r/Softwaregore · oh god oh f-

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pick of my girlfriend this one scared us oh yeah understandable why why does it look like this what happened how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're taking a look at r slash software gore about phone processor none camera none screen none wha how uh let's take a look at the morning run today ah 4 000 miles that doesn't seem right congratulation you got successfully zero dollar thank god blank sent you a friend request 510 million mutual friends how do you even have that many friends added is that real all right cpu's at a nice comfortable 29 degrees and the gpu is uh 300 degrees i i don't think that gpu is going to work anymore my friend oh um a lot of these flags don't know a lot of these are not right that's that's concerning whoops that's not quite right next time pick the animal that is walking backwards how are we supposed to know technoblade oh what is what oh god oh no miles uh this is concerning i don't think this is the how the game is supposed to run hmm something tells me that this chart is not supposed to look like this just call it a hunch call of duty mobile uh that looks like animation throw down to me but all right french word of the day and pound x 27 take five minutes to learn it now yeah i don't think i said it right i might i might need to learn myself oh that's uh that's a messed up keyboard yeah uh this doesn't happen to me thankfully i would know what to do in this situation i'd probably scream there's already a server running all right well server stop uh not found there isn't a server running well which one is it ah 11 out of 10 mini kits what do i get for this uh do i get like 110 completion sponsored session five okay hmm something tells me that this person is wait hold on i'm trying to figure out if it's trying to imply that the car is in the ocean or the ocean is taking over the land i don't know where this is is this uh what what is this uh hmm i don't know what this is i'm confused suggested for you pixel art color by number coloring uh two more times after that all right ver ego day to taste good closed what uh this guy's um his chin is like non-existent that yeah this is not um correct i see pain in this man's face oh no what is this i this scares me i i don't know what all these words and numbers and letters mean i i want to go on oh my god uh i don't think a tyrannosaurus rex had two heads then again this is jurassic world you you'll never know what those scientists are up to they clearly didn't learn from the first park default short title default short description what what is this supposed to be uh the play button's looking a little weird kind of looks like a dress i don't know maybe it's just me but yeah that's not right what is it is that a pokemon i don't think that i i call it hunch but i don't think the textures are uh quite loaded right you need oh god what is this i don't even know what number that is but that's a lot of that's a lot more races to play this race apparently uh good old geo guesser i'm trying to guess where the the ra a random picture is in the world uh your guess was 3 000 miles from the correct location how did they get off the the planet sorry you four are a little patience then helping stay us while our best for you mcdonald's what the hell confirm order here uh well i'd love to but it doesn't seem like the uh the person inside the box is working i'm gonna go ahead and guess that negative 273 degrees is not i don't think you can live in that wi-fi no uh well i don't speak this language but i can assume that there's probably not supposed to be two buttons that say the same thing oh god oh no no no no no no no no i hate this why what happened what did you do to your game okay button not working press ok to continue oh okay ah something about this file is from 1783 i you know i forgot they had computers back then oh god it's always the sims what what happened what did you do no get rid of the mods ah more um screw-ups on charts that's that's fine yeah that how does this even happen oh this is uh this is like a mosaic art piece but you have no idea what the hell it's supposed to be i know that the the time is like glitched and not showing correctly but it looks like it's you know taking a nice little taking a nice little dip in the water ah i see i don't know what this says how does this happen man i'm i'm i'm i'm blown away what did a printer do this or is that how it was on the computer ah yes everyone knows that the wi-fi symbol on your phone is a flashlight it's not what's that you want like apps on your computer well what if they were all camera yeah that's that's all you can do have fun idiot oh no windows has had a little too much to drink i think artist car download the h what your current memory is 4.9 gigabytes however recommended is 4.9 gigabytes okay well that seems to be fine uh uh why this folder has no name and also i i think that's supposed to be the name on the right why are they separate r slash wall street bets uh 3.6 million degenerates and object object okay in the old days of feudal japan a samurai warrior would shout you are trying to view flash content but you have no flash plug-in those are true words of a warrior [Laughter] yeah hey mcdonald's can i get a big tasty butt hold the big tasty oh god what what is happening in that task bar that's horrifying i hate this my scanner and i had a mutual meltdown at work the other day oh my god yeah yeah that that's just what's in my brain every time i uh get too stressed it's just it's just all over the place ah good old portal too steam is not running you must run steam in order to play this game okay but it is running all right who changed the language on windows 2 enchantment table how old is jeff bezos uh 51 years old 12th of january 1964 to uh march 16 2015. he's dead oh my god there's there's so many wasps why i i i don't like wasps either but uh at least these don't sting ah you can either like this video from kroger or like the video microsoft word it's done it's it's dead windows 10 setup something happened something happened uh i don't what how how did this happen with the camera there's two ladies in that truck and they're identical good lord yeah you have so many discord notifications that they're just behind the app they're ashamed it's that number is ashamed of how big it is clear your notifications g985094 is your verification code thanks google uh what's with this message though uh is that the notifications area why is it like that there's nothing in there you got nine out of 12. that's zero percent oh yeah i i see youtube's doing just fine everything's just fine microsoft word is not responding windows is checking for a solution to the problem it needs two whole loading bars to figure it out oh something tells me there's not supposed to be a trail with the icons on the screen someone call todd howard he can figure it out preparation time 20 minutes cook time 20 minutes total time negative 447 940 hours 18 minutes and 23 seconds what now you can either open this with facebook or facebook make the decision an error occurred fail generating error message well that's really helpful thanks what the hell this is saying that this minecraft world is 131 000 gigabytes i don't think that's right translate this sentence der himmel the sky nope that's incorrect the correct solution is the sky all right screw you what is this i thought this was like a freaking laser beam or something loading please means please okay could not save a copy as c user's creep desktop bra dot gif because the okay text string error my favorite lego indiana jones character you know what all right this has happened from time to time and it's fun admittedly it's it's fun just dragging the window around and watching it all just cover the screen please don't disturb me i am busy can't you see i'm multitasking oh that is a that's a lot of task managers open for some ungodly reason ah yes this is a great page i'm looking at right here i can read like one word correct your spelling soldier uh that's not what no one's trying to spell soldier the playstation remote play app can protect attack but most importantly which do you want to connect ps5 or ps4 1.6 days of delay oh my god yeah no i think you might just want to unplug it and plug it back in my friend i do not have a processor oh yeah there sure is no processor huh yep that works i'm helping my brother fix his pc and ran across baby obama and his brothers baby obama i d i am not a fan nope playstation app finally got all the achievements for my headset oh dude nice you got your headset platinum no one can unsubscribe from eminem yeah you do not have the option everyone is legally required by law to be subscribed to eminemvivo on youtube just how it works your comment goes against our community guidelines comment removed for adult sexual solicitation bread and well ladies and gentlemen just like that we have reached the end of our slash software gore thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button in the bell so you get notified every time easy peasy uploads and if you want to hear more from me my personal channel x fuller is linked in the description below thanks again for watching and until next time i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 208,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Softwaregore
Id: iG2w2qakkss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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