractive if you are already hot no need to criticize the woman here she's already self aware of how trashy she is look at the top half of this image where do you think they are are they a at a nightclub b at a convenience store c at a funeral or d at a wedding if you assume to the worst you are correct it is a funeral yes i'm pretty sure she's channeling her inner necrophilia the second time this week someone has tried to dig up the grave of a girl who died in my hometown in the 1800s whoa dude why why are they doing that what was she some secret aztec emperor or something that would i feel like my necrophilia joke from the last photo is really aged paulie right now a post from my dad we all need to fight back love you dad my hero yeah let's see what our hero dad did today just had a mask party at autozone on panama naturally i wasn't sporting said mask i was asked to please put one on i refused i was then asked by the manager to exit the establishment again i refused i asked to state the law requiring me to wear one they could not two bpd officers were sitting 20 yards away in the parking lot i said go get the police they wouldn't i'm still standing in the store with everybody's full attention finally the manager asked what i needed i said a license plate frame she said get it and put it to the side so i did she asked if i was paying cash i said no she said place your card on the counter and step back i did she started to grab my card and i said don't touch my card so she went and got put gloves on i asked if everything in the store was sterilized to no answer if we don't stand up it's going to get a lot worse folks we are being conditioned to comply i bet that's the hardest 10 bucks autozone earned that day i can't even sarcastically support this dude it's just oh tell mike if it's not on it's not on no balloon no party mike gave me herpes oh same who is this mike what is going on in mike's life right now clearly an over-promised party and a lot of stds multi-level marketing hun thinks taking pictures of her fake nails while making sure to show off her bends is imperative while driving 60 miles per hour you too can achieve this slightly sort of mostly middle-class glamorous lifestyle for only being twenty thousand dollars in debt for the next three years you've brought another one into this house sweetheart this is not a whorehouse it's a whorehome so please you know offer them something to drink would they like some tea got some coffee brewing in the kitchen if they want to join us but anyway hey look at you look you're here with me the jackie person at the end of this video oh hello there it's good to see you well i'm not seeing you i'm hearing you i'm i'm vibing you right now and if the two little vibe tingling senses on my chest are telling me anything you liked today's video so why not go ahead and show it to us visually by clicking the like button what's that you can't oh you're lying but i'll play along anyway why don't you click subscribe as well to make sure you're clicked and updated on all the latest videos and goodies all right that's enough ramblings from me my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to laugh and ramble with today i love the smell of your faces and i'll see you for the next video bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 295,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/trashy, trashy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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